;V'. '••.h i mrsday, August 19, 1943 ! ?THE McHENRY f - ^ ^ ^ ^ ..•>0 '<'*f *f, -s: s 1 : y 5s-y *- ! ^ r > '* ' : ^ . ~ : » * . ' - I . - ' : a .!*>. ' >:i ,'-?{ " nv SO I HEAR* bv EARL R. WALSH July 25, 1943. § I from it all, only that I have a sore t>ear" SO 1 Hear: 1 nose wlvch they told me I will have *1 Just a few lines to say hello and to for soino time to come. ~^ell you that I've received n»y paper | We are having a lot of hot weather Since my change in address. Never out here with it being betwen 120 to ifid think in the old days that I'd be j 140 degrees, but at night it gets coftl etting the paper so far from home. [ so a fellow can sleep, which is a little SHAMROCKS WIN THEIR ELEVENTH STRAIGHT GAME TRAFFIC DEATHS IN H« S. A. EXCEED WAR DEAD BY 61 PER CENT GOVERNMENT GIVES ; FINANCIAL AID TO I ^ STUDENT NURSESl FARM HANDS ENGAGED IN ESSENTIAL WORK KEEP DRAFT STATUS Traffic deaths in the United States! Now young women high schofl «... exc®*4*4 the war d***1 since Pearl i graduates can join the U. S~-€adet! •» "HirrtTiiTT oy 61 per cent, according to Nurse corps, serve their country in a , j»n estimate reported the Chicago | highly essential capacity, wear a dis- I . „ Motor club, based, on accident figures . tinctive uniform with insigna, and re- BEAT JOHNSBURG BALL _:i c.4.-- i j . • i * . . ^ training TEAM, 4 TO 1 ; cil. United States war dead since !,for an interesting, useful and lucrti- . Pearl Harbor number 15,132, while i tive profession offering broad opporl- iraffic deathf in the same period tunities during and after the war. |j-eached 40,000. Of the- traffic dead i To meet mounting needs for more i [22,500 were workers, essential to the; graduate nurses to serve with the They did it again! -It's about the best method of learning j nicer than in Illinois. But, any day eP' JJose Shamrocks beat Johns- j military or domestk economy of the | armed forces and to provide essential |ow the McHenry boys are faring in ; giVe me McHenry and I will show y°u ^rg: their eleventh i COuntry. • . . j nursing personnel for government and fnore distant parts of the world. j how we can stand the heat. straight game of the season. This j "Although traffic deaths are 15 perl civilian hospitals and public health I can't say where I am, except that. Still cooking every day. Besides, j **rne 1 was .S,e„I!n re£"lation time, i cent below the 1942 toll, and 40 per1 services in this country Congress I, like Francis Grasser, am where the] two weeks after I got back from fur- 10 l> on the McHenry diamond. cent less than 1941, the problem of passed the Bolton-Bailey Nurse Traineocoanuts fall. • M lough, they put me on K. P. because , Dowel] was a very smooth work-1 traffic accidents ip far from being ing Act and appropriated $45,000,000 Do the boys out on Irish" Prairie I they found out that I am in service-man. alowing five hits, fanhing seven solved by war time restrictions," says for a training program to be carried' fiave a ball team this year? How are almost a year and did not do a day's, batters and walking only one man. j gharles M. Hayes, president of the out by schools of nursing that qualify K. P., besides what I did at Camp Thomas, a new-comer in the Johns-j club. * j under, requirements established by the Grant, Illinois. So I had a week of; burg ranks, took the mound in place] "An analysis of accident records re- U. "S. Public Health Service, which is K. P.. washing pots and pans and • of the ailing Bud Miller. Bud has' veals that pedestrians, through care- J to allot the funds. i then dishes. been doing some grand work for his '-lessness or negligence in-obeying traf--;- In order to join the United States ' i many farm workers can be tempor-ti^ ? arily released for other work in theift J* own communities or other parts of ^ the stale. This extra work can be - J • seasonal harvesting or processing of - Illinois farm hands who encouhter arops such as sweet corn, tomatoes, slack seasons on their own employees'1 and other vegetable, fruit or fieldt. L farms will be permitted to take crops, for logging, other timber' . ^ sential work temporarily in other sec- work or war production work in in- ' tions of the state without losing their dustry if no farm work is feadlly agricultural deferment status, Colonel available. Paul G. Armstrong, state director of nhno,S local board, today ... B«rnice M. Siefkes of Harvard fi]«d" i, ** «•«« \the Johnsburg Tigers coming along ? Can't think of anything else to say except teU.my good friend, Ray Pa^e, rJjello. Yours sincerely, . H. C. SHAHi*: of manpower," stated Colonel Arm strong in his memorandum to the local boards, "requires the efficient use of our entire labor supply at all times. In occupations which have varying seasonal requirements, workers should be encouraged to make asking a divorce on the grounds of desertion. They were married Aug. 17, 1940. I also want to tHank yofc and; the team this season, but the old appendix :.fic laws, comprise the largest percent- j Cadet Nurse corps, applicants must staff for sending ...me the Plaindealer kicked up, requiring an- operatio^; rV'-jage of traffic fatalities. Studies show ( hiph school graduates able to meet ^-V J i-.^V :/^.y Nor did w« ever think we'd be getting letters from such distant parts . j>f the world. "' •v.? Cpl. Sharp asks about our ball *0eams. Must be that he Has missed v' quite a few copies of the, Plaindealer.; hope this copy reaches you, Corporal, 'cause those Shamrocks won't mind having the news spread around the world that they have elever games a-runnin'. each week, even if it does come a few days late. I also want to let you know that I had a change in address. • • ; { Jt^ is latg,tnowt so I will close. ./ Cheerio, ;: Vfv '-"SKIPPER WIRFS. High Quality Bay . fo get the most high quality hay and to do the least injury to the plants, oldest alfalfa stands should be cut first and new seedlings last Well. cn with the game. . Howie Freund opened with a Single, stole second, advancing no further, ^•'pick Conway led off for the Shamracks, with a safe blow, but'was forced As Soloisi Miss Jeanette Blasco of Chicago . * •«. i was soloist at the funeral mass of temporary shifts dunng slack sea-j Sgt. phiUip Guinto lapt Lwk offerin sons, to other essential lines of work. I as her"selection the "Ave Maria" at ; On many Illinois faims, a slack the Offertoiy. Miss Blanco is a niece season will occur from about August of th$ late Sgt. Guintc. 1 to October 1, and from November 15 :• ^---- to March 15; During such periods;;-. v;:";:'f^sc^ihe to-The'Plai: that in this pedestrian group there. the entrance requirements of the are four times "as. many; persons killed ; school of nursing in which'they wish above the age groups. This is partly ; to enroll and "must agree to. make their due to physical disabilities; such as poor vision and slow coordination, but Wood Bins Stand Test ISrain bins laminated of wood and Johnsburg has a good ball team but i glue have been recommended as most ot-t^e old Tigers are in service.; permanent - type replacements for sheet iron and steel bins. Test bins We'll ha>te to tell you a funny of wood and glue have passed "overthing about those Johnsburg boys, load" test for strength, showing" no oi|t by Arnie Anderson. Jim Larkiri uri^uestionably pedestrians , subject doubled along the first base line, but ; thehiselves ^ accidents by disobeying •^rnie was caught at the plate after! tra^'c s^n*ls, jay-walking, trying to an enthusiastic bit of base.running.1 : i tkp, lights' «nrf oth«r Heeds Pappy George Jackson heeded his pappy's instructions from the stands to "hit one in that cabbage patch to open the second. George hit a triple. Alvin Freund drew a walk. Then came a dduble run-down piece of acion and Jackson was caught at the plate. We give you these bits of action to services available in essential nursing for the duration of the war. It is emphasized, however, that no member of the Cadet Nurse corps will be pressed ihto military service against beat the light?' and other dahgerous ] her wishes and that unusual opporhabits. | tunities will >be offered to Senior ----- j Cadet Nurses to gain experience in tDomestic Soap Sources^ the special field of nursing for which te ^re-war soap manufacture.; the they may express preference. "The soap industry used an average of two parts of domestic to one part of imported fats and oils. With the loss of imports, plans went into effect for "stretching" the imported oils that were on hand or that do "So I Hear" has a jinx on them. A couple of weeks ago we bragged about Bud Miller's comeback as a pitcher and hitter. The next game he struck out three times., , The next thing we knew, appendicites really put three strikes on him. signs <»£ deterioration. Before last week's game, we were giving credit to Wally1 Smith for a wow'of a batting average. You guessed it! a hit last Sunday. Wally didn't 'get let you know that things started pop- : come in. More and more, the napin' righi._cff the bat, even though the j tion's soap kettles have depended first scoring took place "in the third: upon tallow and oils from our own inning. In this frame Bud Bolger^ J country, and limited imports, larger~~" j known to his mates as "The Gov- ly from South America, and to some ' Common Board 1 ernor," or "Gov," drew a pass. | extent from parts of the Pacific not Refectory table was a heavy old : Dowell singled over third, sending 1 under Japanese control. The Latintable formerly used in monasteries, j Bolger to second. Both runners ad- American countries are a great po-~- It was long, narrow, usually with j vanced as Wally Smith gobbled up ; tential source of important oils for four or six staunch turned legs, ah ; Conwav's hot bounder at first base ! soaP< but lack °* shipping and other apron below the thick top^nd . S in*" onTnJla.U3.doS j "*>.<* I around the base. It went J to ]eft, putting both runners across! ® ^ar®e l^antities out of popular use when the^gate- th late B ain Arnie>s onthu. needed/ ; •Sn?!?£«Same-• ™ g i«asm betrayed his aging legs and. he, ' y -- ; | was thrown out trying to stretch th^ ' Diamond Superstitions ' double into a triple. Looks like we are* going to have to quit saying anything good about those fellows. It seems to put the old hoodoo on them. Center of Grass Industry , Pre-war Maknassy in Tunisia 'was a center of a small esparto grass industry, with a factory turning out fiber products such as rope, mats, distinctive outdoor uniform to be provided by the government for Cadet Nurses is now bring t designed in a competition by leading designers. In addition to maintenance, school fees an>l uniforms, he Cadet Nui%e will receive an allowance of $15 monthly during the first nine months of Pre-Cadet training; $20 monthly j during the next IS to 21 months of . Junior Cadet training; and $30 monthly during the Senior Cadet period Of six to twelve months. - Among the requirements to be milt by schools participating in the program is* the offering of an accelerated cuiirse tinder which all class work and essential nursing experience will be I' complete^ in 24 to 30 months, leaving j the last six to twelve months free for i-huvsing service in civilian or governhealth the sun as the fourth inning opened. A moment later Jerry made a diving stop of Wally Smith's hot grounder* baskets, and sandals. Around the ' deflecting the ball to Brother Jim who town olive groves had been estab- ^ threw to second base for a force-out. Bob Adams Bat on the Shamrock twneh last Sunday. Being one of tKe : .original Shamrocks, we suppose his words of wisdom helped no little in bringing about victory. He may be \ just the man to keep Uncle Sam winning. lished by French planters. Along hill and mountain slopes to the north and south, sheep raising is the leading, activity. Fred Heide, loyal follower of local athletics, had to get a drink of water or something after a snappy retort ^Jrom a small boy ftear the Johnsburg •bench. •/ Heide'had just let loose ^with SOiMe well-directed, good-natured oratory in the direction of the Johnsburg team when the boy piped up with, " You ain't Jack Brickhoyse,". Rhode Island Furniture Some of the finest of 18th century American mahogany furniture was made in Rhode Island. Leading cabinet makers working here included John Goddard and John Townsend. The block front chest and secretary are characteristic--with ornaments including rococo, shells, broken scrollpediments, ogee bracket feet As the diamond is the most highly Jerry Larkin lost Hiomas' fly tin 1 esteemed of precious stones it^^ is I nu>,,t ^'hospitals or public natural that more superstitions and - »n this country. This service legends cluster about it than other he considered a part of the traingems. The most persistent and W course and at its conclusion the widely prevalent of these beliefs is Senior Cadet Nurse will receive her that of its indestructibility. Pliny, diploma from the school of nursing in says that tlje diamond is so hard which she had her basic training. She that if it is placed on an anvil and Will, then be eligible to take the state struck a violent blow with a ham- {..uird examination and on passing it mer, the hammer and anvil will Ix'coiuo a registered nurse. - ^ ,., _ . , break but the diamond will not be por further information inquiries one of Dowells offerings into the injured. If, however, the diamond nwy be addressed to the Illinois Nursmorning glones in left-center for a first soaked in the fresh, warm Council -of 'War Service 8 South home run. The fielders caught' up. blood of a ram, the diamond will be to the ball all right, but were unable crushed to powder but the anvil will also break. The Chinese version has it that the diamond will break if struck with a ram's horn. This belief has persisted in' some degree to modern times. The ball had all the earmarks of a base hit as-it left the bat. Howie Homers in the sixth, Howie Freund pasted Michigan Ave., Chicago 3, 111 Come to Our Aid In Central America, United States procurement agencies have conf tracted for the growing of 40,000 acres of abaca, the source of manila hemp, to help supply a large part of the needs formerly covered by imports from the Far East. Likewise United States procurement agencies are collaborating with the Can the Shamrocks win No. 12 f other Americas to increase produc- Well, the Algonquin team will come tion of quinine and other drug plants, to town next Sunday to try to stop Vegetable oils, insecticides, new food crops, hardwoods formerly imported to locate it in the entanglement. It was a good blow and Gunder Haag couuldn't hava caught Howie as he rounded third base " The Shamrocks came back with a run in their half of the sixth midst some wild and wooly base running. Conway openjl with a hit. Anderson fued to left. Jim Larkin forced Conway \ at second. Harry Stilling hit safely to left and legged it right down to second where Larkin had rightfully decided to stake out a Army Employs 500,000 More than 500,000 civilian workers are employed in arsenals, depots, and>other industrial plants" owned or operated by the army. Petie Schaefer, one of our local "Who's Hooters,' had a good time "cheering" his nephew, Roy Schaefer. Mountains, Jungles IsoIafe§ 4 ; Bolivia From Its Neighbors LA PAZ.--The Republic of Bolivia is a nation set apart from the rest of the world by the forbidding areas which surround it. The country is claim. When Harry saw his encroach- bordered by high mountains, tropiment, he started back for first. Lar- caj jungles and virtually uninhabitkin -started for third. Everybody gd plains. Most of its people live on started doing something. Then Wally + a plateau more than two miles above Smith threw to third, but his throw gea level. The language which the was too high. Larkin scored. Incas spoke many centuries ago is Bill Bolger Hits in common use. Bill BolgeV, who stayed on the This domain, despite its semi-iso- Watch Potato Seed In selecting potatoes for seed, remove all tubers which have the sunken surface spots or areas that denote they are infected with late potato blight. ^ WIUT.UM 0»nd Ml to Wta j™f, pbyed. p^rtin Algonquin will be stronger Tith offer promise if substantial addi- lt« into action in the »"enth. >o c«mc wld Q^sleat mineral de •Tubby" Simonini on the tion. to inter-American trade. I . »»«. ^ ii ** an outfield error on Conway's fly sent Hopes of finding underground Bill across with the final run of the riches lured invading Spaniards to game the region in the 16th century. Their There were little flurries of scoring hopes were realized. Wealth mined treats after this point in the game, ?rom mountains rich in ore enabled but nothing developed in the way of ...imperial Spain to finance military campaigns which made her victor crossmg the home platteK . . over m*ch of Europe. Four hun- » ,T £am* drew a £ •_ dred years later, Bolivia's deposits --'---- When wilL thic war onrl? followers, . rom both Mc e y 0{ tin, tungsten, antimony and other Bob Weber received a ^rd ^ s""1,he Army 'is 'contoutae ^ ^ dressed by a young radio enthusiast its training of Para-Ski Troopers; * back ;n June of 1938. The father Of They're parachute troops who kno^r Simonini has had considerable schooling in the minors and been looked over by the White Sox. Weather interrupted a tie game between Algonquin and Woodstocklast Sunday. Richmond nosed out. Elgin, 2 to 1. • • What Ifou Buy l&'UU WPJHIIVIJS Para-Ski Troopers this boy added the following notation: "I found this card amongst letters of my son, John. I thought you might like it. He lost his life in aircraft accident Oct. 10, 1942. He was a grand boy." 0 baseball. :^lhnsburg-r their way about on skis or any other !&' Freuni?s^'.....v 4' A. Jackson, 2b. .... 4 place in snow covered mountainous country. That touching, note further verifies Sherman's summary that war is hell. CITY SIGHTS: . • v :; Delia Beckwith pdrchasing a spow shovel and carrying it home on a hot August day. '• i• I>earl Earl and Staff: 1 am sorry that I did not write to j ' yon any sooner as I said I would when' I was home on furlough, and I must ipologize to all if I did not see them when I was home, ~~ " As you may know by now, I was in \ the hospital here with a broken nose ftn>l fractured jaw, due to a truck accident with another truck on my way ltome with the rest of the company from a two-day. bivouac. / Tliis put me in for ten and one-half' f'-^-Havs. I am now out and recovered, i Thomas, p .....,<"4 j W. Smith, lb. .... 4 I G. Jackson, c. ...... 4 A. Freund, cf. .... 2 • Frett I Schaefer. rfi. 4 : J. Freund, 3b. 4- )' iS. Freund, If. ...... 8 Totals.....:.^ R. 1 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 (II. :i 0 : 0 T l 0 0 1 ... o 1 metals are vitally aiding the United Nations in battling another* would be conqueror. The territory which now forms ^'Bolivia remained a part of the Spanish colonial system during approxittnately three centuries. Control was .-wrested from the Spaniards following victories by Bolivar and San Martin, the great liberators. A proclamation of independence was issued under Bolivar's authority on January 30, 1825. Blue Room If your tastes run to the exotic, yet yoii love the serenity of blue, why not have the walls, ceiling and floor covering of your living room all in the same hue. Naturally such j a room must be-furnished carefully. It must be brightened with golds ...and pinks. Such a room will be admired and remembered by your friends. -- - Need Rubber Stamps! Order at The Plaint) Clean Metal Before Repainting All grease, oil, rust or corrosion i should be carefully cleaned from . metal before repainting or revar- j nishirig. If rusted or corroded, the metal should be cleaned down to a bright surface with fine sandpaper or steel wool. Any greasy or oily film should be. completely removed by the use of a good grease solvent, and the metal then thoroughly rinsed and dried before paint or varnish is applied. Shai Conway, ss. •.. j Anderson, 3b. A great measure of the success of ^ rkin'.^' Russia's victories last winter is at- Stilling, If. tributed to Xhese troops who move with the silence of a snowflake work on the* home front is no hazardous as that of the Par Troopers but it is important^that , W. Bolger, e. - 1 we perform our daily tasks and Dowell, p, 8 make every effort to increase oiff regular purchase of War Bonds. V. S. Treasury Defartmettl. • Wagner, cf. .... I G. Larkin, lb. ; Crouch, rf iroctaMr^i' A.B. •• 4. ~ ... 4 „. 4 ... 4 .3 .. 4 ' 2 B. Bolger, rf. 1 ft. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 H. 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A HOME INSULATION '^STALLED B¥ ' THE WALL-FILL CO. ORIGINATORS OF. BLOWN-IN ROCK WOOL INSULATION FOR ESTIMATE CALL LEO J. STILLING McHENRY IS Totals ...30 4 9 Score by innings: Johnsbu-rg 000 001 000--1 5 Shamrocks 002 001 lOx--4 9 Stolen bases: H. Freund and A. Freund. Two-base hits: J. Larkin and Anderson. Three-base hit: G. Jackson. Home run: H. Freund. Hit by pitcher: Wagner by Thomas. Bases on balls: Dowell, 1; Thomas, 1. Umpires.; Evans and Butler. On the Cuff Trousers being now women's concern, it is of interest to both sexes that the cuffs from 21 pairs of trousers will make one army uniform. Furthermore, the steel used in metal coat hangers in 1941 would be sufficient to build at least -eight destroyers or three cruisers. WANTED--Maintenance Hunter Boat Company. an. -tf Trade In Your Old Battery on a new FIRESTONE We have a complete stock of TIRES, passenger and truck. Bicycle tires and tubes. You can now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. ^ ^TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Sinclair Stock Spray, 75c per gallon. BICYCLE TIRI^S an4 TUBES-NO PRIORITY. OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M HENRY PHONE 294 Phone 2 West McHenry, III. * $fap at Ttotu*tat low PRICES • FINE FOODS **116 VARIETY Prevents Glass Splinters Lacquer, when applied to glass, is ! becoming recognized as a helpful aid to safety ir, bombing raids. While it will not prevent the glass from breaking under the impact of an ex- .jplosion, lacquer will help to prevent ' splinters of glass from flying, and I perhaps prevent blindness and lacer* j ations of many raid victims. I HW'iiiiiiiifiiiiumTniUlWj' Eat Morm KEUOGG'S RICE Krispies .. 5^ll« »°z q«; PKG. ..MC >; FL/ :'TS :Ke!!3gg's Pep "TVELLOOO S • | :Shredded Wheat 'Vfl. 10C: ;NEW PUFFEO FLAKES :Kix 7-OZ. . H(G. lie: CORN FLAKES Keliogg's u-oz. Og I. PKG. ® I: JFORT DEARBORN :Wheat Flakes JFOR DEARBORN :Giant nice JFORT i F ^ ABORN -Giant Wheat *oz 8c: ...PKG • 4-07 ...WCG 4-C1 ...wc- 6c: ^ 4ci FORT DEARBORN II Corn Flakes n-oz. 7, I: PKG. I I! •iiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiniiij NEW COOKING Sal^d Dressing I6C DAILEYS Dill Pickles JAI LADY CORlNF «nd O Marmalade 2A*B 0T 20c APPLES . . ut HH FANCY IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES 10 ,s 46c FANCY PORTO RICAN SWEET POTATOES 2 us. 25* FANCY MICHIGAN CELERY .. ,UNCH23c FANCY LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS 2 L.s 15° FINEST COFFEES - LOW PRICED OUR BREAKFAST COFFEE • • • • • 1 COFFEE / Hills Brcs. JAR \ DELUXE COSffS-; Ve 11 33c National ^ 27c DELUXE COFFEE VACUUM PACKED National . 'AR 30c COFFEE ' American HOIIW IAG 24c baking needs I can all you can Gold Medal ^ $*29 j Pillsbury ^$1.27 FILLSBURY C<• KE FldUR - Sne-Sheen 28c BLUE STAMP VALUE UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT Juice.. "an 27« RED STAMP VALUES PET. CARNATION. DEAN'S OR NATIONAL Milk . . ^ 9' SALAD OR COOKING OIL Mazoia e"ss3lc FOR SEALING Parowax 2 FKGS. d STRONG Jar Rubbers KERR Jar Caps BALL OR KERR Jar Lids . . . . , T DOZ 9c oca. 23c ........DOZ. 10c BALI OR KERR Qt. Jars.. ooi69« BALL I Gal. Jars BULK Cidtr VlMfar •ULK Whit* Viacgar DOZ. 97C ......GAL. 30C ......GAL 27c BUY ANOTHER WAR BONO H O U S E H O L D N E E D V A L U E S ANTI-5NEEZE Rinso ... 23c FLOATING Ivery Soap POWDER Gold Oust HAND SOAP Boraxa Askee 10C 18c ^ 15c LAUNDRY Linit Starch GLOSS Art• Starofc> .. •LEACH \ Fleecy Whit* ... JO-MULE TEAM Btrax .......PKG. lie tnu. UC H 6»L J5C ....ROTTLE ^ ISc NATIONAL n •:£h.b C rn: STORES