/ravtKi* m MoHZMBT PLAIKDEALXB * • S *)? • ' * ' , : n "Wv" ; ^ i>; •"IK <*•' fx .v,.;. - 15 ,;W Monday, March 30, 1944 •' •• MISSING NAVIGATOR r;„ .< Bake Sale In .•.--.',< j as guest nights for 1944: AH Mem- Pries iBuilding - I bers' night, April 10; Worthy Ma- Circle 3, W. S. C. S., is sponsoring j trons' and Worthy Patrons' night, a hake sale, to lie; held at the Pries! May 25; Friends' night, June 26; "Market on Green street on Saturday, Past Officers' night, July 24; Ad- April 1, beginning at 10 a.m. vance night, Sept. 11. All Members Niirht April 10 >1.:. The last meeting of the local chapter, 0. E. S., wm held in the Masonic hall on Monday evening of this week. Following the business meeting. a social hour was enjoyed. Plans Mrs. Anderson on were made for All M)6rob«rs' , Bight, { Thursday evening Mrs. Paul Karls Guest At Shower Mrs. Waltef Anderson and Mrs. Nick Adams were co-hostesses at a personal shower given in honor of Mrs. Paul Karls at the home of John street last Cards and other to be held oil April 10. • ' * « .»-\:i, Announce KnRaRement:' Of Betty Jean Edstrom/ games furnished entertainment | throughout the evaping, at the close | of which a delici0*t$ lunch was served. In attendance were Mrs. L. B. Mur- ALFREJ> KLEINRATH LOCAL BOY RECENT WINNER IN SEARCH FOR SCIENCE TALENT As one of 179 boy-winners of honorable mention in the Westinghouse nationwide science talent search, Rudolph Eugene Johnson, McHenry, has now been invited to compete for a group of $200 to $1,600 Hamilton college scholarships. The stipend representing a major portion of Hamilton's normal tuition fee will be made available either directly on completion of high school or on discharge from military service after -the war. Located* at Clinton, N. Y., Hamil GOVERNOR GREEN '•^&PPKAL8 FOR AID A . IN PAPER DRIVE Much Iim been said about the importance of the various drives which have been constantly taking place since the beginning of the war. However, none can deny that the demand for waste paper is among the most important needs of the day. For this Reason all citizens are asked to heed the following appeal from Governor Green: • , s "To the people of Illinois: 'As the war goes on, militaryuses of paper and paper products are expanding. The demand for waste ton, one of the country's oldest small i paper is steady and urgent, colleges, numbers among its graduates i "Many Illinois cbnimunities are all Elihu Root, Charles Dudley Warner,; ready taking part in the national Vice-President Sherman, and Alexan- campaign for waste paper, yet much der Woollcott. * * still remains to be done. As governor and as chairman of the Illinois War Council, I urge all our citizens to help in this timely effort. Once NUPTIAL CEREMONY UNITES MISS DORIS • THOMAS, WALTER LOW UNTIMELY DEATH - OF fLOYD COVALT MOURNED IN CITY (Continued from page one) his love for gardening and his ever willingness to help his family, made his days complete even in retirement. He was the grandson of Henry Thelen, a pioneer settler in Johnsburg,, and the son of John and Mary Ann Thelen. His mother passed CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to ex press our thanks for the many kind# nesses of friends and neighbors dur ing our recent bereavement. W«; are especially grateful for floral offerings, donations of cars, cards of sympathy, and for the-services of the * lodge members. THE COVALT FAMILY. • f •' ' NOTICE Next Sunday the Altar and Rosary' away only two years ago, at the age j sodality of St. Patrick's church will 91. * j receive Holy Communion" in a body. Survivors include his wife, Chris- j There will be no April meeting of the tine; three children, John, Bernard sodality. and Mrs. John N. (Rose) Schmitt,! •tT"' of Frank Gende, Mrs.. Robert -w,™ two Mr. and„ Mrs. Arthui Edstrom of . T^Wnv . Mol«olr that Lieut- Alfred Kleinrath of Crys the need for waste paper is fully •understood, the response should be open-handed and unanimous. : - *he local Community Methodist' • "We have do"e many harder things; Menr, LeRoy Melsek, church was the scene of a very Jove- > rnic nsoufrrre/i fwirte shall not br e" ...l ac> *k ing in ,.i. ~ Henry, and Mr. Walter E. Low, soft peditioji over France on February 28. of Mrs V{ola Low of Ringwood, were i fort?essA the united in marriage. Rev. Mack 1 • t vmlnop «vrs*Hiln frnm tha Pvuc. n, n --. . , , ; Powell officiated; at the 2 o clock 1 j Twins Celebrate •r':* •*'. /:-j Birthdavv Together Plans are in progress forja dinner,, peter Adams. of Richmond and his ' ~----v to be held on Thursday, April 13, at | sister, Margaret Hafner ofj the Riversjde hotel and to be attend-; Cleveland 0hio observed their an-j I ||T* f-11 l-flTI II fl ed by present, members of the \ oung , njVersary together in Richmond. ' It j IM I fKr \ I IN Ik P e o p l e s ' A t h l e t i c c l u b a n d h u s b a n d s ; ^ a s t h e f i r s t b i r t h d a y a n n i v e r s a r y • « * L I I H J I l l v v and wives of •members. Those Plan-1 they had been together in forty-five nirlg to attend are asked to inform;^ years. Both are well known in the the secretary. Helen Ivnox, not latei McHenry community. than Saturday. April 1. This will be•! ' * » • V the last" meeting of the group this Home Bureau With all of Johnsburg; one brother, Martin of Jlound Lake; fobr sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Schmitt of Johnsburg, Mrs. Joe Kattner and Mrs. Frank Wagner of Spring Grove, and Mrs. Fred De- Thorne of Waukegan. The body rested at the Thelen home until Wednesday morning at 9:30, when services were held at St. John's church, burial beinjj».;|li, the church cemetery. Louis Ljungberg . Louis Ljungberg, a resident of Mineral Springs, McHenry, for many! years, died in Chicago last Friday, • March 24. 1944. His Chicago hoMe was at 4401 No. Kedzie avenue. Survivors include four sons, , Gustav, Earl, Edwin and Clyde; one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hendricks; and three MARRIAGE LICENSSt Walter E. Low, Ringwood, Hi., to Doris D. Thomas, McHenry, III. * : RESIDENCE CHANGES Mrs. G. Baumann, who> residing near the Golf- Mr. and have blfen a , course, have moyed to an apartment ' in the rear of Coleman's tavern on Riverside Drive. ^ = :;?i r- ; ceremony. v V" j Preceding thr e c•e' rvem oniyt., Bio b» >P e^te ri - , emerge from its son sang 'M Love You Truly. Fol-i „ro , • „ ..A strains of the r a senes of swift government ' decisions--including an order CHANGES DRAFT STATUS FOR , MANY DEFERRED MEN| brothers, Fretl, Holgar and Dagmar | Christensen. His wife, Marie, pre- The manpower ccrriissiiss began to ce<^ed him iri death. muddled state this Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 2 p. m., from the funeral home at 3301 Fullerton winter. • * * l^siness littdl <*TOfessional Meeting To Be Held April 17 The next meeting of the McHenry Cou'nt v Business and Professional lowing this, to the wedding march, played by Miss Bon- for jmmedjate pre-induction physicals j avertue' with .interment in Ridgewood nie Page, the lovely bride proceded . A „ , , , cempterv up the aisle on the arm of her ffr a" 'nd^naHy-deferred men un- y'______ father, who gave her away. The er designed to supply younger! r xj . young couple were married in a,ij^en ,?r e arm®^ forces without! Newspapers throughout the nation double rjn„ ceremony. ' disrupting war production. last week carried the news,that Ala- ' A new program has been set up Andrew P. Reb'ori of Barrineton1 , y. were _atte.ndedj»y Alice Mae uh(]er which all industrial draft dejr/ fom,<'who served 0c It Y»9fs$lf-at Mm* CkamlM PERMANENT WAVE KIT r Complete with curlers, , eh am poo and wave set. It s easy to do and safe for every type of hair. For amazing results--be sure to for Cbarm-Kurl. Over 6 million sold. THOMAS P. BULGER 59> ie-* NEARBY NEWS Mrs. W. B. Harrison The Ringwood unit of the Home jor Andrew P. Rebori of Barrington; w ^nm-wnn ,PrvPn . Bureau will meet at the home of • was ^ne of th®. leaders; of the Ameri-; ' birdesmaid and'Dave Raemaker ffmentS °!, T" under 26 «,,c ltl, Mrs. Walter B. Harrison on April ca" f,orces whlch landed V ^hders friend of b^th bride and erooiT who t can,celled and new deferments 4, the meeting to begin at 1:30. The and ^ by transport planes i" fefm Ro e? I for ' irreplao ables" will be "rationed" major project. "Let Us Live While Ce"tral Bu™a t° establish an Thomas brothers of the bride • indu u str, J es a newly Created v . i __ air hnsp rlnco fn +Vip .Inn annnlv linoc 1 nomas, DlOtners OI tile Dri«6 committpp hparlpH h\r Mannm^r r'nw We have a large number of colored baby chicks for Easter. Come in and select yours now. Farmers Mill. Order your Rubber Stamps at The j Plaindealer. Women's club will be held on Mon-j We Work," will be given by Home a»' base close to the Jap supply lines , . .. » , . o • _ mi ^ii and hfninrl trip onpmv'a -frnnt Tn c""-1 day, April 17, at the home of Mrs. M. L. Aldridge. with Mrs. Mary End res of this city assisting: The -program will be under the direction of Mrs. E. T. Yates and Miss Minnie Bohn, the topic being "The United ^ Nations in Review." Worthy Matron Selects Guest Nights For 1944 The Worthy Matron of the O. E. S„ has selected the following nights groom, were ushers. COMING EVENTS Advisor Clara Sweeney. There will a"d behind the enemy's front. In t,r„1H was • also be a book review. This meeting J^ay> 1943, he was home on leave fol- » white $et with . . . I n u H n w n r i a t f t i n L • n f m a l o r i r ' T n W i l l t e T T C t , W i t f t The bride was attired in a gown is open to visitor?. committee headed by Manpower Commissioner Paul V. McNutt. 1 . , , The powerful inter-agency McNutt • lowing an attack of malarial In wni.ie nei; w,^n a ^ai1?' and ^er committee which the WMC chief <tes- j Special features for recreation in- ^u?ust' 1943, he was promoted to ^ ® j tfara 61 Her^bouaiwt Consisted cr^ed ^ an- "expanded war man-1 ecliuudaee aa mmuussiiccaall geriaaob boaaig?. E£.aacchn maJ•- °r by the Caribbean defense com„ -'oPf- white carnatTiTo ns baonudq usenta pcdornasgiostnesd. member and guest is asked to bring mand- Major Rebori was one of a ^ bridesmaid's floor length dress one or more article worth at least s™al> Rroup of soldier leaders who f with which she i" wlose.'1 nausiries wnic" are eligible Each 'Planned the surprise invasion of;: UfArn rv.i n, L r Q/>tn§ocn«eiJtrtaV,io cw oitnhW wzinoitcittnin Hs hae 1 for consideration under the new *p rothe change in place of the meeting. FAILS TO RETURN March 31 AiHtual Communion and Breakfast-- Christian Mothers'.and Altar" Socie- ' ty. > • April 1 Bake Sale--Pries Market--Sponsored by circle 3, W. S. C. S. Potato %r«ilad and baked beans,«» addition *6 bakery goods. . April 2 ' "1"" Orchestra Concert. ; April 4 Ringwood Home Bureau---Mrs. W. B. • Harrison. ' April 5 • St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School PsT.A. «April 6 C. D. of A.--Business Meeting. April 10 All Members Night--O. E. S. Lily Lake P. T. A.,--Election of Officers. April 13 Dinner at Riverside Hotel For ,\thletic Club Members. Group 3, W. S, C. S.--Mrs. C; W. Klontz. '•'.V;;':'At|iril 14 Club^--Mrs. Peter Justen: ten cents for the grab bag. n,acn R , j TV. wore pink accessories and carried a -ram item brought should be placed, un- Bu™a by glider and transport. The wouauet 0* jnk carnations and <?nan wrapped, in a paper bag. gliders brought in at night machinery , ^ P ® d snap The new group, composed of repre- Members are asked to remember for building hurriedly a runway for ^ _ a dark blue suit! s®,ntatives the armed services and transport planes, even an electric , ^ ore a dark blue suit ajj war production and war-supporti plant and mules. , ?nd a boutonmere of white carna- ing agencies, will decide what per- I : : v: ^ tl 1 0"S-, 7116 b.est. man T a"d U8h f e u rs were f centage of industrial deferments in , Funeral service^ were heM l«#t' ? mothers of the under-26 group must be cancelled, week in Libertyville for tTieodore! ° ^ the bride a:nd groom were dress- xheir steps will be to split this up (Dode) Swan, 61, news editor of e ln ue> W1 h white acces- amon^ au manpower-claimant agenthe Libertyville Independent Register s°".es'a wore eoi sages of pink car--c|eg an^ ^jgn deferment quotas, i for twentywtwo years, who died | na T lon.u . Temporary Relief Thursday night at the Mayo clinic; n e ®vertin^ a wedding supper ^ Until the committee has. t an opin Rochester, Minn. Swan, who left ]Tas served to seventy guests, among. pQrtunjty t6 make these deiksions-- for the clinic March 5, had been re- th<£® P^sent being Mrs. Beatty, action ig expected in a matter of ceiving blood transfusions "for several er °f, , ,e gT0°m' ancJ ^r" weeks -- Selective Service Director days prior to his death. ^ndfather of the bride, B. Hershey has provided an ^ : both of whom sat at the bridal table. interim procedure for draft.deferred David Schumacher, 6 year old »on The table wWia:ss aUtLtrLaI^ctVivveeliyy .dueec\oorraatieed" men under 26 designed to prevent in- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schumacher W!^ a three-tier wedding cake topped Auction of "indispensables." It calls with a miniature bride and groom for. and lighted candles each end ^ iramediate pre-induction physi- * I Pe^ I arl s!"aduates cals for all industrially deferred men of the McHenry high school Mrs under 26. This will have the effect Low was employed in the office of of speeding induction of those whose the Alemite at Woodstock until a, d€ferments are later canceiied and short j time a^o. The groom is en- also supply officiaIs with a yard. nital in Elgin in a crifical condition., ln, armin&1" Ringwood, Avhere ; stick as to the number of draft-de- It is believed the boy lost his balance \he couple immediately started house-! ferred younfrer men fit for fighting. when he ran around in the hayloft, Jeeping'thelr "ew re J sldence having, 2. Immediate review of all draft plunging through the chute to the m ready in advance. . deferments of men under 26 in industry and agriculture before proceeding of of Penny road, southwest of Barrington, sustained a fractured skull Wednesday morning of last week when he fell fifteen feet through a hay chute in a barn on his father's farm. He hit the concrete floor head first and was taken to the Sherman hosfloor below unconscious When picked up he was City Council Proceedings Chas. Lubin arid Mrs. Betty Haws, | With reconsideration of men in the 26 through 37 years age group. If reappreciate not only the acts of co-operation, but, even more, the friendly, helpful spirit in which our patrons are meeting the vexations of these topsy-turvy times. It's an inspiration to all of us! Again, thanks--and be sure to bring that next prescription here for . our usual careful compounding. BOLQER'S DRUGSTORE Green Street McHenry Ifstrini •nd tailored*. i LADIES SUITS <r M.B0RR *35 r Your day* will be itarred by compliments if you include thit trim tailored suit in your wardrobe this Spring. Its distinctive smartness is assured by the fact that it is skillfully tailored to your individual measurements. You'll say it's the finest suit you've ever worn -- the best "buy" you ever made. FITZGERALD'S Phone 1.9.. W**t McHcnty CHARLES SCHULTZ Mothers' Home. O. E. Si- Hall. April 15 -D„ance and Party- The City Council met" in regular j classification is warranted, it must be both residents of Chicago, sustained semi-monthly meeting with Mayor, nade without regard to existing de- : serious injuries in an automobile acci- Overton presiding. Aldermen pros- ferment termination dates. i dent wheh occurred on Highway 14 ent: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, 3. Local boards may reclassify into Staff Sgt. Charles Schultz, son of about a mile and one-half south of Regner, Tonyan. Absent: None. 2-A and 2-B men under 26 who are Mr. ancj Mrs. Charles Schultz of Harvard about noon last Wednesday Motion by Buss, seconded by rejected or classified for limited ser- : { Crystal Lake, has been missing since and * were taken to the Harvard' Freund, that the minutes Of the last vice. Under previous procedures these -Masonic he failed to return from a raid over Community hospital. The Chevrolet regular meeting be approved as read, men would be placed in 4-F or 1-LS. 'Austria on February 25. He was .coupe, driven by Mr. Lubin, was Motion carried. . f'This action was taken to assure that . ; ^ ' April 20/v then acting as a radio operator on totally wrecked whjen it sideswiped Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by, men employed in essential industry Public Card Party--Evening--Spon- a bombing plane. Sgt. Schultz was a gasoline truck and hit a culvert. , Nye, to approve request of ..McHenry will return to war work and also to sored by C. D. of A. . sent overseas in January of this year 491 American Legion for per- encourage others to transfer to es- Birthday Tea--Community Methodist . and had served in North Africa and William Woods, Jr., 32, of Wau- '"'.t to soonsor • Fourth of July carni-/sential jobs. Church Hall. .: Italy. He i/a graduate of the Crys- conda, a seaman in the navy died Va^- Motion carried. r 4. Authorization for the army and / April 21 tal Lake high school witlL the class a hospital in London and was Monthly reports of holders of ap- navy, maritime* commission, war pro- Senior Class Play. of 1939. buried near that city last week, ac-; pointive offices were received by the j duction board, office of defense trans- April 26, 27, 28 | Pictures of both Sgt. Schultz ami•'cording to a telegram received by his'.:.C°uncU* | portation, war food administration, j Rummage Sale--City Hall--Sponsor- lieut. Kleinrath are 'throughth6 'parents in Wauconda from the Amer-. Tavern operators Were, present to war shipping administration, petro- j ed By St. Mary's--St. Patrick's courtesy of the Crystal Lake Herfihl. i ican Red Cross. The telegram lack-,d,SCU8S and develop a clear under- Mum administration for war, solid' School P. T. A. --_.--• ed details, but it is believed that' staging of ordinance provisions .gov- fu,els administration and office of rub-; ^ . . -- -- C A R D O F T H A N K S . - • . d e a t h w a s d u e t o n a t u r a l c a u s e s . H e e r n i n g t h e i r b u s i n e s s . b e r d i r e c t o r t o d e s i g n a t e r e p r e s e n t a - ; „ We desire in this way to thank wa<? the first Wauconda boy to die; • Motion by Nye, seconded by Buss,' tives in each state to endorse special; friends and neighbors for donations overseas. . , ° , to adjourn. Motion carried. . j requests for deferments of key reg-; jof cars, spiritual bouquets, floral of- R" °VERTO-N, Mayor, • ; istrants under 26 engaged in nonagferi'ngs and the many other kind-. Two run-away 14-year old boys!- 'EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk, jricyitural war activities. ! Help Wanted Maintenance Man and Painter HUNTER BOAT CO.. Subscribe for the Plaindealer every point for YOU printz nesses expressed during.our bereave- from Melrose Park, were picked up ! ment. We are also grateful to Father ln Marengo last week and returned1 \Teidert. the Sisters arid the children their homes, according to Chief-offer. their prayers. . Police, Robert Carr. They w; re MR^ HENRY I THET.EN:: >j*Frank Steinke and Carl Shuppee. AND FAMILY. .The two boys were on a bus, and •J.-- had-phoned their parents from Eltrin that they were on a camping Amonir the Si^k trip." The parents called the local ' police department and Chief Cart •• • • • I ' * • > . . 1 , i "l'j-Hninn-••<) took the two boys off the . bus ]about Mrs. Maitir m-- W- , 2:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon ' Get your supply of early seed potatoes at the Farmers Ohio Mill. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. m 'May has been confined t;o her h< mt on Washington street this week because of illness. 1 Everett Hiller has been a medical patk rit at St. Therese hospital. Waukey- iii, the past \veek. .1 Airs. Nan. Goodw in of Wonder Lake 'ent'.M ed the Woodstock hospital as ,kn accident patient on Sunday. NINETY LEGIONNAIRES ATTEND MEETING IN McHENRY MARCH 23 Ninety county Legionnaires and" ; discharged servicemen from this war Mrs. Martha Page of Woodstock " gathere.d _ in the. K. o. f C. hall last Underwent surgery at the Woodstock! Thursday e*emn* r at u "'onthly ^ i >' ' • : county meeting. Each four weeks,» S the meeting is held in a different hospital Monday morning. Featured here it one of the most popular styles the new season has to offer. You'll like it for it* trim tailored smartness, for the natural, easy way it sets to your figure. You 11 like it for the extra value it represents too. YouU say it's right on every point. Come in, let uc show you. FITZGERALD'S MEN'S SHOP* W*st McH*nry . Mrs. Thomas Diedrich underwent i .. ... „ „ . an-appendectomy at St. Therese hos- 01 y> Wlth McHenry Legionnaires actpital, Waukegan, last week, r' i'™*..™ hosts about once a year. The • / i attendance last week in McHenry was*; ANN^)U\CEMENT I the largest in the past year. I desire to announce that I am a | candidate f.-r ; committeeman from the . second pre , circi: of McHenry township at the i'primary election to; be held Tuesday, April 11. Your support will be , appreciated, GERALD P. NEWMAN. 42-5 In addition to the guest speaker of Republican precinct the evening l^er Benston, fifteen mm members of the high school orchestra offtred" several patriotic numbers, with Miss Evelyn Soellner, a senior,, acting as soloist. The serivpg of a delicious lunch concluded the programi ' Get your supply of early Ohio seed potatoes at the Farmers* Mill. Asia's Population Tops Billion Asia, most populous of the continents, contains more than one fritlion people. ,) We have a large number of colored baby chicks for Easter. Come ii| and select yours now. Farmers Mill. Rivals Vang Oil Castor oil, when dehydrated, now rivals tung oil in its paint-drytag ad| waterproofing qualities. Among men who live in work clothes all day long, this label / Advert Headquarters Magazinet Lee union mot OVERALLS and other WORK GARMENTS McGEE'S Store for Men Green Street McHenry AUCTION SALE of v" at OVERTON GARAGt, McHENRY Sunday, April 2, 2 o'clock CHARLES LEONARD, AUCTIONEER 3 Bed Room Sets 2 Radios Bookcase Vacuum Cleaner Carpet Sweeper GaL Stove Dinette Set Dining Room Suite new) 8 chairs Desk Day Be<f 2 pc. Living Room Suit3 Sewing Machine Dining Room Set (Four Chairs) 2 Rockers Living Room Carpet (like new) ^ 3 Springs 3 Matresses . Several lamps 4 Large Rugs Also many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale--Cash! or bankable note. R. I. OVERTON