Tire Failure - Heat is the natural enemy of rubber, which has resulted in a 20 per ' cent increase in tire failures in •ttmmer months in normal times. AUCTION •¥T Charles Leonard, Auctioneer • Tlfp ntw owner having dccided to sell the'- personal property originally owned by Frank Krohn ofcjhe Wil- ••<1 Cetor Prodactioa - TOngsten oxide is used in glass and porcelain manufacture" for 'the production of colors. '• HERMAN WILLIG , AUCTION THOMAS M. RAFTER. Auctoneer Phone Woodstock 262 * The 'undersigned Ihaving decided to quit fanning, will sell at public aucliam Forest Farm. 4 Ms" miles west of | tion on the farm known as the Fred Woodstock, Ihk rjjiles east of Har- | Smith Farm, three Grilles southwest vard. on U. S. Highway Route No. 14 (a* Wopdstock. one mile south of the Dietz Corners, on FER '28" J - .on WEDNESDAY. the following described personal j SATURDAY; F1 24 j commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp I the following described property, towit: -X 24 HEAD OF LlVBSTOClg of 'J' " vproperty, to-wit: 62. HEAD OF LIVESTOCK , u'C" "f 'consisting of ' 40 Head of Cattle '/ 3 fresh cows; 14 springers; 2 heifers ; balapce milkers| one Holstein a number of-whfcK • 4-year-old bay gelding, wt, 1300 will ^ fresh by sale date! •' " "*~L "' "2 heifers coming 2 years old. : yTeahi of bay mares, 6. and 7 years Holstein bull, 18 months oUt Vj^d/weight 3000 lbs..- f i 3 Duroc brood sowfc*' > V. *,'j„ 3 Horse* / . ' J>:; ?• and Machinery 1 1K T<T of *J.ack geldm^ wi; i(^0 ,. ';,24Q shocks of corn; 300 bu. otf^bs.; ^ «•"»* wt" 1400 lbs. 5 tons hay; 8 tons com in crib; lG ft; silage. McCormick Deering H .tractor with power lift cultivator; tandem disc; 7 ft.; 2 B 14-in. tractor plow; McCor- *mick Deering 'corn binder; McCormick Deering hay loader;' Osborn iPPv. White Rock pullets. Corn and Machinery ' 100 bu. of ear corn; 450 shocks of corn. Deering grain drill corn, binder; Emersoir with grass seed attachgrain binder; International manure ment; John Deere mower; dump spreader; International silo filler; rake; vMcCormick-Deering 2-bottom Appleton 4-row corn shredder. tractor plow, i4-in.; tractor disc; 2- ' Deering hay mower; John Deere section steel drag; single row culti- 999 corn plarfter; 7-ft.. Imperial grain vator; 2-row cultivator. drill; new sit double harness; old McCormick-Deering hay loader; set double harness; 3 collars. steel wheel wagon and "rack; steel .Clean Easy Cary milking machine, wheel wagon and box; John Deere double unit; 9 'milk cans; milk pail corn planter, 80 rods of wire; McCorand strainer; Surge water heater; 2 mick-Deering 8-roll corn husker; wash tanks; 2 wagons; dump rake; New Idea manure spreader; 2 sets of wagon box; hay rack; 50 ft. drive harness; lOXf fti of hay rope; grab belt; 40 ft. silo pipes; 6-ft. distribut- fork. 'ing pipes; 150 ft. hay rope; hay fork Gas engine and pump jack; tank ^and pulleys; grain bags, shovels and heater; 2 double units, milking maforks; also many articles too numer- chine, Universal; sterilizing tanks, ous to mention ^ pails and strainer; 12 milk cans; TERMS -- All sums of $25 and brooder house, 9x12; brooder stove, under that amount, cash; over that Forks, shovels and many t)ther aramount a credit of sit months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly mak;e arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. tides too numerous to mention. Household Equipment Heatrola heating stove; quantity of household furniture. . - ^ T .' Pile of wood. • . rpv • „ , J. , , . . J TER MS -- All sums of $25 and , clerked and managed juncjer that amount, cash; over that amoufit a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on ri'otes approved by ^he clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. HERMAN WILLIG Owner First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking by the First National Bank of Woodstock GARRELTS' * AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone 478 IV Farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell on farm known as the Pat Quinlan farm, located % mile south of Hartland near the County Home, 5 miles northwest of W^od- •tock, 1 mile north of U. S. No. 14, the Hartland Road, on MONDAY, FEB. 26 commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp • tiie following described, property towit: ' ; . ' • '* t J* HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 16 - Milk Cows . HAYDEN AUC TION Ahumberof which are fresh, bal- CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone 478, Large Pork LOTS More than 4,000,006 pounds of pork were wasted last year, when 54,264 hogs were found dea^ on arrival at the stockvards JOHN OWfcN AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Phone 478 Having "sold my farm and decided t<Kfluit farming, I will sell at public auction on farm located 3% mi. north of Woodstock, 1 mile east of Route 47 and 2 miles southwest of Greenwood, on ' SUNDAY, FEB. 25r •if. •' • ;* , commencing at 12:30 p. m. sharp the following described property, to-wift ; 41 HEAD OF LlV^SQOCK £. - , consisting of v34 "Cows . : T ^ . 10 of which are very fine "Brown Swiss 2rid arid 3rd calf heifers. One bull wonderfully bred, registered Holstein.. 1 pr. pure Bred Belgium mares, 4 and 5 years old, weight 1700 lbs. each. An outstanding pair of mares. • 7 feeder pigs,': , '•'•-'100 laying . - , Feed . 700. ho. .ear eoni in cribj lS tons baled mixed hay; 10 tons baled straw. -3 Machinery McD. 22-36 tractor on rubber; J. D. 3-bottom tractor plow; J. D. 2-bottom tractor plow, 16-in.; J. D. manure spreader; J." D. 8-ft. tandem tractor disc; McD. silo filler with 50 ft. filler pipe; J. D. corn hinder; single row corn cultivator. Disc single row cultivator; 3-section wood drag; 7-ft. horse disc; steel wagon and rack; McD. horse mower with tongue trucks; 2 steel* wheel wagons with box; rubber tire wagon with hay rack; McD. grain binder' with enclosed gear, nearly new. ,8-ft! grain drill". Breeching harness, nearly new; 2 steel hog feeders; 3 wood hog feeders; 4 individual hog houses; wood stock tank. RINGWOOD •Si 'Dairy Equipment milking machine 1.0 milk comr cans; Universal plete with* pipes; strainers; pails, etc. TERMS -- All sums of $25 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved "by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for., JOHN OWEN • Owner First National Hank of Woodstock, Clerking ' (By Helen. Johnson) ' Mrs. James Bell spent several days last week with Mr. and .Mrs. Everett Hunter of McHenry. • Charles Vogel of Brodhead, WiSv, called oh his sister, Mrs. -Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Sunday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago spent the weekend wi:h «Me. and Mrs. John Skidmore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison spent Sunday with Mrs. Edith Faulkner of Wilmot. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlien are spending several weeks at their home in Ringwood. t Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. Ed Peet spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Qpy Wiedrich and children called on Albert Schultz of Genoa City Sunday. . Cpl. Stanley Moss of Evanston spent the weekend with S/Sgt. Le- Roy Neal, the two men were overseas together.' • , « The P. T. A. will meet at the school Thursday evening, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abendroth, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wagner and Sandra and Mildred Munshaw,, all of Elgin, were guests of Mrs. Jennie Bacon Sunday. Edith Harrison of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.H-R. C. Harrison. , Pvt. John Cristy of Camp Blanding, Fla., is spending a furlough with his family in Woodstock and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Sunday dinner guests in the Alan Ainger home at Greenwood Sun-; day. v Bob Leonard of Marietta, Ga., was a Sunday guest in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and^Mrs; James Bell were supper guests Wednesday evening in the Harold Bell home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney of Chicago spent the weekend in the Roy Neal home. * * Sgt. liaVerne Harrison of Camp Atterbury, Ind., visited his mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, and his sister, Mrs, J. C. Pearson and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Ar- .nold Huff of Greenwood Friday evening. » Henry Wraage of Chicago was a guest of Loren Harrison» over the -weekend. score and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and) L. |7. Hawley prizes for low scores. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Greenwood were callers in$' Alden Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Paloska of Antiocn and ' John Rauen and Louis Freund of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors in the James Bell home. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., returned home Sunday from Albert Lea, Minn., where he had spent the week. Mlf^and Mrs. Lonnie Smith 'ana Mr/ and lVtrfe. Chancey Harrison celebrated their wedding anniversaries at a dinner in the Harrison home Sunday. Mrs. Frank Wattles and Glen of McHenry were out- of towrt guests. , - Eugene, the infant son of Pvt. and Mrs. John Cristy was baptized in the If. E. church by Rev. Dickson, Sunday morning. S/Sgt. LeRoy Neal left Tuesday fair Miami, Fla., after spending a 21-day furlough with his parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison and Edith and Mrs. Clarence Harrison attended memorial services for Robert Lindgren at the Trinity Lutheran church in Harvard, Sundsfy afternoon.; ;;. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ramaeker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low, Helen Wieser, Alice Mae Low and Dave and Claire Ramaeker were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas of McHenry Sanday evening. . ' Mr, and Mrs. L. L. Smith and children were guests in the William Wurtzinger home in Woodstock Tuesday evening. J. G. STEVENS, County Treasurer. and Ex-Officio County Collector of McHenry County, Illinois. COUNTY TREASURER'S SALE State of Illinois, • County of McHenry. ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. The People of the State of Illinois, Plaintiff, vs.* Virginia 'Slorner^, Samuel A. Maxwell and Edward E. Maxwell, Defendants. In Chancery--Complaint to Foreclose Tax Lien--General No. 30342. Public notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by said Court, in the above entitled cause, on the 13th day of February, "A. . D. 1945, and in pursuance of the provisions of "The Revenue Act of 1939," in force July 1, 1939, of the Revised Statutes of YOLO (By Mrs, Lloyd Fisher) . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson axe numbered .on the ^ sick list at this Writing. ' , / Mrs. Harold Kudzinskt, Mr»V Eugene Prior and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called on Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Saturday, Mrs. Fisher being confined to her home at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family of Capron, 111., Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and daughter, Nona Jane, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Charles and daughter of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwel] daughter, Winifred, and Allan Dimon of McHenry enjoyed turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Sunday. Mrs. Everett Ritta, daughter, Marjorie, and Lieut. Cecil Neal of Mundelein visited Mr. and Mrs. Williatt Wirts Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitacek ami son of Barrirfgton visited Mr. ani Mrs. Walter .^Vasey Wednesday evei>» ing. ' 1 . Need Rubber Stamp#! The, Plaindealer. Order «§ lemon Juice Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic. artkri»' • tU or neurftia pain, try this nmple>> ine^peiuive borne recipe 1 that thouund«%' afe uaing. Get a package of Ru'Ei Compound, a 2 week*' tupply today. it with a quart ' of water, add the*: juice of 4 lemon*. It's easy, p!ea*antr and no trouble at all. You need onlv ) tafelespoonfuU two times a day. Often*: 48 hours -- sometimes over. w splendid results are obtained.'-' If the pains • do- not quickly ' leaved * and if you da net ied better, Ra-Ext will cost you nothing: to try as it ' sold by your dnig|j^L .under an aliaowf, lute money'back guarantee. Ru-Ea Compound is for sale |gd recommended hr. THOMAS BOLGlBR, Draggist and Drag Stores Everywhere, * AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned having rented her farm, will sell at public auction on the farm formerly known as the Eppe] farm, 6 miles west of Woodstock, 2 miles west and 1 mile south of Bubbling Over, 6 miles southeast of Harvard, on . TUESDAY, FEB. 27 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp a full line of good farm machinery ai follows: g, Consisting of ^nce close springers; 4 head of heif- Practically all new farm machinery. *rs, 18 to 24 mos. old; 6 head of heif- «rs, 16 to 18 mos. old; 3 heifers, 3 to 6 mos. old; 1 pure bred Holstein -bull,' with papers. 5 Horses -- Gray team, 6 and 7 yrs. old, wt. 3300; gray colt, 3 yrs, McCormick-Deering F-30 tractor on new rubber; McCormick 3-bottom 16 i". ^tractor plow; McCormick-Deering 110-ft. tractor disc, new; McCormick old; gray colt, 2 yrs. old; 2 sets of j Deering F-30 tractor cultivator with work harness. 5 hogs lbs. rom. 175 to 200 Hay, Grain and Machinery 900 bu. of ear corn, DeKalb 404-A in crib; 15 tons of alfalfa hay; 15 tons of silage in a 14-ft. silo; 6 tirtis baled straw; 10 tons, of baled stalks. • . f F-20 Int. tractor on rubber; traccoi; n power lift; 2»sets of extra cultiyjator shovels. ~ 9-ft. McCormick-Deering tractor grain drill with fertilizer and grass seed attachment, good as new; 2-rubber tire roller bearings wagons (prewar rubber); with tractor and horse hitch; McCormick-Deerirtg manure spreader, new; John Deere No. 62 pickup hay chopper, new; New Idea side rake; Van Brunt 8-ft. grain Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on the John King farm, located at Johnsburg, 4 miles northeast of McHenry, on TUESDAY* MARCH 6 . beginning at. 12:30 o'clock, the following described property, to-wit: 25 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK / consisting of tor cultivator; Case tractor plow, 14- ! drill with grass seeder; Easy Way in.; 8-ft. John Deere disc;. 2-row Mo- ' l>®y loader; , Allis-Chalmers 3-botline horse drawn cult.; 1-row Moline ^°m 14-in. plow; double geared pump horse cultivator; walking cultivator; j*ck and force pump; 2 flare yragon 8-ft. drill; Int. corn planter; 5-ft. iboxes.* New Idea mower; side delivery rake; i 44'ft. portable ^levator on trucks New Idea hay loader; McCormick with distributor "pipes and wagon corn binder; 8-ft. McCormick grain hoists; Speed Jack and knuckles; binder; 2-sec. iron drag; 4-roll Apple- Western Sprocket tractor ouTtipacker; l"" corn Tiusker; New Idea manure ; 4-section drag with folding , evener; *• . spreader; Hammer King feed grind- heavy duty wagbo jack;'extra set of er; 3 steel wheel wagons; 2 racks; tractor wheels; tnfc^or tire fwesaure grain box; ^75 ft. .^drive. endless^^ belt," pump:' . . v\ The above is all practically „ new ^ Bob sled; pig feeder; Sears electric ! machinery and this will be- an oppor- *» ience control; double unit DeLaval ' tunity to get your farm needs and j Sterling milker with pump and pipe equipment in first class condition, line for 32 cows; Challenge elec. .hot i4 , ' Seed Corn and Straw water heater; 2 tanks, sterilizing and | 4 bu. of 1944 Pfeister No. 366 seed - -l.nnse; 11 milk cans, pails and strain-I Cern; 3 bu. of 1944 Pioneer 330-seed er;' silage cart; 600-lb. scales; numerous small tools;, round steel brooder house, 500 chick gizej oil •brooder stove. 300 capacity. * *7"" Furniture 2 round dining room tables; kitclien cabinet; 2 stoves, Glow Boy circulating wood and coal heater, and 1 Peninsular cook stove; 2 beds; 1 "springs; dresser; one cot; sideboard;' several dozen fruit jars and bottles; 26-in. balloon bicycle; Liberty. ! under that amount, cash; over that corn; 22 bales of straw. Miscellaneous Articles " * Wheelbarrow; 100 cedar posts, 46 ft. extension ladder*; Morning Glow heating stove;.2 dressers; one bed. Chickens and Equipment / 52 laying hens. Electric brooder; r chicken feeders and waterers. ; •; • 1 Holstein cow.' , * " * TERMS -- All sums of $25 and 16 Holstein dairy cows, 4 new milkers, 2 with calves by side and 8 close springers, balance good producing. Four heifers, due to freshen in March. One 3-yr.-old Holstein bull, 1 heifer, 6 mos. old, Holstein. HORSES -- 3 horses, one bay mare, 10 yrs. old, 1300 lbs.; bay gelding, weighing 1100 flbp., 11 yrs. old; black gelding, 1700 lbs., 10 yrs. old. One set breeching harness, 2 new collars, 1 extra single harness. , 100 AAA White ^Leghorns, last year's pullets. * . ' Hay, Grain and Machinery 400 bales alfalfa hay* 400 bales straw; 100 shocks soy beans in^field; 3 tons loose alfalfa hay; 100 baells [ cut corn stalks; 300 bushels Vickland seed oats; 7 tons good hard ear* corn; 1|| ft. silage in 12x40 silo. Buckeye broadcast seeder; McD corn binder; bundle carrier; 2:horse single row cultivator; 2 hand cultivators; -New Idea manure spreader, lilfe new; McD. "hay loader, ste^l apron, like new; Mctjfc mower, 5-ft. cut; side delivery rake; hay dump rake; steel wagon with hay rack; bo6 sleigh; 1933 Chevrolet 1^-ton dump truck, good tires; hand plow; hog feeder; 2 barrels; battery operated electric fen€e; Ford tractor with Ferguson system,, rubber, new last year, with tractor plow; 2-bottom 14-in. tractor tandem disc; 14-ft. tractor, 2-row cultivator; horse disc, nearly new; 16-ft. 3-sec. drag, nearly new; 6-ft. McD. grain binder; McD. com' planter with 80 rods wire; electric water heater; 2 wash tanks, pails,"Strainer, 7 iiiilk cans; electric brooder for 250 chicks; coal brooder for 50o chicks; 5-gal. water fountain; 2-gal. water foun-. tain; 3-gal. water fountain; 2 silo baskets; 6-ft. chicken feeder; 160 ft. hay rope with pulleys; grindstone; AUCTION One mile northeast of Wauconda, on tile north shore of Bangs Lake, opposite Maiman Subdivision, being 3 miles west of Ivanhoe, • J, miles south of Volo, on MONDAY, FEB. 26 * at 12 o'clock CATTLE--13, fiead choice Holstein cows, 3 close springers, 5 cows fresh past 40 days; two 2-yr-old bred heifers; two 15-mo. open heifers; yearling heifer; Holstein bull, 16 mos. old. V HORSES -- Team of horses. • FEED -- 215 bu. oats, 500 bu. •aeorn, 7 ton baled hay, 10 ton baled straw. MACHINERY -- New McD 6-ft. mow$r; new dump rake; new wagon and rack;- sulky cultivator; 2 McD corn binders; 2 wagons; seeder; disc; pump jack and 2%-hp. gas engine; electric fence controller; electric water heater; cans;- sterilizing tanks, etc. TERMS -T- All sums of $25 and under that amount, cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on 'notes approved by the cleijk. Anyone de-. siring credit kindly i make arrangements before purchase is made. No ~ property to be removed until settled • for. ; ' »' , THEODORE GARRELTS Owner - , 5 - First National 'Bank of Woodstock, • ' Clerking The "500" club was entertained at1 the State of Illinois, and amendthe K. E. Cristy home Thursday eve- ments and laws relating thereto, I, ning. Mrs, B. T. Butler and Andy j. g. Steven^ County Treasurer ana Hawley received prizes for high Ex-dflFicio County Collector of McHenry County, .will, on ^Saturday, the 17th day " of March, A. D. 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, Central* War Time, at the East front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, all and singular,, the following discribed premises and real estate in Baid Decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said De- At*AA . +A-wit" PARCEL I. All that part of the Southwest quarter of the North West quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Forty- five (45) North, Range Six (6), East of the third Principal Meridian, bounded and^described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at an iron stake at the Wfest quarter corner of said Sec. Twenty-three (23); thence East on the quarter Section line, 983 feet; thence North no degree ar)d 23 minutes West, 216.5 feet to an iron stake for a place of beginning; thence West parallel to the quarter Section line, 510.9 feet to the Northeasterly line of the Chieago and Northwestern Railroad Company's right-of-way; thence Northwesterly along said right-of-way, 364.6 feet to an iron stake; thence East parallel to the quarter Section line, 748 feet to an Iron stake; thence South one-half degree West, 277 feet to the place of beginning; also PARCEL II. Part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty- ^hree (23) bounded and described ^as follows, to-wit: Starting at an J iron stake at the West quarter corner of said Section Twenty-three (23); thence East on the quarter Section line, 983 feet for a place • of beginning; thence North, no degrees and 23 minutes West, 216.5 feet to aft iron stake; thence West parallel to the quarter Section line, 30 feet; thence South, no degrees and» 23 minutes East, 216.5 feet to the quarter Section line; thence - East • our* the quarter Section line, 30 feet to the place of beginning, pll situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry,' and State of Illinois. Dated, Woodstock, Illinois, February 19, 1945. ° J.G.STEVENS, County Treasurer and "Ex-Officio County Collector of McHenry County, Illinois. . • <* , WILLIAM M. CARROLL, State's Attorney in and for the County of McHenry and State of Hlinois, Attorney for Plaintiff. /•Pub. Feb. 22-March 1-8) _ Soem household furniture, including table top gasoline stove. EARL JAC0BSON, Owner. Froelich ft Wicks, Aucts. - ' *""" Public Auction Service Co.-, ;Clerking. AUCTION On the old McHenry Rd., being/2 mi. northwest of Hwy. 22, Vb mi. southeast of Hwy. 63, 2 mi. northeast of Lake Zurich, 5 mi. west of Half Day, 7 mi. southwest of Mundelein, on . t• " • /'. , TUESDAY; FEEL 27 at 1 o'clock " . ^ ,-- 30 young Holstein and Guernsey cows, consisting of 2 cows with calf by side, 14 springers, 6 cows recently fresh. There are 20 first and second \:alf heifers in this dairy; 2 Holstein heifers, springing, 26 mos. old; 1 Guernsey heifer, bred, 2 yrs. old; 1 Guernsey heifer, open, long yearling; 2 heifer calves, 6 mos. old. HORS 4 yrs. oi t»IGS 125 lbs. IS -- Dapple grey gelding, bay gelding; wt. -1300 lbs. 10 shoats, average. wt. FEED -- 600 bu. ear corn; 50 shocks corn; 2 ton baled hay; large amount of shredded fodder (may be baled by sale time). MACHINERY, TRUCK; MISC.-- F-.20 tractor (rubber in front) M-D stationary hay baler; Int. hay loader; shovels, pitch forks, scraper, barn j 8-ft. cultivator; 6-ft. McC grain binamount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to* be removed until settled for. , „ '• ANNA M. ~HAYDEN, „ Owner WILLIAM HAYDEN, Manager First National Bank of Woodstock, y-y. broom, many other items and small tools too numerous to mention; also some household furniture. TERMS -- All sums of $25 and under that amount, cash; over that amount accredit of-six months at 6 per cent will be extended x>n notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, .kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. ' ' >~J©SEPH KINCT"^^ ~ Weet McHenry 8tate Bank, ' der; 3-sec. iron drag; 1931 1%-ton Model A Ford truck (good tires, mechanically good) j'^Dairy Maid electric water* heater; ^^sterilizing tanks; 10 milk cans; cream separator; elec-- trie chum; B & D V4-iri. heavy duty electric drill; saddles; kitchen range; 20 large trees cut up in post lengths. USUAL TERMS. ~* ^F. N. REED, .,Owner , " Froelich,"Wick A Chandler, Aoet. Clerk . First Commodore Com. John 6arry, first commodore of the continental navy^ went to sea at the age of 11. He was one of the first merchant marinl officers commissioned, by the" continental ^congress for defense of the colonies. , "" Launder with Chestnvte A suitable laundry soap can be made out of chestnuts, according td an Amsterdam Nazified newspaper. This is the formula:. "Dry chests nuts, remove husks, and grate the kernels. After boiling the kernels, press the mass through a sieve. The liquid thus obtained must be mixed .with warm water, after which it is ready for use." Hovyever, the paper warned, this "e^stftr" should not be uied- lbr fine fabrics. T"'i -Tr'--'i i*V i] V •--rm*1!"---I-- ---!--'• v.* •* .t". WOMEN WANTED - . . 1 ; r " 1 " I " I I I ; A v-„ . • . . •• ••••o. . ; For work iii Tent Factory f f McHenry Teqt & Awning Co. Telephone 37 - 200 Riverside Drive Dancing Saturday Mights AT MUELLER'S CREAMERY TAVERN ON ROUTE 176, AT BURTON'S BRIDGE Music by BEN THONNESON'S ORCHESTRA WE SPECIALIZE IN BAR-B-Q RIBS * j JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOK WOOL rBLOWN IN" your attic Sidewalls by The WALLFILL CO. ^ 16 Years Experience HOME INSULATION FREE ESTIMATES LEO J. STILLING 200 E. Pearl St., PHONE ,J8, MCHENRY TOUR BUILDING MATERIALS DEALEll ire 311 E. Elm St., McHenry Phone McHenry 424 24-HOUR SERVIOB ;,:A SPECIALIZING IN FARM TRACTOR TIRES AND TRUCK TIRES ^K>ODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES - \ GOODYEAR BATTERIES Recap Smooth Tires t i OPA warns motorists to recap smooth tires now. Car owners who do not heed this OPA warning run the risk of not getting new tires! Get FIRESTONE FACTORY-METHOD RECAPPING Gil tractor, truck and passenger car tires, all sizes. FIRESTONE Passenger Car and Truck Tires and Tubes --all sizes. Remember--Tubes are not rationed. FIRESTONE BATTERIES to fit all cm and truck* , ^ We allow $2 for^our old battery. ~• FIRESTONE SPARK PLUGS, RADIATOR HOSE and . . . FAN BELTS. ( Special price on Firestone Spark " V Plugs--49c. , ' • • * .FIRESTONE Super-Antifreeze, per gallon, $1.26. - OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING AND REPAIRING v BATTERY CHARGING MAIN 8T.; WEST M'HENRY r n , PHONE 294 TT I . •'