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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1944, p. 1

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V. .1 * * i? -r * ' If!- :*•« *.. »> ',«h • '^r v a s *% & . X* j * ' ' "»• " 1 J"." ^ ' ,;.' • ' T/^ V' ^ Jjj * ^ J * 4 ^ * * " » « W f l T 1 1 • ^ f'~\' ' ' * ",%i ' -A* ^ °"P~^' ' l*V " ' y -'•'**• «W ("t »> f Jrvr-Sf *.\jM': < < .V- *• \-£', '*•' V - ;7* f ,V <4 "®*11 * y < i> *. M v 1 i c , • , fS^ - " >•'- :"">-m " • "wt Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 No. 45 INSTRUCTOR IN RADAR UNTIMELY DEATH OF FLOYD COVALT MOURNED IN CITY Ifwo OTHERS KNOWN IN COMMUNITY DIE Even before West McHenryhad folly recovered from the shock of '•fhe sudden prissing of one well known resident, another prominent citizen was taken from theiJr midst. Little past middle age, the untimely passing, cf Floyd W. Covalt> 5$, .is ' aJunitv/ •. . ~ : ; V": v" *'v Mr. Covalt was stricken with 'a .feart attack on March 10 and was ••^Mpn'ined to a hospital until his death. At first, hopes for his recovery were fcigh. ! >ut a relapse suffered a week ifter the onset of his illness proved : ffctal last Friday morning, March 24, ?j®44. . "'.-It is doubtful' if any passing in McHenry in recent years has been the occasion for more genuine sorrow as was felt when news of .his /death became known. Too few possess the personality which was his, TAX INCREASE IS NO APRIL KOSTIS ANNOUNCE iMTII DflADnO OPENING OF NEW DU I H DUAHUO BUSINESS APRIL l! SERVES IN INDIA MARCH CALLS On April 1 a new business will open in ffcHenry in the former Popp building in West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kosti have purchased the ^1 : , building, located on Main street, and1 ££:^ 'SK FR0M VICINITY TO , LUXURIES ; .Ushment next Saturday. , DON UNIFORMS --:--t'. •" • • Although their enternrise is-, new j;'"v'- - •• • ( IttflHons *> McHenry folks, the Kostis are oldJ Ih charee of John MumW« WfcJ among them many McHenry" resj- timers as far as this particular busi- ' served as lieutertaht in the reserve -j dents, hope that_ the new federalizes* is concerned, Mr. Kosti diaving• militia, at Woodstock f6r three years revenue act will be merely an April operated asinnliar shop m Chicago tmnt.. W.n i * j root joke, they will no W And for the past .wenty-flve „avs. . - the hew tax. a reality next Saturday, The Kosti family have been resid- H,«=P « W i.ft " ; ' April 1. The new- act will increase ihg at McCullom Lake fqr the past Woodstock ' " " " j taxes on many small luxuries,, with eight years and during that time HAROLD'FWfLLE' ' V; I ' : next month's telephoiTe bill also in "have, made many friends who will be Marengo ^ I line for a r$ise. The increases in happy to hear that they intend to RICHIE R SPEARS • i [ general are between "25 to 100 per make McHenry their permanent home.' EDMUND ft CiOF:TZ " ! j cent, but the increase in the cabaretThey have one son, George, who at- fillWRT r rpnirirtfo (Photo by Wwwiok) | (ax jg 500 per cent. • tends the McHenrv high school. NORBERT MAUCP ' Som« of tl,e more common in-' : I Among several McHenry soldiers ureases are shown below, the figure MRS. C. W. GOODELL doing a splendid job in the signal ^ reyenue tax now charged^ VICE-PRESIDENT T. B. corps is'*Norbert Mauch, who hails ar|d the second figure the revenue tax flftTT'N'TV A<s?!nPTATTnw from Rib Lake, Wis. Norbert came that becomes effective with the first, AOOUtiAliUW to McHenry An 1940 and for two ^ April month. . . . j M „ . , ye^rs was employed as architect for For instance, admiuioiiifeiY. -.'••'•ll-l" ^ C enry ou"^ Jt^iberculosis the Alexander Lumber Company, theaters, ball games and other enter- ^q80^18*!011 !?5. T urS(^a^1 Mar^h During that time he made many taipfnent for which a federal tax of 1 " ? cou"^ nurse. . friends who hope for his return to cent for each 10 cents or fraction l jeSen-,R ,ves Chemung, HC>FANT M. SWAN'SON our city following the war. thereof, will be doubled by charging ,t'C. m0n u' ty' ^ nd' Coral, Hebron ! Sgt. Mauch entered army service 1 cent for each five cents or major n e r°.n' Jf. enr^' Greenwood and KEITH M. RANKINS on July 6, 1942. and took his basic fraction thereof. ; Don-townships present. • -- . WAYNE,NOGARD : training at Camp Crowder, Mo. From 'there he was sent to Kansas City? Mo., where he studied at a civilian Alden HARRY A. UNDOW McHenry FREDERICH L. HUEMANN ' HAROLD B. SMITH GORDON J. SCIIMITT Harvard JOHN W. MUMFORD RALPH O. WENDLING RUSSELL J. SCHULTZ NEGRO OCTET TO SING HERE < NEXT SUNDAY GUESTS ON CONCERT OF A V " APRIL r * •*&&. ' ' wfib'«vattehded the recent ' high school band Concert will now * "'. . have to find their tickets for use ' . next' Sunday evening, Ap^il 2, when"* the orchestra, will take its: turn to. •;» entertain. The program .will begin. as usual, at 8:15 p.m., and this time. there will be no reserved seats. Those .« •. who did not attend the band con- ' : cert may purchase tickets at the / iloor, but those who retained "heir tickets February 20 will be admitted OPhoto by Worwl<&) j by presenting them Sunday night. v PFG; ^ARREN JONES | Admission tickets, •w'hich will be . ^v Another of our «M cTHJ enry vb oys tt ofif;ty cents, will not be sold at the door untn g m Thp " of arrive overseas amonp the many this ruling was made after the guest ; our in ^eks artists were obtair,ed. Resizing n is_ Pfc. Warren Jones son of \aughn that there wiU> in all probabilitv> fce j Jones of this city. Warren entered service on April 7, 1943. and after basic training at Clearwater. Fla.. a large crowd in attendance, those in charge felt that the only fair way of conducting the seating prob- I radio school. A member ofvthe sig-j per cent--to 20 per cent of charge. Dr.1 James F Harris second" vice' A7PRPn^F"In MAML<Mti»: r-u- ®I.ter. t,le nrst 01 the year. His which has been planned will be a n.I corps, he wa^ sent to Camp Mur- Sale, of tickets, outside box tfTice, president; Mri. L. W Btan£ secre! c«^ ALLMAN, JR., ;<3li- fnends and reiati^. were fearful ,™at. for who is there phy, Florida in October of 1942, and n ' L> XT T . . _____ when news came in February of the amon» those whn Hk» MMIR that . , , The following officers were clected Richmond . crease i*° serve ^ the ensuing year: Dr. ROLAND E. WILSON Other increases are: Henry W. Sandeen, president; Mrs. Other Places Use or lease of boxes or seats, 11 C. W. Goodell, first vice-president; JAMES M. WOLF. Chicagb. came back to Illinois and crac uatel t„„, XL U 1 J .; from sheet me*ta l1 schu oc1l a*t Chanu»t. e .I em w4a.s1 4t.o give ,t hosej -who already !I nri.-e ld. th1 i• s , ,h e was sen.t have tickets, pu,,,r,c has,e d in Februar/y , 'to Camp Scymoutr Johnson, N, Caro- u,vp tl- fLf ' j h ore, .ose w o lina, whew -te triined «0to»«ie.s hlU' "cR,S a"d *> n<* *"h ,0 *• duty. .disappointed are urged to be in , attendance before 8 p. nr. r Pfc. Jones left the States soon' For musical lovers the ' after the first of the year. His program there entered radar school. For the r "1"' « U. ""S",'"- Mi'» past few months he has been at ,1?;^ P" C ,~'° 30 S,0™ to"' Mrs' Ethel ,C™ /"d iR5 oub-i ns IF?i-e lud , Gr* a u i* j * P^r cent or charge. ? Mrs. Flovd Mason were elected to M where he is doing n„K n ^ ha .J*. ^ ct«rvtcu w ddrjaatfttiinnge wwoorikk ftooir tthhee lraaddaarr sscchhooooll, ooff (.gHct,;u b du®s' 11 Per 20 per, Serve on the executive committee of charge. ^ - ! with the officers. which he » a faculty member. While initiation fee8) 1! per Cent-to 20 ? Mrs. Binna reported a gross seal little can be told by those who are working with radar, we do know that it is one of the newest imp©r£**ft branches today. This fact, combined with the per cent of charge. T PA T uiTTKr'7 IO N TW • -- •• - - among those who like music that , ' Flames, sinking of one of our troop ships does nof thrfll to the lovelv melodv GLENN L. CARLSON, Wiaukegan. carrying thousands of our bovs^ for 0f '-The Skater's Waltz" and Strauss' ROBERT W.ANDERSON, Chicago, they had not received word from "LtM's L fe- or^ the haimt^ ALBERT W. BELL, Lake Geneva, w.'rren in six weeks. However, the spins"of tt Jl.t' Lst from "l,s' . ; latter part'oft February they received , «.t,O Gioconda'" ALBERT E. FRANZ, Chicago. i a cablegram that he had arrived1 'StJfP re <io icnow tnat » , . • sale total of $5,621.05. The receipts Thirteen more from McHenry i g&felv in India where he i«s an en-1 a * *W Jwweesstt aanndd mmoosstt , Jc"elry (eXCept Watches I°>e Woodstock.: county left last Friday morning for ,S«Ul"t in the. air fo ™e T "T? •<JT for not mQre than ^65 flnd aU $1,980.23; Harvard, $796.83; Marengo induction into the navv Thi^ Jroun *}neenn* sPecia»st in the. air torce. officer at Great Lakes. flstaMne that Richmond $167.90; Sm?li ""XH "i^ "SS *•'Y"^L On Tuesday of this week a letter knowledge that Uncle Sam uses onlv ^ ^ on which ait,cles remains «c towns, $321.25; Huntley, $197:35; He^, Vicing" incl^dedT^ft "from"'B(^rd S^wherTheT, now^tet T*' " -°f ^ V°S knowledge that Uncle bam uses on y 10 cent) 1Q cent--to 20 per bron. $176.65; McHenry, 1333.16: 2 Thev had all nreviouslv nasserl ™L t stationed. After the naval training station, had been for such work, should t f uil ^ H i Crvstal Lake rm 4V Fnv i J pfevi.0u,y passe(l many weeks of existing on a most Rranted. Manv local folks have no make Mr. and Mrs. John Mauch of , ® . ,-v . . ^ ' "J'^ 45' *ox R,vrt their pre-induction physical examma- >,,,mhlp Hi»t hp writes r FLOYD E. COVALT \ one which made fast friendships of meet in s which proved mere acquaintanceships for others. Floyd Emmet Covalt was born on ; July II, 1884, in Crystal Lake, the *on of Floyd W. and Harriet Covalt. His childhood was spent in that city, Where he received his education. On March 20, 1907, he was united in Wiarriage with Miss Carrie Himler, •who had only a short time before ^established residence in Crystal Lake, moving there from Chicago. On Feb. 1, 1909, the couple moved to McHenry, where Mr. Covalt took over the management of the Wilbur Lumber Company. He continued in that position until 1920, when, ambitious to progress, he started his own business, to become known through the past twenty-four years as the McHenry Lumber Company. The success of this business, which has continued to' thrive through the •almost quarter century of ks existence, has been possible because of the fceen business sense of the owner, combined with a personality which Could not help but make him popular with all with whom he came in contact. To his Employees he was a friend first, an employer second, And next" to his family his loyal staff must surely have felt his loss most "keenly. . Survtvors his finest men Rib Lake very proud ^thei^Mm ^ reS^ice^ eent--'of & R Car.y« *165-50; Algonquin*; tion and were inducted m Friday. Alwavs fond of music while in ^ . P *239.12. Received from other sources. Board Oral McHenry Norbert was 'an active jpercentmember of the civic choral club. At to 20 per cent of retail price. age paid to the state .association, MELV1N G. SWEET. u u i » . D , . c. Passenger transportation, 10 per . were $1,754.51 leaving a net income Marengo dier chorus a-nJdi8 t*hu°e„ •Wnra-rlnJeLr1 iRLowbisn-sI ' cent--to 15 per cent of charge. ; ^for the McHenry county association FELIX Ai MACK Syipphonic chorus. Seats and berths, 10 per cent--to of $3,866.54. MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE '15 per cent of charge. j . Electric light bulbs and tubes. 5 j MKflTfc CUMMINCJS, 'per cent--to 20 per cent of manufacturer's price. Long distance telephone calls for1 which the charge is more than 24 . cents, 20 per cent--to 25 per cent of I FORMER HEAD OF CHARITIES, DIES JOHN R. LONDON RALPH Mv LOCKHART:' Richmond REX E. STRAIT V Ringwood WALTER G. LARSEN McHenry ROBERT L. KAMHOLTZ Dear Sir: Well, it's about time I wrote and Ifce Rt. Rev. Msgr. William A. charge (applies to amounts paid for Cummings, pastor of Ascension Harvard jservices furnished on or aifter April church in Oak Park and superintend- ROBERT J. STRALEY 1- 1944>-. ent of the Catholic Charities of LAWRENCE F. BAUMAN Domestic telegraph, cable or radio! Chicago for " twenty-three years, RICHARD L. STEEN DICKINSON " coin* to write a Wire and equipment service, 5 per would have been 58 years old on next j ELWOOD A. GOODSELL, Yorkcent-- to 8 j>er cent of charge. Auuiist 14. ville. x Local telephone service, 10 per cent Msgr. Cummings was ordained in HARVEY H. WATTS, Racine, Wis. --to 15 per cent of charge. .1914, the first graduate of Quigle.v , Board Two Billiard and pool tables, $10--to$20 Preparatory seminary and the first] In the latest call by Board 2. forty-! ininois~are receiving pre-flight trainhumble diet, he writes that at pre- doubt heard this fine group on the sent he is able to obtain cokes, ham- radi0, for they sing each Sunday burger sandwiches, onions and ice m0ming at 10:05 o'clock over WBBM. cream. He finds ,the people of that Their appearance locally will without quaint country very interesting and doubt be a real treat for those. Vho .his chief amusement has been riding music. Those in charge of the ^heir horses and other animals much. program are most grateful to the Used in India. | commanding officer for his gracious- Warren is a graduate of the local. jiess in allowing his men to be preshigh school in 1942 and was studying enj Sunday evening. With the memmusic in Chicago when he was in- ory 0f a flne concert by a portion of j ducted. He had resided with his t^e Great Lakes choir still with us, i aunt and uncle, the C. W. Goodells, we cannot help but feel favored in /for many years. thanked, you for the good old home, fSPfcht s' messages, • 15- per cent- died suddenly in^Oak Park hospital JUNIOR ^ town paper. I was 0 ? ptr cent °f charge. . on Wednesday/ March -29, 1944. He Other Placet .nv .- . " Wire anH pnninracnt sprvipp. 5 nor wnnlrl hnvo Koon lifi vmk rt\A An tiAvt : ir»T iita/^ r\ long time ago but they always have something to do when you want to NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN vrite. This letter per Per table. graduate of Cathedral college of the: one men were named as McHenry i« hitting two birds Bowling alleys, $10--to $20 per Seminary to be ordained. His work; county's latest contribution of man with one stone be- ^ear Per ^ ; las head of Catholic Charities brought power to selective service. Of these, cause we moved ^ie increase Jn the rates of these, him to McHenry for many years, twenty-one were called by the navy again and am send- : • ®re_--special. wartime increases where lie supervised the activities df-» and twenty by the army. Those my new address. \Vre.left State Col- . tec©* Mississippi Tuesday night and had two nights *° °'1' ^ate^'. ' • . ' ^U1,'a\ ^ ^ Saints cemetery. ^The on the train. We arrived here next retailers tax on lupgage. body laid, ih state ;jn ?the church on etc., becomes effective April 1, 1944. Friday. which will terminate approximately Vi 11a. Maria at Pistakee Bay. selected are as" follows: si?{ months after the end ot the war. Services will be held at 10:30 a. m.. Navy at which time the taxes wiH re-veri - Saturday in Ascension church, with Woodstock RAYMOND B. SAHS JAMES C. TAI'PAN Thursday morning and since then we have been busy ever since. I am* supposed to be on K. P. right now The tax is at the rate ..of 20 per ctnt , Msgr. Cummings is survived by of the retail price and applies not four brothers, the Rev. Matthew Cumbut thev had an extra man' so thev to./bags, suitcases mings of Epiphany church Chicago; let me go back. We will probably be frun,k*- etc- buJ ^ ^J'e^ases, purses, Patrick IL. Thomas B. and John J. in San Antonio or near by for the handbags, pocketbooks, wallets and Survivors besides his other related articles. The new .ax SOLON MILLS MAN kwife. Carrie, next year to finish our cadet training. , t .. .. ,rt We are at classification now, which the present 10 per cent will last for four weeks and then go ™">mfacturer« excist tax on lug --- across the street for pre-flight, which llkl>.th^' rat* increases in is nine weeks. other excises, will confmue. in « •re tAvo children, Floyd, Jr., and Shirley; one grandchild, Camille Co- Vjilt; two brothers, J, Byron of Wilkiensburg, Pa., and Lester C. o" San Anstlmo. Calif.; and one sister. La Nette, of Crystal Lake. The deceased was most active in al! worthwhile civic organizations, always generous with his time and financial support. He was past "master of McIIenry lodge, A*T"F. and A. Id.; a member of Calvary Comniandry, Knisrhts ^Templar. Woodstock; member of the Modern Woodman organization; District Deputy Grand Master. A. F. and A. M.; past president e;f the Northern Illinois Lumbermen's llS^ociition; past- president of the 'SpHnters' cJub; and a; member of hbth the Mi-Henry , atid-; Chapel country club->. . Tlu- body rested >.t the Jacob Jus*, ten S<jns funeral home until Monday afternoon at^ 2:30 p. m.. when masonic rites v ere conducted there. Throngs of friends' 'and relatives Ayere present .tb pay last tribute, a myriad of floral offerings testify ins to . the rt speCt in which he was held. Burial was in Wo<xiland cemetery. ' ; ; ? . Henry J. Thelen A> loss most keenly felt by the residents of the Johnsburg community this week has been occasioned by the death of Henry J. Thelen, 78, who passed away at his home there Siat- .ijrday evening. March -25, 1^44. IJe had been confined to his bed only the past two weeks but had been ir. failing health for several months. Mr. Thelen was born on Nov.. 7, 1865, wi the old Thelen homestead on the south side of the Johnsburg "bridere. The place was later purchased 1>y the late John A. Miller. , The deceased was a farmer in the Community north of McHenry fori many years -but had been retired for! tee past twenty years. He was an .«vid reader and this, in addition to manufacturers' excist tax on luggage the effect At State College, Mississippi, we UIJtl1 approximately .six montn* after TAKES OWN LIFE TUESDAY NIGHT Despondent and in ill health, Ervin took i^^h^'^rses ^ academi^ Ite end the war, at which time Missner of Solon Mills took his own work, which consisted of mathema- fhe manufactures : ex^se tax , n life by hanging on Tuesday evening, tics, geography, physics, first aid, and ( W1 6 civil air regulations. We als6 had dur ten hours of instructions of flying COUNTY GOES OVER ! DAVID F. POWERS HENRY G. ROCKEFEttifiR- , HERBERT G. OTTO LeROY COLE lluntlev ROY L. YOUNG HAROLD H. GAYLORD Crvstal Lake ALFRED W. GLAWE TRAVERSE W. JORDAN ALFRED D. DAVIS EARL <\ GLENN . EDWARD H. SAMPLE JAMES G. McNISH being granted this second group. As an added treat to the regular program selected by the band and its director, Paul R. Yanda, there will be two special features by high school students. The first will be numbers by a brass quartet and the second vocal selections, with band accompaniment, with Miss »Evelyn . ! Soellner, a senior at the high school. At the San Antonio, Texas. A via- a§ vocalist. 4 tion Cadet Center. 394 cadets from \ The complete program follow*: l n g to prepare! Program _ them for aerial in- Entrance of the Sirdar, from ^Cauitruction as pilots, casian Sketches bombardiers and Ippolitow Iwanow navigators. During Waltz, "The Skaters" Waldteufel ten weeks of in- "Andante Cantabile," from "The t e n s i v e t r a i n i n g F i f t h S y m p h o n y " T s c h a i k o w s k y the cadets study "Mozart Fantasie" .........v. mathemafics, phys- Transcription by WaN^er^ ics, naval and air- Selections by Brass Quartet: craft identification i <a> "Song of the Fisher Boatstt„.. .......... Zamecnlck (b) "Pizzicato Polka" Strauss-Gault Elaine Landgren. Dean MeCracken, Charles Page, George Whiting. in the piper club. We \vi re supposed to have five months of college training, l^ut since they, started to wash them out on grades they fell short of the quotas so they took the upper March 28. He was 3^ years of age ^ary and with his family had moved to JOHN PETRIAK Solon Mills from Rockford about two months ago. He purchased the blacksmith shop there, which according to RED CROSS DRIVE his wife was not a paying proposition.- ' ' ' Mrs. Missner left the house to visit QUOTA IN RECENT McHenry county citizens have half of: our class and moved them again done;*'.a splendid job iii backing 'he .neighbors, fdr a few minutes ahead and we completed oar •(•t}ljege;-.'ihe; .recent" Red- Cross drive. The Tuesday evening and upon returning training in three months r.nd oYie iay. nupta of S2S.40G has been passed and heaW moanirtg. She summoned aid Wt all .werefi-n: a' ;hurry-:vt'b,\ir»:'t\-out>',ih;e:' -.'.drive will continue throughout an(i together -she and the neighbors but when we. hit this jdaee we all tile rest of this month.- Only one found Mr. Missner in the basement, > \y0<Mjst(K.|4 wish w* couli have stayed forever; community did^ not reach its; quota, hanging from the rafters. A Verdict j,- Weil, bitter quit^-arid get readyW-.'Following is a box score Of the of.'suicide by hanging, was returned LAVERNE E. PEPPER McHenrv " ROBERT G. KRALOWETZ Fox River Grove OR VILLE W. BOH MAN W^I. C. RETZLAFF, JR. - : Other Places La VERNE R. READ, Rockford; ARTHUR W, HANDROCK, Chi- . arid other subjects, | as-well as undergoing physical and, military training. Upon completion; of the courses the cadtts will progress • to advanced training schools. Present .classes include one from McHenry,|"Minuet-" from Eleventh (Military) Pilot Robert L. Schaefjer, 302 Court' Symphony Hayden j Street, McHenry. 4 j Selection, "Over There" . .. .......... I - \ Arranged by Lake I Mrs. George Williams has received Vocal Soloist. Evelyn Soellner. I word that her brother, Pfc, Clarence Waltz," Artist's Life' ...^ j Kempfert, formerly of Crystal Lake, Johann Strauss j has received the infantry combat Ballet Music from "La Gioconda .... ! medal. He is stationed on Bougain- •••••-• Ponchielli iMle Island. * Army for ( hur.cli; ^,> until I can ^svrite1 again, tlfiveJ : _.V thanks, a>i 1 say helH to all my . • * . Quotas Raised . frit-.nds 'back in McHenrv. Woodstock 8.20C $ 9.1)00 HENRY E. BUCHr ,IR, - Crystal Lake ........ r>,450 5,000 San Antonio, Texasy' H^t'vard ......... .... 4,100 4,525.70 . ,.--- . .. Marengo y 2.725 3,722.58 Dear Mr. Mosherf McHenry 1 1.8Q0, 3,475 I was very pleased when I re- Algonquin 925 1.500 ceived the> first copy of thie Plain- F. River G*oye ....... 900 935 dealer. Thank you yepy much for Ca-ry 9CM) 1,300 sending it and I hope you continue Huntley 900 985 to send it. Hebron .......900 1,400 I like the navy prettywell. They Richmond 900 2.000 keep us busy most of the tijhe but Union »450 3CO it's not half bad. We have a lot of Alden 250 250 fun here in our spare time. They have lots of recreational facilities following an-inquest. .Besides his wife. Reva, he is survived by two small children-, Sarah Louise and Sabra. Births Friends Were happy to hear of the birth of an 8Ms lb. baby daughter, jLinda .Evelyn, to Lieut, and Mrs. Clarence Anderson on Monday, March 20, in Astoria, Oregon. Mrs. Anderson is the former Miss Harriet Chris- ---- -- -- . tiansen of that city. Lieut. Anderson $28,400 $34,393.19 jg now stationed at Las Vegas, ;!|fevada. Sgt. and Mrs. Carl N. Hiatt wel- ANDERSON . CLAYTON L. WALLIS JOHN I. BENSON JOHN H. SCHOENBERGER .TACK L. RANDOLPH DONALD A. FISH Huntlev LOUIS SCHACHTNER LeROY G. ANDERSON DONALD H.'ENSTROM Crystal Lake ; ALBERT W. FANT^t r RICHARD W. LEWIS CLAYTON C. OHRALL EUGENE R. COOK " HARRY L. LASS Other Places GLENN W. SCHULTZ. Beloit. JACK N. VENABLE. Harvard. " . . ' • . , NOTICE A new serviceman on our list this . 1" checking our records it is foujid week- is, Stuart Miller, who has a ; that a few car owners have not se- San Francisco address, . Cured their 1944 vehicle licenses. : ( Kindly secure your license before . Edward Frett has been transferred Saturday, ApHl 1st. An added perifrom . Washington. D. C.» to Orang^. alty .will be in effect on that date. .Texas, and M. L. Schoenholt? from 45-fp , ^ * *• Great Lakes to Camp Peaiy, Va. v. . ' . " . F l o w e r : d h a t s f o r m i s s e s a n d His family has received word that nwtion*. _ All my hats are Flsk Lee Gladstone, with the medical hats. Elizabeth Pich. Green St.. Mc- : corps in India, has been promoted to Henry. . • . - 4ofp tlje.,rank of captain. •; ' ' ir , 'picture of^^ McHenry's^-, first niarine. Glerin E. Pearson. S _ CI hasv been | flvt>r *Wxt week's paper. Tht? cntransferred from Farragut. Idaho, to ; tj^ c01^mun^y: proud -Of Joe. ~ Norman. Oklahoma, where he will at- . ; - tend a school, aviation ordinance( ^ U niajntenance. | Richartl Overton of Camp Haan, i Qalif. "v."""'-.;" Fred Kamholz has been trans- ' ferret from Camp Rucker, Ala., to j Edmund Wirfs. who has ten em- Camp Campbell, Ky. :pjoyed in Rt>ck4oril for some time, left for i : •-> - Herb Reihansperger has been transferred from Columbus, Ohio, to Camp Swift, Texas."-'; ' here. I've-met a lot ^of pretty nice ; ,. • ----- ------ guys here and was really surprised. . • NOTICE _0_. to find two here that I knew before.' H»«»e will be special services dur- romef] their first child, a daughter, , MILTON J. ZAMECNIK, Cicero. JOEL L. RHOADES, Piainview, I must close now and wash out ing Holy Week at the Community born at Victory Memorial hospital, Texas. , some clothes. You know we do our Methodist church. These will be held -Waukegan, on Saturday morning, I JAMES H^ COARSON, SR^ Cfciown laundry here. at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday March 25. The little lady weighed j cago.' Sincerely yours, and Good Friday evening'-and on 7 lb. 13 oz. at birth. Mrs. Hiatt is --------- 4. . . . HOWARD SHEPARD, Palm Sunday. Special music has the former Miss Arleen Bacon of this ' Beautiful spring Fisk hats, large * Sampson, New York. J be«n planned for these services. 1 city and Mrs. Zena Bacon is the ! and small head sizes. Elisabeth Pich, Visiting- at their homes here lastj FRANCIS P. MOREMA, Maywood. j weekend Were "Bjll" Green of Great" Lakes and "Bill" Brda of Chicago. Erwin Laures is enjoying a furlough ; from army duties at Camp Bowie,, Texas. He comes north with a prevue of a suntan which we, who still brave chilly winds, expect to duplicate in a very few weeks. (Continued on last page) We have a large number of colored All colors in Fisk matron's hats, baby chicks for Easter. Come in Large head sizei. ' "Elizabeth Pich, and select yours now. Farmers Mill, j Green St., McHenry. 46fp proud grandmother. Sgt. Hiatt % now stationed somewhere in Italy. Subscribe for The Plaindealerl Green St., McHenry. 45fp Get your supply of early Ohio seed potatoes at the Farmers Mill. Joe Gausden, son of Mrs. Adelaide Gausden, is home from Corpus Christi, Texas, this week with his "wings of gold." We hope to have a YOU BUSINESS F6UAS Pi AN A SPECIAL 5AIE OF YOU* MERCHANDISE AND l£T MS HELP VOO. I KNCA MOST EVERYBODY IN TOWN AND OA THfM ALL ABOUT IT IN V AD WR YOU ml* , »uM*T ^

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