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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1945, p. 5

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Villi' a*** >,^>T»(i,aBg»» ftjr£> < # fairly W»1L BQWUHO 1I0TS8 ty playoff, I prospects for month ? All for if- #& HEAR' by EARL R. WALSH Th« following letter comes from Captain Leslie W. Krieger: » i Earl: |l' There is something strange, some r thing different about the fear in- : • •'•• • stilled in you by the robot bomb. It ^ no equal among weapons of wai in producing undeterminable damage to lives, property and . . . human minds., This murderous creation of ;*V I the Teutonic mind, over a period of time, acts as a termite nibbling eony> T~v 8taiitly ^be very foundation of "h77? your nervous system. No one ever P •* becomes "hardened" to robot attacks. Eleven solid weeks, in an area 1 "wroed in" for a robot barrage-- twenty-four hours a day--is comparable, in my opinion, to suffering - ' l l£ tortures of medieval times. ' !•:'^ Sleeping, eating and working with • half your mind in the sky is demor- " alizing. To concentrate on the future possibilities of this weapon, still in its infancy, is frightening beyond description. It has practically elim- | inated all natural barriers of geo* graphical security to date. Have you ever wondered what seil- . ' sations the human mind is subjected to by this most dreaded weapon of modern warfare, the Flying . Bomb-T ' Stand with,mfe, in'your imagination, and sweat one "out. '• : Far off in the distant sky a low , v .TOMMY. That's from Tommy" Thomas. He never loses interest in sports activities at MCHS. We hope the Plaindealer catches up to you to give you all the ddpo on oar basketball team, "Tommy." It's a dull week for "Muggsy" Wattles when he doesnt get some free advertising in this column^ "Nothin' in the paper this week," says he. But, we're wise to his game. Our rates per line are going up.. • We frtaed "Red" Wtalwt hi a •visit with John Dreymiller this week at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Ws expected to find him at death's door. But, there was John sitting up, big as life, talking with a beautiful nurse. You know what saved John? A couple of Irishmen gave him blood transfusions. MCHS WARRIORS WIN DISTRICT MEET AT DEMON Come From To Beat St. Mary's Of Woodstock, 38-33 cjmrSm 8COR&S TWtOtoGH 8fcTUll>AY OF LAST WEEK There were 1.18 lli^tr yards of woolen goods per capita available fbr civilian consumption in IMS, as. •gainst yards in 1937. Ladies • O-Clocfc- • Freunds Farmerettes, 3--Barbians Butcherettes, 0. G. Barbian, 194-479; J. Kralowetz, 423; L. Thennes, 420; A. Freund, 197-446. African Druggists, 2--Bridge, 1.1 P. Miller, 417; M. Krause, 193-460; R. Marshall, 179-434; II: Kinsala, 403; M. Green, 178-448. City Lean*-- < i Grew Fast Tonyan Construction Co., 2--Walsh,/ of the largest cit&s ht the rnsurtince, 1. Us Bacon, 530; W. i world for her age, BO-yearold Tonyan, 215-555. i Seattle, Wash., has a population of McGees Clothing, 8--Meister Brau, 817.°°°- The city was founded by 1 210-203-593; IF THERE was a matter of a ftnillion dollars at stake and you, as manager, had to pick the greatest one-game pitcher for a particular contest--what hurler would you select? Years ago I asked Connie Machwthis question and he had a ready answer. His pick was Charles Albert Bender, the Chippewa Chief, "the wiry Indian who was not only a great pitcher but always at his best "when the blue chips were an the line. ~ "We've had some pretty fair pitchers on the Athletics in our time," Connie said. "I mean Rube Waddell, Lefty Grove, Eddie Plank, Herb Pennock, George Earnshaw, and jnany others. Some Of these undoubtedly had more stuff 'than««€hief Bender )iad. put Bender 'jrras always at his t>eak in a game you had to win. On that AraattaadMea one day you knew he would be at his best--and the million dollars would only key him up '•--not let him down. "I know there have been better _TI t pitchers over a season or through I Weber, 197-529; Leo Winkel, 191-j618; Lose Quality Since canned fruits and vegetables that are kept too long lose considerable nutritive value, as well as appetizing color, flavor and even texture, wise housewives use up supplies, from one canning season to the next. F. Unti, 188-508; B. Grimelli, 180- i A" ?_<!nnr ®?d * 8m®U. C. Carr, 190-532; Gus ' of • j OA1 cco ; on Alki Point m 1851. With little R ..' t- ' aut,. T 'ceremony, the city was named Bridge ^vern'.^-Mc 1 H 7 e"ry Lu™" "Sealth," after the friendly Siwash w c IS.a Indian Chief, but gradually became Schreiner, 201-517; W. Schlitt, 510. -- - Alexander Lumber Co., 2 -- Sip Snack Inn, 1. Dr. Van DenBurgh, 204-499; H. v Smith, 228-,5^§|. Ayt Krause, fit! *Jv Match--•. 'Seattle" because of its easier pro nunciation. Sheep Treatment Experiments conducted Jby the _. U. S. department of agriculture and Althoff Hdwe., 2601--Buss Motor j b7 workers elsewhere in the United Girls, 2152. Ralph Bennett, 209- j SUtes as well as in Canada, Aus- 178-209-596; Lao Stilling, 209-563; jEngland and Denmark, have B e t t y W e b e r , 1 7 9 - 4 8 5 . j • ™ e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f , p. j phenothiazine for the removal of q q p i several species of nematodes from Freunds, 2-Smiths, 1. A1 Ton- j J*Jj*®8?™. of J * effective against the common stomach worm, the lesser stomach worms, the bankrupt worms, the hookworm tod the large-mouthed 1 1 w Blowholes is lee Whales live through the winter, by keeping blowholes op~n in/the ice. Bog Booses.fey the MOe A large lumber company in Iowa fecently demonstrated the extent to which tiie pre-fabrication of portable farm buildings is^ .being developed. One design of hog house had been repeated 400 times and the houses, i® 'eet in size, provided shelter for 12,000 sows. It was computed that placed end to end the {houses would extend almost a mile and three quarters. Nine carloads of lumber and 800 gallons of paint were Included in the materials used. Iii making tosh on tap triLjjftf. 1 range, never let the meet pah " '{'*'?&.: ally boil. Let' the sauce do the'bieB> - -is." ing and add the leftover meat ^ long enough before tmrvimg thoroughly. Otherwise the. meat' Farm Taxes Farmers paid about the same real estate taxes per acre during 194S as they did in the middle 30s, point* for taxes during the de] sion period* Little variation shown last year over 1942, whed taxes were about the same as tat. 1934. yan, 205-189-198-592; Gus Freund, 211-183-210-604; H. G. Weber, 203- 528; Ed Smith, 555. A spirited, well-directed MCHS basketball team beat St. Mary's of Woodstock at Hebron last Friday rumbling sound is audible and, ag^in, j night 38 to 33 to win the District destruction and death ride the sky-1 Tournament and earn the right to lanes seeking those who have over- compete in the Regional meet at played their luck. Those in its path J Dundee this week. freeze into statues of fear as eyes j McHenry ^eliminated Hebron in search the horizon for the terrifying I the first 8tep of their march toward glimpse of this 2.000-pound Dynamite , the finals> came a hard tussle Express. Fate has picked its target , with the hustling Richmond five, s&mewhere and, with its devastating Richmond started off like a house explosion, bodies will be mutilated, afire and ran up an u to 2 first disintegrated, and stilled in death. qUarter advantage before McHenry As quickly as these thought* race could catch any 8parks from their through your mind the robot speeds 0pp0nent8. The second quarter toward you. j found McHenry getting the rangie It is visible now. The plane-like ; as they climbed,JtO within two points features can be distinguished against;of Richmond, the., solid gray. the winter sky. With Murphy and Whitinp teamand»rrhing. vellow-red flatn'e ing at guard and sparkling on both ,1'outmK from the robot's tail spits offensive and defensive play, the defiance at humanity.« It is impos- j. Warriors ran up a decisive advantage sible ten reckon, its course or judge in the third quarter. The final score its fall as some robots dive earth- j was 35 to 23. ward with their motors still throb-1 ^Then came St. Mary's! : many years. But in a pinch where the pressure was heavy, where the stake was high, Bender was a hard man to beat. And he would be just as cool and as relaxed for a million as he would be for a: dime." After this talk, I put the same problem up to Frank Frisch, on vthe smartest men baseball has #Ver produced, . one of its .grggptcsl competitors.^ - • ' -r---• Winkels, 2 Stillings, ^ 1. H bowel worm. Unlike other anthel W. Tonyan, 230-561; J. C. Thies, 196- 501; C. Stilling, SSIp • Old Timers-- Freunds, 2225--Adams, 2210. V. Jones, 192-483; N. Carlson, 500. Rogers, 2439--Smiths, 2384. J. 1 j Perkins, 198; F. Rogers, 208-544; J. Sayler. 192-181-175-548; J. Cristy, 202-510. „ mintics previously available for use against parasites of sheep, phenothiazine is also effective against the nodular worm. The drug is slightly effective for the removal of the tread-necked strongyles and the whipworm, |>ut is wholly ineffective for the removal of capillarids, tapeworms and liver flukes, ' Facial Surgery Johnsburg-- American and German plastic sur- Jacksons, 2--Smiths, 1. B. Mar-, ®re probably using the same tinec, ^198-510; Geo. Jackson, 195- .methods'^ of facial surgery to cope 486; Leo Smith, 495. t™>th casualties of two kinds: those Foxes , 3--Fretts, 0. B. Miller. °ur,I?ed' in ^plan** crashesx or in 51«; S. Freund, 213^14,-Jo. Errtt! ?«! •tr bing, some glide for a distance after | f St. Mary's put on a great display their powder dies, some circle back of determination in beating St. fedwhile others just whisper in without i ward's of Elgin in the semi-finals warning. A treacherous, tricky i and entered the game against Mcweapon as puzzling as the German . Henjry still going full steam ahead, mind. (--"""Ebng shots by Taylor upset the As the roaring finger of death {best plans of our home team and comes nearer, nearer and NEARER before order could be restored our faces become masks molded by ter- boys found themselves trailing 15 rifying fear and agonising premoBi- to 8 at the end of the first period, tions. Your body becomes locked ^ WPhhiil e the game* was nip-and-tuck right\up to the last minute. McHenry outscored St. Mary's in each Of the! three remaining quarters. Sinking high, looping shots frtyp ' the corner when apparently well-covsi in a vise-like grip ll®i tigthened nerves, your heart Wounds against the cage of your chast in a frantic ' effort to get out andf escape' the sit-. < uation. Cold, clamijiy perspiration ..chills your body andf you fight des- |ered,"JDean McCracken rolled up 17 perately against tne fear within points. Two all-important baskets oiityour heart as youlmake a feeble by Walter (Sonny) Miller did much attempt at complacency. You don't,„to.ward sewing up the game in the want to divulge your cowardke.i^] ffttal seconds. your comrades,1 you'don't want them | " Much credit goes to Coach "Mac" to know you're afraid--afraid that McCracken for a well-planned, crowdthis one might have your name on inj? defense that kept opponents from it. The increasing rise and fall of gating their offensive plays in moyour chest, the expectancy in your ; t ion. In the championship game, l,'! eyes and the forced smile give you;"Bj(j" Miller and Dean McCracken away. They know you, too, are con- 1 followed "Carroll and Taylor all over scioufe of the fact you are gambling, ; the floor in a most effective style of again, wifh death. No one ighores J play. the robot, my friend--NO ONE. | While proudly singing the praises Overhead now it is roaring like | of our MCHS team and Coach Mean angry beast. You're pressed to Cracken, McHenry fans voiced adthe ground, flattened against a wall j miration, for the never-say-die spirit or crouched in a fox-hole mumbling, Df Coach Stuessy's boys as they play- "keep going, you B , keep going." ed their hearts, out riglj$ up to the The motor suddenly stops and all hell , final gun. . " \ ^ , breaks loose in seconds of time. The ; McHenry received a nicew trophy blood seems "to drain from yourJ which will be proudly viewed by body. WHAM!!--and the air is filled {players' and fans for many years, with a deafening roar as flames and MCHENRY FQ FT Fouls smoke leap skyward. Dirt, dust and d. McCracken^,1^7 # 32 derbis splatter the area and minutes j. Miller 1 4 pass before you realize you're.still in pj, Knaack . the game. - 'W. Miller The Jet-down is weakening as you : g. Whiting . resume your duties, a hallow, nau- jj. Murphy - seating sensation ascends from thei-j)> Schmitt . pit of your stomach and chokes off , . your words. You light a cigarette, j -TOTALS scan the skies and whisper to your- j self.-"How long before, the, next ST.MARY'S one?" It goes on like this for days Ronning and for nights, too. There's no re- stplzke laxation. no rest except that brought wett on by exhaustion. ' OHyer That's; the robot, pal, a mean Barrett weapotrtn the hands of a maniacal Burger J-ace. v . Taylor I'll have a straight bourbon and Carroll give this bar-fly here, Hitler, a Ward MICKEY FINN. DOC. ' ^ -- PS--Do you think I could ever TOTALS .12 9 19 become a newspaper man. Earl? I Score by Quarters: Picks Dizzy Dean *' "Bender was a little before my day," Frank said. "Under the conditions you have named I think my pick would be Dizzy Dean. Dizzy was not bnly a great pitcher, but 1179-491. he also loved the spotlight. Also the -- pressure. His biggest thrill was in {Monday Comm'l-- meeting Carl Hubbell. But compet- j Millers, 2-^Raycrafts,^^. ^JPage, ^e^Se^skSr •e'rirsS- ijo'Vt•*••»•'... face, and narids. Bu'lfis • v*.' .;'i) they do ' no,' kill. ru v;:; • • tht fare Wr f'.c c..;. •, It" • is anticipated that for at least ten years following the war plastic surgical treatment will be necessary for service ing against any star pitcher de-|410; A. Rothermel, 171-42'4;^1 lighted Dean. And don't forget that |ler. 173-447. Dizzy had everything a great pitch- j Smiths. 2--Netts, 1. B. TV er needs -- blazing speed -- a fine 431; Lu Smith, 414. curve ball--change of pace--good control--and above all unbeatable confidence in Dizzy Dean. "With a million dollars at stake ploding fuel tanks; and those suffering from facial lesions from ma- , chine-pun bullets and shrapnel from anti-aircraft fire. Burning gasoline , often takes off the entire skin cov- '--e'rirsa- 1'*-' <-n Thursday Ladies--1 Buss Motors, 2--Weber . Plumbers, Sis Weber, 182-4177 1. K. Simon, 408. Dizzy would have been unbeatable, at least as close to unbeatable under such conditions as anyone I ever saw. For he would have revelled at such a chance. Even a billion ! dollars would never have bothered Ole Diz. That's what I mean by naming such a pitcher." Remember this is not ja matter of naming the game's greatest pitcher through a season or through 531; E. Hoyte, 451; P. Kraus, 457 It is the matter of j » 1. 4177: ~~ * men and for civilians who have been Althoff Hdwe., 2--Simons Cleaners, j disfigured. Even when peace comes. --Schaefers*-- Rupperts, 3--Vogue, 0: .P. Miller, 409; M. Sutton, 402; V. Herdrich, 400. Barbians, 2--Pop Fenske, 1. JMWilbrandt, 403; D. Clevelandf201- p.astic surgeons will have plenty of work to do on civilian casualties from burns. Fire kills about 8,000 civilians a year and disfigures almost twice as many. Read the Want Ads many years. naming the pitcher you would select under the heaviest sort of pressure for one vitally important game. Christy Mathewson, in his prime, belongs in this class. Few people today remember the Matty who pitched three successive shutouts against the Athletics in the 1905 World Series.. The million dollars would • never .have bothered Matty. He lost the I Victory League-- j Harrisons, 3 Stillings, 0. R.1 j Freund, 187-192-504; M. Schftefer. ' 412; S. Covalt, 491; M. Stilling, 426. ; j Petersons, 2--Farmers Mill, 1: E. 1 Freund, 182-449; fl. Surtees* 437; j E. Peterson, 406; E. Miller, 435; A. | 1 Schaefer, 182-416; D. Sehaefer, 417. [Monday Majors--^ 'y j Meister Brau, 2499 --Fox Hole, 1 2486. Budil, 225-545; Vernon Freund, Giant-Cub play off in 1908--probably 1222-556; Olsen, 192^27; Wrublewski, the most important single game ever played--but how many know he tackled this game with an arm so sore and tired that he could barely lift it when he began warming up. For that season Matty had won 37 games, and saved 12 others. Great Old Alex ^ ( Jill givp ydrti ^arto^er t^t^h^^ffttllibn - dollar competitor--in or out of Condition. His name is Grover Cleveland Alexander. Here was as 518; Herdrich, 197-520; P. Koob* 199- 554. Oak Park Hotel, 2463--Hesters, 2372. Tonyap, 197-528; Krause, 211. McGee's Clothing,""2--FitzGerald's Clothing, 1. J. Stilling, 197-528; Mc- Gee, 179-502; Geo. Barbian, 216-526. Nye Jewelry, S -- Blake Motor Sales, 0. Thurs. Comifi'l.--\ ^ , , _ , , , Tavern Pale, 2--McHanry Latindry, great a combination of heart, head41 R justen, 232,535; Stiller, 502; and arm as I have ever seen. As - cm . . . tk ^-2 0 4 _ 2 5 ..:.o - 2 12 19 FG « FT tfouls .3 " 0 4 0 2 .2.1' , 2 1 aayiJjr'rm . have often wanted to write to you McHenry and tell you of some interesting ex- ^ St. Mary'sj periences but hesitated for fear of boring you and, so to speak, overdd ingiiL •" " ' 8-17-26--38 15-20-24--33 1 .X' • McHENRY - FG I EL McCracken 4 . •' !, "J,;- 1 R. Miller !C.' Neiss S. on your N Knaack J. Miller FT Foals Dear Friend "Doc": " We are using the P, letter in order to make an explana tion. The boss thinks .some of these w Miller letters from servicemen show so- q Whiting much newspaper talent that he in- jj Murphy formed us that as soon as this war,p Schmitt " is over h e ' s going to f i r e us. Hesj such a pal! * .. ! TOTALS Well, "Doc," your letter is a1 o dandy. Dont hesitate to write of RICHMOND your experiences anytime. We are Busch .... .any news you can send. Tilton „ S. I. H. .............1 .3 --0 FT Fouls wmn ^ Somewhere in France. Miller Dear Earl: ' x ' , Sunday here in France and abhutj TOTALS ...» ~f three weeks from the "States" and Score by Quarters: had some time coming here. The climate here is a disagreeable spring-like weathers-plenty of rain, mud and part time the wind blows. What kind of climate is it in Illinois -peebahly, --- --^ How is the basketball team doing? The McHenry: Richmond: 2-13-27-35 11-15-19--2» Ptfftray Emotions Most far eastern artists paint not "What they see. +wit wHat-4h»y feeW-i Subscribe for the Plaindsalera rookie in 1911 he won 28 games. Alex was another who took new inspiration from a tough spot, even in his fading years when he was in no shape to handle the Job. But he Mill handled it, as Tony Lazzeri of the Yankees remembers in the 1926 World series when Alex fanned him with the bases full. And there is Ed Walsh of the White Sox--the pitcher Ty 'Cobb names as the greatest of all time for a period of five years. Walsh was a 40 game winner--and at his b^st. |n 9 hot spot. So here we have named such blue chip stars as Bender, Dean, Mathewson, Alexander Tand Walsh. And there is always Carl Hubbell. These "big dough" entries were sure to b.e at then >est for one big game--one vitaJ contest. ' , . , I""have another nomination" who belongs in this listing : Walter Johnson, winner of 400 games with a weak-hitting Washington club. • Odd Ring Styles We were talking with Dumb Dan Morgan, who has only been mixecT up with the ring game for a trifle more than 50 years, about various ring styles. Dumb Dan brought up Lee Oma, possibly the best heavyweight on the home front. 'Oma is an odd one to the pres- Sutton," 531. Kleinhans, 3 -- Atlas Prager, 0. Heide, 187-502; Kleinhans, 189-519. Cut Debt The public debt of*. New York state and its municipalities was reduced approximately $160,000,000 in 1943. • Nicotine Effective Nicotine is effective againkt aphidr'or plant lice; and may be also used, at .greater strength, jto kill young squash bugs and eggs of squash borer. Nicotine for spraying , is sold as nicotine sulfate, and contains 40 per cent nicotine. Soap must be used with nicotine to enable the spray to wet and kill the insects. Nicotine in concentrated form is a violent poison, but^ it quickly disappears from plants after spraying. We Sold Out AD Our Snow Shovels after publishing that ad last week, along with garden tools and garden seeds. We heard plenty about that unusual combination of spring and winter items, but buyers bought all the snow shovels just the same. However, we still have plenty of the spring tools and seeds, so come in and stock up before they are all ^old out, too. If any of you readers have never visited this hardware store on Main St., in West McHenry, you might be surprised to find so many quality buys if you pay us a call. Hope tb. be seein'you. Hardwa re ^PHONE 2 WEST M'HENRY 2T ent generation," Morgan said, "with his way of dropping both hands, walking by an opponent as if taking 13 j a stroll, looking over one shoulder as, he goes by, and then suddenly turning and leading the aAtack. Islaaf Courthouses Only two courthouses in the United States are built on islands-- at Manteo,. N. C., and Key West, Fla. Washed Fastest Wool fabrics waft the fastest of all and can be harmed by too long washing. They stretch when . wet J*nr1 should. .he handled with ± care. Water for washing-wool should be, about 100 degrees Fahrenheit Keeping Your Car Running 7 - IS VITAL If you're doing any kind of a wartime Job--if you transport any kind of wartimi^aterijdtf--if you must have auto transportation because of health or handicap. We're co-operating with you in every effort to keep your car on the road, with our excellent auto repair and tire repair service. Drive right in for a checkup --don't wait for something to go wrong; preventative, car care can avoid costly repairs easily . . . inexpens i v e l y . . • , • ' ' \> ' . ; CENTRAL GARAGE V • FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J Towing -- Johnsburg ' k - ORDERS SOLfOlTED FOR JEWELRY, WATCHES, DUMOSSS WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED - "TORCHY" KRAUSE Z H - ' PHONE M'HENR¥ 379 310 ELM STREET M'HENRY, ILL. at SA'it! AMD JUICt-TEXAS O* _ FLORIDA ORANGES FUU OF JUICE--TEXAS If 60L^ t GRAPEFRUIT . CALIFORNIA . LEMONS . IOX QUAirrr--WASHINOTOH 5 US. Sut. 33* DELICIOUS APPLES TEXAS TENDER FRESH CARROTS . .2 lbs. 19c tUNCH 5C OURIREAKFAR -- Coffee ... . ££2H AMERICAN HOMI " a f h e . . . . £124* GRAPEFRUIT (21 Juicer.«. o^29* NATIONAL (2 c«m S R«d Foiata) - i4i/,.oi|7| Evap.Mifc2 CANS •• LAYER CARB Oevil's Food --EA. 34* •OLOEN GRAIN DoRRts... I4« B4RICHEO BREAD Jambo WhHa SALERNO SaitiMS, M I'A-LB. Qt LOAF « TENDER MACARONI FtOOUCT SreanettM 8c STRAINED BABY FOODS * CAM •A-OZ. -jg IW.ULU^ SCARES 20C 3c^2fc 15c TOMATO SOOT Canptell't 28c FURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING SPRY (12 red points) CoId Medal K,rc^ fisno ,lo 57 J PILLSBURY ' B E S T FLOUR l01" J 9 M c 1 wrshevH IQ« I E E D S V A L U E S ' " ¥ TOILET SOAF SWEETHEART.. FURE--FLOATING SWARSOAP... HAZEL TOILET J0AP. SOAFFLAK^ CHIFFON SOAF FLAKES AMER. FAMILT SOAF SAVER 0AKITE o To tti« pHo-- of 'CAKES ^Itc MFKTGD 2Jc °*F&r 10c HAZEL CLEANSER KITCHEN KLENZER CLEANSER 0L0 DUTCH LITTLE BOY M.US BLUING 2 kCH£S-OISINFCCIS ILEAC(H ..... . lCH EECY WHITE BLEAO #5 FLEE ^i4c 3 gSS 17c 2 oSa 15c J-OZ. 15c BOTTUS BOTT*LE 10c .BOTTLE WL oor mwokaiMllM 11st Ml kwain «M bo add«d mm additional amount •pproalimntaattMolyy oo^«MMiivvaailoomnt to a % M MOMat «f tho Illinois RMallw*1 QgnnytUw*! Taa *«*• NATIONAL FOOD STORES

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