TBS McHKNXY PLAIHDEALZS ~Y^pT-T: t w^F "*Y «**v T- ^ .* - ?*• # y fi W- Thursday, January 6, 1944 PLES WED ~ DURING YEAR if Jan. 1 -- Shortly after the bells V. rhimed, welcoming 1943, Robert K. .jBuri.s of\ OttK Park and Hickory •'Y/'-'NGrange t°°k as his bride Miss Lillian ..jKeinan. ' • '*M.&L- ^an ® -- James Walsh left the \ J-anks of the single to become the husband of Miss Sufi Stone of Wood-; etock. •; Jan. SO --Henry Heuser of Chicago, formerly of McHenry, took as : ' (liis bride Miss J*>is Ball of Chicago. : . 0 Feb. 19 -- Two young people well * l<nowr^vin this community. Miss JVari Smith of Rintp.vood, «?nd Pfc.! Wilbur Benoy of Greenwood, station- \ " *fed' at Camp Sommerset, Md., were •tnarried in the home of her sister, Mrs. William Wurtzinger,. in Woodstock. . • J YYY-.. Feb. 23 /*?-., Josi? Watrous of the' - S p i n n i n g Wheel, R i c h m o n d , and i vFioyd Reed of Vol© were married in " Kansas City, Mo, ?«Y" v.-. March 20 -- ; Eugene Geary tbok as his bride Miss Hannah Neave of ' Zion in a cerunony performed at t.V^YjTransfiguration, church, Wauconda. . v •" March 21 -- A former resident, - JMiss Mary,Mae Granger, and Adrian "Krabbenhoft, of Woodstock exchanged : . V O W S . \ • ( • " . • • • • v .; - April 3" -- In the Methodist church; v '• ..Y in Wsuconda, Miss Bfetty J&ne Glos v v i o f McHenry ' b tcame t h e ' / b r i d e o f j •- Harry Dowell. • , •" 'i • April 28 -- -One of the earliest • spring weddings occurred at St. Patrick's church, uniting jn wedlock \ iMiss Joyce Newkirk and George Jackson, both of McHenry. May 1 -- The first May wedding of 1943 in McHenry was responsible for Mist" Catherine Diedrich becoming . the of Micharl Thill of Aurora, IJay C-- A war wedding, so familiar in 1943, was solemnized in Lub-. bock, Texas, uniting in the bonds of matrimony Miss Barbara Belle Eder | of Evanston and Lieu^. George Johnson, formerly of McHenry, now in I the aip force. May 8 -- Miss Marie King of ! Johnsburg became the bride of Ever- | ett Klinker of Morris. III., the cere- ( rnony beina jfarftormed in St. John's church, Johmsbwrg. June *3 -- McHenry folks were intr'Tst'd 'o 1 Trn of the marriage in the Woodstock Methodist church of Miss Nellie Bylsma, formerly of thtls city, and Sgt. William-Thompson. | June 5 -- One of the early June ^eddings united in (ihe holy bonds of matrimony Miss Gladys Larson of Elgin and Arthur Miller of Mc- j Henry. The wedding took place in St. Patrick's rectory, McHenry. June 7 -- A lovely candlelight ser- j vice performed at the Community ! Methodist church was responsible for s making Miss. Arleen Bacon, the wife i of „Corp. Carl Hiatt of Florence, Arizona. . ..' ' June 9 ^t. Mary's Catholic church wak the scene of a lovely June wedding- which United Miss1 Mareta Blake of this • city and Carl Sercok of Elgin. June 12 -- Nuptial vows were exchanged by two. local couples, Mis? Marie Vales becoming the bride of Second Class Petty Officer Frank A. Kempfer, and Miss Emma Schaefer and Pvt. Louis Oleynichak exchang-' ing vows. The former ceremony was solemnised a^ St. Patrick's church and the latter at Camp McCoy, Wis. At Sugar Creek, Mo,, Leota' Catron • of •Cofft^ ille, kas., became the bride ' of Pvt. Merle Barth of this city. ! June 19 -- Two weddings of in- J terest here occurred, ^one in which Miss Lorraine N. tt of McHenry became the bride of Michael Puetz of Skokie and the other uniting Miss • Mildred Wiseman- ">f Coleman, Wis., and Leonard Gibbs of Woodstock, a j McHenry high school graduate. j June 21 -- Lieut. Richard Warner, of Elgin married Miss. Margaret same day Elmer J. Bi o\tn of Wau- Muet terries of Elgin at the army air' cortda and Margar?t Weidner of base at Dyersburg, Tenn. Buffalo Grove'exchanged vows. j June 23 -- United in the bonds of Sept, 4 -- At St. Mary's church' matrimony were Miss Lucille Her- marriage vows were exchanged begott of Spring Grove and Clarence tween Miss Marguerite Freund of Michels of Johnsburg. St. Petff's this city and Clemens J. Adams of church was the scene of the wed- Johnsburg. . - 1 ding. , Sept. 11, -- James Carlson of Mc- Jurie 2# ,-t- Hi® marriage of Miss; Henry took as his bride Miss Gene- Marilyn Ann Clark of Elgin to vieve Boyle* of Crystal Lake. in a. 'George A. Spoo, a former McHenry nuptial ceremony performed in the man. now with the coast guard, was latter city. " ! sclemnized in the First Congregation- | gept. 22 -- A lovely nuptial cereal church, Elgin. lay a former McHenry resident, Mrs. Varina Marshall became the wife of Charles H. Lougges. *>--1 Nov. 14 -- A lovely autumn wedling performed in Ivnhoe Congregational church united in, wedlock Miss Wanda Jepson of Route 1, McIIenry, and Harvey Palmer of Crystal Lake. Nov. 17 -- M:ss Ethel Granger of Woodstock, formerly of McHenry? became the bride of Warren Hackman. Nov. I» -- A popular McHenry _ - . . , , ... i couple was united in marriage in imony at St. Mary's church united j the rectory of St. Patrick's church Park, and then will enroll in the Wilson, at the American" hospital % Wauconda high school. ; Chicago last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hansen arid! Mr. and Mrs. Stuart' Byrne sp^r% daughter, Connie, of Chicago were j Thursday' evening at the home of callers Sunday at the home of Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kindel at Williams and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Park. July 3 -- A single ring ceremony' Miss Esther Smith of JJiis city and was performed in Woodstock, unit- James Wiser of Volo. ing in marriage Marilyn Boone of i Oct. 5 -- Lieut. Fred J. Mueller that city and Robert McDonald, a j took a southern girl, Miss Helen A. former local resident. ' i Southwell of Albany, Ga., as his July 7 -- Darlene Miller-Daniel j wife at Holy Cross Cathedral in Kennebeck nuptial vows were ex-Boston, Mass. changed by Rev Father Blake at Oct. 9 - At Transfiguration church j Bog^ oTdSw "and "m" Richmond, the bride s home. The; m Wauconda Miss LaVetne Brown i,.-leT,ry groom was a Johnsburg resident, j of that city and Robert Obenaufj Dec. .. July 21 -- The Catholic church at of Grayslake exchanged the vows { performed Fremont Center was the scene of that made them man and wife. a July wedding which united in holy Oct. 11 -- MarHed at San Buenawedlock Miss Leava Untz of Munde- j ventura, Calif., Pvt. Ralph M. Juslein and , Elmer . Schaefer of Mc- ten and Miss Rosemary M. Wiser. Oct. 16 -- At St. Maurice's church, Chicago, Miss Ann G. Shalton of when Miss Catherine Wirtz became the bride of Leo Thompson. Nov. 24 -- In Chicago Miss Dorothy Hausheer of that city was married T o*"5s Pitzen.of Pistakee Bay. Nov. 27 -- Timothy McClarey "of Oak Park took as his bride Miss Dec. 21 +- A single ring ceremony in Crystal Lake united Miss Leola Schaffer and Sgt. Roman L. Conroyd. SLOCUM LAKE Johnson City, 111., became the bride1 ^ Henry. - • "' " . * Aug. 4 -- In a quiet ceremony per formed in the rectory Of St. Pat rick's chlirch Sjgt. James Doherty, of Corp. Hilary G. Rodenkirch of stationed at ,Topeka, Kas., took as^Chicago, grandson of the . George j Mrs. Harry Matthews)' his bride Miss Lucille Grsybeal of j Steilens of this city. Mrs. Harry Raeburg and three Burlington, Kas. ^ ! Oct. 17 -- Their many frigftti^read children of Rockford spent three days August.-9 -- The bonds, of matri-j,with interest of the marriage in the first of the week at the home of mony were entered into by Earl Mar shall cf this city and Miss Eussana Kpehmstedt of Waukegan. ^ August 14 -- Joined in wedlock were Miss Esther Colby of Woodstock and. George Seibel, also of that -city. August 19 -- In a ceremony performed in the rectory of St. Mary's church Miss Dorothy Matthews of this city became the bride of Statt Sgt. Edward L. Buchert of Richmond, stationed at Jackson, Miss. . August 21 . i--- At St. Patrick's church Miss Mary Powers of Crystal Lake and Leonard Burge of Round Lake became man and wife. The All Hallow Catholic church in Safi Francisco of, Petty Officer Gerald Miller of McHenry and Miss Louise Kiddolsen of McCullom Lake. , , Oct. 30 -- Thie Albert Hendricks of Chjc&go. and .Mineral Snrings anher mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mi*s. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty. Lou, of Maple Park moved to the farm of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren last week and began operating the farm on January 1, nounced the marriage of their daugh-! They have been farming near Maple ter, Lucille, to Walter Stuermann of j Park the past twelve years and made Philadelphia, Pa. many friends through their connec- Nov. 6 -- Married in the well-1 tions. in the. church arid club work, known Wee Kirk O' • the Heather in as is testimony of a number of Glendale, Calif., Miss Lula Louise' farawjpll parties that were given in Terry of Hollywood,Calif., became their honor. They received many the bride of Mr. fidwm J. Hergot of lovely gifts. Miss Betty Lou will Westwood, Calif., formerly of Mc-j finish her first semester of the Fresh- Henry. In Rockford, 111., that same, man year at the high school at Maple Mr. apd Mrs- Gorge Staggs of! Cornell were callers la«t Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooke. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and i daughter, Miss Betty, attended the Lusk family dinner at the home1 of ; Mr. and Mrs. John S a v o t , e a s t o f ; Volo Sunday. , | Mrs. ^rillis Dorwaldt of Liberty-1 ville spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Celia Dowell. j Mr. and Mrs. R o l a n d Z i n k e r o f ! Chicago were callers New ^Year's • Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' W. E. Brooks. \ Bruce Ccrzine of Evanshirs Hotel,: Evanston was a guest last Thursday and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Otis Phillips attended the farm sale of William Wright near Button's Bridge last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were: guests last Thursday night and Fri#,j day at the home of Mr. and Mrs: LaDoyt Matthews at Oak Park. Chesney Brooks> was a dinner guest New Year's evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Downs at Libertyville. ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Miss Betty Lou, called at the home of Mrs. Betty Hunmel at Maple Park Sunday evening. Betty remained at Mrs. Hunmel's home to attend school. Harold Brooks of Libertyville waf a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Graumann and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krueger were guests New Year's night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Byrno at Williams Park. Mrs. James Thomson of Williams Park called on her sister Mrs. Fannie Jchn Blomgren, Mrs. Raymond Lusk and Mr. and Mrs. George Lunderen of Wauconda called on Mrs. Blomgren at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, New Year's Day. Mrs. Blomgren, who has been a patient at the hospital the past six months, will be able to return home soon. . Mr. and Mrs. Adam Graumaun were dinner guests Ne>v Year's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krueger at Williams Park. Mrs. S. Talisch of Chicago spent last Thursday at the home of Mi-, ^^kd Mrs. William Burkhart at Williams Park. ' Sunday , dinner guests at the hoSSt of Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhfcrt at Williams Park were Mr. and M!rs. John Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Mrs. William Kania of Chicago. % Old Qiu oee 'spreads rr ajesticafty' and around the 333 foot promontory of Cape Diamond. It stands on the north bank of the St. Lawrence riv^ er, 300 miles up from the Gulf of St.: Lawrence, where the river narrovta sharply above its Si. Charlef tary and the Isle of Orleans.J - • Add to Leaning Tower Sixty years after first sinking, other architect added another story to the leaning tower of Pisa but could not halt the continuous leaning. William of Innsbruck added the top twd stories, making the columns on one side longer than on the other and retaining the center of gravity within the building. The tower was completed in 1350. The Campanile is 179 feet high. In addition to leaning it has sunk seven feet below its original level. ' - 'v * . - - v y - # • • m ! V-' - > • '• GALLERY OF BRIDES OF YEAR 1943 MRS. ELMER GLOSSON MBS. CARL SEROCK MRS. MICHAEL THILL MRS. LOUIS OLEYNICHAK fittR FRANK A. KEMPFER WRS- ELMER J. BROWN MRS. EVERETT KLINKER j MR. and MRS. GERALD MRS. KLMiR K' HAEFER MRS, ROBERT J. OBENAUF MRS. ARNOLD KATTNER \JMRS. pANIEI. KENNEBI CK MRS. CLEMENS J. ADAMS MR. and MRS. HARRY PALMER- *•.: "I' f: tyL AUHKuTM mrgTT P V. M ARTHUR MILLER MRS. LEONARD BURGE MR. and MRS. GEORGE JACKSON MRS. MICHAEL PUETZ MR and MRS, HARRY CHAPLIN vr v.- : -MS..