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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1944, p. 3

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I " •.'mi r w ^ ^ r p4,. tlThursday, May lis, 1944 .: w THE McHENEY PLA1NDEALER 407. Fred C. Felt* , ,115.00 412 Fred C. Felta .-- HI 115.00 420 Fre^ C. •1 IPetta _ 115.00 * " ! 1,370.00 374 Power & Light Public Service Co. .. % 70.84 377 Public Service Co. ^ 58.94 380 Public Service Co. .. 62.89 384 Public Service Co. ,. 54.51 390 Public Service Co» *. 59.37 394 Public Service Co, 50.76 397 Public Service Co. .. 55.73 401 N. N. Freund 16.22 402 Public Service Co, „ • 50.11 406 Public Service Cq» « 54.97 411 Public Service Co. 50.49 417 Public Service Co, .. ' 47.47 ,422 PuULic Servk^ Co. . 46.33 '• 1 678.63 Clerical 376 Mayme Buss ^ % 80.00 388 Mayme Buss 30.00 400 Mayme Buss 30.00 ,413 May me Busi 30.00 $ 120.00 - Aadit Expense j. V IT. North A Co. •t 00.00 >, ^ ./rei 5O.(h> insurance Fond 392 Matt Schmitt:.... : irf. ' - J , " •?% -;V. $ 25.6f MaintenanceFund 1379 Chuck's Trucking Co. 19.42 385 Walter J. Freund .... 3.0 s" 389 McHenry lumber Co. 5.00 391- Edward J. Thennea .. 26.87 i 398 Freund Oil Co. ...«.« 5.20 ' 405 Freund Oil Co. 6.64 i 408 Carey Electric Shop 4.00 ! 409 Edward J. Nickel# .. 4.29 ,410 Freund Oil Co 43.55 414 Freund Oil Co. »• ' 10.58 415 Paul E. Gerasch ...». 14.40 • 416 Republic Flow Meters 22.5r 418 Carey Electric Shop 3.00 ,421 Crane Co. • 18.93 1423; Edward H. Nickel* ,.,,. 7.42 >?,• > 'f age Three ' ' *,*. CITY TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT arr-.«jivEiiRY ! April 29, 1943 to April 29, 1944 • • • 4 I, Gerald J. Carey, Treasurer of the ,£ity of McHenry, Illinois, do hereby fertify that the following statement #f receipts and disbursements of • fhe City Funds.for the year ending April 29, 1944, is true and correct : according to my best knowledge and Relief. GERALD J, CAREY, -.IhRftMWPW. State of Illinois, Hfcounty of MeHenit; itt; , Subscribed and sworn to before me :'-.|his 29th day of April, 1944. - ROBERT L. WEBER, -(SEAL)' Notary Public. r. Jfelance on hand Aprif 29, & 1943 ....$18,153.08 :?<: Receipts. ;.'J. G. Stevens, Co. Treas-" X' wer 9,270.03 jKayme Buss, Witter Collector .a* \Cy233.90, " Albert Krause, Fiftta ; 20.00 Earl R. Walsh, City £lerfc-r~ Tavern Licenses ............... 5.830.00 Vehicle Licenses < 1*056.50 ' Water Permit.,.-™.,.;.,..... 35.00 v; Milk Licenses .................... 120.00 . Dop Licenses 106.50 Building Permits 4.00 Stage Show Licenses ..r... 40.00 Food Delivery License .... 50.00 Retail Store License ........ 2.00 Peddlers License ....4......... 10.00 Junk License 10.00 License tov sell Christmas Trees .£.*.••• 5.00 • / Circular License 2.00 Telephone Refunds ' .75 Rent for City Hall 5.00 Rent--McHenry TV p. Fir# . Prot. Dist 195.00 Thawer Rent i 16.00 Clay Hole Rent 100.00 McHenry Country Club- Payment 200.00 Motor Fuel Tax Fund .... 92.08 4511 4521 4525 4529 4530 4533 4534 1 4539 '4540 J 4578 i 4545 4558 4560 4568 4571 4574 4582 4596 4601 46<f6 4612 4627 463! 4635 4655 4662 4664 4665 4669 4671 4673 4674 4657 "Total Receipts |23,404.36 Total Receipts and'balance..$41,557.44 Less Disbursements Salary Fund $ 2,740.65 Street & Alley Fund .......... 4,965.08 ' Waterworks Fund ............... 4,349.1/ , Jpublic Property Fund ........ 2,133.53 tVContingent Fund |.,423.48 - Sewer Fund ............^....-.*^.4/^100.42 - Printing Fund .219.85 f 14678 '4688 4669 4701 4704 4713 ' 4722 14723 I 4726 ! 4729 4749 4760 4764 4783 ' 4786 .4787 ,4790 4799 I 4801 i 4802 4806 M. C. Felt* „. W. R. Meadows Iae.- SfcHenry Co., Fat* mers Ass'n ............ James Freund ............ Marshall Buchert ...;. Carey Electric Shop.., Martin J. Stoffel ...... Public Sen-ice Co* .... Chuck's Trucking Co. Matt N. SchmittT W. C. Feltz F. B. Ritzert .... McHenry Art. Stone Co. Tonyan Construction Co Carey Electric Shop .. Public Service Co. .... W. C. Feltz Anderson Tree Ser. Carey Electric Shop.. Public Service Co. .... W. C. Feltz ........... Tonyan Construction • Co. ..._ • Public Service Cdr -.;u W. C. Feltz Carey Electric Shpp....- Theodore Winkel ...... James Freund . Norman Neiss Public Service Co. Chuck's Trucking; feo. Marshall Buchert .... Motor Fuel Tax Fund Tonyan Construction; Co. ........-- W. C. Felt* Carey Electric Shop'.. Public Service Co. .... Chuck's Trucking'Co. W. C. Feltz. Chuck's Trucking Co. E. W. Lowe Amer. Decalcomania Co. Public Service Co. .... W. C. Feltz ......1 Carey Electric Shop.. Public Service Co. .... W. C. Feltz G. P.'Newman Public Service Co. .... Carev Electric Shop.. W. C. Feltz Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co ......... McHenry Co. Farmers Ass'n Carey Electric Shop... Public Ser?lce C5dii ' 115.00] 4749 24.00 4760 . 10,00 189.68 115.00 1141, 15.93 10,73 ' • 7.48 199.17 10&45 15.93 130.45 20,00 115.00 20.65 202.84 315.00 115.00 62.04 26.40 ..: 1 52.50 209.12 115.00 3.93 £07.03 115.00 23.75 203.61 3.52 115.00 28.99 Carey Electric Shop Public Service Co. ..., • Mark Winkel M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss Frank Niesen McGee's Mens Wear/;; H. E. Buch & Son ....' J. J. Vycital Hdwe Freund Oil Co. Paul E. Gerascfc Howard Cairns....... Peter Wirfs Public Service Co. .... M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss Jack Smith Downs Motor Express Van Denberg Supply Co Earl R. Walsh John J. Vycital Hdwe; Freund Oil Co. Howard Cairns Peter Wirfs Public §er\*ice Co. M. M. Niesen Mayme "Buss •4.00 |3.22 4800 4808 4804 •^0.00 4805 *•. 1.34 4.20 • 15.47 15.85 | 4453 ^2 00 j 4421 83-50 : 4432 3.00 4433 90.00! 4434 I0 00 , 4435 ^ 16:443fi 10.001 44X 23.43 j 4^8 . 3 00 1 4439, - 91 4440 227.95 4IJ2 88 4443 V 118 4444 . • 7 90, 4445 ; .90.00 ; 444g .. 80.00 4447 • f-90!4448 > ?0.f£ 4449 \ 139 4450 14451 Western United C9ia" ': Co v; 11.76 Buss Motor Sales • 6.96 111. Bell Tel Co. ...*..0. 1.93 Levore Company 81.09 i.45 10.41 199.70 License Fund Interest Fund . Bond Fund ....... Hand Fund ....... Audit Fund 'Insurance Fund ; 350.00 1^000.00 IjOOO.OO 750.00 175.00 45.35 Total Disbursements $22,252.53 Balance on hand April 29 1944 Salary Fund 4417„., Howard Cairns 4418 Peter Wirfs 4422 R. I. Overton ..j„ 4423 Edward .1- Buss ........ ' 4424 Fred Ferwerda 4425 George P. Freund ... 4426 A. E. Nye ... 4427 Joseph M. Regner ... 4428 Earl R. Walsh .... 4429 Vernon J. Knox ........ 4430 Gerald J. Carey 4484 Howard Cairns 4485 Peter Wirfs ............ 4509 Howard Qairas ........ J|510 Peter Wirfs 4-"»31 Nick J. Adams ^ 4532 H. B. Schaefer ........ «537 B. J. Brefeld .............. 4M4 Peter Wirfs 4548 R. L Overton ............ 4549 Edward J. Bwss ... .... 4550 Fred Ferwerda ..... .. 4551 George P. Freond .... 4552 A. E. Nye - > 1553 Joseph M. Regner 4T>54 Alfred Tonyan .......... / 4f>55 Vernon J. Knox 4566 Gerald J. Carey 4s">57 Farl R. Walsh 4576 Howard Cairns 4578 Matt "N. Schmitt ...... 4579 Nick J. Adams .......... „ 4580 Howard Caii-na .....-- 4T>81 Peter Wirfs s' ij[>10 Howard Caimfc: ........ 4611 Peter Wirfs 4633 Howard Cairns ........ 4634 Peter Wirfs ....... ,4f>38 |l. I. Overton ........... 4i>39 Edward J. Buss ........ 4^0 Fred Ferwerda a......... 4*>41 George P. Freund ... #>42 A. E. Nye 4643 Joseph M. Reiner .... 4644 Alfred Tonyan 4645 Vernon J. Knox <....... 4646 Gerald J. Carey " 4647 Earl R. Walsh .......... 4650 Nick J. Adams ........ 4676 Howard Cairn* *577 Peter Wirfs §702 Howard Cairn* " •--•••• .4703 Peter Wirfs "1727 Howard Caii«r^7...., 4728 Peter Wirfs 4732 R'. I. Overton ......... .. 4733 Edward J, Buss 4734 Fred Ferwerda ........ 4736" George P. Freund,.... 4736 A. E. Nye 4737 Joseph M. Regner .... 4738 Alfred' Tonyan .......... 4739 Vernon J. Knox-- 4740 Gerald J. Carey ........ 4741 Earl R. Walsh - ; 4f762 Howard Cairns ........ 4763 Peter Wirfs ;..... '4788 Howard Caiiitt* ^4789 Peter Wirfs $19,304.91 $ 42.00 38.00 40.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ' 25.00 25.00 I 105.00 50.00 30.00 45.00 40.00 45.00 40.00 . 22.45 11.70 . 15.U0 40.00 56.00 •, 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 50.00. 30.00 105.00 45.CO 5.00 42.00^ , 45.00 40.00 45.00 40.00 45.00 40.00 48.00 30.00 S0.00 30.00 ' 30.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 » 105.C0 2.50 45.00 45.CO 40.00 45.00 40.00 * 48.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 105.00 45.00 40.00 ; 45.00 40.00 4417 4418 1466 4420 4453 | 4455 '4460 4461 4462 1464 4467 4477 4478 4479 4481 44jB4 4485 4507 4487 4489 4496 4497, 4501 °4504 4505 4509 4510 4539 4512- 4515 4524 4535 '4536 4544 4576 4578 4579 4574 4546 4570 4580 "581 4606 4583 •1586 1590 .4591 4592 4600 4610 4611 4631 4613 4615 4628 4633 4634 4662 4665 4669 4636 4649 4651 4653 4656 4661 4666 4667 46" 8 4676 4677 4699 4679 4681 4682 4684 4685 4692- 83.00 72.00 32.94 60.00 1.69 / 4466 4419 4474 #480 4482 4486 4499 4507 Street and Alley Fund Publ'c Service Co. ....$ W. C. Feltz Carey Electric Shopv. Westinghousfe Elec. jfc Mfg. Co. --.-- Public Service Co. .... W. C. Feltz Thomas P. Bolger .... Public Service Co. .... 4694 4698 -- 4700 $ 2fT40.65 4702 4703 4726 4705 4708 4711 39.81 105.00 • 12.24 2.99 160.94 .115.00 71.9l| ^13.42: 4712 4718 4725 4727 4728 •'••;. $4^65.08 Waterworks Fund Howard Cairns $ Peter Wirfs Public Service C0. .... M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss Milwaukee Lead Works .................. Freund Oil Co. Williarii Heimer Jack Smith Earl R. Walsh ............ Downs Motor Express Jack Smith Henry Stilling William Heimer ........ P. H. Freund ....... Howard Cairns ........ Peter Wirfs Public Service Co. M. M. Niesen Maynie Bu*4 .............. Jack Smith Henry Stilling • John J. Vycital Hdwe Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. •••.*• H. E. Buch & Son .... Howard Cairns Peter WjrfsK^. Putyiv Service Co. .... M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss H. E. Buch ft Sopi .... Theodore Winkel Jack Smith Peter Wirfs Howard Cairns Matt N. Schmitt ........ Nick J. Adams Public Service Co. .... M. M. Nic sen ....... Maynie Buss ............ Howard Cairns .......... Peter Wirfs . Public Service Co M. M. Niesen ....... Mi'.ynie Buss Jack Smith ..... Theodore Winkel ...... John Kinjf Alex J. Justen ............ Howard Cairns .......... Peter Wirfs Public Service Co. .... M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss Jack Smith- ................ Howard-Cairns Ptter Wirfs .............. Theodore Winkel ...... Ncirnan Neiss ............ Public Servicie Co M. M. Niesen Maynie Buss Paul E. Gerascli Earl R. Walsh ..... Downs Motor Express Freund Oil Company Jack Smith ......... Jack Nicholls ............ Marshall Buchert Howard Cairns ........ Peter Wirfs •.*. Public Service Co. .... M. M. Niesen Mayme Buss Chas S. Ensign Milwauk(ee Lead Works ........ Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe J ......... McHenry Co. Farmers Ass'n ... McHenr>- Plaindeftler N. N. Freund ... H. E. Buch ft Son .... , Howard Cairns Peter Wirfs Public Service Co. .... M. M. Niesen W.J> Mayme Buss McHenry Art. Stone H. E. Buch ft Son Frank Niesen Stilling 66 Service Howard Cairns' v Peter Wirfs U66' 4459 4463 4465 4471 4472 4473 4507 4490 44<& 4493 1494 4495 I 4500 4503 4506 4529 4530 4539 4517 4518 1519 4520 4522* 4523 4526 4527 4528 4538 1 4578 i 4574 4559 4561 4562 4-63 4564 4566 123.11 3.91 466? 6.00 12.00 4r>75 . .91 4606 4.55 4587 7.00 4588 4.20 4589 4.80 4593 2.00 4594 90.00 4595 80.00 4598 29.43 4599 70.00 4602 23.27 14.00 4603 6.60 Ste 4604 46(5 .41 4627 J&0 90.00 4631 80.00 27.54 4617 70.00 4618 4.70 2.50 4619 4.80 4620 14.00 4621 80.00" 4622 90.(M) 4623 15.00 4625 83.0'; 4626 37.80 4630 70.00 4662 5.36 4669 90.00 4652 80.00 4654 45.22 4660 70.00 32.55 4663 28.00 4670 3.60 4672 3.60 .75 4699 90.00 80.00 4686 33.75 4687 70.00 1.36 4689 21.00, 4690 ©0.(*i 4691 80.00 4693 10.80 3.00 4695 32.13 4697 70.CO 4726 .70 4716 &40 1.16 4717 .85 4720 4*34 14.00 4721 5.00 4724 • . I 4,349:i71 4452 ' j.4457 .. ^6.02 4458 %>$0.62; 4470 •,:.2.00' 4475. 5.24 j '-rv " ; 22.50 4476 '• 22.50: ' 22.501 4483 5.36; '•• > ;. 19.89 , 4489 22.00 4488 23.00; 4508 23.00; 4515 8.50 4513 14514 33.68; 4578 61.81! 4570 30.70! 4547 2.23 4569 10.40; 4572 10.40 4573 4.96 4577 26.00 4586 15.50 458^ 22.50 1 4597 22.5014615 22.98 4614 4.77; 4629 4-51 [4649 3.00 4637 14658 1-731 4675 2.681 2.00! 468i 4.00 | 468O 12514696 5.00 4708 12.50 ( 4706 5.00 4749 90.00 4760 80.00 4746 34.97 4750 70.00 4754 27.97 4756 115.50 4757 45.07 „ :4758 2.23; 4759 1.10. 4786 "34^8 4768 8,04 4769 L50 90.00 4770 80.00 4773 24.57! 70.00 4777 L38 4778 ; 4782 7J8 12.00 4785 2.40 4806 2.74 4794 90.00 4796 80.001 4797 ;^tuMk Property Fund Pijblic Service Co.. Walter J. Freund ..r...X Ben J. Smith •* Ilk Bell Tel. Co. Theodore Winkel ...... John King. Jr. .......; Martin St*>ffel Public Service Co. LeVore Company..... Ben J. Smith ........... John King ................ Theodore Winkel .... Martin Stoffel .......... Em pi. Liab. Assur. Co Buss Motor Sales ...v.. McHenry Lumber Co. 111. Bell Tel. Co. ^ames Freund Marshall Buchert' .... Public Service Co William Buchert ........ Martin Stoffel John King - -»....•....... Theodore Winkel ...... Freund Oil Co. Buss Motor Sales .... • John J. Vycital Hdwe. James Orr R. I. Overton Motor. Sales 111. Bell Tel. Co* ....... Matt N. Schmitt ... Public Ser\nce Co. .... Walter J. Freund ..* Martin Stoifel Theodore Winkel ...... John King ................ 12.50 '4710 Earl R. Walsh »>'00 14714 ~R. I. Overton Motor 14743 Sales 21.08'! 4731 Schreiner's Std. Ser- i 4767 v'c® ••••• 17.37 4766 111. Bell Tel Co. ........ 1.93 4776 Public Service Co. .... 4.08 ; 4793 John King 12.50 , 4792 Theodore Winkel ...... 12.50 i 4795 Martin Stoffel ........ 5.00' 4798 Le Vore Company .... 21.42, Buss Motor Sales 33.11 j 111. Office Supply Co. 29.72. John J. Vycital 4.46 44^ Charles Rietesel 1.50- Alexander Lumber Co '.50 IL. I. Overton Motor Sales McHenrv Lumber Co. 111. Bell Tel Co. . ; Ton van Construction Co Public Service .Co. .... ! Buss- Motor Sales .... . 188.97 Downs Motor Express; : ;!;^1.52 R. I. Overton Motor . Sales 60.00 Martin Stoffel '5.00 Theodore Winkid John King James Freund ............ Marshall Buchert .... McGee's Anderson's Service .. 111. Bell Tel Co, .......... Theodore Winkel ...... Pu! lie Service Co. .... Buss Motor Sales ...'. John J. Vycital Hdwe. Alexander Lumber Co .................. John King 111. Bell Tel. Co. Worts Sinclair Service Public Serviye Co. .... K. J-Miller John J. Vycital Hdwe. 1 Alexander Lumber* Co ................ Overton Motor >Sales Buss Motor Sales N. P. Justen .............. Natl. Honor Roll' Associates Edw. H. Nickels 111. Bell Tel. Co Public Service Co. ...; Edw. J. Hughes,- Secy, of State ........ Buss Motor Sales R. I. Overton Motor Sales Stilling 66 Service .... 111. Bell Tel Co Carey Electric Shop .. Public Service Co; .... Nick J. Adams McHenry Lumber Co. Buss Motor Sales .... Huck's Standard Service 22.10 Western United Gas Co. i 3.42 Alexander Lumber 1 Co 1 29.80 111. Bell Tel Co. .. ..... 3.05 Public Ser\ice Co. 7.68 George B. Kane 171.72 Alexander Lumber Co 23.70 1 Carl Rietesel , 4.50 Western United Ga* ( Co. 8.04' Holly Service Station 22.30 Buss Motor Sales 61.78 R. I. Overton Motor Sales 23.09 111. Bell Tel. Co. 4.33 Public Service Co 7.78 McHenry Lumber Co. _ t<.42 Blake Motor Sak* .... * 24.84 Ben J. Smith ............ 1.75' $ 2,133.53 ^ilrtlawenl' > • Fund . Mavme Buss .......25.00 Earl R. Walsh ^ 25.00 Dr. C. w. Klontz ,;w.: 15.00 A. J. Kamhols 15.00 B. J. Brefeld 15.00 C. J. Rassmussen ..... 5.00 Edw. A. Rossman .... 5.00 William C. Dettnier.. 5.00 Mayme Harrison ...... 5.00 Margaretha Spurliiig; . 5.00 Vera B. Kane ....: • 5.00 F. G. Schreiner „ 5.00 Clara K. Miller ... .... . 5.{K> Margaret Simon ........ 5.00 Evelyn Anderson ...... 5.00 Vera Purvey 5.00 Mathilda Gemsch 5.00 G. P. Steilen 1...:,;...^ 5.00 H. J. Miller ......... 5.00 T. W. Winkel .... ' S.00 Maud Rothernvel ...;A\V, . 5.00 Gerti"ude Weber ....«« . * 5.00; Ella Gans •" ./• 5.00 Eva Guinto ...........:..v..^ .'•••!/- 10.00 Frank Thornber Cd.' * '2.14 Earl R. Walsh . i».50 Empl. Liab. Assur*.; ance Co. •".'•L' 10.00 Stoffel ft Reih«nspfto.» :' ger •• 295.00 Amer. Natl. 6k. ft ®. Tr. Co 5.00 Mayme Buss 35.00 Earl R. Walsh , 25.00 Earl R. Walrfl 10.00 Mayme Buss ............ 35.00 Earl R. Watah .... ..... 25.00 Earl R. Walsh 10 CO Matt N. Schmitt 8.00 Mavme Buss 35.00 Earl R. Walsh . ..„V 35.00 McHenry Plaindealer 6.25 Thomas P. Bolger .... 1.51 Vernon J. Knox ,-- .85 Helen Knox ...;.V..,....;. 9,00 Mavme Buss .............. 35.00 Karl R. Walsh 35.00 McHenry Floral Co... 15.00 Mavme Buss .......... ... 35.00 Karl R. Walsh . 35.00 Karl R. Walsh .84 Mavme Buss 37.50 Earl R. Walsh 35.00 Burdette Smith Co. .. 7.50 West McHenry State Bank WH) Maynie Buss' 35.00 Earl R. Wal^l ... ...... 35.00 C. W. Klontx 2.33 Mavme Buss 43.27 Earl R. Walsh - 35.00 111. Municipal League ' 20.00 Wm. G. Schreiner .... 32.00 RFityme Buss * 35.00 Earl R. Walsh .......... 35.00 Mavme Buss 35.00 Earl R. Wal*h 35.00 Tlios. P. Bolger 2.96 Mavme Euss 35.00 Earl R. Walsh 35.00 McHenry Plaindealer 6.55 Thos. P. Bolger ........ 9.28 Monday, jMay 15, from boot training to spend an eleven-day leave. Visitors at our home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo Boyle and daughter, Pat, of Elmwood Park, Mr. and Mrs. Westphaln and Mrs. I Smith of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. j Thompson and J. Woods "of Chicago ! and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyrite. Two new families are making their permanent homes here now. The: Trigan family, new owners of the' Royal Blue store, and the Normandy : family. Those out over the week-end were! Andersons, Matheres, Tirneys, Madsens, Kilfethers, Art Burgs, Traceys, Kents, Dolans, and Bowlers. Pruning Evergreens The pruning of evergreens about the home may be postponed until , the trimmings are wanted for decorations. Since only small sprays are needed, a few clippings may be cut carefully here and there.* Early Copper King Marcus Daly (1841-1900) mtaer and capitalist, born in Ireland, migrated to this country with his parents at the age of 15. Starting as a i pick and shovel man in western j mines he soon rose to expert, dis- i covered rich ore deposits in Butte, I Mont., made a fortune in the Anaconda copper mines a few miles away, and became the Wiost powerful political leader in the state, although he never sought public office for himself. In 1872 he married Margaret Evans, established his home on one of the finest ranches in the West, and, as a hobby, raised race horses. Sicily Huge Fortress Blocking Mediterranean Sicily, poised at the toe of the Italian boot, is "the football of the Mediterranean"--throughout history it has been kicked around by more conquerors than most other areas of like wze. A partial list of ruler* of uie island includes Greek tyrants, Roman Caesars, Byzantine emperors, Saracen rulers, Norman kings, and in modern times a dizzying succession of Spanish, French, Austnan and British sovereigns before Garibaldi gathered it into Italy's arms in 1860. Sicily's area of 9,926 square miles makes it the largest island in the Mediterranean; its situation has made it often the most important as well. This threercornered mountainous chunk of earth, seething with volcanic unrest, almost plugs up the central bottleneck of the Mediterranean. Africa lies only 90 miles to the southwest across the sea's Sicilian Narrows. Europe lies only two miles to - the east across the Strait of Messina. Traffic or tragedy originating in either half of the sea has paid toll to or taken toll of Sicily as it passed, and scarcely ail event of Mediterranean history has. 'left.-this hub island .untouched.^ WAR BONDS \ital investments f a future Free World. Increase Output Rape and turnip seed production, can be increased profitably by the application of gypsum. These two plants are quite high in sulphur which explains the large increase in ytelJs which have been obtained from gypsum applications. The plants go into the winter in a healthier condition with less danger from winterkilling when the gypsurrf i» •Dolicd in the fall Subscribe for The Plamdealof! $ 193.91 Bohd Fund West McHenry State Bank 1,000.00 Interest Fund 386 W%*t McHenry State Bank 419 West McHenry State /" Bank 1.000.0C 266.D0 i WANTED School Boys 16 and over after 4 and Saturdays. HUNTER BOAT CO. 260.0r> 14469 14498 .i*:4502 „ - J 4565 46()8 4659 4648 4715 4719 •r>.™ j 4759 16.25, ,78: •13.65! 81 18.36) „ 24.50! . 2.10: _ l.OOi4!^ 6.64 j 4^® 26.09 j4^24 4 3'* ^>94 ", 4709 $ L423.48 ' Sewer Fund • James B. Clow ft Sons 64.60 Special Sewer Fund .. 75.00 Ruddy Bros .150.00 Ja mes B. Clow 6 - - L Sons ; ^850.02 Tonyan Constructwm Co. Ij308.30 Ruddy Bros. ;... 123.10 Special Sewer Fund..' . 75.00 Ruddy Bros. 26.50 Ruddy Bros. 85.20 Special Sewer Fund:.. 75.00 Augustine M. Freuftd.c 6.00 Paul E. Gerasch ........ 7.2C Paul E. Gerasch 3.00 Special Sewer Fund •> 75.00 Ruddy Bros. 106.50 Ruddy Eros • 70.00 _ ' % 540.00 Motor Tie! T*x Account Balance on hand April 29, ^ 1943 336X8 j Received from City cf Mc- j Henry, 111. ^ . 130.45! Paid Out-- 1 City of McHenry, .Street ft Alley Fund $ 465.53 -- F R I T Z E L ' S -- RIVERSIDE HOTEL 92.08 Balance oh hand. April 29, 1944 $ 373.45 Bund and Interest Account Balance April 29. 1944 ...P....$ 730.93 I * McCULLOM LAKE 4744 4780 4468 6.74 1.00 2.15 19,73 7.12 92.89 2.97 13.54 4483 48.30! 1.79 j 467S 21.20 Printing McHenry Pla McHenry Pl« McHenry Pla McHenry Pla McHenry Pla McHenry Pla McHenrjf Pla $ 3,100.42 Funi indealer 53.20 indealiMf 94.96 iinlealer 19.50 n dealer 1.05 ndealer 8.00 n dealer 30.55 indealff 12.60 (By Marie McKim) On July 4 last, Jim Bailey helped to unveil the Honor Roll. His sister Loretta, (Mrs. Don Myers) receive a letter from him during the wee' of May 7 from somewhere in Eng land. The following Friday she re ceived a telegram from the govern ment informing her that her hrothewas killed in action the same week she had received his letter. The news of his death brought sorrow tr our community. Jim was well knovi j and liked by everyone. His will b i the first gold star on the Honor Rc!! ! he was so proud of, | Mi1*. Howard Williams arrived here ; from Missouri, where she now re-, sides, to visit her many friends s\w' have some belongings shipped s^uth , Rose Hagadom spent a few day? here during the week. .: Dick Nimtz, A. S., arrived home is now prepared to serve appetizing meals, whether it io ^ Heiic^ous luncheon or a full course dinner. Business people can be accommodated here for lunch at the time of day preferred. Make it a habit to eat at FRITZEL'S, the name that identifies good food. EVERY FRIDAY--All the P*f$k ypt cm cat $1.00 . SPECIAL EVERY SUNDAY - " Home Ccclced Chicken and Dumplings We also cater to Parties and Banquets $ 219.85 License Refand Cfcai, W«t»p .% 350.00 Interest Fund American National Bank ft Trust Co. .if West McHenry State Bank $ 1,000.0! Band Fuad 4609 McHenry Bfipd % 750.0 750.0' Aadit Fund 216.79 i I l,000.0f 1.47 ' 2.68 4876 West McHenry State 6.56! ; Bank .% 1,000.00 2.09 19.25 .75 24.80 3.39 2.88 4&I2 HF. North & Co. 175.0T •• 9.20 . " »• " . v,1 " • 3.00 f 175.0) <2.38 Insurance Fund 5.74 4607 Hath 45.3f $ 45.3F Special Sewer Acc.ant Balance on hand April 29, 1943 2,l23i3' Received from Mayme Buaa, Collector 4,544.3* $ 6,967.71 Paid out duringr year 3,978.19 THE OLD JUDGE SAYS* . . 350.00 500.0( 500.0( S jf'"' *1 Balance .oh hand April 29, 1944 2,989.52 Salary Fund 372 Fred C. Feltz ...$ lC5.0f 375 Fred C. Feltz 115.00 378 Fred C. Feltz ...----, * 115.00 383 Fred C. Feltz ...» 115.00 387 Fred C. Feltz . 115.00 393 Fred C. Feltz vJl50, 396 Fred C. Fel^z 115.00 399 Fred C. Feltz 115.W 403 Fred C. Feltz 115.00 "Guess we're pretty lucky in our town. Judge, that we don't have the youth problem you read about in other places." "Don't know as you can call it lucky, Harold...we saw it coming with the war and we did something about it before it hit U9. We gave our 'teen age youngsters the recreational facilities they needed and really wanted. Those familiar with this wartime problem know that young folks go to places they shouldnXooly when the proper places are not provided for them. Young people always want to be with others of their own age... want their own type of entertainment. Town after town has found out that once these simple wants are met, the problem Is well on its way to being licked." "Guess I didn't really know how larfcighted our town really is. Judge. If we hadn't looked ahead we wouldn't have had anybody or anything to blame but ourselves, "•would we?"

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