PV.Sevrt •'- -r • t+. a ' •* ,»} •' *>' Jf ;/• ' • » ** • * .. > " * . " y . . - 'S"s> VOIR WAR BOim D&Cl&hA v • • ' • ' • - ' . • . . " • ' w"i"' . , ~ * , - ^ *, , „ . - ' . 4 . ... . j WKW 9WfWaWFS wtfWuWd JrwlMwI^rwUww\Wu&fGc DOUBLE BVTY DOUUS - J . ) -1 J . I . , V'K '-^Uvi- : ^ , ; v.-•..' .. v ' :-v, .1*/ ' ^ \v>: •' n' r^.\ Vv:-;".v-" £;V : V ' . * _ ~ . " . •',jv • | '• ' •. "• .V; " V V. ............. w • • * * ' 1 ~ * v " r-' ' ' ^ " •: . • , • ** * ' ' '* '• • J.: '"'a' : ' -V'^ - •"'V? / "• :""V 'V V---:' • i' 1, . ' •• :• v.- . • : V " ^ " - ' v : ; - ' r ' • f t : . r - S j . I' -r, ..y:; :.-A";/•• •r- & /^"\UR implement industries engaged in the war effort are learning a lot. Today, this growing knowledge is going into the tanks and planes and guns with which our boys are doing such a magnificent job 011 the fighting fronts. But when the war's over, that "know-how" will go into new equipment for you. The tractors and cars and machinery which will replace your present equipment will be more efficient, easier to use. The manufacturers' post-war catalogs of new lines will make your mouth Water! Well, you'll be able to order as much as you want--if you have War Bonds stored away with which to pay the bill. On farms and ranches all over the country, wise, foresighted owners and tenants are keeping track of all the places where money will have to be laid out when the war is over. And against these future expenses they are taking down their dollars in War Bonds. Your boy is learning a lot while he's •way fighting. When he comes home he's going to know what first class equipment is, and he isn't going to be satisfied unless you have it. Right now, of course, the War Bonds you buy help back the attack and hasten the day of victory. But after the War?-the money you invest in them will back, for you together on the farm. War Bonds are backed by Uncle Sam. That makes them just about the safest thing in the world. They're the easiest way to save your money, because you can buy them at ba^nk or postoffice or Production Credit Association. They come in large or small denominations, and in different kinds, to suit your«needs. The important thing is--keep on buying than! . VI If YOU NEVER GET LESS THAN YOU LEND! And you car get Yi more than you invest. When held 10 years. Series E War Bonds yield 2.9% interest compounded semi-annually. You pet back $4 for every $J. Of course, no one should cash a Bond unless he to; but if an emergency comes along, Uncle D will redeem them in cash--at full purchas* price--any time after you've held them 60 days." Don't hold back a single dollar unnecessarily the purchase of War Bonds. YOUR HBLP 18 NEEDED TO WIN THIS WAR. FACTS About War Bonds (Series E) $11.75 ',1% 375.00 750.00 $2500 100.00 500.00 1000.00 Nlfkf Mil if fM MM't ft I* teMl For America's future, for yovr future, for your children's future--keep on buying WAR BONDS W::££ an official U. S or Advtrtifing C '•• • *• : . ' , ;; r • - J ; II % #• McHENRY PLAIN DEALER \ . / BuymorB^h^nmir for/^/rsecurity, too! WSQIE/^ £wmm