„ **v--' > -!t THE McHENSY PLAINDEALER Page ThrM ThnrBday, Hay 25, 1944 I SPRING GROVE and Mrs. Harry Nelson and son in Chicago. Lois Myers has returned to school I after being confined to her home , " (By Mrs. Charles Freundl I I^ieas^es- • *» , , A. nice crowd attended the dance R«v. John Daleiden and the ushers I held for the benefit of , servicemen and their wives of St. Peter's parish sponsored bv the Liotus club at Town enjoyed a chicken dinner at West- HaI1 Saturday night. lakes tavern in Solon Tuesday iright. jjr an(j Mrs. Arthur Kattner, sor., Cards furnished the entertainment jjjlly, and Peter M. May were visitors and prize winners were Mrs. George ;n ^he William .May home in Johns- A. Mdyt Mrs. Albert Britz, Ed B&u€r ixur^r on Sund&y^ and George A. May. This has become» Mr. and Mra. Albert Thornton and an annual affair and is greatly en- granddaughter, Beverly Adsit, spent joyed by all present. Father Daleiden Monday in Milwaukee. acted as toastmaster and several »• . . . ^fter dinner speeches were given. D , _ _ Those who attended were Father j oOrdeWlX DtlSy Port, nalaiden, Messrs. and . Msesdames! French Win© Center ^rles Martin,* Norbert Kla^ Ben: Bordeaux, France's fourth city May Charles May, Anton Meyer and third most import portf is Paul Weber, Gregory Kattner, Ed., best known to the outside world as Bkraer, Charles ^Freund, Albert Britz, j a wine center, says the National Ge- George A. May, and Anton Widhalm ographic society, but it is also iroand Miss Anne Spindler. | portant normally because of its "Mrs. Mark Pierce entertained mem- i heavy overseas commerce in various bers of her club at her home on comn}odities and, because of the Tuesday night. Two tables of five P50mi"en l t. Part " has played in hundred were in play and prizes! ls or^- were awarded Mrs. John Lay, Mrs. Thousands of American doughboys of the first World wat remember McHenry Township Fire Protection District Treasurer's Annual Report BATTERER GROWS VERT, VERY BOLD May 1st, 1943 to May 1st, 1944 I, Joseph ft. Regnor, Treasurer of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District, McHenry, Illinois, do hereby certify that the following statement of receipts and disbursements of the McHenry Township 1 I'M NOT AFRAID. I'm afraid . ! Fire Projection District funds for 1 r' m not afraid. I'm afraid. I'm " not afraid." Chatterer the Red Squirrel kept saying these two things over and over again to himself. You see, he really was afraid, and he was trying to make himself believe that he wasn't afraid. The trouble was that every time he said it a little voice, a little truthful voice down inside seemed to speak right up ,and tell him that he was afraid. Poor Chatterer! Jt hurt his pride to have to own to himself that he wasn't as brave as little Tommy Til the Chickadee. His common sense told him that there was no reason in the world why he shouldn't be the ...year ending May 1st, 1944, is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. JOSEPH M. RBGNER, Hftasurer. STATE OP ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of May. A/D. 1944. (SEAL) VERNON J. KNOX, , Notary Public, Receipts' Balatt«e «n hand as of May ; 1, 1943 ..^.,$5,060.89 Tommy Tit went everyday and took ; County Treasurer,; from , - food from the hand of Farmer taxes 2,000.00 Brown's Boy. It seemed to Chat- Stoffel & Reihansperger, iht • ! terer and to Happy Jack the Gray surance refund - 3.45 9 # Frank May and Mrs. Fred Meyer. ^ . . Rrfr-hments wte. s«v.d Mlowmg u . £rt™ \ «'*=' ; 4 ; end of the- Gironde estuary which ! ^ ™ if ^ Illinois Municipal League, Servicemen nome on furlough who reaches 60 miles inland to Bordeaux, j a,nd J to Blaclcy the.Vrow« j assessments from foreign reported back t~o their campr»s ' were at- monument cvoumuumuecmuiouriaatwess tuhke , 'i f ito f wh„om ha„d s.e en hi.m . .d. o .... as insurance companies ..... Capt. Arnold May who left Friday landing of the first American sol- J- t , . -5.1"*Illinois Municipal League, morning and Pfc. Arthur Nimsgern dier in 1917. The monument also ' *%er h^d seen' and their respect for 121.76 SLOCUM LAKE on Thursday morning, recaUs the departure from this point i To™J_™ -i Members the ChriUian Mother,. Cclon.eT w'in thei^'fnd'e^endenw "in i thi"k » bra^at all. iETsir. Tom.:'11™"" "*»**•' Lew. sodality and the Blessed Virgin so- 1777 , mue^nuente in | my knew better you see he has a assessments from foreign dality held their regular meeting at vinevafds c,ffrn.,nrf t^PHoa„v »nA i «re®t deal of common sense under insurance companies St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday each laree vi^evaTrf ' the little black C9P he wears- "It Ill,nois Municipal League, night. Following the meeting, cards chateau of the o^er Wtoe ce? 1 ^fve been'brave of me to_do assessments from foreign were played and prize winners were an<j »wjne libraries" in some the ^rst time>" thought he to him- insurance companies Mrs. Anton Meyer, Mrs. Joseph of these chateaux were open to the ! se^ w^en the others told him how Illinois Municipal League, Nimsgern and Mrs. Elmer Smith in public in peacetime * j brave they thought him, '.'but it isn't assessments from foreign The flat triangle of land between I !!r*.V8 me •now'. because 1 know insurance companies the Atlantic and the Gironde estu-i |hat n° harm is going to come to me , Illinois Municipal League^ ary, the Medoc Peninsula is the i '-IP ^arrTier Browns Boy. There assessments from foreign primary wine-producing area of the I lSn 1 ®"y bra 1 ve/u y about il' ^d.il fiTe hundred and Miss Anne Spindler, Miss Clarice May and Mrs. Clarence Glosson were winners in bunco. RefArievsohmmiievniutfsl were rsetriv * ecdu ubyy twhiec cvowmiii - i vuu^uig at ca ui uiC • • • ^ v . , UlSUrfillCt COnip&niOS mitee in charge. The committee se- Bordeaux region. Its white and red j g 311 same way wlth County Treasurer, from lected for the next meeting were -wines strive more for quality than Mrs. Mary Knapek. Mrs. John Karls,! v°lume« ^ • , " Mrs. Ben Bush, Mrs. Math Freund,. . • " Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Clareil^; ^ ^ Eki»y Use ol Htau Glosson. was used in Cleop lira's Capt. Arnold and Mrs. A1 time to dye fingernails, palms of j Schmeltzer were supper guests iiij, 'he hands, and soles of the feet." the Arthur Kattner home on Thui^n ! --f--~ day night. _ ; j : Leaky Faucets Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson's in- ,Ma.ny leaks are caused by (1) not fant son was christened Joseph shutting faucets completely off or (2) Elmer at St. Mary's church last Sun- shutting faucets off too hard. day. Sponsors for the baby were £aucet handl" should be turned „G e,o rg,e Zarhstorff and .M rs. Steve , ^comnpl etely yJet °n o^t hsaer d, tehnoeug'hf ^to bc™'e er" , • " _ ... T .. ' grind the washer into the seat. Drip- Mrs. Albert Britz, Mft. Leandei pjng faucets are expensive not only Lay and Mrs. Arthur Kattner visited because they waste water and fuel Friday in Waukegan. used in heating water but because Mrs. Roy Nelson and son, Bobby, the leaking water will eventually cut are visiting Emil Nelson and Sgt. the saat of the faucet. Coward! Coiirtrd!" screamed Sammy Jay. taxes Illinois Municipal League, assessments from foreign insurance companies . Illinois Municipal League, assessments from foreign insurance companies .......... Illinois Municipal League,*' assessments from foreigif insurance companies County Treasurer, frorir taxes County Treasurer, from taxes County Treasurer,-from taxes County Treasurer, from taxes County Treasurer, from taxes. 37.05 30.2 i 22.98 70,74 18.45 I.OOO.OC 67.33 3.79 7.92 77.57 870.51 10.77 2.43! 29.80 CLARENCE'S|SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Chairs, Pier Benches, Swings. Trellises. Wheelbarrows, Wagons, etc. Barn and House Brooms, Market Baskets and Wash Baskets, hajiid woven; genuine Leather Belts, Billfolds, etc. V'.." ' CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS * School Boys 16 and over after 4 p.m. and Saturdays. ^ ^ HUNTER BOAT CO. Chatterer and all the other little fori } est and meadow people if only they j would think so and give Farmer ! Brown's Boy half a chance." Disbursements Chatterer was beginning to have ,111- Association of Fire fro^ some thoughts himself as he tried *ec'lon 0,strlc^8 * to make himself think that he wasn't Illinois Bell Telephone Co. afraid. ^He heard the door of Farm- Fitzgerald's Clothing Store .. er Brown's house slam and peeped McHenry Plaindealer ............ out from the old stone wall. There McGee"s Store was Farmer Brown's 3oy with a big City of McHenry .................. fat hickory nut held out in the most McHenry Plaindealer tempting way, and Farmer Brown's Botts Welding Servic# ........ Boy was whistling the same little McHenry Equipment Co, whistle he had used when Chatterer joe Xorth was his prisoner and he had brought „Hnois Municipal "^Le^iie^'> good things for Chatterer to eat. Of ^ R WaIsh> ,nsurance ... course, Chatterer knew perfectly v . , „ well that that whistle was a call for _ omPany him, and that that big fat hickory nut* was intended for him. Almost °* McHenrybefore ^ie thought he had left the !"'no's Bell Telephone Go. .. old stone wall and was halfway over McHenry Equipment Co. ...... to Farmer Brown's Boy. Then he Ed Smith I stopped short. It seemed as if that Cus Freund little voice inside fairly had shouted Jim Perkins i in his ears, "I am afraid." It was Ted Miller true. He was afraid. He was right Paul Gerasch *y - v on the very point of turning to scur- Harold Hobbs ... ......i ry back to the old stone wall when Tjlomas Diedrjch' he heard another voice. This time • Wbrt* .^' it wasn't a voice inside. No, indeed! It was a voice from the top of one ^ Ferwerdii • DANCING • . GROVE PAVLION AND TAP ROOM Fox River Picnic Grove ; fox River Grove, Illinois • OPENS - MAY 27, 1944 • DANCING Saturday and Sundey Nigltlbi of the apple trees in the Old Or- TOTAL RECKIPTS .. ...$iM95.15 25.00 -B.45 21.30 42.72 90.00 7.20 ' 7.65 29.89 25.00 26.67 89.95 6.00 SO.CO 90.00 19.98 67.94 50.00 100.00 21.00 28.20 17.30 26.20 ,32.20 K.90 12.00 11.30 32.20 15.00 26.00 29.20 13.00 28.00 20.00 chard, and this is what it said' Ed -Justen "Coward! Coward! Coward!" It J"1 Thennes'- . was Sammy Jay. «m. Green Now it is one thing to tell yourself Harold Vycital that you are afraid and it is quite kai'l Ccnway another thing to be told by someone McHenry Firemen, ...... else that you are afraid. "No such Earl R. Walsh thing! No such thing! I'm not | Illinois Association of fit* afraid!" scolded Chatterer, and then Protection Districts to prove it he suddenly raced for- ; Rari Conway r r.. ; ' ;; ward, snatched the fat hickory nut Wm. Gi-eett . . from the hand of Farmer Brown's ui^e ,.,,; !',,.11*7"""" Boy and was back in the old stone wall. It was haid to tell which was the~most surprised--Chatterer himself, Farmer Brown's Boy, or Sammy Jay. "I did it! I did it! I did it!" boasted Chatterer. "You don't dale do it again. though!" said Sammy Jay, in the Thennes ... most provoking and unpleasant way Ted Miller v-.; "I do, too!" snapped Chatterer. Paul Gerasch and he did it. And with the taking ( Harold Hobbs ......C......... of that second fat nut from the McHenry Firemen Fund. hand of'Farmer Brown's Boy the McHenry Equipment Co. very last bit of fear of him left Chat qus Freund terer, and he knew that Tommy Tit, jr(j smjth " the Chickadee had been right all the ; gruno Butler ' time when he insisted that there was Pitzen nothing to fear from Farmer . Brown s Boy. Jerry Kubovy (By Mrs. Barrj,' Matthews) Mr. and Mrs. Ray bCook of Zion were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mi's. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of \\illiams Park were among the guests who attended the eighth grade graduation of Miss Rosemary Burghgraef at the Community high .school at McHenry Friday evening. After the exercises all enjoyed a lovely dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Burgheraef at Burton's Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom of North Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Iiyle, were entertained at, T the Blomgren-Lusk home last Thurs- 1) | day evening in honor of the fifteenth! < • wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dunn of Chicago were callers Sunday at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and daughter, Margaret Jean and Mary Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, attended j the baccalaureate service at the Wauconda Township high school Sunday evening. After the services, all enjoyed refreshments at the home of Mr. and ivfrs. Matthews. Miss JPatsy Grunewald of Wauconda was among the guests. Melvin Hyland of Chicago spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk iand daughter, Betty Lou, attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric OlsOfi at Wasco last Saturday evening.. j Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers at Waukegan Hst Tuesday and were luncheon guests at the j hortie of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom ; at N<y th Chicago. • j Mr. and Mrs. Mark Webster of Wauconda spent last Satunhiy evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tin. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mrs. R. W. Lusk were caller^ Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Anderson at Car.v. Mrs. A. KnoCkamus Sr., and Mrs. A,Knockanuis Jr.. Mr. Kd H ivel and grandchildren.. Norma Jean and Richard, and Wm.. Hewitt of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wtri. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mrs. James Thomson of William^ Park and Mrs. Fannie Wilson of Chicago attended the Mothers dinner at St. Clair hotel, Chicago, last Friday night, given by the Gamma Theta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Swan Olson arid grandchildren of Maple Park were callers at the ' Blomgi-en-Lusk homo- last Wednesday. James Thomson returned to his home at Williams Park last Saturday after being a patient at St. Francis hospital, Evanston, for the past ten days. Misses Arvilla and ^titkrtf^ Mae Fisher, and Mary Case enjoyed » Slum!>er party at the Blomgren-Lusk home last Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McLee. Mr. ana Mrs. Vernon Cunningham and children and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mack and daughter of River Grove were Sunday dinner and supper guesta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ne" man. Mr. Cunningham will soon b inducted into the armed forces. Mr. Krueger and Mr. Duirean oV Williams Park and Mr. Orlick o' Chicago called on James Thomson a> Williams Park last Sunday. M rs. C. Newman and prandson Charles, called on the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank Jonlon, a Harvard hospital last \Veiresday, Mrs. C. H. Hansen left .Wednesday morning to attend the graduation ship high school were among thoM exercises of a neice, Miss Hubertine 8electe<l from their classes as award Ross, at Ursuline A:ademy at Paola winners »n the Scholarship contest Kansas, on Friday evening, May 26 sponsored by the Wauconda Uotti She will also visit friends at Kim- U£l ball and Cherryvale, Kansas , / WCre glVen a dmner at \Tioa it ^ T . lron Laritern ,n Wauconda and ttwtt fho r t J "i.t j j Was ; attended the Chicago theatre in ChC the guests who attended a birthday cago. party for Miss Dorothy Clingevat{- - ' ; her home at Wauconda last Friday Jtttg CMSumattea " ' after school hours. j mm arid its products comprb* Robert Matthews, senior, Betty Lou over 25 per cent of the 1,700 pound# Lusk, freshman, and Dolores Dowell °' principal foods consumed eaci sophomore, of the Wauconda town-! *e*r by the^average American. • .f ' » ' 1 1 1 >"*»« >»< !•# 11 t l .. :.w-- F R I T Z E L ' S • RIVERSIDE HOTEL M no^ prepared to «er?% | Appetizing- meals, whether • it is a delicious luncheon t ijir a full course^ dinnerC " " '• lousiness people can be | Accommodated here for j lunch at the time of day t preferred. Make it a habit to eat at FRITZEL'S, t the name that identifies 1 good food. i m EVERY FRIDAY--All the Perch you can eat $1.00 - SPECIAL EVERY SUNDAY - Home Cooked Chicken and Dumpling* | We also cater to Parties &nd Banquets one waiting list is as short as we can make it --aad yd it's Im{V Mir me Kd! War has not only stopped the manufacture of telephone equipment for civilians, but has made many more people want telephones. Since the National Defense program began in 1940, we have been hard at work supplying the needs of the Arm/, Navy, war producers and the public. There has been a net increase of 4 Vi million in the number of Bell System telephones in service. That has about used up the reserves, so wc must make thr most of what we have left. Switchboards are carrying, more lines and calls than they were designed for. More families are unnf party line service. Every telephone facility «g have has been pressed into service. If you're waiting for a telephone, we want you to know we're doing our best to serve . you as soon as we can. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY tad Wtdas k Ha Tdwh Mafey Nw MOT** NS MM IWiaiM) Jim Perkins ....... Harry Ferwerda Ed Justin Tom Diedrich <«eorj»e Worts .... Harold Vycital ... TRUCK OPERATORS' NOTICE All owners or operators of tmcks in the state of Illinois are hereby notified that the new stickers are now ready. The #ld stamps expired on May 1. We % are prepared to make your inspection and issue the sticker. Don't neglect this important matter. CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200J „ Towing ^ x Johnsburg Jerry. Fred J. Smith Vernon J. Knox Anton M. Schmitt ..... ••»••• t* • Quick Work ! He--You certainly were married „ i in style! But you didn't get much ; i publicity in this morning's papers Joseph M. Keener I about your wedding. Joseph M. Regner She--No, but the evening papers Illinois Bell Te lephone Co. .. w«* full of my divorce. ! City of McHenry -- | Stoffel A Reihansperger j , •' The Old Cut Up i Ita rry--Listen to all that chatter! 1 Wh»t's all the racket over at the] [ barber shop? ' Jerry--The barber is shaving him-! 60,00 23.00 18.00 21.50 14.50 27.50 27.50 26.50 4,00 25.60 «21.50 18.50 6.50 17.50! 18.00| 15.831 100.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 200>00 50.00 50.00 50.00 6.00 19.98 90.00 21.50 TOTAL AMOUNT OF DISBURSEMENTS ..$2,043.64 BALANCE ON HAND .. 7,451.61 self and trying to talk himself into TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS a massage! AND CASH ON HAND ..*9,495.15 Crayflsh Tf^e eye of a crayfish has about 1,500 little lenses, each catching a ray of light. \ _ Bee*gais« CrtNr^:>' iTie insnie of nests of sfmy car-i rier pigeons in their mobile lofta are painted distinctive colors so that the birds can identify their respective berths through their perception of colors, says W. W. Wheatly in TIm Family Circle magazine. Dairy Slf«r« Dairy specialists of the department of agricuiture say that a dairy* man needs at ienst 2Vj tons of silaga for each cow. More than 2% tons a cow is stiB better. Splitting Maal Better For splitting large blocks of ftMk i wood, an Oregon splitting maul that > combines a maul and a sharp blade . if better t^aa eiUier an axe or a \ duU poie Mm,.. THE OLD JUDGE SAYS.., %- h mrm FAR.- "Did you hear that Tom is going to be • Inducted into the Army next week, Judge?" " Yes, Frank told me this morning down it the barber shop. Our town's got a lot of men in the service now, Jim. In fact, all towns have. I was just reading in the paper where there are more than 10,000,000 men away from their homes in the armed forces. And, from all reports, they're doinf a grand |ob bringing victory closer every day. "We folks at home have a mighty big obligation to those 10,000,000 fighting men. .'We've got to produce the food to keep them well fed. We've got to keep them supplied r4th the ammunition and equipment they need to finish their job. We've got to help the Government pay for all these supplies our men need by buying more and more War Bonds. We'll have another big chance to do that by helping to put the 5th W Loon drive over the top, Jim. " And, in addition, we must be sure th.it, while they're away and can't express their opinions, we don't go voting on and deodiflK any things that will displease them wn®a they come back."