fc. " * *'• " r" «•- .. «* ~ - ' ,. -' , • ' ~ . . „ *. >j«* v-,. . . ""?- ' -"r^Sv. -m , ,,'4.™ ,'V TX»* A- a#*» s,w^r>>",c • <r.-s?<:< ^ •*$* ,ow w "%. '• •'• .f •*- * -;,/ ",V *' ; " ." s ": ", * ~'& '• v ^ .• *y#? •' •• •; « o v* - • . . - , * * - |* t \ , 1 , ^ ^***.1, «~l«- • f - _ > -- - **^r#tft t Wfcf r » V . VtpM#' <tU<| '" ' " - ' ' ' • i • ' -- - " ' " " * ' ' " ' ; ' • W &«U^%- *>r& •** * - Volume 68 McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1944 No. 39 •*?:i. r :"-Xm M'HENRt SENDS MASOOT SERVICES BLIMPS POLICE DOG IS HAPPY IN NEW HOME -v ." fc$4>ry,n pet of the Gladstone hotiae-;? ; hold and of every business man on ; Oreen street, recently found that his • j throne was in a somewhat precarious •J position and/ therein lies a human ' interest story which has come out of • the war. J.v V'i " Several weeks ago one of the Gladstone's sons, Lieut. Melvin, a bombardier, who was believed at that ; . time to be in Greenland, sent a letter : to his folks telling them that he was,* •ending home a dog. Not just an or-o dinary dog but a Belgian police dog I which had been the mascot of the FRANK MARTIN . Frank Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin of West McHenry, group in the far north. Knowing that has a rather uniqUe job ln the navy his fellow flyers were soon to be sent an), ,g doing work whlch tQ our father, where it was impossible to knowledge, no other local boy is en- , take (he dog, one thing was certain, gaged in goon tQ celebrate that some home must he found for hhj twenty.flrst birthday, after his the animal.. - , boot training eft Great Lakes, was sent After lengthy discussions among the to Lakehurst. New Jersey, where he men. the sole solution of the problem works with "lighter than air" craft. seemed to lie with Melvin. None >f Both at Lakehurst and at Cape May, ^ the others feeling that the young dog New Jersey, where he was stationed of a garage at Grayslake, was killed many thought.. Instead, a new drive . would be welcomed at home for one for a time. Frank services the blimps on Sunday morning while helping to bfS*n on March 6 is now in prepa- Teason or another, our McHenry sol- nnd hel"^ «-itlr tho l'nd<n° of them, clear snow off a road near his home. ratlon as the Red Cross starts its andier, always fond of dogs, offered to Although ground work is his assign- He was working with an excavating nua' membership campaign to raise ..send him home to McHenry. -In his ment, he has been on patrol missions machine being used to pick up the $23,400 in the county. Fred T. Ferris letter in which he told his family along the coast a few timed. isnow and dump it Into trucks to be °' Woodstock is general chairman of sending the animal, he suggested carried away wlien something* hap- ail(* tlle various community, chairmen that they give him to the army for t al q* i_ pened to the machine. Witnesses said have a'so been named. ^ Melvin was aware that in addition to'.4 AlHUllg MC OlCK a pin slipped hut, permitting the McHenry township has been given McHenry Township Is Proud To Have Backed the Attack ; There are • undoubtedly those who to see 'whether or not. the td; '^enipelTCT.rthefo tliihk that air the talking abowt «ach '225,000 *oiili kfewW,., lears ^ ti>' success of the '•d'irl^fe't t,» r> j j , At last, the day before the drive v- \ V- j , , i War Bond drivets merely talk. They ended, the huge figure fcame within W lt 18 OVBF and. although the total figure that we always go over the reach and chairmen and workers figQre has ^ot been determined, it is ; top anyway so there isn t rs»lly much bre4tfMH| easier. In <?onvparispn to kno^^v that the township Has backed^ reason for publicity. - other townships,. McHehry had' been th* at,a,t'k io a greater degree than '< The various chairmen of these giyen a quota ; which Was pi^bably ilJ, Third drfye. , drives, appreciate the fact that there fliglier, taking into conslderati^n the Maivy hundreds of McHenry townare some folks so optimistic, but as population, than most. ship servicemen now "hav« their narme the Fourth War Loan drive was This "time an even higher quota, a placed under various Honor Rolls, launched in January, these workers quota of $241,500. was given us and containing the names, of those who could hardly begin their task with so in spite of those who now say "I 3re defending their country on the cheerful a view of the situation. Most told you so." those who really knew battlefronts. Nowy the civilian f-esiof these chairmen were also workers best doubted if this staggering: fipure dents of the township may add their in the Third drive last fall and could be reached. With customary names for the fourtoi time to the Bond well they remembered a few dark determination, however, the drive Honor Roll, which luniors those who hours not too far before the close of was launched and workers again be- are defending their country on the ; the drive when they waited anxiously gan a house to house campaign, home front ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIVES Robert Rockenbach, 42, proprietor WITH ARMY BAND JOHN SHIADLE A BAND PROGRAM FEATURES WELL KNOWN NUMBERS' INSTRUMENTAUSTS AiTO CHOIR IN FINALE; ' . Only a few mor? days in whi<jh buy ybur,, ticket for the band conceit of Sunday night, at wbiph time fjftjf " members oli the Great; l^kes choip , , will be* present aa guefet artists, undetf' the dii;ecvt.oii of: Cvhaplaitl Ji.* F. Ha'i- ' sfe>n; iieatehahi;.;^^mand^;^t'-r',; Lakes. •* . *;•: ; /; \ . •« ' •' The program will begin with "American Flag Parade" played by the band. The choir will render numbers at vki i- , ous times throughout the evening and | as a finalp will sirtg to band acconi- ANNUAL RED CROSS ' CAMPAIGN BEGINS ^ HERE ON MARCH 6 The cl<5se of the Fourth War Loan drive Tuesday of this week did not mean the end cf dr:ves "for a time as INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Both of this week's servic^wfen are Pflament;' the ever popular "Finlasjengaged in not only unusual but very an^ Anchors Aweigh. Since thai interesting work for Uncle Sam. John Personnel the choir necessarily , Sliadle, son-of Mr. and Mrs Wolf chan^8 ®° very often u is imP°ssibl2 Shadle or Ringwood, is in the quarter- for Chaplain Hanson to select a permaster corps but to date has spent lnaneUt program far enough in admost of his time in the armv playing vance to have the numbers placed on bass horn in the band at Qanrp Lee. the following program. However, those Va.. and the violin in the orchestra. who hav| heard the choir at any time --- - While the idea of making music have beeh enthusiastic in their reports Thomas Reardon, 84, a wealthy sounds like, easy training, it has its as to the ability of the group and »vilt retired farmer of Wauconda, wus handicaps and compensations likei n<> &oubt be anxious ip hear them evoSfc. / taken to St. Therese hosfpital. Wau- every other branch. Until entering vwiihput definite kndwledge^concerning kegaii. following an attempt to com- army service in October of last year. their projrt-am. mit suicide Tuesday of last weeK hn was employed at the Ringwood Because we have benn 'avored with by means of a 32 caliber revolver. Chemical plant. He is a graduate of such noted guest artists, little has He walked to- a woodshe 1 behind the McHenry, high school in 1943. been said about th* high school band, ' Jerry, the Gladstones had only recently become the owners of another small imppy. A short time passed and one day "Skipper"' arrived in New York, his traveling expenses that far having been paid by the government heavy bucket to drop, striking Rd'-k- a Quota of $1,800, which is the fifth his home and drove one billet in»,o the head, one over the heart and a third in the stoma<$. . Then he walked back to the house to tell his wife, Mattie. 65, that He hid decide! MARRIAGE LICENSES Mrs. Elmer Kennebeck underwent, enbaeh on the head and causing im- highest in the ^'ounty, Woodstock, ^^ ^ ^ v..„. .. ... „v Nicholas Hiasler, Chicago, 111 , tti surgery at St, Therese hospital last mediate death. A coroner s jury ro- Harvard. Crystal Lake and Marengo t'o""kill'"hi'mself"because^^ he had been Marie Deme. McHenry, 111. week. turned a verdict of accidental death. .surpJissinR us by several hundred dofc ^able^ to est and sleep lat#l^. Ralph W. Drafall, Algonquift, 111 Mrs. Henry Staffer of Volo has The victim is survived by his wife, lars- More information on the drive * r t'» Dyrris E. Borhart. Huntley, 111. been a medical patient at St. Therese Jean; three children^ Marjory. Dous- win appear in next week's paper. .. Hanter^of Harvard aft^ Tc^- Cl fford Veddos, RFD, McHenry, to From hospital the past week. ' las and Robert; his parents. Mr. and C. H. Duker, chairman of the drive mun|tv did n()t turn out as ^ell there to McHenry he was the financial Mrs. Joseph Schmitt underwent Mrs. A. O. Rockenbach; and thirteen in McHenry, has announced that, expected last Sunday for the surgery at St. Anthony's hospital in brothers and sisters, all residing in there will be three meetings of the g u nsponsored by the Harvaid # NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN responsibility of the new owners. About ten days ago "Skipper" ar- Chicago last Friday rived. In less than twenty-four hours Mrs. James Sayler entered Victory fce had become thoroughly acquainted Memorial hospital at Waukegan on with the family and seemed perfectly Wednesday as a medical patient. happy to settle down in McHenry. The Gladstones, too, were just as hap- . py to add "Skipper" to the family group, for he was not only a beautiful dog but well behaved and affectionate.^ OutsiHe nf a fe"' times when .Terry las led his step-brother into town, only to leave him there when Jerry ; discovered the family was not in the store. Skinper b«d stave1 at home like a good dog. Whether Jerry's purpose in leading his newly acquired friend astray was to rid himself of the new pretender to the throne or merely as a friendly gesture we probably will never know. At any rate the two are becoming closer friends as time goes on and it may be that the Gladstone household will now have two rulers. v iriam K'ng. RFD. McHenry. Daniel E. Olcott. Woodstock. llli> Naomi G. O'Holleran, Harvard, III; as the Grayslake area. Charles Gluwe workers prior to the drive. The first Sportman"s club, with the. result that meeting will be held on the evening of there were no foxes killed or cap- Charles H. Glawe. 52. Crystal Lake t"1 n ® Legion hall and this tured. One fox was crippled when a J farmer, was killed Monday morning Lwhen he was crushed between a milk | truck and a trailer owned by the ! Union Grove Dairy company of Chi- . . rago near .th. e C„ rys.t a,l LJ a.k e avenue Evas restaurant on March 6 for capFc rossing in Crystal Lake. ' will be a meeting of the captains. On huntftr shot at lt from a long ran,e. Feb. 28. also in the Legion hall, the , captains and workers will meet. Th% The Spor,S,"el\ ai'! more thaa last meeting will be a breakfast at eVer fonvinced that th*r* are erous foxes in the territory and that un^s they are killed or captured t'lere will soon be no rabbits MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE tains and workers. The truck had just arrived in Crystal Lake to pick up milk delivered by farmers in that area. The victim and A new recruit at the U. IS. Train- another farmer, Harry Brunner, had ing Station, Great Lakes, Illinois, is arrived ahead of the truck and were Willam M. Green, 37, husband of waiting to transfer their milk. %Then NATIVE OF CITY AND PIONEER OF WEST DEAD AT 82 , r,r pheasants. Rabbits are practically extinct now, they say, an-i ipanv pheasants have been killed. by the foxes. Hello Mose: Just a line to let you know that! I have again changed my address. , the back into the Selections by The Great Lakes Choir. Kfnu/iK " _ (no whose program this is. However. tho?e who have been hearing tliese young musicians ale confident that wha'tey n* selections they choose the concert will be an enjoyable one for to da'e they have, never failed to please. The ecMlaplete program, follows; Program "American Flag Parade" - Pronk-W«ncer- Prescott. . "The Lost Chord"--Sullivan. Spanish March, "El Caballero"--Olt- . vadOti. ' - tland Selections by The Great Lakes Choir Director--Chaplain H. F. Hanson. "Parade of the Children"--arr> by Lake. * Overature. "Bron*e Eagle"--Grahana. "Sindbad, the Sailor"--Coons. Narxator--Harold Mlchels BAND 1 GIVEIN JAIL SENTENCE Loot taken from the Bqhners lake, ' Wis., summer home of Mris V Alice1 Barrett. Oak park. 111., totals $2,000, according to an invent "in- tnade last week. A truck , or trailer was used t^ remove the loot which included bedding from six beds, t a r v d r i l l a n d i . - > i c o u c u h i o t - m i i i i u m . m r e c e n t b e a r s k i n r u g s , s t u f f e d a n i m a l s , a n couple ,he trailer-from the truck. The year8 he had OJcrated a cattle ranch electric refrigerator, console radio, ravai procedure. air hose had been broken and they at Wyoming. table rndio. two lamps, portable elec- Soon, he wiH be were wlth-drawing the connecting ba" Mr_ ^pvnr trie sewine machine, electric•egt'hpt!* Wlhelm'na Green, the truck anjJ trailer became stalled W p'on T eeF. r-m.rf Qt M/> . a .. .. , western Nebraska when Indian:? HL^ N!W un" T I T 5r*?\ TT ,0a1 roamed the wiId west, died at SherddeerSgoni «ngr , bhoo^ott" unsuccessfr ull, lthe y Jde'cZide ?d Tto P?leWav'eJ ma" hospital. Elgin, on Tuesday cve- njng Fpb 16? 1944 Rp waa\orn training, he is be- the trailer and drive the truck to .{no «„ 17 ia<!1 , . un" steaded at Heminfoi-d. In given a series «pt'tude tests Robert Verdegan was sentenced to serve from two to ten years in the (•. state penitentiary Monday by Judge William L. Pierce." The charee was •>. forgery. Verdegan violated his prodetermine whether he Will be selected to attend one of the navy's service active of his when the accident occurred. In some t*- manner the heavy truck started sliding backwards and. Glawe was pinned Lake* He is fcir corps again. I a m n o w g o i n g Mi r »u g h an adv a n c e d training after which I will either be sent to an outfit or I will March, American Heroes"--Camara'a BAND A. "Finlsndia"--Sibelius B. "Anchors Aweigh" Ximmer- " mann. Chofr and Band , survived by two brothers, Ben of er- and other articles" Mrs. Barrett wiH be sent to 8 radio scho<>1 bation after being given a chance granted a nine-day leave some time aeo. Mondav he wai "brought back into court and given a ^ . prison term. Grayslake and Leonard of Crvsta! sald 9he prized the trophies. whi«ii|: _ 1 Hope that you will start sending two sisters Mrs. Anthonv had been collected by. her husband. th<? Plaindealeiv to my new address ' * » ' - . . . * .a' _ . ' :t*ri • V* f kn vf i • i a T ma a 1 1 *» l00l( news only pne eiher. Many of the fellows down here While walking from one of the large read it and enjoy It very much. I barns to the home on t^e n'--- Rov to sincerely thank everyone re- Those * who have purchased tickets be sent to one of are asked lo remember that they will the fine air corps be reserved at the high school office technical, schools, at 12:30 .p. m. on Friday noon, Feb. From what I haw 18. giithered so far I -- -- NURSE IS HEROIN* .-.as d to attend one of the navy s ser- between the truck and trailer. *iU Stulmah of Hampshire and Mrs. Eliz- who died two years ago. The cottage w>tb the next issue. I really ice schools or will be assigned to .chegt becoming crushed. When h<j^^ abeth Brett of Auburn Wash had been entered two years ago httf forward to gettfflg the latest # 8traihLg0nhe0nlSl be was extri"ated he 'was found t0 be Services will.tt be .hluilItdl*' on Saturday 'Vs at that time was light. • ^ the ,only desd. I pnn leaning to one side, afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Wol•> Brunner narrowly escaped the same funor8i heme in, Elsin, Rev. H »ward ^?te- ' ' . of the Zion Methodist church offlv - , . . . . , Thefetwrt tragic a cci lent a occasion- ciatiug. Burial will be in JEast Dun- Reese, manager of the Donald Phelps sponsible for giving the fellows away pn„t, 22 f Znr'^h. nne'. a chance to see what is MISSING SINCE JAN. 20 Frederick Henrv Sm'th. -son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J1. Smith of . .. . . _ , . Johnsburg, was recently promote to ^ ^ the snowstorm and icy roads^f dee cemetery. the rank of sergeant in the 13th AAF THE PAF WEEK M^E °J NE, HO?E IL)&T . JTTT:" N overseas. Sgt. Smith, is a mechanic more P,ea8ant we«her is # in 8to^fe C?0|(IING EVENTS in a 13th AAF heavy fcomber squad- m the not too distant future. . ron now operating in the South Pac- -- ----, \ 17 ifte area. He has been bVenieCuS hin^- Utah; and William E. Sutton from W. S. C. S. --1':30 Luncheon. teen months. s Los Angeles to Indianitown Gap Mill Third Party in Card Tournament ! , • t a r y R e s e r v a t i o n , P a . ; S p o n s o r e d B y C . D. of A. ! Transfers within recent weeks in- -- East River Road Pinochle CIuIk--Mrs. elude Leonard Steinsdoerfer from New serviccmen on our l'sl in- George Glos. Camp Abbot, Bend, Oregon, ti Bas"- elude James G. Schaefer of Keesler Feb. 20 ; • ter General hosp'tal, Spokane, Wash- Field, Miss.; George Will:ams of Annual Band Concert--Guest Artists, ington, where he in the medical Camp Shelby, Miss.; and George J. Gre^t Lakes' Choir. corps; LeRov M. Freund from Camp Nett of Camp Grant. F*hru«rv 21 •• Davis, N. Carolina, to New York; Meeting of Captains in Red Cross Gordon Knox from Los Angeles, Pfc. Lyle D. Franzen has been en- Drljre--Legion Hall. Calif., to Camp Cook, in the same rolled in a special course of instruc- February 22 state; Jerome Buch from Tacoma, tion at the southern signal corps O. E. S. Dessert BridgO' t:30 Ma- their son, Cp . eon e» , w V.'ush., to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; school at Camp Murphy, Florida, sonic Hall. Harry Ct.n" ay from Salem, Oregon, Pfc. Franzen was selected for this " February 38 from home nl*[ht last week stumbled over the going °n in the good old home town, body of a man In the barnyard. Call- Today we had the Air-Wac cara- ?ng Phelps to asiist. "Reese carried van down here. It is a travelling road the man 'nto *ho ho*"» ^ he ^s ' show which is very good. You have questioned. When the stranger, who probably heard it on Sunday afterhad neither a hat nor a coat, was unable to give a coherent statement as to who he was or where he came from. Phelps called the sheriffs office and the man was Identified as Chris Kramer. • * Arrangements were made for his /removal to a sanitarium. 1 Mr and Mrs. Fred Hewitt of Marengo received a box of articles front noon between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m. Well, Mose, I'll have to close how. Say hello to everyone and tell Charley (hole-in-one) Adams to keep everything under control. Thanks again for the Plaindealer. PVT. GEORGE FREUND, Jeffei>pu Barracks, Mo; . ^ LIEUT. EDITH AHLGREN to Fort Lewis, Wash.; Robert Schac- specialized training on the basis of stationed in England, last Thursday. _ _ ^he articles were all antiques. Among Meeting of' Captains and Workers them were books ,yhlch ,were 300 fer from the Univers ty of Akbama his aptitude *o San Antonio, Texas; an-* George Freund froin Cha Tinaign, 111., to Teff- ?rsOn Barracks, Mo. ' EE\T STI ^MAN _ Clarence Freund of Sycamorc. New York, visited at the home of^hls parents. the Carl J. Freunds./last weekend before being transferred to another post.; in Red Cross Drive--Legion Hal}. O. El 8.--Regular Meeting. Thomas Wilson of Camp Blanding, March 1 i Fla.. enjoyed a furlough visiting his P. T, A.--St. Mary's-St. Patrick*! parents in McHenry and his wife in School Hall. Wauconda last week. i More than half of the members of . , , , , , . , the army nurse corps who have been May I take this late opportunity of decorated for heroism during the presthank. ng you for sending me the ent war were assigIled to duty from McHenry Plaindealer. As you prob- lllinois Michigan and Wisconsin, it ably know we all appreciate home ha8 been announced by Majo^ General H. S. Aurand, commanding general of Dear Editor: town news. . « . i 1 1 • x i _ _ l a a a i l • O . 1 1 1 t t l l V I • L U I I l l l l t l l J v U U ^ { $ v U \ * O l v i years old, Dutch oil pa g , At present I 8m ih charge of sick the Sixth Service Command. Among 150 y«W» old, and other odds An 0jfjcer8> qUarters and being only a these nurses who have been decorated ends. Aiwtiier casualty which puts Wood- jweph MeAndrew*. who was instock far head of any other county ducted into the army on Feb. 7. is now ^ city in that line, was put on the rec- stationed at Camp Crowder. Mo., with \#ords last Friday when Mrs. Kathryn ^ .signal' corps. Stedman of that city received a letter from the British Embassy stating/ j,* Dowell. who is stationed at New the past week. George Mitchell, who recently visited McHenrv friends with his wife, the former Sylvia Snyder, has been tran.cf?rred from Fort Camp Ellis, 111. March 2 Circle 3, W. S. C. S.--Mrs. William Spencer.. Marek < f. Breakfast for Captains and Work- Sheridan to ers of Red Cross Drive--Eva's Restaurant. March 7 Home .Bureau--Mrs. Eva Eppel. Riverview Camp. R. N4. A.--Thirty- Tech. Sgt.,Donald DeL're of Warren] 111., brother of Mrs. James Powers has bee * v;sitin<r his sister third Anniversary Dinner. He has just returned . • ' , March 9-10 few miles from the White House we u included the name of Second Lieuhave all the White House officials tenant Edith D. Ahlgren. formerly of and high ranking officers. Hence, we the Woodstock Public hospital. This had the pleasure of havng the presi- medal was presented for "meritorious dent of the United States visiting on achievement while participating in an our deck as well as a patient as you aerial flight." This medal is most may have read. usually awarded to members of the My work is very interesting but j nurses corps who have been assigned PriHnv" Feb'7i" 1944 "of ' keeps me very busy. Thanks again.! to the army air forces. h riaay, reu ii. xw, , ENSIGN ELSIE C. REGNER, 5 Bethesda, Maryland, i MARRIED IN M'HENRY Mrs. Marie A. Deme of McHenry and Nicholas Hasler of Chicago were united in marriage hy Justice of the FRANK TONYAN, WELL KNOWN IN COMMUNITY, DIES Friends and relatives ln this vicinity were saddened to learn of the | death on Frank Tonyan. who passed away at the Marseilles Rest Home near WaUkegan. Both Mr. Tonyan and his wife, that her son, Staff Sergeant Ben Sted- Orleans, is spending a short leave; from three years spent in Alnsk'a and Examinations For Teachers* Certifi- 1*1 An. is mifiRinp nrtinn oc nf Tan J t ^ « A..2 J ill A 1_ ^ Elizabeth, had been at the home for Lieut. Eleanor Althoff the past three years. [ Broadcasts From Denver j p^; Alb^rT Krause on Sunday. man. is missing in action as of Jan. leaving on Friday tO'return to LOuisi- the Aleutian Islands." ^J0, 1P44. He had been on a mission ana_ ' , •over Berlin on that date and had ; -- failed to return. Sgt, A; J. Gantner has1 recently Sgt. Stedman enlisted in the R. C. been sent across, his address4 how be- A 'ire® as,) jng pjew York. In care of the pest- England thirteen months. He was ,a master Mrs. Gantner and daughter. Surviving besides two sons. Arthur "f his T -J, wife Hluff are Corp. Edward Wiser has arrived in San Francisco after spending two. years in the South Pacific. . New servicemen added to our mail-' .gunner in the air corps. The missing Joann, ire now residing with his lag "list this. week incline Earl t~. Wyouth. who resided in Woodstock for family ,in_Spring Grove, Dowell of Camp" Grant. 111.: Jack --- „ Segel of Fort Knox. Ky.: and Walter of n« M. Smith of .Camp Abbot, Oregon marv y<- serving, Robert of the marines and Loring of the army. Mrs. Stedman kas been employed as cook at the ^Woodstock hospital for many years. Norbert Mauch, Field, Ga., sptnt a few days furlough last week visiting fricn.is in. McHenry. Henry Heuser is Bremerton, Wash. cates. v March 10 » Mothers Club! v March 17 Public Card Party--Sponsojjjd by Altar and Rosary Sodality. April 20 . t Birthday Tea--Community Methodist'of North Chicago; a brother, William, Church Hall. J * a half sister, Mrs. Henry Tonyan; a - ' half brother, Lewis; and three grand- CARD OF THANKS children. v I wish in this manner to thank all j Funeral services were held on MonnoW, serving- at of my friends who sent me cards and j day morning at St. Peter's church, ... wishes for s speedy ^recovery during' Spring Grove, Her many friends in this commun- Raymond. stationed with the navy in Jty wjH be interested to learn that San Francisco; one daughter, Mrs. Lieut. Eleanor Althoff, who is at Mildred Marshall of Libertyville; four Fitzsimmons General hospital. Densisters. Mrs. Charles Suhling, Mrs. Ver, Colo., has spoken over radio sta-~ Anna Bauer and Mrs. Henry Dowe of, tion KOA, Denver, several times in Waukegan and1 Mrs. John Kretchmer recent weeks. Lieut. Althoff is again - SOTICE Vehicle licenses are now <hie. 39 i ll'Y M'MKNRY. scheduled to talk this Thursdaiy evening Feb. 17 at 6:45 p.m. over that station. On these broadcasts she tells of her experiences in. Africagjp the interest of nurse recruiting. RESIDENCE CHANGES The Nick B. Freund family has •loved from the old Terwilliger farm |jn Bull valley to the.Ann Frisby hom« •n John street. » Richard Freund has been trans- | Sgt. Raymond Newman, formerly f|rred from Great Lakes to St. Simcm of Flushing. New York, spent a five- Island; Ga.; Corp. Eugene J. \TUer day furlough visiting relatives h,ere has recently left the States; Eugene last week. Upon returning to active J. Justen ha% been transferred from dnty Saturday, he reported to Fort Smyrna, Tenn., to Salt Lake City, j Totten, New York. . • : my recent stay in. the sanitarium. I appreciate^ their thoughtfulness with ! church cemetery. burial in the very much. *~j 1 ANTON M. SCHMITT. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. NOTICE Tte quarterly dues of the Blue Cross Hospitalization plan are due, payable at the office of Barl R. Wklll on or before Feb. 20. Lieut." Commander Eddie Peabody, with John Carter, former Metropolitan opera star, the Tune Toppers, and several other entertainers from Great Lakes, left last week on an \enter-" tainment tour of the South Pacific. ; TALK ASOeT CIRCULATION-0U11 PaofcR IS SfctN £l cSVWHtRt f Read the Want AM