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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1944, p. 4

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fi|» F®®t - 4 4 « < * • 1 T1 AI • • J.3W^ „* * - * :• THE McHENBY FLAINDEAtS* «i( * • i* #* < ,* '***» ,< Thursday, October 5.^1944 THE KfHENRY PLAINDEALER t*Dblished every Thursday it MO" Ikenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. •m «« §^- A. B. MOSHER Editor and Manage* personals Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend I Young were Chicago callers on Mon day. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Mr. : and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., and j son, Albert, spent Tuesday in Chicago, where they met Frank Kempfer* --Z~~.-- _ , niJltt#.r .t 'lnd., visited at the home of her j Jr., who is home on furlough from Entered as second-class matter at; » Jack Walsh w Thurs- Washirtgton, D. C. the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under ( - > Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ward and Mr. tine act of May 8, 1879. j ^ Btudentjand Mrs. Paul Schwerman attended nurse at St. Ann's hospital, spent °Pen One Year FOR SALE house for Rev. H. Noll at i * * r - N ° " -- jthe home of her parents, Mr. and | the new pastor of the Zion Evenge- • M Mrs. Joseph Williams. £cal A "*" ° ^ *** m I .. . Round Lake. j Mrs. Elizabeth Pich was a Chicago j Mrs Jack Mosley visited her caller on Friday. mother, Mrs. Anna Bernard, in Withee, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingert and; "Wis., last-week. The latter accom- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingert visited |'panied he/home for a few days' visit at the Dells m Wisconsin a few days; and returned Tuesday to her Wislast week. Among those from here who at INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Lorraine, 21, daughter of the Louis Pohlmans of Palatine, is front 'cover girl on the September, 1944, issue of Pure Milk, a monthly magazine. The editor had this to say of the young girl: "Lorraine Pohlman is a war worker on two fronts, farm and factory, who typifies many PMA women who have doubled their work for the duration.1" Eight months a year for two years Lorraine has done precision assembly work in a war plant which manufactures meters for Whigh?- s• tyled w~i n.tHera vea nsd? mff alilT elaiidLiews l• day' were*i Mr^. a nd Mrs. Earl Walsh, ? spent the weekendW*h her sister, I tended funeral services for Mrs. Patrick Qostefao in Elgin last Thursconsin home. Miss Jean Bernard , , . .. _«:_J left McHenrJy with her mother and 1| Phe r f.Su'l„l a s,h aaret tho-fe msaomren.i ng and ev' e- will visit in Withee this week. Miss Patricia Holden of Oak Park <h°re" °" „th« 16_°-*c.™ 'arm , , A ... , , „•. Mrs. Jack Walsh, TMr. and Mrs. clothes coats suits and dresses, R . Weber and son, Jack, John 14. Phone McHenry 426-J. -- , , , ,, , , Mrs. Charles Gibbs. Rev. Robert Minton of Indianapolis, Walsh,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh, j jnd>>' now a chaplain stationed at FOR SALE -- Plymouth *37 truck, j Representative Thomas A Bolger and | Qreaj Lakes, spent Sunday evening good tires; first class> shape. Call j Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs. j jn tjje home Df hjs aunt and uncle, McHenry 14. 20! The C. H. Romeiser family has re- i ^ Nyef. -- ------------ -7- -- I turned to their Chicago home after FOR SALE--McCulJOm Lake 5-room, pending the summer months at Pis- • her grandmother, Mrs. John Bolger, near Palatine. Summers she handles the tractor work and most of the nfilking of a 27-cow Holstein herd. HOLD RITES FOR WTELAND DAIRY rT* FOUNDER MONDAf year-round house; full bath, running tijkee Bay. water, electricity; 2-car garage; sidewalks; corner wooded, lot, 50x135, fenced. „ Phohe McHenfy $7$4-:L, '20 • -\ - ' :- Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Guzzardo spent several days last week at the Dells in Wisconsin. Mr. ahd Mrs. James Dfliherty and Ljay FOR SALE -- Circulating stove# good size and in good shape. $25. Henry Stoffel, Volo. 20 coaj' son, Jimmy, spent several days the ' last of the week in Indianapolis, visiting her brother, LeRoy, who re- FOR SALE ing, corner Two-story brick build- Pearl and Green Sts., cently returned from overseas duty. their nieces and nephews in McHenry Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and jagj. wee]c> ... A national press release last week stated that 'Burpee Can Sealer com- MMiissss' U MM*aarryv Jean Duoohheerrttyv vviissiitteedd pany of Barrington is one of six companies authorized at this time by the war production board to produce 630,000 aluminum pressure canners during the next nine months, in preparation for the next year's canning season. The six companies also were authorized previously to manufacture 400,000 of the canners for the 1944 canning season, it was said. in Wbodstock last Sunday. Mrl. and Mrs. A. E. Nye and grandson, Kendall Nye, visited in the Lowell Nye home in Harvard on Sun- Mrs. Margaret ^Hafner and Mrs. Drda of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. John Jackson of Grass Lake visited Jean Conway of Elgin visited rela- McHenry. Inquire Mrs. M. L. Worts, i tives here Friday evening 105 N. Green St. 18-tf FOR SALE -- No. 1 oat straw, 75c here, a bale. Peter A. Freund. Phone Mrs Rev. Walter Conway of Notre Dame 'spent the weekend visiting relatives Sonia Philipps of Cleveland, Atty. and Mrs. Harry Hitzman and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Woltman Lieutenant (j. g.) James W. En* nis, 25, flight instructor and brother . . . o j . ,, , of Skinnay Ennis, well known band ZZT?! leader, ™ killed Saturday, Sept. 23, his Many in this vicinity will be sorry to learn of the death of Christian Wieland, 64, well known in the Pistakee Bay community for many years. With five brothers and a sister, Mr. Wieland founded the Wfeland Dairy company in 1888. He passed away at his home at 3000 Lake Shore Drive on Monday, Oct. 2, 1944. He was vice-president of the company but retired fourteen years ago when the firm merged with the Borden Dairy company. He is survived by his wife,. Ada; one son, Lieut. Robert A., serving with the army; one daughter, Vivian Gonseth; three brothers, C. J., Jacob and Robert; and one sister, Mrs. Rose Marling*.' • „J The deceased was a member of the Chicago Athletic club and was 'active in civic and social circles for many years. Services were held at 2 p. m. on Wednesday from the chapel at 929 Belmont avenue, with bufial in Memorial Park cemetery. * 1ir WANTED of the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. | when hig airplftne crashed near ' . y Tt" _r , . . T ,; Schaumburg field, several miles east 6H-R-L *18'4 0hi°' returned to her home Sunday ! tere ove*rn,irtt"1uues'ts""f wiUilS?'lii* ^ ol^fTa k""* -- FOR SALE-Year-'roumi oomforland ^/ck h7me'here Tnd i" u Tn'r Rel Mojay000""' <" 1 "Blownia" ,„d ^ Veber ^ station. CUyton Palmer, who lives on the than ion The d6g5 and c ^5Yn digging burrows after thfe small animals. _______ , • e,, sp Made of sheet metal with a smallss cairo* spent a recent weekend at the U ^y, 1" ?m'w 1/5 af*, above-ground hood, the gadget has . LOST -- Inner spring mattress on home of their gon an<j wjfej j^r. nd' co"lpanie^ by Mrs. Ada Smi , bfien descrijjed and pictured in a re- ss Route 120, near McHenry. Fell off M0rTwilliamrES°JoJeS, of 15 Ofcharf! ^ ^ a feW dayS in the Th°mP" | cent issue of the U. S. Patent Office =5 truck while moving. Finder please Beach ! s o" home- . , official gazette. j SB' call McHenry 622-M-l. ! *20 Car, Hiatt uf Waukeean and' „Mary. Westerman and S *, L « 1 wauKegan a a ^nn Costello of Elgin spent ^ . 99 n • =; LOST -- Key ring with several keys, Bob B^con of Chicago spent the the weej(end jn the Walter J. Walsh R , . Rnrlin^Vnn Wi« ' had a -- in McHenry last Friday evening, weekend in the home of their mother, home here , Brechtel, Burlington, Wis., had a = Finder please return to Plaindealer Mre. Zena Bacon. i Mrs. Fuller Boutelle of Lake Ge- j ntfhnrt wn^Hriv = office. Reward. *20 Sunday guests at the Duesler-Henn neya spent lagt week ^ her moth. escaped unhurt. Brechtel Was dnv- = CARD OF HANKS We wish to thank our many kindneighbors and friends for expressions of sympathy, donations of cars, floral offerings and spiritual bouquets at the time of'the death of George B. Frisby. • THE FAMILY. Steel for Bottle* : In a nornial year the amount ol steel used to make br-ttle caps it equal to the amount used in automobile bodies. mm j WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS PHONE NO. 32 HURRY --ENDS SAT. OCT. 7 "THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER" with 5 IRENE DUNNE ALAN MARSHAfcfc RODDY* McDOWALL SUNDAY - MONDAY Oct.. 8 - 9 ^ It's a Scream 'FOUR JILLS Ilfr A JEEP' with Kay Francis -- Carole Landis Martha Raye -- Mitzie Mayfair-- Dick Kaynes and Jimmy Dorsey and his Band with Guest Stars Alice Faye -- Betty Grable TUESDAY ONLY--OCT. 10 Brought Back by Popular Demand. "BANJO ON MY KNEE" Starring Joel McCrea--Barbara Stanwyck Wed - Thur - Fri --Oct. 11-1243 "MADAME CURIE" with Greer Garson -- Walter Pidgeon fffcHenry, Illinois 5tipriday-Safcurday EDDIE CANTOR GEORGE MURPHY JOAN DAVIS NANCY KELLY "SHOW BUSINESS" Plu»--News and Cartoon Siinday-Monday-Tuesday Oct. 8-9-10 * White Cliffs of Dover' Plus--World News md Cartoon 5j; 1 1 V ? j •'cj."- ¥5i 0 W » 0 Miss., was injured seriously in the ~ Mn* r. "an dT ^*MirVrsC.Y TL i-nUUu s Newman and.[ t crash^ an^d taken to the hospital at T _i.__ XT 1 "'all ®6rnar<^' in Withee, Wis. jyj LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18." ' Twlda "d in MchicaJol " ~ ^0^ Thursafly in Cnic&^o. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and I Alexander of Hebron visited , family and Mr. and Mrs. James jn R0bert Thompson on Monday Mahoney and children of Chicagb 1 afterri00I1 . - WANTED TO BUY - Medium- were weekend guests in the home of Miss Maud !s spendin1g w sited tricycle, in good condition. Joj"1 T m , w , the winter mdhthi with Mrs. Ada! . '» nrritefHon : Phone Johnsburg 676-W-2. *20 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner of Wood- gmith in £] in< artificial burrow for the protection . . stock were weekend guests in the' p t Petersen of McCullom Lake 8 fur-bearing anirt\ttl§. WANTED TO BUY -- Cedar chest. Carl Weber home. Sunday visitors | .,f V . +, 0 T • patent will prevent dogs other ; Tel. McHenrj* 278-W. *20. were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gibson of ^ay in the L,"Us Nerwman home, marauding animals »5Yn into \ Mrs. Robert Thompson Elgin. She IIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinHlill^ CLOSING OUT SALE! = = o CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer LOST Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Jones of Chi- HELP WANTED ranch were Miss Kathleen Henn and: Miss Maureen Casey of Chicago, Miss er, Mrs. John R. Smith. ing a milk truck eastward and had -- reached the Soo Line tracks when1SE . • Dorothy Legge of Missouri, and Mr. I truck was struck by the north- WANTED -- Capable woman for'and Mrs. George Duesler, Chicago. jQ11_v,1.or r«rl Pnnrior u WnnH | bound passenger train shortly before -- general housework. Hours: 9:00 to Miss Lucia Rausch of Chicago :^hter'. Mr8, Carl C0U"er' in Wood-| 8 o'clock. The rear end of the truck = 5:30 five days a week, plus ene pve- spent the weekend visiting friends ning. Or part time. Phone Mc- in McHenry. ,0r- Henry 167. »20' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, j ------ daughter, Rita, Mm. Carl Hiatt and da>' ,he past weck' ^ANTO FIVE AUTOMOBILE Bob Bacon were Woodstock callers MECHANICS AND TWO BODY on Saturday AND FENDER MEN. HARRY H. mT gLn Kilday of and Mrs. Wm. Miller of Chihere a few Karen Smith of Crystal Lake spent last week visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John R. Smith. was demolished and the wreckage rss ! was carried 100 feet along Calumet; s: > street, whicb parallels the track at =5 ! that point. j == KNAACK, BUICK DEALER. Phone ^Int°the"wreLnd'hefe° ' « ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 21. 19-tf Hen^ R^se siSnt Saturday visited her sister' Mrs" Prank Meyer' GEORGE DOWELL, Miss Edithe Geary of Wauconda j RETIRED FARMER, IS DEAD AT AGE 76 on Wednesday HELP WANTED -- Girl for foun- visitinS relatives in Chicago Mrs. Kenneth »M«u.r.r.a»v «ofi Wauconda tain and general store work. Bolger's Mr8" ^ G> Casanov and grandson visited' relatives here the of the Drug Store, McHenry. 13-tf were Chicaer° callers the past week. | weftk npt p n, t MTPn m I ,, ^rS' Barbian is spending Miss Bemice Freund of St. Ann's HfcLP WANTED--Women to sew on the week in the home of her daugh-,, _ .. . . . „ , machines. McHenry Tent and Awn- ter in Chicago. She was accompanied} 0 ,p.i ' .. p^. A~ ing Co. 45tf to the cHy on Sunday by her sister, w!th her parenta' the Peter A WAliJTr™v -------- Mrs. Davis, who had been spending reun WANTED--Draft exempt man for a days here. 7°,^" App,y Miller Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lodtz of Crys- Phonfe 195. VETERAN RETURNS MISCELLANEOUS tal Lake were local callers Saturday f evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Felgenhauer! of Carpentersville were Sunday guests j in the Jacob Freund home. | Serviceman and Mrs. Merle Blow-! FOR ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo- M „ pie's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside «" Fox Lake were visitors in Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry h°m® °l ^er Parents, Mr. and 21W. W^oodstok, 210 E. Jackson M?- ?ie!f Fruend> on Sunday. St. Phone Woodstock 817. 20*tf Jacob Steffes returned home from -Vittory Memorial hospital the first DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE of the week. WAR -- Five dollars is the least we; Mrs. John Fruend returned home pay for dead horses and cows in good 1 the last of the week from Waukecondition. Wheeling Rendering Co. £an, where she had been confined Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the i to the hospital for the past several charges. No help needed to load. 14-tf weeks. She will remain at the home r i D R i r f r M i r r r i « P o f h e r s o n- V e r n o n , for the p r e s e n t . COLLECTING - Let us Mrs. H. E. Buch has been^ spend- L i 7 / f I® week, i n j f a f e w w e e k s i n C h i c a g o , where «tef Rpi,li Reasonable ghe is visiting her daughter, Mrs. rates. Regular year round route, for- Helen Hahn, who is recovering from Ptone 365^ ' Smit^ surgery which she underwent rg- CESSPOOLS AND SJ5PTIC TANKS ^r- and Mrs. George Adams and CLEANED -- Wells & Nelson, 138 dau&hter, Mrs. John Whalen, and East Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Jeter's children of Elgin were Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 909-R local callers on Thursday evening. or Cary 4763. *17-4 Mrs/ Peter Weber and Miss Clara RAYMOND WATKINS m Jh|ete ;isitl ^ Si8ter' Mrs- After twenty-nine months of serv- TRACTORS and A1'^a Mead, in Skokie last Thursday, ice in the south Pacific, Captain Ray- IMPLEMENTS Swanson-StaeMer Mr- and Mrs. Carl Weber were mond Watkins of Wonder Lake is Motors. Woodstock Phone 851. 18-tf Woodstock callers on Friday evening, home. A dentist by profession, he! HAVE YOU HEARD nhnni non, they witness®d a performance has been in the army for the pastj • HEARD ab0Ut the ZZ °l IJ0mer. K:yl .and hi8 all-girl or- four years. It is the hope of his! Death came on Sunday, Oct. 3,! = 1944, for George Dowell, a retired' =• Lake county farmer. The 76-year-old = man died at his home on Maple av-; == enue, Wauconda, where he had re-1 = sided fof'Ulw past five years. Until ~ that time he had lived his entire lifetime in the Volo community, where he was born on Oct. 10, 1867. Survivors include three sons, Frank ss and William of Elgin, and Raymond j JS of Wauconda; four daughters, Mrs.' -- Roy Passfield and Mrs. Joe Passfield, -- McHenry; and Mrs. Charles Bavlin and Mrs. John Billings, Wauconda; one brother, Thomas, Volo; and fifteen grandchildren. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late home. Burial was in Wauconda. 100 Head of Livestock DAIRY HERD OF GUERNSEYS SHEEP HORSES Full Line of Machinery ^ Hay, Grain and Feed Sale will be held on Springd&le Farm, 6 miles northeast qf I|cHenry, t 2 miles north of Johnsburg, on Friday, .October 20, 11 li. Watch for complete list in newspapers and on large bills E. ROY FITZGERALD :vi:' OWNER o COUNtY CASUALTY ™?nPZlVJe ChMtra ai ihe high ^ man* friends that h« greatly you. Ask us for insurance rates H nry Kinsala» and enjoy his« stay at home after so me Kent Co., McHenry. Phone s!; Donald **** °Ver8ea^ •i; • 27-tf on Sunday, where they welcomed the former's son-in-law, Charles Corso, Eyes Neglected on his b a health bulletin issued by New York city says that "the greatest •tumbling block in the campaign to unserve vision is the ignorance or indifference of many parents In •pite of the fact that kheir children fitiay squint, coirkolainj of headaches Sshow other si^ns of eyestrain, ese parents fail to have their children's eyes examined. _ "Some parents actually believe that young children do not need glasses, that somehow or other they will 'outgrow' any visual defect. Of •ourse, there is no scientific basis Whatsoever for this view. The earlier in life any abnormality in the «ye is discovered and corrected, the less danger of any progressive impairment of vision. Many a back- Ward student Wis shown rapid progress in his studies as soon as his vision has become normal," Starched Scatter Rngi 1 , , A little starch in scatter ruesarrival home after many helps to make them .stay flat on the months spent m service overseas. ! floor after washing, according to Mrs. Fred Schoewer and Mrs. Ed. j Successful Farming magazine. -'•St Continuous Feeding --Keep fe*d before the growing •.«: «.*-.«ghicks constantly, to help ward off >• trouble from coccidiosis. GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 Elm Street ; flhone McHenry 104-M CARL DITTMAN Answering the final call and adding another gold star to the Woodstock honor roll was Carl Dittman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dittman, Rockford, who lost his life in France recently. The exact date has not been disclosed by the war department. An uncle, Carl Pittman, died in France in the first world war. His father served in Siberia in 1917. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID Free BookTells of HomeTreatinent that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Overtwo million bottleaof theWILLARD TREATMENT have been »old for relief of •ymptoms of distraM arising fro in MmMh and Duodenal Ulcer* due to Iwm A*M-- Poor DlgMtiMi. Imt or llfMt Stomach. BaMlnett, HearthMTH, »laapl--N--1. «TC., due to Excess AcM. 8old on 15 days* trial' Ask for "WlllarTs Ms--apt" whicb fully explains this treatment nr-- at BOLGjai'S RHUG STORE WATTLETS DRUG STORE • M'Henry Tire Recappers GEORGE STILLING GARAGE--311 EAST ELM ST., M'HENRY PHONE M'HENRY 424 24 HOUR SERVICE §Ve Specialize in Farm Tractor Tires and Truck Tires Goodyear Tirtltort Work Done at Our Plant in McHenry ALL REPAIRS ARE GUARANTEED UNDER NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS. NO TIRE TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE FOR yULCANIZING OR RECAPPING. ^ OUR PLANT IS OPEN FOR YOUR IimgCTXQII. RAPID SERVICE WITH A SMILE. NEW TIRES GRADE 3 NEW TUBES RECAPS -USED TUBES AND REPAIRED TIRES DEALERS ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE US. GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES GOODYEAR BATTERIES *• •> h: •

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