ytK Thursday, June 29, 1944 ** <, *% ,,-r -.«• « " I ; THB MoHENBY PLADTDEALEB *$ \ • * "SO I by EARL R. WALSH WOODSTOCK BEATS ; I JOOTSBURG NIN#^ • IN TIGHT BATtLE Johnsburg: put on a great ninth inning try last Sunday on their home diamond but fell short by a narrow j margin in losing t© the Alemite, 2 to 0. v Reed drew a pass to open the game | and moved to second on Garrett's sacrifice. Woods refused to lift the The following is a clever bit of j bat off his shoulder and drew the Importing on activities which was | second walk of the inning. Judson' Wteived by Mr. and Mrs. Linus New-! fanned. With Johnson at bat, Keed Falling Tree Kills Soldier on Arawe EMDEN, ILL.--Sergt. Verlin D. Adams, 26, of Emden was killed by a falling tree on Arawe, New Britain, January 18, according to a telegram received from the war department by his wile. Mrs. Bettie "Jean Adams of Lincoln. He was in the cavalry and hdtl served 18 months overseas in Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia and New Britain island. MESSA6ES FROM MEN IN SERVICE PUBLIC SERVICE E&£kOYEES PLANT Pife tiff NEW TRAFFIC MANAGER Edward L. Pardee, passenger traf- Enriehed Floor Enriched, white flour is near th» man from their grandson, Sgt. Ray Newman: Hi Folks; I can't say a thing, the war is to : .Hame,. "• .Just write that I'm well, and send '•J#1 pmy name. , Can't te.H where I am, can't men- , tion the date, • ' : Can't even mentioa the number of *meals that. I ate. ' jy-'-.'. -W^ /•'- Can't say where I'm going, don't ' know where I'll land, '-Can't even inform ycftt just how I Stand. ' • - Can't mention the snow flakes, not even the rain r\ * CJAli army .maneuvers ' insist -'fieerete Tjwnain. . Can't use a flashlight to guide me ^ night, Can't smoke a cigar, except out of sight. Can't keep a diary, fer roch is a . ain, Cant keep the envelopes your letters come in. Can't say for sure folks, these lairds that I write /Will be passed by the censor, so ill |tt»t iay goodnight. ' -zip." :•; attempted to pilfer third and was nipped on a perfect peg from catcher George Jackson. That got Johnsburg out of a mess. Howie Freund poked Judson's first < offering into center field for a saftj hit, but Judson put on the brakes. | Woodstock scored in the second! inning on a single by Smith and a lusty two-base swat by Hutchison. Reed, Garrett, and Judson hit singles in the third for Woodstock's second run. Dying Yank Saves Life of Sergeant 'Itehincl You,' He Gasped as , . ... Two Japs Sneak i o A/V) -tr n.ARTWN'Qi manaper °* Chicago, St. Paul,, level of whole wheat flr^jr In niacin , £,UUV V-uAAUano I Minneapolis and Omaha Railway and iron, is equal to it in thiamin. i / i company effective July 1, it has been and much higher in riboflavin, says Nearly 2,000 employees of the | announced by R. L. Williams, presi- Ruth Current, home demonstrate Public Service company of Northern ; dent of the North Western system, leader of the State College Exteolllinois-- approximately one-half of Pardee will continue to serve as pas- sion service. Enriched, white flow the entire personnel--have planted ; senger traffic manager of the Omaha *s ,also Suable in preventing de- Victory} gardens on company plots, line, which is part of the North Wes- fluency diseases such as pellagra neighborhood vacant lots and in back \ tern system, and will make his head- and *ut*itional anemia. Most in*, yards under the company's recently: quarters at 400 West Madison street, P°rtant' it helps to combat mild , announced 1944 Victory garden pro-! Chicago. In his new capacity, he r"!™15 ** dl£eases which men of your local- j gram. Britton „I. Budd, president, has, succeeds Robert Thomson, who will to l,?e cause of so much ity in the armed j announced. retire from -active service effective _ health ?n<\ ^efficiency. When services. ! Recently awarded the highest honor July 1. rrxmcr " Although 1 have; by the National Victory Garden Innot been of Mc-|stitute for outstanding contribution Henry heritage, 1 • to the 1943 Victory garden program, resided near there present indications point to McHenry Plaindealer: • Enclosed - you will find a money order in amount, of $5.00 to add to your fund for sending papers to j NOTICE An informal mixed doubles touma-' far ment will be held on the high school for a short time in ! greater gardening achievements in , courts for adult players on" July 4. JK$e past. My wife!the company's 1944 program. Anyne interested in the game is reis of local parent-. Climax of this year's garden ac- i quested . to contact Leonard Mcage and I amjtivity will be a special judging of;Cracken not later than July 2. It A Tin a Tin a MAW td a vcdapt - interested in1 employees' gardens around August 1, lis not necessary that two" players oaApt£ a k * Imany of the events of the community, with pressure cookers and cash being enter the tournament as a team, as . . • ,'<n, mfnne ,,u." j ay s dying gasp, Behind you, is 1 - M'y ad--d ress ha--s been change- d to awari de-•d» for th--e ?--be st-- ?g»•a rdens. A, doubles teams will be drawn upf that carrying wheat to the mill, it is recommended that ycu carry home just as much whole wheat flour as you can oount on eating before it spoils. «*it«fby Marine ** ***** *** ***** awar^jday. Morgan, of 284 Harper street, De- *ew months undergo,ng tra.nmg for 4. , ,, , . troit, Mich., with saving his life | designation as a^ naval aviator to A double play wiped out a threat during the invasion of Tarawa. I Wlth the u* s- mannes. Thank thi£ visitors in .the seventh when ( Crouching behind a low sea wall J for accepting me m the fold of with one out Reed doubled to left 0n Betio island, Sergeant Morgan • -|Hti*«rely. > M. C. DAVIS, J V DaUa^vJSBKaSil-: center and advanced to third on Gar-; and the small unit of other marines* rett's hit to right. Woods smashed who had hit the beach with him, what looked like a safe blow to right,! were in a tough spot. Their landing but Miller was playing in close, ' craft had been stopped by barbed HaMs Sail Togatbar • « »ou can incorporate straw fo the soil without any damage to .cropping, it will be a tremendous benefit. It Would be the means of restoring fiber material which helps hold the soil together and lessens the loss from soil blowing and washf Mrs. Henry Krepel and Mrt. .Louis ; Rehberg . attended the funeralof f-Mrs E. Laures here Friday. made the catch and doubled Garrett wire entanglements well out from .Deer Mr, MoalSer: off first. : the beach, and they had abandoned ! During my period of service in the jn® Soil~ AhlT"nV^iTr^i>• '^^7^.'* So effective STthe speedy Jud- , it to ^ramble ashore to the seajnav?r, ! have received copies of the! cuj only be ma\ntain^r !nC™.^d son that ntft >a Johnsburg batter, j Plaindealer which were faithfully i bv addition of nitnige~n'to the* soil" reached second until the eighth when, u/rhe" were Japs m trenches, pill sent to each of my previous bases.) There are some conditions under Jim Preund led off with a hit and; foxholes, firing^ on us • j h#V€ greatly enjoyed reading them j which some of the stubble must be moved up on a walk to Howie 'rorri ^ ^Banks, says ^ an<j they have helped me to maintain j burned, but you should make every Sergeant Morgan. The wounded contact -*ith McHenry and other boys attempt to plow under Just as much Mention of Bally-O-Greg in our column of last preek brought additional news and views on the sabw «*3: 'Behind you!' I whirled around to see two Japs tn fox holes close by. I got one of them with a grenade. The other got me in the leg." Freund. It was Johnsburg's half of the ninth that brought the fans to life. George Jackson led off with a hit. Miller forced Jackson. Boxleitner batted for Art Jackson and sent a teaser down to third that Smith was unable to handle in time for a play. ^Schaefer fanned. Jim Freund drew pa*s' to lo«i -the bases. Stap .I^ arry „H uc,k says we did, n ,t4 go wbac„k^ 'iFreund fou!ed off a <?ouple of pitches, th ^ „ . . . 'K. .*1 , ' far enough. It seems #iat back in | B;„ Funk \\ ti out * of times- finally *aved the days when the Hucks lived on!?'" WnoL^t ^ the game the day. He ordered guns brought the east side of the river, Larry used j - ^ from landing craft and put aU to cross over and mix with the ^ _ men, including the wounded, on tho Pfcairie Irish. Bob Knox and Larry H Freund sS „ £ A. Freund cf ...... ..3 G. Jackson c S Miller rf ...... could not be taken out, and there , - . wms^ enough cover to protect j am ^ 8tatioiwd th<> ^ "A friend of mine, an automatic i P^jjn,ry in Minneapolis I rifleman, was hit. His last words 1ap*>T.,a™.1_r!!ei,v,n?. f u t_u__r* t " r, . * ' ~ ~ T ' ! " O u r l i e u t e n a n t , who w a s w o u n d r fjl of.p.1^es' 'ed in the shoulder, and who passeS issues of the Plaindealer at my present address. JUC GERALD LAJtfUN, Minneapolis, Minn. did everything1 but drown each other. Auother Bob Knox, of the Terra Cotta Knox family, called on us this week and recalled the days when he and his brothers joined the Phalin boys in trips to Bally-O-Greg to wash away the barley beards. Those fellows had a horse and buggy--the envy of the rest of the **ng. WV thought there was a charivari in the Green Street district one morn: ^c(?d ^ A. Jackson 2b ... Schaefer If Jim Fmrnd ^b . S. Freund lb .. j Thomas p J Boxleitner Totals WOODSTOCK--3 .......S •r.v...4 .. ,...3 .4 ft 0 0 9 9 0 a i i i 0 0 «i 1 0 0 1 guns. "For two days we stayed there, UPSETS CREATE ADDED INTEREST IN COUNTY LEAGUE 2nd ROUND of it as the rainfall and soil will decompose within a reasonable tims. Doe to a couple of upsets, the McHenry County baseball league until an outfit on our right flank take!l on added color as the second . „ managed to sneak in some stretch- , round Gf play goes into the second' meats; in inks and related composi- ... - -hi- •• • week tions. and as a constituent of sizing Richmond's upset of the leading I and finishing coatings. Beeswax Marketing Beeswax reaches the market in cases and bags of various sires and weights, in 100-pe n< kegs and 100- pound barrels. It finds application in the preparation of polishes in various varieties -for furniture, floors, wood, wax finishes; candles, coated papers, cosmetics, pomades; adhesives and surface materials employed for dressing and polishing leather; as a constituent of molding compositions, modeling; in food products, chewing gum, sweeters and evacuate us to a ship.' Despite their desperate plight, all the men in the small unit remained j and unb<?aten Algonquin nine came in good spirits during the two days, Sergeant Morgan reported. "They fought hard, and their morale was high, although many of their buddies lay dead or wounded," he said. WAR BONDS *ital investments for ing this week, but found that John Qarrett rf Brda is back in business; hammering w<wds 8s . ^ j Judson p Johnson c AB t;.....3 .3 ;.v.....2 "Watched the Johnsburg-Woodstock 2b-3b ...4 game last Sunday in' company with Hutchison if Math Niesen and found ity.fairly tame, Buckl * 2b '""""'""j until the last inning when Johnsburg p^unj< 3b_if came close to wrecking a well-pitched peii(rrgn lb game by Howard Judson. / /,. , v; t- ' • A • ' H II •• 1 - VA -"• ' 0 0 0 1 1 0 ' 1 -v o . 0 • 0 ' ' Oj 0 1 as a surprise, but is proving a good „ , _ shot in the arm as far as league a future ^ Wor,d interest is concerned.' Richmond smacked the noted "Tubby" Simmon-i ini for ten safe blows. j -Hebron took the Shamrocks into Camp for their first win of the seaSailor Uses African s o n . J o e " M o o s e " Wa g n e r f i l l e d i n : Souvenir in Slaying the pitching vacancy, left by the ab-! NORTH PLAIf^FIELD, N. J.--A ' 8fnce of Harry Dowell, and did all 36-year-old sailor was held without r'Kht. Poor support spoiled his efbail in the slaying--with the stiletto! f°rts. he brought his sweetheart as a sou-! Johnsburg lost a wow of a battle venir of North Africa--of the man j to Woodstock, 2 to 0. So--We go into another week with interest running high. " McHENRY COUNTY LEAGUE (Second Round) W. L. Pet. Totals 31 Stanley freund came Withi^ . Seore b ^ , step of spoiling Judson s game when,, Woodstock ou ^ With the bases full, he connected sol- Johnsb . 000 ' 000 idly to drive what looked like a > -- game-wrecker into left field. Bill Funk went to his left fast to make the catch. .7! H E ) 7 1! & 2 Now the boys on the sidelines have it figured out that Thomas set up that last play when one of his pitchr es hit Hutchinson on the elbow and forced him from the game. 2-: R 000--2 000--0 Two-base hits--Reed, 1; Hutchison, 1; double plays--J. Freund to S." Freund J. Freund; Miller to J. Freund; struck out by--Thomas, 4; Judson 12; bases on balls off-- ThomasTS; Judson, 2; winning pitcher-- Judson. Boxleitner batted for A. Jaekson in the 9th. she married during his absence. "I didn't give him a. chance to say anything," Scott Wolfe Farland told police. Farland, on furlough from Norfolk. Va., hid in the basement of the home where his sweetheart for 12 years, now Mrs. Kathleen Manchester, 40, and her husband, James H. Manchester, 61, a New York bartender, were visiting, police said. When McHenry Manchester came into the basement, j Johnsburg police said, Farland leaped at him : Results Last Suaday and stabbed him five times. | Woodstock. i Richmond ! Hebron *4.*. Algonquin ...........1 ...1 0 0 ...0 0 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 .000 .000 .000 You see--Hutchison (all 240 pounds of him) was playing left field be-j fore being hit. Funk moved into left field when Hutchison went out. While Funk is no fairy tripping around the outfield, the boys figure .he was at least a step faster than -Hutchison night have been in getting under that last drive. In looking over letters from our servicemen," it looks like we will have to answer a couple of the boys. Doctor Bill Nye's, comment was appreciated. SHAMROCK ERRORS PROVE FATAL IN LOSS TO HEBRON ing home After losing all their games in the \ first round, Hebron beat the Sham-! rocks 10 to 8 to start the second) round of play in the county league.; Although the Shamrocks collected 13 j hits, their errors proved fatal. The game was piayed on the He,-! bron diamond with extra base hits1 Oft-Decorated Flier, Is Discharged From Army JSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.-'Too i young" for the army, a 16-year-old | sergeant with more than 300 hours of combat flying to his credit is go- He's Sergt. Thomas Kin caid of Columbus, Ohio, holder of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with a silver and four bronze oak leaf trusters. Kincaid, now stationed at the Salt Lake army air base, said he enlisted in January, 1942, and flew on bombing missions over North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece and Germany Richmond 7, Algonquin 4. Woodstock 2. Johnsburg 0i Hebron 10, McHenry 8. Games Sunday: Woodstock at Hebron Johnsburg at Algonquin Richmond at McHenry Then--there was a bit of the old razzberry in a latter frosa Bob Wlnkel. Hello Bob- So you think the army is the : ConWa« « „ place a fellow can get "streamlined, J ^ 'c . •••--.--• eh? Well, you ought to get out inj j Wagner'p^S^ our garden at sun-up some morning chilling If : v and see what that does to a fellow. McCrieken lb It does wonders. Why! My wife is; Crouch ^ down to a hundred pounds! (I have- , _f • e ;n^ stepped on the scales lately). R Wagner 2k "'"""s You may think those Republicans ; Miller- "11ZZ&- plentiful Murphy and Conway co- j raid"on the"pToestToU fieW^'hf starred for the Shamrocks as Hugh was credited with downing two aneblasted a home run and three sing-' my planes. les, while "Kelly" slammed out two ( - . triples and a double. Kuecker of; Program Held Despite H e b r o n g o t a h o m e r a n d a s i n g l e . ' " • ? « . Next Sunday the Shamrocks re-j Explosion Fatal to Five turn to their home diamond to play Richmond. SHAMROCKS--8 AB -5 Leave Jobs Twenty thousand workers leave their jobs in the aircraft plants every month. Average of 56 per cent gjiye "personal reasons" for quitting: marriage, want a vacation, returning to former job, etc. Read the Want Ad«T We notice this week that there are now 477 stars on McHenry's service flag. Of course that means just 477 important reasons for buying those extra War Bonds during the Fifth War Loan. Of course you realize that we are in the hardware business. but we are just as interested in your Bond purchases as in your Hardware purchases. So don't make your solicitor knock at your door. Walk up and buy your bond before you are asked. E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY * are worrying the weight off me, Bob, bait just wait 'til it's our tun: to bat. •We don't know if the Republican convention has anything to do with it, but a terrible heat wave hit this section the past fe»v days. ""This is no weather for a fireside Murphy cf ' ;,ToirfS:f...... HEBRON--10 Schmitt ct .42 AM .73 chat so yoa'll have to wait a while j p&uison cf to hear what we Democrats are .go- L* ^ ,ng to call those Republicans. Ruecker- 3b We notice that the big newspapers ' H , t , A are making a big fuss over all the;" tf women delegates at the G. 0. P. con- j „. p » vention and printing their pictures. i,^ORarj lb "2H2Z*'!*6 A l o t o f f u s s o v e r a t r i p t o C h i c a g o . ; R H i t « . " * * " " '9 Hells bells! s Our Eleanor has been - around more than the whole pack of 'em put together. N*ow, you needn't go asking our neighbors, Frank Meyer and Pete Miller, about the garden. So long for this time, Bob--and hurry home. ' Yours, 8. I. H. •. •'=#? o i- 0 2 1 0 0 4 0 | CHICAGO.--Despite an explosion j that killed five persons and injured | 11 others, employees of the South H; Chicago plant of the Carnegie-Uli- 8 ' nois Steel corporation went ahead 2 j with their scheduled war bond rally 0j The tragedy occurred when a re- 1 | cently overhauled steam turbine, ] | which had been undergoing tests, ex 2 i ploded, whipped pieces of steel ^ ' around the room like shrapnel and blew out a section of brick wall j, Officials, however, said war produc ^ I tioo would not be interrupted, and j doubted that sabotage was responsi- ~1~3 ble. Adjust Carburetor One carburetor setting is not suitable for all the jobs the tractor does. When the tractor is doing heavy work such as plowing, the carburetor should be adjusted to give a slightly rich mixture. When the tractor is doing light work such as mowing and cultivating, the carburetor should be adjusted to five a- •ttghtly lean mixture. Schroeder rf ...4 Totals M !• Score by inningsr: R H Shamrocks 012 032 000--8 13 Hebron 0€0 002 02*--10 8 Stolen bases--H. Stilling; two-base hits--McCracken and Conway; threebase hits--Conway, 2: Schultz; home' tuns--Murphy and Kuecker; struck) 4ut by--Hader, 7; Wagner, ,8; bases on balls off--Wagner, 3; Hader,*3; winning pitcher, Hader. Boy Playing in Store Routs Two Holdup Men NORFOLK,' VA.--Two holdup men can blame seven-year-old Walter Beasley for the meager "take" from the holdup of the E. M. Beasley store here. Walter was playing in a corner-of the store unaware that one man leveled a revolver at his father while another helped himself at the cash register. The child innocently inflated a paper bag and burst it with his hand. The holdup men fled--taking only $4 in cash with them, while spilling ! a handful of money. - NOTICE - I have now resumed my tinsmith business ill McHenry on a full time basis. Am prepared to serve old and new customers. JOHN F. BR DA TEL. 243-B ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS Color-Blindness Excessive use1 of tobacco and alcohol may sometimes cause color blindness, says the Better Vision institute. Difficulty in distinguishing green is first encountered, and later confusion in red colors may result. Barly Boom Io«m Silver made the high Andean plateau of Bolivia the boom land of the New World soon after Spanish conquerors found the mines of Potosi. The cold, lofty city became the seventeenth century metropolis of both Americas and swayed the world's j money markets by the volume of its silver output. Don't Cook Bone .4 If. possible bone the meat before Toasting it so that you do not waste beat cooking the bone. JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. Housewives call it their most dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, sanitas, rugs, upholstery. Wonderful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing necessary. SALE PRICE GALLON S / Z f $*| .21 GREEN STREET Regular Price $IJ0 QUARTS 60c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ^ McHENRY, ILL. Bead the Want Ads THOMAS BOLGER, DRUGS Mundelein Locker Service will be doted from 12 to 1 o'clock each day until further notice. Regular hours are from 8 to 6, six days a week. - FRED PEPPING, Mgr. ^ Main Street, West- McHenry D CALIFORNIA SWKCT RED PLUMS .... »I9: CA1IFOKNIA CRISP AND TENDER FANCY CARROTS 2^15' CRISP MICHIGAN NEW CROP , FANCY CELERY . ..H17 VALENCIA SWEET AND JUICY CALIFORNIA ORANGES.. 5 TEXAS RED RIPE TOMATOES 12 NATIONAL fresh creamcry •J SCORE BUTTER 48c (» RED POINTS) LB. ' LARGE CERER6 Head Letts?? hd. 9c PLAIN OR PIMENTO PABST ETT 18c 6t/rOfc PK6t HHO POINTS) ASSORTED CHEESE SPREADS Kraft GRATED AMERICAN CHEESE Ehrafs PHILADELPHIA CRSAM Cheese m KRAn CHEESE POO© jjlSjd PolnH) , er 7c .SHAKER wl11e LOUDON'S Apple Bitttv SERVE HOT OR COL» Spam MOR * EDI-MEAT Oft Tree! COME AGAIN .JAR Sb*« ... JcEi 33« ..SSi32« VdVaefa^..... %?20c SaladDrtsstag SiHe AMERICAN HOME ASSORTED FLAVORS BEVERAGES ^ tonus 25" (Plat RoHl* D«cotttl FORT DEARBORN GRAHAMS . 23c 24JL PKG. (Flu» (ottl* D«po»U Pepsi-Cola 6 'iS 25c VANILLA ICE CREAM Ml* Frill .."VSI 25c AMERICAN HOMS Ceylon Tea COM? AT-AiN Peanut Butter 29c MAC A PC s *N: CHEESE V2133c SWIFT'S MARGATE Allsweef ... FORT PEARIORN Corn Flakes GCtTEN C-5*:N Fresh Oonufs SUNSHINE CRACKERS Ni Ho 12 Red , ^ 23c n or . PKG. 16 14c Kraft Dinner NATIONAL SVAPORATI9 MILK 2 « 1 7 c IK» I CZD POINT CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S 11c •IAMT IR-OZ. nc«. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 6c f* 44'IOOX njRE IVORY SOAP iOAi- ^ ' tftAijiifUL WOMEN CA«S 19c HAZEI <OILEI ' ^ SOAP "3 CAKES I I C' LAUNDRY SOAP AM FAMILY f »A*S Hie- OXYDOL S3c $Oa» OAKITE f l < \ "^SilOc t> ortcm at mm wuhidlii Mad - . >pprorim«flT •qu4«*i«at f J% «• mini ml Nw HHaak R*t«ilw«' OmiiHwil M* Ac*. NATIONAL 4 \ ,SJSTORES „ '4.1