: :-:¥i •: . u v:£i,v*-' "•t.J"1""•" h yA v>w, »• A:»',,'-"y|*r",t^' THE BtcSSHET nJUNDtALtt Thursday,>u*agt |0, 19441 € "*"• ' i . '•. *» '-' *. "J f*-» ,f fj . . '" • : to all those who helped to make it a success. Cards followed the business meeting, with the following winnings? prizes: Mrs. George Worts, Mrs. Joseph Blake and Mrs. Frank May in pinochle; Mrs. Ed. "Phannenstill in bunco; Mrs. Caroline Schiessle in five hundred. The special prize of a quilt, donated by a member from West McHenry, was won by- Miss Gertrude May. Mrs. Harry Durland Seventeen Tables At Dessert Bridge Seventeen tables of cards were in play at the dessert bridge held at the Duessler-Henn cottage in Niesen's subdivision last Thursday afternoon. The event was sponsored by the grGup will meet next on Sept. 1. AJtpr and Rosary sodality" of St.! • ; Patrick's church. Winners of special prizes were Mrs. J. W. North, Mrs. Florence Smith and Beatrice Peterson. $ INTERESTING . NEARBY NEWS J A*# ^ * * Mrs. Leo Albracht, »> whe live* on a farm oue=CKMrter mile south of Burlington on County Trunk P, died on Monday, July 28, at the Burlington Memorial hospital as the result WAR WORKERS] RED GROSS NOTES We notice in the county news "tTie GRAYSLAKE DAYS '^Grayslake Days", the fifth annual such event to be sponsored by the Grayslake post of the American Legion and the Grayslake volunteer fire department, will be held Aug. IP, 11, 12, and 13 in that city. Water fights will be held on Friday, Satuv, day and Sunday nights at 7 p. m. There will be games, amusements and rides and a six-foot General Electric refrigerator will be given sway. and her committee served a tastyj of jnjuries w[ien she was struck by following: ' We have a letter dated Everyone is urged to attend lunch to close the meeting.^ The! automobiie near her home, driven Jaly 31 from Mrs. Johnson, assistant! by Domanic Picciurro pf Milwaukee, field director of Camp Grant station | The driver of the car took the injur-. hospital, in which she says, "Sun- 0«ts/ Have 2 mg Campers n Selected Entertains For Her Grandfather Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F. Matson (Adeline Perkins) of Waukegan entertain- ;ed woman to the hospital, where she died. • CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to exday is our happy day. Why ? Be- j press our thanks for spiritual boucause the fine McHenry county folks; qUets> floraI offerings, donations of will be with us again. The Camp j cars an(j many other acts of kind- Four of the eieht sons of Mrs Pr.ant hosteases are d°j_n£ a.1fr®nd | ness extended during the illness and pd on Sunday, August 6, in honor of Q, Dewev of Harvard are servimr I ? ** yOU 8C?' » y . 2,ve j death of Jacob Bickler. We are esfcer grandfather, A D Loomis of f thejr country in th| armed forces, i wJlst 6"* At fllTtta!! tW^tto1 £fcia11^ •sri?tS£ul for the serv^es of Woodstock, who celebrated his eighty-1 >,, t-v _i (August b. At the time this notice )fsgr. C. &* Nix. v THE FAMI$#£ •elected by camp girls was surprise tor• Loomis, ^ family e0ntribute to the War | Sundav^buT we'Vknow^tC onr „ . delegate » the Juntor U.der-to*h. An =b^e : drfenM ship camp at East Bay near Bloom- nay w»s had by all. in attendance mfent or honie front activities. in it's effort® and deserve our congratulations.'* • Mrs. Stilliiig McHenry &hd l^trs. Ashbrook of Crystal Lake, worked at the Blood Bank in Chicago on August 7. . Verna Lathrop of Woodstock was ninth birthday anniverury. The party h„s „ d«i„rlit<-i'-s. All members -of; J2! '"/'"i™ llrt fecud.by the 4-H eamp for g,rl» ^-a, a surpr.se for Mr. Loom.s, who the c0„tribute „ th„ warj do \™ow tS *£' hospital recreation corps is untiring Fn^ton" for 1945. One hundred and ; were Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Loomis and two girls attended the camp which daughters of Beloit, Wis., Mr. and; p0Ur.year.0id Judy Hogarth, Ela was held at Norma B. Biarr Memorial Mrs M. A. Loomis of Niles, Burlin^ton, is the possessor camp near Williams Bay, August J. T. Perkins of McHenry and Ad- ^ two letters which she recently 1-4 inclusive. Miss Shirley Neal of rienne .latson, great granddaughter j^gjyg^ from two, American sol- McHtnry, a 4-H club member and of Mr. Loomis. . diers on the ba.ttle front in France, leader, was in charge of the kitchen. ^ '•* • .»* * who found her name in boxes of Other outstanding campers included C. D. of A. i:,oc»,l, . Jewel Tea "K" rations. Her grand- Ruth Harrison of Greenwood aftd . Meeting August IT ^ ^ - j mother, Mrs. Laura Stenrwedel, in- Charlotte Hogan of Ringwood. Se- Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Cath- gertetj child's name in Some of lected as good .campers were Betty, olic Daughters of America, held its packages when she was, em- Schmidt of McHenry and Carol Har-; regular business meetmg on Thurs-; pioyed at. this Jewel Tea warplant. Tison of Ringwood, among many, day, Aug. 3, m the K. of C. hall.; .* - others ' ^ social hour followed the business | . , „ .j, ^ jof the meeting and high scores were Cornelius, 10 year old son of , :won bv Laura Weber in pinochle and Private and Mrs. Herbert Lumpp of Cirb Faithfully ^ : <=- ' Mrs. Elizabeth Pich in bridge, A j McHenry road near Forest Lake Attend U. S. O. Party . treat was enjoyed bv those present drowned Monday, July 28, when he When fifteen McHenry K,r» a™1 after the meeting. The regular so- slipped off a raft in Forest Lake, their chaperons attended the U. »• cia] meetine ^ ^ held on Thurs-'^three^ miles north of (Lake Zurich, j O. at Waukegan on Wednesday eve- d&y August 17; All members an T*"* body was recovered by Lake! ning of last week, the occasion mark- agj^e(j ^ attend. Zurich firemen and an inquest held «d a two year anniversary of the ^ ^ ^ , Tuesday morning at the Ray-Burnett Mrs.. Ray McGee, his voluMeered her services with several "others from the county, for work as staff assistant in Chicago, prepartory to the work they will be required to do in the blood bank in Woodstock beginning August 22 through August 23. girls' trips to entertain servicemen McHt>my G|r|s from that area. Many of the girls At Bingo Party are the same ones who so patriotic Another group of local girls travel-' funeral home in Libertyville. former killed August 8 is the date for training of nurses aides in the Chicago blood bank. Mrs. Schwerman is reporting for duty there as our representative from McHenry. Our quota for theBaftk is not complete as yet, but we feel confident that it will be. A very striking illustrated advertisement appears in Fortune in the latest edition. It TAX DEADLINES . Even though tax st^itements were .mailed a month and a half later than in previous years, tax collections in the office of Treasurer J. G. Stevens oA*°August 1, 1944, show an increase of $42,175.41 over the s,ame period last year. August 1 was the deadline for first installment payments without |>enalty. September 1 >ty$Jl be the deadline for second in-: stallment payments without penalty. 4-H PAPER DRIVE The 4-H Club members throughout the county are collecting waste paper, old books, magazines, cardboard, fertilizer sacks, any and all waste paper, the week of August 14 and will load a car at Woodstock on Saturday, August 19. The 4-H'ers are a busy group o£ young people, some threshing, some putting in hay, some preserving food, and do not have much time to collect the papers. Therefore they will appreciate the co-operation of all. Why not have your waste paper .collected and"' why not take it to a ally offemi their Deriod ^ t0 B^Word last Sunday lo en- resident of Libertyville, was : n T v e " : S h s n G ^ t coCTXro'ds„ r ? , c t i o n w even durin,- the .-inter T tbe^e CSe'i ^ Tl S « tatt.'"SSJ ^hTTrm, S I 'T l'"* H ""1^ ? T 2". rS'^tZS"XS &hmidt, Genevieve Ferwerda. Mar,; Z {™m" ZH.!te ndant giviSr ^d Tn^ the' fS of I ^SlyU^rh 1he C. S. O. from McHenry. Lou SSttooffffeeLl, -^GGrraaccee aanndd RRooss^emmaarryv «w,•a>s„ o2a8 years on#f a•«fi<re,, nlanmn TVio O flr*/w urAwJa 44r«»i_! ^ ^ ^ who attended last week were Marion Runz AHce ^ ^ Wa,ghj y ^ Krauze Alice LoAve, Mitzi and Jane Ethe,' Freun*d> Wanita WiUet* Durland, Rosemary and Grace Kunz, Heuser. Virginia Sullivan, Anne Schaefer, Lorraine Schaefer. Lucille Weingart, dirt, * * * Dorothy Heuser, Lorraine Freund. La- Verne Freund, Genevieve Ferwerda, plasma. The arresting words, "This j may be your boy or pal." Your I John Wieck, owner of Wiecksville,' Pint of blood might save his life. | prominent resort and picnic grounds Blood defeats death. On scores of on Slocum Lake, is in a critical con-; battle fronts, precious blood--given dition at Condell Memorial hospital,1 from a desire to serve--is routing the result of NEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN Libertyville, as an _ T. , . , u - . i The East River ; Hoad; Pinochle assault upon him by a "customer" motor corns" Mrs "william Green club met at the home of Mrs- Ben early Wednesday morning, August 2. uivnlH fW-An Fifteen ^)etz ^ast Thursday afternoon. Prize, For several hours he was in a semiwinners were Mrs. Thomas Thonne- j conscious state from the severe beatson and Mrs. Dietz. The next meet- ing administered him. • * , ing will be on August 17 at the home ! >. Rosemary BollwjAn .' of Mrs, John Braeseke. Weds Charles Wiedfing * • * A society event of July 27 which O. EL S. Has v . and Mr; from Woodstock also attended, COUNTY CASUALTIES pain and shock and utter exhaustion Blood is the magic fluid of life. It is your privilege to give it here and now. This is your part to play, that your boy, your pal may live. Do your blood bit, and help to prolong useful, vital lives' through their naj tural span. This is the debt of grat- | itude of us all, to the boys in uni form. Only our own life blood can will no doubt be of interest to the Invitations v ^three^^asualities1"^rere re- buoy the life fl*me of the grieviously friends of both bride and groom is The local chapter, O. E. S. has re- „ ^ . th vicinitv of McHenrv! 'wounde<i s<> r>ve of your blood, the marriage of Sgt. Rosemary June ceived invitations to attend Official ^t 1, that men may live, and that a better Bollwahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Visits at Elgin on August 18 and HHHHH was nlari ' „ freer world may be assured. Carl Bollwahn of Twin Lakes, Wis., at Harvard on August 29. . .. ,^g . , We hope that stirrine nicture and and Pvt. Charles C. Wiedling of Chi- ... ^Jsfc e m^ "«rri„g S? T'StowS Word was received ' 7'^ bu ,b^ th<?usands who will Howard Heidemann has been transferred from Mather Field, Calif., to Lemoore, Calif. cago and McHenry. The ceremony Enjoy Family was solemnized at 5 o'clock at the Picnic Sunday home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens Mr. and Mrs. John B. VlTirtz and at Twin Lakes, the couple serving family enjoyed a picnic at Lake as their only attendants. The Rev Geneva on Sunday. Those who at- Francis Franz performed the sin- tended were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Miller gie ring ceremony beneath an at- of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Tony tractive archway of garden flowers. Wirtz and son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Immediately following the ceffe- Al. Wirtz, Sandy and Dave; Mr. and mony the young couple left for Chi- Mrs. I-eo Thompson and daughter, «ago and left from there Saturday Gerry; and Mr, and Mrs. John Wirtz evening for a camp in Missouri, where and daughter, Betty, all of McHenry.11" ^ct,on as °£ June8 was received tie bridegroom reported for duty. The day ».» spent in .wimming and ^ h'8 "ho ™S'dM th,t c,ty- At the end of her furlough, the bride sight seeing, the pleasant day closreported back to Arlington, Va., ing with the serving of a delicious where she is with the marines at picnic lunch. Henderson Hall. Prior to entering' service she was employed by the COMPLETE RESULTS Ringwood Chemical corporation and au vt-ewttt XXTa-d rnitr resided for a time in McHenry. The! WAK LOAN groozn resided in McHenry during DRIVE ARE RELEASED th* cummer montha for auwy years, i - * * f: * f Final results of the Fifth War Wamk; , v I Loan in McHenry county have been fc Recently ' received and are as follows: Quota its: V*.* 2-c George R. Thomp- of ."E ' h^)nA!i' ,968'0(K)- with county •ML- C-L leave \isited with his ?citizens buying 1997.944; quota for bmhtr. Lk> Thouipson, last week. ^ individual- H.619.000,- with Ofc Sunday. July 27, a family re- count>' "tizens buying $1,676,668; •EWE held, with a delicious pic- qU0ta for corporations, 650,000, with «r toer being aerved in the park. c,tl?n« SM81,363; total t'm&K.' were Dr. and Mrs. T. T. $2,269,000, with the total purdaughter, Cora. of'Ke- chased county citizens, $3,158,021. anaba. Wis.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward! In the words of Atty. William M. j and daughter, Judith, of Carro11. chairman of the McHenry: Cog; Mrs. Manetta Speicher of Cen 9°Unty ^'ar Finance committee, I 4ar Fails, la., Harold Thisser of Lake "These figures speak for themselves, j VUia; Mr. and Mrs. James l^aMonte (luotas were exceeded by a suband daughter, Constance, Mr. and 8t®nt'al amount. The record made in : Mrs. Arthur Meyer and daughter, Fifth War Drive is one in which j Abbie Lee, Phil Gould and daughter, patriotic people of McHenry may; Vivian, all of Rockford; and Mr. take just pride. ••d Mrs. Leo Thompson and Geral- ""Special credit is due to the chairdurinc: that week of the death in France j S- HUGH MURPHY, Scrib* of Clarence Ehrke, T>s\nm -- 23 year-old son of POST WAR TRAFFIC Mr. and MVs. Albert Ehrke. The sad news that John Clark of Crys-1 tal Lake is missing j SAFETY PLAN NOW IN PREPARATION Forty national organizations, Warning that a high traffic toll will not be tolerated in America after the war, last week jointly released a program for postwar highway safety. The program calls for immediate action in every community and state to prepare in advance to meet the complex problems that will arise when restrictions on travel are lifted. The program recognizes that there is, no easy panacea for this and other post war traffic problems £nd that measures must be fitted to local conditions as problems arise. However, ten major . considerations are proposed in the program: 1. Build safety into all new hi£h- ! way construction and improvements. ; 2. See that every state and im- | portant city has competent traffic en- ; gineering services. | 3. Rebuild depleted police depart i ments and provide adequate training ! of personnel. ! 4. Greatly Malcolm Mclntyre, former trades teacher in the local high, school and now with the army forces, has been assigned to a civilian trade school for a twelve-week course in basic electricity. After that he will report back to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., for further assignment. Mrs. Mclntyre left on Wednesday of this week for New York, where she will remain with her husband during his stay there. CASUALTY LIST IN COUNTY CONTINUES ITS STEADY CLIMB 4- t- More Casualty news from the battlefront came to McHenry county during the past week. One of these, Russell Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Granville Olson of Chicago, is reported killed in action over England on July 13. The young man, 24 years! of age, was a co-pilot of a boftiber! and had been overseas for some time, j He was born in Woodstock and lived j there for many years. j Ralph Rinard, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Rinard of Argos, Ind., husband of the former Florence McBride! of Woodstock, an employee of Mont- i gomery Ward company there, is re-1 ported missing in action over Ger- i many ^uaiof July 19. Indian Population , f Total Indian population is estimated at about 360,000. About 53,000 are actively in the war--23,000 in the armed services, 30,000 in war work. The birth rate is rising, is higher than the level for all population groups. The annual death rate has been cut in half, but is still above the figure for white Americana. Rejections for tjje armed services run •bout 5 per cent. v.;.* Dale Pain . The date palm grows to a height of 60 to 100 feet amid desert conditions in the hottest regions. It will produce from 100 to 400 pounds of dates a year. Some bunches weigh as much as 40 pounds and have to be supported astride a leaf of the palm. An acre may produce more than 5,000 pounds of dates. •*** t M »M 40T' . Among the Sick Tonsillectomy patients on Tues*. day were Robert Louis, son of th^ «. Robert L. Webers, and Patricia^ daughter of Ear] Marshall. ^ Mrs. Albert Nugent entered the Wbodstock hospital on Monday as a, medical patient. K Peter Hamil is a patient at St. Therese hospital, where he expect# to undergo surgery the las^ of the week. v Mrs. W. C. Feltz has been ill at her iiome in West McHenry the past few days. Mrs. Wtoyne Lewis of Ringwood ifr a medical patient at the Woodstock: hospitel/ ^ * • ^ In Meaoria^ $ In loving memory of my beloveij ' father, Henry Block .who passed away two years ago on August 14. I miss *:jrqu: so. a V? MILDRpD^-;-;^>^;>;^. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. <,'i • "PLEASED TO r» Cabbage Vitamins There are many vitaminS te calh' bage--some thiamin (vitamin Bl), some riboflavin (vitamin G), some niacin, and some vitamin C. Very green cabbage throws in vitamin A for good measure. Calcium, iron and some phosphorus also add to the cabbage's value. Indian Troops More than 8,000 Indians saw service in the first World war, most if them as volunteers. Majority were not citizens, were not subject to the draft. In 1924 the congress extended citizenship to Indians bom in United States. ) • A newcomer, eh? Stranger, perhaps? Well, we're very glad fte welcome you to oar midsl* Any time you're in our oetgffr* ' borhood seeking a post a go stamp, or a direction--come rigfa in. And, of course, any oldtimer wil1 tell you this is the place to bring your prescriptions for Reliable compounding, BOLQER'S DRUQ STORE Green Street, McHenry ••••••• 0 CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSBURO, ILL. LAWN CHAIRS .i^J$2.00 and up TRELLISES, PICNIC TABLES AND BENCHES • SHOPPING BASKETS CLOTHES BASKETS LEATHER BELTS, BILLFOLDS, PURSES, ETC. G SMITH AN EIGHTH AAF BOMBER STATION, ENGLAND--Staff Sgt. Albert F. Rodig of route one, McHenry, has been decorated with a second Oak Leaf cluster to the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement" on B-17 Flying Fortress bombing attacks on enemy Europe. A ball turret gunner, he is a veteran of eighteen combat missions. o Pfc. Lyle Franzen, stationed with the signal corps at Camp Murphy, Fla., is enjoying a fifteen-day leave in McHenry. Joe Gausden has been "visiting at his home here on a short leave after serving for several months as a marine pilot at New Orleans, La. Also home on leave is Anthony Noonan of the navy who has not been home sine last ye,ar at this time. He has seen a good deal of the world since then but like all good servicemen is careful not to tell too much until the fighting is over. The Army Air Forces Training Command has announced that Pvt. Edmund J. Wirfs, of McHenry was graduated from the Department of expand facilities and! Armament of Lowry Field, Denver, VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19 ' WE PICK UP AND DELIVEX Try th« for splendld service aaid excellent workmanship fs Men's Shop [Representative] JOHN CLARK regulations for vehicle inspection. 5. Provide greater specialization in handling of traffic cases in court, j 6. Expand facilities and personnel j for improved driver licensing, j «7. Resume and expand accident reporting and analyses. I 8. Expand safety instruction in RESIDENCE CHANGES Vf t,-; [ giftS He also was on. duty in France. « - , Striking even closer to home was, , . . , - dine of McHenry. The get-together;mc" ,n the vanous communities and the report that Richard Ekstrom,! s' includ,ng driver training also honored Mrs. .Jorgenson and tlleir workeri»- A special woVd SOn of Mr. and Mrs. John Ekstrom 9" 9arry on Programs of safety Mr. LaMonte on their birthday an- Praise also goes to the press of 0f Elgin, former Crystal Lake and i edl*catiGn for adult drivers and mversarieS; McHenry county for their generous McHenrv residents, was killed ! Pedestrians, v' » » ; .support of the drive." •' Whiting 4,4.4,4,4,^4, Observe Birthday j BirtKs Peggy JfliiUngda^hter of ilr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting, celebrat- •d her seventh birthday anniversary; ,and George Freund of by entertaining several school mates RiverMde Drive, are the parents of •t a party on Wednesday, Aug. 2. a. son' b°rn at the Woodstock hosiBames, the awarding of prizes, on Saturday. provided Amusement, followed by the A daughter arrived at the George Serving of a delicious luncheon. The Miller home in Chicago, born on . ifible was decorated in pink and green, Monday morning, August 7. Mrs *rith a large merry-go-round birthday 'is the former Miss Kalfoerine Cake as the centerpiece. Guests pres- Walsh^ of McHenry. The little lady ent were Janet Johnson, Patricia 's their third daughter. Bay, Marlyn Rinkenberger, Mary and Mrs. Kenneth Powers, who Jackie Hogan, Louise Hunt, Audrey res'^e in the David Powers home in ^nd Darlene Andreas, Carolyn Law- Crystal Lake, are the parents «ience, Jean and Jane Betts, Jean of a daughter, born on August 2 •Huzzy. Jack and Jimmie Pearson, at Woodstock hospital. Betty Feltz and Dean Olson. Peggy; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pretzman are i Was the recipient of many lovely ^1® parents of a daughter, born on Christian Mothers •et On August 4 The Christian Mothers and Altar Society met in the church hall on Thursday, August 3. Mr. and Mrs. William May are the parents of a son, bom at the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday. < / V Colo. Aircraft armament deals with the operation and maintenance of the guns used on Uncle Sam's heavy bomber and fighter planes. Students are given a thorough course in assembly and dissembly of equipment, and 'practical work on field supplements classroom study. A well planned military training program and physical program supplements the armament course. Pvt. Wirfs, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs, 10. Enact or revise regulatory and I attended the local high school. He enabling legislation required to effect entered service on Miarch 25, 1944 the above improvements. The program is published in a 20 ! pSkge pamphlet entitled "Danger--^ Traffic Jam Ahead." PICNIC and DINNER Sponsored by St. Patrick's Church HARTLAND, ILLINOIS Staff Sgt. Albert Vales of Breckenridge, Ky., is spending a fiftoen-day furlough with his parents. ^ COMING EVENTS RICHARD EKSTROM Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cusen have; August 10 moved from their home on Elm street j K. of C. Meeting. near the bridge to Chicago. Mr. i • August 14 • and Mrs. George Kramer have pur- Legion Meeting--Election of Officers. Phased the Cusen home. j August 15 The Clarence Wohlert family has Golden Jubilee--St. Mary's church, moved from a place near McHenry1 August 16 to an apartment in the Tucker build- F. F. A. Fair -- Waucqpda, George iilg on Riverside Drive. Egbert, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and j August 17 family moved on Tuesday of this C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. Week to Elgin. ; East River Road Pinochle Club-- --: Mrs. John Braaeseke. MARENGO YOUTH WOUNDED September 1 - Word has reached Mr. and Mrs. I Christian Mothers and Altar Society. Albert Fisher of Marengo that their; Lily Lake P. T. A.--Election of | son, Pvt. Donald Fisher, has been Officers. AUGUST 13 Tree Dancing on Saturday and Sunday Nights Bolts' Orchestra GAMES AND REFRESHMENTS Everybody Welcome Q Graceful Dresses , * W0 4 man wi«* « large live members present. Prior to the i the unnT° ar # flre^fes wWch fit •eeting, seven new members were'iv ° v, ^gure sm°°thenrolled in the organization in St I ^ Mary's church. At the business por-: have the fahrir fail ° i ,6," to * 4.1. a- 1 j nav« fabric rail in graceful lines Jon of the meeting plans were made She also should avoid fitting the arm! Car the ladies to serve dinner on h*e too closely. Restrained curved August 15 for the clergy follow,ng ines may be created by soft drapfhe Golden Jubilee. Reports on the ing or an easy filling •stent rummage sale were given •: «nd members expressed their thanks JlSad the Want Ads France on Juno 7 RirharH woo 'seriously wounded in action at Saipan.; , « September 5 near McHenry ttwweennttyy--fnivvee yyeeaarrss ggoo,,11 parents received' tvh--e w" ord in the! liome Bureau -- Mrs. Paul Walk Pictures are through the courlesy ^"1 of from the eroV!!n; of the Crystal Lake Herald. W\S reP°rtfd wounded on July 7. They have another 3on, Robert Fisher, serving in Lest Time the South Pacific. Workers' injuries since December 1941, are responsible for the loss of four times as many man hours of production «s lost by strikes. Damage and destruction of equipment in workers' accidents far exceeds the value of American cargoes that have been sunk. Eye Capital The visual equipment (so-called "eye capital" which the worker brings with him when he enters Industry) has been estimated as 10 per cent defective. ington. New Green Vegetable Tampala Is a new kind of green, new to us at least, but old to the Chinese. It belongs to the red root or pigweed family, grows well in hot weather when apinach does not, and produces heavily. Soma consider It as good as spinach and better than swias chard, but so are weeds such as lamb's quarters and pussley. 5th ANNUAL v v ' ; - ' S p o n s o r e d By ~ Grayslake Post, the Americ&n Legion and Grayslake Volunteer Fire Department AUGUST 10 -11 -12 -13 GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS WATER FIGHTS Friday, Saturday and Sunday Nights--7:00 p. m. 6-Cubic Foot General Electric REFRIGERATOR To Be Given Away GAMES -- AMUSEMENTS -- SIDES O o,