"J*, -i ' . '•# -<»(W'W*--(rti , hp He* 'ffli 1 ^ ^ *'»-'i « : VA,* ;/ ' ; *r; vX., ^ • .'• "'"*/'* -»; " '< » J ^ - ^ ; . $ • ' . * 1 - , . { W u _ * ' " _ • V , THB HoHXMKT PUUMDKALBK Thursday, Novemberlll^" $ *" V • 1 •V " MARRIED IN PLYMOUTH ..v ^ .4 BrMsre-Limeheom *•"•• M*. F. W. Heide entertained He*- : dames A. A. Thompson, G. F. Klein- 1 >ans »nd R. R. Counihan at a bridge-1 luncheon last Thursday. Mrs. Couni- • han will entertain the group in two u e« k« s. c. &•: • A general meeting of the W.JS". C. S. will be held 4n the Community^ Methodist church AMN^IMt oo Thurs-/ day, Nov. 18. be a 1:1.»- - ' luncheon meeting?" Each member is ;t?ked to bring a dish tfowel for the c h u r c h k i t c h e n . , y * - , v - h : • * . *,:' •• *V's Armistice Party On Wednesday evening of this S;"week: local, legionnaires pud their . wives enjoyed ar. Armistice party at ,-VMhe L?gion-hall,' ...^n enjoyable e\Vn- ^ ihg'?;w-as spert;: with the showing of vjwar 'TJIT,vies •••,and' community, sing-' i^'•••••ing providing,; the ent ert&i.nmeitf•" The V;?; serving of tasty;' refreshments con;- ""cJuded the' "evening^ ••• * ; - Christening . \ r The iivfant daughter' of Mr. > and; - Mrs. George Haldeman of Woodstock '(Rita PhannenstilU was christened •Cheryl Ann at St. Mary's church, Woodstock, last Saturday. Sponsors were Alvin Phannenstill of McHenry and Mrs. Helen Welbon, Woodstock. A dinner -followed at t4ie Welhcn • home. ' Sailor's Enpag«ment Announced Alfred W. Rix ^returned to the West Coast last week after spending \ a ten-day leave here. While honjehe celebrated his twenty-third birthday and at a duck diner served to members of the family at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix at Sunrise View, his engagement to Miss Peggy Crowther of Chicago was announced. , ' .••• *" ^ • Hard Times Party St. Mary's Court. C. O. F. No. 594, will held its annual Hard0 Tiirt£s party on Nov. 16. This party, always well attended in the past, -will no doubt draw a large crowd afrain this year. The committee is leaving nothing undone »to make thi? party interesting for everyone.. Prizes are being awarded to the men most comically dressed so get ready for a regular Hard Times party. Don't forget the date, Nov. 16. ^ i : : V Entertains At Party X Kathryn Jackson entertained a group of friends at her home on Main street Monday evening. Buiteo ;ui 1 other games furnished the entertainment for the evening, •with Lois Gardner beingy the prize winner. In attendance were Joan Raycraft, Connie Lind, Carol Peterson, Marilyn Owen. Lois Gardner, Mary Ann Stoffel, Ann Smith. Marjorie Thomaa, ljose Behm. Betty Crickl, Ferol Martin and Mary Lou Boi-ffen. s 1.'^'. \ v';-: j Tenth Anniversary Mr. £fhd Mrs. Charles Stilling observed their tenth wedding anniversary on Sunday evening. A buffet' lunch was served and cards enjoyed throughout the evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stilling and daughters, Rose Margaret and Julia; Mr. ami Mis. Philip. Thcnnes and child- -.'ilarccilus, Irene, Delia and Ber^, nice; Mr, and Mrs- Joseph Schaefer and" family; Mr. and Mrs. I^eo Died-.. rich and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harr bJ^ Justeri and family; Mt. and Mrs.' Bernard A. Freund and family; Mrs. Anna Freund and daughter, Jo'se-, phine^ Cljuence Schaefei and Shirley.; Freund. ' *• * * * r ; ' f P . T A . : ' ' The last meeting of the P. T.'A. Was held on Wednesday afternoon of last we,ek. The meeting opened with the singing of the "Star Spar.gled Banner," after which the program was' enjoyed. The salute to the flag !was given by Mary Jean Doherty. and Mary Ann Rogers ar.d Betty Jean Long furnished the musical portion of the program, offering a piano duet. Four girls from the upper grades. Mary Ann Rogers, Mi.ridn Grace Conway, Patsy Henn and Betty Jean Long, gave a symposium. > Njfc-;', tional Book Week occurinp in November, Sister Adelindis gave an teresting talk on good books and then invitsd the parents to see the school library. Sister Andreella" won the special prize awarded at each meetinjg. The December 1 meeting, will be in honor of the new members. All parents who have recently joined are asked to be present at this time, when a special- program will be pre- - ?ntcd. "At the business meeting; a report was made on the Rummage sale of a few weeks aigo and those who donated were thanked. Thanks were also expressed for the kindnesses of Mr. Buch in donating his building for that purpose, -- to my shipmate* and some of the boy* don't get a paper from home but they think it's a very good idea. Well, I didn't like it at Norfolk but I think this plaoe is v«>ry nice. I can't tell you the name of it but I can say it's very nice and that I'm very satisfied here. It's about chow time so 111 be signing off. Thanks agnin for the Plaindealer. ' | Sincerely, LAWRENCE G. FREUND, Hew York, N.Y. Fit. | P. M. Dear Mr. Mosher: Just a few lines to inform you of my address. I am down in Camp Chaffee, Ark., and I am in the army engineers, which is an all-armored division. There are three other fellows down here with me from Mcj Henry, Jim Larkin, Francis Cox and Alex Justen, all in the same comj P.any. I ' see thefn once in awhile i but not very often as this is a pretty | | big camp. Well, it's time -for lights j.out and so I'll sign off. i ; : Y o u r s t r u l y , 1 " - • PHILLIP DOHERTY, }V- Camp Chaffee, Ark. here but I do know the next time I move it will be overseas. I am looking1 forward to meeting the Jape and help do my part to avenge that frightful day of Dec. 7, 1941. Well, I guess that's about all for now. Once again thank you for the paper. Ill be looking for it every weefc, Sincerely, » •: ^ >^v-VV W- 8 STR°M, ; 4 , ,r Port Hueneme, Calif. NOTICE ' New-office hours announced by Dr. R. DeRome i are as follows: Daily except Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 fciHij^OtMr hours by appointment. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. Truck CtooUne Appeals To Be Made On November 23 Truck operators, other than farmers, who cannot perform efficient transportation on their present gasoline allotment have a chance to appeal on November 23, 1943. A representative of the Office fif Defense Transportation in Chicago will be present at the McHenry County AAA office, I. O. O. F. Temple, Woodstock, Illinois on Tuesthy, November 23, 1943, to help operators fill out appeals for essential cases. Truckrs who need €o appeal for more gasoline "are requested to have it done at that time. ^ Order yoair Rubber Stamp* at Plaindealer.':" " - Dear "Mir. -Mosher: -'v...4 wish to thank yoO for, sending j and MRS.'HARRY CHAFtIN mf;the P^indealer/.whic^h I am re-1 CelvinR' regularly. I have moved from WVrd^'a* Just- Whed us of ' the where Pfc. Chaplin is stationed"«the Julfport, Miss, io Port Hueneme, | o * , iu. T u . -T « " * Calif. Although this camp isn't as marriage on Sept. 4, 1943, m the par-. Liberal army air field. ; , good aS I had it in Gulfport, the I sonage of the First Congregational A graduate of the McHenry Com- liberties we have in Los Atigeles and I church in Plymouth, Wis., of Miss munity high schodl in 1942, the bride and its suburbs make up for it. lj Carol Betts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. took up the study of nursing for one had/m^ wife, Marjorie, come out here ; rr 1 Jt'Uf Rmgwood, and Pfc., year, the course being affiliated with when. I found out we were staying! ^ Mr. and : Loyola university in Chicago. The here for awhile. I get to see her! Mrs. H- W. Chaplin of Plymouth. Rev. bridegroom, who graduated from Ply- every other night and spend every Samuel Bullough officiated at the • mouth high school, worked for his other weekend with her. We haven't I aft^noon ceremony. c father at the Chaplin's Light shop g0ne to Hollywpod yet but we de l Following a weekend wedding trip, previous to enlisting in September, expect to see that place. Jq the near | the couple left for Liberal, Kansas, 1942. NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN dent, has been transferred " from Camp Young hospital in California to a hospital in San Diego. . William Brda reported to Gj^iit; Lakes last Thursday after spending a leave visiting his parents here. ' Bill" has finished his boot training and will now take a several month specialized training course. COMING EVENTS . JiOT. 11 Bast Mirer R°ad Pinwhle Club--Mrs. Fretind. 5ov. 12 . Mothers' Club--Mrs. Richard Fleming* November 15 Business and Professional ^omen's Club.' ; Boy Scout Board of Review -- Grade. School. / . | 5«T.1« Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. -- Meeting. Hard Times Party--St. Mary's Court, '• C. O..F. November 17 Johnsburg Forester Fest---St, John'.- Hall. Johnsburg. November 18 W. S. C. S^--General Meeting November 19-20 Rummage Sale--Town Hall--Sponsored by W. S. C. S. All articles to be in by Friday giorning. All items appreciated, ' November 19 Public Card Party Sponsored by Fox River Valley Camp. R. N. A. Junior Class Play. Public Card Party -- Legion Hall - Camp R. N. A. >'ov. 21 Public Card Party - St. Patricks Church Hall--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality. December 1; P. T. A. --St. Mary's-St. Patrick's . School. •: Dec. C : Altar and Rosary--Sodality -- Mrs. WalUce Dobyns. DECEMBER 9 M E. Church Annual Dinner atod Ba- •«aar. ,' , • v."' LIEUT. WARNER, ~V NAVIGATOR, 19 ' LISTED MISSING fContinufd from page on**) h.lgin National Watch company as "Lady Klgin at the New York World's Fair several years ago. Lieut. Warner was graduated frO.n' the Elgin high school in 1937 and it the time he enlisted in the army air Recent transfers include John Wilson from Denver, Colo., to Los Angeles, Calif.;, Leo Heimer from Glenview, 111., to Treasure Island, Calif.; Lawrence Freund from Norfolk, Va., to New York, in care of the postmaster; R. Ben Jones from Camp Claiborne, La., to Camp Ellis, 111.; Joseph N. Schmitt from Camp Murphy, Fla., to Fresno, Calif.; and R. J. Sutton from Hammer Field. v'c® to receive Fresno, Calif., to Salinos, Calif. paper regularly MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE Dear Sirs: I wish to notify you of my change of address so .'that I may continue to receive the Plaindealer each week. I have always read it with interest and now that I am farther away from home it will be appr e c i a t e d < ven more. Thanks to you and the people of McHenry who make it possible for the men and women in sertheir home town I wish you and all of my friends wherever they may be Harold Dowell and family of Fort a 'ot a^a'n' Riley, Kansas, are visiting home folks ^ ' ALBERT VALES, this week. ? ' Memphis, Tenn. John P. Shadle, recently inducted,; : ~~ is now serving at Camp Lee, Va. ] ^ear Mose: " ^ T Well, I guess it's arout time I'm His many friends here are happy wr'ting and thought this would be a to see Walter Zeilinski home on fur. f°°d t!™e ^cause this new address lough from Camp Adair, Oregon, f 8rot Wl11 **; my addres» permanent- I^yior to his entrance into service, i . ^oda>r Sunday and I'm just Walter was employed at the Bendix 'ay,n£ on my sack thinking of home corporation in Chicago. ' ' and a few of my old boy friends in « • crew D-E-35. I got food poisoning Mr. and Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer! L had to go to the hospital., In have received letters from one 1. time 1 was spending in the hosof their four sons, Alvin, who is in' my crew left so I got a new the coast artillery anti-aircraft last jcrew- * don't know the fellow here Week, telling them that he is on: very W?U yet and haven't received his fourth island since leaving the any mail for a time. But I just got States last April. The first oms 'the Plaindealer and let me tell you. were the Fiji Islands and New Cale- 1 ne.ver welc°med anything more than donia and the last two he cannot ' that paper. ition by name. ' felt like I was He tells of seeing Jap skulls, sjiips town" NOTICE Residents of the City of McHenry •re urged to observe Armistice Day, Thursday, November 11 in a fitting manner. In all instances where the war , effort will not be hampered, business places will close at 11 a.m. , R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. • {letter (or Wounded Russians demanded butter from lend-lease because they insisted it is better for their wounded soldiers than other fats. LIEUT. RICHARD WARNER Warner, was chosen, to represent the corps in April. 1912. he was employed in the spring department of the Elgin National Watch company. Enlist* In 1942 He received his call for training June 6,UM2...and .on April 4. 1943, was commibsTonld A second lieutenant .M.U given his silver wings as a navigator at Hondo Navigation school. Hondo. Texas. He left for overseas in August and on the way made stops in Iceland, Scotland. England and several ports in North Africa Just a month ago his family received a letter from him. bringing tl;<> news that he had been awarded the Air Medal for having participated in five aerial attacks up to that time. He was serving as a navigator On a Flying Fortress. Lieut. Warner was born in*McHenry but left with his family at an early 1 age to make his home in Elgin. barges destroyed. According to Alvin, "I think it will he a long ball game but 1 hope not for I want to: get back to the states and McHenry." Recently Alvin received another sharpshooter medal on the rifle range. He states that he is in good health and wishes he could be home on furlough instead of his brother, Jim. Pvt. Rex. Ray, a former: local resi- ANNOUNCING CHANGE OF HOURS of fr-Y DR. R. DeROME Hours: Daily except Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.m. Other hours by appointment PhOne 292"- J 120 Green Street, McHenry, III. Com* to Phon« 19 's Men's Shop Sunday Mornings We*t McHfcnry '• Y. . L' Christian Science Society --. OF CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS' Cordially invitos von and your friends to attend a Free Lecture on Christian Science • * Kntith'd "Cliristinn Science- How to Apply 'It BY PKTKR B. BIGGINS, S. B. y SEATTLE, WASHINGTON • Moinlx»r of tho Boaid of IxM'turoslvip of tlio Mothor Ohiiieli. Tlu' First ( •liurcli of • ^ -in-; Boston, MassaoliusottH. , _ SUN DA Y A FTKRN< K)Nt N( )\'E.M BER 14, at H o'clock -- Doors open at 2 oVlook iiakc C^niniunity lti^h S^'hooi Auditorium # future. My trip from Gulfport to Port { Hueneme was very nice and to re-; lieve the monotony of the trip we! had a train wreck. Although three j cars were derailed and three more1 smashed we came out of it with no one killed and six men and one officejjiurt badly. This accident happe^ pPr sixteen miles west of Clovis,. New Mexico. We spent a day in ; Clovis and had to leave the men i that were hurt there in the hospital, j Since then four of the injured men ! have rejoined the battalion and the. rest are expected shortly. I don't know how long I will be GLEANED AND GLAZED MAY POWERS, MGR. Seamstre^ Y ^ J. J D. Lodtz, Tailor 0#ier • ?. F. Lodtz, Plant Mgr. , E. P. Phone 104-M Elm St., just east of Green FUlX INSURANCE [Mjj GAKMEtfT$ We Close Thursday Afternoons/ •s :jw. * , # o (osilv'olds, rin&BPMMcm Ftw DINOMI COUM Poultry Mtn Such LOIMS When you notice wet be»ki orwheezing, get bu*r quickly with •ittMr o( these oonrenicnt, twted tieetmeote. For colds and bmtbinR troubles. Helpa prevent apread; relieves lymptoma. Work* from the I Hid* against ai'cli disorders. Used alone, or in severe case* with YAl'O-SPRAY. SPilAY WITH VAPO-SPRAY Over heads of the birds. R» pid i n 2*-. vetiou, high in aati*ptic and in-,^ ulaat value. Get VAPO-SPRAY ^LU >r Leemulsion NOW, and lie pre- ift\ pared. I Bolger's Drug Store Green Stre«t MiHenry "HEALTH WEALTH ROMANCE" JUNIOR. GLASS PLAY McHenry Community High School Auditorium - 8:15 p* • FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 19 Seats may be reserved at the Hig-fa School Office at 12:30 Thursday no<Hi, November 18. Admission 40 cents (tax included) After reading it in the old home Say, that is sure a swell picture-ol the Honor Roll. I showed the paper PERMANENT WAVE-59p Do it yourself at home with m Charm-Karl Kit, as 1,600,000 women have done in past year. Complete with 40 curler* and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmlni. Praised by Hollywood movie stars and women everytrkMi. Money rtfimtod M aot ntWM. THOMAS P. BOLGER * # Vital Industries Come First Help the War Effort! Your Fuel By Your Home WITH AETNA INSULATION CO. APEX Grade "A" Rockwool Blowing fibre Installed With Moderi Equipment Guarantees Comfort Winter and Summer, No Delay In Installation Phone or write for free estimate. < 1 20 N. Grove Ave. Elgin 111. Elgin 4999 T P. WALSH . Grayslake 2332 2120 Washington St. Waukegan, 111 OUt. 3399 REMEMBER YOUR SAVINGS PAY FOR INSULATION WHETHER YOU ENJOY ITS COMFORTS OR NOT