McHMJfcY PLAUfDlALMt their costumes were J6seph DeFiguo, RED CROSS NOTES whose dress and perky SPRING GROVE •- sight to behold; Mrs. Lottie Hall received a prize for her full dress suit complete with stove pipe hat, goatee (By Mrs. Charles Freund) [and walking cane. A pair of hill- Members of the Community club billies, Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Robinvited the ladies to their meeting el*t Lent in outfits made of sacks held at St. Peter's Parish Hall on • greatly deserved their prizes, too. Monday night, Oct. 23. A special Other prize, winners were Mrs.. Berprogram was arranged by the com- nard Klinke and Mrs.' Joseph Demittee. Selections by Gladys Meyer Figuo. Refreshments were served Uttd Clarice May on accordian and throughout the evening. cornet were greatly enjoyed as were Mr. and Mrs. William Brits moved the Irish ballads rendered by James on Saturday to the house (known as Lennon of McHenry. Distinguished the Joseph Bauer house), tecently guests were Msgr. Charles Nix and purchased by them. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and State's Attorney Wm. M. Carroll, family of Chicago spent the weekend Lester Edinger and R. D. Woods of with Mrs. Bertha Esh, \Voodstock, Rep. Thos Bolger of Mc- Mr and Mrs Edwin preund Qf Henry and Dr. J. F. Harris of Rich- Crystal Lake and Mr and Mr8 Clar. ntond. The program opened with a ^nce MiUer of Woodstock were the door and upon opening it, was confronted by the two men witty a third .man who stated "This is a stickup." They seized Mr. Mack and Need Rubber Stamps T The Plaindealer. Order at tt appears the Nemesis over here .. , , . . . , . . at the high school accuses the writer tied him securely in a chair, relieving j o f n o t k n o w i n g m u c h a b o u t a p e i i i n g . him of $252 of his own money • From | well, that isn't all we don't know ^ ^ b«tween | much about, but we did look up the, a » an "n proper spelling of the word scribble,! O" Rollins Rd., 3 miles north of rhinikfl1 ° an^e rom ma". and we still maintain the word scribe1 Round Lake, 3 miles southwest of . > looks much better. In so far as Lake Villa, on Robert been released on a oona pena- ]ack of material) there wasn't any-1 '"5 * T hea"n* bef f 0r® C^T I thing to scribble about, but Mrs. Gor- „A 1 O'clock , : j Henry L. Cowlm at modstock. Bent- man now info7ms us that the Red CATTLE--16 Hoi. cows, consisting S a ^°- --'red # in automobile Cross production room will resume®*5 close, springers, 3 recently fresh; accident injuring four people on Oct. activities on the ei hth of November 4 heifers; Hoi. bull, 2 yrs. old; Roan °k Harvai:d' Was ar^d re"; (Wednesday). Every Wednesday, in- bul1 year old; 2 bulls 6 months old. y y coun y aut onties on I stead of Thursday, as heretofore, will j HORSES--Chestnut mare, 5 years automobile to production day. A supply of ma-!old; Grey Geld., 11 yrs old> iron grey | terial has arrived, and the usual mare, 2 yrs. old. r- XT , _ .. • •, corps of workers are asked George Neer, 16, the boy who Thursday, November 2,1M| « • w k* t scribbling is concerned, however, due;mTnrnn_ .: _ I !| G. Bentley Alden has to our enforced vacation because of; THURSDAY NTW Q " *sed $500 bond pend- ,thpr(1 wasn>t nnvJ ill/?. 7 -. AUCTION iJtiyERSIDE HOTEL CORPORATION charges of driving while intoxicated^ to re.. . T-, .... - Miller Woodstock VIS-I »old the PXro>n<!lvP hii-vcl# fnr iHfl s, um. e actMiv iItWieras". rFrlaenimneil ipwajjaaimuaaas aanudu tal: by Ben May on the history o itors here and attended the Hallow-! and bought the archery outfit in bedside ^ags for the hospitalized vhe Community club the progress it een t at St Peter's Parish hall i addition to ransacking the Wilbir sennfemen' are very much in dehas made and the good work achieved *° ransacking the Wilbur mand> and it is hoped that it will sifice this organization began. Very pnwt T^nf r«mn Mo 1 pEv *' be possible .for our dependable women interesting speeches were given by . ? u\ T if wH 9. f^°. authorities. Chief to come the fore agajn. jjj th, guests with State's Attorney, i ™ w '.Zt Mae. HUGH MURPHY. Ctrroll as principal speaker. Ir. INTERESTING lough in the Math Nimsgern home. concl ision Father ® Daleiden thanked all" vho entertained' and helped it: any way to make this a pleasan. evening. Refreshments were served. Amanda Peacock entertained Kei^* dub at her home on Tuesday r.ight. Cards furnished the entertainment. and prize winders were Mrs. Aliee Wagner, Mrs. Joseph Brown and Mrs. Frank May. Following car<is a lovely lunch Was _ „ , .. _T o - served by the hostess. j °f Mr and Mrs W. N. Sears of 506 u„ *. v* r,„I, __j _v;i ! Grove avenue, Barrmgton, was one Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bush and chil- of ^ women selected | additional sugar to be us&d in the Margaret Ellen daughter on to Harvard, but since charges werfe not pressed there, he went free. More of the loot, two opened dime banks ^belonging to the Krueger children, were found last week on the Harry B. Frye farm east of town. Wilke still has the bow of the • archery outfit. NOTICE , According to word from the rationing board, canning sugar applications cannot be iaccepted by the McHenry county rationing board for Scrite dr»: spent Wednesday evening in the George W. May home. ... - young women in Chicago to aid in the Dewey wel- j Process'n£ °* fruits after November ta- i \ tr come in Chicago Wednesday evening, | Anyone needing additional sugar Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell (Dick) Van of last week ghe was shown with | should apply before that time. Every are the happy parents of a 10- thtee pther ,adieg in the Wednesda pound boy, born at Woodstock hos- morning of a metropolitan Save Hot Water and Soap When washing neckwear or other •mall items, save on hot water and soap by using a quart-sized mason j jar. Fill the jar with sudsy water, j immerse the neckwear, screw on I the top, and agitate by shaking the jar. If these little things are laundered in a tub or bowl, the tendency is to squander both hot water and soap, two necessities which represent fuel and valuable materials used for war purposes. Subscribe for the Plaindealer FEED--800 bu. of oats, SO bo. of wheat; 15 tons of hay; s t a c k s o f i straw. . MACHINERY--J; D. tractor, .tract! < I plow; disc; sulky plow; drags; clodcrusher; seeder; corn planter; mower; side del. rake; dump rake; 2 wagons; feed grinder; M H grain binder; Int. corn binder; 2 sulky carts; hay rope; hay loader; fan mill; bags; poles; shovels; harness; silo rods; silo door frames, etc. MILK EQUIPMENT--Clean Easy milking mch. (complete, like new); cream .separator, milk cans, ster tank, stools, etc. - ; 4 Some household furniture.'; - Usual Terms. Frank T. Grenus, Owner ^ ' Win, A. Chandler, Auctioneer. Public Auction Service Co., Clerk. Invites you to enjoy its everyday specials--moderately priced. Effective October 1st this establishment will open at 4 P. M., except" Saturday and Sunday, when we will ' open at 12 M. Wi will remain closed all day Mondays < > until further notice. EVERY FRIDAY » - SPECIAL fVERY SUNDAY Home Cooked Chiclccn and JDwnplingi also cater to Parties and Banquets i: < pitai on Tuesday, Oct.. 24. newspaper alongside State Auditor! Mrs. Anton May was hostess to the Lueder in the role of rehearsing their. members ot her club on Thursday af^ part in the Dewe welcoming para^e. I temoon. Two tables of five hundred . ~ j were in play and prizes were merited (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) by Mrs. Fred May, Mrs..Frank Wagner and Mrs. Charles May. Refreshment were served. 1 Once again a large crowd enjoyed tfift Halloween party held in St. Pe- While enroute to St. Therese hos-1 pital last week Monday night Mrs. ^ Elizabeth E. Schumach died in the | Stafford ambulance, Libertyville. She i was being removed to the Waukegan ! institution from the home of a! tor's Parish hall on Saturday night. da Mer ^ paul . Q , It was a Hard Time dance and some lake ghe wag 1Q years ^ and ^ ! sided in Chicago. On the previous 1 Saturday night she became ill while visiting her daughter. of the costumes brought forth many a laugh. Those receiving prizes for "ttette's why Mom fays ft "MVS to worm wfth GIZZARD CAPSULES' eWdr-tay-Wan'r Hdraa Ihb «r Kao&lgg fn+Ktim Wormhlf p»n doobl* dlrltadi thlf T*»r, la needed VP far Code Sun and bluer praOt* for YOU. Keep 'era Lijriac thU wlnUrl Pit'd In- »nlnbt« Capeule Coatinf doea •ot dlaeolTe In crop--prpterts Bedletn* until crushed br --deilTen oorrect rail (tMBfth to worms. Won't itctaB birds «r knock eu prodoetlaa. Tut nil S klndi of •rora--Pin. Large Bound an ! Larc* Tape*. OeU Ixaib of all neeiea of Tapes that any product on market can gc Vhout la or lesi per bird. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry Corp. Melvin F. Rouse,'29,.of Mundelein, was killed in action in Ger- j many on Oct. 10. On Oct. 5 the j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouse,; Sr., were advised by the war de- j partment that Melvin was wounded in action on Sept. 19. Tuesday night's 1 message read that the war depart-j ment at Washington had received a "corrected report" that the first message was in error, and regretted to inform the family that he died J while in battle. * Late WednesdajT afternoon of last week, a 50 pound pig escaped from ! its shanty near a residence on Summit street, Barrington, and was • caught, after a wild chase, by Kenneth Kamp. He returned it to the owner, carrying jt, squealing, by the ears and feet. 1 ....Cash approximating $900 was stolen from the Moose club in Crystal Lake about 1:30 a. m. last week Wednesday. About 1:10 two men, strangers, walked into the rooms and later: left. About 1:30, Gene Mack, inj charge of the club, heard a knock on I Wanted MECHANIC. Steady work. Also WOODWORKING HELPER. HUNTER BOAT CO. ers 311 E. Elm St., McHenry Phone McHenry 424 24-HOUR SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN FARM TRACTOR TIRES AND TRUCK TIRES GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES GOODYEAR BATTERIES REMEMBER . . . Your car or truck must last you many more* months, probably for the duration of the war. The wise owner will see to it that his machines receive the best of care and upkeep. This can be found at the CENTRAL GARAGE PRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J , Towing Johnsburg Facts from the Files of Congress VETERANS SACRIFICED BY CANDIDATE BOOSEVAt Tfc# RooMVtf# f*o*caffafJ Economy Act !March 16, 1933/ was framed by Mr, Keeitvttt. He knew Jfs every purafropfc, 9H wry proWsfoii. CaiuMaie HooteveH used the leo-colted) Mcoeomy Act to cruelty deprive the Nation'* mitrmu of the beaetts provided for tbem by a grateful people ^ Tl^ Eflidi of ftlie Bo--mM Econowy Ad Wort: ' : Cewy--H-- for VtHrwi ptrwrnMlly crippM by bitNt wmm4« w«y rHwH M |Mr c<Mt. ClMUfed Mm wertf fw weaarfed Veteran If • ( -V". FlWy-ive Hweseed ceseeHy eeses1 were ebeWsfced. \. CiWI W« tmd WMewt were re4««e4 10 per eeii»%;-.: . > i. Mr hiMi<re< mmd «f»y mIHUh Mlm were Mh owey ireai Me VAftroM ef «N ware. > ^ liealfcly tervkfctNecM pmiImi were ea* fren $4t.S4 te $23.95 (ia tW aaaia •# eeeeewy). ^ AHoweecM k 1S4.MI itrvlc«*t«MtcM Vtttraai were dhaltowei ^ ' '% FWy-«ve per eeirt »f SpMith-AMrkwi War VeHraa*' pea«le-- were mmd *e bale--i 'i r>*i»id N per ceet (ie Mm nam* of eceaoiay). * F.' AM pre»ea>pW»e COM* were' wipe4 eat. IA HM $100 barial aHawaoce wai eliaiaaM. Nawever, CaaiMate Me>e¥ett M aWew MM <II< - Veteraa's pareeti to receive at MM Veteraa's barial. MM AaMricaa Plag. Smm o# th* dbova bmv bean rmftormd to Him VtftrtN by • CANDIDATE ROOSEVELT VETOED 18 VCTIMWS BENEFIT BILLS <p H. R. 8421 Pensions for widows ot scmiocs oed soldier* M. R. 8422 Pensions for CIvN War widows.... H. It 8423 l«croos« In pensions .., M. R. 8424 Increoeo m poneions M. R. 842S Penston* for kolpleM cMldron of voferont ...............4siwcU by Roosovelt VETOED by Roosevelt' • • •• •«>•-< • •. •.. • .VETOED by Roosevelt »• •«•••..a.tttit....VETOED by Roosevelt VETOED by Rootovott H. R. 8424 Peneioos for cortain doss of veterans .VETOIO by Roosovoll M. R. 8729 To increoeo pensions from $30 to $40 for total «nI permimWy non-sorvice-comiectod WorM War I vetfraos . . •. »..t. . .« .VETOED by Raaeovell Philippine back pay WM* ................................».VETOED by RooitvcM •Woo ropassod by Cw>yt« tvtr Rooeovolt voto. Honso, 27k to 18; Sonate. 74 fa J. - C«M*deie Rooitvtlt Vetoed Four Voftrcms' MNs in tbe 74th Cooyets; Six in tlie 75fii Congress; Soven in the 76th Confess. Condidate RooseveH's Economy Act attemptod to ol»ro9«t* o«trk|l»t 616,049 War Risk Insurance PoKeie*, phis the 20,000 impending claims. However, the Supreme Court (the nine old men) of the United States declared (292 W. S. 571): To abrofafo confraets la rt# affompf to ltM«« ftovemmonf evpondffnres wo old Mf bo MMr practtcm mi oconomy, but an acf^repudiation with all thm wrong and reproach ffcaf form Implies, MORE BULLS VETOED BY CANDIDATE ROOSEVELT March 27, 1934, Candidate RoosovoK voto (•o-caHod) Economy Act took away from thno Ms personal and official attitude towi Ml tho MN passod by ^oa^ress to rostoro $193,000,000 of tho $<50,000,000 which the Roosevelt the votoraas. la Ms voto wmm|i Candidate Roosovolt mt forth vneqaivocaUy aad far a!l •rd votoraat' peneions. / -• € BOOSEVELT VETO XBSSACI "No pertee. beea«>e ho wore a •eWorw mast thereafter be placed In a special dau of beaeficiaries evor aed above all etber cHiiees. "The fact of wearing a Mlfona does eat neaa that Ip eaa domaMi om4 receive freai hit Oeveraient a boeeflt which no other citiioa receive*. A "It docs not moan that bocaoto a pen ON served in MM defease ef Ms ceaatry, performs a barf* Obligation of citizenship, ho shonfd receive a pension from bis Government, bscease *f a dlsabWty IA* Cerred after his service had terminated and not connected with that service. -I AM WHOLLY AN0 IMMOOtVOCALLY OWOSM TO TWf HMNCITLC OP THC MMMAL SHVtCK MNSIONS." Tbo blH was repa$9od by Confess evor Mr. Roosevelt1* vote Hemee, Sommto, 67 INSURANCE FOR SERVICE loss of thoir panda*, la 19C7 ooe ariflbal form of <ovornaient LMo yoar, la 1928 lor ftvo yoaro, hi MM ^ wa^u Wm I la 1997 whoa tho ROOSEVELT depression was doraagias many Hvos. Congress voted wiHir Rvo years* oa+oastoa to savo loos of fhoir poNcios. CANDIDATE ROOSEVELT VETOED tho MM. A DEFIANT CONGRESS REPASSED tho bill ov«r Mr. RoosovoffY v^lth fho paralyaiag vato o^^^Haaso, 372 #a 13; Soaato. 89 la THIS ANTI-VETERAN RICORD HAS Mm SO INHUMAN, SO VNFAMt, SO MCORD OF ONE WHO HAS NKVKIt MSN HVNWIY--TOWTM ISM -- IT B