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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1944, p. 8

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s H Page Eight * * \ : * :v'>: w*<»r * , iippi 1* & a - *7' ••* .* «T: »:.%t4« "T* >«ff^w';fl 58 JTf^'^f Tl -'-J*; •f-r^' " - f ^' • '? : *V- V ". ••/* "* ^v •'. < txih »•••»»»•»»•»•••••»»»»»»••• * • * » •:; Society Notes' WS>' f'r; tfvj WV: ' * ' ' 'I'1/ U-: k<; • Frank Anderson acted as recreation officer. Ninety-eight were in attendance at the meeting and members wish to thank Jerry and Mrs. Jerry for actin* as the congenial hosts. ANSWERS CALL j. ,> Home Bureau To V'Hold Public Party The local Home Bureau unit will sponsor a public card party, to be held on Friday evening, Sept. 22, at . "the A. H. Freund home, located on ; the southwest corner of Smith Cor^ • ners. Five Hundred and pinochle will ' " ;be in play. •. * Mrs. Robert Thompson Entertains Bridge Club The Evening Bridge club held its firs£ meeting of the fall season when it m^t at the home of Mrs. Robert Thompson last Friday evening. Prize winners were Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Mrs. George Lindsay. The next meeting of the group will be at the ' homo of Mrs. Schwermatt on Sept. 29- .. . • ; a : > ; • » . ' * • . : i Bosin«i» Jk Prof^sidonal • ,v y : y".^Women Begin „ Fall Season The first meeting of the fall sea- ? ,'son of the McHenry County Business y and Professional Women's club was "held on Monday evening of this week v' at the home ,of Mrs. Ethel Coe in •>. Woodstock. Acting as hostess for • the evening with Mrs. Coe was Mrs. Mary Endres. The following new officers presided: Mrs. Clara Sweeney, •president; Mrs. Mary Yates, secretary; and Mrs. Merle English, program chairman. The next meeting of the club will be held- on Oct. 16. • • • Mrs. Barbara Engeln Observes Anniversary With her nine children present last Saturday evening, Mrs. Barbara Engeln observed her eighty-ninth birthday anniversary at her home on Riverside Drive. Although her birth- <lay occurred on Friday, Sept. 15, the celebration was" held the following day so that her entire family might be present. Enjoying the 6 "o'clock dinner with / their mother were Mrs. Loui^ Baker, McHenry: Mrs. Max Klein, Detroit, Mich.: Mrs. Nick Steilen,. Chicago; • Mrs. Josephine Smith, Woodstock; Mrs. Meyer Klass. Sturgeon Bay, Wis.; Mrs. Gerald O'Shea, Chicago!; ; Mrs. Fred Miller, John and Peter En (den, McHenry. Many of her grandchildren and six of her seven great grandchildren were also able to be present. The congratulations of her many friends are extended Mrs. Enelen " this week as she begins her ninetieth P. T. A. Plans " Card Party The P. T. A. of St. Mary's-St.'Patrick's school is planning a public card party to be held on Sunday, Sept. 24, in the school hall. Mrs. A.' : Henn and Mrs. Albert Barbian will act as co-chairman. There will be special prizes and refreshments. • Pinochle Club With Mrs. Valea * Mrs. Albert Vales was hostess to ^ " members of the East River Road Pinochle club when they met at her home last Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. William Freund and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mrs. Freund j , will entertain the club next on Sept. 28. • * Lily Lake P. T. A. fa Planning Social J The Lily Lake P. T. A. is grate- • .' ful to Mrs. Nielsen for acting as ?;• hostess at the social held at the schoolhouse on Sept. 15. The next social will be held on Tuesday, Sept; 26, at the Hintz home, with Mrs. |/v Hintz and Mrs. Yaeger serving as • hostesses. Movies will be shown at the schoolhouse on Tuesday, Oct. 10, fkt 8 p, m. • ' • t . • „ m CHURCH SERVICER St. Mary's Catholir Chordh Masses: ^undav:/-T:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Holy /Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. \ Week( Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m, Thursday before First Friday-- / After 8:00 Mass on Thursday?;^ 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. Thursday, September 23;. 1944 NEWS A30UT OUR SERVICEMEN His parents have received word that George Frisby is now with General Patton's third army in France. Chester Colby, son of the Raymond Colbys, of Woodstock, former local residents, has , completed fifty i missions as a pilot on a bomber in j Italy, and expects to receive a furlough very soon. Chester was rel cently promoted to the nuiir of first i lieutenant. Sgt. Glenn Witt and Corp. Chester Witt had a pleasant reunion in Hawaii recently. St. Patrick's Catholic Ctiarch Masses: Sunday: «:00, 9:00,10:00 and 11:00 Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:80. On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30. 7:00 and before and durinf.tae 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. ffl. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday. 4:00 to 5:00 Pj m. and 7:0T tr 8:00 Ber. Wm. A. OTtourtre, pastor. St. John's Catholic Charefc, Joluubarg Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:98. Thursday before First Friday: and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. 2:H Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church John St. East of Highway 31 West McHenry, 111. Herman C. Noll, pastor, Round Lake, Illinois. A cordial welcome is extended to all who have no church affiliation to worship with us. The message heard from our pulpit, we are sure, will fill your h$*rt with hope and courage. Services 9 a.m. Sunday School ... ....10 a.m. ^Christ Our Only Talking Points W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--W. G. N., 2:30 p.m. Comaeanity Church 8tmday School: 10:00 a. m. Worship 3ervice: 11:00 a. a. Junior League: 6:30 p. m. * Epworth League: 8:00 p. ia. ; , Rev. Mack Powell, pastor. • SPRING GROVE YOUTH WRITES HOME OF HIS LONG TRIP TO BURMA § WILLIAM ENGLE - Making the supreme sacrifice in this war was Pvt. William Engle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle of Marengp, who has been reported killed in France on August 11, 1944. A telegram to that effect was received by his family two weeks ago, thus adding another gold star to the Marengo service flag. i : McHenry friends were happy to learn that Tech. Sgt. MeTvin Pet6r- Lson, son of the Alvin Petersons, has | returned from England and reached j j Chicago Tuesday to spend his fu/-1 ) lough. Melvin served overseas for | several months and completed many : missions oyer France and Germany. His accounts of his experiences will : no doubt be of n^uch, interest tq h|s„ many friends here. St. Peter's Catholic Charcfc, Spriag Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00; Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:Q0. Confessions: Saturdays: 2 JO and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:15. Bev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a. m. Divine services--3:00 p. m. H. L. PFOTENHAUER, Pasto* COMING EVENTS ; /i^^U-^Sept. 21 ' W. S. C, S. Ijunchecwi. C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. Sept. 22 Public Card Party -- Sponsored by Home Bureau--A. H. Freund home. Sept. 24 Public Card Party, Sponsored by St. Mary's--St. Patrick's school P. A. A. School Hall. Sept. 25. Meeting. ' Sept. 26 Social -- Sponsored by Liiy Lake P. T. A. Sept. 28 East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. ! William Freund. t Sept. 29 Evening Bridge Club --• Mrsv Paul Schwerman. Oct. 3. Party Sponsored by Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. Home Bureau--Mrs. Edwin Denman Home. Oct. 5 (Cafeteria Supper -- M. E. Church-- Sponsored by Circle 3, W. S. C. S. Oct. 6 Christian Mothers and Altar Society-- Regular Meeting. Oct. 13. • Mothers' Chib. Oct. 15 Public Card Party--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar So- . ciety. . Oct. 16 Business A Professional Women's . Club. , Oct. 19. llublic Card Party--K. of C. Hall- Sponsored by C. D. of A. Oct. 28 Sard Times Dance -- Sponsored by; the O. E. S. A. L. Kosinski has been promote to tbe rank of staff sergeant some-;' where in England, according to word received by his wife, the! "former Eunice Marshall. .Pvt. Glen GIos has completed training and has been graduated from this school of the army aip forces training command, at Chwrtfte Field. While attending thik/army air forces training commancr fcehoo! he Received instruction in the electronics course, and in various technical operations vital to the maintenance of the country's fighting planes. Death Comes To Matthew T. Riley, Woodstock. Sept. 13 Mr. and Mrs. John Lay of SpPfn^f Grove received an interesting letter from their son, Eld. last week, the first one he has written since leaving the States in which he could tell 6f his location. It was on July 4 that Ed. passed through the Panama Canal and he reports some of the sights in the locality to be very beautiful. Four days later the ship crossed fhe equator and all aboard received certificates stating this fact. The 18th of July really didn't occur for Ed. and his fellow servicemen for on that day they crossed the International Date line and thereby skipped from the 17th to the 19th. Hardest hit was one of the boyf in "the company who was unable to celebrate since his birthday, July 18, never really occurred. Our local soldier. reports getting a fleeting glance at New Zeland and arriving in Australia on July 22. He is now serving in Burma. AT AMBASSADOB HOTEL, j George Vales returned last, week from Colorado Springs, Colo., where" jhe had "been playing with Cari Simd's; orchestra for the past year in the- Boardmoor hotel. The orchestra is now being featured at the Ambassador hotel, where they may be heard nightly. On Thursday and Friday,' the group broadcasts from 1:0®" a. m. to 1:30 a. m. and on Wednesday and Sunday from 12:30 to 1:06 a., nr. over WBBM. Besides playing bass with the orchestra, George alio act® as vocalist for the orchestra. GAUD) OF THANKS In this manner I would like^ttr thank all kind friends who sent m* cards and gifts during1 my recent Hkrrees; ad«o» thoset who visited me at this time.. . DIANA FEEUNH. - DsJt Y$m»lf -*t Hm* CJumhM POMANINT WAVE KIT 59> Completfrwith curlers, a IT* emri* do a•nhda amaf pe otooa en edv ewrya vtyespeet of hair. For amazing results--be sure to aoJt KclC harmnKurl. OTer & miUioa (old. Subscribe, for The Plaindealer THOMAS P. BOEGER; DRUGI^ ; •' Circle 3 With Mrs. C. W. Gooddl Mrs. C. W. Goodell was hostess to Grace Lutheran Church Richmond ' : Sunday School: 10:30 a. m. f Adult Service: 11:00 a. m. John W. Gable, paftor. Ringwood Church Ringrwood, 111. ^ 8anday--Public worship, 9:30. Church School, 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evemembers of Circle 3, W. S. C. S. last I ning. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. Thursday afternoon At the meeting plans were made for the cafeteria McHENRY LODGE A. F. & A. M. supper to be held on Thursday eve-, McHenry Lodge No. 168 meets the ning, Oct. 5, in the Community Meth- j first and third Tuesdays of each month odist church hall. Following the j at the hall on Court street. business meeting, Miss Lois Voeltz | , -- -- entertained with several piano selec- New Cantaloupe A new variety of cantaloupe, resistant to both aphids and downy mildew, worst insect enemy and worst fungus pest of cantaloupe, was developed at the Texas agricultural experiment station. The new variety, it is claimed, will do much to increase the percentage of marketable cantaloupes. Subscribe for The Plaindealer The city of Woodstock and many friends in this vicinity were saddened to learn of the death on Sept. 13, 1944, of Matthew T. Riley. He had been in ill health for many months but had not given up his work as an employee of the city of Woodstock ur^til shortly before his death. A native of Woodstock, he was united in marriage with Miss Lena Rossman in 1907. Three children survive, Harold, an air cadet stationed at Keesler Field, La.; John, an air cadet stationed in Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Louis Yegge (Helen) of Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to express our sincere thanks to all our friends for their expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement. We are especially grateful for cards and for the visits of neighbors and friends. MR. and MRS. J. C. GARDNER. CARD OF THANKS I would like in this way to thank everyone who sent cards and good wishes to me during my stay in the hospital; also to those who called to see me. BEVERLY SCHWERMAN. IN MEMORIAM MARTIN J. WEBER Sept. 21, 1944 One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called awaiv. God took him h6me, it was His will, Within our heart* he liveth still. LOVING WIFE, DAUGHTER AND SON. Order vour Rubber Stamps at Hie Plaindealer. tions which were much enjoyed. Pennycress Oil Fanweed or pennycress, which „ . . _ grows abundantly in the north ceniL eagnu ye HHaasV eOnu\*tm g ^ , states is being processed for a seed Qil The ^ flat ^ ^ The McHenry County Tavern Lea-1 nish an oil suitable for paintSi var. gue, Inc.. held its annual outing at nishe3 and also for edible shorten- Jerry s Place at Wonder Lake Tues- jng or saiad 0iL ^ay, with a delicious duck dinner be-. % ' ing served by Msr. Jerry. Following' the dinner, soft ball was played, the) Germ-Killer Cabbage results of which will be found in So a substance is found in cabbiage I Hear s column. An. egg-throwing: which works as a germ-killer, accontest was one of the features of, cording to reports from the New the day, with Mrs. Hettermann's la- York agricultural experiment stadies team competing against the tion. Eating raw cabbage may have men's team. There was also a tug- a beneficial effect in controlling the of-war , with the Mineola team com-; bacterial flora of the alimentary peting against the Joe E. Miller canal. Mashed cabbage was used by team. A sack-running contest was j the Romans three centuries before won hy Ray Nelson and *Clara Nell.' the Christian era in healing wounds. THE TODDLER SHOP McHENRY, ILL. VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 19. We Pick Up and Deliver Try the Vogue for splendid service and excellent workmanship FitzGerald's Men's Shop [Representative] V Ringwood School Note?; By Dorothy Smith and Maryamr • • *•" Wiedrich •:' Lt. Miller and Mrs. Miller are spending a part of Lt. Miller's furlough at Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley's home in Ringwood. Lt. Miller and Andrew Hawley are spending a week fishing in Wisconsin, while Mrs. Miller is staying with Mrs. Hawley. Charlotte Hogan spent Saturday afternoon with her mother in Woodstock. Duane, Audrey and Darlene Andreas spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Lester Ebel home in Crystal Lake. They helped their little cousin celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Rinkenberger and family were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wetcome in Crystal Lake. Jane Betts. who is in fifth grade, will celebrate her tenth birthday this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ritzert and daughter. Marie, saw the horse races at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Muzzv and children and Dorothy Feltes enioyed a movie at Woodstock last Sundav afternoon. Mr. Andreas, our orincioal. has enrolled in an extension course in phvsical education, to be given at the Central School in Woodstock each Tuesdav evening. This course is given by one of the facultv from the Northern Illinois State Teachers College. Our school enjoyed its first movie last week. Grades 5 and 6 are enjoying their new social science text The fourth grade has built an Indian wigwam in the back of the school house. Tommy Mnrtin has gone with his1 parents to Minnesota for a week. The first Pnr«*nt-Tencbpr« rnee^'n? will be h^ld in n«",'r Our new president, Mrs. Helen Johnson, will announce the date soon. Home Comfoet«v- COOLER BEDROOMS'IIT S^MMEE SAVE FUEL NEXT WINTER REnUOT DR£J?TS£ "BLOWN IN" WAEtS £NID ATTIC ? . Guaranteed NW* T&> 9Htl^ Dtarmgr Life of' BuiMHag? • Ia*»ffrd b> WALL-FILL CO. l* Y«wr* Bfeperiean* For Informations-Write* o»' (£ail Leo J. Stifling;. Bfatrict* Manager 200 E. Pearl St. MbHfcnry- 1^ (Jit YOUR' LUMBER' AZft» BUILDING flTATBRTAES DEALER •3 RESIDENCE CHANGES The Wahl brothers are now making their home on the Larkin place on Irish Prairie, having recently purchased the place from James Lancaster. Mr. Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, who also made their home there, are now residing in a suburb of Chicago. ' CRttQSt THIS CRSHXWEl&HT HJBT W1XM; IMF ' TEXASACCINT IHt JWACtORT Perfect fee yeat IrauaJvueafi tfteCghtwerglit is, die number one favorite of America's of production^ They not onlijr go for its 'ooadoor look" aod maoculiiujty^ but. &ar ks dimtb£lity <w«| resiliences While so£t-as-chamois* they know The DLAXEAS can really trirtr a. "knocking uQead". Your choice of new calots, fot the fay t in back Mallory's exclusive processes. * $5 to $7.50 ORY « AAcHENRY f/ CHEVROLET / RIVERSIDE HOTEL CORPORATION Girls' Wpol Skirts, size I to 4 1.............. Girls' Blouses, size 1 to 6 Boys' Pants, size 2 and 3 Boys' Shirts, si?e 2 to T Shirty size 1 to 4 •' ; ; • Overalls, size 2 to 4..,. ..A.... ....^. .... Boys' Wool Pant and Shirt, size 2 Dresses, Handmade, size 1, to 3 100% Wool Berets 100% WTool Sweaters, made to ord«r .$5.00 to $8.00 Handmade Knit Tyrolean Pants, size l-2-3„J$6.50 to $7.95 $3.75 to $4.95 $1.59 to $2.25 .$1.79 and $1.98 $1.10 to $1.98 $1.10 to $1.35 $1.89 to $2.75 $3.98 . ...$3.95-$4.95 $1.50 i M i m i u n i n i H i i M i i i i i i M t'4'4111 n iniiiimn»» Invites you to enjoy its everyday specials--^modirately priced. Effective October 1st this establishment will open at 4 P. M., except Saiurday and Sunday, when we will open at 12 M. We will remain Closed all day Mondays until further notice. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY • - SPECIAL EVERY SUNDAY - Home Cooked Chicken and Dumplings We also cater to Parties and Banquets GET OUR SIX-STAR SERVICE SPECIAL" • "De-Sludge" Car Engine- • Tune Motor • Rotate Tires it lubricate Throughout • Check Steering and Wheel Alignment • Service Brakes, Clutch, Transmission, Rear Axle FIRST IN SERVICE m FIRST in total volume of car and truck service in town after town, in state after state, in every section of America. FIRST in that deep-seated public confldeece and pmfowec; wl|ich are expressed in the statement--"MORE PEOPLE GO TO CHEVROLET DEALERS FOR SERVICE THAN TO ANY OTHER DEALER ORGANIZATION.9* FIRST to introduce the famous wartime CAR AND TRUCK CONSERVATION PLANS to help "save the wheels tt^at serve America." BUY MORE BONOS • SPEED THE VICTORY Originator and Owtstaadiag Liadtr §f "CAR CONSERVATION" SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES • McHENRY, lLUNOlS 'tV, .

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