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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1944, p. 1

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-»»jw,V « i r * « i W | ' \ * • '* ' * Volume $8 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1944 Ho. RURAL SCHOOLS PRESENT ANNUAL SPRING THIRTY-ONE PUPILS TO GRADUATE ; • ' Friday evening, Majr •!#*/ th» nirnl schools of this district will hold their annual school graduation exerffces and spring program at the McHenry Community high school. Following is the program which is planned for that evening. Relatives and friends are expected to make up a »udiefe £ he'': ""•y" formance planned by tnese cnuaren and their teachers. Program KHythm Band--'Lower Grades, Hwrieon and Ringwood School. "American Cadets March "Indian Dance" - ladian Padgeant--Lower Gradaa America Sings--Upper Grades JtiDOunc6r--Vincent Schiavone. .Opening Chorus--"America's Oil the March." America Recalls --4 Billy Boy," "Pop Goes the Weasel." The HiU Billy Sings--"Kemo ;--Tennessee Mountain Song. The Cow Boy Sings^Trav'Iin' tft* Trail .of the Stars." ,;i/' , Solo--Duane Andreas LEO GERLACH IS •?.-? GRADUATED MAY 2 AS MARINE FLYER Leo Gerlach^ 21, son of Dr. Mrs. Leo Gerlach of Niesen's division, won his navy wings of gold and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the marine corps reserve May 2, following completion j _ of the prescribed flight training | COUNTY FLA6 EVOLUTION' I PART OF LEGION PROGRAM MAY 26 INITIATION BE HELD HER« TO The public is invited to county initiation ceremonies of Legionnaires of World War 2, to be held in the McHenry Community-high school au ditorium . on the evening of May 26. ! A degree team from Chicago will ' be present at that time and * fine program has been planned which . should be of interest to all. • • ^ V Flag Evolution . Through the efforts of Commander Paul R. Yanda, McHenry Post, No. 491, American Legion, the Americanization Commission, American Legion Dept. of Illinois, will present the history of our flag at the local high school on Friday, May 26, at 8 p. m. , NOTICE WWi deepest respect for the memory of those to be honored on Memorial Day and in co-operation with the program sponsored by the American Post, American Le» gion, No. 491, we asli that business places close between 10:3o a. jt». and 12 o'clock (noon) on Tuesday, May 30. It is deemed advisable to post early notices in order to avoid working hardships on those wishing to purchase food and other nfcccessary ite,jns on that date. ;; r"'; Your co-operation' in entering into the spirit of ithe dfcy will be COUNCIL, , 1 McHenry. Illinois. UNITED NATIONS CONCERT TO BE COLORFUL EVENT ONE FEATURE OF JUNE 2 COMMENCEMENT 7^, > • AWrough two weeks still retnaSn; complete list follows:", before commencement exercises at; FOUR McHENRY MEN ARE ORDERED FOR : EXAMINATIONS SOON The .following A registrants ha** been ordered for preinduction physical examination through Board No. 1. This will be the first contingent to*be examined during the month of, May. Among the names we note j two high school seniors who will be! graduating on June 2. They are Harold Michels a,nd Arthur Jackson, PAUL KAMHOLZ DIES AT AGE OF 39 AFTER the Community high school, many of the followers of school activities will | no doubt be anxious to receive ad- ; yanced information of one of the {"highlights 'of the program, namely, ' the United Nations concert. . j Miss Lucia Rausch and her chorus \ and Paul Yanda and his band will Ihe featured in this concert portion of the, evening's entertainment. Fol- j ]^arenKO EUGENE B* FREU|fl& * HAROLBKjGrf MICHEfcS ROBERT^. JACKS0N' Harvard HAROI.D J. MARVIN DONALD K. FISH BURN WILLIAM L. LUTH VICTOR H. KRIKG , WALTER SWENSON RAYMOND J. McGUIN® JAMES BAILEY LISTED KILLED DURING ACTION LEfT ^STATES ONLY -.WEEKS AGO 0 ONLY SHORT ILLNESS lowing several patriotic numbers, » patriotic pagaent will be presented. The entire concert • ALBERT E. KIESE& ROBERT WOODRUFF HOWARD F. BIGELOW ROBERT D. HOFFMAN PAUL B. HOLLIDAY JOHN C. BELDIN JERRY W. RATH HOWARD C. TANNER, JR. EDWARD A. VANDERVEEff Sorrow came to the family and,. friend^ of Paul Kaniholz on W#l- OWs" ; ; .;;••• f:'K nesdaj% May 17, 1944. as news came Selections , . i . of his death. He died in Lutheran Overture, "Over There^Arrangement . The American Legion has procured Demoness hospital, Chicago, follow- by Lake. (Band) replicas of every flag which our ing an operation which he underwent"!™ In The Army Now"--Frank , country has adopted, even those used a week and one-half previous. He1 Luther. (Band and Chorus) I / * colonies before the Declara- wns stricken while at work on Sun- ' What Do You Do In the Infantry?" j l,°" °f Independence. ' j day, May 7, and was apparently ix~ -- Frjank Loesser. (Band and Ohor- '"r..."." ~ 1 . ;• - Mr. Brennan will gi*e'ihteirest-1 coverine- nicely until he suffered a v'sr . ! course at the nav^ air ^aimng cen-i |ng: ,.eKar,ijng each flag as it is • relapse earlier this w^ek. Pageant. "United We Stand." liT of thTAir"' *' nnapo" unfurled by his assistant. He will The deceased ~ Was borii'"in Mc- A "Marchi.n'g Alon«r Together"-^ Pola cago. Having- been designated a naval have a11 t1,e"^lapS PlantoJ Cl^ Amer. | Hcnr>. on oct_ 3 190<>, ^he^e he at- an,i Steininger. (Band and Chorus) EDMUND ( aviator Lie^enant Gerlach wiU go lCan ^ from the Raven Banner of;Umd^ the Ioca, ^hools. making many "This U My Country"-Raye .»nd WINIFERD SALISBUHY, H o i I ., ' Leif • the Lucky, the Vikings who The total of McHenry's dea& casualties reached five this week when news came of the d^a€h of • Jatnes Bailey. The brief telegram f from the War 'department arrived j on Friday morning, May 12, at the 'home of his sister, Mrs. Loretta •Meyers, in McHenry. The bare facts | that the 21-year old tad had been | killed in action "whil# in performance [of duties in the protection ©f his j cpuntry". came only a month and j one-half after leaving the State*. James, although not a native of j McHenry. had lived here for five years, and through that time had acquired a host of friends who will j be shocke^ and saddened to learn LEO GERLACH Other Place®; GEORGE : ©. worth. Wis. , RICHARD M. WARFIELE^ W«l STEVE^SOit '6hi- J. KA^LS. Chicago. 'Ww"Orilnd WChoirskhso lm" WTarateilr. Boy -- ( on acti.v e duty at ore of .th. e navy" ,s ,u en. .t n• e • cu-u c.K y.. • •t ne viKings wno fr:pn.U Imx>aii<u> nf his-nlcisnnt nw Jacobs. (Chorus) P • inenus ttecause oi nis puasani per . . M sTlo-Nancy CrUty. ; ,«r operational tr«i„inE cCTttr8 L-:^ a"dc<l ^mland m, Tenth C/"" -onHlity. Ftft«n y.«r» asci he moved £ of the flac. , _ golo Nancy U J _ _signed to i -combat ) ^ T A™"™" «>' to CTicam. «vhere h» ha, since re.; D. "Star SpangM Banner-Franc. • i of fcrty-eight stars and thirteen red :• 8|ded. He was employed bv the Scott Key. (Band, Chorus: and and white stripes, ( Btlmont Farma dairy latthe timeiol Auditnce) V • / » The story of ""United We Stand," ' Tho Negro Worships--1 Deep River --Solo--Carol Harrison, j zone. A uvirehins-- The new aviator enlisted his ser- ^"Little Brown ChWch in the j v'ces in December of^l94^artd un- j Then will follow the Castle and' his death. "The Recessional' Chorus o h h sh u'Tg* derwent training at Car/oll college, th4 Lion flag of Columbus planted at! Survivo'iSi.."ihclade"is:'• VHfef ^ culntbe. Wis. '.Transfers'. Harvari CHARLES W. MULVANEY. Gil BERT G. GIRSOM WILLIAM J. FRITZ CLAVKRN J. EVENSC^ Waukesha, Wis., Marquette univer- San Salvador in 1492; the flag of! ofie son, Paul, Jr.; his parents, Mr! u"!ty °t ,North •|*nd, the Marengo American^Praver" --^Solo -- "»>ty in Milwaukee, Wis., Iowa City,j Americus Vespucci, after whom aml Mrs ,Fped Kamholz of Mc^,alW "ations, will be told b> a THOMAS I. MAKAGUSHI William Adams ^ j Iowa, and Minneapolis, Minn., before I America was named; the English flag Henry; three brothers'. Ernest and • ahd at various points m iy,cHenr>. tr T«r>ts Oitrhd Ton ? being sent to Pensacola, Fla. His; of King Henry II flown at--Labrador f George • of Chicago and Fred Kam- interesting patriotic tale v ill he TADASHI F HADA Ameru^T^ts-Ostend Ton WjHiam Jqhn hag ^ at.:ty John Cabot; the Union Jack; the; Z ^selections by' the band and oho!* w^stock ^ ette "Marines' Hymn" "Anchors Aweigh "Cassion Song tending aviation gunnery school with Cromwell flag; the Pine Tree flap of one sister Mrs. Florence Schttiitt >* the navy, at Purcell, Oklahoma. Massachusetts colony; the Rattle-.'! o^ca^o. " ' i J Leo is a graduate of the McHenr> snake flag; the Cambridge flag, first body rests at the funeral homej Display Flags > the pageant* unfolds, ROBERT F. MUFHLBEBG "Cassion song i • • .... .... , thirty McHENRY OUOTA FOR JAMES EAJLEY 4 s!:"' Ri,*mhprc_«Over There': 11 ommumty high school with the to be striped and first to be Hewn at 3600 w Hamson street. Chicago, Freshmen Rirls will take their place »rVTW WAP inAN MAC 1 "V; Americ«n_ th.; s>tlmloy at 1;30 when la,t staee, Mch di,„l.Sin» a fla* «T AT ^ -thnd, death. rine flyer from McHeni-j- to grad- Bttsy Ross flag; the fifteen striPes rites will be conducted there. Burial uate. The first was Joseph Gaus-1 and fifteen stars flag of 1812 in will he in Chicago. den, who won his wing# a few months existence when Key wrote the "Star „ ' ' ago. Spangled Banner;" the Stars and TWENTY-THREE BOYS America Anticipates Lights Go on Again." Solo--Jean Milinac America Pays Homage-- TO Our Country -- "To Thee ^ ' Country." A11 S W. Brown Serves 40 To Our F ag_ f J •. Years As Postmaster »nd stripes-sixteen flags in all. -y Trumpets--Elaine'lrfindgren j ! The propram will close with ji. Diplomas -- Roland j The senate has this past week con- Pledge of Allegiance^ and the recita belonging to one of the nations the allied grcup. Displayed will bo 'he fl»gs of the United States, China, Bars of the Confederacy; the flag •>f 1877; and the present day £tars He atten&d the local high school during his jun^ .. ~ , . , ior and senior year with the class The McHenry township quota 'o, of 1940 A quiet with a friendl Great Britain. \ ranee, Poland. Den^ the Fifth War Loan, which begins smile Janm wag pular with ^ mark, Czechoslovakia. Russia. Nor- June 12 and .extends to July 8, was ciassmates an(j teachers alike wmv nmurMTTNTAM' ' N^herlands ftelgium. Lnxem- set this week at $277 825. Jt is ^r. and Mrs. F. W. Bailey aiid «WIJX UUJHMUrllUri bill*, Jugoslavia, Greece, Costa Rica, hoped that approximately 42 per thejr two cj,jj(jren moved to Mc Cuba, Dominican Republic. El Sal- cent of this figure will be repre-, Cu],om Uke sjx years apo^nd maf^ In their sweet, youthful innocence, ivador, Guatamala, Haiti, Honduras, sented by E boni sale«. their permanent home there uniil AND GIKLS RECEIVE '^entat'on. jJcGannon" ~ j-'firmed the appointments of two ition of the American's Creed. J twenty-three boys and girls approach-! Panama, Bolivia. Mexico, Nicaragua The U. S. Treasury department about a year and one-half ago. Last "Star Spangled Banner" ! postmasters in this territory, one of! i altars of St. Mary's and St.; Brazil. New Zealand, Union of South thi* w'eek gave all of Illinois the year they spent onlv the summer Mipic Supervisor --Miss Blanche] them being that of Samuel Brown j POPPY DAY WILL Patrick's ^churches last Sunday i Africa, Australia and Canada. biggest' financing job in its histop there. James, following his nigh Thompson Ranist--Mrs. Carl Weber Graduates Following are the thirty-one rural •lichool graduates of 1944, the school each attends and the teachers for each school: Lincoln School-- DOROTHY GIBBS, Taachar. WILLIAM ADAMS lily I-ake School-- M. P. FREUND, Teacher. EVELINE LARKIN, Teacher. ' DAGMAR ANDREE ALICE HINTZ VINCENT SCHIAVONE RAYMOND BORO Crisvkold Lake School-- AGNES M. THENNES, Teacher. ROSEMARY BURGHGRAEF WARREN SCHEID . . Kirigwood School-- WEI.DON C. ANDREAS, Teacher. iof Ringwood, who has served that post for the past forty years. He received his first commission on Nov. 24, 1904. Recent action of reappointment rests in the fact that the Ringwood office has recent Patrick's churches last Sunda> i Africa, Australia and Canada. Mother's Day, to receive their first The program will be colorful and bv assigning it a quota of $1,107.-; school education, was employed In . Hdy Communion. The boys wore ,borate, and its patriotic air cannot. 00,000 for the Fifth War I-oan, it Montgomery Ward's store in Chicag® SATURDAY, MAY 20 dark blue suits with boutonnieres of help but touch the hearts of even vas announced Tuesday by Renslow for a time and latter at the Woodwhite carrftitions, and the girls white | those who have no fighting boys of P. Sherer, chairman of the War Fi- stock Typewriter -company. BE OBSERVED ON Annual Poppy day will be observed dresses and white, lacy veils. (their own. This pageant which de-s- nance committee of Iilincis. This is in McHenry next Saturday, May 20, Leading the boy communicants at j elites the unconquerable strength of the highest quota yet set for the Jy been advanced from a fourth to a! with the Boy. Scouts, and volunteers St. Mary's were Donald May and (the allies cannot help but give cour- state since the inception of war bona ' Servjces w,th the navy third class rating. in charge of sales. Among: the vol-, Robert Tonyan and the girls *ere iRe an,j hojH; to those wlv>se Erad- sales in 1941. jX)ot training at Grei Mr. Brown recalls taking over unteers will be several Junior, For- ted by Rita Barbian and Gail Brefeld. uating sons will a short, tine later ' Of the total quota, $405,000,000 is L«ter he stationed at Enlihted In 1942 In September of 1942 he enlisted and tock Great Lakes. SO|Q. duties on the day that Theodore. esters and school children, . Those receiving their first communions ^ di.-xard their caps and gowns for to be purchased hy individuals and' mon Branch of the amphibious tralnV Roosevelt was elected to a full four-; Many people wonder what will be- there were Thomas Adams, Kenneth, service uniforms. ~ the balance of $702,000,000 is for jnjf Washington D. C., and the year term in 1904. Mr. Brcwn has ; come of the money collected by the Dietirich, Eugene Ikm?, Arnold Jus- Unless »nclement;^l«?i^il»arpurchase by. corporations," Mr. Sherer training base at Little Creek, Va. J^rired continuously since that tinta.^ ! volunteer workers that day. This ten, Donald Blake, Harold Schmitt,, „ermit, the entirie commencement said. The quota to individuals is After he was assigned to a ship for * money is contributed to the welfare Charles Tonyan, Louise Obenauf, _ . . ........ NOTICE^ ' ' and re-habilitation work of the Amer- Marian Blake. EUa Buss and Gerlocal Board c' Health has' «an Legion and the Auxiliary, the aldine Freund. pix»gram will be held on the schoeil 25 per ccnt more than has ever been overseas duty, he sailed down the grounds, as'in'past--years. The pro- sold in any previous urive. Mississippi and into the Gulf on jt , The local Board c" Health has ,c»n _»•»> ««*•••«»*j. • 'f' . . 'gram will begin at 8il5 cn Friday Special emphasis will be placed on trial trip. He left the country about been instructed to make inspections. money bringing help to disabled vet- At A t. Fatnc s, ie communicant? evenJ -June' "2. sales to individuals, the chairman April 1 of .this year and the few let and 'iwe everv nrecaution in safe- erans and their families. .Th« govern--were led by Joanne Hughes, Donna. f of our ritirpns ment, of course, looks after the phvs- Raycraft. Judith Freund and Ann Ther£oLcil has also asked Ben J. ical welfare of the disabled men who Weber. All the leaders were becom- Smith to extend every service poss- fre hospitals, m. almost eveiy state, mgl> dthe in white CHILD FATALLY INJURED Darlene Carole Pohlman, 5 years ible in the removal of garbage It but there are things which the gov- suits and the girls m flowing irowna. I ^ only daughter of^Mr. and Mrs- „ ogpecially <lesi will be further required that gai i ernment cannot provide, such as the They carried colonial bouquets of | William Pohlman of Woodstock hed ^ ^ investo,. $2(M ( Wr,L^rVu^w Z-w bage^ properly wrapped, placed in understanding aid and the personal daisies.; and snap dracons. . . ^ Saturday afternoon at the3 oodstock ^ BERNIECE M. HAWLEY, Teacher. » * contained and nlaced in a attention that so often helps to keep. Receiving communion at St. Pat- hospital from injuries CAROL HARRISON •'I convenient nlace for weekly or bi- a family together when the chief rick's were James Jackson, Robert | she was struck by a LU ANNE BAUER i monthly pick-ups Those who do breadwinner is incapacitated. Weber. Eugene Hughes. Timothy 14, at Washington s stated, as the quota of»the types of ters received by relatives since that bonds classified in this category is time stated that he had been at higher than in any past loan drive.r England for a time before being- sent The quota for the Series E or "peo- out on sea duty. HE wa* a yeoman gned for second Class. The telegram did not 000,000. state the nature of his death nor received when are coming into the most im-. the date, and asked that the name of truck on Route portant stage of the war, and what the ship on which he was serving not street, about 3 we d° at home in war bond purchases be divulged. MURIEL BUTLER AGNGES RITZERT ' fit. John's, Johnsburg-- SISTER M. C O N FIRM A, Teacher. DIANE FREUND ' DORIS FREUND DORIS JEAN FREUND NORMAN FREUND ROBERT FREUND SHIRLEY HUFF GEORGE KING CATHERINE MAY ELAINE NELL t RITA SCHMITT ' MARIE SMITH * GERALD THELEN; RAYMOND THELEN Ipta""san School-- -•••'• ELEANOR FOLEY, Teacher. BERNIECE BLOUNT, Teacher. NANCY CRISTY ROY NOREN THOMAS P. MATHEWS Oetend School-- LETA CLARK. Teacher. MILDRED THOMPSON Cktm en> School-- J-7STHER LODTZ, Teacher. HELEN REHBERG C3ierr> Valley School-- pOROHY WELCOME, Teacher. RICHARD KRAUSE WILLIAM KRAUSE also be required to meet all require-, Poppy day next Saturday and amtri,. boldt, Maureen Henn. Georgia Sten, east side of Washington street and the^ntire ments Co-operation will prevent i bute what you can. B«r, Jean Weber. Joan Weber, Nancy in attempting to cross to the west , spread of germs and disease. ! ' ' ' --v"' | Pierce and Geraldine Thompson. side, where her mother was waiting . , CITY COUNCIL, Order your Rubber Stamps at The ---- for her, stepped into the path of a McHenry, Illinois. Plaindealer. Subscribe for the Plaindealer truck. Tnui*sday in ChicagD. FOUR ERBER BROTHERS SERVING AT HOME AND ABROAD OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY As the spring season comes to McHenry in 1944, another birthday is f chalked up by the McHenry Plain- - dealer, for next week the paper enters its sixty-ninth year. Our one ! hope and prayer this year is that •W seventieth anniversary may find, the plaindealer being sent to ovr fcoys at their McHenry homes. L-'i Pfe. WILBERT E. ERBER The tragedy which has befallen th® Bailey family and the community in general recalls the four casualties which have sadelened local residents Miss Evalyn Anderson spent Jaat on occasions during th* past two and one-half years. The first death we recall was that of William Pearson, who died in a troop train wreck in the early spring of 1942. In September of that same I year word came that Ernest Miller, I on sumarine duty,-was lost. A few short weeks later Rollo Chamberliin was listed missing and later declared dead. After that tragic dlkjf in December of 1942, McHenry see*, ed to pass through a lucky perittft of ten months until Eugene WVidpa?. man was killed «4ast October. We have taken note from time to time of many other casualties where local . boys were injured, also of | deaths of men who have had ! atives in this community. However, t of strictly local boys, the death of James Bailey is the fifth which know of to occur. Of the five, all except William Pearson pas on duty with the navy. McHenry Girl Injured In Waukegan Auto Accident NOTICE / DIM to the death of his (OB, tKe fcarber shop of Fred KamBoItz wlli •o4 ha open Until Monday, May 22. "Oiese pictures are of the four Erber brothers, sons of Mr. and Mr*. George Erber, Sr., who by their fine service records are hastening victory. Pfc. Wilbert E. Erber, 25, is n<wr serving with the air corps at Municipal airport in Nashville, Tenn. He left for service on April 20, 1943. later graduating from the A. M. school at Gulfport. Miss., and from the Curtiss Wright service school at Buffalo. N#*r tWt. Before entering CORP. GEORGE^ E&BRR. m (prvice, he was employed at the Oak IMianufacturing company. in Crystal Lake. His wife is making her home with her parents in Crystal Lake for the duration. • Serving with the infantry in New Huinea is Corp. George Erber, Jr.. 24. Who left for service on June 30, 1941. Ilollowipg almost two years of service in this country, he left for overpfeas in July of 194~'S. Before entering serrke he was employed at the Era A/C ELMER E. ERBER factory in Crystal Lake. His wife and 3-month old son are making their home with her parents in Woodstock. Aviation cadet Elmei* E. Erber. 2f»v entered service in March of 1943 and is now stationed at the University of Chicago, where he will finish hi» training in meteorology this mon tit : and graduate June 7 with a com£v; mission as second lieutenant. Befoi# entering service he graduated froifi' Stat* Teacharo' colle** ftt DeKalh. V .-- S/Sgt. ERVEN C. ERBER Since last November. Staff Sjgt. Erven C. Erber, 21, has been stationad in England. He joined the army on Jan. 23, 1943, and is now with the air corps, serving as a driver at a LibefatSf base. Before he donned his khaki uniform. Erven was a truck ' driver, employed by 0*Leary Brothers of Woodstock. The two right hand photos are tram the Worwick Studios, McHenry. Hairy Prichard, 39, of Waidkega* was arrested last weekend in thfji city after hi* car had(?truck anothi , driven by Mrs. Lorrai^; Ga^rafoTjf McHenry at Lincoln street--and Cuiamings avenue. Injured besidaa Prichard, was Elvira Smith, sister «f Mrs. Garafol. Both were- nleas^l after treatment at the Doust hoa» ' pital. Police said the Prichard cur \ turned over and skidded thirty feet after striking *he Garafai cat, Prichard was charged with drivinjf at an excessive speed and with f*iluti to observe the right of way. He w*a tela--ad on boa* - Friday of this week. *.*. *.

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