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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Feb 1944, p. 6

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V: - •§§ # Wtk \ ,4;, •* ;.y*\ ^ ' W *<$* t "vz ^ _ * \r$ 4 ( f * ••:•/ ' ,\ ,V ; THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February It, 1944 1 , V--" , M . i f o l d Tales ti hUiw* Titai niM of** ef TNI> A#» FooJing Bots Bot flies are not active after the first killing frost, but the yellow nits on the hairs of a horse's legs are eggs which they have laid and from which future<vbot flies will develop. If warm .water is applied to them, they are "fooled" into ' thinking" they are in the animal's mouth or SPRING GROVE ^By Mrs. Ch*rlea Frpundl Pvt. Frank May, Jr., returned to his camp in Fargo, "N. Dakota, last week; having enjoyed a furlough at his home digestive tract and hatch out into the here. cold world to die. The water should SIXTY YEARS AGO The Ringwood school 'accompanied by their principal, Wm. Nickta, paid a visit to the McHenry school on Thursday afternoon last, E, Grilwold sold his residence in this village last week to E. Lamphere, of Wauconda, who is moving have less staying power, in this week. ; „' - * " ' ; ^ , VWe learn that a son' of N. S. Golpy be about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Tiny bots or larvae already present in the mouth and tongue and which later find their way to the stomach, must be handled in a different way, the department points out. Carbon disulfide, administered only by a trained, experienced veterinarian, is effective against bots found in the stomach. This treatment is usually given any time during the months of December, January or February. Horse« that harbor bots in the Stomach are more susceptible to colic and other digestive disturbances than those free from the parasites. They also require m6Tfe feed' and Rrtpd about 'yegrs^ 'had • tht-l"•%). "• Oetetibit'• Gh>tip**" % fall on', Satui^ay last,/ A number of queer .designations Smp ;upfln :a "ftair: leaking, his have been given animal and bird Mrs. Roy Nelson and son, Bobby, are spending several days in Chicago visiting friends. Mrs. A1 Schmeltier and Mrs. Albert Brltz enjoyed,, a matinee at the Chicago theatre on Wednesday. They also attended the Lumbermen's convention at the Sherman kotel. Mrs. E. Ehrke and daughter of Richmond were visitors in the Chester Stevens home oh Sunday. Mike Wagner of Chicago spent Sunday and Mondav in the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mrs/Frank Sanders spent the pnst week with her daughter, Mrs. ( A1 West man. and family in Woodstock. , . Friends and relatives gathered at .^'St. Peter's parish, hall Sunday aftervjjioon to help Mr. and Mrs. John Miller celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary. A supper was served and everything was done for the pleasure Kathleen Norris Says: • j f k -- ^ About Hasty Weddings in Wurtime • Ball Syndicate--WNU Features. mm/m twfmi- Ww: frofceji. groups. For instance it is:' a covey . , V' , of partridges; a nide of pheasiants; uie • _ _ » -V* q a wisp of snipe; a flight of doves or Corp. t Guynes,Pvt. Johp Overeat*- 'F^M4vgftaUows• a muster of peacocks* av Kausch and- Franklin Steyens of $3r50V heavy &-00-.herons; a building of rooks; .'.Fort Custer. M4ch.. enjoyed spending Wavy lined, $1,50; Also teofe below a Qf pome; a plump of wild- the weekend *ith Miv iwtd Mrs. Ches- Chicago.-^w^es-' : E. La,wlies. „ .. fowl. tor Stevens. - * -- . s ' . * ,, • r Mr. and 'Mrs: Alfonso Wirtz and ""Adoi-f,"v?- Easw to Can . children of McHenry visited,, in, the "h- ' , „ nA, ' Tomatoes are usually considered home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .;GiRnn©<3 corn, ft ccnts, 1*- .c&ns Jl.Ou, opg of "the cssicst of vcgGtsbl^s-to- Joseph Brown on Sunday. v f dozen clothes pin^'for 5 cents;. 25 can they have an acid juice an(j Miss Bernice Nimsgern spent the 1'bC of good' rice for $1.00;. 20 lbs. keep as weU as do most fruits, even weekend in Houghton, Mich. best 3 crowtv loose Muscatille raisins without pressure canning. Sweet Funeral services for Frank Tonyan $1.25. Perry & Owen, general iner- corri) on the other..hand, is consid- of Waukegan were held at St. Peter'w chants.- ered one of the most difficult of vege- church Monday morning. The body John J. Bishop has purchased the tables to can; but if it is handled lies at rest in the Jacob Justen Sons' Mrs. L. A. Clark house, north of the. quickly and canned in a pressure funeral home awaiting the arrival of brewery. Consideration, $1,050. ' cooker, corn keeps well. .a son, who is with the armed forces. Albert Snow has received the ap- !-- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter, pointriient of postmaster at McHenry r;u« Judy Anna, visited friends in Ghieago and will take charge of the office a! ™ on Thuraday. j Joe u alked across the floor, held his two big hands out to HM and said, "if Father hert will marry m will you take a chance with me, Julia?" Used as Blood Filter , Nylon cloth of very fine weave is , soon as he receives his.commission,,ag a fiUer in prepanng blood1 R. Bishop is mak;n<? quite ext h- ' sive. repairs and alterations on his barn'at his residence, in the east part of the villag-e. FORTY YEARS AGO Butter advanced 1% cents on the Elgin board of trade 'Monday. 243 t u b s s e l l i n g a t 26 c e n t s . , , , ^ Coasting on the hill east of the school house has been forbidden. ; plasma for transfusion into wounded Mlca Essential fighting men, and small nylon filter Of the materials used in electrical bags have been adopted for transfu- equipment, one of the most essension kits by Philadelphia General tial_is mica, long supplied mainly hospital, one of the country's largest ln(*xa. hospitals. The nylon filters have advantages over other filt<* materials in that they are inexpensive, do not Clog and are easy to clean. Milk Spots Leather spots leather and •' - State of Franklin In 1772 North Carolina offered to Not a pound of. hard coal was on c^e some 0f its western lands to sale in McHenry the first of the United States, but the inhabiweek and many persons were com- tarts 0f this area were of different pellet to borrow of their neighbors. mind and, aggrieved, determined to A car load came in later however. establish their own state. This they Jacob Diedrich and JVfiss Annie named Frankland, later Franklin, Regner were married at St. Mary's in honor of the great Philadelphia church on Tuesday morning, Feb. 16, statesman. This awoke in North Milk often leaves a white stain--sometimes a brown one. Soap and water will remove the white one, but no way of removing the brown one is known. at 9:30 o'clock. ; The Woodstock Sentinel was issued last week under the auspices of the Penny Nite society of that city. THIRTY YEARS AGO Butter was declared firm at 30 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. ' Miss Margaret McDonald has taken up her residence in one of the Web-| ster cottages on John street on the| West side.' j Paul M«yers has a gang of men; employed filling his different ice; houses about the village. j F. A. Holly, son of Mrs. Nizxaj lly and brother of postmaster J.! C. ^Holly , of this village, has an- j nounoed himself a candidate for j member of the board of education at Genoip, 111., where he now resides. Carolina a desire to regain the lands and for three years two governments tried to rule the territory. Finally North Carolina preva'led, and the governor of Franklin, John Sevier, was arrested for high treason. During his trial he escaped, but later, when pert? was restored, became a senator. In 1790 the lands were finally ceded to t' e Un te States ,ard six ! ears later becarm the stole of T~::n:r:;c. Read the Want AjM' i By KATHLEEN NORRIS T AST week I went Jo two wed- I dings. One was a golden wedding, and the other was a war wedding. The bride at the war wedding had known her man for something a little "less | than two months. But those who ' love her y.nd those who know him are not afraid that they' are making any mistake. The answer lies in the character of the two. The man is a fine, ^ : > iveep iron oean ' serious, affectionate, home-loy- Be sure your iron is clean when mother-loving person who you store it. If there are starch wears the Uniform of the United, spots on the sole plate, try removing States navy; the girl a loving, them with a cloth wrung from soap- eager generous, loyal little creasuds or a very mild scouring powder . ® such as whiting or silver polish. Fin- ture whose longing, through ish cleaning by wiping the iron with many a happy, giddy time in her a cloth wrung from clear water and dancing and house-party days, polish with a dry cloth. has been true to one ideal; a husband to love, a home, children. "Those are great words," she said to me, with tears in her smiling eyess when the exciting moment of going to the marriage license bureau arrived. She looked about with radiant approval upon the couples, old and young, black and white and brown, who were streaming into the city hall. "For better or worse, for sickness and Home Accidents ' Surveys indicate an alarming number of accidents in American homes during the past year. More than 30,000 lives were los* and nonfatal injuries totaled 4,500,000, including aproximately 120,000 which involved some permanent disability. Falls annually account for over half of all home accidents and at M44atrtKA<Krfrirfri<r«rt£rfrftt><K» "lYta'S1' Good*light'^"onS !Jl?alth' 1 ,MFAI' lhose'" >1>e told of ti» first essentials for i^me^ ftem. too, , TWENTY YEARS AGO WAR QUIZ CORNER ! WHO IS HE? (40 points) _ :Showing of nobby early spring: hate at the Adams store Saturday. 1 Some of the roads leading into this i city are again impassable at this' time. The fall of snow of this week is responsible. The Terra Cotta workmen tried to get through on Tue&dav morning, but failed to make it. - , The new grade school at Wauconda was occupied for the first time last •week. Tp{e building is a one story rtructure-54 x 72 feet and is made , iaC pressed face brick. j C. Unti. local ice cream manufacturer, is getting his fleet nit tracks ready for the opening of the spring and summer business. 1. This man was f i r s t of many kings dethroned by Axis. His name? His country? t. Who dubbed Japs' attack on Pearl Harbor an "act of infamy"? S. Flying Tigers were* (a) Detroit he added gravely. "And cherish,1' she said, laughing. "I love that word! I am going to be the cherishingest wife you ever saw!" And the-most cherished," he told Fungus Causes Smnt Corn smut is caused by a fungus which overwinters as spores (the Mack sooty powder) in the-soil or in diseased corn refuse. Certain vari- ___ eties of early sweet corn are par- 1 Wr. And when, the next day, standticularly susceptible to smut. Most ing in a glowing September garlater varieties are much less sus- den, we heard them make the solceptible. Experiments have shown emn promises, we believed them, that smut boils can be consumed by Golden Wedding Hilarious Event, cattle in large amounts with no ill <j>he golden wedding was an altoenects. In some regions, the young gether more hilafious affair, as a boils are even eaten by golden weddir.g has a right to be. Sons were there, a daughter, the 1 " * sons' wives, the daughter's husband, nine grandchildren and approximately 50 uncles, aunts, cousins and collaterals. Also a great-grandchild smut humans- Brazilian Employment Brazil's wartime industrial expan- , . . . T T „ . . . . s i o h i s e v i d e n t i n o f f i c i a l s t a t i s t i c s , --~ „ baseball team, (b) U. S. pilots in 8j1QW-ng 73 000 factories and work- • named Julia for her great-grand- England, (c) U. S. pilots in China. • g^opg operating at the end of 1942 j mother, aged five weeks old. There 4. True or false: First big Nazi use compared with 64,000 at the end of Moek Canned Grapefruit In Britain's "austerity" food pot. gram a recipe is offered for making "Mock Canned Grapefruit" out Of squash. of airborne troope was in Tunisia ANSWERS Count* {^Station one, 40; reft, tt Mck. Score: 1M, perfect; 80, food; M, lair. 1. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. -X. Secretary of State Hull. S. U. S. pilots In China. 4. False: Crete Invasion was all alrbortw. in manufacturing industries. 1940. In the same period, industrial workers increased to 956,000 from 825,000 at the close of 1940. Despite this development of industry, the overwhelming proportion of Brazilian employment remains in agricultural, stock breeding and rural industries. Employment in these lines at the end of 1942 totaled 8,860,000, nearly nine times the total employed PEEVE THEBE MKT PcANEAm! WAV Of SPREAPlNG ASHES r m 'FOR RICHER OR ' • POORER' Character is the answer to the question of whether or not to enter into a hasty wartime marriage. Here is the story of a couple who spent 50 ideal years together, yet they had never seen each other until 15 minutes before their marriage! Girls today must realize that their soldiers will return changed--some for the better, some for the worse. Bills, a small income, and sacrifices of the early days of marriage are a sharp contrast to the light-hearted days of honeymooning. But strong character's can make these very difficulties a strengthening influence. I were a great many kisses, much : blarney, bursts of laughter, attemptj ed silencing of children, running up j and down stairs. i Ma wore a plum-colored silk and | a real Irish lace collar, but these ; didn't prevent her rushing into the ; kitchen to see to the turkey-roastj ing, or dashing upstairs to bubble I little Julia after her two-o'clock bot- | tie. | Ma and Dad got-many presents; Dad has served the city of Brooklyn faithfully as a fireman for almost half-a-century; his friends came in during the day to add their congratulations to the general uproar, and the heap of golden presents grew really formidable as the hours went on. Golden-rod and golden chrysanthemums, orange cakes, gold cakes, two gold watches, two gold chains, gold-rimmed plates from the grandchildren, gold-framed photographs, gold platters and boxes; the gold river flowed on the night. "Where did I meet Joe?" Ma said to me, when Julia, bottled and bubbled, had fallen asleep on her experienced shoulder, and we had a quiet moment together upstairs. "Well, there was a time when I wouldn't have told you, but now I'll tell you how it was. My cousin Anna was going to marry Joe, and she was playing fast and loose, she would and she wouldn't. I'd never seen Joe, I was to meet him at my grandfather's house in Cork the night of the wedding. I was 17. "Well, we all got to the house, and no Anna; ^he priest was there, AMOctated Nrwiptrm VSNL' Feature! Seeks New Foods Unlike the lower animals, mwn gets his pleasure out of eatjng not only through the satisfaction of hunger but also by constantly seeking out new foods and new ways of preparing food. •1;'/: * .t .• CHATTfiRER DECIDES TO LIVE mm. 1 A T FJRST, Chatterer the Red Squirrel decided that he would rather die than live in a prison, no matter how nice that prison might be. It was a very foolish thing to do, but he made up his mind that he just wouldn't eat. He wouldn't touch that nice yellow corn Farmed Brown's Boy had put in his prison for him. He would starve himself to death. Yes, sir, he w<puld starve himself to death. So, when he found that there was no way to get out of his prison, he curled up in the little hollow stump where no one could see him and made up his mind that he would stay there until he died. Life wasn't worth living if he had to spend all the rest of his days in a prison. He wouldn't even make himself comfortable. There w3s a little heap of nice shavings and bit# of rag for him to make a nice com-, fortable bed, but he didn't touci" them. No, sir, he just tried to h i m s e l f m i s e r a b l e : ; i - ' Not once that long day did he pok< so much as the tip of his rios^ ou* of his little round doorway. Ever' so many times Farmer Brown's Boy came to see him- and whistled and called softly to him, but Chatterer didn't'make a sound. At last, n;ght came and the woodshed where his prison was grew-^arker and darker and very still. Now, it was about this time that Chatterer's stomach began to make itself felt. Chatterer tried not to notice it, but his stomach would be noticed and Chatterer couldn't help himself t-Iis stomrr DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- r '• 120 Green Street hone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday, ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.m. Other hours by appointment. w Office Hoars--Daily Except Thure. 10 to 12, 1:30 to 4:30, Mon., We«L, Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hours by 'Appointment H. S. VAN DENBURGH, DC., PhC Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry TEL. WONDER LAKE 158 < | DR, 0. L WATKXNS/ Dentist 'O-'V.. ; .- Office Hours - ' ' 1 Tuesday ft Saturdays: 9 a.iin fti5&.•!. • Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point . Wonder Lake, III DR. H. S. FIKE r „ ..Veterinarian.' " Richmond Rosd . Phone 31 McHENRY, ILL. farmer Brown's Bey whistled softly to him. and the family and friends, and there stood Joe, sailing that week for America--and no Anna. And the last minute, when we were all as nervous as witches, didn't Anna's father stand up and say that to his shagne he'd have to tell us that Ar.7i.ix hafi packed down, she wouldn't marry anyone and go away from Ireland and her mother--that she wouldn't, not for ten Joe Moores. * Substitute Bride. "Well, I began to cry. And when the priest spoke sharply to me and asked me why I would be crying, I spoke up--the little shy thing that I was!--and said that Joe looked like a good man and a kind one and it was a pity a girl like Anna would miss him! And at that Joe walked across the floor, held his two big hands out to me and said, 'If Father here will marry us will you take a chance with me, Julia?' and the priest said to my mother, 'though she looked for 20 years she'd do no better.' And Joe and I sailed away that week with everyone's blessing, and me asking him on the ship did he take milk in his tea Or didn't he! "And a good man he's been to me," ended the bride of half-a-century, tears again in her smiling eyes. "No woman ever had a better! But I'd never laid eyes on him until 15 minutes before I married him." These two true stories are In answer to the thousands of anxious mothers and wives who write me about the flood of wartime weddings that are engulfing the country. My general advice to the girls is not to marry just before the hardly-known groom sails away for foreign service. I've even warned them against engagements, for the man who comes back from Kiska or Guadalcanal or Naples isn't going to be the man who went away, or rather, isn't going to be what she thought he was. He may be nicer, he may be not so nice. Whatever |he is, he'll be different from your memory of him. All the time he's gone you'll be imagining him. Youll naturally build him up into something superhuman. When the other girls ask if he's handsome, generous; amusing, smart, your answer will of course be a dreamy ecstatic "Yes." Certainly he was handsome in his new uniform; of course he was generous on that hurried three-day hon», eymoon. He must be smart, because he was offered a really fine job when he graduated from college, only of course, being drafted, he couldn't accept it. Troubles Ahead in Marriage. But when he domes back it won't, be honeymoon. Your first budget may be $20 a week. Bills, uncertainties, and.economies may complicate ycur first year together. Ari you willing to face that courage ously? ach was empty and it kept telling him so. "I'm going to starve to death," said Chatterer to himself over and over. "I'm empty and there is plenty of food to All me up, if you'll only stop being silly," whispered his stomach. The more Chatterer tried not to think of how good something to eat would taste the more he did think of it. It made him restless and uneasy. He, twisted and squirmed and turned. At last, he decided that he would have one more look to see if he couldn't find some way to get out of his prison. He poked his head out of the little round doorway. All was still and dark. He listened, but not a sound could be heard. Then He softly crept out and hurriedly examined all the inside of his prison once more. It was of no use! There wasn't a single place where he could use his sharp teeth. "There's that little pile of corn waiting for me," whispered his stomach. "I'll never touch itt*' Mid Chatterer fiercely. Just then he hit something with his foot and it rolled. He picked it up and then put it down again. It was a nut, a plump hickory nut. Two or t h r e e t i m e s he p i c k e d i t . u p and put it down, and each time it was harder than befcre to put it down. "I-I-I'd like to taste one more nut before I starve to death," muttered Chatterer, and almost without knowing it he began to gnaw the hard shell. When that r^ut was finished he found another, 'and when that was gone still another. Then he just had to taste a grain of corn. The first thing Chatterer knew the nuts and corn were all gone and his stomach was full. Somehow he felt ever so much better. He didn't feel like starving to death. "I-I believe I'll wait a bit and see what happens," said he to himself. "And while I'm waiting I might as well be comfortable." With that he began to carry the shavings and rags into the hollow stump, and soon he had as comfortable a bed as ever he had slept .on. Chatterer had decided to live. McHENRY FLORAL 00. -- Phone 608-R-l t-; One Mile South of McHenry on Route 31. Flowers for all occa^jpns! Phone 43 Vernon J. Knox ATIORNEY AT LAW * -- OFFICE HOURS - Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry . - - JIKautr A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHER Portraitare - Commercial • Photography • Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying • Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILL. FIRE AUTO INSURANCE R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When jron need inanranee of any ktn* Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Telephone No. 300 Stoffel ft Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Horses Wanted 1 B U Y Old and Disabled.Horses. Pay from $5 to $14 ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 844 439 E. Calhowt SC Woodstock, IlLt Lettuce Leaves . Though the inside leaves of lettuce may look prettier, the outer leaves •have greater mineral content find should be included in the salad. Soybean Output Up Since 1937, production of soybeans, has increased from about 46 million bushels to an estimated 200 million in 1943. Just since 1941, production has about doubled, and 1944 goals call for a further increase rta acreage. ^ Passport of Ninth Century Sole yman the Merchant, Arabian traveler of the Ninth century, records that it was necessary to have passports to travel in China. * INNOCENT BYSTANDER . Tommy--Mom, is it wrong to tie tin cans to dogs' tails? Mother--Very wrong. I hope you never do such a thing. Tommy--No, mom, all I did was hold the dog. A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking. HydravKe and Crane Serriee. --Road Building-- Tel 234 M McHenry, 111 S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ©w Experience is at Your Serriee in Building Your Wants. Phone 56-W McHenry TOUGH RATION Customer--This is a very small Steak you gave me. Butcher--I know it but it'll take you a long time to eat it. Marines Guard Canal Marine corps detachments at Balboa and Coco Solo, at the Pacific and Atlantic termini of the Panama canal, respectively, are guarding a project that shortens the water distance from San Franciaco to New York by 7,873 miles. Self Sufficient Marines have always been self sufficient. Early marine recruiting posters read "each applicant must have a good firearm, cartridge box and blanket." Phone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and U>t Fillirg . . Black Dirt... . Powei leveling and Grading. . J. E. NETT Tohnsburg P. O.--McHenry High Recovery ! Official figures compiled bf the | war rand navy departments show that the death rate from wounds from Pearl Harbor until March 31 of this year was only 3.1 per cent; | in the l^st war the rate was 7.6 { per cent. i WANTED TO BUY We pay $5 to $15 for Old or In- Horses or Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsbure 659-.I-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES & CATTLE phone charges. V y.J i) O o 7 ' • v D i) QO

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