** 'sjs*s ^ •* » * •»'*' *• • .. -,+-' • {V i* £ s " > >- fr -/••* H j fegtfttt ;r * ' 15 ' : *V-" * ^ v ** ' ' ";: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ••;H"' * >V It,Hit TTuilrt mii' uHrtyMnlvI rDLl AAIlIklllfillClAALt CCnD FbOreRed Ss.A LER--egiFst^erdeedr pstpeso<t tae1d1 pPooplualnadr ersonm Published every Thursday at Mc- gilts. Wesley Saucerman, Phone fienrv 111 bv Charles F. Renich. , Bristol 52-K13. Rt. % Salem, Wis. penry, in., > Farm 2* miles Df. E. of Salem, on A. H. MOSHER Editor and Manager Highway 50. *51-4 1 T~Tm Zm+ZT-T* _ ,. _ --; f: ~~Z i i ! Libertyville visited his mother, Mrs. Entered as second-class matter at FOR SALE---I have a limited amount, ^ „„,_•„ i tiv PriHow the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under of state Certified Hybrid, 110 days. Most worthy to lead our s*™c*- j A1**a' on Fn**y. r' O 1«7Q ? I il L- U J !i men column thjs week is Mrs. George; pvt. and Mrs. R. W. Hahn of Chi- 8e "" wto* Hebron? THs | our knowledge ; cagiTspent the weekencMn the home NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN G Mr. am the act of May §, 1879. One Year FOR SALE ! by Nichols Brothers at ...$2 .50 corn produced 101 bu. per acre in official test near Volo. Highest yield of 25 Hybrids. If interested call McHenrv 105-R. Earl Paddock. •51-2 FOR SALE--Home-made tractor and plow in good condition; also oil drums and pumps. Mrs. B. J. Adams. Phone McHenry 59-W; *51 FOR SALE--8 room house in the is the only Mc- 0f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Henry woman to Buch# have five sons in j " . _ • , , . Miss Marie Powers returned last Tuesday evening in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs George Wirfs. Sunday visitors in the Jack Hart home in Chicago were Mi*, and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Mrs. Herbert Dowden of: nold Anderson and daughter, Marcia, ~ and Mrs. Alex Justen. The McHenry folks helped Jack Hart, Jr., celebrate his^ second birthday anniversary. HENRY COSSMAN FOR SALE--DEEP FREEZE SOX, service. Richar'd, . , . Steinsdoerfer, the 1 week J enf - from Aurora, where she last of tHe five to j sPent the Past weeks as actin* he inducted, is now I manage* of the National Tea store, at Fort Bliss,j Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Rosencranz Texas. Another j and daughter* of Corohada, Calif., son, James, has! visited relatives here, on Friday; been on furlough j Miss Lois Wike returned Monday w _ ^ from duties at Fort from a few days visit witlj relatives block house across the street frorii-John (. usti^.C*j>e Charles,; \a. A jn DesMoines, la. third son, Alvin, has just written j Mrs. Edith Hayes and son, Dick, Henry Cossman passed away at the Lake County sanatorium, W&ukegan,, last weekr He was born in Iowa, July 31, 1880, the son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Cossman. After the death of his parents, he made his home with his brother, Frank, of Johnsburg, until about three years ago, when he entered the sanitorium. Besides Frank, he leaves another brother, John, Of Waukegan, to mourn his ih panacitv • Size 4x4x8* U- £ra<*e ant* 'high^schools in City of ^ confined to a hospital in1 TV* *!i" °r""' : ddeeaatthh,. iHlliss bbooddyy rreesstteedd aatt tthhee JJaaccoobb 8 JOO lb. capacity,,, aize ' J?.-f McHenj-y. P. J. Cleary, W. Mc- ne is connned to a hospital m, and Mr. and M"rs. Donald Hayes and; rusten gons funeral home Fungal Horse Compressor Cost $500 will, Hen IIL , *51_$ New Caledonia, haying ^been sent of Ch icago Spent the weekend Wriftee this-week for $250. Pinemoor ! . there for a rest. Alv(in has been in • Hotel. 630 Lake Street. Crystal Lake, FOR SALE--Selected seed potatoes, the southwest Pacific for more than 111. Phone Qrystal Lak.<ei.46. . ; 51 late certified seed and Bliss.Triumphs. J J Pave Segel. *50-4 m••••a' tvc •h»' edj • ^Also eating potatoes, 92nJ e ^ in the William Whiting home. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney Of Chicago spent Sunday in the John "FX>R'.' SALE -- Two' ';' wtell teams, Percheron horses; also, four .^-year-old. Ernest Johnson. Windy FOR SALE--The .Matt'Weber res? a year and has served on many islands. He informs his parents that] pi'Shoml the narses gi^e them fine treatment & Mrs; R» D'Vore returned and that the food is very good, m-f •• j- lu - • ^ eluding plenty of cold ^ft drinks. | ^,^Pe n^ ^® . win er, Knoll Farm,,Telephone Crystal Lake dence property on Riverside Drive. We hope in the near future to print1 9 „o:i -i. 51, For particulars call JMcHenry 126-J pictures of these five boys who are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seep®, of Chior 82-W. , 50tf. so bravelv fighting for their country. sPent the weekend visiting Mc- Henry friendst A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and economy ^yith fire-proof Johns-Man- *£is"on°e "motherin*particuFir ' who ' 8023-Y-2.: • Help chicks and young birds grow and develop. Give them TONAX in their mash. Especially after an attack of any disease. And as a tonic and conditioner. Contains mild astringents to help relieve Enteritis; also blood building elements. Tonax helps control intestinal parasites. It provides trace minerals and reliable.stimulants. For layers too. Inexpensive and convenient. 2-lb. can enough for 400 chicks for a month, 73c Bolger's Drug Store Green "Street < . McHenry ville Rock Wool Home Blownin" waifs and ceilings, LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. ! 36tf, Insulation , g gjven SQ muLck to insure our iu- ' ture safety. Recent transfers itldude Earl Smith from Champaign, 111., to Camp j Bremer of Hollywood, Calif., out all mv ^strictly corn fed steers, „ Crowder, Mo., Herb Harrison from! John Scheid and daughter, Rena. weighing *800 t6 1200 lbs., fed six Great Lakes, 111., to Memphis, Tenn., •r,M-- ^ J FOR SALEr--By May 15th will sell family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Lisle Bassett home. Sunday guests in the Nick B. Freund home were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaelin of Aurora, Mrs. Ida and Replacing Chaplain Hjalmar Hanson, director of the world famous bluejacket choir, who has been detached for sea' duty from Great Lakes naval training stal^jon, is Lt. Digvart Steen, former assistant director, A graduate of Luther college. Decorah, la., L.t. Steen received his Bachelor of Music degree* from St. Olaf cpllege before contfnuing his duties abroad. Prior to donning a navy uniform, he was head of the music department at Northland college, Ashland, Wis. The Northland choir won national reputation, ^for its fine singing. * y NEW DISCOVERY FOR MASTITIS Dvm to Strept&coccu* Agalactia• About 99% of all Maatitis, or Gcrtct, Is caused by Streptococcus agalactia*. Tkt new discovery, Bcebt G-Lac, (Tyrothrtcta) stops the action of Streptococcus aflalac tlas. If Mastitis, due to this microbe, la cutting Into the milk production o< fome best dairy cows, act now! Get Bee be G-Lacl Easy to Inject. Goes riftht to work. Ooa*t let Mastitis rob yon at your profits. Oat Beebs G-Lac today. Ask about our apacW milk testing terries. THOMAS P. BOLGER, BRU6& McHenry, Illinois 4 ; services were held Saturday in St Mary's church artd cemetery. Among j those from out of town who attended j his funeral were Mi's. Otto- Kutzler and children, Mrs. Adline Bagdola I and children, Mrs. Mary Frank) Mr. J and Mrs. Jos. Adams, Miss Emily] Tonigan, Mrs. Wm. Tonigan and daughter, John Cossman and family, Hay McManoiva, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cossman all of WTaukegan, Mrs. Grace Goodnoj Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyers, Mrs. Clarence Knaack of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Wrh. Fisher, Mrs. Millie Watson of Chicago, Fred Ware of Woodstock and Mrs. Caroline Jlartin, Waukegan. School Boys 16 and over and Saturdays. ;•/.. K.:, j,' .. H UNTEft Bd 4 p.m» Vviff,!- nioirths. One or more. Afternoons and John Glosson from Camp Hood, only. 14 cts. per lb. Will also be Texas, to Camp Maxey, Fla. ready in a few weeks to show light-; • . . • , " ' • weight steers and heifers suitable! Sgt. and jfTrs. Loren Miller and Ellen Frisby of Chicago spent the] weekend in the George Frisby home. COMING EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. George Fellens and ! , rs Anni. R„,„. nf ^ ^ver Road Pinochle Clal^ Mrs. Annie Baur of Waukegan spent Mrs. Ben Dietz. Sunday in the Michael Baur home. for grass, at TWO DOLLARS per family of >Ogden, Utah, and Francis Mrs. ° Carl Freund and daughter, cwt. less than present values, or at-Cox of Camp Chaffee. Ark., have Esther, and Mrs. Frank Blake were about what I sold them for last year, been enjoying furloughs with Mc- Elgin callers on Friday. Farm on Route 20, two miles west Iftnry relatives and friends. of Belvidere, 111. H. L. Dunning. 49-31 Lieut, and Mrs. Vale Adatos imd son left for Chicago last Thursday FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS after spending a furlough with rela- Implements, parts. We have special tives here. After a visit there they | end in Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Watterton of Chicago, former McHenry residents, visited Miss Christine Adams on Suhday. Miss Mary Simon- spent the weekoil for Ford Ferguson transmissions wj]i return to Waycross, Ga., where alftd hydraulic units. Call Woodstock he is- stationed. He'expects to be 851 for field draining and flushing transferred in the Hear future. service. Swanson-Staehler Motors.) We buy used cars and service all Stephen H. Huska, 18, son> of Mr. makes. Ford Ferguson Servipes and and Mrs. M. H. Huska, Rt. 1, West Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder and children, Tommy and Annette, of Palatine visited, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes, on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Yanda returned the last of the week from a few weeks visit Colony McHenry, Illinois Sales, 248 Throop St., Phone 851 McHenry, is receiving his initial; with relatives in Winnebago, Minn. Woodstock, 111. ^^tfi^joaval^ indoctrination at the U. S.! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh were naval training center, Great Lakes,! Elgin callers last Thursday. 111. His "boot" training consists of ' Mrs. H. O. Krepel and daughter, instruction in seamanship, military Bernice, of Crystal Lake were calldrill and general naval procedure.! ers ' in McHenry Thursday evening. During this1 period a series of apti-! Miss Betty Regner, student at St. HELP WANTED FRIDAY AN© SATURDAY Michele Morgan -- Jack Haley FRANK SINATRA "Higher & Higher" Plus--Selected Short Subjects. SUNDAY & MONDAY, May 14-15 Wallace Beery -- Marjorie Main "RATIONING" Also--World News, Cartoon and v Novelty. TUESDAY (ONE DAY) MARTHA O'DRISCOLL NOAH BEERY, JR. L "Weekend Pass" Aim Savage -- 2. "Klondike Kate Tom Neal WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Greer Garson -- Walter Pidgeon "Madame Curie" HELP WANTED--Elderly man for three days a week garden work. Wm. A. Soellner, West McHenry. Call Mc- _ tude tests will be taken by the re- t Anne's hospital spent a few days the Henry 58-W after 6 p. m. * cruit to determine whether he will be i last of the week with her parents; ... . v™,n 77" T- 7 r----" assigned to a naval service school or Maurice, Martin and Julia Foley WANTED-Men for chemical manu- tQ immediate active duty at sea. His ! spent Saturday with their aunt and facturmg wor . App y Mr. ros" recruit training completed, the sea-i uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney, by, Ringwood Chemical Corporation, m&n wm gpen| & q{ leayg at Uri rTiipn„n - Ringwood, 111. home. 50tf HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co: - 45tf in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Petersen and son, David Grant, of Chicago are Recognition as eligible; qualify spendin0g the summer months with for the petty officer rate of radioman I her parents, the Ben J. Millers. The j Commencement, third class came to Bluejacket William family is eagerly anticipating a Mothers' Tea--High School.1* V ; May 12 Mother's Club--Legion Hall. May 15 Mother's Day Banquet--Eva's Res* taurant--Sponsored by C. D. of A£ Business and Professional Woo)sn'M: Clubr-C. W. Goodell Home. ' May 16 Riverview Camp, R. N. A. May 18 C. D. of A*--Business Meeting. May 19 Rural School Promotion Exercises and Annual Spring Program--High School. May 25 Worthy Matrons' and Worthy Pa-' . trons' Night, 0. E. S. * ~ May 26 County Legion » Initiation.-- High School*. . < May 27' ? %. Bake Sale--Sponsored bjr Altar^ Rosary Sodality. May 28 /• Baccalaureate. June 1 . C. D. of. A. Installation and-Pot»Luck Supper. June 2 June.3 WANTED--Draft exempt man for Brda, 18, son qf Mr. and Mrs. John visit from Mr. Petersen's brother, L. Food Sale--Sponsored by Circle 2, war work. Apply Miller Products.j F. Br^a, during recent graduation Robert Petersen, next Sunday. The Phone 195. 39-tf, ceremonies at the naval training latter has been in service twenty- A1, , _ 4 „ ; :---- school (Radio) on the University of six months without a leave and dur- A1^r®nd Rosary Sodahty-^Mrs.Ray WANTED--Man for general work. I ^ ' r. . ^ mon^s McGee. W. S. C. S.--Central Market. June 5 Eyerie™. »ot Kn,mer £ i jj* ft SJ? C°" FOX Uke- Td to ,ptitu<le test, | ^ ^ ^ the Bluejacket successfully completed; Mr< and Mrg_ Fred c< 'gchoe^ WANTED a course including the use, operation i and maintenance of radio equipment WANTED TO BUY--House in or'and operating navy radio transmitnear McHenry. Phone McHenry! tinS and receiving equipment. The 690-W-2. 50-2 WANTED TO BUY--Poultry of all kinds. Wm. Staines, West McHenry. Tel, McHenry 638-R-l. 50^2 WANTED TO BUYAddress Box "O," Plaindealer. -Pi;>!*> accordian. in rare of the :,^2 thecfretical phase included electricity, radio and sound fundamentals. Now a seaman second class, the new graduate is awaiting active duty orders to sea or to some shore station.; . •• • v. > LOST LOST--Blaclc Cocker Spaniel with white fur around neck. Has Wilmette tag. Answers to "Spanky." Reward. Call Dr. A. E. iLind, Wilmette 722, or McHenry 251. 51 FOUND MILLER WOODSTOCK. ILL: SATURDAY ONLY--MAY 13 "CRAZY HOUSE" with OLSEN AND JOHNSON--PLUS "TWILIGHT ON THE TRAIL" With William Boyd as "Hopalong ( assidv" SUNDAY & MONDAY. May 14-15 , ! V E<l«ar Rice Burroughs' "fARZAN'S DESERT MYSTERY"- with. Johnny Weismuller--Nancy Kelly PLUS "HENRY ALDRICH BOY SCOUT" with JIMMY T.YDON -- Charlie -Smith TUESDAY ONLY. MAY 16 "SING A JINGLE with Allan Jones -- June Vincent PLUS "MOONLIGHt IN VERMONT': wilh (.! ria lean WED. & THURS.--MAY 17-lS "DR. GILLESPIE'S CRIMINAL CASE' with Lionel Barry more Tart Johnson -- Donna Reed PLUS CO-HIT "PARIS AFTER DARK" with George' Sanders Brenda ^Marshall -- Phillip »Dorn FOUND--Lady's wrist watch. Owner may have same by paying for ad. jQalLMcHenry 23. Ask for Chris^ 7~? 51 I wiere Chicago •vttsitors on Suhday. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund of Chicago spent the weekend with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wrirtz. Mrs. Fred Kamholz left today (Thursday) for Chicago, where she was called by the serious illness of her son, Paul, who underwent surgery at Lutheran Deaconess hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber are spending today in.Chicago. Miss' Martha Stoffel of Washington, D. C., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John StofFel, last week. Mrs. Yera Ford of Highland Park, has been spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Billy Phalin, who is serving in tlfe ' Stoffel, having been called ,by the southwest Pacific, has been promoted illness of htr mother. to cpetty officer 3/C. Erveri Erber Vincent Wirfs of Rockford spent has been made a "staff sergeant. . June 7 St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P. T. A. June 9 '--•>>/ Christian Mothers and Altar Society. Enjoying a few days visit With home folks are Ira Dowell of New Orleans, La., and George Freund of Venice, Fla. > Arnold Blake, we are happy to report, has been promoted to staff sergeant in the Hawaiian Islands. Althafer's Drug store in Crystal Lake for 21 years most successfully operated by Oscar I. Althafer, ha« been sold to*Z. J. Koller of Berwyii, likewise a successful druggist. In a short time, the new owner will take charge. Hie new owner has been a very successful druggist in Chicago. He has a son 22, Who is in the service, and is buying the store for him. He has a daughter, 20, and a wife and will occupy the apartment over the drug store as the Althafers have •.-••.•••.•A-.'.-.-.-.-. serve you • » \ Our most important job today is to keep your car running. And, despite the fact that Pontiafe dealers are serving more car owners than ever, we %ce~never too busy to serve you. By a careful method of scheduling work BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS KEEP AMERICA FREE! through oar shop. and bj making advance arrangementswhen possible, we are doin£v everytbing we can to keep America's cars rolling--until Victory. 5 Points to Romombon • We s t i l l have competent mechanics • We still use genuine parts • We still check your car without charge • We have.specially-designedtoQl* to reduce repair time • We want> to be helpful la jour transportation problems fatiac *** ***¥tCW PT TM* R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES Phone 6 Front Street West McHenry tfeal for Battleship Thirty-two thousand tons of coal is required for steel to make one modern super-dreadnaught. Read the Want Ads t /u i / '/eee fi w/_ I Bulova I MISCELLANEOUS -George Brda . left Tuesday mom.-.; ing for New Orleans, Lgt., after spending a leave at his home here; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Garafol of LAWN MOW ERS--Sharpened, power Waukegan now have two sons seror hand operated; mowers* also re- ving overseas, Pfc. Edward, arid Pfc. paired. Robt. J. Thurlwell, 110 Main jacob r. The former is th^ irst St., West McHenry. 51-tf Waukegan tnan to be drafted for AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 5ervicf* The latter has been in Eng- GOODS--On Frank Wozniak grounds, la?d *or months- H,s Wlfe- t«rmiles west of Burton's Bridge ra«">, resumes with her parents, Mr. and 1% mile, seast of Barreville, on I and Lou,s Smith, m this c^f Sunday, April .14, starting at 1 p. m. | _ , u ' . . , ,. , Martin Bowl, Auctioner. -51 Fred C Herdnch is now stationed .. at Fort Benning, ©a., and George HAVE YOU HEARD about the new j \Villiams at Fort Jackson, So. Caroreduced Auto L i a b i l i t y and P r o p e r t y Jina. " . - i " i / ; ' . Damage rates? They will surprise ; r v "• you. Ask us for insurance rates. A. j. Trent, better known to The Kent Co., McHenry. Phone 8. his McHenry friends as "Jack," has 27-tf arrived safely in England, according to word received by his sister, Mrs. ANIMALS WANTED Florence Allen, of Elgin. A resident , 0f this city until twelve years ago, ANIMALS WILL WIN THE "Jack" was enrolled at the Chicago - Five dollars is the least we School of Aircraft until he entered His wife, the'former DEAD WAR - pay for dead horses and cows in good service in 1943. condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. j Miss Lucille DePeu, is maintaining Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the ; their apartment in Palatine. charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf j _____ Among the newly inducted soldiers dispose of your garbage each week, now receiving the Plaindealer is GARBAGE COLLECTINGh=-Let us oftener if desired. Reasonable j ^omas .S, Diedpch of Camp Bowie, rates. Regular year round route, for- Texas, When the need for our services arises, your call assures prompt attention. ^ Jacob Justen Sons -- Funeral Directors Phone McHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry 112-W Green Street, corner Blm -- McHenry merly George Meyers'. Phone 365. Ben J. Smith. tf Ralph J. Schaefer has been promoted to the rank of Pfc. at Metuch- The two dogs- which killed nearly en, New Jersey. 500 ducklings at the Weber duck | ---- • 1 farm on Douglas Lane, near Sand I A primary training plane from the Lake, early Saturday morning will be Glefiview naval air training station greeted >by a shower of lead if they j crashed on Friday morning, on the make atiother visit to .the establish- Henry Luebbe farm near Milwaukee meut, William M. Weber, owner of' avenue, a half • mile south of Half the farm told the sheriff's ' office. Day, seriously injuring one of the Three men armed with shotguns have j two occupants, Cadet Richard L. been posted on the farm to await the , Brady, 24, of San Diego, Calif. The return .of the animals. Order your Rubber Sta&lpft *i The 1?laln<ieale¥» cadet was taken to the hospital at Great Lakes naval training center, llie accident occurred .during a routine flight, it was said by authorities. JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. Housewives «ali it their most dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, sanitas, rugs, upholstery. Wonderful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing necessary. SALE PRiCB GALLON SIZE $1.25 Rtgnlar PrlM $1.50 QUARTS 61* BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREBi "McHENRY, ILL. Sunday, May her a gift that lasts through the years. --Graduation gifts of aii kinds-- MERCHANDISE JUST RECEIVED Omt U« * CWM Nye Jewelry Music Shop Phone 123-J West McHenry,'111 r