MEEMS ELEANOR YOUNG IS LOVELY BRIDE OF JtfR. JOSEPH WAGNER Pinochle Club With - M rs. John Braes eke \ The East River Road Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. John Braeseke last Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. George Glos and the hostess. Mrs. Albert Vales! a beautiful 'surinntfer wedding on Wed* .... will entertain the club next on Jun^ Mis# Eutelle Miller i 22 Bride Of Army Man . j • * V' Miss Esfcolle Miller, daughter of • Bride Is Honored At : *• i "Mr. rfmd Mrs. Tony J. Miller, and j Miscellaneous Shower* * ' PVt. Merlin H, Engels, son of Mrs. j Miss Helen Bauer was'honored at Katherine Engels, . were united in j a pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower marriage by army chaplin. Rev. last Friday evening at the home of 'Stefles, at (5:15 o'clock on June 1 at \ Miss Genevieve Knox, with Mrs. ILas Vegas, Nevada, army air field, Charles Vycital as co-hostess. Cards where the groom is stationed. Their' made up the evening's entertainment,; attendants ;Were' Sgt, and Mrs. Otto followed by the serving of a delicious Eiclteteadt.. , lunch.5 Lovely decorations were in; M|f.s' Miller chose for her wedding pink and white, with gifts laid be- j Attire a suit of ligllt blue, \cith which yeath streamers hanging from a she wore white accessories and : a, decorated sprinkling can. r * gardenia corsage. Mrs. Eicksteadt ln attendance were the following ' > wore a black suit, white accessories: teachers of the local grade scFiqoI.-i and a corsage of red roses. Pvt. and and a sewing club to which the bride Mrs. Engtls will be at home at 625 belonged; Mrs. Jennie Mae Cooley, S. Third street. Las Vegas, as^long Miss Margaret Larkin, Mrs. Floyd ' • "a? the groom Ts stationed tlfereJ,* -Cooley, Mrs. Charles Vycital, Miss ' , r • * r : v -'Genevieve Knox, Miss Carolyn Bauer Open House . and Miss Helen Bauer, Miss Mary For Graduates -' Kinney, B|rs. • Math Adams, Mrs., ; Open house was held. 'the. H. J. George Freund*. M^. Ben Bauer, .Miss ScKueneman home in Chicago last :'Frances yycitak Miss Nellie Doherty , week, honoring three graduating an(^ MisS Marguerite Johnson <>f „ members .of the family. They WereAnacostaji. Washington, D. C. • , the Schueheman's sop, Teddy, who / St. Mary's cbm-ch was the scene of nesday, Jun6 7, when Miss Eleanor Young, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. N. Young of" Main street, W^st McHenry, became the bride INTERESTING j?,-*1 i plained property taxation and legis- •ic1 f lation effecting real -estate*' and gave fideas for their solution. ||f" aiiny UPlUft Morgan FitdTft, president of the Illi- MpI1K||T MrlRl^ »{>'s Association of Real Estate / Boards, spoke on the benefits-of tha Illinois and National associations, Stating in effect, how these associations are on guard at all times to MANY ATTENDED CLINIC IN C|TY OK LAST TUESDAY SPRING BRIDE The first general diagnostic clinic to be held, in the northern half of , Illinois was sponsored by the Division of Services for Handicapped finished his studies at St. Gregory grade school, Patricia Schueneman of Chicago and Mitzi Durland, daughter of the Harry Durlands of McHenry, who graduated from St. Scholastica high school on June 8. Ceremonies which marked this latter commence SCHROEDER ERBER vV VOWS EXCHANGED' LAST SATURDAY Miss lone Schroeder daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Emi'l Schroeder who 'JlfeCfelVES 'DBGRfefr _ ... Miss Beth Sears, daughter of see that the interest arid protection; Children, Lawrence J. Link, director. Mr. and Mrs. .Walter N. Sears of of the real-estate profession is best! Invitations were sent to thirty-one i Grove avenue, Barrington, graduated served. 1 cases, and twenty-eight local childlast week, from Northern Illinois Representatives of the Rockfordren, accompanied by a parent, re- State Teachers college at DeKalb, board were present to giv^ encour- ported 5/or, examination. where she was a student for four agement and their support for" re- Diagnostic examination consists of years majoring in nfusic. Miss organization of the McHenry County i the following: (1) Oral examination Sears, a graduate of the Barrington Real E8tate board AJI Brokers to determine further surgfery or denhighschoolr Plans to continue her resent decided that the time ig tal needs. (2) Audiometric tests for hearing, tests. ! studies, at Northwestern University (3) Articulation and Voice : this fall, to Work towards a master's „ degree. Miss Sears received J a concert orchestra award and a ' pep band fourth'year award on the ; annual "Honors Day" assembly last ~y~ Mabel Ritrman ! Wednesday at Northern Illinois I ^""retery ana treasurer.' Miss sTatrice Bo^rtV S IT | State Teachers college at DeKalb.j .Although mahy Brokers present,. £ nursi^/^fu^fh' The awards were in recognition of^ s*8ne(i UP and paid their quarterly: A, . n" ripe for re-organization of the McHenry county board, thereby, Roy Kent realtor of McHenry, was ap-1 clinic was conducted by Miss pointed temporary president and , ^ayne Shoyer, • Supervisor of Speech Jack Wallace, realtor of Crystal ^habilitation, assisted by Mrs. her work in student organizations.: due*' memY?n i Mr' N^werh«m,. assistant Superintend ol|t of town visitors were an invitation and an earnest :>.ppeal . f » . r .*r * INJURED IN SHOOTING fis indicated to all. responsible and ^ 8 <^nty, and 'j^-ed Otto Jr., 14, son of Mr. arid' co-operative real-estate licensed; Mrs? Fred Otto Sr., of Chemung, brokers in the County to join. has been A patient at Harvard Community hospital sinc6 last Thursday MUCH CREDIT DXTjI ment were held -in St. Scholastica re?'d^ near. McHenry' became the auditorium, with an appropriate pro- ^""'^e of Lieutenant Elmer Erber, gram being presented. Diplomas were' son George Embers of West presented by the guest speaker cf McHenr>" in a double rin^ cere' the evening. The'" Most Reverend mon>' Performed at 7:30 o'clock Archbishop Samuel A-Stritch, D. D. Saturday evening in the Immanuel * '• (Photo by yrorwlck) MRS JOSEPH WAGNER night receiving treatment for/wounds inflicted when he was shot tbrough the left shoulder by a neighbor boy, Junior Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Ernest Schultz. Young Schultz, who: LOCAL PATROL BOYS FOR WORK IN 194# A PATHOL BOY'S THOUGHTS said he did not think the rifle was j stand on my corner, cold and wet, loaded,^ found it in the bathroom at The children pass by, then always the Otto home and pointed it at the forget. Otto lad as he entered the kitchen. The injured boy is making a satisfactory recovery. KILLED IN1 BATTLE of Mr. Joseph W. Wagner, son of I Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. John M. .Wagner of Libertyville, have been advised that Brcniiig Bridge Mrs. Nickels The Evening Bridge club met at Lutheran church at Crystal Lake, Rev. Gehrs officiating. The attractive bride was attired in Volo. Msgr. Charles S. Nix officiated at the 9:30 o'clock ceremony. The lovely bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in white a white marquisette wedding gown marquisheer, with a train trimmed their son, Pvt. Kenneth Cavanaugh, was killed in action at Anzio beach- Miss Warton, Lake county school nijrse, Mrs. William Peterson of Lake Villa and Mrs. Johnson, Wauconda. Appreciation is due Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. Fred Feltz, who ! served as receptionists. " J All arrangements were in charge | of Mrs, Joanne Rulien, local school: nurse. Plans for further service are Milder consideration , i ' ' -- --- I-- \ Lighten Clay To lighten a heavy clay garden I'm not just a^in Sam^^ Browne ®oil, mix with the top eight or ten belt, * inches of ground a layer of hard A boy who stands there though' rtiin; ashes up to four inches deep, j Methodist church is felt. .. - - Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry.:- .,«? MRS. WALTER LOW A bride of more than two months is Mrs. Walter Low, the former Miss Doris Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas of this city. She and Mr. Low were married in a lovely searly spring wedding performed at the local Community t I guide them across the busy street, In spite of the rain and cold and sleet. • - I guard their, lives on a rainy day head. The information came from j When a car might skid and carry Pvt. Frank Redclift, who was Cava-; them away naugh's buddy. Redclift sent To a crushing death beneath a wheel, the ' me of Mrs. Ed. Nickels.on CenJentrai"ne\.with fingtrtiri v^' »nd in seed pearls and rhinestones. The" message to his wife to Philadelphia i there's screech of brakes ter street last Friday evenine Prize carried white carnations and white | veil was trimmed with lace and was telling her that the Libertyville sol- and clang of steel. winners were Mrs Howard Wattles snapdraK°nS' MrS' LeRoy Jurs' sis_ held in place by a tiara of seed diir was killed while engaged in batand Mrs. Ben J. Miller. This was ^ the bride' sei"ved ** ™atron; pearls and rhinestones to match the tie. He was in a fox hole which Ih Df the rain and cold and the last meeting of the club until of.honor- ?°w"ed a yeUow mar-; bridal gown. ^ J u" next fall. i quisette floor length gown and car-; The bridesmaids; MisS Lorraine ried white carnations and yellow j Hertel, Miss Sally Carp arid Mtss Snapdragons. Miss Lorraine Erber, Dorothy Obenauf, friends of the j Cavanaugh said sh£ does not qUes- Sister of the groom, acted as brides- bride, were gowned in peach and I tion the accuracy of the report. The sleet, v* vnv avtvu iuvo- Ul lUt, JfUWIlCU III UI1U viuu wic ovvuiovj \n tuc 1UC » . Ik U * On Tv, i U maid, wearing yellow marquisette j blue dresses, fashioned like, and pf two soldiers had been friends for A simpiie_ooy, in a a m ^ Next 4-H Meeting With D'^TOthy Jus ten The fourth meeting of the Go- and carrying white carnations and 1 similar material to that of the bride, i months, before and since landing in Getters 4-H club,was held last Mon- yellow snapdragons. I They carried pink and blue gl«dioli, Italy. There was an agreement that day at the home of Barbara Simon. Roy Erber, brother of the groom, tied with peach and blue ribbon trim-| if one of'them should meet "with 'a At that time Mary Jean Doherty served as best man and Howard ming. Their tiaras were made of misfortune the other would vwrite was next to that occupied, by the1 ,P „h ila,d e- l^p hian. Although she has not TI',m .th. ere tAo gui-dje *thue m_ across the heard from the War department, Mrs. st. ree.t . . So look for me, when rain Is felt, and Janice Justen gave a demonstra- Knaack, a cousin of the. bride, was tion on First Aid. New officers were usher. elected as follows: - Man- Jean Doh- About 250 guests greeted the bride ribbon to represent matching flowers,, the victim's family. Serving as best man was Urban! . , Wagner, brother of the .gr oom, and j BICYCLISTS INJURED erty, president; Mary Ann Rogers, and groom at a reception held at I.; groomsmen were Walter Brown and, n«iITiar T^HnHa «on nf n/ anA vice-president; Janice Justen, secre- 0. O. F., hall at Crystal Lake, with Alfred Regner, cousins of the groom, i M|.s H L LaHoda sustained bruises R FTar>' D°herty"an orchestra from Elgin furnishing, The men wore dark suits and white; ^ "a back injurv Monday afternoon cha?n?fl; Thl . > TeCre^T the music for dancing. The newly- carnation boutonnieres The mother when he and WiUiam Yopp were TL! n/n T ? r be weds received many appropriate gifts, of the bnde wore a blue and white struck by a tpuck f,riven by Jameg t - to o Justen onPatriotic decorations were in evidence' print dress and a corsage of mixed Ackley of Prairie View The acci- June 19. i throughout the hall, and the bridal flowers while the grooln's mother dcnt took place on I ake street^ party was seated at a center table wore a navy blue print dress and Mundelein where the two boys were school and as a wedding lunch was served at also a mixed corsage. S liding a bicycle. Ackley told Chief school deserve mention for the fine midnight, a three-tiered wedding A bridal dinner and supper were | 0f p0UCe Jesse Shields his hat blew service during the past year: Robert cake being the center of attraction, served to about 100 "wests present 0ff and he grabbed for it, causing Peisert, , Richard Peterson, Kenneth The groom is a graduate of the ^ the reception at the Riverside the truck , to swervf and strike the i Lawrence Haug, Jay Counihan, David local high school and of the State! a ®r wn,c" the couple left on, |joys. (Page, Leslie Olsen, Clarence Feier- O. E. S. To Observe Friend's Night The local chapter of the O. E. S., held its last meeting on Monday night, Jpne 12. At that time it was By WILLIAM DOONER, 8B Lewis-Champlin School i Chicago ' Most of us are inclined to treat the j services our patrol boys perfoi*m ; much too lightly. When one pauses i'-to think of how their duties are air 'ways needed, regardless of the weather, one can appreciate the fact j that their tasks are at times far I from easy. | As the eijd of the school year ' is ended, we feel that the following boys from both the public grade St. Mary's-St. Pati'ick's announced that invitations had been TeacJlcrs college at DeKalb. He en- a short honeymoon trip. For her received to attend Worthy Matron"' «™<l on M«rch 3, 1943, and; f"'"f^'Lo'S^e'raeysuft Cwith!R0Y KENT TEMPORARY Worthy Patrons nirh, ,t Nund, "> September,of las, year wa, •»-!^ chapter on June 15 and to attend i s'£ne<l an aviation cadet. He has Official Visit at Algonquin chapter ^>cen stationed of late at the Univer- C0"Ple returned early this week and on June 29. The next 5ar m£|^.of Chicago, where he graduated ^ ^ ing of the group will be on June 26i° Among those in attendance at the n ^une 5 in a meteorology course when the McHenry chapter will ob- and ,,vas commissioned a second lieuserve Friend's night. . -- PRESIDENT COUNTY REAL' ESTATE BOARD j eisel, Robert Becker, Robert Gorman, j'Winfield Hagberg, Stanley Franks, Robert Freund, Eugene Freund, Rich- : ard Heuser, Kevin Hanley, Robert J Miller, James Wegener and George Worts. Some of the leading Real-Estate ceremony were the bride's grand- j Brokers of McHenry county were „ „ SaTU?' S^dT^lSn" I C Kleir and her 1^-' | bailed ^ethor „„e '.venin* Vent- Members of the local chapter at- ^ . ' re«5,ved her education j mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, also I ^ at Woodstock by Lawrence G. tended Official Visit at^ Richmond j a!the gran dmother of the groom, Mrs. I Hohnes, secretary of the National COMING EVENTS W. S. c. s. June 15 -Regular Meeting. last Saturday night. The meeting Afler * sho* 1J0n^J!"0^n M. Wagner was also commemorating the fiftieth,^® ^oup 1 le ret T urned to Wilmington, * _ anniversary of that chapter and the 0hi?' ^here LieUt- Erber thirtieth wedding anniversary of the! 8tationed. .Worthy Grand Matron, Agnes T.' In addition to the wedding, the MacMeekin. Among those who at- fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of tended were Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mr.! ^ groom's grandparents, Mr. and and Mrs. Chancey Harrison; ' Mrs!; ^rs- Herman Seegers of DesPlaines, j C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Henry Stephen-, and a'so the birthday anniversary of | 'June 17 son, Mrs. Joseph Holly, Mrs. George Pfc- Wilbert Erber, a brother of the; Volo Busy Bees--Marion Wirtz Home Kramer, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. g*"°om stationed at Reno, Nevada* ; June 19 Go-Getters 4-H club--Dorothy Junten Home. June 22 East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Albert Vales. June 24 Births A daughter was born to Mr. and Council of Real Estate Taxpayers Mrs. Winfield Hagberg today (Thurs and associated with the National Association of Real Estate Boards, to discuss some of the current realestate problems. Mr. Holmes exday). WAR BONDS vital investments for a future Free Wcfrld. Howard Wattles and Mrs. George werc celebrated the same day. Lindsay. •• • " j Miss Mary Hart Vfedi i Serviceman On June & June 29 Public Card Party -- Walter-. Carey Lawn--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality, July 11 C. D. of A. Holds Annual Initiation. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573. Cath- The many friends of Miss Mary Card Party--Sponsored by 0. E. S. olic Daughters of America, held in- Elizabeth Hart, daughter of Mr. and June 26 itiation and installation of officers at Mrs. I. E. Hart of Chicago, whos Friend's Night, O. E. S, the K. of C. hall recently, with the have spent the summer months in June 27 usiness of the meeting being pre- McHenry for the past twenty-five St. John's Church Centennial-^-Johnsceded by a pot-luck supper. Eleven years, will be interested to learn of burg. new members were received at this her marriage to Sgt. Fred Allen meeting. >• Smith of Chicago, who has been sta- /Officers-elect were installed by the tioned in Panama. The marriage was district deputy, Mrs. Estelle McGill, solemnized on June 3 in St. Clotilde of Bel\iidere, assisted by Miss Bertilla church, Chicago. Freund. The grand regent, Elizabeth The bride" was-attired in a floor Style Show. Thompson, was presented with a gift, length gown of silk jersey and her July 20 »long with Mrs. McGill, the install- attendants, Miss Patricia Hart, sis- Public Card Party--tLady Foresters, ing officer, Mrs. Carl Weber, install: ter of the bride who served as maid < July 22-23 ~ ing musician, and all officers of the of honor, and Phyllis McCormick, the St. Peter's Parish Annual Chicken preceding year. About seventy mem- bridesmaid, were attired in yellow Dinner and Carnival---Spring Grove, bers were in attendance. organdy. Jack Hart, brother of the -- Officers installed were: Grand Re-; ^r'de- se«*ved as best man. The gent -- Elizabeth Thompson; Vice- bride is a registered nursev a grad- Grand Regent--Helen Weber; Lectur- uate of St. Francis hospital, Evaner-- Ethel McGee; Prophetess, Ger- "ton. trude R. Weber; Historian--Nettie Among those who attended the Fleming; Financial Secretary Laura wedding were Mrs. Jacob F. Justen Weber; Treasurer--Elizabeth Schoe- and Mrs. Kathryn Weber of Mcwer; Monitor--Bertilla Freund; Sent- Henry. , : . inel--Margaret Simon; Musician-- ' 11 •' • '•••' ' " ' • Eleanor Young; Trustees--Olive May, LIEUT. GEORGE GLOS ^'reun<l an(l Eleanor Miller. IS MARRIFH Tf> OAW The next social meeting will be '• W1AKK1J1.U lO UAlk ATTENTION FARMERS! One additional Rosenthal Streel in our 1944 allotmeal '40" corn husker E. J. SHELDON PHONE 2691 GRAYSLAKE, ILL. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer.. ! held at the K. of C- hall on day, June 15, at 8 o'clock. PARK GIRL JUNE 10 Club Holds Last Meeting Of Season On Saturday evening, June 10, at ; 7:30 p. m.," Lieut George H. Glosr ,, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. The last meeting of the Mother's Glos, Sr., of this city, took as his elttb until next September was held = bride Miss Grace Marjorie Hliassen, at the iLegior hall last Friday after- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence noon. Following the business meet-; Eliassen of Oak Park. i ing, a musical program was present-, The bride was gowned in white j ed, with Miss Lois Voeltz and Miss satin and carried a bouquet of yhite 1 Bunny Stoffel entertaining with some orchids. Miss Bemiece Haund of j very well played piano selections, and Oak Park, maid of honor, and Miss Miss Edith Sherman playing a very Lucille Allen, also of Oak Park, beautiful violin number. The guest bridesmaids, wore pihk dresses and1 speaker of the; day was Atty. C. Rus- carried bouquets of blue flowers. Glen sell Allen, who spoke on the Red ( R. Glos, brother of the groom, ser- j Cross, stressing the importance of ved as best man. | blood plasma and surgical dressings.: Following the ceremony, a recep- The committee in charge included! tion was held at the home of the Mrs*. C. W. KJontz, chairman, Mrs. R. Counihan, Mrs. C. C. Hoj^t, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Jannie liae Richardson. bride at 1107 Fair Oaks Avenue, Oak Park, for about UM> relatives arid friends. Cta Monday _the couple left for San Francisco, where Lieut. Glos L You can't win a War on *Nalf-Way'Ne*Mi • 1 rue word*, thoar--and no on«* Lno\t» the full import of this saving more than the individual who is slumping along, handirapprd by the burden of an itndcr-par physical condition. Docs this description f.t you? Better go pcc a p»od Do«-- tor--r^l:: aiv.i;! And the next st ••»)-- ,»i ,ii j i j.'re-erinl :o:> In--e for cjn'.'i ' < >un«Iir BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street, 'McHenry PVFSC RiPTIOH Having purchased a large herd of pure bred registered dairy cows, will now sell my present herd of grade cows at public auction on my farm 1 2 mi'e east of Volo, on intersection of 59A and 120, 6 miles east of McHenry, 6 miles west of Grayslake, 4 miles north of Wauconda, on MONDAY, JUNE 19 at 8 P. M. Consisting of 55 cows, mostly fresh cows and springers; Holsteins and Guernseys, 1 Jersey and 1 Swiss; Hoistein bullv 2 yrs. old. This is a heavy producing herd, now producing 24 cans of milk datfy. Seven gilts to farrow soon. Thirty new heavy milk cans, never used; 2 doubleunit International milkers and pails; large modern electric milk cooler; pump jack with electric puUey; Deering mower. Termi: Credit given on good bankable notes, FRAlSlK EHREDT Froelich and Wicks, auctioneers West McHenry State Bank, Clerking ' ErtD ' ' ' FLOORS OF WOOD or CEMENT Thli quick-drying, tough, durobl* coating will giv* jrou sparkling, now-looking floort at a vary low coit. Th» hard, glossy finish it water-proof and w«ar-proof. V«ry easy' to ke«p claan. Fin* for (MON, woodwork, linoUum, porch and hwn fvmitvrt, d*dri. AND MA STAND HA WEAR GREEN STREET FLORLUX FOR INTERIOR or E 10R USE NIW UAVTY WITH PAm*SON-MR91 7» Bolger's Drug Store McHENRY, ILL. F O R D A D War liitt i Wiartllfi m Tie into thesef DURA TW NECKTIES $1. A revolutionary new neckwear fabric by WiUon Brothers, DURA TWILL has the lustre and feel of tatin-silk, yet costs far less! It is free from irksome Wrinkling and sliding, dimples neatly, holds a good knot. These new DURA TWILL Ties with the Wilcrest Label are in crisp bright colors and patterns to. match every mood. Come we the range--you'U want several! ' Stor* For Mon McHENRY v-':