. t- ^ : Stff' t ' •" p-:- ' " * w **l : , t ^ * >'7 ' • H S f f f ' / : ...» -«f vj.-J; -n- - f -iV bp- y *> ; >* P ^ v **fy • Thursday, Scptemlwr 3BL, 1M4 ' «lf&*X"L i * > * *** A. •». THE McHENRY PLAHfDEALEB ** : Fftfe RH 44 HEAR by EARL R, WALSH MCHS ELEVEN BEATSP ANTIOCH 25 TO 0 AS / GRID SEASON OPENS LARGE CROWD ON * HAND FOR "HOOKKY DAY" AT LOCAL CLUB Coach McCracken's MCHSdrhm From the splendid response in evigot off to a flying start last Friday ; dence.last Thursday as 110 men parnight as they trimmed Antioch High 1 ticipated in McHenry's first "Hookey 25 to 0 on out home field. j Day" at the McHenry Country club, MCHS dominated the play through-; appears that the way will become out and the score could easily have j an annual event. been more decisive had not little Golfing started early in the morn- V , mistakes crept in to spdil long runs, ing and lasted throughout the en- The McHenry County T&vern Lea-. Crouch went over left tackle for tire day. Good food and ample jegne held its annual outing on Tues-j McHenryis touchdown in the freshments were provided to bolster day of this week at Jerry s Place up; 0penjng period. Alert defensive play those individuals who tire easily--and "Wonder *Lalce way. | on ^he part of Weber, the visiting often. "r The group feasted on a delicious fuii_back, kept McHenry pass plays In the evening, a delicious chicken duck dinner set up "by Mrs. Jerry, clicking. "Weber intercepted on dinner drew high praise. Following "then decided they ought to have a g0a] jjne aT|d raced the ball back the dinner, Peter W. Seyl (just plain little exercise. Men and women join-: ^ yards. Kosti then intercepted for ; "Pete" to his many friends) acted in a ^>an game. . " j McHenry as the first quarter ended. | as master of ceremonies as prizes : ;Fo*• a couple of the boys it wss Crouch f>ut over another touch- were awarded. The program was car- ; a real outing. First, George "Rip" jjown, then Dean McCracHen r^sortod ried out in snappy fashion by the Schneider ripped his pants and had ^ pagS plays on the third and fourth able M. C. with special recognition to sneak for shelter. Well, bis wife -touchdowns with given to General Chairman Fred -,jjot a needle and thread, made the uurphy on the receiving end. Heide, various committees, A1 Purvey necessary Tepairs and the game went, TV-o long runs by* Bonslett were and all who joined in making the day , A _ n nullified. In the second quarter it!a complete success. - ' . A later casualty was Harry ^Pants' ruled that the ball had been j Prize Winners Minola. Yoq guessed. Same thing downe<i before the pass. In the1 Low (Gross: Member: 'Earl Cl happened. But Minola held bis iground tbrrd quarter he reversed his field Seepe, 78 (Trophy); Willard Galitz, mjad finished the game. jn a thrilling 60-yard run to cross 79; Dr. J. E Sayler, 80; John Bus- 1 r It looks like the boys will bavc; the goal line. This time a clipping cher, 80; Boots Remke, 80. to get baseball bloomers before "their pp^^tv spoiled the effort. i Low Gross--Guest: Oliver Schmidt, |»xt game. j McHenry will play at Grant this! 78 ($25 war bond); A1 Clary, 81; R. ^ Umpire "Pink" Harrison was in weelc (Sa{urday) and will meet St. Poehlman, 85. peck of trouble on decisions, but 'Howard's of Elgin here on Friday' Low Net Scores -- Harry E. Ecktmccessfully dodged all pop bottles. niglrt of weelc Wm. Keller's team nosed out Hen- W* Keller,• TOHHSBTJRG BEATS Prank Ross, George "Rip" Schneider, SHAMROCKS 12 2 Jerry Kubovy Rajr Nelson, Clara Tq ^JNISH SERIES Nell and Mrs. Frank Ross. Nell's -- Henry NeTl, Joe E. Miller, Ambrose Schaefer, Ben Pingree. Har- Ty "Pants" Minola, Lena Nelson, and Mrs. Joe E. Miller. No major league scouts were on hand. Iting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dusterbeck and infant daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Utesch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meisner. The George W. May family visaed in the Charles Freund home SunHg^ evening. * Twice Told Tales f ".sr sisting of some twenty-five young people, under charge of Rev. Barth, left McHenry on the ten o'clock train for Lake Geneva. They found ! a steamer awaiting, which made a i trip around the beautiful lake. Butter ruled firm at 19 cents oft the Elgin board of trade", Peter Doherty will move into his beautiful new house on North Green street fhis week, vacating the rooms over M. J. Walsh's store. First lnsuraaee Hw first American insurants* company was formed in Philadelphia in 1759 for the benefit of clergymen and their widows. THIRTY YEARS AGO 4-1 "Plastic Innersoles y Plastic innersoles in jungle boote and other military footwear is another of the many reasons for the excellence of the health and cony# fort of the U. S. foot soldier.. Apple snrinkage SIXTY YEARS AG tllESS TIME JOTTINGS -.The annual local city series came to a sudden ending last Sunday when Johnsburg cajne to McHenry and smothered the Shamrocks under a 17-hit barrage that netted a 12 to 2 victory. Harry Dowell came out of semiretirement to hurl for the Shamland, 68; P: W. Seyl, 69; H. Fitx- Gerald, 70; R. W. Donnelly, 70; Ray Dahlstrom, 71; Geo. Edler, 72; A. Mayer, 72; Nick Freund, 72; "Hup" Smith, 72; SZeke" Bacon, „tf8; Tom Bolger, 72. FIFTH SEASON OF ATHLETIC CLUB FOE ADULTS BEGINS SOON Space limited this week so sports ,c is _x » , , roc'k s and, soon found t+hv„a+t vh,i;*s knack reports are cut short otneT -"Moose'1 so are otneT . v . , , , . • is with us is with us is news th: Wagner didn't ^vhad a curve ail right; but it Youn^ People's Athletic club w Even though the weatherman attempts to fool us every few days by sending warm breezes and sunshine, one convincing argument that fall that ill J. Pekovsky i* building an addition on the south side of his building which is to- be 12*40 and two stories high.. ; The new meat market, Lamphere & Parker, proprietors, is now open and ready for business. B. Gilbert has moved into his new store, near the depot, and now has one of the handsomest and best arranged grocery stores In this section. Mrs. E. W. Howe has this week moved her millinery and dressmaking rooms to Kelter's block. To avoid making a long trip around ' Johnsburg, George Meyers, local teamster, pulled two of his wagons across the river via cable one day last week. Butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday sold at 31 cents pej\ pound. WYri. Smith and family have moved from the Merriman house on Court street to the Fegerg cottage on Pearl • street-- . . , Mr, aiid MrsV Peter Wirfs have moved from Crystal Lakfc to Mcj Henry and are again occupying their \ cottage on Center street, j Wm; Smith and family have mov- ! ed from the Merriman house on j Court street to the Fegers cottage ,'on: Pearl street. ' • Order your Rubber Stamps at The Plai ndealer. . TWENTY YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO Items show up for the Shamrock mound n"uv "Tu" begin the new season next Thursla| sund-y--report,that ^ V**' ^ he went to Holy Hill---Guess he Shamrocks started off in the sC^ didn't get there in time to pray for ag .f meant business., T^re have been so many inquiries Stan Freund, a handy* q ]eA off ^ a two.bapger t0 made as to the procedure of joining right. McCracken then hit the ball that it is thought that this year will right on the nose, but lined it to *>e the biggest in the clubs five-year first baseman Stan Freund, who history. For that reason all those threw to second to double Conway. wl?° 'nterested in J°»»nK .ar« "Sonny" Miller followed with a safe f^ked to be present the first evening, blow to right center, but was forced It ^ difficult to accommodate more at second as Howie Freund scooped than forty in the gym on one night up Harry Stilling's grounder. so 14 18 believed that it may be nec- Four hits in a row netted Johns- essary to close the membership after burg two runs in the second inning and served as a tip-off that Dowell was not in form. In the third inning Howie Freund led off with a double, advanced to third on Bud Miller's hit and trotted home on Boxleitner's fly to right. The game then proceeded along ill his mates man on Johnsburg team looks good at first base knows how to shift for throws- Big crowd at football game Friday Something has to he done about keeping the crowd off field They spoiled a good run by Dean McCracken could easily have been another touchdown If that happened to opposition we could rightfully be called poor sports---- Team looks good Kosti, new man, At center took good care of his job --"Mugs" Wattles claims "high gross" for "Hookey Day" But, there was no prize for that distinction Ed Smith and Jim Perkins weren't on the prize list, but they had a package society in The Plaindealer in which & wedding party included Mr. and Mrs. Grouch?---- * The Terra Cotta Works of W. D. Gates, four miles south of this village were totally destroyed by fire tun Tuesday afternoon. An oil pipe burst, scattering the crude oil in every direction. Libertyville Fair is the attraction this week, and a large number of- our citizens are in attendance. Our new school house is fast approaching completion and the school board now confidently expects to open school the first Monday in October. Thos. Burke has leased his meat market, in this village, for a term of two years, to Michael Rouen, and will give possession October 1st. i One of the new colored windows has been installed in St. Mary's Catholic church. We understand that all of the windows have been ordered I and will probably arrive in the near future. The new cement walk on the west side of Court street, from Broad to Washington streets, is now completed and in use. Building operations still continue along the Fox river. At the present time several new cottages are under construction along the shores of oi# beautiful stream. A wedding that came as a very pleasant surprise to their many friends was solemnized by Rev. James S. Ainslie fit the Argyle Coniniunitv church. Chicago, at ten o'clock, on Wednesday morning, Sept. 10. The principals were Miss Mary F. Going, youngest daughter of Mrs. Tena Going of Chicago, and Mr. Charles Ray Page of this city. FORTY YEARS AGO that time. To be sure of. one evening a week of sports, relaxation and refreshments, be on hand next Thursday evening to join one of McHenry's most popular clubs for persons 18 to 88. The greatest downpour of rain in years visited McHenry and vicinity last Sunday. It is estimated that two inches of water fell. Rev. Father Barth of St. Mary's church gave his choir an enjoyable outing Tuesday. The party, con- Keyless Watch Thomas Prest patented the keyless watch in 1820, but it did not become popular until the end of the centra- Tobacco Oil Tobacco seeds are being used as a source of oil. This oil can be converted into edible oil by the addition of chemicals. " An interesting letter from Cpl. George E. Frisby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frisby, takes top spot ^ , y,OU. ^ orderly fashion until the sixth when Johnsburg scored six nins to sew up the game. Triples by Alvin Freund and Boxleitner featured the inning. Harry and Larry Stilling put on PETITIONS FILED WITH TOWN CLERK FOR ROAD PROGRAM ^ ^ A representative group, including brother "act to give McHenry" a run : the chairman of the County Board in the fourth. anc' members of the county road and In the ninth Howie Freund smack-! bridge committee enjoyed dinner in our column this week. It gives e(j a homer for Johnsburg. Not to be and meeting at Hettermann's on us a few different slants on activi- outdone in that department, Harry Tuesday night of this week in which ties of our fighting men abroad. It's stilling came up in the home half the township clerk, Walter Anderson, the human side. We like \U ] 0f the ninth and drove out a home waS presented with petitions listing [ mn to give McHenry fans one of a large number of names favoring ^ar Earl: i their few pleasant moments of the a bond issue for the further im- Ever since our first vehicles ground afternoon. I provement of McHenry township their wheels in a sandy beach of Thus, Johnsburg holds the local roads. France we've been moving through championship for a year and the Black top roads have met with at a super blitz pace, games can be played over and over great favor in the township and little bit behind on is- j as the hot-stove leagues assemble many favor a continued program of the country Thus, I'm a sues of the P. D., the latest one be- j during the winter ing July 6th. However, I have full j JOHNSBURG--12 confidence that they'll all catch up J Schaefer, If to me some day, and for those that j A. Freund, cf .. I have gotten I wish to thank every- H. Freund, sa „ one. |B. Miller, p Some parts of this ordinarily grim game are filled with lighter moments A- couple of those I shall tell you about now. For instance it's quite a picture as we go through towns that we've just liberated and see the joyous French civilians displaying the French colors again. These happy faces in some way seem to compensate for the rougher phases of this life. In fact one of mv most vivid moments has to do with a flag, the American flair. The story is this: Our tanks had 5nst taken a town and as we passed through we were showered with bouquets, appl*s. pears, handed bottles of wine. Cognac and champagne "and given several dozen eggs. Last but not least was a small American flag, the type we used to attach to our radiator caps for holidays back home. It was a"ite faded and I strongly susnect that it was eiven to these people in 1917. kent hidden dnrintr the Nazi occupation and bjrrueht out when we arrived. We put the flag on our ieep and a fiW towr«s further on as the column came to halt, several French people gathered around our vehicle. After several minutes of handshaking1 pnd greetings from all I noted a middle aged lady staring avidly at our flag. On an impulse I offered the miniature Old Glory. When she finally understood that it was hers as a gift, midst many excited "Merci, Monsieur!" she grabbed it and ran into a building. When she next appeared she was leaning out a third story window joyously waving the flag and shouting to the troops below. There was something about that little episode that I shall not forget in a long time. Earl. , We also get quite a kick out* of giving the French children candy, gam and fruit bars from our K rations. A lot of these youngsters hae never seen any such delicacies, having been bom after the Nazi occupation. That brings to .mind another little incident. About five little children were gathered by our vehicle seeking "Bon bon." "chocolate," and "cigarette for papa." As we were trying to dole out what we had so that none would be slierhted. a lady came up and in amazingly unbroken English said "I hope you won't think my little ones are beergars. but you see it's so long since the older ones have tasted any fffeets and the y>wmpe«t have never Boxleitner, rf ........ J. Freund, 3b Jackson, c ............ S. Freund, lb ......... L. Freund, 2b ...... Totals SHAMROCKS 2-- Conway, ss-p ... McCracken, cf-2b W. Miller, lb H. Stilling, If ..... L. Stilling, frf........ Crouch, 3b Bolger, c Dowell, p-sa _...v Knox. "2b ....'.jir..:...... Murphy, cf Mason. ! road surfacing. It was pointed out j at the meeting that improved roads • 0 0 I are number one on the list of neces- .......... 4 1 1, sities in the continued outgrowth of , . 6 2 3 j the community. ............. 5 ' 2 - 3' Further developments and specific ............. ® 2 3 information on the proposed im- ............. 4 1 2 provements will be reported through .~...x....... 4 2 3 the columns of the Plaindealer. We try to conduct otir services in a manner which meets with the approval of the most exacting. people. 1 Jacob Justen Sons -- Funeral Directors -- Phone McHenry 103-R Residence, McHenry U2-W Green Street, corner Elm -- McHenry Totals Score by Johnsbuqg Shamrofcks 1 0 .... 6 J 2 4» 12 17 ... 4 0 2 4 0 0 4 0 1 .... 4 : 2 2 ... 4 0 i 0 0 ... 8 0 0 . . . 8 0 0 0 0 ... 1 0 1 33 2 v:7 SPRING GROVE Innings 021 006 120--12 000 100 001-- 2 Two-bqjbe hits--Conway, J. Freund, H. Freund. Three-base hits--A. Freund, Boxleitner. Home runs--H. Stilling, H. Freund. Double plays-- S. Freund to H. Freund; Miller to H. Freund to S. Freund. Struck out by Miller, 6. Bases on balls--Dowell 3, Miller 1. Winning pitcher--Miller. FIND STOLEN CAR An automobile stolen from A'V#- non Freund late Saturday night in McHenry was found on Sheridan road, near Great Lakes naval training station early Sunday morning. The keys were in the car and enough gas for Deputy Sheriff Robert Jenkins to drive to the county jail, where Mr. Freund recovered his auto. before ted any, that we just can't resist allowing them their present joy." After, waiving her apologies we had n nice conversation with her. a refuge in Ireland and, as I said She'd learned to speak English while before, could speak it well. It's probably difficult |to believe that soldiers would be talking of such things but we even talked about. Paris as a former fashion center. We learned that formerly the fashion | her Marts had three distinct styles. The American, which had very much color, the true Parisienne, which didnt go in for quite as gaudy colors, and the British which was quite simple in color and design. What a subject for dusty, dirt-streaked G. I's to tajkifjg ever, eh? A9 Jwvoir. GSOS0&. (By Mrs. Charles Freund) ] The Firemen held their regular | meeting at Town Hall on Monday! night of last week. Following the meeting a social evening at cards I was enjoyed and refreshments were j served. ! Guests in the Frank Sanders home I on Thursday evening were Mr. and j Mrs. A1 Westman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gustafson of Wood-! stock and Miss Hazel Sanders. The j occasion was a farewell party on Pvt. John Sanders, who returned to Fort Ord, Calif., on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kattner and; children of Richmond visited in the > William Kattner home Friday night, j Mr. and Mrs. Philip May and Jake May returned on Wednesday from a week's visit with relatives in Adams, Minn. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. D. Sipe at the loss of her husband on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Sipe was killed at the depot railroad crossing when his car was struck by a Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific train. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Nick Freund o*i Thursday afternoon for pot luck dinner and cards. Everyone present received a prize, brought by the members, the ones with highest scores having first choice. Weekend guests in the Arthur Srebren home were Mr. and Mrs. B. Siler and children. David and Cookie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens of Chicago. Sunday callers were Dr. and Mrs. Anderson of Chicago. Mrs. Lucille Nelson and son, Bobby returned home Sunday'night having spent the past week in Wisoonsfn. Carol Sanders of Circle, Montana, will spend the winter months with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. REMEMBER ... Tour car or track must last you many mora months, probably for the duration of the war. THEREFORE The wise owner will see to it that his machines receive the best of care and upkeep. This can be found at the CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prog^ Phone 200-J Towing., Johnsburg Frank Sanders. Seaman and Mrs. Martin May visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wirtz and children of McHenry spent Sunday in the Joseph Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlse Behrens and Mrs. William Adsit, daughter Beverly, spent Sunday in Walworth vis- JOHN DEERE FARM SALES SERVICE GENUINE DEERE PARTS We maintain a large modern shop with highly skilled mechanics ^ i % ii >, j-.' l . \ See us now for service and repairs on all makes of tractors and farm mac! 208 N. Main St., Crystal Lake, III Thones 107-106 ] (Formal Opening, Oct. 7th) FARMERS PLAN TO ATTEND Every Tuesday Night • Radio Broadcasts , Direct from Governor's Executive Mansion Open Round Table Discussions of Public Plans* and Problems Between Representative Groups of People and Governor Dwigbt H. Green. Station WGN (Chicago), 7:30-8:00 0'Clock, and Over 15 Downstate Stations. One hundred pounds of apples am reduced to 13 pounds of dehydrated fruit for army consumption. Federal Constitution ; Only Delaware, New Jersey and Georgia ratified the federal constitii* lion unanimously. Auction Sale of Furniture Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Mi •'m I will offer for sale at public auction at my home, 415 Park Ave., McHenry, on SUNDAY, SEPT. 24 beginning at <1 o'clock, p. m., sharps the following household items: Victrola.- i, Sideboard. Bookcase. •• -v .\ '/"a Bedroom Suite, bed, springs* mattress and dresser, -ov'. '? Large Rocking Chair. . Three Rockers." Sanitary Couch, with ctfrer Hi pillow cases to match. Six Kitchen Cairs. ' Cold Pack Canner Outfit. Two or three dozen fruit jars. Dishes and other small artklM too numerous to mention. Terms, Cash. CLAREON J. KDDT fact garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CRteN XtMERIA OR _ * ' ' ' _ RED MALAGA GRAPES.. 2 « 25* U. ». NO. I JONATHAN EATING APPLES 3-29' CALIFORNIA VAltNCIA. SWHT AND JUICY ORANGES • • • • • • • • • 5 L»s. 53° TOMATO SOUr Apricots \ Campbell's 3 ^25' •Itfomia Evtpori 49' Prune Juice JL2T Sunmiid IUWM I3e 1 Heinz Beans IS-OZ. Kft. •nv°z. |£C GLASS 15 Raisins KM Sudbii 26* EVAP. MILK Naftonal Unnrnhwi 3l4«/,-OZ. J|£C CANS II tod Mai) BffSA SIFTED WAS Teenie Weenie 14 LORD MOOT Green Beans 14-OX. NO. 2 CAN tMVALUC OLIVES l«l* Q««* 32° Cmm AgU IO-OZ. Tomato Soap ^|QC COOD STANDARD QUALITY CREAM STYLS CORN.... E'9e Cacmnher Pickles D«l*v'l Keth*r SM* QT. JAR SALERNO MAM SALTINES. .-I6e Kotnmr jr 24e UmvhHNJ Grapefruit ICC 29* £at a, 2etttt 4 HtU-S BtOS_ MAXWfLL HOIISS «r MAMOt HOUSS COFFEE 5533c SWIFT'S PREMIUM OK ARMOUR'S STAR BACON ......wMOc JUICC 46-OZ. CAN Kidney Beans RED 17-OZ. GLASS 10' PANCAKE FLOUR AUNT JEMIMA . .. HAZEL PANCAKE FLOUR PANCAKE KOV.R GOLDEN MIX CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S SLUE LABEL KARO SYRUP . COME A6AJN HONEY ......... NATIONAL CAM AND MAfll SYRUP »6- I3c 17c • •-OH. wtfc. BC _ 20c To tH« »How of additional amount tha Illinois Retail* p»' o< manhaadlM ll«t*4 h« roMimataly a^uivalant oouaattonal Taa Aat. to t% mm NATIONAL STORES s®r.; V * •