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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1944, p. 1

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t - > - \ ' *-r '.i • ' • '•; < -WJ1- " ~ - "•" ' '. •'"•" ' »' W -<:••• ;-'w 'h Volume 68 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1944 YANKS' BRAVERY IS PRAISED BY CAPTAIN KRIEPER TELLS OF SUPERLATIVE BRAVERY • FIRST JULY * DRAFT CALL ' IS ISSUED THIRTY-THREE MEMBERS IN PAROCHIAL SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Seven e volunteers and two others were lis ted-in the new call by Board No. 1, to be inducted in the;, near failure. They were the following:: , Board One Marengo ALBERT E: KIESER (^OL) ' - ' WALTER It. SCHMIDT (Vol.) * v ALBERT C. PETRIKENAS (Vol.) -»j«- harvard " • '* One of the most interesting ana 1 RAYMOND J, McGUINE (Vol) certainlyaone of the most informative ROBERT C. SCHROEDER (Vol.). letters to reach us from overseas^ar-, ^•(0odsto^j5 , , , rived this week in ,S. I. H s. office,! R0Y D. STACKHOUSE (VoL) „ written by Capt. /Leslie Kneger, a, Kenosha, Wis. foriner Lily Lake man and a well j JAMES E fORREY (Vol,)t known physician. Anyone who can tefid ihis letter ahd then ignore the plea to buy bonds and make the few sacrifices necessary to help ourf boys is hardly worthy of our definition of an America*!. Dear Earl; : •••:»• ;•'• I am taking -^AwrtftSNPi-'-*t * 'ew hours lull in activities to drop you a line--my quarterly news letter to the folks back home. .Peeking over the rim of my slit trench, I would venture to say this military show dwarfs a fraternity initiatior. or a Holy Roller's baptismal in rough stuff. It reminds one of tKe opening day of pheasant season. I haven't seen "so much excitement CAPT. LESLIE KRIEGER Rockford ROBERT J. MCCARTHY , W itseka La VERNE A. WAGNER Twenty-three men were called up for induction by Board No. 2 the last of the week. Under a new rule, these men are not being called for navy or army but will find out when they arrive at the induction center what branch of service they will be assigned. Following is the list: 'r. Board Two Woodstock THEODORE L. PIERCE (Vol.) DELBERT H. SCHROEDER Wel»er, Jackie Wirt*. JOSEPH WAYNE BROWN MARVIN J. SMITH CLAUDE W. WALLACE - ROBERT E. -LEANS'A ROBERT A. NYQUISf f T GLEN F. FRINGER HAROLD N. AXFORD Crystal Lake WILLIAM E. COCHRANE LOUIS R. WOLFF " t VERNON R. HANSON KENNETH A. MICKLEVITZ JAMES R. DAWSON LEWIS R. ALBRIGHT Algonquin EDW'IN A. HPYDEK Marengo CLIFFC^D.Ei.lJll l'nk»n ERWIN J. WALSH Fox River Grove JOSEPH J. VARHANIK (Vol ) j CLARENCE F. CIHLAJt 1 Cary EDWARD L. STECKLEBERG - Other Places FRANCIS J. AUBRY, Ottowa. CHESTER R. GUSTAFSON, Elgin. f SCHOOL MCHESTM PLAYGROUND PROGRAM IS DISCONTINUED ; FAILURE IS BLAMED •? ABNORMAL TIMES | : •After a discussion, by member* of-. the city, high and- grade school .% v boards last week, it has been de» rided td discontinue the summef, * ' [ playground program for/at.kast the rest of this season^ In all' probability it will be discontinued foV the" . remainder of the" war. ": • The prosrram. which* was started ' •' ' . several seasons ago, began its 1944 season stronger than any other and the first few weeks it was almost impossible for Leonard McCrackcjh, supervisor", to successfully handle # the large group. However, since '• .J the, Chicago schools have been closed and the summer season has reaDy opened here, there have been fewer * - young folks taking advantage of the » Photo by A. Worwick, McHenry Bottom Row: Donald Dowe, John; Second Row: Virginia Freund, Eu- Charles Gies, Jack Thies. i Rosemary Doherty, Warren Wegener. J. Bolger. Doris Ann Justen. Georgia! gehe Freund. Anna Herdrich* Joan Third Row: Harold Nye, Lucille' Due to illness, Judith Freund was prog1am- 11 ,s toe,ieTed that tha Stenger, Patricia Obenauf, Eva Unti. Nett, Janice Justen. Margaret Bol- Knox, Marion Grace Conway, Jerry ] unable to be present when the Cheryl May, Charlene Dowe, Billy ; ger, Patricia Henn, Lorraine Michels, Rogers. John McGee. Maurice Foley, j ture was taken. Jack Justen. Martin Klapperich. Mary Jean Doherty. Marianne Rogers,' MUSICAL GROUP MAXES SPLENDID PROGRESS,1944 I MRS. MET A WALTER . i DIED ON JULY 8 IN ! WAUKEGAN HOSPITAL Friends Mrs. Meta Amanda Walter, nee Krepel, .46 were sbrry to learn of her death on Saturday. July 8, 1944, in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. She had been a patient there for the past ten d'frys', FORTY-TWO PUPILS GET Iter home being near Lily Lake. ^ CERTIFICATES j The deceased was born in Mci Henry township in 1898 and was The thirtv-three members of" St. «"'ted in marriage on Dec. 23, 1915, YOUNG CHICAGO WOMAN DROWNS AT BAY JULY 11 JAPANESE RIFLE IS SENT HOME BY growing need for younger worker* 1 is responsible for these children leavlpmjar the playground. Last year the program was not • undertaken, but as many of the younger people in town had little to occupy their t'ime it was thought McHENRY MARINE t w K ise t(l resu'ne ^ this ^r" , those few who have continued to - I J- take part, dropping the program hai The Japanese rifle now in display not been happy news However, vith in the window of Nickels Hardware go few present each day. those in in West McHenry has attracted much charge; hardly frtl it wise to c&n. attention during the past-week. It ^jnue - was sent home recently, by Howard i ' --. . . ^ A... -- ,V, oewlt z of the marines,' wihTo sai• di :i»n forking Conditions FALLS FROM ROW BOAT a l.-tter to his parents, "I took ill the program is discontinued ^^WTITT F PT'iTTTTJ'fl ilrom a Jap but he didn't need it any1 there is recalled the vast change in wniLXi iionuw ; more." Howard, it will be recalled, • working conditions today. Golfers V -- • • received the Purple Heart award for remember how just a few short yeart .j. nA , w„,^r Ti-agetiy again invaded beautiful jnjuUe5 received in a battle in the, ago only the older high school boys j Mary's-St. Patrick's school orchestra to Ernest Waltei. Pistakee Lake on Tuesday evemng pac,fic a few months ago Al- had a chance to caddy at the local are the growth of humble but per- Left to mourn besides he* husband when a young Chicago womanlost tho, he hag not been able to'state goli course. Totlay the oldest cad- 1 sistent beginning in 1940. Under are three sons. Herman of Crystal her life by drowning. The victim ^ exact locBtion, it is believed that dies are youngsters in fifth and the expert guidance of Sister An- Lake. Paul and Harold of McHenry; was Mrs. Mary Sabota, 23, of, 1944 j,e mav have taken part in the Saipan sixth grades. Under such conditions dreella, the group has grown to its one daughter, Mrs. Alvin Dowell, Mc- N. Rockwell street, Chicago. battle* is easy to see that only our kinpresent size and has entertained on Henry; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Buhr- The young woman had come to ' " ' dergarten-aged children are in nitfL ! several programs during the past man. Crystal Lake; four brothers, McHenry's lake region oV the mom- " «><»« only tnree W^KS ior ine ^ 8Upervised play these days. year. At the beginning, harmonicas Edward'and Paul of Elgin, Henry of ing of July 11 to enjoy the day. ri e ^ enry. This organized program of recPB* were used to substitute for violins. Crystal Lake, and Walter of Mc- Shortly after 5 o'clock in the;evening came a certmcate trom ^ i ation for the voung f^ks-in McHen- There are few ways that are as Henry; three grandchildren, twenty- Mi*s. Sal>ota was visiting at Henn- manding officer authorizing tne loc l jn normal times was one of the , :.ure of making one happy as music five nieces and nephews and ten ing's resort at the bay when two -"ne to jeod in comparison city.g ^ successful projects For . and the truth of this lies in the grand nieces and nephews. One son, other guests, Henry Burrgess and . • P this reason it has been decided to since Jim Perkins lost his teeth in . my fish pond. NAME OF McHENRY No mcdical officer can work fori COLONEL'S WIFE IS long in a Casualty Clearing Station J •r its equivalent without becoming aware 'of the apparent seriousness j of war and the superlative bravery j McHenry m* sew wr.,.. t..* held Irom the cnapei ana iaier •« «« ef cur wounded lads. The intestinal ^'n- "Lr(jnj® thg y?ar department '.following music students received Zion Evangelical Lutheran .church, sat in t fortitude (guts in plain words) ^,s* hoinin , certificates or diplomas as a certifi- Burial was in Woodland cemetery, suddenly vtutri iiciuj A ^nrtatrnrtinn vpt it has reason 11 nas Deen W happy faces of these young folks Alfred, and two sisters. Emma and Cyril Fortman of Chicago, decided to ,®ru®e its^consirucnon, > , *" abandon it temporarilv rather than 'now learning something which will Augusta, and her parents, Jiave pre- go fishing. She joined them and for f^ures of both American and Get-.^ jt ^ ^u ^ ! provide pleasure for them throughout' ceded her in death. two and one-half h< urs the three US12D AS CODE WORD their lifetime. Surely the work of, The body was at rest at the Peter lished from a row boat about 500 foot 'Sister Andreella and these ambitious1M. Justen funeral home until 1:45 from shore. ... news students cannot be too highly praised. p m on Tuesday, when services were According to witnesses, Mrs. Sab- At the close of the school term the held from the chapel and later at ota appeared to be drowsing as she the boat at 7:45 p. m., .when, a motor boat starting up makes the war man rifles. NEPHEW OF ALBERT PURVEY DIES DURING BATTLE FOR SAIPAN point be difficult to revive at the end of the war. SERVING IN IRELAND played by our boys far exceeds that that bombirig over Japan had begun.'i that satisfact0li,y shown by German wounded From ; ^^od« word fla ; COmplete.l all the work required in' On last Sunday, July 9, Mr. and not able to be recovered that evening. disturbed thte calm. It " thought Mrg Rob<frt Burleiffh of In>fles,ide, •wv"" " •---a lottintr the nn. • «.oinp»ewu an mi ICMUIHTU ••• nuAAMEi iiuriiDioi that the victim became startle.i and f Woodstock residents received my experience thus far I believe the Stat ^ ^ ^y. ^ ^ Ko.1 each section of -iie course as outlined! TriDlet calves were born on Fri4*y, f«?!l from the end of the boat into the Vord that their so„ Fxlwai-d Burleigh, a first lieutenant in the ma- , . . . rines, had been killed in the Saipan shock enough to come {n thp Marianis islands recellt. . - . . ... .... . . - . . , , ,, , lv. Lieut. Burleigh was a nephew of uncomplaining while tne : Woodlawn Parl* • combat wine com-' -^an Weber, Lennon. the birth of the calves announced Her companions m the boat called Albert Put vev of this city. some of them exceptionally >oung, * R Pronaratow 2 Janice Justen. Th* - that this was onlv the second set for help, but although aid *w*s forth- . • .* are whimpering, weedy ^^^en®" "^"i^ Wm'd reach- '"esa Miller. Mary Ann Bolger. Mary of triplets born during his forty-, coming immediately, the body was -The -3-year-old youth who ga*e Sted'to s^ WC "X" iebda the" W?r*^ aft, Kay Freund. Geraldine Carey. Pa- five years of practice. •VHitler does not seeirt' to have ac, America's B-29 Superfortresses ^ach- tnc^ Hen^ complied his desire to produce a; ed their target over Japan on July-. P,J^ra p^ ^J.|cia Henn Roger DA kill OTADTC1 master race. The flower of the Returning crew members reported ^ Ann Page, Patricia Henn. Koge IIII Al II V I Qll I V German army that started the war that the^bombing results were ' good Svajoda ^ DHIlU 0 I HU I 0 W undtr the soil and his dream of to excellent." Apparently the Jap- ^ \ Si tTA nrnirA „ master race has changed to a anese were not on the watch at mary Doherty, Lucille Knox. ^ ITQ vCDItv f|L -i-htm-re Yaw ata, steel mill center, and Sasebo, Junior 1--Lucille Knox._Ma! ion ||Q uLIIIlU U l for members of .11! ship « port, for only ineffWtive the various branches of our vast fighter opposition were encountered. 2-l^rianne i^g«i-s. Katn Junior 4 Diploma r- Mari'1)) Freund. Joan Weber. ' . -Violin ' ' - . Preparatory 1 -- Georgia Stenger, army tnd navy, my admiration cen ters upon the American paratrooper. ** They are the toughest men 1 have ever seen, Commandos of the air, they expose themselves to all the PARK CONCERTS Births his life for his country, was *m ^ mhalato'r squad from McHenry ployed by Johns Manville company was summoned and the lake was JVaukegan prior to entering serdragge< l in the vicinity of the trag- vic« eighteen months ago He had edv until the water became so rough taken part, ih the Tarawa battle ami th»t their efforts w-ere useless. following that was sent to the Ha- Mis. SaboU is survived by her hus- «»iian Islands to« recuperate He band, a son. her parents, four sis- was later called back to combat du y ters and one brother.* : at Saipan, where his untimely death Following the recovery of the body occurred. He was a graduate of from the lake on Wednesday morn- the CrAht Community high school ing. Deputy Coroner Harry Shales and the University of Wisconsin. Besides his parents, he is survived,. dangers of war. hu.i.te the landing S«t. and Mr, Rkh.rd _*• • Ctori- (Photo by Worwick). WALLACE E. DOBYNS Not 'all of our 'McHenry soldiers wound--one paratrooper. They are tough, fear- Johnsburg. ' A . I 1 1.1 _ A of Crystal Lake was called to the ( •VNTI/WR T A DP V /TDAum scene but it was impossible to hold by one sister, Mrs. Margaret Scheun*-;. EArEC/l LAKUfi OttUWU un inquest a that time as the wit- mann, Fox Lake; his grandparent^) r . FRIDAY NIGHT jnesses. Chicago residenUK^Ka'l re* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purvey, LiystAl; turned to their homes. An inquest is Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bur- ag fortunate as Pvt. Wallace Eugene Dobyns, who is stationed in the The"ladv" who tin kiaDnerich Anna Herdrich, Eu- mer band concerts held each year in noon at 2:30 at the Jacob Justen, Casualties of the Saipan battle are birthplace of his family. Ireland. ' •* " •" L- -« the | juat announce<l Lieut. Burleigh's death is the first fiends, was inducted into the army C ^ -ood HMd _,hir (Thorny, .afU, ,ei»h. W^.oC. are brought into our hospital tents pital, Wtoukegan. in« • J*"" ""' McHenrv will be played* in the Otty Sons funeral home here, where the' just recently being announced and "Gene." as he is better known to his - -- 3S - •• -- cert was attended by many music APPELLATE COURT hwerman. SUSTAINS PIERCE IN TANNER PALMER CASE Among the Sick -,t o 'nrivifeee One forgets sleep, j Woodstock hospital. erly . . ... rtst and food, irt his anxiety to do Word has just reached us of the Senior 1--Edith Shermart. hits utmost to save all our gallant birth of a son, Russell Eugene II, • • ^ are making great sacri- born on June 16 to Mr. and Mrs. INTERESTING PLANS July concerts park for the benefit of ing on that side of town and at various times was stationed at Camp Robinson, Ark.. Ft. Leonard Wood. Mo., Camp LeGuva. Aria., on desert maneuvers, and Camp Forrest. Tenn. While on the desert he those resid- Circuit Judge William t. Pierce's G rtrude Mav entereil the was cited for meritoreous action and m, and the ruling granting a new trial in the ' 'v' ' „ m<Kisoai „a. has since received the good conduct u-.j ^ «.««• «hi,.K w»s t»k«n Wooilstock hospital as a medical pa ^ marksmanship. medals. He is at lad?;. August concerts will be held on the Tanner-Palmer case, which was taken of Los Angeles. Ullllvl Vttnv, »»»••*.»» *" , . • | Q 'jifch school grounds; .. up to the Appellate court of the tien^on y^t; stationed with the Present with the thirteenth infantry, 1>nd ^strict on an appeal by attor-, ^ TV>nn h»« r^eritlv anti-tank division. It was in Decernbeautiful neys for Otis Tanner, former Capron army at Me p ^ t>,A ber of last year that he left the mind, we can go forward and fight for. all we hold tlear. states and arrived about the middle Mrs. H»» o,l ger Pr>e di erson hifa. s been iillll of the month ih the land of the fices to make a new world for all of Russell Franzen US to live in peace and happiness. Calif. • . Out here things are ever so different Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phanne^still of and one rets an entirely altered per- Volo are the parents of a daughter. born at the Lil^ertyville hospital on Dr. Howell of Northern Illinois spec • niwt. the veneration Sunday. July 9. The little girl has State Teachers college at. Dekalb will this next concert If our chiWwn »nd ,t J e", weicoire hel-. be at the McHenry county workshop Plaindealer will carry the program that grows up with them will under- tlnee sisters to weicon.e n . Woodstock on July 11 to tell to be presented that Friday night. . . , , rj--stand just• why...these, sacrifices wet* _ T ATCF PHTLD " _ " teachers more about the new physi- Music, lovers are encoura«ed_^_|S|^stock late in June and early m July. ' necessary, they will realize that FOX LAK.E CHIIJU t ^ , t:^n .,rntrmm for schools watch for their favorites. 1043, Otis Tanner was awarded a their heritage is in their own keep- ~ NARROWLY ESCAPES " " durii^^'cLi^^^. for sch°°ls Watch tor t 8' verdict of $22,000 damages against "KiidaT'^s be^n a | Explosion Of Oil Talllc III lBg. Then, with this inspiration in DROWNING IN LAKE Qn Friday, July l*! Dr. Bowen.: "The Star Spangled Banner." his uncle. . rural supervisor of Buck county. Pa., March--"Men in Gray,' Brahmste#.: ineinber of the McHeniy «ou"0. |J the t week. •will'-visit the workshop. Dr. Bowen Serenade--' A N'ight in June," King, board of supervisors. V , win vis.v . * -- --• • Otis Tanner filed a damage suit MADE FOR MEETINGS; ~~cohen'7 unforgettable "You're a Se$nd district attor-. •= has receiitlv OF COUNtY WORKSHOP Gr^nd' Old Fl.V the be.-u.iful „ey, fofo,is Tanner former Capron ' Night In June" and many other well resident, has been sustained in a deci- * . is known numbers will be featured on sion by the higher court sitting at -P • . . Each week the Ottawa. *5 " Memoria! hospital Wau- Shamrock. Some titne ago he cora- . . After ia trial before a juity in Mc- ^ ®,y . ' plet'ed a course in code school and Woodstock on Jub^'n' to" UU to" be" pnjsented that Friday i^ght. Henry county circuit; 5°^, e|h^er Mmphy of Wonder Lake | has not ^been able to; divulge his medical patient-at the,mod^ork of late. Woodstock Causes Dama|pll Kw that the anxietv of "D-Day" One of the recent near drownings will visit the workshop. t>r. Bowen serenade^A d'ain'uge' suit Ml"s- Karl Schleicher of^ Shaliniar ^owistock experienced on« of„ «, j „» u.,. divine these "in this vicinity occurred last week holds a doctor's degree in rural ed- Overture Lriiana. -( nni,> rhnrles M Palmer 's reported to be much ltnproved at • m^t serious fires in many met H."n«kth« ».Ht«bh; 'bums nfsb" w. when little Nor««-prthy. 2Si ueation from Teacher Training csl- «alt.-»The. Sand Played On. Ward against ln» undo.^^ I ^ . • ^ w^(|st«k^08piuJ where ahe Thutsdny „he„ exp,e»i„n,.t t„ that longed > ,«, o,d. „t Fox UK, aln^ ^ ^ Zimmer- ^ Aen ^ ** ^day ;n,^ ^ county superintendents of mann. for homecoming that", cannot be too her life in the waters far- distant Wfiat a dav that will be! Lake. The little girl was -visiting at July 20 county superintendents ' vl0()nUt Gard^ rt Smmer in'^tfie" hand»h of*"-iSmer fol- Judge William L. Pierce granting a fiapies. The fire started about lO^k- ' ' y - Al- the home oT her aunt and uncle, surrounding counties will vis.t the ln^rme^-In a Moonlit Garden, ^,.^1 near the trial in the case. ~ ri a. m.. whenjfames Taybr was ^dand Mrs. Walter DeRoche,.; on ,labora.toty schools of the workshop. . vTa.:rito'r:'Palmer farm home, which is in Mc- Until the full text of the appellate ing his truck at the storage lx>lise. Road. . v^hen sh^ fell into •Following the excellent lunches Oveituje Tjr * r'. ' u ;fnih-t's ooinion is .received it will not^•Taylor /was not seriously injured. #1*. Josfnh Siblik. a resident served in the high school cafeteria March-- Over There. C^han. ~ " 'Alpine Sunset,' King. We've been singing '"There'll •ways Be ah F.ngland," we'll soon be Mr. v/.lilnging the"Marseillaise" in Paris. Regi^r mnd l>efore lonjr--yes, before long--r t.-.^ water • lowing a family quari Palmer farm home, which, is in Mc- Henry county. > ' • court's opinion is .received it will not Taylor/was not,^eriousl . Attorney David joslyn, who is noW be definitely known whethfer the though he. received tod burn* m,< Kpftf Mturu i*/i c (A mII the 4 folks cued- the child frpW .. .. b,"\?me" and'the be,t. of luck «ve her firs.' aid. for t^nt, minute, ha« provUM and God's protectio.i to the McHenry before reviving her. ' • ' tads serving in4he armed forces. CAPTAIN ' LFS" KRIEGER, ^ PM--New York City. * 1 u-s Piirpka Citametc nhvsical ---- -------- synopsis or tne opinion o> wic COUH- n») i • * .• » i • *i Atn'KVfWl SUMMER SCHOOL uellatt^court handed down in the ap- proves to be true the only iiriMS ^Tfe^S;.;^^t - . « r ^ , « « . t -- they arrived. How- reeting the grou„_ in game, .uitabte 'g, »«h?/ '""T.!!. "Z™. 2!- ™eei»ed bv At- Mher jury at Wood9t«k. • * NOTICE : Mi Place * restaurant kitcKen on was administered. Green street will be closed every Thursday until further notice. A physician and were summoned was revived "when ever, she was taken t > St. •"Th^rese^ #or children of^ various a^es. hospital. Waukegan, where penicillin ; University of Chicago. Next fall she Tanner said 'he hiid received a brief is lielieved the <jrder by the appellate ers in a neart»>r>var >lan,t f the opinion by the ap- court may' have that effect. If that most knocked to the f oor. A .. to be true the only course amount of fuel and lubricating 01 lawyers will was stored in the plant, two before an.- shipments having arrived during the in/ormation received by . At- other ju^y -at Woodstock. week. Loss was estimated at Subscribe for the Plaindealer Mrs.-H. S. VanDenburgh and son i.ty high school. have returned home from a visit ^ •. ; •------ with her parents it\ Muskegan, Mich. Bead the Want An wni joiii'the'toity ^ ^ Commwi. rtorney Joslyn is that the appellate Tinner, is represented-by Atior- thousand iiotlars. court of the'Second district issued neys Shelby M. Large, of Rockford,! an orde? denying the petition to ap- and thomas V. Houlihan, of Har-. your Rubber Stamw peal from thfe decision of Circuit; vard. Plain«toile«

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