. . *• ; * /?% ^ • • .« i*v r*1 >x# ™ »-• ,«. ; r ^v - . v > / ; y . * ; v- 7 . . «. *£**»*• »<>* * '* * w *• * • \ .J £ '*«»;.'• n^iy ^ -» 1 "•"*«' " -•- rifi^Tw** «s? -I Volume 68 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 1945 <K~ BROTHERS'MEET UNEXPECTEDLY, Lee Gladstone Sends Home Gift o£ Chinese Soldier ; taMeire Boys Hold Reunion After Four Yearsr of. Separate# Mr. 'and Mrs. Maurice Gladstone are in possession of a Jap regimental flag, sent recently by their son. Cap;. Lee Gladstone, who is serving "With the medical, corps in Burnm; v ,lt is. a large flag, with the Hsi<ig^sun in v> j the .center and Japanese^ writing onf various parts, of it. •'••-..••'••• The flagr svas.given to 'Cant. .GfaiS^r stone by, a Chinese sbidier. whom j^e ; ;j treated for; a -very: ;serious ; iffjursj£, '^resulting; in..saving- -his . te'g',..--wht!eH|< * CATHOUC YOUTH GROUP ORGANIZED HERE THIS WEEK M'HENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD CONTRACT LET SUBJECT TO WPB BROTHERS SERVE WITH ARMY Bids , have been .received *nd>-£he contract awarded to the loW" bidder in connection with the-road mainte^ nance and improvement"' program in Plans of Long Standing Become^ Reality In City J~MfHenry township. Four firms hid'op-the project, with I bids ranging as foil ws: jSirhurban ; •Oil Company, $87.b'2ti.."i4; Seneca Pei trol-tum '\Co„ $V>4,dp6.8^ : 'Rock -Roads ;•• i'X'oJis:ruction >Q>,, 2,5=;.. Black;. . t*hev!fbiio\Ving stary'f ? V:• "in tfie sunny, side < if gists') of war.; It: cone v' .Lake youths, brothers expec-tedly In the .Pacific recently V^The toys had not rten each other jn alrtiost, four years, so it is no,t diffi-: c< to imagine the happiness whijch resulted from Ahejr reunion. *••/•'{ The -elder of the two"*'is Vernon '•>- LeM<?ire, who enlisted in the ciast. .^__juard in September, of 1938. He is;!>iW^ now a warrant officer. The younger- trough the ""McHenry "County AAA . f, 4- .-^inn u lv,.h WRTTAB nnx> T>c PTDTC is Lawrence LeMeire,, who enlisted office.- Jitrt -Bridges, chairman, an-. J - V -A5' , r ' .' - *• MOTOR COR?S GIRLS his services in February, 1944 . .. ....... ...... ^ ... -- .. ... ?Hi^V' ".oniciaisi.- awans^:-7t;i.io . ap-. oi»es. li^^yeai's\di^^-ReV-, Eugv'ne^ Bauiivhofov; r o:f 'vvrovjirot .the War Produdlish Boai'di' -~r~ - ' in if i r*^ ;>uch an*"AI'- . in other words, tiie contutct h:w.bven Jan. 2^Meeting To Help •<; ._ganizat:on has bet.n_.ftiinn&d. . ' let subject t^ the approval of iftt Farmers File ...Applications ;r 1V Suhdgjl^itfter'flbonr January War" Production Bo:i':.(i... ,L lit IT. "j r» ;i4, eigbty-five j our.g ivien and \vouiw|. ,ap4->r,oval ireipei-ved?- * Dairv ^ed pavmems for X«Vember St., Mart'^Su Patrick's school ,Uwnship ..not .iBie sWc<sful_-biddoi Id/ December" ai^ b^ihg made laU- .,, ^ W^tVng was .«jv.n. can proceed, :v " ; " .largely to an e\j».an^ti n of the <^l{- ----* LOSAL FOLKS SEEK BETTER TRAIN SERVICE r-;.'.. -'"Business Men As'ked^-'^ ' "i$ /v.VTo Present 'Protest? •••'At, Jan, 2^ MeeUng . ^ • TAL L. W. <1IADLE. . . . , . .'Anf^ftg] our m;st IO.V-JI senicemer. 18. 1944 i-' bf t'-v \g.ether ze -'b.u*i-r n'ess^'/J'ftiJ'.- pf»>fv.ssi->nal; nie:v.."i>:*V,thw :c;Mnniunii-y, in paction- foi^beh^.^iU j'j&aU- ;• '> ;'7Ac'cjjhiirig'.-'.t^' thbse men. ,w?.o K$ve. /hi«de. a study ^f'tlve existing, si?aa- ?'.idn and are nicst .deeply iiuerestedin' the ne\« %ovenie"ht.- io ..tKe surpayment. 1 tie ratey^ir the Vinintv stro- <ivty par h\in- Slid S;.: Maiy'.s .in McHemy ueie pre- .Motor corp^» pnil". s ! dredweight of milk and ten .cents suit. " Plans have been nuule/th^t all-coun y ha\ e_-eOntri!:uti per pound of butterfat. " meetings will. be opened with aTlijEwt duiyjy# 1944. There . .are - For the applicant's Convenience in discussions cf some important relig- ' filinjr .his application, meetings wHl ious or inteTlectual 4opif. Following time, fifteen day tihve worker.-...sever he held, in- various places, through ut this open ' the county. In McHenry this will portion. be held at the high school on' Sat.ur- Dancing January 20. other gamfe? -* <- -- -- . be participated in during , ! COUNTY SOLDJER^MISSING part of meetings. In order to-have Pfc. Clayton Starritt. son of Mrs. the dancing, it will be almost im- " Ella "Starritt of Crystal Lake, has possible to get along without a juke been missing in action in Germany box. For this reason, the first big a three-}ear bar. V J T_ 1 1.*.. f„.. --'-y.y^xY A/iiN 1'. he waii within .four months lliuri'i^nsr resort area are, 2.( (W homes >v 4his comY»iunitv ^re'these" Ger- ^ . conipl.e;(?r?g- Ijjs c Kege traming empty,-.th^greater " ^ ami receiving his B, A. -de&ro^. He nun •. th«?4e . because of inaidi? at present statinned with -tne field Iv11/!"" :i:a'n '^Txice to^ami. -frorn' « r. !. i ;- boys, -sons of . Mr.' acd Mi - . V» >.'f Sh idle. qf-.Ringwondv who HtcYtem-5vV u' patents t-.~ t>.i artillery fit F^rt' Si!l. Oklh"rrrfrr M c H e n r y I t . i s their--ooinion thu 5„- . c°yn,> JohR P.,fthadlei 21. grSitaSrvd- from ht-le.. fxpen^.- .these homes, ::ours X.}. L.-.1J.5S. _ «...,- ' .r ;tke "local" high school .in 1943 and: c:^'1-be raa<1e- year round twenty-;.- Pvt.- Paui ;\V. Shatllie,: .22? attended erteml sirviv?" thv -followintr 0c:<?-- •hom1w lf owners.-.found convenient. ('ven members active _at ,th"e-• present . the. locaT schools af;er n;.ovir,g to; her. . He was-Wc'entlv dicml" ,-a' tr:.>in •service to-Chic-ieo. th;>, community at:/i graduate!! '^ frofiiv.,delav enrwute to Fort*Lewis, Wash.. Their contention is that wi'h new; " " " • -the and : 18 Minnie Green. 262 hours, possessor his^>umirlr vaca4«ms-h? worked at .'.their energy into thei/work^so that" of a thi.ee-\eai bar, and Lieut» Gej;- .he Tlimrwooi Chemical corporation.- their dream ^iSf a lasting peace mav trudg BaTbian* 110 hours,-cXvrier of _ l'pon entering sen ice on September become a realitv. * a three-vear bar. since December So of last year, ac- affair, in the offing is a public party order-to qualify foi a. onecofding to a 'war department tele- to be held on Sunday, January 28. ,l>9r.; time motoi coip> diivei gram sent to his mother. He was Needless to say', the vouths will need-. m}1^ sene a minimum o 1 ( au'" ° « «' «*•••'• Uim n . i4^ t\Ari A. i V t nr n f serving in the infantry in the nrst ,the co-operation of everybody;--- army and tf recent letter stated that At the ,rfeetihg. '"Mcttenry CatHohe had been in Youth' •within a tweht month period. Night and auxiliary workers must serve a minimum of thir'v hours within a DEATH TAKES O&LE K, HOWELL, ACTIVE IN' COUNTY POLITICS, ®re sure everyone who has a boy in service will enjoy reading about these two boys. - The following* is in part from a letter written home -by Vernon after the reunion: . "Would love to see the expression . your face. when -you look at this picture. Larry and I have spent the last four days '"ifrether. Heavens, 1 could never exj my feelings on. paper. It was like going on leave. To say it's been perfect would be a great understatement. What fun, we've been having. When I first ar-= • rived here it was just another Pacific island but when I saw Larry you can believe me home couldn't look better. "It's really a coincident. ^ I walked * out on deck the other fftorning and 'r«s usual took a bearing of all the BOARD TWO SUMMONS 29 COUNTY MEN Pre-Inducttyp- Examination Is .- Taken By Group Ogle K. HowellC .10 years oil. former Woodstock business m?n aird veteran of the first world war. died . ,i i ^,?s ori_"as a nanKt,,/Twelve month period.' Gladys Hollen- ; and \\ednesfiay night at , :30 as the^hach of McHenry ha, no.w served. j time for. the weekly meetings. "Dtrfing seVenty,nine hours and has her onetfee organttaticn last SUnday, FatherT.^ ^ - .. -Baumhoter spoke of the great need.are still "ballly needed ,,u u. u , u f m the 14 to 19 age group espectally. thr0uffh6ut the rodntv. Women sin- 'houfb »n P«or health for some time, - for such an^organi^d group ^here ce^lv ^lerested in diong a toWgh h.s^death.-resultmg from a heart a£- the three objectives could be^ com-' job, phould applv at Woodstock head- ,"*W "aa ° -- i 1 quarters. It is not- necessary to own i j Iri order to get the machinery of your own car. Requirements are - grqjip progressing, each parish that driver must be over 18 years. ;ejected a *oy and girl to serve on a 0f -^j^e ^nd must own a drivfr's li ?»:i!^%iporary executive committee which fgnse.- " sHU' take over^intil officers are elect-a^ ""These comn/ittee members JEWS ABOUT OUR SERVICEMEN At various, times in the past, appeals have ' l>eefT made by in 'K'iduals from this community but never' before have these persons organized to voice their protests. The railroad's argument before the war was that" , it. 'couid not afford the ^ost of "addi'iooal service. There will lie many who anxiously await ^their answer to th«Mw appeal. It is expected thatthe meeting will - bring about a dymand not for new trains between Martin Anderson (V) .George A. Johnson -- Richard C. Church Willard R. Geske John O. Thurow Lawrence Fj • Westphal Lawrence R. Harman . <Vr) LeRoy E. Y'ork (V) ships around us, when all of a sud 4en mittething snapped in my brain. Pere I was staring at a ship I recognized as being the same type irry was on. I couldn't make out ie number from where I was but I •*w to the bridge, got a pair of field glasses and, sure enough, it was *l»iB ship. " " f 'Gosh, I got all weak and sick in- Crystal' Lake-- , side for a moment, but it* didn^nt Gene E. tVasserstras^: me long to snap out of it and Alger Oeffling fook me "even less time to yet a hoat ;Archie A. Sherwood and start over there. • Thomas C. O'MalleyTl "When I got aboard Larry's ship, Edwin E. Fit2geralJ I found out he was in the galley Huntley-- mess, cooking. When I walked in he Louis L. Loofboro didn't recognize me at first and when""^ Verl 'T. Durbin he did we just stood and stared at j Albert R. Krause ,toach other with tears in our eyesff Hildebrandt Joustra* Guess we're., supposed to be men but ! James Gluth darned if I didn't feel like bawling I; George F. Adamsf was so happy. It's another one of Glen H\. Cole _^tiiose things you can't explain. He's . Algonquin-- - ^ «n a nice ship with a swell crew. Joseph Pabian * Small World Dundee-- t "All-of this proves that this is a Leit&r E. Broederdorf small world. When you think of all | Willard J. Cq^hton 3the places he could havo gone and , Marengo-- ;' ^fcs comes and anchors right next: Franklin R, . Jloor. This was surely ah act of God. .* ^.JPhis picture doesn't do either ,'of us *ny justice but I know it will make ' you just as happy as we were at the time it was taken.", The above better;1" received'"last -week by-Mrs. Ernie LaMeire of Lily comryittee member's include. Elaine Ne/1 and Carl Adams of St.' John's^parish; Mary Grace Murphy ar.d-<Kichard Heuser of St. "Another group of men, twenty-nine • Patrick's parish; and Dorothy Freund in all, were called during the past and Adojph W^ideman of St. Mary's, week for pre:induction examination. The latter two were elected seCre- The names of those called, follow: tary-treasurer and chairman respec- '« ! lively. \ '. • - ' ' t . ! ' The committee met after the meet- . 'I irig and formiilaysd, plans for the ' ! party on January 28 and also a CONVENTION CALLED TO NAME CANDIDATES FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE suddenly' at hi* home in Mireng v on Friday evening. Jan. 12. 1945. A'itack., was -a shock to hi^ many frien'ds.- * . The deceased had served with an iiifantry unit on the Mexican, border. * rand_Jr. 1917, again entered soiree anci . fought In- France. H<e served as commar ier cf ^he Woodstock Post. American Ceieir>n. in 1942 He iiv^ wu",' ^" McHenry and Chicago but a shuttle service.to Crystal Lake, w say. will accomodate every worker's .Just as most of us were ceginning to think that the demand 'for more which, they men by "the selective s* rvice- .boardswould becoiiie less schedule... - . > mand less reverses " 's °P'ni°n of the leaders of in the European the" ^ovement that a well organ ?ed theatre--made it er'uP is necessary in order to havenec^ ssarv -to start .'heir pleas recognized. Their*-ap.-. 1945 by issuing peals. will be nvade to the Office of Take Exainination West McHenry^-- - Herman. H. Feltz. Woodstock-- - 1941' was active in politic :1 fife and r.« for the office of coun y treasurer three , - a ^°'u * •*%*•'• u thought that their household would f , Besides his .wife. Miriam, he i» «ur- , . , . ; . 1 R - » L " J. •not Crotten up after all. when Republican chairmeny>r the four Jjowell/a prisoner"'of waV in 2Ger- n<>W °'rdet:< td *rea,l>' '""ease quotas hianv, and Edward, a high schtotl student avaitirg his call for servjcel sister.-: calls "more, fre- Defense Transportation and the Chi- 'luently and for caK° North Western railroad. Up more men. Manv tf> t^1's P°'nt we have heard only the :, homes were just v'ews -°f residents of ^his communstarting to breathe i :>'" It, ' should be interesting to : easier jn the watc^ further developments, especially the 'answer given by "the other side." - counties making up the Seventeenth Judicial circuit, including the counties of Lake. Boone. Winnebago and ^~thre"e bro^rs arid, on McHenrv, nvet last week and decided - " were i&sued. The one consolation is that by'losing mote men into uniform now, we may welcome them all htime s >oner in civilian clothes. HEBRON YOUTH DIES, OTHERS INJURED AS CAR SKIDS INTO TREE Jo! K rers. stationed at Great Lakes, visited his parents and friends h^re during the past week. FEB. 15 LAST DAY FOR FILING OF 19« / 1CRIPLE "A" REPORTS h ~ " " ' " i i _ : -- L • -- Harold -Reemer ,has been piromotsd * With more events scheduled than to the rank'of corporal at Guada!-" ever before in the history ot the canal, his friends will be happy to Gen*va" March of Dimes, the annual Fund- iearn. H. is still a base accountant. 4 Raising Appeal of the National writes home that'thev on* March 24, 1945, as thfe date for « APr,tr nv nriwrvc " > the convention to nominate three WlAlvL»ll UJ? Uiirlrjo Sunday afternoon bowling league, candidates for circuit/judges-in this CAMPAIGN BIGGER, ' Refreshments and entertainment com- district. BETTER THAN EVER mittees were! appointed for the se- The contention will be' called to. * cond meeting, which wiil be on order ^n the Lake county court house Wednesday Jr»if*it, Janutgy^84r-*t^ jri Waukegan at 2 p. m. t:30. * ! Voting strength of the four coun- . i. . . i..- • •• ties based on the November 7 elec- ' tion. is expected'to be a$ follows! , . McHenry _ Boone ..A2 »' Winnebago 53 . • - . La-ke' : "• -- -•••• 81v- •The final jlate for filing a report > *- ™ : , of 1944 production practices carried Total. .....1< out on the farms in McHenry county The county chiurmen attending the is February 15, 1945. John L. .Slaviin, >tihg last week, included Ju ge member of the county AAA commit- Henry L. tee in charge of ^he cons^>'Jt,^r| vide^ John" J." Spejlman of Wauke- "here American servicemen and wo- fe^ed a .nounced tnat ne na and Charles H. Davi^ Rock- men are fighting a global war. ,Many Lakes. - . -• A Hebron youth, Harold L. Leramerhirt. 20, was killed and five companions were injured,^ three serious-- ly. on Saturday morning. January 13. in an automobile accident which occurred-three miles sout i of Lake _ Arc ©n* Foundation for Infantile Paralysis joying summer theTe at the present was launched Sunday.. Jan. 14, by time but the days are very hot. So Basil O Cor.nor. pre-sident of the Na- rnuch so. in fact, that the Christmas tional Foundation, The appeal will cookie's sent to him got moldy enbe climaxed by hundreds of Birthday route. Harold's brother-in-law. George Parties and other celebrations on Levee, has not been heard from since President Roosevelt's birthday. Jan. December 30. and wil'j '.conclude on Jan. 31. Among those seriously injured was Lee .Lemmerhirt, 24. a brother of Harold and a staff sergeant in the air corps, stationed at Madison. Wis. ' I^e suffered internal injuries and shock was reported to be in a -serious condition in the Walworth county hospital at Elkhorn. Wis. , - Miss Margaret Kinney, 19, of Lake Cowlin of Crvstal Lake; Many March \o^Dimes, events are 10. He was stationed in '>uss . . p, , , Belgium at that time. ^ Geneva., and Earl Gleason. 20. of of the conservation Attorney Albert S. O'Sulfivan of Bel-'.scheduled dn >11 parts of the world ^ Gregory' Cairns._who recently. *nprogram ceived this word from the Illinois &an- of these events are adapted to the ! State AAA Office at Decatur, and he u^rald last week^^ particuJac Jocale, such ; as the '%ilo- Lieut. Raymond Albright, pilot of ' urged farmers to file their perform- The Crystal Lake Herald last *eek q{ d.^„ of a Mile.a_B_2- arrived safely overseas. Great Lakes, were alsl> seriously injured. The former suffered a skull fracture and the latter internal injuries. , - The accident occurred when the Lemmerhirt automobile skidded off the road between Genoa City and Lake Geneva Hmd crashed into a~ tree. MARRIAGE LICENSES Thorson Stanley F. Karmnskt Belvidere--T Kqfvneth A. McDonald Lloyd R. Collinson Union-- % Edwin W. Davis Lake, must certainly have made her Delivery ^O f New Telephone much brighter. And it is cheer-, Books Will Begin J an. 1# ful news, too, for even those, of us who have never tpet Vernon And Larry, for it helps^s Th' sbme" sma measure to forget the many casual ties of recent weeks. J!t£befye £ha2d° n^o-t* a?lr e9adTy d/o8n eP 0so83. ible'^ iT.cJ*ud"gede HUpennrryv ,IL^. ^oCwowHlinn' ss^qa,u.aahhffiiccaa- ^ Dimes in Italy, artd a March-of according to word received hy his Rjals (an Iraman coin ^rth abou: wife>. the former :Evelyn Schaefer. J. eligible for pay men s un er ions r , » ,. . 8 cents* in Iran instead of the March He was previously stationed in Ice-, v. . Wji* 1944 practice ptogram. cpoMSiya-. tng to «a Card parties, shooting land for I month j tion measures must be earned out ^e^ineT of Wednesday ^ con^estg danceg(^nd other events are » ! , . .. ' - dannj the 1944 calendar^vear. Mr. Lake j ge as • . being planned by various American Pvt. Charles Freund of Camp! John A. Schaefer, Chicago; 'fund Slavin explained. •• The lo-day lag m.nd .a, to ^whether he wil f £ foreign fields - Campbell. Ky" ehjoyrt • a ^cent j Carmen WatlaJ McH«ry. / jS^Vto fik ^Wir^S^fe^We ' that 'this information" comes direct The Fund-Raising Appeal through- three-day pass visiting his_wife and | L»ngley Bennett and Lottie Tice. ^" Ctyifii" from Judge Cowlin. out the United States will be marked family in Crystal Lake and his par- both of McHenry. -* V ' The county AAA commfttee mem- . Joalyn Enters R«e ^y more diversity tha^ ever before, ents here. , ; ' • - i ber went-oh to sav that- community In another column of this weeks While New 'iork Washington. Bos- , P..ty 'nnnri1 -mh* ten paid them a surprise visit." Later^ ^i>,i»jj»iww»l^l..1lifij^nmij;teemen coht^cted fajOT)j;rs:Ja,s^ 9;her «ew^- ^ton^ and - many, of the^other...la^y-^-J^^ffla 9T wu^icutn wno | ^iex was fortunate enough to meet 'OctobeF"'and November in an effort napers of the county. Attorney David eities. will, have their big Birthday formerly nmde her Tioi^e here, will C t Jatk Purve/, wh©; is serving M get . «p.r„7Terfor™^ of i')* of W<^,.ock m.ke, P.rtie9 u,»al. th« j! ^' i"-. h~piu! m " but .t no„„c,m.at ft-hi. candid,c>- for the event, ,n other .ecUon, of th^coun- WJfcJJ. Pjd . Mrs. Marshall . Mencel received word last Saturday that her brother,.. conservation practices. time many farmers had not yet com- WAR PRISONERS' ADDRESSES office. Delivery cf .the forthcoming: ,i?sue .'piered their-1944 practices, and were No announctjnent lias'w,,thus far suppers to concerts, theater parties of the telephone directory for M"- unable to make their report. come "fiho'm State's Attorney W illram ^pd .benefit sports evens, H^nry will begin Friday. He urged .every farmer who had M. Carroll as to whether'he willI be a. 1945. It will be set in the recently""not filed- his jperformanc«- practice„ re- candidate or not, but it is believed . levised Bell Gothic type, ^vhich is p0rt to do so\ how. and. at all events, that he will. ^ . v ^ -" DIITKS try range from cake-walks and pie a recent vfsfPf to her parents,' Mr. " " and Mrs. James Bouril, in TJfouth j Elgin. Wilfred H.'Mensching. is a prisoner Staff Sgt. Jack Powers, who had Tof th« He is now interned been overseas for several month,. wsiara Philippine military prison eamp. L, William Cai*ns, county hom^ service chairmnn, releases the foHowing information on letters addressed I Henry directory to promote a more easier to read. and- whi_ch was es- before February 15, 1945. All reports ->eeially designed for telephone di- ' should be made at the McHenry cotinrectories. It is be'Og- Msed, in this . ty ofTiee in Woodstock. and in subsequent issues of the-Mc-' ^ • '. c ported for. duty in California "this to men who have been reported as prisoners war. The following address is to be used only when a prisoner has been officially reported j-as a prisoner o£. writ: name and lank: United States prisoner of war . * • /"in Germanv; care of International Red Cross Directory J?*rvice; Geneva." ^Jgwitzeelgnd. /The . camp «ddress should be used as soon JIS it isf received. PLANS FOR FARM AND HOME WEEK CANCELLED Because cf the-recent government directive reearding conventions. Dean *. Hudelson of the University of Illirots has just informed the Pure Milk - association that the College of Agri- ^^mltnre has cancelled plans for Farm and Home Week, sohaduled to have tela r*eu.--3, T SifWi a.--There ^Will, therefore, b« no PMA awards this even^; ' convenient manner of finding listings. The type-face is larger and a "COTT- *rast in listings* is given ^>y setting he names in medium face and" fhe addresses in light face type. Former Station Agent At Woodstock Dies at 88 ' Mr Carroll made the race before, - ,. . , and lost out to Judge William M. I- M I 1 11 after Spf" "*.,1 y ana to.^ B .. n ^ f 1 • • lough visiting his -mother, Mrs. David Pierce in a photo finish. Attorney Mr_ and j|r3; Roy Reckwerdt »n-! powers. ; * •: ' ;-*i. • : nounce the birth of a daughter at ». Sherman hospital on 3^ ednesday, LeRoy ' Conway of " Jndianapoli ii Ind., is enjoying Joslyn' recently lost out in a clo race for the state supreme co One of the community's heroes, Albert Rodig. arrived hcime on Tuesday morning after eight months of set^rice overseas. During that time he participated in thint3'.-five missions " is the en Wednesday, from this, district • ... January 1 0 . ' • _ > • j I n d . T is e n j o y i n g - «" twetity-one^iay as a ball-turre: gunner. Be Another candidatejn^tbe offing is Mr> and» Mrs Elmer Hetterinann ; furl h here possessor of the good condwt. taeda.. . j : / ^ ' I County Judge Frank. A. Oakley of the parents of a daughter, born ; the European theatre ribfcor with, • Thomas F. Nolan. 88 years old. * B^lvidere. whose announcement »R* at the Woodstock hospital on Wedi.1 W.VM' nf v__ FHith two battle stars, the Distinguished i citizen of Woodstock .for m.ny yer... pe.red'recently .n the Belrtder. Re- . | t" .nS ™ "lyin, (W .nd th'. Air Msd.1 -ithdied on Saturday morning, Jan, 13, publican. . ... : A son was born on Sunday, Jan. i _ * . - , , «. . . Dav1 three Oak Leaf Clusters. AHer. ea~-- 1945. following a brief illness. At It is conc®d^ . b_^, Re^.^can 14. at St. Joseph's hospital, Chicago, ; D^ml^r l^nd left Chn tmas y . foving # twenty-one day furlough. for early age he entered the employ \ leaders that Circuit Judge -»nd Mrs. -Vernon Freund. t for C4mpi Robison, ArK., K ^ ^ win report to^Miamiv"Fla . for-- & North ^'esterh R. Dusher of Winnebago and Ralph --• "AGED SALESMAN DIES Services were held Monday . w.., an Clarene« H. Boynton. 96. at the home . Qf tj,e Chicago if his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Sober, rajiroad and served for many years in' Crystal Lake. Mr. Boynton- was i retired pharmaceutical salesman and one of the county's oldest residents. • \ J V NOTICE* . : y * Property owners are urgenwy^requested to clear snow from sidewalks ;n front of both improved and vacant nrop^rty. Care must be used to avoid covefitfg fire hydrants. 15-fp CITY OF M'HENRY. as station agent there. He retired from active kork eighteen years ago. In his your.ger days, before poor eyesight prevented, he took a great interest in public affairs, serving for a number of years as alderman and i D. Shurtleff. FIFTY-TWO DIVORCES GRANTED DURING 1944rtr A total of fifty-two homes were stationed. Jr^Dady of Waukegan will be renominated. The fight\is for third ^P.lace on the tickef. ^ ^udg- William Pierce is retiring frnm the ben^h *fter servimr since 'he death of the late Judge* Edward broken' up by divorce in McHenry 1 he will report ! re-assignment. is ngyr Clarence Etten has been transfer-[ . , - red from New York to Portsmouth.; 'Corp. Charles Thompson, wfco has Va.. and R. W. Nimtz from Norfolk, been spending a sick leave with his Va.. to New Orleans. " ! family, returned to DeWitt Oenera. Ntoed Rubber Stamps? .Qrder at Th« Flaindealerat on" time was a candidate for circuit clerk fcr the county. , FuneraL services were .held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 ^o'clock from the home, with burial ! in Mount Prairie, Wis. ---- - - A"rather/Jiyelv and snirited <^amnaign for the t'^ir-l place nn the ticket is in tta m-king. v-«th probably four candidates in the r«ce. County ponv^nMons to name delecounty during 1944, according to a report from the circuit court ; in Woodstock. This was four less than during the previous year, 1943. Sixty- nine divorce cases were filed in ' court, of which four were dismissed. . Second cook James Regner of the merchant maritime service is home on -furlough after spending fivs months in the southwest Pacific. hospital in California last week, Howard Voelta. who is statiogffi in a hospital at Great Lakes, recovering from wounds received a few months igo jn the Pacific, spent the Bob Kilday and Glenn Anderson, weekend with relatives gates will be held in the next few ; pour separate maintenance cases j had both been stationed in England '-- ' AtMnr mwm ifl lUSH flnn l • il.nnilt Jl^!« I Need Rubber Stomps^ The Plaindealer. Read the Want Adswere filed as against two in 1945 and j for twenty-eight tnonths without see- j 70seph Bucn of one annulment case granted during 1944. filed and j ig anyone else from McHenry until j been visiting relatives aad frieoda &+ |,s slh ortly after C~h ristmas A"•l ex J'u s- jin "Mc ~H enry this week.