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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1945, p. 3

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;v M fv- *\.VJ- wxf"'& " , Navy Leaders, Others Endorse Red Cross War Fund '-:fi .-. ^AShlNOTON, D. C.--In answer to Pi Mid en t Rooaerelt's appeal to the on behalf of the American Red to fulfill the $t00,000,000 War Pond goal (or 1945, America'* foremost military and naval lead- •*> the press, and educational, rellfiwar shall be won. Let as be squally determined that the Red Cross shall be enabled and permitted to measure up to the needs of the situation and the high standard which we have set for It" CONGRESS OP INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION: "Each one of oar memii is yryv "v 1^, SPRING GROVE (By Mrs. Charles Freund) The Community club held t£eir regular meeting at St. Peter's ParishNhall on Monday night. Following the meeting cards were played and ^refreshments were served by the committer in charge. <vf St W McCullom Lake On Parade Qen. Marshall • v, _ uid his recent bride. Marge, have pot the bee in Pa and lie's ear, which makes as all •ary./happy. Welcome, folks! Jerry and Betty Cermak and their boy, Jim Pupik, spent the weekend in Cicero celebrating the twenty-first birthday anniversary of Jerry's brother-in-law, Frank Souhrada. Congratulations, Frank! Last Monday McGee's in McHenry availed themselves of the services of Otto Pyriti;. Lucky people. We arc sure that Otto's thirty years of retail merchandizing experience will be | difficulty staying on her feet on the an asset to M<^e's. Good luck to; highly polished floors of Mi Place. In you. Otto, in your new enterprise. )the past she ha* mffered many The John J. Vycital hardware firm i bruises where they did not show, but of McHenry has also added Paul were felt due • Moping To over- ™» Struck to its stiff of expert me-1 come thli hawUM fcfc»nore gsve the chanics, who stand ready to serve j floo„ A r#neroui coating of maple the needs of their many satisfied It was a good ides but customers. now she is stuck \rA%. What to do ? Among the many Sunday visitors ADIOS. Atfm. King •as, fraternal, industrial and labor fnmps pledged unstinting support. Secretary of War Stiaoson expressed Ms gratitude to the Red Cross for disefearging its * responsibilities to the Amy "with efflclency and humanity" throughout the war. . Chief of Staff General Marshall add- •i: "The Red Cross has k®pt pace with tke growth of the Army by enlarging *• services to meel soldier needs both la this country and overseas." Secretary of the Navy James V. Porrsslsl, citing Red Cross war contributions of blood plasma, prisoner of war fsod packages and civilian war aid, "In the blackness of war, the Redstands as a beacon of .mercy of which we can all be proud. Never has awney been put to better use." : Admiral Ernest J. King, commander- "la-chief of the United States fleet, pointed out that "every time the Red ^ €ross assists a man in the armec^forces " la any way. There can be no doubt that the humanitarian activities of the „ American Red Cross have a direct bearing on the outcome of the war." Both the American Newspaper Publishers Association and the National •tutorial Association's presidents promised complete cooperation from the American press. . ' •> „ Among groups endorsing. the War Pond are: AMERICAN LEGION: "The Red Cross has exemplified the fine, traditional spirit of American helpfulness^ The approach of i the postwar reconstruction period will not lessen the tails for Red Cross services." 7 AMERICAN FEDERATION OP LABOR: "We are determined that the bers knows that the Red Cross is constantly at that loved one's or friend's side in his time of need." AMERICAN PARM BUREAU PEDBy "Yardstick" Greetings, folks! There has been a wide difference of opinion among the folks on whether March came in I Pupils absent froni St. Peter's : l&st week like a lion or a lamb. To school due to illness jtre Edna Han-i settle the question" to everyone's foitf, Joseph Nimsgern, Betty Len- j satisfsction. We say it came upon non, George McGrath and Jack jus like a lamb in lion's clothing. Schmitt. Now ,that we have settled that ques- Mrs: Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Lucille' tion we beg to report that McCullom elson, son, Bobby, and Mrs. Dorothy ; l*ke well deserves the title of Adsit spent Wednesday in Wood- • "Mecca for honeymooners. stock. : week those two newlyweds, Ensign Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber visited j Joseph J^evesque and his Jovely friends in Chicago on Wednesday. bride, Wave- Evelyne, A. M. M. 2/c, Mr. and Mrs. William Britz, Mr. navy, enjoyed a brief honeyanil Mrs. Albert Brits and sons and moon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! to McCullom Lake were Mr. and Mrs. the Norbert Klaus family were Theodore Olson, the bride's parents, j Charles Wortman, Mr. and Mrs. Max among those to help celebrate little They left Friday to report for duty jKolin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peggy Klein's birthday anniversary jat their assigned posts. It is our Thomson and family, who will soon in the Arthur Klein hom% in Johns-! hope that they may continue their ' this their permanent home, " - ~ ~ ~ ' interrupted bliss in the near future. Mrs Be8sie Janda, 'Mr. and Mrs. News of Oar Servicemen Richard Heiman of Westchester, Mr. Sgt. Robert Doran, our hero of j and Mrs. R. Thompson and Mr,, and New Guinea, now Stationed" at Fort' Mrs. Jake Wagner. „ ^ Y .„ Sheridan, 111., has been awarded the1 Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lent and Mra. Lucille Comb#t Medal and the Purpie Heart Mrs. Joseph SchaefTer on Sunday Nelson, son Bobby, visited m Chi-, thig for ^ sacrifice he has j were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski of ' ca*° ®n Sunday. ' made for our beloved America. Con- Chicago. Sunday visitors in the Math Nims? Kratujationg soldier! 1 Our friend, Tony Freund, may JJ*u™ng of Ringwood. Mr" Nkk S l/c Robert CM """""J, "> b"' 5* L vr^ » j™2T heart is still in McCullom (Lake. He Arthur Srebren has returned *<> i ^ ww finds it hard to visit his many friends his home in Colemar after a month's Conn , to Camp Perry, Virginia. We personally but there is always I extensive traveling. ! thT SeXne"and he keep, that pretty busy keeping in touch with them. Let's hope you don't run this unholy group will ever meet again. DM You Know Hat Joe Bouilette is back with us again? Barney Graff can't use his garage the reason is he cant get to it through the mud. Joe Schaeffer's weakness is candy? Ma SchaefTer is training her chickens to deposit their eggs on her kitchen table? She also trained them to wipe their feet before entering. Eleanore'a Corner Oqr Eleanor* experienced some iiiilMtt flaw Sagas, Here's a way to sm sugar and shortening. they're obtainable, use paper baking cups for cakes. These require no greasing and, by leaving Ilia cakes in the cups, frosting is necessary only for the tops. •4- Chimney Should Not Rest v On Wooden Construction A chimney should be well conburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, son ERATK5N: "Such vital Red Cross pro- i Tonimy and daughter Charlotte were grams as home nursing, nutrition, d!s- Call!T, 1J m the Chsrles Michels home aster relief and other helpful activities ,n McHenry Sund«y evenmg during recent years have combined closely to identify this national organisation with rural life in America. The American Farm Bureau Federation . .. urges every member to give it wholehearted support through the organisation's local chapters." FEDERAL COUNCIL OP CHURCHBS: "It is obylous that the world situation at the present time will make greater demands upon Red Cross than ever before. We commend to the churches of the various communions in the United States the upeal for the American Red Cross War Fhind in 1945." NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OI MANUFACTURERS: "American businessmen stand ready to assist in every way possible the American Red Cross in its fund raising efforts;" NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE: "The great wortfl oi the American Red Cross has become more obvious'as the war develops and as our fighting men testify. Gladly, therefore, we recommend every generosity on the part of the American people in the 1945 campaign. . . ." CENTRAL.CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS: "The Red Cross is the most appealing philanthropic cause before the American people today. May the outstanding success of the 1945 Red Cross War Fund campaign demonstrate the spiritual calibre' of the American people." » news to report about this one of our boys in the near future.. Our prayers are with you, Bob. News In General The McCullom Lake Memorial Dedout of nickels, TVmy! Our old friend, A1 Horn, psid us brief visit last week Wednesday. ication committee hold the spotlight: He underwent a major operation at Need Rubber' Stamps ! The Plaindealer. Order at If on Met Rfripr Checks Mwaaatic Pafc QricUjf If >you wfer from rheumatic. tit or neuritu pim, try tins tawpenrivj boat recipe that arc uiing. Get a packaga of Ru-i Compound, a 2 «ceis* tupply today. Mis it with a quart of water, add tfct juice of 4 lttnocu. It** eaiy. plfinif and no trouble at all.. Yoo need ocly S tablopoonfuh two time* a day. Ofup within 48 hour* -- Mmctii nifht -r--, tp'.endij remits arc If the 'pain* do not quickly -and if you do not feel better. K»b will coat ' you . nothing to try u it <• ,*old by your druggut under an iW 'late money-back guarantee. Ru-B Compound u for nle and recommended ig^; THOMAS BOLGER, Druggist! ana Drug Stores Everywhere ••••••••••••••• • • • • A •• • «•• • * • IMil.l »«««t Hi, 4a WAR-WINTERCAUS FOR HORE FREQBEMI Oil CHRNOE Qu % wooden construction. Nor should it -resident of our community. Espe- with us again soon. s"PP?rt any P*rt ot the ciaUy the parents of our boys and To cure a bad headache recently building itself. Standard flue lining ; ejrjg jn ^e services. The proposal Mrs. Harry Lock reached into her # TT~mr"endet ,^iere " ! plan calls for gaining the consent of medicine cabinet for a jar mi her feasible to rebuild an existing ^ ajj property owners to erect a per- favorite salve. She applied it genimney, the walls of which are n° , manent community hall on our beach erously to her forehead and temples , jf. n a!™ jlc i-|58rK e_j P«rk and for dedication of this pro- only to discover that it wasn't salve oft? All 'defectiv*8 c'™ ^ » b„, Any^y, it c„r«d her should b« rebuilt. Chimney,. Hues. '» »»r ^ mrls in .he headache. «ove. and »urn... Ml be clean. hVve made the supreme sacrifice, held at McDonald's by the Unholy Stoves and furnaces should be set The proposed plan caHs for the erec- j Seven" have ^sched our big ears, well away from walls and wood- tlon of a building of lastmar mate- | Wte learned that it took the cornwork. They should rest on substan- : tial bases, and combustible floors ! should be protected by Irtcomi bustible material under and adjacent to the bases. Smoke pipes should be substansigns of the paving of the school i tially supported, kept in good con- th^so fnoihties would ho available to nor did Ensign _ Wfiw Frmsss - joad. Bolt by bolt she ii leaving ! dition, separated 12 inches or more .*11 residents of oy community an<^3aval_ training. her trail behind her --w-.'-: ' I from woodwork or other combusti- to"ffll preSent Una future clubs or prived Pete Kami rials to „be used as a-beach house i bined efforts of George and Betty recreation and social center for the Baumbeck to get George's winnings benefit of all residents of McCullom home in the trunk of their car. There Lake. This building would also house will be new shingles on the Bauma fully cquipned J "First Aid" room, bcck house soon. Jerry Cermak'sIL kitchen nrd other anpurtenances^ All post mortems didn't help him one bit ! ~ Joseph Levesque's Elmo -McKim de- Kaminski of the pleas-\; Wonder Lake •• l1 'l1 ••{'•{"H't'Kitt (By Delia Cheney) Dear Reader: Stop taking down Flea Development Is* Similar to Other Insects ble • material. Use a ventilating' social prrnuns for th? 'conduct^ of. uro <xf enjoying at least four bottles [ thimble which provideis at least 6 their pctivities. When victory is of his favorite bf^w hy , knocking inches of air space on each side of won pnd our bov« and girls return j them over with his elbows while any smoke or' heating pipe which this proiect would-be turned over to , reaching for a lost #ime. Lee Sawth «,viGfor administration. * i do learned how not to play poker. H-irrv T/Ock, chairman of the com- He played seven card stud with four $ passes through a partition, floor or _„r . FIeas have four stages in their! ceiling. And such partitions should those curtains and washing thatg development similar to many other ; be protected by air-spaced metal hiforms.,us th^t tVie plan calls carSs in his hand woodwork. March is only fooling. ins®cts- However, people seldom j backed by asbestos board one-fourth for thP erration of a buildine 30*,!00 March is a fickle month and likes to r®alize this fact. The immature! inch or more thick. Ashes belong in ,with a nortico facinar the lake. tease. You'd better keep those wool ftages 0' "ea are spent in dry J metal cans, never in wooden Or where thn parents could enjov thfe socks and warm coats out a little ps^ so. ' similar to that found in cardboard containers. longer. j cracks in the floor or under the! This spring weather brought thoughts of gardens and homes to many a heart, among them our own Bob and Betty VonBampus, who called early Sunday morning to buy, a lot iif* Wonder Lake, near "Lookout Point," for their post-war home. -Bob brought Betty back among *her , many dear friends here before leav- j ing for overseas duty. j A '.busy bee" has conje back to five in Wonder Lake again, loaded porph of a house. The yoking flea or larva feeds on organic matter and doesn't bite or feed on fresh brood. In fact, it doesn't look anything like an adult flea. It is about one-fourth of an inch long, very slender, with a brqwn head and white body: Fleas may be controlled' tn the yar<^ with one part of 40 per Fight Against Infantile !"ummer breeze off the lake and at' j the sa^ie time keep a wary eye on j 'heir loved ^nes i»s they cavort in j the "'nter. Should Pa and Ma wish to celebrate nrniversarV- n S"a- We wonder if MAN HAD BRICK IN HIS STOMACH FOR 10 YEARS "Keeping a car running right, running longer, and running farther on every gallon of gasoline isn't a = matter of luck. It's a case of realizing that ordinary --care won't do for today's older cars--not in this ! One man recently stated that for 10 years he felt like he had a bfick D I'Cl D celebrate an, anniversary, a in his stomach. This feeling was-r raralysis alow rrocess wov,i"d bo at their .dis- due to the lump of J undigested food j The first high hopes for combat- tWal for the entertainment-'of their he always had inside of him. He • Ing infantile paralysis wfire , for , In an emergency th«>fe was weak, worn out, hwdachv, swej. S ^^en1 th? Protective W(V,1d h* the first aid room, fully *"uSd taSS fiRB^ !fS n°? ^ho 4U recently 00„;nped to tak- ore of the unfor- y and safs the feeling like cent^nicptine sulpfate in 15o" 0§TrJs.,, hacl been treated It waVfound'tSat ore. '!oc^ c0"^s/~ brick in his stomaah disappeared the of water to which has been added «hose^ with nn^ J hVd ^ Bowels^arj regular now, | 4th War-W&ter. ' Thousands of car owners are enjoying excellent car performance in spite of all the handicaps. They benefit from the Standard Oil Dealers' special training in better car care. See your Standard Oil Dealer" frequently. those% with no serum had just as enough soap to ck>ud the vyatj recovery rate as the others. They may also be controlled' down with new curtains and a paint sprinkling creosote, crude petrobucket underlie other arm. Mrs. j leum or^ used oil about the areas in was made of ths kiUed vifus of in< VonBampus saw a robin and de- | which they are breeding. Fleas in , fantile paraiysis. when 20,000 vao dded Chicago was a good place to the home may be controlled by clos ; cinations were of record, there wa« be coming from and Wonder Lake the ! a brief time when success was con. a good place to be coming to. The Youth Community 'club held its first official meeting at the reconverted lumber mill Sunday afternoon and accomplished a great deal in the forming of by-laws and disclosing problems at hand. Don't arras mr* \ Synthesize Own Protein- Cattle. sheep and gpats have special digestive equipment which enables them.-to utilize ^on-protein ni- clared too dangerous. forget, neighbors, their drive is still| trogen for the synthesis of true pro- j The third great hope %as nasal on for furniture, drapes and a pho- j tein needed for growth of body tis- sprays, alum, picric acid and tine, nograph. Your reporter covered the | sues and production of milk. Their j Sprays were founded on the belief ting and would like to say she; stomachs have four compartments | that polio was contracted only very impressed by the foresight --the rumen or paunch, the honey- J through the nose, in the nerves of, worthy »nd constructive proiect vet attempted and "one we *r* sure wi" |me vaccines. One from the t have the--an^rojval and bn<*k'Tv» of ork City health department „vrtrv rV%n^rtv a owner of McOullo Lake. Here is one dream we h will come tr'ie. Wnw o" tHp ipbiect of v,irt»id»v rarties. T ittle • Ca.rcl Ann K»muv«ki "'«s the honored belle list A mnnff tfco fnies's whi bowed before t»>?« little »>r«nee« qt hftr *vofo Telfpp I/10 Or^tt- Mnrie »nd O'Connor, ""rbnr" An" R«wdo, Pa^el,-Jean White., AireJth^- con Gen'*',r'e RnnmbeeV. Kenne*h pnd locV bn+ not lenst.. d„&r ^«rol Ann's mother addC)|| d headaches-aiW gone and he^ like a new man. tf r B-HELP contains 12 Great? rb^; tney cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people? soon feel different all over. So don'j go on suffering. Get ERB-HELP- Bolger's Drug Store. : SEE VOM STANMR0 OIL DEAUER *1 ftrlitttrCKCm Buy more,War Bond* Then came a second vaccine, this time of live, but attenuated virua. While first results looked good, after a summer's trial, it was deach, instead of having the usual«, gestive tract. and business capabilities of these •youths of today." Don't forget, folk® Harrison .. . _ .. 4 . . J . school is having its minute men flag digestive fluids, contains myriads of dedication Friday, March 9, and, micro-organisms which prepare the wwouuulidu lHikivee all of yjr ou to attend. Mr, {i fu<rt^rQ gf?gnr odug'g esmtiaotne.r ialsn tahree prborcoeksesn, comb, the manypiles, and the true smeuT but it was found that polio ^mme-surahly 'to the success of the stomach. The rumen or first stom- aiso can be contracted, via the ! ^^artjert Vary Services Yanda of *the McHenry Legion post u -n - . . „Z «In VVaaWldeessee,, NN.. CC..,, aa ccoommmmuunniittyy wwiillll nprreesseenntt tthhee ffllaagg and the children ! 1°^ and^rebmH into^proteina. The getUed by French-speaking proteswill present a short program. * May we mention at this time, Harrison school is still having its waste papfer drive and jwould welcome any waste paper you have on band. Don't lose heart, folks, the Community club still has the minstrel >hcw in mind and the formation is being planned, so brush up on your latest dance steps and< bring out that instrument you've hidden behind the attic door. They would also like to have opinions on a garden more soluble partpof the food passes , tants from the Cottian Alps of Italy, on to be digested, while the more resistant is chewed as the cud, a pastime enjoyed by ever# clovenhoofed Snimal except thefswine, church services are conducted in ^ French on the second Sunday in jeach month; in English at other jto Mrs. Emm* Pvrits. Herman Jon" Grot'hn*. Mrjc-Tess '•pehlitt'"" ei; their bVhday anniver- ' saries this past week. We have been pleasantly surprised bv the news that those-* two nice n«nnlp. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Brand have decided t« become permanent residents of McCullom Lake. We have l a" suspicion--that their son, Arthur, , Blaeberry Nemesis Great enemy of the Maine bl'ieberry crop is the seagull. These j water birds swarm over the land and ravage_ tho hoavUy-lad»o I .Clean Interior If the interior of your car is kept show with Prises for Ister in the ; clean ^h, the upholsteij wUl • ^were sorry to hear that'Mrs j £ ££ i Frank Reese_underwent a suiTical P matter ^ ur electric operation at WoodstockhospitaL We £leaner Go overlhe fabric roof, are glad to hear though that things coye carpet and cushions. °are going along fine and we 11 soon, ^ . - - • - htve Mrs. Reese back with us again. Mrs. Rutledge took the long trip to Chicaeo for her surgical operation but we hear she is getting along fine and we know Wonder Lake will look mighty fine to her again even though it is shall I say, fomewhat muddy right now. We hear Tommy Mathews is riding along on a newly-acquired tire. Some people have all the luck. What is ft you carry. Tom, a rabbit's foot gotten at a full moon? Iron Ship According' to Ships magazifle att iron ship, "Ironsides" actually ' sailed across the Atlantic in 1839. : The following year, however, the I British Admiralty, after exhaustive t tests, declared that iron was greatly j inferior to oak as a - building mate? i rial for warships!" Oil Shale To produce oil from oil shale, the . shale is mined by methods similar That man you see cominir around j those used in coal mining, •with the "haunted expression . is L. crushed, and charged into ian oven H»»fhdahl. who has charge of the • where heat is applied. This breaks •iekets for the St. Patrick's Day do- down the organic material and libi" i« of the Shore Hills Countrv club. , erates the oil. A ton of high quality We have a suspicion that hig dreams ' ghale will yield 45 or more gallons nr« n'Vh^ares of tickets and num- of oil. Products closely resembling bers dancinir on his bedpost and lift- : those commonly produced frem peing his eyelids when he's trying to troleum, such as gasoline, diesel glygp. *.! fuel and waxes, can be made by Agatha (your reporter's ear) is j distilling and refining shale oil by mm looMn* ffrwsrytp the tot j known procrejisisriers'i., p; PROUD BIRDS EACH CAUL IS i why ft NftM a lot mor* mi • JP |NVVI09 IVIMMVnV That's what our 1baby chicks grow into. No matter what your favorite breed, if yo|ur baby chicks are GRAND VIEW chicks, you wlli have^a flock of proud 'V • • • • • tt birds and money-making producers. ~ To serve one more family, we must install and connect a telephone --*- and also provide -, a special circuit runniftg all the way to the central office, aif*outlet on the switching equipment, and furnish various other com* plex mechanisms so each call can be tailor* made to meet your needs. MCHENRY CO. FARMERS GO-OP. ASSN Phone 29 x WcstMcHcaiy New telephone. Cacilities are not obtainable now, due to w^r needs. Existing facilities have been »4-r-e-t-c-h-e-d beyond all limits to ghre the beat possihle ser- . vice td the most people. Mnch of our central office equipment is loaded to capacity. • • $ This means that many requests for service cfinnot be filled immediately. We appreciate the understanding and patience shown by those on the telephone waiting l»t -- and . will do everything in oar power to -everyone's needs as soon as humanly possible. IIIINOIS Bill TIIEPHOIII tOMPANY TM VMny^iv im W«r

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