^$g <**• "#*•*; _ # - vvr.-ft*-; yvv-/ ^ $y .-•, y^A^V Myt-^ , - -. - *• . .-, ./f- • - .; /? * ;.'*• • • >* . . •-'•<v>.,\*•, -, ' , • ,, ; ••«•"• , • •» ' * • * s I i . : • -* • ' - . • - \'.-t'"*, ' *-- ' x <&* '* 2± *•' '• 'r _-:^ "• -' * ' "'***"•-' *-Vv t: 4 • .".'-v • ••*' ."*, • ' * • S * " £--U £ ffl*> v*yfiwt • ^ :>va '#&xM;C::$'0£§M PLAINDEALER Volume 68 M'HENIVY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944 |V 13 w ENSIGN GARDNER, 24, LISTED DEAD Died In 1943 Sinking ^ of USS "Maddox" > /: A little more than a yejwr ago the "^(Hmr unity was saddened over *dd- CUT OUT ABSENTEE FORM BALLOTS; MAIfc TO YOUTHS OVERSEAS Whether or not your boy in service will have a privilege to vote itt the November election this year d#* ! pends on -w hether or not he receives an absentee ballot in time to have it sent back by him and in turn receive an official ballot on which h» will designate his choice and have that ballot returned, to be received in his home town precinct by November 7, 1944. Crowds Attend St. Mary's Golden Jubilee, Aug. 15; MRS EMMA GASPERS DIES FOLLOWING A LENGTHY ILLNESS PAUL YANDA RE-ELECTED Mrs. Emma Caspers of Volo, 56 i years of age, died at St. Therese hos-. ^ -- -- -- _ pital,e Waukegan, last Thursday morn- Jk URL M Besides her husband, Fred Caspers, she is Survived by her father, who * 1*DQ1/4aO in \jf A DK A wl n M/J Uf xL I i. « ' * C'V resides in McPKarland, Wis., thirteen! brothers and sisters, Mary, Anna, j Amanda, Catherine, Delia, Harvey, j Legion Election Last Monday Evening '_1 ; Throngs of parishioners, and visi-ja dinner was served in the church tion is Msgr. C. S. Nix< its p-lent j i U Night" at the !•* kM nun iwflail ' kAatifiliil If AW'a I lvnll fivw AIAVIW orvrl in f VIA -- . . aAMWA^l 4|»A *t&Aila A/ ! ! * ^ ' V1H : ^lOll hflll lft8t MOTldftV Yll^ht JMS"*' nH., To speed up getting the applica-l*0"! S™"** ^«ful St; Mary's | hall for visiting clergy, and in the pastor, who has eerved the needs of! and ^ Vesiding in this coun- „ „ . .. , ing Jo a then comparatively short! tion forma to the servicemen and Pariah on Tuesday morning. August evening hundreds of members of the pansh for the past twenty-three jtr -nd on# .intor Hvin» i« iw fording to well laid plans, everyone eksftalty list the name of Ensign; wom<kn •_ -y. ij.- that 15, on the feast of the Assumption j the congregation gathered in the years.' Tuesday's celebration also m ' u " but Paul Yanda, honored guest, knew fofa&s Gardner, 23, Who at that time;.... ^ elsewhere inlof thlie Blessed Virgin Mary, wMen all j hall for the rttoptkm. served to honor him on this jumiver- v. , . lahead of time whal was Uking pUce. jTra™s li f.te d, a-s missing In tetion in Sis issue of ^epSn^*rr ?e cuJ in c^rimemoratiti^ the parish Even the-intwise heat of the day sary. '« the J*f°^ Jus" tv«nt was planned by the mem thee Proa-c' iifnicc.. j out of the paper and sent to your This week his parents, Mr. and ^ by ajr mai, In thu ny it Mrs. J. C. Gardner, who have resided for the past year and a half on the ' <fld Saylor farm west of McHenry, • feceived. a letter from Secretary of ^e Navy. James Forrestal. saying jotjn on another page of this issue. that their son had . been declared ; * dead. The letter recalled that oh July 10, 1943, Ensign Gardner had been declared missing. Early in the morni| jg of that date the ship on which . he was serving, the U. S. S. Mjad-1 dox, was bombed and sunk while j . acreesir.g a transport area off the' will get to the service man or service woman much quicker than if you waited for each one to receive his paper. Read details on this bat- MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE it s quite a tell you a Dear Mos4V" Just u few lines to give you niy new address. I haven't received the Plaindealer fojr quite some time now and I sure do miss it. In fact, I haven't received much mail or any« thing else for some time. „ ;! It's all due to »old*«» ten Sons funeral home until Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, when last rites were held at St. Mary's church. with burial in the church cemetery, their commander. bers of McHenry Post No. 491 to show their appreciation. for the fine work done during the, past year by Mrs. Caspers, besides being a mem- I ber of St. Mary's church, belonged i to St. Clara's Court, C. O. F. A large group of Legionnaires gathered in the hall and as the meeting opened they called upon Commander Yanda to rise, whereupon they told NEWS A80DT OUR SERVICEMEN Among thoee graduating firom ah] intensive course of bpsic engineering training at recent service -schools exercises at Great Lakes, was Richard W. Nimtz, 36, husband of Phyllis Nimtz, West Mc- MSGR. CHARLES S. NIX . ST. MARY'S CHURCH, McHENRY ; Jacket was detect-^ jubilee. His Excellency,; Was all but forgotten as the inspir- Among other priests remembered •! B ^ ^or special- ^ moving around, the Most Rev. John J. Boylan, D. D., (ing sei vice took place, each parish- and honored on August 15 for their > '7-e<^ training on . Some day 111 prob- Blfh°P of Rockford. presided at the ioner kneeling humbly, but with a eariy work in the church were Father . . the basis of his re-j ably get a bush-' «°lemn mass of thanksgiving cele- happy heart, realising that the work Kirsch Father Berthold FatheriCruit 1 ra,mn* aptitude test scores. ! el basket full. I'm brated cosam episcopo at 11 a. m., of priests and parishioners alike, Barth ' Father Boyer and Father Graduates from twenty specialized in France now and ™th Rev- Clarence Thennes now as- together with the help of God. has Qestenkoetter. There have also been teu«ht here at the ENSIGN THHOOSS.. GA of Sicily> RDNER CheH)ourg, Insigni, Carentan, Va-1 logne, Mi ntebourg and up St. Lo, I and it's sure a sight to see but you • | must have seen pictures of them | I in your paper. . .'j | The French people are very nice tO j • us and we can't kick at all but 'It-' I would be a lot easier if I could talk loutherr. coast Sicily.^ According' or understand 'French. So far all I j to the navy report, the survivors re-; know is "hello" and "good evening" attained in the water about an hour ^n(j the French word for cider. Boy, ; fcefore they were picked by a i»m a real foreigner. But you should tug boat which searched the area; gee me talk with my hands. thoroughly. i sure has been nice except today In view of the length of time that j aft#r aU the rahl we had. |f you kas elasped without any indication | jjave eV|,r had to sleep in a pup tent < that Ensign Gardner survived, ana j yOU jcnow wh^t I mean. Every time j because of the strong presumption j yOU move around you make a new that he lost his life at the time of j ]eajc (jan you imagine me, a roofer the explosions or was drowned short- in civilian lifCi livinp in a ieaky tent? „ place. Sorry that i can't, »|?tant pastor of St Patrick'? parish,, given McHenry both spiritually and many assisUnt priests at St. " Mary's 4 11 about it. I have been to St- Chartes, preaching the jubilee 1 visually a masterpiece of beauty. whose untiring efforts have added ®t^,.ons schools are sent to sea, to shore; or to advanced schools for i; Serving {he church longer thap much to the improvement of the ^urt^er doty Following the morning Ceremony, any other priest since its organiia- church and its organizations. POLICE OFFICES. ||r thereafter, the navy department lias listed his death as July 11, 1944, which is the day following the expiratwn of twelve months in the missinyr status. In his letter, Secretary Forrestal expressed his sincere sympathy to the family, hoping that they may find Comfort in the knowledge thatj their son gave his life for his coun-; try, upholding the highest traditions] *f the navy. Enlisted In 1942. ,! D^r Mr. Mosher: _ The deceased serviceman enlisted j Am dropping a few \intB ^ in the navy on Sept. 1, 1942, follow- you I enjoy reading the Mc ing his graduation from the Uni- j|enry plaindealer very much. Well, Mose, I sure wish that I: was back home again. You never know just how nice home is until you're really away from it. ^Anyway, please continue to send me the ] Plaindealer as it's a bunch of mail j all wrapped into one. Say hello to my grandparents for- MM and 1 hope to see you soon. j S-SGT. RAY NEWMAN , . Somewhere in France. iM'HENRY SCHOOLS MAKE PUNS FOR OPENING SEPT. 5 Attendance Expected • To Be Very High McHenry public schools open on September 5 with registration at the Community high school occurring on August 28 and 29. Seniors will register in the forenoon and Juniors in the afternoon of the 28, Sophomores in the forenoon and Freshmen iti the afternoon of the 29. There has been a steady growth in the enrollment at the high school during the past four years. Since i in general throughout the United {States the high school enrollments (Photo by Worwlck) . have decreased, it indicates a rather, favorable trend in the local insti- MARINE 1$ KILLED U. S< Naval Air Station, New Or- ROBERT BARKER ' i Leo M. Miller from Camp McCain, Casualty news directly concerned i MSss., to Fort George G. Mead, Md. NICK ADAMS !:";rrno" "'I ^"""i with Woodstock and indirectly with! Ti*aikuinngf o®vveerr 1h,1is8 oduutuiews »Mp fa sftwatiec\i pruTluft\ti i* frnrtthi ou^nnhd etrhlvei.nnpu- mbMerrh t^li th«e ..M. cHenr'y v.i.c inity. , On Tu/e.s, day! Alvin «Mf»a»y naaMrd« /hl{ans» arrived in Mcpolice officer on August 1, (Photo by Worwlck) PAUL YANDA him of the honor conferred on him. It was also election night and the , following were chosen to serve for leans, La.--Second Lt. Edward J. j the ensuing year: Gausden, 22-year old marine aviator ,Commander--Paul Yanda; Senior from. McHenry, 111., was named one Vice Commander--Floyd Cooley; Juof the outstanding members of his, nior y:oe Commander--Andrew Worclass upon graduation from the wjck Chaplain--Tom Bolger. Hisnavy's school for primary flight in- torian--Floyd Coleman. Sgt. at Arms structors here. Son of Mrs. Adelaide j Le0 Thurlwell. Gausden, 716 Center street, West' The adjutant will be appointed in McHenry, 111., the flier received his; the near future by the commander, (certificate as a qualified primary! One of the important features of flight instructor and commendation; the evening was the dispersion of for his excellent record from his funds from the July 4 Legion carnicommanding officer, Commander F. Val. After much discussion it was : M. Reeder. "Lt. Gausden was among decided to buy War Bonds with a | our besl students," the commander, great portion of the money. Some declared. "I am confident he will; 0f jt will also be used to enlarge, continue to do as well and will pro- the Honor Roll, which is now full, duce many of our aerial aces needed it contains 500 names at the present | to deal the final aerial blow to the; time and already there are more | Axis." Lt. Gausen will train primary i name*. which must be added. | flight students fct the naval air *ta- Also during the business meeting | tion at Minneapolis, Minn. . Ray Page was chosen to represent j this district at the state Legion Recent transfers include Clarence, convention at Springfield August 25 ;i C. Freund from Tyndall Field, Fla., to August 28. Paul Yanda was sej to Monroe, L*.; William M. Green1 lected to represent the local poet 'from Great Lakes, to Norfolk, Va.; at the convention. Following the business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed, with the Nick Adams, who w», Kr*<Juates from underlying eighth of this week Mr. and Mrs. Glenn i Henry after spending many month* resides on John Barker of Woodstock received word | in the Aleutians. He is home on a te«ity of IHinois, fo' » "Having""worked at^'Frank G^'kaiser's ftreet, McHenry. _ Having ~«»ted ^ JS^m ih^^h^sb^ill^bri^ SjH, J!"' ****' had been ' twenty-one day furlough. time at Notre Dame. Later he was lent to Northwestern university, farm in West McHenry a few years local police at vanoua times during the loca, to norTnal or aboVe tv- - . . , » ago, I began reading the paper very the past two years, his appointment D - th several vears this whew he was graduated from the much and am glad receive it to- w« not altogether a surprise to his t"p nTo a midshipmen's school as an ensign, j . , many friends. His work carries him J|as, fr . . * Bom in Toluca, 111., he is surviv- Received the June 22 issue and en-, into five counties, including McHenry o^nin," o7° sch^f J°It ed by his parents, three sisters, Wil-j • ^ an artide on the U. S. *nd Lake, and this large territory before opening o sc ool. It ^ ^ -- ma of Berwyn and Lois and Carol being "Jst"1?©8 exlleriment wTth the not doubt keep him extremely state"^^ in* w_ith t,:|e marine C°rpVin at home; and one brother, Richard: f • trooos Beine a para-: busy. He replaces Albert Pearson Ij0Ca'8Ch ol aut Pacific a short time ago. Robert wa killed in action The deceased graduated from St. Mary's school, Woodstock, in June, 1943, and entered the marine corps a short time later. His cousin, Albert Freund, also gave his life serv- Eugene Jus ten now has an address of New York, in care of the postmaster; and James Hettermann is now stationed at Great Lakes. serving of refreshments. FRIDAY CONCERT INCLUDES VOCAL SOLOS AND DUET The seventh and next to taet f**- gram in the 1944 season of weekly band concerts in McHenry will be vision, I jumped into France on the a£° morning of D-Day. Upon the death of Sgt. Pear- _ Robert Memtt Buckles, 2* eon of i ^ on p^y evening. August 18. the! J?™. and Mrs. Robert Mier Buckles i on the high school grounis. with the Route 1, Ingleside, 111., was enrolled; following conc€rt planned: recently in an intensive course atjHThe Star Spangled Banner." son and the appointment of Mr.; There is scarcely a parent-who does ^ WM morning of D-Day. I had some very jr^i!no t urge his child to secure a good f_TrT>„_ _r.vo ttat7» 'exciting experiences France and!Adams, John E. Smith of Crystal THREE BOYS HAVE France. IMiile news of any sort casualty bring* sadness to loved -XDenences in rnmce -- -- -- , .. '<«<•-«• ta tatar r ^ n",k pTJbly th. point of mod.™ «lu- A NARE0W ESCAPE .«fh th. hardest of all to'th, ^ p'romoijto th.rank'of ' ' " " ic"ion thi" ,"1"d ,K<'fE0M ASPHYXIATION w. May our oth.r KjJ^;Death jfc. JlAm ^ " a nerp hew of,Walter Freund «f this | the radio, nn aavna.l training school l•o cated on the campus of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. similar news during the nmaiawg; centjy jjr. Adams was fortunate to! | thaK a high school diploma in itself % months until peace. ALL BLOOD DONORS ARE URGED TO KEEP U^THEIR APPOINTMENTS ••*vv see Governor Dewey, Republican j presidental candidate, as he rode j through the city as part of the pa-! rade. Bennett On Friday, Aiur. 11 Vs little j must have not only a , , „„ •pts.„K®n,, Beale, Calif- Leo J. Schaefer from value. To"- succeed, one MM.iTcJh|erlfse o»f ™th"isd scointys onf arrowly escaped Cam*p Polk, La., to New York, Ax- m v . Knn„ March -- "Gen. Douglas MacActhor --Huffer. "The First Heart Throbs"--Eilenherg Overture -- "Radiant"--Kiefer. J. _ ~ , .(March "El Capitan"--Sous*. Walter Brown has been transferred ; Solos from Fort Ord, Calif., to Camp! a «A Kiss in the Dark"--Herb^t. b. "Sweethearts'*--Herbert. . Adele' Froehlich. high school death fro•»m asphyxiation one day last thur McVickers from Fort Knox, Selection from -The Merry Wdow" Vv ^ ramn arir and | - me www MM t o ~ • t , D 'diploma but also a high school edu- uw" "'Z"' uj Ky., to Camp Chaffee, Ark., V. James Bennett, sister of Ray a. . , lta , . week when they were overcome by Lehar. McHenry county is over the top in the blood donor drive. The increased quota of 840 registrations has been reached. This announcement was made today from McHenry j tounty Red Cross headquarters. J It must be remembered that the' * actual attainment of this quota can •nly Jbe maintained by the fulfill McGee of this city, died on Friday corporal on June 26 in France. The morning Aug. 11. 1944, at .9:30 of regret that thev (lid ^ applv regiment that I am very proud to ©clock at St. Anthonys hospital, them!,elves more diligently while in belong to also received the Presi-; Rockford following a serious illness Rchoo, Thig is especially true of dential citation while there. of several weeks. h_^h ^chool; ^ modem school concation. Almost all adults look back ™ 7 hot"water heat- Wehard Rosing from Great Lakes,! Nove|ty - to their school days with a feeling _ ^ « were taking showers IU- to San D,e*°- Ca,lf- ' " - boggan"-Weber. |.Vocal Solos: "Trombone Ta~ the basement of the home of Pvt. Harold Reemer is now serv- Good luck to you all and thj|l|kfrj She is survived by her husband, tains little education hut that which *treet, Waukegan their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-( Guadalcanal, according to mond Van Heirslee, at 909 S. 1 word received this past week by very much for the paper. . Sincerely, $>RP. RUDOLPH R. SIMEK England. | James Bennett, a daughter, Mary Harriet; three sisters, Alice (Mrs. Delbert Ryan). Lillian and Ethel gives the student a direct prepara- Mrs. Van Heirslee ran to the base- his wife. tion for life. No longer are such l»ent uPol^ he^,ng ^e! His family has received word from Till We Meet Again"--Whiting. : b. "Memories"--Van Alstyne. Earl Conway. March -- "The New Colonial"--Hall. Vocal Duet -- "Moonlight and Roses" Lemare. Black and Moret--Adele LIFE ENDS FOR DR. anent of the appointment of all regis- FREDERIC A. BESLEY, trants. Because the present need for 7g( FAMED SURGEON ' blood plasma is very great and urgent, all registrants are urged to! . ... . , -i keep their appointments. Appoint-L A lifetime of public setyice end«l | ment cards will be mailed out this i. "^th ™ Wednesday, August 16,, week to rpci«trant notifvin^ 1944- for Dr- F^ednc Atwood Besley, m ^'m W for school inclusive. w A t i ' "a i iu """r> ' as English taught for the thcT^cene she found the' ^apt" that he is now: Froehlich and Earl Conway. Woodstcck; and one WW. R,y Mc subjcct itse]f. Each subject is Uu«ht bov? Vme" 13 and! "HTf i" ?n|!J'nd' ar^'n« March _' KMhinitton Poat»-&»«, lh0 fimi,y «• prepay A ^,7£ in *2 ,n England r«^, WM Ch„. pin,,e _ EIms Amer,c."- The body rested at the family lg nolon?er taught nouns _ and ad- ^ When she returned from car-! ®mlth- i Berlin. -home on Clay street, with funeral verbs so that he will recognize nouns , , , = . services being held on Monday morn- and adverbs bat so that he will be Tnpr. ,he, °JLder ,^°y . _ 1^1 ing at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's church ab!e to expreBS himself easily in j there. either written or oral fonn. For this J „ :* . reason, we must keep in front of NOTICE i our high school boys and girls the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal have been , ^ Emma North Dieg ? While Visiting Hot Son she found Donald almost overcome, nQtified fey ^ ROVernraent Aat their by toe iumes. . gon^ LeRoy Neal, is seriously Lieut. Dan Poner and fireman, .„ jn a hospita, in New Guinea Robert True were sununon an Neal enlisted in the air corp in 1940. Early. Sunday afternoon, August Blue CrosS dues are payable at fact that the materials they learn administered oxygen. When no oc-: jje spent eighteen months at Chanute 13. 1944. Mrs. Emma North. 5^2. died wiicn , , , , investigation .. Mexico, and Richard Overton of! the past few months' visiting her „ hi-h Jound that the pipe connecting , Camp Carson, Colo., are enjoying son and family her®, their home he- William" G school education as well as a high ^^0 C«cap^^^aS mlSSmg' j furloughs at their homes here. ling in Phoenix, Arizona. The de- Arrargements for trafisportation organization. Death came at; for twenty-five years. (while in school. Urge that when $o the school are in the hands of lo-: Victory Memorial hospital following Survivors include his widow, Myra; he graduate^ he can '•••4m A«tl blood donor chairmen and all! an illne8ft of several months. j and two sisters, Mrs ^registrants are requested to com-! A nntive of Waukegan, he received Strong of Champaign and Mrs. Wil-' school diploma. municate immediately with their lo- his medical degree from Northwest- liam B. Werden of Evanston; also Public SdM«l I tal blood donor chairman in regard ern university in 1894 and began two cousins. Dr. Walter Besley and The public grade . • 7® to transportation from their local practjpe in Chicago the same year. I Mrs. Mayme Lamphere Wyncoop, in session about one-half hour in Main street will be communities to Woodstock. Prompt- Soon" after the outbreak of World; Woodstock. The late George Besley j the morning and all afternoon of Thur3cjay afternoon in place of Tues- ^Irtos in arrival at the hour of ap-) War I he organized a Northwestern of McHenry was an uncle of the de- Sept. 5. d nights as in the past. 18-fp *Aointment is absolutely necessary, i university hospital unit, which he ceased. t Inquiries have been received y, _T • -- headed in France. The Besley Wau-' Funeral service* will be held on I the local grade school authont-es ; MARRIAGE LICENSES kegan clinic was established by him ! Friday afternoon at 3 P. M. in the j concerning the age of entry into the entry age for kindergarten and 6 i jn 1920 and he remained active there I home, with Dfean* Howard B. Gans- first grade and into kindergarten, years old before December ! aa itM Prank Groell. Ringwood, and Sarah i and at Victory Memorial hospiUl un-1 ter of CK'rist Episcopal church. Wau- ] A state and rule sets 5 entry for first grade. The local jplBUtr, Ifflif rr jtil Ins nent tUlMaa. 'sU mm jasa-j offiffiiting. <Ud before December 1 as the , school will use#t..e same roles. i ceased was a native of England. 1 ^ NOTICE TO VOTERS i The body rested at the Ptter M. ' , j ww- MI Voters who did not register fori justen funeral home until Monday H» Schiessle and weoer •»» the permanent registration last year morning, when it was taken to the closed ^ery or anyone w^0 has moved out, of the funeral home at S906 No. Lincoln precinct since that tim£ must regis-; avenue, Chicago, where services were ter, now in order to vote in Nov- held on Wednesday afternoon. laember. Albert Krause, McHenry, terment was in Acadia Park cta»* haa been appointed special deputy, tery. oounty clerk and can accommodate j ^ thoee who desire to register. t | Order four libber Stampe at TW 12-2-fp-.. Plaindealer. 1^""