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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1944, p. 4

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' * : 7? -<-•';*vv: > 8T^; ^ ^ *•' ^-?:i •. ;: v., ^ i * ^ < "<>'V*f<- " * ' ^ < f- ^ jny* iar« *rft>i>M^ti • t-s * ^ THE McHENRY PLA1NDJ5AL THE M'HENRY PLAJNOEALER 'f\ t*ublished every Thursday at Meter) ry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Hl H. MOSHER Editor and Manage! Entered as second-class matter at fhe postoffice at McHenry, 111., under fbe act of May 8, 1879. ' * ! rr -- . .... ., WANTED--Draft exempt man for ed on Saturday to her duties as war , work. Apply Miller Products, student nurse at Henrotin hospital Phone 195. 39-tf {after enjoying a two weeks' vacation with her parents here.. FOR RENT '-6m: Year »»•**»»•*»»*»' ..$2.60 Mr. and Mrs. James Ducker, sum- _ . x • x • mer residents of Emerald Park, are F9 RENT Small apartment jn j now making their permanent home Johnsburg. Inquire of Michael Pit-1 j,ere Mr. Ducker recently retired sen, McHenry. Phone 8<-M. after being employed by the Telephone company for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheid and MISCELLANEOUS CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS Norman, Jr., of Huntley visited the CLEANED -- Wells & Nelson, 138 former's grandfather, John Scheid, East Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal and the latter's daughter, Reni., on Lake. 111. Phone Crystal Lake 909-R Sunday evening. or Cary 4763. *17-4 ( Ellen Frisby of Chicago spent the FORD-FERGUSON TRACTORS and wfekend at h*r home J1®1*6.'. IMPLEMENTS-- Swanson-StaeMer John and George Scheid, accom- Motors. Woodstock Phone 851. 18-tf Panied b>' the latter s daughter, Mrs. Lillian LaHodag of Mundelein, at FOR SALE • ' > turran, 622-W-l. WE WILL PAY CEILING PRICES tended the funeral of the former's for red clover seed. Bell Bari Farms, j sister-in-law, Mrs. William * Scheid, 0*11? n, - T~Tn i Woodstock, 111. Phone 197-R. Re- in Chicago Oh,,Friday. FOR SALE - J«m« D. ch 16.4: Leo Scheid and Mr. and Mrs. McHenry. Moiw « . -- Elmer Kennebeck ..pent the weekend • [HAVE YOU HEARD about the new visiting in the Irvin Nester home in v*} ' ;#X)R SALE -- Registered Holstein red"«ed Auto Liability and Property Chicago. While there they visited ' / lull calf, txv'o closest dams over 500 Damafirf ,rates • . Wl11 surprise thte. former's wife at Presbyterian . \, > -* . v lbs. fat average. James D. Curran. ^P"* „Asf "s tt lMuran«lt «' hospital, where she is recovering : - . West McHenry, 111. I^one 622-W-l. |The Kent Co-' McHenry. Phone 8. nice]y fr0m 8Urgery which she un- •18 " j " derwent on Tuesday of . last week. • r '-W»R Ciip ^nninmpnt DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE. Mr and Mrs. Dwight Harris and FOR SALE -- Garage equipment, WAR F}VP dollar* i* the least we' Charles Going of Evanston were ; ' . •<*' Junchesv Hot Blast stove welding f d d hor d cows in .good j dinner, guests in the Robert Thorap- ., * ;• .jutSt, air compresser, wrenches, hyd. Wheelinff Rendering Co.! home Saturday evening • " : J£\ PSa ' ,b:ttCry t Ghapg,"' Phone Wheeling No 3. Reverse the! Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty and l)ench grinder, air hammer, etc. Bill s . N h ,* nfeded to load | son, James, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Auto Serivce, 303 Pearl St, Me- charges. No help needed to load. 14 tt j^ 0,ghea and ^mily gis. a Uenrv. 18 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us PGR SALE - Two-story brick bui.d- , ing, corner Pearl and Green Sts., McHenrv. Inquire Mrs. M. L. Worts, , „ „ „ , D T 105 N. Green St. 18-tf ™eny G™/*e Meyers ' Ben J" Smit!l1 rates. Regular year round route, for- Phone 365. tf FOR SALE -- Six acres standfng corn; also baled straw. 75c a bale. Clarence J. Stilling. Phone McHenry 614-W-2. *18 FOR SALE--Grapes, blue sweet Con-J cord. Phone 421-M. 18 ersonals Supt. C. H. Duker attended an i ter Maria Gratia, the former Marion Conway, at St. Edward's convent, Rockford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter, Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., and the latter's son, Albert, were Chicago callers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were callers in the William VanNatta home in Crystal Lake on Sunday forenoon. The latter returned to spend the day in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and --~-- -- educational meeting at Springfield,, daughters, Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., Sale of cosmetics and nr lagt weekend> ; and Do]oreg Valeg> gpent gunday in Miss Rita Ann Hansman, student | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter a 'rt i a i i • . « 1 * ft i ^ fPL a FOR SALE other nrscellaneous articles, Monday, TO27 8Father nurse ®t St. Ann's hospital, Chicago,, Penkava in, Fox River Grove. The T c^itK 4in Tnhn Itrppt Wp,t spent the weekend with her parents,' gathering honored Dolores on her 'pJJSe 278-W ig the William Hansmans. .fourteenth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schroeder and Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Neal of FOR SALE -- CHEAP -- Brass bird children, Tommy and Annette, of | ^ Angeles have been spending sevcage and onyx trim stand; 175-gal. Palatine were Sunday guests in the; era^ days this W®«k with her brothel, fuel tank; 85 ft. chicken wire, 6 ft. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Lyle Andersfirt. high. Tel. McHenry 609-W-l, Sun day, till p. m. /••IS Jacob Steffes. i Mr., and Ml«-. John Bandusky of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moderhack and Chicago were visitors Tuesday in t> * „tn k children, Darlene and Kenneth, of, the Albert Vales home. FOR SALE -- Tomatoes, $150 a bu Chicago, spent Sunday with her, Mrs. Katherine Freund spent sev- Emil Patzke, Waukegan St., West motyier ^jrs jda Kreutzer. eral days the past week visiting McHenry. 18 Miss Elaine Landgren of St. Eliza- ( Chicago relatives. FOR SALfc--McCollum Lake 5-room beth's hospital, spent the weekend at1 Miss ^oVe"a Marshall « spending Year-round house; full bath running her home here. I ^ eJ*'?ek in the Charles E(fan home water, electricity; 2-car * garage; Miss Ruth Reihansperger was a, •*_ . . sidewalks; corner wooded lot, 50x135, Chicago caller on Saturday. ! M's.s Alta Mae Denman, who is fenced Phone McHenrv 678-J-l Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and, teaching school in Gary, Ind., this *18 ' daughter, Rita, were Chicago callers year, spent the weekend with her -- on Saturday. They were accom- parents.- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Denman. FOR SALE -- One 200-gallon per panied home by Mrs. William Smith!. Charles Egan, Sr., of Chicago vishour Fairbanks-Morse shallow well and daughter, Ann, who spent the t friends in McHenrv last week, water pump, newly overhauled, with weekend here. 1 ! MV. and Mrs. William Althoff, *4-hp motor. $25. Phone evenings. Miss Eileen Kilday of Chicago was i daughter, Ethel, and Lucille Weber 18 a weekend guest in the home of her ! attended the Cubs' ball game in Chiparents. j caeo last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger! RalPh Bennett, Jr., spent the weekand daughters, Ruth and Joan, were visitors at Beloit college on Sunday, where the latter enrolled for the enat Marshall Field, the aquarium and the Field Museum. Among the local Legionnaires who are attending the Legion convention in Chicago this week are Andrew Worwick, Ray Page, James Lennpn and Floyd Colman. Mrs. A. L. Kosinski spent the weekend visiting in the A' S. Kosinski home in Chicago. Mrs. Elmer Glosson and son have returned after a visit with friends and relatives in Chicago. Pvt. and Mrs. Francis Curulewski and daughter and Mrs. Vincent Curulewski of Blue Island accompanied Mrs. Elmer Glosson and baby home after the latter had been spending a vacation visiting relatives and friends. George and Betty Mix of Chicago spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Ida Mix, in the home of Mrs. Rose Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber arid Mrs. Peter H. Weber were Elgin callers Monday morning. Miss Betty Edstrom spent a few days last week visiting friends in Oak Park and Marengo. Mrs. E. C. Elston ' and, Andrew Kearns of Chicago were Monday visitors in the home of Kate and Tom McLaughlin. it 3 Ivan ZeulsdorfF, who has been serving in the South Pacific, spent a few days the past week vjpiting in the Richard Cronin home. Mrs. Kathryn Maher and brother, John Knox, of Chicago were callers in the home of Kate McLaughlin recently. Mervin Staines, Chuck Kuntz and Milton Lawrence attended the White Sox ball game in Chicago on Sunday. Visitors in the home of Kate McLaughlin last week were Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Murray and daughter, Mat-jorie, of Geneva. Arthur Staines and Miss Louella Madouse and Joseph Boxer of Kenosha, Wis., were weekend guests in the William Staines home. OCTOBER 10 DATE OF REGISTRATION IN M'HENRY COUNTY Even though McHenry county stands firstB in the state in percentage of registration of eligible voters, another registration day is coming, on October 10. Only those who have not yet registered are urged to do so on that date. Registration will be in the separate precincts. It is believed that voting in he November 7 election in the county will reach a new high mark this year. County Clerk Woods estimates that a high of 28,000 votes may be cast. The response of our service men and service women in McHenry county has been very encouraging, with 800 having applied t6 date for absent ballots. In precinct 1, McHenry, voters may register at the Royal Blue store, Ringwood, where Clayton Harrison will act as judge of the registrars. In precinct 2, voters will register at city hall, where A. E. Nye ^ill act as judge. Eva's restaurant will be headquarters for precinct 3, with Albert Krause in charge. William J. Meyers will, be judge of registrars at precinct 4, with headquarters at Bildner's Barber shop, Johnsburg. \ Ttanwtay. Septen^bar 21, 19M Soaps Dissolve i- Drycleaners actually have **soaps" which dissolve in* the dry- Cleaning fluid and help to clean fab- McHenry 617-R-2. FOR SALE -- Small circulating coal heater in perfect condition. J. W. Olsen, R-2, McHenry. Phone McHenry 686-J-l. end visiting relatives in Chicago, j While there he saw the puppet show FOR SALE -- Tomatoes, $1 per bu. suinP year. Ringwood Nurserv, R-31, % mile Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Martin, north of Ringwoo*d. Earl L. Whit- daughter, Rita, Mrs. William Smith ingl Phone Richmond 643. *18-2 and daughter, Ann, were callers in the Glen Robison home in Wood- AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer FOR SALE -- Five-room insulated stock on Sunday afternoon. Phone 478 year-round home; enclosed porch; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brda spent The farm having been sold and garage; ideal location; very reason- a few days the past week visiting; possession to be given soon we will able. Inquire Bermes Tavern, Lily in Chicago. gell the following described personal •••Lakc- ^ Miss Patsy He'nn w«w * Chicago pr0perty, to-wit, on the Brewer FOR SALE -- No. 1 oat straw, 75c Ca"er °" r' w n ^ ; Farm, located 3 miles north of Ala bale. Peter A. Freund. Phone j _ C;.H* Romeiser and j g0nqUin> 5 miles south of Crystal 614-R-l. *18-4 daughter, Mrs. William Saul, were. Lake. m., 0n Route No. 31, Chicago visitors on Saturday and FOR SALE -- Seven-room home in,in the afternoon attended the wed- Crystal Lake, 2 blocks from depot. din2 of Miss Jean Marie Erickson, 11 Vz bath; furnace; garage; large lot.,a resident of Pistakee Bay. Terms. H«L. Schroeder, P. O. Box Lieut. Edward Herrick of Topeka, No. 174, Crystal Lake, 111." *18 Kas., and Pvt. Walter Herrick, stationed in Florida, now enjoying fur- FOR SALE -- Household furniture, loughs at their home in Chicago, callalso enameled coal range. Mrs. A. ed on friends here Saturday after- i during, good testing cows, thirty of Koch, Rt 1, McHenry. Phone 602-R-l noon. J which are milking age. 18-2 Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of Chi- t 4 bred heifers, due to freshen this o i i u v I j Z I T < s a g o s p e n t * t h e w e e k e n d i n t h e G e o r g e f a l l ; o n e b u l l , 2 y e a r s o l d . A n y o n e FOR SALE-Year-round comfort and Wirfg home Qn Sund the Freund; desiring to increase their butterfat XTccr'^rSVt^Sn ">d WW» i" --^ TUESDAY, SEPT. 26 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit: 37 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of All Guernsey herd of high pro- Tobacco Acreage Can Be Increased in the North Quality tobacco is now being grown in Wisconsin and Connecticut as well as other northern states. Tests conducted by state and federal ex* periment stations have proven that a quality tobacco can be successfully grown in other northern states. It is also true that hillside and other tracts not suitable to corn and other crops may be utilized for tobacco production. The present demand for northern grown tobacco lies in its* nicotine content--not its smoking qualities. Many such strains have been developed. The prewar demand for nicotine was confined largely to its use as an insecticide. While it is still valued as an insecticide, it has many other (important uses. Nicotine is being utilized as an enrichment ingredient of flour, as an aid in combating pellagra and many by-products have been developed. Fiber board, oil for varnishes, raw material for soaps, edible oil and other cellulose derivatives are being secured from the tobacco plant to furnish war needs. . * Farm Labor Solvei • The labor shortage may be a f/ting of the past if the example of the army and a Mississippi farmer are followed. The army has purchased a large number of goats, which are used to clear out the underbrush in newly purchased aviation and training fields. It is said that thousands of soldiers are relieved by the goats--which means that they can devote their time to learning war in order to get it over that much sooner. The Mississippi farmer was having labor trouble. It was impossible to secure enough labor to keep his cotton fields free from weeds. To remedy this condition he turned his turkey flock into the field as soon as the cotton had come up and the grass and weeds were high enough tq_provide grazing. It is said to take about one goose an acre to keep the field clean. Colony McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY--SATURDAY ,ll»dy Canova--Richard Lane 1. Louisiana Hayride Jane Withers--Jimmy Lydon 2. "My Best Gal" SUNDAY - Monday Sept. 24-26 In Technicolor ' > GARY COOPERLORRAINE DAY Story of Dr. Wassell Plus World News and Cartoon TUESDAY (ONE DAY) CHARLES STAftRETT JULIE DUNCAN 1. "Cowboy In "^the Clouds" TfHH NT5ktr--JEANNE BATES 2. The Racket Man' WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY JACK CARSON JANE WYMAN 'Make Your OwnBed' WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS PHONE NO. 32 h SATURDAY ONLY Sept. 23 GENE AUTRY in "TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS'* Plus . • • • 'LADIES COURAGEOUS' with LOR ETTA YOUNG PHILIP TERRY . DIANA BAR^YMORE SUNDAY - MONDAY SEPT. 24-25 Cont. Shows Sun. From 2:3fr" Guaranteed to Make You Laugli It's the Scream Hit of the Year. MAKE YOUfc OWN BED* with JACK CARSON - JANE WYMAN ALAN HALE - IRENE MANNING TUESDAY ONLY-SEPT. 26 Brought Bfeck by Popular Demaad 'THE YOUNG IN HEART' with PAULETTE GODDARD JANET GAYNOR DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. Wed. - Thur. - Sept. 27-28 THRILLS, CHILLS, SURPRISES "THE INVISIBLE MAN'S ^ REVENGE" Starring ':Y; Jon Hall Alan Csrtis Evelyn Ankers--Leon Errol .:*v Lnmber for Wat More lumber is beihg used annually in this war than was utilized during entire World War I. Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. FREE HOW YOU CAN TEST YOUR OWN COWS FOR MASTITIS Here U • quick, tuy way t<ytest your cowa for Mastitis. You can do it yourself right la your own barn. Test 20 cows in 2* mln. with the Beebe "BTB" test. And It doea not coat you a penny. Here Is all you do: Ask us for the special Beebe "BTB" Test Card. W« will give you FREE one test card (or each cow In your herd. All you do Is follow the simple directions on the card. We hatt Beebe "BTB" test cards In stock now. Ask for your FREE supply today. Remember, a few minutes spent in testing your cows for Mastitis may save some of your moat valuable anlmnl* from ulsnCt'tw. WATTLES DRUG STORE West McHenry, 111. McCONNON PRODUCTS sold in this community by S. A. DICKSON • '.v;^ • v •= • 724 Wheeler Street WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS It's a big convenience these days to have farm and household 'necessities brought right to your door. It saves time, tires, and money. McConnon products have been sold that way for more than fifty years by established dealers. Regular users of McConnon products will be glad to welcome Mr. Dickson and those who are not acquainted with the line Will want to get in touch with him. NO RATION POINTS NEEDED McConnon products are unrationed itemg--high quality extracts, spices, desserts, cleansers, fly sprays, home remedies, toiletries, livestock and poultry supplies, animal mineral feeds, dips,, insecticides, disinfectants and a hundred other items. PREMIUMS AND SPECIAL DEALS McConnon products are guaranteed to be of high quality and McConnon dealers frequently have special money-saving deals and valuable premiums. McCONNON & COMPANY WINONA, ' MINNESOTA Dehydrated Omelet A dehydrated cheese omelet is the latest in the family of dehydrated foods to be offered to the public. JOHN F. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK Furnaces, Pipe, Fittings aai Gutters 101 N. Green St, McHenry .v Phone 243-R "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. WANTED ' WANTED TO BUY -- Chicago business man wants to buy established. Hill, Wis., to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Jus ten are vacationing in Denver, Colo., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and son of Oak Park visited relatives in McHenry last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger! oats; 20 tons of choice red clover »n« profitable business! Give compiete' arid daiighter, Joan, yisited the form- alsike hay. details. Address "K," care Plain- W'8 mother, Mrs. John Reihansper- j 22x36 Red River Special Nichols dealer. ' *17-2 j^er' 'n Chicago last Thursday, j & Shepard thresher. This is an all- ---- Dr,. R. G. Chamberlain returned ; steel threshing machine, ball bearing WANTED -- The .high school is in the last of the week from a week | cylinder and in good repair and is need of typewriters and would like spent in the Milford Smith home in; equipped with 700-16 rubber tires. these Guernsey cows at our sale. One team dappled gray mares, wt. 3100. 50--1 year old hens, laying. Hay, Grain and Machinery 10 tons of mixed hay; 4 tons of soy bean hay; 800 bu. of Vickland DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday. ..Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 p.n, Other hoars by appointment. to rent two or three. Machines will Chetek, Wis. be reconditioned before using. Par- Mrs. Carl Hiatt and baby of Wauties having machines please call kegan spent the weekend with her 201-J. 17-2 mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. TERMS -- All sums of $25 and under, that amount, cash. Over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes n, A VTr.n w Z i 71 j Serviceman and Mrs. Elbert Buch approved bv the clerk. Anvone debpy 8eU of Davisville, R. I., are spending a, siring credit, kindly make 'arrange- Rifles, Shotguns, Revolvers. Also two weekg, ,eave with his parent8i | mentg purchase is made any fihnt*Jw n6 Us issued *tom nF)^arnmt"eorns' the H. E. Buchs, and with her rela- property to be removed until settled tives in Charles Cit Ia for '^hn • Mrs. Lisle Bassett and children, |R. G. McKAY....-11 caps Hardwnrp Woodstock s Leading Eiiee„ and Homer, returned on Fri- RUSSELL C. BREWER....--11 caps ld'b day from a four weeks' visit with: HENRY F. BREWER --11 caps WANTED -- Wooden stave silo. ^er mother- Mrs. Mary Schweitzer, HENRY P. BREWER Write Nick Adler, Jr., Lake Villa, Houston, Texas. RTT^FT T f! fiPTWTIl J1L 18 Mrs. Reeina Marre and son. Ray-' KUSbJGLlj O. BKJ5WE1& ---- • mond. of Waukegan were callers last WANTED TO RENT ^ weekend in the John Scheid home. JJUNTING GROUNDS j Miss Kathryn McAndrews return- No Jp1 J Pheasant or Duck Grounds or Combi-! nation of Both j for , Small Group of Sportsmen WWte: George Nickel, Jr., 15 S. Emerson St., 18 Mt. Prospect, 111. HELP WANTED WANTED, FARM HAND -- Married! or single; dairy farm; all modern conveniences. Married, $125 month; single, $90 month. Write Roy Waterman, Woodstock, or call 826-R. 18-tf HELP WANTED -- Girl for fountain and general store work. Bolger's Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf HELP WANTED--Women to sew on machines. McHenry Tent and Awning Co. 45tf Order your Rubber Stamps at The ?totodealer.' "• R. G. McKAY First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking Office Hours--Daily Except Thnrs. 10 to 12,1:30 to 4:30, Moiu, Wed, Fri. Nights: 7 to ft. Other Hours by Appointment H. S. VAN DENBURGH, BC„ PhC Chiropractor 120 Green St. Tel. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926 TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 DR. 0. L. WATKIlfS Dentist - Office Honr» • Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian 305 Waukegan St. Hione It McHENRY, ILL. ' WANTED TO Bl/Y We pay $5 to $15 for Old or Injured Horses 6r Cows Standing or Down if Alive. Matt's Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 659-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES A CATTLE REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING Hear your Republican Candidates clearly and forcefully discuss the Issues of the 1944 Election. SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE: HUGH W. CROSS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ARTHUR C. LUEDER AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS GEORGE F. BARRETT ATTORNEY GENERAL Opera House at Woodstock Monday, Sept. 25th AT 7:30 P. M. Do not miss this opportunity to become fully informed on the vital questions involved in the coming Election. • >

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