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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1944, p. 1

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SUPERVISORS PASS ANNUAL IEVY OF TAXES ' i-- ' -• f \'* " Increase of $21,020 ^ . ••77 V -ls Reported Oyer I . the Previous Year *1 PACIFIC VETERAN Last week the county board of su- . ;pervisors passed the annual tax levy '^calling for a total of $159,410 to be levied in the county. This is an • increase of $21,020 over the previous r year, when $138,390 was levied. Following are the items for which the levy is made: For election officials per diem for services, $2,100; for election officials' milage for travel; $100; for election rent of polling places, $300; for elec- MICHAEL J. KNOX, 2, DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF ONLY TEN DAYS Friends here were shocked to learn of the death last Thursday, Sept. 14, 1944, of Michael John Knox, only son of Lieut. Robert V. KnoX of Hingham, Mass., and Mrs. Knox of Sptfngfield, 111. The 2-year-old boy !*.;•$£ died in St. John's hospital, Spring- j field, after a 10-day iilness. » [ • ,' The little lad was born on August 28, 1942, and when he was only. - „ three mohths old his father entered the navy whereupon the% family moved to Springfield, the home of 4-H CLUBS GIVE AMBULANCE TO NAVY SATURDAY VARIOUS SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS ELECT OFFICERS IN FIELD ARTILLERY ' Presentation To Be r&ftde On Woodstock; High School Ground* f While most of the classes at the high school have not, yet elected their leaders for the year, the various organisations have chosen their officers. •One of the first of . these was the j, athletic association, which member- L ship includes th#*boysand girls frort' the entire school. Elected president was Morrie Crouch, vice president, Thomas Lawson, and secretary-trea- ~ . ..J* glance >oys ^nd i^^^rSr^as chosen by Mrs. Knox. Besides his sorrowing ^ s ln, e county have raised money fejjow musicians to become this year's parents, he is survived by a sister,. Purchase will be presented to the president of the band. George Whit- Barbara Ann; his grandparents, Mr.1 I1?IL ,ne* ^UF<!^k i I was elected vice-president, and and Mrs. Michael Knox of Crystal oodstock. The ambulance will be: Catherine Schwerman, secretary. Li- Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John E. ?n ln *f°nt f J* c0"rt; brarians are Clarice May and Mary hQuse from 12:80 until 1:80 p. m..1 Jean Dohertv. when a short program will be heard from the court house steps, after I New president of the orchestra is Adolph Weidemann, vice-president. Sharp of-^grip^field; his great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Lincoln, Nebraska, besides several aunts GEO. M. VANVRANKEN j Funeral services were held in Sgt. George M. VanVranken, whose i Springfield on Saturday, with Monsigaons, pnnung Dauois, •oyv,; lor eiec. | Wife and small daughter live on nor Tarrant officiating. Burial was uunn#m °oys Charles Martin is the newlv elected tions, supplies for polling places, | Route 2, McHenry, has been await- in Angel's Row, Calvary cemetery. ! Prudent of the county federation, | nr„ident of the chorus, with Gladys $350; for publication of tax assess-jing transportation back to the United Relatives from this vicinity who ™11 Pres,de- 0ther 4*H J/outh8 to! Stilline chosen for vice-president; ments, $1,400; for sheriff: fees for I States after serving nearly thirty-: attended the funeral were Mr. and fPP«»T r on the program will be Shir- Marir Grace Murphy, secretary-treasservices, $7,200, for for prisoners, nine months in the Southwest Pa- Mrs. Harold Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Neal of .Ringwood. chairman of urer' and Adolph Weidemann, li- $2,300 and deputies per diem, $2,200.; cific. On his return he will be given! Vernon Knox, the Misses Florence,tlie ambulance committee, who will brarian. Superintendent of schools' clerk a furlough and assigned to another and gthei Knox and Mrs. F. J, Shep-!thank those who he,Ped make the which the 4-H boys andI girls will Catherine Schwerman; secretary, parade to the Community high school, Rathryn Nye; and librarians, Beverly where he presentation will be made, j Schwerman and Margaret Bolger Orville Pages, Dunham 4-H boys' rh»rW i. hire, $2,200; Court house and jail, unit. Sgt. VanVranken, son of Mr. j per8, Crystal Lake. janitor service, $1,800, coal, $1,700 j and Mrs. George R. VanVranken, of ^ and light and water, $1,500. For'St. Crarles, 111., joined the army in"m*HENRY COUNTY TO •eourt house, repairs, $2,000; repairs July, 1940. He has been assigned, __ sheriff's residence and jail, $2,000; to the fifth air force service com-' *>rt nuoi iU SiAia telephone for court house and jail, mand, where aircraft are equipped ' OFFICIALS, MONDAY $1,350; County home, salaries em- j with repairs, modifications and sup-| ployfees, $6,700, for -inmates, $5,700,, plies. j fuel, $1,200, light and power, $600; He is entitled to wear the Good County Chairman Henry L. Cowlin *everal numbers. The octet can he ed lecture at the Community Metho and repairs, $1,340. j Conduct Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Rib- j announces that on next Monday a heard on "Meet Your Navy" orosrram dist church on Sunday night, Sept purchase of the ambulance possible.) and Peggy Jenner, county 4-H fed; ARTIST. SPEAKER eration vice-president, who will lead txrTT T nv rirrpnm «m the audience in the pledge of allefiance to the flag and the 4-H fiem-1 METHODIST CHURCH ber* in the 4-H pledge. The nationally known nerro octet from Great Lakes will anpear in Howard Ellis, artist and speaker, of Evanston will present an' illustrat- Photo by A. Worwtclc, McHenry LEO J. SCHAEFER His family received word only two weeks ago that Corp. Leo J. CIRCUIT JUDGE WM. L. PIERCE SOON TO RETIRE Recommends State's " . Attorney Carroll To , - Fill the Vacancy Announcement was made last week ^ by Circuit Judge William L. Pierce"" ' that when he retires next spring, he " recommends William M. Carroll, V state s attorney for McHenry county, succeed him in office. The 76-yearold judge says that when his term expires next year, he will not;seek re-election and in turn is suggesting the younger Carroll for the job. , Naturally, the announcement is" of interest to McHenry residents, for Attorney Carroll is well known here. Serving his third term as state's attorney for this county, he ran against Pierce in June. 1939, but Pierce's * • Schaefer had arrived safely in Eng-! support from Boone and Winnebago land, having left the United States < counties, plus the votes he was able five weeks ago. He has been serv- to secure in McHenry and Lake couning with the field artillery since en-1 ties, were sufficient to give him the tering service two and one-half years j office of circuit judge for a six-year ago. His basic training was taken! term. at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and later he was in charge of distributing mail in his barracks at Fort Riley, Kas. In his own words, Judsre Pierce stated last week "that 'Bill' Carroll is well equipped for the office. I Later his duties consisted of driving consider it likely that he will be trucks and transporting the officers. I supported here on the basis of an 'nwrit'en agreement that one of the Sunt, of hiirhwavs salarv $2 500 Ibdn with two bronze stars, and a | caravan of * «J » » ' ^ IJ 1 ....'i J three to^ state officials •> < a natiAo nWal Ah Po ok-up on S..a. turdJa y] 2M4o,/ tbit DhawaasT Ib eeni na! nnouan#c* efdlt A by Rev. H®ff ™f VX w •I 1IKm m wII IwI II trave H ng" expenses]J $700; * "sal a r y" pro - Presidential unit citation device re- j will" be in McHenry county tor a nights A WAC a sailor wounded Mack Powefi, minister of the church. bation officer circuit court $900 for Ice,ved by h,s organization for mer- political meeting at the Woodstock ,n action, and the commander who The program, to be held in the film R£() 1/1 flTAJ Til county court, $1,320 plus' expenses itorious 8ervice- ' opera house in the evening. : •<*«*« the. ambulance for the navy, J church auditorium, will begin at 81IIIIII Aril Wll-r Ml r M 1 The speakers will be iUeutenant!Wl11 al»<> appear on the program. p.m. wa.i xw*. Fund Grows j Mr. Ellis is well-known in Chicago; of $900. Salaries members board of review, $1,800, clerk hire, $1,000. Bounties, crows, crow eggs and foxes, $1,000. Jurors all courts per diem and mileage, $2,000; per diem 'and mileage for supervisors, $5,000; Printing for supervisors, $1,000. Car* of county dependent children, $2,500. Care T. B. patients in and out of county sanatoriums, $13,000. For MESSA6ES MEN IN SERVICE Governor Hugh W. Cross, Auditor ol Public Accounts Arthur C. Lue- The fund has continued to grow.: as the author of interpretations of der and Attorney General George F. The $651.32, the amount received I W*amer E. Sallman's recent master- Barrett. These me,n, together with from the scrap paDer drive, has been pieces, "The Head of Christ", "Geththe Governor and other Republican added. The G. & H. girls's club, Mrs.! semane." "Christ at Heart's Door," state candidates, are visiting the; Henry Hartman, leader, turned in and "'The Lord is My Shepherd." His downstate counties, with evening $144.07, which was raised by sponmeetings in at least one town in each I soring a dance. The Rush Creek Frank E. Low, 25, husband of the former Miss Helen Kilday, is re- I am probably a total stranger to j county. ' girls, Mrs. Dale Postlewaite, leader county aid in building bridges and i y°u as I don't believe we have ever, So far, this is the only political added $20 to their contribution, rais construction, $5,000. For county aid in building and repair bridges, $5,000. Food for needy veterans and families, $4,000. Clothing for needy verterans and families, $500, and medical care for needy veterans and their families, $500. For eradication T. B. in cattle and salary of county veterinarian, $1 ,740. For traveling expenses of county veterinarian, $600. For salary of office secretary, $1,350. For insurance on county properties, $2,000, For insurance on bonds of county officers, $1,000. DIES IN FRANCE met. I'm a fellow I meeting billed for HcHenry county, ing their total to $60. And on and that used to live There will doubtless be others with on could be named the...clubs which in McHenry. I j prominent speakers, but it is also have worked tirelessly to make the qfcly liv#d there expected that - there will be commu- drive a success. for about two1 nity meetings addressed by local The idea was first conceived when I years but in that talent. ; on June 29 the girls and their lead-' s h o r t t i m e , I ' v e T h i s c a m p a i g n b i d s fair to be un- ers met at the county school. At a grown to love Mc- usual inasmuch as gas rationing meeting of the federation at a later Henry just as if I makes for less travel, and therefore date, it was decided to make it a was born and there will probably be few if any of federation project which would also raised there. j the old fashioned mass meetings with include the boys' 4-H clubs. Since I'm in the ser- j thousands of people congregated. that time all of the clubs in the •ice now and some| The war and the concern of tamil-; countv have done their bit in makfellows I used to ies for the welfare of their loved! jnR iheir contributions. One wav go around wiht asked me why I ones at the front holds the close at- j t0 encourage these youths in their didn't write to you and get the tention of most people. Tbis does D„tri"tic work is to attend the pres- | Plaindealer. Well, to be frank, I not mean that they are not interested entat'nn of the ambulance ceremonv guess I was just plain scared. Why, in the elecion, in fact everything in- next Saturday. ! I really don't know. Anyhow, Mr. dicates greater interest than in pre- I Mosher, I would appreciate it very j vious years. _____ j much if you would send me the Regardless of the fact that thou- COUNTY SERVICEMAN ! Plaindealer. I used to get it every sands of men and women " in {he ESCAPES TWO TRAGIC I week and I found that it was a service will not and do not need to ; swell source of information as to register in order to vote, County "Alio Iri UN IS WAR j where my buddies were and what! Clerk Woods informs us that more! I they were doing judgeships should be shared alternatelv by Boone and McHenry counties." •.••••• ' Will Retire In announcing his intention to retire, Judge Pierce expressed the opinion that anyone his age should notfc: ask for election to an office thaty would keep him on the bench fori . . . . . . . m o t h e r s i x y e a r s . A c c o r d i n g t o r ., ,£•».»« h„ .nrtn.1 .he , ,.h on/ha,- S 'e?00'"1"10"; reached th. 80-year m«k. h. should *' .th.e S- "»v»'jh« Imnj on what h, hu training center. ,arned .•«. • Great Lakes? Illi.! " i . .. , . , nois. His recruit! Further, he said, «I am ai bitterly training consists) and unequivocally opposed to isola-, of instruction in I tion spokesmen now as I was before seamanship, mili- °"r *reat nation entered the war. I tary drill, and gen- i p'an to continue to bend my effortst. Igral naval proce-!to see that we win thia war as Aire. During this i <»uickly *s possible and to assure a period a series of aptitude tests will j peace through establish-* be taken by the rwruit to determine m«"t J of *«o«nd league of nations."* whether he will be taken by the Ser-! Judge Pierce has been a member vice School or to immediate duty j *he ^r/°r over half a century, at sea. When his, recruit training \{ States Attorney Carroll succeeds is completed, the seaman wW Judff* P,erpe as he ^ have ceive a period of leave. Gordon Scholle is now stationed at Sheppard Field, Texas. Transfers during recent weeks include John F. Shadle from Fort Lewis, Wash., to Denver, Colo.; Arthur McVicker from Camp Chaffee, interpretations of these pictures Ark- to New York; James R. Harwhich are just off the press are be-! r,s°n fro,n Camp Livingston, Cal.f., (ing published by the distributors of i CamP Cook*> Calif.; Gordon Knox - - -• £jjjs jHus-s *rom Camp Cooke, Calif., to New iurisdiction in the four counties- McHenry, Boone, Laice and Winnebago. WOUNDED IN FRANGt the Sallman pictures. , than 20,000 voters are already regis-; With the luck of mpre than one v". 'Colo.™"" Las Vegas,^Nevada"; ^ I ,ri1 have to close for now, sir, as tered in the county and many more man, Lieut. Frank "Bud" Flood of ^ four anT^hatf Francis Cox from Camp' Chaffee', ; it s getting pretty close to taps. I j new names are being added every Woodstock narrowly escaped a tragic J" Iu" * r®"r • "*" ! Ark., Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Anddoo hhoonpee vyoouu wwiillll ^soennHd tthh®e np»aipwe>rp, dd«avy . fate for the second time last week drawing board, which is lighted ^ *> r* -- Thank you very much. Sincerely, GENE BORO, Fit. PM, San Francisco, Calif.' ft is hoped that there will be a Having left Woodstock on Tuesday renrtr^contror C°^eWh4tlnrr tKha°8n.y t^Fort^Benn^15 0^*'^^and' tcod turnout for the meeting at the evening after spending a furlough mo„t* I' James Steinsdoerfer from Camp I opera house in Woodstock next Mon- with his wife and baby and parents, Pictures are _ rag mosaics, designed Meade Md day evening. The talks will be worth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flood, he re- f!om the, .°"PnaI °'l Pa,ntinf m, Mcket, Va., fort Meade, Md. , ' |!lis"te1nTing; tuo "ass each speaker has an ported «at rFoo„rt oSnheerriiodaann itnhaatt nniiggBhtL. . artist s Chicago studio, and are w d .e by ag the inJ Richard Smith's new address is have just finished reading the important message to bring to his Later he left on the ill fated Dixie t; retation P of th; picture is given.! New York; Charles May is now at Jst 31 issue of the good old Illinols constituents. Flier, which the next morning ran J? »,„• . ri,s. i Tnnnnhah. Nevada: L. M. Guatafson The following registrants August home town paper. It sure is good T HP AT IWrieW to hear about the town again. I * •n.KISxi LUOAL JxLEwl have received the last three issues ARE INCLUDED IN now and I guess the rest will follow OCTOBER CALL me up. ( When I left the Lakes I was sent ~ MAURICE ZENS After being wounded on 17 in France, Maurice Zens nephew of Mrs. Robert Frisby ant* John Zens of this city, died down here to San Diego, which is 0 on August 23. He had made his an amphibi0us training base. At E A^d t' I™"**. home in McHenry for several months first r was given the job of teBch. D just prior to entering service. His injf the trainees but now am a death has meant that another gold trainee myself, so I am going star must bemadded to ^ur ever grow- trough some rugged things. I should be finished Sept. 27 and then' u fcrli>n' be shipped out. HARVARD-- Tn this training that I am in now have to go out on the surf and practice in these small landing crafts. • We take troops off a tra nspor^ and Ronald Justen underwent surgery hit the beach and leave them there. at the Woodstock hospital on Mon. I get a kick out of seeing those soliay. diers run through the water. Some Mrs. Arthur Wagner of Grayslake, of the waves are bigger than these the former Marie Mertes, underwent boats so we don't stay dry very long. an emergency appendectomy at St. After a day out there we can wipe Therese hosnital on Monday. the salt right off our face. We are "W5n" Schroeder of Route 2, Mc- fed "K" rations while on the surf Henry, was a medical patient at the because we never into a mail train in a dense »fog at Terre H^ute, Ind. . While his family did not know Mr. Ellis is studying at the Chi- Tonophah, Nevada; L. M. Gustafson cago Art Institute and Garrett Bibli-1 at Fort Jackson. So. Carolina, and cal Institute. Before coming to Chi- Clarence M. Freund at Mayport. Fla. cago , where he met and became asthat he was aboard, they were 'n- j SoCjated with Mr. Sallman, he work-! Staff Sgt. Albert F. Rodig, of easy over the possibility and were e(j jn commercial art, earned a de- Route 1, McHenry, ball turret gun-1 relieved to get a telegram on Thurs-: ^ jn Evansville College, traveled 'ner on a B-17 Flying Fortress, has Oak ing service flag. » • » • » • » • « • • • • • » HIM M l | Among the Sick Alfonse R. Wirtz. Charles J. Miller. MARENGO-- Richard Gossell. Robert D. Hoffman. Robert M. Jones. Robert D. Andre.w OTHER PLACES-- Charles Ettner, Dundee. George Peterson, Woodstock. Edward Grabbert, Hebron. Eugene Christensen, Richmond. Fay J. Hepp, Albia, la. Eugene Rossman, Algonquin. ALEX JUSTEN Mrs. Alex Justen received word Medal for j iast Thursday from her husband, Pfc. bomb- ^ Justen, that he is now confined to * « u j u u - -- e ^ | a hospital in England, where he is St ^;!L 0°„T J" SUMMER SCHEDULB! recovering from burns sustained when " . ..f0™!1 8u en" AT? NrtRTH WF^TKRIf I Fort Lewis, Wash.--Sgt. Russell I pieces of a phosphorous shell became ^i1 I . SL tmO ' 1°' OBMftml tart embedded in kU b.ek on August 31. twenty n ne persons. TRAINS EXTENDED j ff0m medical section's clerks' course At that time our local soldier was ! occurred. this large army service forces serving with the infantry in the j J y lit Trains 681 and 622 running be- j training- center, it has Deen announc- front lines in France. Alex has been ! . tween Chicago and McHenry, Lake e(j by Brig. Gen. James E. Baylis. in service almost a year but has only Births Geneva and Williams Bay will be ex- Tbe Course covered diversified sub- been overseas for the last six weeks. tended three weeks, it was announced . jects in up to date army admtnistra- He entered France on August 19 with by the Chicago and North Western tion. Pointing out the need for ac-'his stay being cut short by his in- Clarence Etten, Sic, and Mrs. Et- Railway company. . curate records especially after the; jury. Mrs. Justen as yet has reten are the parents of a 71b 9oz. son, Train 681 leaving Chicago at 4:42 war Lt,. Col. L. A. Hudgel, chief of ceived no word from the war deborn on Sept. 13, at St. Therese hos- P- m- except Saturday and Sunday, the medical specialist courses, said i partment concerning her husband's Dital Waukeean The proud father '• now make its last trip on Fri- graduates were now qualified for wounds but has received two letters * ' . - o-r AOO -1 • -• • from him, the last one in which he reports that he is out of pain except when he moves a great deal. In the near future he will be presentnow stationed at Hutchinson, Kas. day- 0ct- 27, while train 622, leav-! key positions in oversea* ttedical Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freund are ing Williams Bay at 7:22 a. m., ex- j units> the parents of" a son, born at the cept Sunday, arriving Chicago 9:00 • _ .11 «%«nl/a * fa lAar rmn Staff Sgt. LeRiSy Conway sent a telegram to relatives here this week,; ed with the Purple Heart, informing them that he was in Hal-; , TO RE-OPEN SHOP Woodstock hospital on Wednesday. wiU n<^ make its last trip Steve Kosti announces that Ifce News has just reached us of the on Saturday, Oct. 28. mie on ine f"" : has' Reopened his shoe repair arid birth of a son, James, to Mr. and Par'or <|ar c*rrie<' ®n *"eRe -- -- -- ® ® liof piooninir Knainoaa nn Main ctroot -- Renard Blum of Elmwood Park, trains will be discontinues after run-, hospital in New York City, TEACHER o. „ .. . . ,4 . .. .o at West Suburban hospital, on Au- ning on 681 Friday, Oct. 6, and 622 j having arrived on Sunday. He hopes j Mrs. Earl McAndrews is the new Manlvp Joan, daughter of the that we don t go out there we go tQ Jtake care 0f hig customers as eust 26 James Hughes, Sr., of Mc- Saturday. Oct. 7. i to be sent nearer home very soon. : teacher at tt\e Cherry Valley school. Irven Schmitts underwent an ap- to gunnery and learn to take ma- ^ *18-fp Henrv is the proud grandfather. The Other Lake Geneva trains will be | replacing Dorothy Welcome, who pendectomy at St. Therese hospital, chine guns apart. Besides that we • ••• . • nenr' 18 ine P' s Tuesday morning. i have to learn all the signals used in ; ----- Camp Ellis , . , , ^ i. . K . _ . hat cleaning business on street. Mrs Woodstock hospital last weelc. once we get on the surf The days McHenry, and is now ready " W' that we don't go out there we go J - .. w rtenrv is tne proua granuiatner. ine - Blums have two other children, discontinued as already announced. Enjoying furloughs at their homes resigned. I had been at Camn cEm'le en andj tR> enardj nG eorge. TTrraaiinn 777755 lleeaavviinngg CChhiiccaaggoo 1l::73 0jhere are Herman Kreutaer of Campj • - Mr. and Mrs. William Harris are P- m• Saturdays only will makelast Ruci(er( Ala., and Eugefie Unti of Da rents of a daughter, born at tr^n on Saturday, Oct. 7.^ Camp Wheeler, Ga ) the amphibs PAPER DRIVE I The best thing they have here is Grant before I came down here and The local chapter of the Future the signal tower. We go up there there I spent several weeks waiting the Farmers of America will conduct quite a bit and talk to the ships for an assignment. Since the clos- the WoodstocK nospuai on rnaay. 7 a scrao Paper drive on Tuesday, that have come from sea. 'We . also ing of Camp Grant, I've been sent, daughter born^ Train 649 leaving Chicago 5:18 x *„ii, waw. .» dnwn here for further training ui the parents oi a aaugnier, Dom ai ® v t This course will last Sherman hospital, Elgin, on Thurs- P- m.. except Sunday. wijl make last bundles should be placed on the curb pretty good at reading search lights small arms. nu» cuu«« «... ^ on Saturday, Oct. 7 • # for collection and these should not and some lust aren't. | for about six weeks and from here d . _ to Serviceman and Train 707 leaving Chicago 2:00 exceed forty pounds. Magazines It's tijne for taps so IU close now we will be assign o some ospi- ^ Vharle-* Dowe last Thursday at "• m- on Saturday only will^make should be put in separate bundles, and thanks a lot for the home town i tal that will go overseas. Bfore M" Charl^ ^owe last Th«™day^t Saturday, Oct. 14. comine to Camp Grant I finished my St. Josephs hospital, tigin. ine f Those .living out of the city 1,mite, paper. itechnician's course in X-Ray. J who have paDer to donate are asked to call the high school, 201-J, and give name and address so that paper may be collected. These driv will be conducted every two months. Sincerelv vours, R. H. ROSING. Sl-C. San Diego, 55, Calif. Well, I guess that's all for now! the navy in New Orleans, La. m I1X close, looking forward to the: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harm of next issue of the paper. Once again Spring Grove became the parents of Charles M. Kennedy Dead Cbar!e« M. Kennedy. 52, prominent DEDICATE HONOR ROLL The Johnsburg Community thib At present Harold Reemer is trav- is making plans for the dedication eling by plane in Australia and re-. of the Johnsburg Honor Roll, the ports the sight of a mere cow to i ceremony to be held on Sunday mornbe a real treat. After being aboard ing. Oct. 1, at St. John's church. At ship for so long, a visit with the that time pictures will be taken by civilians on land was very welcome, Mr. Worwick of the wives, mothers according to Information received by and sweethearts of the boys in servhis family in a recent letter from ice. The local post of the American frim j Legion will be in charge and guest speakers will be on hanA : A happy reunion occurred recently when Charles Sutton and Gene Adams Marie's Nu-Art beauty shop will, _ open for business on Monday, Sept. j paper. Since my last letter I've 15, after being closed the past two I moved once more. I am now down ml! *181 in the southern part of the state, at Sincerelv yours, GSO&GE J. NETT ; . • . Camp Ellis, ID. NOTICE Due to illness, Thompson's Barfrom Sept. 25 18-fp. Re»utifnl babv gifts, Dopularlv trouble. Funeral arrangements are j years ago, so we can well imagine , nriced. Th® Toddler Shop, Green and j not known as the Plaindealer goes j that the sight of Gene was a real i Need Kubow Stamps Elm Sts., McHenry. to Vims. ttwt P* PUuA,hR f .. ^ f! thanks to all those who make it pos-. a son last Thursdav. the babv being Woodstock citizen, died Wednesday j met on an island in the Pacific. It Due to illness, 1 •J*' th. h.m, C. b.™ .. the Woodstock h„pH.l. i Sept. 20. 1944. .t»:S0 oVloek. wm th«• i»t Mw boy Ch.rte,, ^<} w.11 ill »nn3iated wttine the home town i paper to the boys in service. .>7^. -- after a serious illness of heart) had met s.nee entering service two, to Oct 7. ill! I appreciated £e . DAAM4«#tii k«Kv nAnnUrlv arMnflwmAnti &ri! vpip* so we can well inti£in6 --------«-- Mir at

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