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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1944, p. 5

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*™3 f r ' ' « V™ sm * " « ? » » ' :' » « > > T W f f » r , * ' ^ ^ ^ T ». •,» ^V-> . . •- ••"• ' *r * - . . • V Tfr« it ;i t - * Thursday, July 13, 1944 THE McHENRY ^LAINDEALEB Page F!rt U I HEAR" by EARL R. WALSH Bill Bolger, a fine looking: Marine, Ja. home for a few days and retea rked that McHenry looks good to to hear from oar "& B. C." any time now. ; . All that has to happen to us now to make 1944 a complete flop is to have the Cuhs win the city series and the Republicans beat the Democrats. Aw--it can't happen here! JOHNSBURG OUTSLUGS RICHMOND, 13 TO 8 SAFETY HEADLIGHT IS NEW FEATURE NORTHWESTERN "tOO" COURT HOUSE We jppeak for - all In saying that Bill and all our servicemen look j gdod to McHenry. $ome wcte disapjfointed that we didn't make a fuss over that Lindsay baby in our column last week. Heck! We made a personal tour around the town, spreading the news and urging the men to call on Harold for a cigar. The ladies were urged | to call on him for » safe. We did jour part! '• A total of twenty-five hits rattled off the bats of Richmond and Johns- a new railroad safety feature in burg clouters last Sunday as Johns- j ^ form of a high-powered oscilburg won a 13 to 8 slugfest on their lating- headlight that can flash a red i home grounds. j or white light will be installed irn- - , Boxleitner took over the Johns-j mediately on all Diesel "power units DESERTION CHARGE . burg pitching in the sixth and was j of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- RSjrmond F. Irion filed • sqjt ija credited with the victor^ 1 'way Company's "400" streamliners court last week asking for a divorce Jim Freund was the leading bats- as well as on several locomotives from his wife, Evelyn Irion, on a man for the winners with three safe' used on West Coast* trains, it has of desertion. < blows. Klaus continue^ a merry been announced by L. L. White, vice- j j •--, hitting clip as he pounded Out three president in charge cf operatiqp. • FILES COMPLAINT hits for Richmond. ; The new light is an improvement Shmuel W. Carson has filed a coin- Next Sunday the McHenry Sham- on the famous Mains headlight, both' plaint for partition in chancery rocks will visit the Johnsburg dia--i 0f which were conceived by Charles, against his wife, Lula Carson, in the Produces Vital Foods /Bulgaria produces vital" foods f£r man and beast, including wheat, rye, barley, oats, and corn. It raises grapes, plums, apples, strawberries, and sugar beeJs. as well as cotton,' sunflower seed for oil, and flax for fiber. It provides eggs and poultry, diary products, pork and other meats. Cooperative Lumbering v Jhe Farmers Federation of AstiV» •file, N. C., undertakes cooperative lumbering with expert personnel to increase forest-owners' profit by M - pit ;C®®t. Nice letters from Doctor Krieger and "Skipper" Wirfs this week. Both letters appear elsewhere in this issue. Thanks, fellows. We like to hear from you. What you servicemen are doing over there is of greatest interest to your anxious friends here.' , Bill Bolger wis saying hethought ; lie had better get home to Me what is wrong with the Shamrocks. . We couldn't figure anything much sjrtrong with the "'Micks" except th«y aren't winning. ' Last Sunday it was too much Judgon as the-Woodstock Alemite* torn* •d the trick. While we don't think Judson is ready for fast company, it is apparent that the 1944 McHenry County league is not going to test tho big fellow's ability. This is the way we heard it: "On Sunday, July 2nd, Mr. George <F. Kleinhans, Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Thompson were playing a round of golf at the McHenry Country Club. On the first hole, as Mr. Thompson describes it, Mr. Kleinhans got himself a drive of about two hundred and twenty-five yards. Then a beautiful approach shot which landed on the green and kept rolling toward the pin and never did stop until it landed in the cup. A nice eagle two. Mr. Thompson fainted and KJeinhans is still bragging about his golf achievement." mond. JOHNSBURG--1» AB TW story is good--But how come Kleinhans didnt faint? There is another of those choice ball games coming up next Sunday. The McHenry Shamrocks will travel to the Johnsburg stamping grounds. Judson has averaged 16 srikeouts per game, reaching the high spot when he fanned 22 Hebron bat^ tiira. •' While we would like to have Judson on our side, there can be no question that^ he is out-classing the league. Tubby Simonini, Algonquin pitcher, who has been playing second base to favor a sore arm, is another fellow who out-classes the league .this : season. You never saw a McHenry-Johnsburg game that didnt have a lot of spirit. The boys like each other* Oh--sure! But that doesn't keep them from wanting to trim h - - • out of e»ch other on. the ball diamond. H. Freund-...i. 6 . '-.2 A. y rt'und 5 :>VtT G. Jackson. 5."-"* Bud Miller ^5ri.,.. .....3 J. Freurtd 5 Schaefer ^..5- S. iFYeund ...w. A. Jackson .....s" ' X Thottras V Totals RlCHMONl^ y: •"*' '*V'. •'*. V; Miller o * Klaus 4.: t' Florey ....-- 6 Van Every - •" 9 Briti .....5 1 Christensen .......... I Stilling 1 0 Winn -...5 C. Miller .....5 Totals .....5 u Roy Heidenreich of Crystal Lake was sentenced to serve 'sixty days in the county jail Monday by Judge William L. Pierce on a plea of guilty .. Harry Stilling liked Judson's fast ball and smacked out two of his team's four hits. Woodstock has a team that is strong through the middle. Don Johnson is a catcher with ability and experience: You know about Judson. Woods sparkles at shortstop, teaming with Smith, a dependable if not flashy second baseman. L&st Sunday they had Ken Zimmerman back in center field. That gives you an idea. Harry Dowell deserves a lot of credit for holding the Alemite to three runs. It's no alibi, 'cause the "Micks" couldn't win anyhow without getting their runners past second base, but Dowell used a freak delivery while favoring a sore side. Ally of Mat* For every 5,000-pound bale of cotton lint there is 900 pounds of cottonseed, with not a pound wasted, not even the hulls. This yields 140 pounds of vegetable oil for food; 400 pounds ctf m»el and cake for livestockfoeQ; about 240 pounds of hull for feed alid chemicals; and, finally, 89 pounds of linters for smokeless powder, plastics, and other, things. Linters--fuzz on the seed--are the best natural form of alpha-cellulose for making smokeless powder. From hulls come transparent nose sections of bombing planes and the finest synthetic yarns and fabrics. About two-thirds of the billions of yards of cotton cloth go to war. They use cotton in self-sealing gasoline tanks for airplanes; for electrically heated flying suits; for parachute cords and harness; for jungle hammocks, canteen covers, and rot proof shoes for jungle wear; for tarpaulins, camouflage netting, surgical supplies. The list is almost endless. Every soldier requires 250 pounds of cotton or 10 times what the average civilian wears. H. Longman, assistant to the vice-; circuit court. A few weeks ago Mr. president in charge of operation.' Carson won a suit in court when he H Longnidn* workintr in conjunction j asked that a conservator which had 3 with the Mars Signal Light Com- beeil appointed for him be dismissed. 2 pany of Chicago, conducted experi- ; ------ 21 ments with the new headlight for SIXTY-DAY SENTENCE 3 j 8ix months before it was ready in 1 j practical form. 4 : O; "T^ie new Mars headlight," said ® White, "ife a combinetion of new and 01old feature*. The original headlight j to petty larceny. He was indicted on 0 > supplemented standard headlights j a charge of burglary and larceny of 2 j used on most of bur high sjSteed the Vogue cleaners at Crystal Lake. -- j trains by throwing out a strong os-; He has been in the county jfrjl for 13' dilating beam of white light in the! quite /.some time. {| form of a figure 'eight' This os- j . . . ,,,.. , ^ f I dilating light can be seen as f*rj GRANT DIVORCES " * : R away as ten miles and gives ample I Divorces were granted Sophia Groff 11 warning to motorists at crossings of fn>m George Groff and George Greett- 3; the train's approach. j lee from Marjorie Greenlee, in the 21 "The new headlight includes an os- circuit court by Judge William L. 1 j dilating beam of red light which in-j Pierce Monday. 0 ; stpntlv takes the place of the white ^ 1 light should the train for any reason 0 make an emergency stop. The red! Accidental Deaths 0 light will serve as a 'stop* signal to i Accidental deaths of children un- 0 all oncoming trains on opposite | der five years in 1944 increased 13 tracks." « j per cent from 1942, the 5 to 14 age Radium Recovery \ The Geiger-Mueller counter, .•device that translates radium rays as well as cosmic rays into staticlike clicks on earphones, now performs miracles of radium recovery, often leading the diligent searchers to ash heaps pnd sewers where medical bandages and sweepings end their travels. Outlaw Pornography Approximately 90 countries and their colonies, and territories haw ratified the international convention • for the supression of the circulation of, and traffic in. obscene publications sis. WAR BONDS--yo ur way to bfeck your" country's' attack! ; : • is WMikVArM'uXl i&frxssfisati THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRl'GS that the oscillating red light of 900,- TTTTYCAN QXTTTTC ftTTT 000 candk'Power can ^ as far J UUovJW Oil Ulb UU1 , awav as fjve miles and is visible for SHAMROCKS, 3 TO 0 i considerable distances in rain and fog. Because of its eccentric ac Experiments have shown, he said, j group rose 8 per cent. Young adult deaths 14 to 24 years dropped 17 per cent and for persons 25 to 44 years decreased 10 per cent; increases for! ages 45 to 64 years--4 per cent, and over 64 years--up 6 per cent. Woodstock shut out the Shamrocks tion, the beam of light clears ob- 3-0 before the largest crowd of the structions, such as railroad equip- j season last Sunday on the McHenry ment. grades and curves, for it can diamond. / : ** seen moving across the sky long| Judson held McHenry to .four hits before the locomotive itself comes while striking out fifteen. i into view. Woodstock scored twice in the The North Western pioneered in. first inning, both being unearned the development and« use of the osruns. In the fifth the Alemite dilating, headlight in 1936 on its •scored their final run on two hits original "400" train operating be^ and a fly. tween Chicago and the Twin Cities. Harry Dowell injured his side in Today, according to J. D. Kennelly, j the first inning but continued to president of the Ma-rs Signal Light turn in a great pitching perform- company, twenty-two of the nation's j ance, holding the Alemite to six hits, railroads use this headlight on their j Next Sunday the Shamrocks will fastest trains. The new combination'} ' light already is installed on one of • the North Western's "400" power. R H units and will be installed on seyeti- 0 0 teen other locomotives as quickly as 0 0 possible. , ov • ' o r plav in Johnsburg. WOODSTOCK--3 • AB ,.0 Inaugurate Railway In 1910 the Trans-Andean railway, connecting Chiie and Argentina, was inaugurated. There's something missing at Bolger's soda fountain. Little Lois got a longing to see the tall corn 'Once more and headed back to Iowa. In the interest, of selling a few groceries, Jim Powers has been urging Bart Yegge to put in sandwiches. As a rib, Glenny "Mugs" Wattles Iralked into Bart's the other night and asked for a ham sandwich. What did Bart do but cross him up by slapping a slice of ham between a couple of hunks of bread and hand it to the surprised ribber from Africa. » Middle America Middle America has an area onethird that of the United States with a population over 37 million--one of our best customers, for even before Pearl Harbor 75 per cent of all imports into the ten countries of Middle America came from the industrial United States while we imported 82 per cent of these countries' tropical products. T „.i • ...% : 0 1 0! ,• l,1 ...4 I 1 ;.4 0 1 ..JS ' 0 1 ...1' '• ••• 0 0 „..4 1 1 .. .2 0 0 ....1 ... 0 0 ....3 0 •• .,.J4 > s Yes. We've heard about the National League beating the American ill the All-Star game. "Colonel" Brennan was one of the first to relay the news. Since a couple of Cubs played prominent roles, we expect „ Livens Soil Application of well-rotted manure increases the organic material in the soil Vhich means better physical condition, better moisture holding capacity and better ae^ption. Manure also adds some plant food to the soil. The presence of organic material in the soil speeds up chemical and bacterial activity and results in faster growing vegetables of better quality. Woods S8 ........ j Garrett rf .„... , Meyers rf Buekly 2b Zimmerman cf. j Judson p ........ ! Schmitt 2b-3b j Roed If ; Thomas rf • ! lohnson c | Pellegrin lb Hutchison lb .. Funk 3b-tf , .;... Totals SHAMROCKS--• | . • . : , ' V . : - A B ' H Conway ss .....i.4 & 1 McCracken lb ........... 4 Murphy cf ,.k.......4 0 0 J. Wiagner 2b 4 10 v 1 H. Stilling If 0 2 Crouch 3h 0 0 B. Dowell .....1 0 0 Bolger c 0 0 L. Stilling rf ,..,......i..J 0 0 H. Dowell p 0 0 Totals ' 0 4 Score by Innings: Woodstock 200 010 000-^3 Shamrocks IKK) 000 000--0 Two-base hits--Funk. Double Plays --Wagner to McCracken. Struck out by--Judson, 15; Dowell, 2. Hit by pitcher--H. Stilling. Winning pitcher-- Judson. Losing pitcher--Dowell. Treat Cottonseed This year at least 25,000,000 pounds of cottonseed -- compared With practically none as recently as ten years ago -- are being treated in this country wi<h organic mercury dusts to help increase the stands and eliminate replanting. . Cooking Fish Did you know that fish should be cooked at a low or moderate temperature? Yes, fish should be cooked just as you cook eggs or meat. You know that high heat tends to 0~! toughen all protein foods. Fish cooked by this method is very tender and is less likely to break up when removing from pan to serving dish. There Is Still Time-r To purchase aft "U," 4iF*' or "G" War Bond and get credit on the quota for McHenry township. These are all bonds for the investor who wants the smaller denominations. Solicitors are canvassing their territories this week to secure pledges for the pur- 3h«ase of these bonds. Do not wait to be asked--go to s our bank or postoffica today and make your pur- :haae. E. H. Nickels H a r d w a r e PHONE 2 WEST McHENRY Farmers Now is the time to write thort term insurance covering grain, both in the fields and in your buildings. We are also writing hail insurance on crops.. Earl R. Walsh PHONE 43 McHENRY % . Vacuum Cleaners I To keep cleaners in good cpndi- j tlon, first," keep the dirt container 1 j emptied and cleag. Empty the bag j by shaking it gently upside down i into a paper sack. Every two or j three weeks the bag should be j turned inside out- and brushed care- 1 | fully with a stiff brush. The bag ! should never be washed. Some S cleaners use dirt containers made of j paper, and these should be changed I often. j Next, keep the brushes on the j cleaner free from hair and threads, j And if the brush is the kind that ; turns around inside the nozzle, make i sure the bristles are long enough to sweep the rug. When the bristles 1 wear down, the brush, or the roll on which it operates, can be lowered, • • Where cleaners have a rotating roll with a rubber belt, the manufacturers' directions likely recommend takiig this belt off . the fan shaft each time the cleaner is put ' away. This helps prolong the elasticity of the belt. JOHNSON'S CLEANER MADE BY JOHNSON PRODUCTS COMPANY BUFFALO. N. Y. Housewives call it tbeir dependable cleaning aid. Cleans painted woodwork and walls, saniuu, rugs, upholstery. Wonderful for Venetian blinds, too. No hard rubbing or rinsing SALE PRICE GALLON SiHS $1.25 Regular Price $1.50 QUARTS 60« BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. Experience Counts! When persons get sick they go to a trained physician, when they need advice about legal matters they seek a lawyer with a reputation for knowing the law. The gfl-mp rule should apply when one has trouble with his car or truck. See to it that the repair is made by trained mechanics. This garage bears that reputation; CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. gMITH, Prop. Plume 200-J ~ Vets Bottoms i The little "gold" honorable disj charge button which now graces so many vets buttonholes is in reality a plastic item gold plated. Fifty thousand buttons are plated, packed, tad shipped every day. Poultry Vitamins While there are several different vitamins D, for all practical purposes they may be divided into two groups, vitamin D2--also called calcfTerol-- and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is the name applied to the vitamin obtained by irradiating or activating the provitamin, found generally in yeasts, fungi, and other plant sources; while vitamin D3 is the name for the vitamin obtained by irradiating the provitamin found in animal tissues. Vitamin D2 is quite ineffective is preventing or curing rickets in baby chicks; while vita |> min D3, is very effective. Order your Rubber Stamp* at The Plaindealer. . ' Inspection Headquarters For Truck and Passenger Carp FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES We have a complete stock of both passenger and truck tires. • • You cap now have your tires retreaded without an OPA order. Bring them in. TIRE AND TtTBE VUtiCANIZING ; ^ Trade in your old battery on a new FIRESTONE. We allow $2.00 for your old one. OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST., WEST M'HENSY PHONE 294 Looking Ahead! Now is the time to be thinking about yonr tag problems for next winter. jUet's talk them over. We are aware of all thi* troubles with your fnrnaces, stoves, etc. JOHN F. BRDA TEL. 243-R McHENRY, ILLINOIS SANTA ROSA SWEET •XCtttiWW SUCiNC BEDTLBHS ... 2 « S5 SOLID CRISP HEAD LETTUCE 2 3c CALIFORNIA SWEET CRISI" ' ORANGES 5 ia. S3* iICING TOMATOES . , . . ., * CRISP MICHIGAN CELERY ^15* Beverages 4%ai25* (PIm MN« Deposit) Grape-Nuts 13* Buffer 48* Ratteaai FlaskCraaawy IR Hltm AMERICAN HOMC ASS0MTE0 FIAVtU fM M0 POINTS) Kellogg's ii* CORN 6IANT FLAMS FLAKW 12-OZ. PKG. COME AGAIN Salad LIPTOH'J CONTINENTAL 2T Soup Mix ... 3«^25e STAR Armour's Lard CTH I7e QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT Sparkier 2 15* PEP WHEAT FLAKEI Kellogg's.. 9-OT- A* • PKG. » COMF AGAIN Peanut sutte* '£il29« HOLSUM Peannt crunch ^ 18* PLAIN OR PIMENTO Pabst-eit... (4 Red PolaH) v/i-oz IP,. PKG. W KRAFT CHEESE FOOO Velveeta.. • (1 Rtd PoiMl). : pre . 20* CREAM CHEESE R ^9» • *»d 'a'1*! / Philadelphia POPULAR OOO FOODS DOG fOOD PARP . >?*• I0C KELLOGG 5 Gro-Pup - 22c DOS FOOO Frlskies OOG MEAL Gaines 21e %£1«c SUNSHINE SUGAR HONEY Grahams ....HI 2 0 * Tm the prlcM of oar ni«pohanMM luted h«p«ln will »<****d •* additional amount »ppfO*lmaltly •qulvalant to * aaaoiint M lh« Illinois R*tail*f>«' Oooupational T»« Act. houscholo nkcm PERSONAL ^ . _ 1V0RY 3cakb 14C FACIAL SOAP _ _ _ SWEETHEART ScAKES 20C W 44/100* PUM _ IVORY cf«0C .WORE SUOS „ „ SUPER SUDS iMiJ "pSb! 23C FOR S!*ACHlI*a ^ _ LIMIT IOC FLEEDT WHITE t ,Vi 25« STARCH ABG0 INS6C SPIAY FLIT ammCMIA • ^ _ LITTLE BO Pttf- ,^ 23c 2 MSS. 17® c £ 2 U NATIONAL EE STORES .'ii J :4S -1 ti XL -

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