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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1943, p. 3

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H ' v p - T ^ ' fv " " _ ' ' ' ' • - * > * ' - T « p j r : « y .,. ^* r ; \ ^ * > 7 % &'{y- J * ,. »' ••fPt -'- ;,-i$?JW S/'* ,,^ '" 1 * '__ i , Thursday, September 30, 1943 THE McHENRY PL4INDEALER :-r i-'* •--. - --.JRR»»V " "" " " Page Tlire# Twentieth Century - January 1, 1901, was the beginning erf the 20th century. -According to the accepted method of reckoning time, the first century covered the years A to 100 A. D. The 20Ui century, therefore, began with the year 1901. AUCTION Ob Highway 21, 12 miles northeast of McHenry. on SATURDAY, OCT; J; 1:00 P. M. 22 CATTLE -- 18 choice young Hoi- ! Otir Washington .1 Letter --By-- National Editorial Asaodatic employees are' carefully examined to weed out those in dr&ft-prctected positions. The hoarding of labor in war day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | the Volo public school Sunday after- Lundgren at Wauconda. In the after-[ noon. noon they called on Mrs. John Blom-I Mrs. Floyd .Fisher and Mrs. Sarah plants is being subjected to a similar gren at St. Therfcse hospital at Wau- I Fisher spent Moilday afternoon at the search to reduce the overstaffing and' kegan, also had lunch later in the' home of* Mr. r.nd Mrs. Albert Hafer manpower waste. What is in store j day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I in Fremoui. township. for the country gene.rallv if these pro- j Nerstrom at North Chicago. j William Wirtz attended advanced codures faiX4s^ strongly hinted by thej Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthesws j night at the Palatine chapter Friday A. F. of - L. statement: "workers'j were guests Sunday at-the home of l ivening. Mr. Wirtz filled the station fr&edom to change jobs may be use-j Mr. jand Mrs. A. D. Smith at Liber-jof Warder. 'essly denied unless Immediate steps i tyville. j Mrs. Frank King spent Wednesday are taken to remove the cause of the Mrs. Forest Grunewald and daugh--- the home of Mr. and "Mrs. Joseph tei» Patricia, and Mrs. Charles Fisher! Schlosser at Grayslake. o^^Mukwonago, Wis., were callers fit: Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Milwaukee, Wis., last Saturday. | visited the latter's mother, Mrs; Rich- Harry Matthews. Ronald Paddock; at Berwyn Monday. j tul « u Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yasey Washington, Sept. 29.--Though it is occasionally accused of arrogating to itself , all the wisdom of the people Congress is steering clear of deep in '. -.1 Make Straw Hals in C S. j Straw-hat making "haa, Ixjcorwi » large domestic industr^yBaltimore factories hatfe put that city first in U. S. production, though the industry began in Massachusetts ;n 1804. Make New Plywood Anew type of plywood in'the Unit, ed Kingdom is made by placing ft layer of low-grade wood between two sheets of specially treated cardk board. manpower shortage." This means a compulsory national labor law affecting nien and women alike. With war expenditures for Sep. s cear oi ueep in- tember alone -aubuouutt -eisgh-t billions, | and Wm. Fink attended a banquet and '»»>' *n<J --' CIIUICF young nui-1 »'J • emeht in the actual conduct of the C ongressional fiscal experts have! p B j meeting of the Lake Countv 'amily sPent Sundav at the home of st«n, Guernsey and Ayrshire milk j war fronts. The current debate on a'warned their colleagues that it .is | Bureau at Anderson's cafe at Mf" and- Mrs' Herman ' Bunker' at. caws consisting of 4 close springers, | proposal deferring the drafting of | highly important to take into consid- j jjibertvyjne last Wednesday evening Carr0" 1 with calf at side, 5 recently fresh, j fathers has disclosed a willingness of e rat ion the amount of money thnt can j * „ * Mr. "vh. OV balance milking good; 2 heifers; pure! the part of the legislators to let the bred Holstein bull, 18 months old. Tmilitary and naval experts take the 3 HORSES -- Black gelding, 4 yrs,! responsibility for providing men and old, *t. 1400 lbs.; black mare, 12 yrs. j articles of combat. It is unlikely, old, w% 1500 lbs.; black gelding, • 12 however, that the same degree of latiyrs. old, wt. 1600 lbs. - j tude will be accorded civilian be raised by taxation and by loans. . w „ , and Mrs, Joseph Miller, Mr. _ ,y„ , Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Buckley of Chi- and MrsL E Thennes and son PFC. Chairman Cannon of the powerful ca£° spent the weekend at their home Clemens of Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. and House Committee on Appropriations at Williams Park. Mrs. T. Keuhen and daughter, Ruth, ', in paying tribute to the non-partisan Mr. and Mi's. Stewart Byrne of i of Manitoba,. Wis.-, Miss Dorothy j character of voting for war appropri- Williams Park attended the North Wagner of Fon Du Lac, Wis., Mrv! ations found he drew fire with the Western football game at Evanston and Mrs. John Thennes. Mr. and Mrs. j POULTRY -- 50 Yearling White i agencies handling domestic manpower | predict, fan • that ' partisanship ®is in- Saturday evening. . I Harold «usten and family. Mr., and j Rock hens; 10 yearling Leghorn hens.' problems. Mobilization of labor for i cvitaole campaign Dietrick famrv of Mc- FEED--700 bu. good Columbia oats ; the home front has flopped in many (threehed); 390 bales mixed clover j sections. Poised before Congress and, and alfalfa hay (put-up without bo- the Administration is the need for ing rained on); 120 baiW good alfalfa' quick, solution to the .many kn<>tty"i government funds, could not be con-i Mrs. W*Hiani Matthews'; T j cvita jfe in camp»aign years. The Re- Mrs. Louis Allen and Mrs. Emma Mrs. Leo Lhetric.C and tamrv oi Ric-^ y s p u b l i c a n m i n o r i t y q u e s t i o n e d h i s O t t e n o f R o s e v i l l e w e r e - g u e s t s S u n - H e n r y % V e r i > S u n d a y d i n n e i - a t d.j prophecy with the declaration that de-f day evening at the'hortie of'Mr. and ""he home-., of Mr. and Mra.-Phil a imflnds for economy and wise use ofjWlrs C.H.Hansen. ' . Ihchats. . - «.A, rertvornmont fnnrlc mnlH nnfr KP ! «-it ; . -v.. u' > ' '.>>« > •> ' " hay; stack of second cutting alfalfa questions tied with, the better u*i;i7.H-; strued as political shappshooting, and iadjes who / attended a 1 b'ciocj . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . - . , i and clover hay; 20a ripe hybrid corn j tion pf the working force. . New and (pointed out that the foremost advo-. ibificheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.^ Great Britain has almost two drastic control rules are in the lhik.-' cate of thrift VCas Democratic Sen- .rjym /Reich' at Island La,ke Tuesday .lion "aUotment" or commu^tyKwar^ Britain Has 'V'-Qardens in field. 'MACHINERY--McD. 10-20 tractor; 1 i*ig which will have a tendency to^a*or Harry* Bvrd of Virginia^ Political new McD. 2-bot.- 14-in. tractor plow,. greatly upset the everyday Oliver 2-bot. 14-in. tract, plow; McD. | coinnrunities. 8-ft. trac. disc; Oliver 7-ft. trac. disc;}> The War, ManMwet McD. side del. rake; Int. hay loader;] Quietly conducting a L ^ Litchfield manure- spreader; Janes-j purp0se 0f assigning employers and1 ville 2-row cult., and full line farm employees in all local factories and town or distant stores has staged a machinery.. ,M "• 1 shops into relative categories of es-i Partial comeback which may be at- MILKjING' MACHINE j-- New 2 ] sentiality to the war effort. It js 'tributed to war rationing. The-survey Mis. MaHin Thoi of Oak Park gardens. s Cut Coffee Consumption . .j jHome consumption of coffee uncfer r v«KW v rationing progranvis 30 per c«a|- W tyville spent the weekend at. thej home -^Ss *"^Ii wa^ m \ ,>*: J;. Mr. and Mrs. LaDt;yt Matthews of " F A R M S E R V I C E W A Y " LARGE AUCTION t H. FREEMAN & SON, Tel. 118 or 122, Hebron, III.. Auctioneers «?^r!^iiPUIi?ha.Sed^ fafm in Wisconsin fuHy equipped,, the undersipud will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Lew Fisher Farm, located 4 miles southeast of Hebron. 111., 4 miles north of Greenwood, 111., 6 rtiiles southwest of Genoa City, Wis., 6 miles south- •v. .^.'Richmond,. III., on « THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 '£ commencing at 9:30 a. m. sharji, the following personal prep- $ ' 221 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ¥*» w MILK COWS--6 Springing First Calf Heifers- 9 Head of Heifers from 9 to 14 months old; 2 Heifers, 5 months irH' - S^^B«U 2Te,rsTid!hS °'d: 1 B"11 «»«• 5 »»n<hs >M: 1 ^ 'I?ac4s.- Riding.-7 yearsr old, weight \ Bay ' Sl¥n KMr5 t°M -eight 1.600; 1 Grey Mare, 7 >ears old. weight ' I l. ^hCfctnurMare. 8 years old, weight 1.500; 1 Brown Gelding' tZrarS w o 1 r*rey ^am .Mare and Geldine. 8 and 9 - ^ / ^.weiK_ht 1 Ra> Mare, 8 years old, weight 1.60*; 1 r I jiT t ^Tight 1 Black Suckling Colt» 5 ^ old; 1 Red Roan .SueMing Colt. .5 months old. »<)GS~.> Sows with 10 Pigs. 8 Feeding Sows.MOO Feedti« Sihoats, weight 4C to 125 lbs. - ANl) i <iRAI^--1.- 000. hiishels of Columbia natsi ?00 bushes milk cans. TRUCK--Ford V-8 %-ton Pi Truck with overload springs, body^ USUAL TERMS. LYONS A VAN HAECKE, Owners ' Win. A. Chandler & G. Hai^ma, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk Tel. Burlington, Wis., 866W CHAS. LEONARD. Auctioneer Single units Surge milking machine j-stated that existing regulations have ' foun<1 that chain stores and specialty J M^and Mrs^hm^F^ in'U FURNITURE AT AUCTION (comp. with motor pump and pij* for. pro^n unsatisfactory. In the tighten, i' ^hoP development had encouraged j ° " Volberding of Chicago -- -- 24• „s tanchions; 2 ster. tanks; 10 8-gal.| jn^ir Pnrroocceessss im«aa"n>v nnoonn -eesssseennttiiaall fnirimmss"s hopp»i»n g » trip» s into."town so that the ' 0 *r , ' . ,, u g/t„, spent Saturday evening at the homemay find themselves deprived oflabor, countr>r stere in decade aftei Mrs.'Wm. Burkhart. and obliged to close for the duration.! 1^29 declined to the extent that by ' Latest Bureau of Labor Statistics re-!1*^' sales'dropped to only one- ^ « _.j_ .JBi; port illustrates the "gravity of, labor third their 1929 volume an^d.eve1n 1^owei - Trrij rv -over in various regions. The ^an bottom of the 1933 depves- V V7 rate for July was not only is'on- The war rationing materially the hilftest during the war but tfie;cha^ed the P,cture* B"^n(?s b°™ iC77" „ •„ T1 , v highest on record when nearly eight 'n 1®^ a 1943. Whethei these. (By Mrs. Lloyd Fisher) persons of every 100 changed their > store| an(l others can hold their gain^.j.;;.^..|j^,> Frank King spent Monday jobs. The so-called "war" industries! <lepends_ upon the ability of thi4 with her daughter .Miss Miriam King, I will sell at public'auction at the •Wm. C. Miller home, located 5 miles east of Wtwdstock on Country Club road, and 1 mile south of Shyder hill, in Bull Valley, on ^ ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 ! Commencing at 1:30 p. m. sharp the with their high rates of pay and pre- i wholesalers to ship scarce articles for j following articles; n Waukegan. ferential status in the draft, had the 1shelves and counters. Some Mrs. Florence Grabbe and son uf| . 1 iron l>ed, mattress and spring;. I plan for allocating scarce articles may Crystal Lake was a Tuesday visitor wood bed, mattress and spring; 2 A TT I T 1 Government agencies and spokesi men for labor and employers have [ been in a huddle here for the last CHARLEIS. LEONARD, Auctioneer two weeks attempting to solve man-j ;'- 1.1 •, • ----•-------1 power matters of the moment. Many i On account of the death of my hus-'^1 that the Present severe d,ain on' be approved shortly. SLOCUM LAKE band, Martin f. (Happy) Weber, i c'vil:a,\ manpower resouixes could be will sell at public auction on the'checked ^ Policies-which -would in- Kirchoff Farm, located on East River crease the outPut Per wo» ker; halt ( Mrs. Road east B ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter wood beds; 2 feather beds; quantity I | Vasey. - dishes and iron kettles; 1 lamp with! Mrs.' Pearl Dowell and daughter, shade; 2 antique sewing machines; 1 Ada, are spending: a few days aft Ro- dining table; 1 sectional book case;' Chester. Minn. Miss Dowell is under framed fixtures; 2' rockers; l Round; ~ - i ' m . • a observation at the Mayo clinic. Oak heating stove; 1 kitchen cabinet; I (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) ...... Mr. and Mrs-. JanVes Valenta of Chi- ] large wood cupboard; kitchen Forest Gruenewald and Mr. and ^ SP^ Sunday here at the home chairs. _ , V &mons of Golden Bull of Mr. and Mis. Fiank St George. Some farm articles; 3 steel Mre Mr. r.nd Mi's. Harry Parson, Jr.. WBKOn wheels; T wagon box; l side saddle; many antique artic^> , TERMS: Cash. v barley good enough for seed. 100 bushels of wheat, good enough for seed. *>0 pounds of rye grass seed. 60 tons of baled clover, alfaif-i aftd timothy mixed hay in barn. 40 tons of baled straw. 50 acres of rood ripe, hard standing corn. MACHINERY--F-30 McCoVmick tractor on rubber (like new), F-14 Met ornuck tractor, rubber in front- "with cultivator. McCormick No 2 rbughage hammer mill with traveling table. Gehl silo filler with 'oO feet of pipe (new), Owtatxna corn and grain elevator on trucks, McCormick 3 bottom 16'inch tractor plow. McCormick 9 foot tractor disc. McCormick quack dijjgor, double cultipacker. ste6l beam walking plow, 10 foot broadcast seeder (new). McCormick corn planter., with.bead® fertilizer athtachment and 160 rods wire, 2 single row cultivators, McCormick 6 foot mower. McCormick push type hav loader. John Deere 8 foot grain binder with tractor h tch, McCormick corn bundle loader, McCormick steel wheel roller bearing wagon and rack, 3 steel wheel wagons, Clipper fanning mill, with all screens, set of bob sleighs, hay rack. McCormick milking machine complete with motor pump. 2 double units and pipe for 40 cows. 15 8-gallon ii:ilk cans, wash and solution fanks. pails ami strainers, pump jack and motor, gas pump and 265 gallon tank, silo cart, rubber tired wheel barrow. 3 sets of breeching harness, grapple fork and 200 feet hay rope,, forks, shovels syul .all other tools-on farm. * pf'it,Iike , "XV r rl '» -i: Van' This is an exceptional lot of machinery, ing been purchased recently. " • ' .. f---,;; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE---Heatrola heating stove, 2 round tables and leaves, buffet, 3 steel beds, 2 dressers and quantity of other household furniture.. .Terms--We have made arrangements with the Farm Auction Service. Inc., to manage this sale. Their terms are sums of $10 and und^r cash; over that amount, one-fourth cash, balance in six monthly payments with 7(I simple interest on the, unpaid balance. No additional signers are needed, iust sign for yourself. All property must b«i settled for before the buyer leaves the farm on day of sale. * ORVES MARKEE Starting at 11:30 sharp 58 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK to the patriotic instincts of the work- ning. Miss Helen heller of Chicago . ers engaged. i•n war prod,u ct.«i on. These was t.h e main speaki er of the evening. l,,arMst" meetinKg f"or the rlub season at appeals in the past have apparently \ Mrs. Harold Fornoff of Chicago i 30 head of Holstein dairy cow^, > ov-jfajjen on deaf ears as workers in con- spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. eral with calves by side, several • gested areas complained of shortages and Mrs. James Thomson, at Wilsprirsers, and balance now mjVirg Df jjvjng accommodations, inadequate liams Park. • ' good. This is a very good dairy of transportation from home to shop, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tallisch of Chicago cows, all good young cattle. All tested | over-crowded schools, lack of medical were guests Sunday at the home of for martitis in last 60 days. I1 our 2-.I care aruj recreation and other factors Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Wilyear- old heifers, bred, Ilolsteins. Four delating to the proper maintenance of • liams Park. V heifers, 6 months old. One heifer calf, | fami]y health and safety. It is now! Miss Helen Phalen of Chicag.. i •> 3 months old. One Holstein stock evident that the Federal government j spent the weekend at the home of Mr. bull. 22 months old. j W'll endeavor to tap every source of, and Mrs. Marlett Henry. HORSES^--Arabian mare, 12 years.; recruit men, and women for vital war- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart, Mr. eld. Bay mare, 13 years old, S"-t ^ork. In response to Congressional1 and Mrs. F. Cook and Mrs. Wm. breeching harness with coltarSi Odd demand deferments of government i Grifinger of Chicago were guests Sunlit of collars and bridles. 1 " (l-^'v evening at. the home of Mr. and HOGS---2 sows with 12 pigs; 2 j Wm. Burkhart. „ MRS. LUELLA M. MILLER State Bank of Woodstock, Clerking FAUM AUCTION SERVICE. TNr ^Bfnry A. Freeman. District Representative, Phone 122 Hebron, Clerk R. IX Keefe, Lake Geneva, Phone 242, Cashier Remember! "Auctions that Pay are Managed the Farm Service Way** AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer feeder pigs, yrt, 150 lbs;; 3 sows and 26 pig.*. HAY AND GRAIN--30 ft. silage in 16 ft! silo; 450 bales second crop alfalfa; 7 ton second crop alfalfa,1 loose; 40 ton mixed nay, timothy andj ~~~ . - alfalfa in mow; 60 bales of oat straw; r On account of my ,barn 'being ties- 800 bu. Columbia oats; 15 acres of | troyed by fire, I will sell at public food ripe corn--DeKalb Hybrid. [auction, on farm 2 .miles southwest of • MACHINERY -- Farmall tractor,! Ringwood, 4 miles northwest of; Mc- 'wrth cultivator; tractor plow, Mc-D. Henry, 1 mile went of Smith's <.'or ,2 bottom, 14 in.; tractor disc, Mc-D.; net and 1 mile east of Wonder Lik^, ( tandem; Mc-D. manure spreader; on Mc-D. grafn binder; Mc-I).-- earn John Blomgren and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou. ot Maple Park were dinner guests Sun AUCTION" . cd.VS. LEON Alii), Auctioneer; . Phcne .478, Woodstock. III/ . The undersigned, havm* rented the farm for cash rent, w ill sell at pttblu auction on the prtmises known as the McGuire Bios. Farm, 6 miles east of Harvard. 3 tniles south of Alden and i! liiik's northwest o;'-Woodstock, on wood wheel single row cultivator; bob I f* j THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 sled; Mc-D. corn planter with fer-i l5 head of Holstein dair/cowsJ , 1 ?43I ^"""^icing at .11 o'clock a. m„ tilizer attachment; 80 rods wire; culr -pv. • „ v#1,., p.0od herd^nf ' hhmV following personal property: (ipacker^ .roll S5? ^ M T""» ^ good condition; Papee silv» filler, with ; stveral clcse springers, balance good M binder--like new; Mc-D. side delivery rake--like new.; Mc-D. hay loader- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 like new; 2 dump rakes; one 3-sectioh Starting at 1:00 o'clock sharp drag; Mc-D. single row cultivator; j, ^ HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 45 feet pipe; Mc-D. mower; iron wheel Sold Before Noon hh V* HBAD UVBST00K-- wagon, like new; rubber tu-ed wagon; gjreg fr6m such herds as Rock Rivi,r; 35 HOLSTEIN COW S New inilk with hay rack; walking plow; potato. Fa].nii Qahlbeclt • and" Lange, Willis i antl springers, mostly first an. digger; log chain; electric fence out-;.| Gardner and A; B. McConnell. F0Ur, ^ohd calf heifers. Bull. 13 month fit, new this spring; cross cut saw;, 2.vear-old Holstein heif«sv Hold: CaIf- 3 »lonth8 «WlMliJk_ j)latform scale; end gate | fr;^"n eaiiv this wjnte,. - - ; 2;'HORSES-- '8'yeafs old, seeder; grindsto'neT~SleWa»I ehCHi.C. P Spring clipper; 100 ft. drive l>elt, used very ! HORSES--Brown team. 9 and 10 Suckling Pigs. ^ . little; 30 ft. drive belt ; 10 galldna i year< 0id, weight 15tf0 lbs. each-- I 30 tons tiniothv and clover hay tractor oil; .four; 50 gal. gas ^nel^l^ fcam . ' hay rope and trip rope and fork; 10 j i nviik cans, pails and strainers; 2 solu- soun(i. tion tanks; 1 electric ; Dairy Maid j Two pet spring lambs. water, heater; Janesville 16-in. sulky . Three large geese--two geese n plow.-. . .] one gander. UNIVERSAL PORTABLE MILKING MACHINE, com! uItlvIlt()r plete, USED only ONE YEAR • One-half H.P. electric motor, .pump , , , , , jack, tank heater, milk cart, | he^ complete, doubleJ*ll new Sumhv other rouall tools, fol ks and . rubbers. Black freld^tw lbs;]tons baled timothy hay^ 2500 bu/ po lumbia oats; 400 bu. Vicklan oats tons old corn in crib; T/0 acrcs hil 135 bales of straw. Universal Milking Mtichine, pail and shovels, scythe and other articles too numerous to mention. CHICKENS--lM) Leghorn pullets, layint; 400 yearling Austra-white hens; 200 White Rock chicks---10 weeks old. TWO GEESE Three Janiesway feeders; two Se\ en niilk ClihS. Milk pails. Sterilizing tanks. Dairy Maid Automatic Electric Water Heater. Wash tank. . . Several items of household furnicoi n. FARM EQUIPMENT--Case tractoi C. C. with powfr lift and take off Silo filler, 14-inch, with 50 feet pipe McCormick-Deering 8 ft, grain binde with horse ar.d tractor hitch. Corn binder. Case threshing machine 22x3< with grain blower. John Deere corn pla'nttr with .tongue tiuck and 80 rod wire. 4-secticn drag; 2-section drag ultioackers: John Deei^--T^ft mower; side delivery raxe; Easy Wa\ 8-ft. ""loader; McCormick - Deerin^ broadcast seeder; New Idea maruispreader; DeLaval milking machinf ^ single units with motor'and pipe line for 32 cowsj; corn elevator-witi jack hoist; 2 steel wagons; 2 horfeedei- s, 16-hole and 12-hole; triph f V vV" VVVVVV %' %"• I ET«ry day INVASION battlaa ar« taking th« Htm of gallant boys fighting under the Stars and Stripes. * Your daar ones--sons, husband, sweetheart, father, brothers, relatives and friends--are, or soon may be, engaged in those bloody battles whare the scythe o! th« Cfarim Reaper flashes in every volley ol the guns. The 3rd War Loan of 15 billion dollars must pay fMr ike equipment, ammunition and food our boys nead M desperately--and you must raise the money! Buy at least one EXTRA $100 War Bond in Septamb^r V , , t ' w t .! grain box; rubber tiled wagon wit' ^ roir* etlHivator;' 2 i- , . "' , ^ , , f v row cultivator; spring tooth 3-sectioi . ino unrn RTTVOI" WAA/I NNN nno I * ~ gallon drinking fountains; 500 clricki tute; kitchen cabinet, chest of drawelectric brooder; small fountains and feeder- HOUSEHOLD F U RN IT U RE- ^ ^yer; wood .+nd coal. cuUer sleighs;ihiLV rac^ White, coal or woo^, kitchen range;; kitchen range, 2 Simmons? beds w»th! min. 190 feet -- ropfiV X Heatrola, coal or wood, heater; chairs, sp»»ngs and mattiess. .dishes,.- • jafs p^;|banks-Morse 1000 lb. scales; oil I lamps, lugs, beds, dressers, dislief, and other small art^les. drums; grapple fork; 16 milk cans 1 Jurs an i other articles. . j TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and baskets, forks, shovels and other sma! V TERMS: AH sums of $25.00 and under, cash..over that amount a credit! tools. -- under, cash, over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per csnt will. be TERMS: All sunn; of $25 -an<' ^ of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by -the'undti. cash; over that amount a extended ori notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly credit of 6 months will be given Q: clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly j n,ake> arrangements before purchase approved notes at 6'< interest. Ii 'malfe^arrangements before purchase ^ ,s niade. No , property to be remove^, credit is desired, please arrange foi is nrat!e. No property to he removetl unti 1 settled for, and settlement must-, same before purchase ^ade. "N< until settled for, and settlement must be made on day of sale. be made on day of sale. * MRS. KATE WEBER McHenry State Bank. Clerking" > besides your regular bond purchases. Go all-out with every dollar you can scrape up and keep right on slapping every cent into the. world's safest investment- War Bonds! ^ Make the 3rd War Loan a quick success--back ifr Jpur soldier, sailor or marine ALL THE WAT I WAR LOAN 8M4C THE ATTACK MM H/AK BOWS SPONSORED BY V PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Northern Illinois JAY W. CRISTY We^t McHenry State Bank, Clerking property to be removed until settle'1 for with clerk. McGUIRE BROS . First State Bank of Harvard, Clerking

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