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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1944, p. 5

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v <?#;- •*.}/*>*'~> y3?5** -u >< .?t<i ^ **%..***.*?? * V **•, ,"; **: Thursday, May 11,# 1944 < ** >*-\* * . 'T ^ „ s , 1 v j fc , ; *<*t 5. - "*»* 4* ^ • ^~<r4(k$#' _ >f *V/r »%** U ^ ', * * 1 « THE McHENRY PLAINDEALE* '.*• >1 V>'*•,) -M ^ H " ' ri ,> _ ^ ^ Flrt -A-Stf i'.-C ,{.£>fs > J •is "SO I HEAR" EARL R. WALSH MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE 160 ATTENDED MCHS C ATHLETIC BANQUET WEDNESDAY NIGHtl It will no doubt be many a day before the athletes of the M. C. H. S. THREE BOARDS TAKE , ACTION ON SUMMER v X ATHLETIC PROGRAM The probability that McHehry will resume its summer playground pro- LARGE CROWDS GREET TWO PERFORMANCES child clowns were Mickey Lindsay^s and Mary Jane Gerasch. HP A TUT PTTP cuATiT ^ finale number wa8 on« of ^ Ui A 1 iHjxj1 lLi onUW ceptional beauty as the girls marcheexd- --*---- . . } into various formations, the' patriotic*.. Two athletic performances, both of.| ^etters U. S. being lighted witK which packed the high school gym-1 flashlights held by the girls. Ten '• , , •-$ k-^i Tuesday night marked the end of usual form, the boyg could have the bowling season in McHenry. The • taken the match. season died a slow death; but it's; ; . , ' gone--gone dovn U tiW P*8*» of i New Trier was easy for our young history. I golfers Monday night as they turned ••••' ^ ^ i up for the State District Meet to be played here Saturday morning. Dear Sire Just a that I have Mike Budler closed the Palace May 1. Schaefer's closed their alleys Tuesday with a rousing match in Our high school baseball team took which their star lady bowlers trim- a shellacking from Wilmot last week, med A1 Blake's K. of C. team. ; They travel to Lake Zurich today _____ % , (Thursday) and meet Wauoonda here Margaret Stilling, Mary Sutton,! next Tuesday afternoon. : • ' v, Pearl Schmitt, Dorothy Schaefer and ; -- V' ' ^ Fanny ft^iiha ttade lip the' girls i Here's the set-up on baseball games squad. next Sunday. Hebron will play • j »hp Shamrnt-k-ii here. Woodstock will Af Blake, Pete OJsen, fFrank Im-1 pfay Johnsburg at Johnsburg. mekus, John Stilling, and Led Stilt->• \ ---- • y, „ ing were the -boy*Ordinary McHenry and lohnsburg in defeat. . Would riot have home games on .the • ' . * . ' • 'dame .date', Ibutf the" Woodstock dia- It was a whirlwind finish that beat mond vis nmiergoing expensive re-, the. bo^s. After trailing by 36 pins pairs. in the first game and' 58 .in the se- ;. --> *•:;• cond, the girls came up with a total ; *Sor--the popular McHenry County of 811 in the third as the boys bog- league starts next Sunday. Game vged down to 710., ;; , : time has l|een set by, the league as - • '•; • •_ . two o'cloek. - You have to hand it to those girls. The kids are good under pressure. Other teams (big, strong men) have | comes learned that an early lead means Green nothing against those.girls. ; will forget their athletic banquet of gram this summer after dropping it' nasium, were presented last week by juniors and sepiors appeared to form :. ' . last night, May 10. About 160 Me- last year loomed during, recent j more than 100 high school girls. The a dressed in formal gowns, and! line Of '••yw Henry residents, including fifty-five !jweks as it has come under discus-j annual gyni show was notaonly great in front of them stood three minia-»v ve a new mailing address.,! athletes, many of their parents and 'sion by both local school boards. At in quantity but in quality as well, ture models of men and women inf I surely wish to friends were present to enjoy an their April meeting the high school (The lengthy program consisted of the various branches of the service* thank all the em- evmt which will live long in the board voted in favor of the program, the following sten parts: Marching They were Barbara Conway, Man^ ployes of the paper memory of all. For in years to To have it continued, however, re- and calesthenics, folk-swing, couple Rudin and Sandra Locke. " for sending it to come, when we honor these same 1u'res the vote of the grade school stunt races. Babushka Hop, stunt re- --> f' me. I don't know boys on their return "from war we and the city board. Q •« lays, signal corps, corrjmahdette # COUNTY LEGIONsINl^TIATlON i m a n y p e o p l e i n c a n n o t h e l p b u t " r e m e m b e r t h e m a s L ® s t w e e k t h e g r a d e s c h o o l b o a r d c o u r s e , R a g D o l l , t u m b l i n g a n d p y r - T h e l o c a l p o s t w i l l a c t a s h o s t s o i f McHenry but I high school youths when we paid met and although no definite action amids, waltz routine and a finale,May 26 to county initiation of Le* Sure like to read tj,em last honor us boy athletes. was taken, members expressed them-; number. ^ * gionnaires of World War 2. Th# the P^61" and "n« Overnight they will have become selves as favorable to the program Four tU>wns did aft excellent Jol> program, to which the public is in-* J? ,~® n®Ws 01 the strong men Who are defending >f it is passed by the other boards, thro,ughbut the tumbling and pyramid vited, will be held in the local high|; 'T , town. X OU are |«rtnn + vxr n r~ _ j. rw»fl nnfi An ion i> + A nvacL VAlitinop tU/\ .] 1. i ^ FriddV eVening Sit ^ J . A degree^teanCfrom Chicae<i» present. .v ^ "m T ; " / our country. Proud,as we will be of Definite action, was left to the pres- routines to entertain the crowd.; school • on 1 U 'them then, however, the pride can i^ent-and this w\ll ne doubt be taken' Student clowns were Betty Lou o'clock. A jo y s e J n g, ^ no greater than that which-par- after the meeting of the city council, Weber and Ruth Lindsay and the! vefll be pi We wouldn't believe it, from good authority (the Street Barber Shop) that Vaughn. Jones and Harold Lindsay carried large rocks to the Boone Just to give "you some idea of Creek banks on Wednesday for the the noise at the big match, John; purpose of firing at poof, i»ndeent Stilling found it necessary to put: carp. - on his ear-muffs. all. * , , Yours sinc^Ry,- CORP. GEORGE N. WILLIAMS, . Fort Jackaon, So. Carolina. Dear Mose: Anbther change of address, bingo, j SHAMROCKS LOSE TO . RICHMOND IN WARM-UP FOR LEAGUE OPENER TOiile we're on this bowtiag inject, it might be well to pick up -a few left-over notes. M. Rochelle and »Mi.. W»«imlburiaan.udvt won the McArthuT McHenrv S„ hamroc,k s p,l ayed, a tLve a8g"ue Doubles with 1069 total pins. prac.ti.c e game w.i.t.h Ric,h mond, ,l as*t Not far behind was^®te^' °^02o Sunday and lost 10 to 9. The game Conway and Mary Sutton with 10231 • of errors and tWelve walks K- HoyVl F- V were given. • money with yt»o. J Harry Dowell started on the mound . for the Shamrocks and pitched for . John Stilling and "Ptete O.Is^n vron ^our innjngS- Murphy then pitched the K. of C. Doubles with 1016 pins. an jnnjng anj a half and Wagner Pete Schaefer and "Prof ^ye cfnie finished the game. C. Miller was the in second with 993. "Bing Frisby starting pitcher for Richmond, but roled a neat 546 series, teaming UP > wias replaced by Sanders, hom€ on with Frank Immekus for third money furlough; in the fourth. and 985 pins. ----r--^ j Klaus, and Winn both had three • , • ] hits while Britz collected two for •Let's take the other fellow's-write-1 Richmond. "Bud" Bolger got two up and viewpoint on a February, hits for the Shamrocks. - match with our McHenry Sip-Snack-! Next Sunday the Shamrocks play ers. Art Tonyan, Dick Hester, their first league game against He- "Torchy" Krause, Jack Thies and, bron on the Shamrocks' diamond.- Win Hagberg bowled for McHenry- RirwMnvn 1fl The same team came to McHenry j RICHMOND--^10 last Sunday and were taken into) . camp by our local boys. Another J V. Miller If ... good time was enjoyed. We quote: „Ia"s,, "We did it again!" '• 5 J "Our 5-man match bowling team, ^an Lvery picked fr6m Prairie Farmer WLS Christensen cf League, and their friends surely know ss ....... how to arrange and spend an even-: g "" ing long to be remembered. On Feb. c 20 we played that return match with C. Miller p ... the Sip-Snack team of McHenry. We«j Sanders p ..... won the series, but the score--Phooey! _ A booster group of sixty of the I TOTALS bowlers' families and friends watch-v ciiAMROCKS--3 ed us bowl; they didn't see much1 ' KUVa ' but appreciated our. efforts noisily, anyway. "Then the Shindig--Wow! Seventy- six persons sat down to a swell feed--help yourself to all you want ed .«. . your naner' to all" w "" T" 'ulilt wmcn-par- --",c vw t • of US in the armed services and" I ents L an(^ friends alikt feH last night on Mky 15, at which time the tpro-: ^ for one wish to salute you on this as. tbey watched these; happy, detpr-.'je<t ^11 no doubt be voted upon, job of keeping up the* morale of mined . f8 they received their f. .'^The,.-program^ if carried out as the servicemen, and women in Mc- much deserved awartk, ^ ^ the past, will provide amusement Henry.-- • " • . . So I Heai',:"Rurl•'Waishi""n<j("iouly' 'children of all ages, high school I want to say hello to . all my lived up to his reputation .of" |oh^" students and interested adults. The friends Iti^McIfenry if yeu^p'rint this standing as McHenry'V.'peffect' toast-" morrting hours have been devoted to in your pap6r.. Hello Mrs. Fred master, but in most people's opinions; the ,very young vboye and girls, the 'Voeltz and family, Margaret Herd- topped all .previous; performances.^"afternoon to the older igrroup anil irich and Williari^ Grasser and family He was introduced by Superintendent school youths, and. the evening and to everyone irr the service. My C. H. Duker, who gavt a short talk ^1°v'rs to m%n and women interested regards and the best of hick to you which was most interesting. Coaches *n baseball, croquet, tennis and other McCracken arid Blount^ introduced^^ types of sports which can be carboth football and basketball squads, ried on successfully by groups on giving a resume of the year's work. h'&h' fch<x>l grounds. and called on the two ?§ptains, Ar^ Leonard McCracken very successthur Jackson and Harold LMyrhels, fully acted as supervisor the several both of'whom spoke briefly. vears of its existence and will very rehTustntmof^d yTb.n- h^WaZUt^kVLL^?K^ t training at CourtlamT and 'am now F°rt. Sheridan- ^ept ^ker of the last year because some of the board stationed at Craig Field. Selma, Ala- f ^h° l e,n^ouraped the >'oun^ members felt that many of the bama where I will get my final g school athletes to continue their children were now employed and training in single engine advanced. P™<*ices, established the past -few many of the adults now in service. Seems like they're trying to make me y*ars» of keePm£ physically fit the program thus serving little use. like this state of Alabama. I've re-: wliether or not they entered service. However, it was found that mothers ceived my flight training in this one He a|so stl"essed the advantage of had quite, a problem finding amusestate. It's like home now* only I'd school athletic program for ment for their small tots, and an much rather if was Illinois instead. those who will join the armed forces equally difficult problem of keeping If I'm real lucky I might be able upon graduation. * their teen-aged boys and girls off to spend the Fourth of July at Mc- Other items of interest on the pro- the streets during their leisure hours. Henry. Anyhow a guy . can dream, gram included "The Star Spangled With child delinquency ever on the can't he, and those are sweet dreams Banner," played by Catherine Schwer- increase during war time, the probtoo, aren't* they? I could appre- man, the invocation l*j- Rev. Williaifi lem is not only a -difficult one for ciate some of your cool, northern A. O'Rourke, piano selections by parents but for those who hold pubbreezes just about noon. It's get- Marion Freund, vocal selections by He office. Since McHenry has had ting hot and sticky down here now. the boys' octet, and a cornet duet summers in vfhich the program was Hope my energy will hold out by Elaine Landgren and Dean Mc- carried out and others when it was another nine weeks. During that Cracken, accompanied by Bonnie not in existence, these men must time , I'll be hoping to receive the Page. make their decision as to which plan Plaindealer regularly. Thanks in ad- Although not scheduled on the pro- was most satisfactory. Parents are Thankl You Mothers! I h r e s t ' I n - _ the months to come the fate of all the-world will be in your boy's hands. It is in good hands, and all of us at home pray with you on this Mothers Day for his safe return. . Knight's Refrigeration Service i McHENRY, ILL. *5 cA ' ' - J f " z *'4 i^.23 vi ^NATIONAL has the low Yours as ever. ROBERT G. HAPKE, Selma, Alabama. Dear Mr. Mosher: graduation. Time travels on and so does the Names of letter men will appear army. This week I find myself injnext week. dear old North Carolina basking ! . --•' i • •" gram, old friends were happy to urged to express their opinions conhear a few words from John Larson, cerning .the action. . r an outstanding M. C. H. S. athlete ----- 1 /-• of 1907. This was the first athletic j|iss Katherine SulMvan ^ he M WtorfM U^:M, Dieg^ ^ IUnMe ! AB -..--5 .....--6 .....^ ^ ...........5 ...........4 MIH.IHM4.i2 R 2 a i i 1 2 1 1 0 1 • 10 Conway ss L. Wagner 3b ..... B. Dowell If ......... J. Wagner 2b-p . , H. Stilling lf-3b (Appreciation was expressed ; prouch lb AB R . ..4 - ' . • 1 : ...JZ 1 ....1 0 .».6 0 i-rr- - _ ^ LTOUl'll iO 8 2 Yours Truly and Mrs. Hagberg for. McCracken 2b-cf ^.....4 1 preparation of tlie meal, which was Stilling rf J 2 served by the Hagberg daughters ji]er : ® and Mrs. Cesal and daughter, Mary w p^i -'• * ^ y Ann. After which the floor Was H. ]>owell V"!"^"r]i"L 0 cleared, the music started and then, ijj'ur , _cf .1,2 glory hallelujah, how these folks! ^ did step! The McHenry crowd and, TOTALS ......85 ft 5 our bunch were good mixers; Richmondv^>^ 22^ 002 301--10 troductions were necessary, good fel- Shamrocks . 200 241 000-- 9 lowship was the theme of the even- Stolen Bases, Crouch, Conway, ing. We surely wiU not forget Win j Britz (2) stilling; Two-base hits, Hagberg's Sip-Snack when we are j c}lristensen; Three-base* hits, V. Milin McHenry. « jer. Doubl"e plays, McCracken, unas- "Some snappy entertainment was gisted j Wagner to Crouch; Struck furnished by Lillian Lee, talented Qut by ganderSi 7; Miller. 3; Dowell, little daughter of Viola Walther (ed- 3. Wapner 4. Murphv, 2; Bases on itorial) who sang several songs; she; baHs Qff Dowe^ 0; Murphy 2; Wagwas accompanied by Mrs. Irv Haber- ner, 1; Miller, 3; Sanders, 6; Win- Miss Katherine Sullivan, life long resident of Woodstock, died at Elgin in southern hospitality. The inventor! DIVORCES GRANTED hospital on Monday evening, May 8, of this phrase namely, southern hos-j ixvorces were granted to Roy 1944, following a long period of .ill. pitality, must have passed away lor | gtogsdill vs. Cora fetogsdill and Opal health. She was an aunt of Ray I I have failed to find anyone to back Haines vs. Haines, in the cir- McGee of McHenry. Funeral Ber-; it up. Could it be that I am using court in Woodstock Monday, vices were held this (Thursday) the wrong password. I wonder. Both charges were desertion. i morning at St. Mary's Catholic! Enough about the south for my true mission in writing this letter is to inform you of my new address. And would you kindly continue sending me the biggest little paper in the world. This paper is read and enjoyed by every man in my battery, many of whom are from Chicago and familiar with the activities of McHenry and its grand surroundings. I hope that the day' will be soon when I» cajgj bring them all home with me and enjoy the many features that McHenry has to offer. Just once again, thanks a'lot fori being on your mailing list and kindest regards to you, your entire staff, to the people who make the Plain dealer possible, and to all my friends ' in the service wherever they may be. ; Yours truly, E. J. MEYER, Camp Davis, No. Carolina. Read the Want Ads church, Woodstock, with burial h»j Calvary cemetery. 1' ERNEST MILLER IS AWARDED THE PURPLE HEART POSTHUMOUSLY ichter^ oiTthe ning pitcher, Sanders. plaved several selections for ius. -H/' ,Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vance of Har- . •',, . vard were called to Darien, Wis., .s^--a;f^"^|/'pj WW ...Tuesday by the tragic death of Robgolf course to give the state champs ert Vance, 4-year-old son of Mr. and from Rockford a run for their money. Mrs. Donald Vance, which occurred Had Harold Michels been up to his i Monday night. -Donald Vance is a brother of Ray Vance and formerly lived in Harvard. The little boy was instantly killed when his head was crushed by a truck driven by JMiss Eileen Cusack. The accident occurred when the truck was driven over a pulley in a farm lane, causing the hoy- to bounce out and land between the front and rear wheels of the vehicle. Hardware that will stand Hard Wear JM9 Thai means Quality -- we have the brands that will take it. Right now some articles are hard to get, but if they are gettable we got 'em. We welcome your jn quiries. Drop in today. E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY ^Hern's why Mom says it VAVS to worm with GIZZARD CAPSULES Quitk- faty - Won't SicfcM Birdi or Knotk tgg Production W TTi.lnfr p»y» <!!ddiiicls this Te*r. in n#e<iet! rots for t ae> Sam and bifcer j rofiu f"r TOt*. K«n '«s Irving this winter! Pat'd.Ins^ lubisf Capsule Coatlns Am ri'tt dissolve in cror>-- riedirine until crushed by fijzarl--ddi-frs comct full str*ng*h to norms. Won t s-lrKpn biriis or kmx-k eft pti - <!ucts™. For •" 3 kindi of ^ rm^ --Pin. Lar„-^ an ! Large Tapes. heads (f all «p«-ies of Tap<s that »"* -•r<xiu<"t on market can g< it Bolger's Drug Store Green. Street McHenry In September of 1942 word came from the U. S. navy that McHenry's first navy casualty had occurred. The short telegram came to Mr. and Airs., Ben J. Miller, telling them that their son, Ernest, at that time the pnly county boy in submarine service, was missing. A year and a day later another communication waa received stating that after' the customary length of time Ernest had been listed as dead. This week agaifi a letter and certificate arrived at the Miller home, along with a registered package containing the Purple Heart award, given posthumously for wounds received in action which resulted in Ernest's death. The Purple Heart was originated on August 7, 1782, by George Washington, making the 'award much older than most of us think. The certificate received by the Millers was signed by the late Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, a'nd wa§ probably one of the li$t pieces of his work, it having been, signed about the middle of April. Sunday Shamrocks vs Hebron The McHenry County League opens next Sunday with Hebron's strong nine appearing against the Shamrocks on the local diamond. Howard Judson, star of University of Illinois, is expected to burl, for Hebron this season. \ Admission: Adults 30c; Children (including high school students) 2Qc/^ Price, includes tax. CAME TIME: 2:00 p. m. FLORIDA SWEET 1 JUICV TEXAS YELLOW ORANGES II ONIONS 5Les 41c! 13 CRISP FANCY FLATIEAF CRISP a TENDER 2 27c 2 BCHS. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Save THohcu TtatauuU'^ 1/aCue*i GOOD QUALITY Tomatois NO, Tcan lUC COME AGAIN NO. 7 CAN Plum Jam M* 35c I COME AGAIN Peanut Butter' yA L! 29c AMERICAN HOME ASSORTED J4-OZ. BUS 2 oz 33c Beverages 4 SUNSHINE «RISPT Crackers 19c SAtERNO Grahams FREE MACARONI FFLFCSH CREAMERY--93 SCORE GRADE A (I} R«D PCINTT) *4 Butter . MSK COME AGAIN ii Peas & >14 CORNED BEEF HASH IJ'M-OZ. GLASS O* COLD & Broadcast JBI SERVE HOT OR Aj Sjiam A! Sis Sfi a? •V 3^1 & Vi ttl JUMBO WHITE Bread 2 11/4" D^E•,,, ... LOAVFS S w i f t 1! Bland or Armour'I S»a' Lard CIN 18c FINE GRANULAtiO Sugar Wl BSOWM Sugar N-CTlONERS Sugar I-IB On»- Dackaq* of Crt-trrtfftt. T«nd«'oni OF FOUID'L Mac with purchai* e< • m I mfflBBStS&KmaBBBbauaaar Wilson's B,V, ^ °^21c Awarding of the Army-Navy "E" ( award to the men and women of the M. P. Heinze Machine Co., Wauconda, [ last Friday afternoon - waa accom- I panied by one of the finest programs it has ever been the community's | privilege to hear and witness.* Held ! in the Logan Square Masonic Temple. • *he ceremonies drew the entire peronnel of the Heinze company, sever- 1 dignitaries from the various tranches of military service and business circles and relatives and friends of the employees. All in all, it was a colorful, enthusiastic gathering. Lemon Oil Lemon oil is used in making nMttthol, soap and pharmaceuticals,: Milk Consumption Milk and its products comprise over 25 per cent of the 1,700 pounds of principal foods consumed each year by the average American. Among men who lire in work clothes all day long, this label KELLOGG'S 16-02. DELUXE oeecc All BRAN OUR BREAKFAST 59 Shredded Wheal 10 12-OZ. KELLOGG'S PKG / HILLS BROS. WHEAT FLAKES FORT 8-OZ. 8e DEARBORN Advertised in LIFE and oiSer Magazines CORN FLAKES M .02. -yC PKG. Headquarters for Lee «NI«N MAOd OVERALLS and ofher WORK GARMENTS FORT DEARBORN DELUXE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 8LEACH Fleecy Whito urnc sc -"St? Ammonia HAND SOAP Lava ^ nj«E-aOATtt»« -fas Swan Soap Americas family 23c 6SI Oxydsl NEEZC Rinso _ LATtOSOtf Duz " < •* •'" B McGEES CAKE to th« ol am urcHmdlt* LTO«O -FFL l>« MMW! «• •OKMMI •pproxlmataty *• 1% a* «cco«m at HM IQixM OMup«»ioM< >« Adk ' # pore for Men McHenry STORES

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