Thursday, December 14,1944 McHENRY PLAOTDEALEK . !i X ' Tt •***» rate "SO I :-18l8 * by EARL R. WALSH RINGWOOD * (By Helen Johnson) • . • 1 , O fvW J i: Sunvd ayt evening, Dec. 17, . . uwuiJivvn nr WIC Willlivr S Sunday school v.ill present their on Tuesday night of this week. Christmas program of songs, read- -- 7HII\D PERIOD DRIVE BY WOODSTOCK HIGH BEATS WARRIORS 29-26 ' ^•In a rousing basketball battle, Mc- Henry dropped a 29,to 26 decision tQ Woodstock high in the winner's gym SLOCUM LAKE (By Mrs. Hairy Matthews> Miss Marion Dowell of Noiith CM. FORMER MANAGER OP BASKETBALL TEAM _ HERE PASSES AWAY ^ Henry Traub, .42, of Elgin, former Inanager of the Anderson Service Hi fallows: And you girls, in service, too. ; It has been some time since we wrote directly to you, but you are cago spent Saturday night and Sun-'"Station basketball team in McHenry, I The game was close throughout at t'ie home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. died on Wednesday, December 13, at ! : ings. a one act play and candle light with McHenry holding an edge Mr- and Mrs- Forrest Grunewald Rest Haven sanatorium, following • s r s c s r c * u e r s ' -- > - » « * • - » « > • H . : Mrs. Walter Harrison and son in the first' quarter. Dean Mc-1 Mr- and Mrs- LaDoyt Matthews was a former board member of the j Earle were callers in Graysl&ke Wed- Cracken opened the scoring with the °* 0ak Park were callers last Friday Illinois Skating association. He waS ! nesday evening. v j first of his thr^e free throws (all ; evening at the Blomgren Lusk home. also interested in politics and served ! Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent registered in the first period) Bud Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and i as Democratic precinct committeeman lursdav and PtiHav tfra TV*™ : **:n_ , i , , , , . y ' , ^QnfrVifor Horlono nf iurAM fftf n tiiviA * 1 foremost in our thoughts each week Thursday and Friday with ffrs. Don i Miller contributed a basket and was ; daughter, Darlene of Aurora were f°r a time. A as we strive to report some of the • 0f^waukepaiu , „ 1 , ' . playing a bang-up game on re- , wallers last Saturday^at the home of The deceased was a brother-in-law < goings.on in and about McHenry. As Christmas draws nigh, each Lieut. Frank Harrison of San Luis bounds under ihe Woodstock net. i Mr- and Mrs- Ray Dowtll. • of Anna Anderson Traub of Elgin, Obispo, Calif., spent a few days last Crouch dropped Mn a push shot and Mr- and Mrs- Ray Dowell- and formerly of McHenry. family home is thinking of someone his parents, Mr. and Mrs. added two three throws. The qcarter daughter, Dolores, attended a birth- | Services will be held on Friday at some place--and that person is you. i a"cey „ar"®on' . ,' , ended with McHenry leading 9 to 7 da^ party at the home of Mr. and t.2 o'clock in the Wait-Allison-Ross What goes on at home ? Some i Johnny Walkington, of. Libertyville and the prospects of victory under Mrs. W m. Harris near W oodstock; funeral home, with the Apostolic things are about the same. Warn-i sPent last week with his grandpa- way. last Thursday evening in honor of Christian" church in charge of springs have been sent out to shop early re^s- Mr ,and Mrs" Be" Walkin£ton. Bobby Miller, boxed too deep in jMrs- Harris' birthday anniversary, j vices. and mail early, but heavier crowds: • and Merrill of the corner, began to utilize his speed i Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lowden of Chi- •• --r--- «• , and heavier mailing can be seen each ! f Mills caj'ed on Mr. and Mrs. i and scoring eye in the second period caf?° were callers Sunday at the home ! INTERESTING NEARBY JfEWS day. The same mad rush will be j Br°wn .Thursday afternoon. j and cut in for three good shots. otuMr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. • r • on a day or two before Christmas. Edythe Harrison of Chicago spent, Crouch added a basket and Knaack, Kobert Matthews, Misses Patsey . •.. . Fathers will stilj get the usual socks.)1 he weekend at home. - ' who replaced Bud Miller, dropped in Grunewald and .Dolores Dowell were , Thomas Sybrandy, 81, and his wife, Mothers and sisters will get some-i Mrs* Harold Ackerman Of Lake a free throw. The half ended with ' callers at Waukegan Tuesday. Geraldine, 26. were found dead in thing finer. The big problem is in Geneva visited Mrs. John Hogan MCHS holding a three point lead, 18 Mr. and Mrs. -Van Simmons 0f their hotnc in Waukegan oneevemng finding something for those little ^-eral days last week. ---1^15. Y , Golden Bull Farms are spending, J"* we^k. They had been asphyxiated ones who still have faith in Santa i Mi-s. Wllham McCannon entertain- ; Now, here comes the sad part from ten days at New York City< Wash- coal and coke fumes Emil Sordespite wars, hell or. high water, j ^ the Bunco club at her home Thurs-, a McHenry standpoint. With Kuh« ington, D. C., and at ^oston, Mass. enson father of Mrs. Sybrandy, and But, don't think those little ones da>' afternoon. Priws were won by dropping in three baskets and; Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Matthews and neighbors of the couple found the, don't know, as the. salespeople re- Mrs- G««gU Thomas and Mrs. Ray Aavang getting a free throw. Wood- Mrs. ft W. Lusk were callers at ^'cs- Apparently they had been 1 minds us, "there's a war on." We , Merchiint ^ ^ .sto^k opened the . second . half' "*ith , Antioch last Tuesday afternoon. ; jdead about fourteen hours, have to constantly tell them that _ Stephenson and Mrs. seven points before McHenry could! John Blomgren, 63, well known and' t,1 -c ' . , , , they will have to .wait for this or • Harrison attended installation g-et started. 'Whiting, a -bit too re- highly respected farmer of this com-' .mef . rays a e, w 0 has , that until after the war. Oh, they 9* the Eastern Star at Richmond luctant to shoot, showed, that he has 1 munity, passed away at, 8:00 o'clock ;™5e,ved and county honors for are not suffering! , Saturday evening. the eye by swishing through a Tuesday morning at his home here. £** *? in ' * . rfen We had a big snow sterm this Mr. and Mrs. Peet of Elgin spent pretty shot. McCracken added a Death came as a great shock to fam- , um 1C, °T^ ., arden con es , as week so it looks like Santa will have *he weekend with their parents, Mr. i basket to effect a 22-all score at the ily and friends as he had only been l»een e , e s e re Priz,e' to use his sled unless our road com- and Mrs. Chas. Peet. three quarter mark. : taken ill with a heart attack a few Mond®y he w*s presented to missioner, "Butch" Freund can get Mrs. Jack Leonard, Helen and Dean McCracken kept McHenry in short hours before his passing. He ovemor reen at his C icago eadthe roads cleared in time. This is Janet Johnson were callers in Lake the game in the last quarter by had, however, been the victim Gf | quarters to receive the state award, one time of the year when "Butch" Geneva Saturday afternoon. hitting for two baskets, but that was 1 slight attacks during the past two j j wishes he could go some place where ' Mr.^ and Mrs Mervin Christensen , jhe sum total of our team's scoring , years. I there are no telephones--or no snow. 2^ Richmond were callers in the punch in the final period. Bern Feb. 20 1881 in Sweden the Our high school basketball season Beatty-Low home Sunday afternoon.; With Rathburn giving one of the | deceased Was the son of Andrewis in full swing. We lost to Wood- ; _Mr' and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy, Susan, cleverist exhibitions of ball handling I an(j Wilhelmina Blomgren. After stock last night. That never makes l,fa" a spent Saturday in seen in a long time. Woodstock pre- t^*e <jeath of his father in Sweden. us feel good. A VT VA XT*. ' „ sented wh?t should ^ on® of the ' Mr. Blomgren came to this coutrv Dr. and Mrs. Hess, a couple of M^- and Mrs. Ed Bauer were call- most formidable fives in this section . 51 years afro with his mother and real fans when they lived in Mc-.®r.s ,n the Alfred Kattner home at. before the season comes to a close. I other members of his family. About Henry, dropped in to see the Hebron Richmond Sunday. ^ j McHenry's loss was attributed ! 31 vears ag0 he came to wauconda game last Friday night. We think Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mary largely to a ragged pass attack. and; had resided on and operated the they still like McHenry. ; Ann spent Saturday at Janesville, However, the boys showed well in farm in this communitv since that The Jones Candy Kids had a bowl- Wls- . . intercepting passes made by , the op- time Blomgren 'was a fine ing match with the Palace Girls Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and position. ; neighbor and friend. A man of high urday night and got took. Julia children of Greenwood called on Mr. Knaack was the only substitution j character and exceotional disDosi- Kralowetz went wild with games of and Mrs. George .Shepard Sunday ^ f0r McHenry, spelling both Bud Mil- ! ^joni he was held in high esteem by 164-156-189 for a 609 series Jo,nes, afternoon. j ier and Crouch. i _ii L1.0 knew him His death takes a great man under pressure, came Mr. and Mrs.^ Frank Walkington 1 MtHenry's Ughtweights had an, an outstanding citizen from our through with a 516 series. Yours ?nd fa^y«f Lil^rtyville were guests easy time defeating the Woodstock midst and leaves a vacancy in the truly was sort of anchor man. Our ,n the B. M. Walkington home Sun- lights 31 to 18. Carl Neiss led the > famiiy circle which can never be score pulled'the boy!? down and held day- . . scoring with 11 points and Walter fiiled He leaves to mourn his sud- inem> , Gues-t s i.n. the c,C ha1 uceLy HarTr i• so»n Miller hnaadu 1iu0. .. . . dje n passing, uh-i s wife, a dja uguht er. Well, fellows and girls, we wish home for dinner Sunday Were Lieut. Grant High school will play here Mfs eorin*e Lusk> one granddauph that we could see you at Christmas Frank Harrison, Miss Myrtle Beard, next Tuesday night. time, but that seems to be a problem Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and ^-;FQ^FT:/FOULS, that goes beyond just wishing. Most family ^and Mrs. Frank Wattle% and Woodstock , of us, while striving to make others Glen W-attles. Kuhn, ' . 4 2 3 happy, will find our greatest joy in, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Hagberg, .1 praying for and dreaming of your '• family spent Saturday in^Elgin. Aavang, i ; 2 early, safe and victorious return. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Howell, 8 , .0 '^v-llPrank Wiedrich were callers in Mc- Rathburnr 2 0 S. I. R. Henry Saturday evening. . ] Loren Harrison was a caller in/ Totals I5® 5 BOWLING NOTES the Jack Leonard home in Crystal • / fXJ FT FOULS , Lake Friday afternoon. McHenry . ^ , , , ,. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders of Rob MineJJ^'*-^ 8 .The boss has so much pay-dirt gycamore spent Sunday in the" Fred McCracken (adVert,®'nR) ihls L.we_ek tha^bowhng Wiedrich( Jr., home. ' J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Rickenberger Crouch and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley Whiting, tended the horse show in Chicago Knaack, scores have to be cut down to skeleton report. Don't fail to see that series by Tommy Sutton. It deserves head-lines. They say that's ; Saturday! f the same fellow who bowled 88 pins Harvey Ackerman. who has been j Totals 10 m ui^' £ame this week. Oh, it his sister. Mrs. John Hogan ; Score by Quarters: can't bel *1 .. .; ;ieft Monday for El Paso, Texas. Woodstock Palace • f Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearson have McHenry J. Downs. 1F4-509; N. Carlson, 197-from^the Harrison house iirto 519; R. Thompson, 184-528; N. the home they recently purchased. Freund, 214-563; C. Stilling, 200-547; : ' • Ed Smith, 206-562; Sis Weber, 171- 430; B. Buss, 173-450; G. Jackson, 165-201-203-569; Leo Michels, 188- 520; Harold Fox, 214; Joe Frett, 203-541; R. Marshall, 412; M. Krause, 188-491. "Toots" Raycraft zoomed to 537 last 0 U- 0 2 0 1 SPRING GROVE THIRD PERIOD DRIVE GIVES MCHS 38 TO 20 VICTORY OVER HEBRON ter, Miss Betty Lou Lusk and several neices and nephews. Funeral services were held at 1:30 Saturday p. m. at th farm home and at 2:00 o'clock from the Wauconda Federated church with Rev. John L. Figlev of St. Charles. Mrs. J. Figley was soloist. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Harry Johnson of Mankato, Minn.; Mr. and ; Mrs. L. Lagcrlund, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lagwlund, Mr. G. Lagerlund | and son Harold and daughter, Margaret, Adolph Dipping. Geo. Bagley ! of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I Lundeen, Mrs. ^ohn Lundeen of Stillman Valley, Mr., and Mrs. Swan Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emberson, Mrs. Martin Johnson. Mrs. Mark Olsen and Mrs. Betty Hummel, of _ „ 9Q Maple Park, Mr. and Mrs. S. Swan- L son, Mr. and Mrs. H. Swanson, Mrs. ; R. Johnson of Highland Park, Mr. ' and Mrs. ^Axel Nerstrom and son, | LeRoy, of North Chicago. Wm. Armj strong of" Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. P. ; Anderson and son, and Mrs. Chas, ; Galven and daughter, Patsy, of Cary, i Mrs. Elmer Radlaff of Dundee and 1 1 8 ^3 U 18 24 (By Mrs-. Charles Freund) Our MCHS basketball team a (Wed j Mrs.Peter Slagas of Waukegan another victory to its list last Friday night in downing Hebron 38 to ^ Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. George 20 on the home floor. The victory week and is sure to hit more 500 ' Sanders and Miss Hazel Sanders was number. 4 in 5 games played seriefe. The kid is good! , were in Kenosha Tuesday. * thus far in the '44 season. And just loo"k at Uncle Ed Smith's; A party of friends met at the 1 Although the Hebron team did score! Betty Weber, 480; M. Yegge, j home of Mrs. Sanders on Thursday not show the ability of the Green 182-485; Thorsell, 525; Schlitt, 228- ' afternoon in honor of her birthday. J Giants of other years, the same hold- 552; H. Smith, 207-553; Jones, 515; Five hundred furnished the enter- : the-ball style of play was in evidence. Bacon, 211-571; Conway, 528; Hobbs, tainment and prizes were awarded' McCral<*ken sank two floor shots 510; Gus Frennd, 549; Ed Smith, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. ' and Whiting dropped in a free throw 255-625* W. Tonyan, 225-536; Krause, Leon Van Every, Mrs. Siedschlag to top the visitors' three free throws 525; Thies, 205-495; Grimelli, 231- and Mrs. Fred Meyers. A lovely for a l0w-scoring,first quarter. The 574" R Trigon, 2W-530. 'lunch was served following cards. second quarter continued about the (Last week)' M. Green, 181-156- j Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mre. gamei ending thfrN haJf with Mc- 180-517; G. BarbSan, 196-490; J. Kra- | Arthur Kattner spent Tuesday, in Henry leading lO^to 7. lowetz, 197-491; M. Miller, 460; W. Chicago. _ • Coach "Mac" must have hinted in Reduces Wear A tire nine pounds underinflated cuts tire life 52 per cent HAVE YOU TRIED? SILL'S TASTY FOODS Home-made Pies Doughnuts Chili and Barbecues MEALS SERVED From 6:30 a* m. to //•,."; 8 p. m. L; AI*A CARTE SERVICE Club Breakfast &30 a. m. till 10 a. m. At Popular Prices Closed 011 Mondays Full 5-Course Dinners on Sundays a Specialty BILL'S DINER RESTAURANT 313 Main St Tonyan, 220-588; Jones, 507; Les Ba- j eon, 190-204-199-593; M. King, 193- 489; Gus Freund, 221-554;" N. Carlson, 185-522; Schlitt, 211-556; J. Wiser, 199-556; Thor»eIl,18^-600; D. Hester, 188-515. •",/•• Sunday guests in the Elmar Smith ; no uncertain terms during the inhome were Mr. and Mrs, Mel Kutish 1 termission that a fast break would pf Chicago and the Joe Huff family effective against the Hebron zone 1 of Richmond. . defense. At least our team came The Pinochle club met at the home , oljt on* the floor all perked up for acof Mrs. Albert Britz on Friday night. ; tion and ran up 20 poihts to Hebron's Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. 5 jn the third period. Each team m tt„u tji«t Arthur Kattner. It was a Christmas scored 8 points in the fourth quarter. • (Scores Held Over^Last Week) i par?y and a pift exchanRe was held DeVries caused McHenry a lot of _,es / ine «. prpunds ! a^r cards- Refreshments-were serv- (rouble in the early stages as he _Barbians Buc tt . , ff ed by the hostess with decorations consistently controlled thrf-'rebpunds Farmerttes, 1 L Thennes. 166-439^ ; jate to the holiday season. numeroUs .hots'that missed the; i ' ' Mrs- Geo^e' W" May and Mrs. mark. , ' 180-51/.M^Powers, 155-42 , . ! Charles Freund. son Victor, visited Dean McCracken continued to 'tw -RrifW 2 The African Drue- ' with Mrs- Eva Weber and Mrs Wall spark the home team as he ran up The Bridge. 2, The African Drug ^ gmith Friday a£ternoon. r6 points. Crouch, busy most of the Mrs: Paul Weber, Mrs. George evehingon^ the defensive side, came Sanders and Mrs. Frank Sanders through^wiih three nice baskets in spent Friday evneing in Waukegan. the last half. gists, 1. J. Kralowetz, 197-4M; J|. . Krause, 458; R. Marshall, 407, ORDERS SOLICITED FOR JEWELRY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING ,|LL WORK GUARANTEED ^"TORCHY"KRAUSE ~ PHONE M'HENRY 379 310 ELM STREET M'HENRY, ILL. Monday Commercial--: Rolaine Grill. 2; Pa^es Honeys, 1. 1 the weekend with nis moxner, Mrs. *••«-« "j"- -- M Miller 460 j Ber;ha Esh. ... ' rawwr, • but. h^d . M. Miller, 4W.. , _ I . « • . - -ball enough, to win by a 21 : to 9 Mr. and Mrs- Albert Britz and . . a K-rname unn. z-..™ noneys, Glendale Esh of Chicago spent . Coacji Blount's second team ran T Ravcraft 4*>2' A Rothermel 445; ' his mother, mto the fame sitylle 0if play in the .'^Jil^er, 4TO~ ^ : i Ro-r >m KsVi. curtain-raiser,: byt got tyld of the Palace Recs, 2; Dorwns Express, 1. Lu Smith, 424. City League-- Sens visited in Chicago on.Saturday. r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle. Ionise and Henry Jr., _of Janesville, McCracken FG FT FOULS Tonyan Construction, 2; Alexander fwere Sunday visitors in the Frank * MiUer Lumber, 1. Ed Smith, 538; W. Tonyan. 220-588; Jones. 507; H. Smith. 201-515. - Walsh Insurance, 2: Master Brau, 1. Les Bacon. 190-204-199-593; Stoller, 187-496; M King. 193-489. _ McGee's. 2: Bridge ^Tavern, 1. Gus Fwurd. 221-554; N. Carlson. 185,522, McHcnrv Lumber Oo. 2r Sip Snack Inn. 1. Schlitt, 211-556; J. Wiser, 199- 556; Thorsell. 189-5Q0; Hagberg,, 196-^ 489; D^ck Hester, 188-515; Jack Thies, 186-481. / * Wagner' home: Mrs. William Engels was hostesi to the memWrs of her club on Thurs day afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes went to Mrs. Schmitt Efigels, Mrs. Frank Wagner and Mrs. j ; Hall. Refreshments were served.! > ^ The club will meet next at the home | yf^1.1 -dti of .Mrs. Ben May. McCracken -- ...7 2 4 .1. Miller .....J 2 2 Whiting 1 3 CrouA 1 1 Fretind ......0 : 0 1 Boh Miller..* ......2 v 1 Totals 16 Halstead Tihl>ets Peacock Jchna ^ Greeting Calais . 'Cr«e first greeting cards in Amef jca were Ihe work df a Bostan tithog- DeViers rapher. Louis Pr»r>s / \j Mau --, Gethem ? II. Schaefer,* 201-535; Hesfer. 510; ' Z 6 \13 0 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 •••••#'. . --Schaefers'-- " B Miller, 509; T. Sutt Kraus, 495; F. Freund. 1 Sur'tee* 197-493; M. Schaefer, 175- Krause, 539; H.' Smith, 556; Koob, _ 48«: Tommv ' Sut'on. 278-187-186-1 561; E. Smith, 522; Schlitt, 222-557; •..../:• 651; John "'Bud" Miller, 214-557; Joe Frett. 225-551; BeVinet, 530; Tonyan, Scirfc by Quarters Weter 234-496. 52"; Peisert. 193-220-234-647; Olsen, McHeftry Eld Peisert gees to the'head-of the 231-528; Freund,, 508; Budil, 209-538; Hebron clfts?--with plenty of class. His Oak' Barbian, 205-5D2J -J« Stilling, 600) . Park Hotel team rolled up 2812 pins. ^ L. Stilling, 618.; ^ | Wemd thi Want Ada! i • ' i 12 20 Poinsettias - Cyclamen Begonias [All Cut Flower*] PLEASE ORDER EARLY Grave Blankets and Wreaths Closed All Day Christmas McHenry Floral Co. . PHONE 608-R-l One mile -south'of McHenry on Highway 31 v ' ? ^ " T.V c -ACHES, TORNADOS, A. 6 Not a single nice thing about any *of the^ above, but if you want something that is nice, get a sack of our SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR and b a k e y o u r s e l f s o m e p a n c a k e s , " / ' a piece of gastro^micai delighV tmsssg, •K'R" FANCY WESTERN Carrots.. 2.5k 17c CORN FLAKES KELLOSS'S 12' GIANT 18-OZ. PKG. KELLOGG'S SHREDDED WHEAT 9 r EVAP MILK 3'^-oz.a0c CANS £0 NATIONAL Oi4,/3°z (I RED POINT) TEXAS SEEDLESS--FUll OF JUICI Grapefruit S LBS. 29* SWEE1 AND JUICY FLORIDA Orangos . 5 us. 35* Jonathan ot Rad Mtciow Eating Apples... 2 L.s 23* COOKING APPLES Greenings 2 us»« YELLOW DRY - * Onions •. ! LBS W« \ Potatoes 10 ^ 45c U. S. NO. I SIZE A COLORADO RED McCLURC HEINZ KETCHUP 14-oz. bottle 50 Blue Points GRAHAM CRACKERS FORT DEARBORN 2-!b. oka. XW TOMATO JUICE Libby's tst Salad Dressiig ja\ 19C a ItUi KXNTS Quick or Regular QUAKER OATS AMERICAN HOME PORT DEARNMW Farina £& 13c 48-oz. pkg 25 MINCE MEAT Dining Car 46' Wet 36-OZ. GLASS CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3I01/2-oz. 4% c cans ZJ LORD MOn Green Beans IK* NO. 2 CAN FORT OEARBORN Soda Crackers 21C CREAM CHEESE Philadelphia (I RED SJIIc POINT) GOOD QUALITY Pumpkin n °z- H* MO. T/T CAN IwV MAYFLOWER Margarine . (2 REO POINTS) ^ 23c ASSORTED CELLO ROLL COOKIES, Salerno pKS 10c ,":4 ".V f SPASHEni DINNER C. J "T.) Lido Club 18C CHEF acr AR DEE MEATLESS Mushr'm Sauce t'°h I lc SPaShETTi SAUCE WITH MEAt Chef Boy-Ar-Dw *]arZ 1 1C BROADCAST 21 CORNED BEEf HASH 15!/,-OZ. GLASS SUPREME SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-lb. AP pkg ZJ 7 Household Needs SAFE--MILD LUX FLAKES 23e SOA" HAHES AMER. FAMILY MORE SUDS SUPER SUDS _ GLOSS ARGO STARCH I PKes. 17c WILtERT S tLOOR WA* NO RUB cTJ 39c WIN •,.- .'LEANER WIND EX ^„.tonu I 4c WINDE* j, S|way«r^T ^..^.^ach 15C To th* oriow 01 oui «<rohandlM IW«d ktNl* additional amount approjiimaltly aquivalant to I til* llllnoia R«tallw«' Ooouoational Taa Aat> NATIONAL n STORES