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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1945, p. 6

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'--4 i y i *;;•-'«* --v?j. > *^- "4r'^ '/a-'^ k.% vt v^ ^ ;j; ,;y •V*IV-:T-" .. . . , Y -,. T . .. .., . • .,..,. .. ... .. ... ,. . I#W \j&;'*.'•'• '. I*'^"-..-'- R; .*...«& i. A .' ipS? isH rpp®^ 'i.iL'?**••' -J< s?wi *.V.V be voted at the City Election, City of McHenry, County of McHenry^? and State of Illinois. ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1945; .' EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. ?i» , ^ *\ V ^ ^:v:' '•. ;y,;. • ^4. ;5 j •. wi^r* • •V...^.,/W,„<.>>I.V-...T.V,...^. *-$S: . > • » - ; • • • ; . • ' • ; • f--\ PROGRESSIVE (By Petition)', FOR MA^OFC 4" * ",; |L LOVERTON ' > • »";•*, :'7?\. K;\: vlt)R CITY CLERK' * \ f~] EARLN R. WALSH (By Petition) *JC' Y FTFFIV ' <EFC«9E**E<E»>«*TE***«£»«**«»*«AE»«^E4*«>«««»*«SE*I£MY#•%<•*•••.• V/V; ;, Petitioi> FOR MAYOR TONYAN FOR *3ITV DLERK; FOR CRPY CLERT; • FOR CITY TREASURER \ - FOR CITY TREASURER FOR CITY TREASURER n ROBERT, L. WEBElkQ IMHTLNTNMNHIHTMNI FOR ALDERMAN • JOSEPH M. REONER FOR ALDERMAN HAROLD P. OWEN FOR ALDERMAN • SPECIMEN BALLOT SECOND WARD v To be voted at the City Election, City of McHenry, County of McHenry . and State of Illinois. ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1945.r EARL R. WALSH, City C&rk. T n PROGRESSIVE V V (By Petition) (By Petition) (By Petition) ml FOR MAYOR FOR MAYOR FOR MAYOR • E. I. OVERTON •,-iJpDB CITY CLERK l~"l SABL K FOR CITY CLERK PI ALFRED TONYA!? FOR CITY CLERK WALSH' • FOR CITY TREASURER ROBERT L. WEBER FOR .CITY FOR CU¥ TREASURER 4R-VFE&#S~ FOR ALDERMAN A. E. NYE FOR - ALDERMAN FOR ALDERMAN :.^V T"\ IT ATTPQW a THIRD WARD , ' To be voted at the City Election, City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1945. • ~ v U&L R. WALSH, City Clerk. at rS"PROGRESSIVE V y - (By Petition}'. PEOPLES --(By Petition). (By Petition) FOR MAYOR R. I. OVERTON FOR MAXPR O -- FOR CITY • CLERK |~) EARL E. WALSH FOR CITY TREASURE!! ROBERT L. WEBER FOR CITY <CLERK FOR MAYOR ALFRED TONYAN FOR CITY CLERK • • FOR CITY TREASURER • FOR ^CITY TREASURER FOR ALDERMAN PI GEORGE P. FREUND • • • ^ • FOR ALDERMAN • TOR ALDERMAN Iki.. u * . > r To be voted at the OHy Election, City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. ELECTION, TUESDAY, ?fAPRIL 17, 1945. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. benefit wmM Lot8 1, 2, ori^am purposes for pi the inhabitants of the municipality as authorised by Section 524 of the Revised Cities and Villges Act of the State of Illinois, i -ks' <-•' •'iin » YES • ' ' . R " ;>= NO ' ^ ' o ' i"i"H nHiinmnini i nn N«wsrren _ Wonder Lake (By Delia Cheney) EDear Reader: I needs must open my colnmn this week with the unpleasant task of Issuing a severe Warning. There have been several Jboys destroying property in the Shore Hills Subdivision. The boys are^rio\^n to the president, Mr. E. Murphy, but are being given this opportunity to turn over a hew leaf before severe action is taken. It takes patience and hard work, chums, to take care of property and now, with the war going on and the scarcity of materials its an even greater problem. Won't you listen to this appeal and turn your minds to Thinking of construction instead of destruction, even if you do think its only in the spirit bf mischievious fun. Believe me, even the smallest of bird houses take a couple hours of time and patience, not mentioning other property involvings money as well as labor. Put yourself in the • other guy's" place and see how angry you'd get if somebody did something to anything you had and thought a lot of., Turning to something we can be proud of, three cheers and & couple of hurrahs for our Wonder Lake Baseball team. They won their first practice game of the season, Easter Sunday, when they played McCullom Lake. They didn't need that ice after all to help slide "home." Rumor has it that Henry Cross is going to be one of the "up and coming" stars. Here's hoping you prove it, Henry. That little old Easter bunny^ suje had to hurry up and scatt^b ""'two dozen eggs around Mrs. J. Wendt's house Sunday morning • as the »chil- :<dren were, all ready for the hunt by one o'clock. First prize winner of the egg hunt was Bobby Biggers with 10 eggs to his credit. Other participants were Barbara and Ronnie Sellek, Leslie Bergdahl, Arlene, and Jimmy Christopherson. There's a doubt about who was more excited, the children or "Skippy," the Wendt's dog. He couldn't figure out how that (ittle old bunny hopped all around there. without his notice, and especially through those wires under the spruce tree. The children certainly enjoyed the baskets of fruit, cookies and candy that were also part of the hunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. Murphy had > a happy Easter Monday as well as Sunday as their daughter and her husband, C. Stttederilfin, stayed until Tuesday with their daughter, Joy. Getting away from our domestic life for a while, let's see what we have here about our service men. My, oh my, 4h&,t spring weather has affected two of our young men in service with rumors of marriages in the offing. ; Capt.-E. fS. Schroeder, who has just come back on a 30 day leave from the Burma, Indo-China theater of war. Capt. Schroeder is in the field artillery. We're not talking, but we hear that marriage is just around the corner, - The wedding bells are going to ring next week for Sgt. Mike Kirchter and Betty Kuhn. Mike is in the machine gun artillery. Congratulations and bet wishes to you both. Hope all your troubles will j be over, and I don't mean machine guns. Say, neighbors, have you heard, about "Muss" Hansen. "Moss" is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Han- ! sen and the brother of Roger. His 1 «rife and baby daughter, whom he, has never seen, are living in Deep j Springs waiting his return. "Muss". is recuperating in « hospital in j Italy--but--there's a' story that 90 Nazies never lived to tell, behind it all. 4 Muss" who is officially' known as Mariniu* J. Hansen, was a j member of two rifle platoons which ' recently made a night raid against' a German held hill on the fifth; army front in Italy. Three machine gun nests were wiped out with three German prisoners left to tell the story. One of the Nazis, firing his automatic, got "Muss" in the hand which made him po angry he just up and chased that "goose-stepper,? mowing him down with that ol<| American custom of a quick "draw* from the hin. Somehow we just can't feel sorry about the annihilation. bnt^we eure h^^e "Muss'" hand is eettimr along fire so he can swing that sweet baby daughter aro'ind wh°n he sees her. Well* th»t's all th» news I Vn-v" pbont -service men this week, but I have a box st Heileman's, so write me » note. I'm going to see about putting some more boxes around. * "Butch" Cristy didn't get to see his soldier daddy, John, for Easter, but he h* ing with hia grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cristy, he thought the time was ail too short when mother and sister, Geraldine, and brother Gene, came to take him back home to Woodstock. We're sorry to hear Ed Kohler's on sick leave due to the printer's ink affecting his sinus. Ed's afraid to spend it out at Wonder Lake for .fear hell have to spend it working at jobs offered him from ditch digging to paper hanging. Think of what the fish would say if they heard they were being neglected. There's a story going around about a certain young man who took his girl friend for a walk on a bright moonlight night. Glancing into a boat, tbey spied what looked like a dead body. Like a bolt of li&htning the young man dashed for help, leaving «the girl behind, (naturally, his legs being longier and stronger.) The end of the story is that the body turned out to be a large teddy bear carelessly left behind. But what we, like about this story is the alibi about leaving the girl behind. The young man said he didn't worry about leaving the girl .while he dashed for help as he figgered a dead body could do her no harm. Quick thinking, eh what ? The Cast of the minstrel show will be pretty busy rehearsing a couple of hours every Sunday from now until the big night. After a couple of rehearsals, we'll"" "let you know the date of the show. Specialty numbers have yet to be arranged. Lues Henthome has consented to take | charge of directing and producing the minstrel and we forecast a j grand show ahead, with all home I talent. I That's all for this week, folks, but if you have any suggestion, I news, or comments don't forget to a note in the box as this is j your ^ column, and J like" to Writ* about all of you. , LOANS TO FINANCE 1945* FARM CROPS ARE NOW OFFERED John O. Baker, field supervisor for the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan office, stated that farmers of McHenry county may now apply for loans to finance the production of their 1945 crops. These loans are being made in co-operation with the Agricultural Defense C9mmittee in its endeavor to increase production of food, fiber and essential war c?:ops and to stimulate the feeding of miore livestock. Applications for loans are being written .by Miss Vera Johansen at PCA Office, in Woodstock. These loans " will Jje made to farmers whose resources are not ample to enable them to obtain credit on a reasonable basis from other sources, such as PCA, banks, etc. Mr. Baker stated that the interest rate on these loans is 4 percent, and stressed the fact- thj{rt the loans are not restricted to/selected applicants, but ate available to all farmers who can establish <&gibility, according to the terms of the loan regulations and authorizing act. iJb* ant mora*car ta the m*. tfattOMp*. ft*i»d to Mnrtoo tat 191S, had an «ilht-cylinder motor and could go up to 06 mil-- par hour. T«L MeHeary 24S-J H. BELL Faiatta*. Deeoratiag mi DcpaadaMa Wark 105 N. GRBEN ST., M* HENRY S. H. Fremd k Son CONTRACTORS ;uV-AHD BUILDERS Our bpaten b at Tear Sanria* in Bafldiat Tour Waatt. Phone 66-W --wunis fd fitrr-- We pay «5 to 91S for Old or In- Jarad Horaea or Cows Standia* <or tfcnm If Alto. Matt'. Mink Ranch Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 869-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HOR8ES A CATTLE , Wo pay phone charges. JOHN F. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK Wtraaaes, Pipe, Fitting* aad Gutters Ml N. Green St, MeHeary Phoae 243-R 805 Waakegaa St. McHENRT, ILL. Phone SI Office Hours--Dally Except Than. 10 to 12,1:30 to 4:Sp, MOIL, Wad. FrL Night.: 7 to 1 Other Hours by Appointment H. S. VAN DEN BURGH. DC„ PhC • Chiropractor I.20 Green St. Tei. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 926 TEL. WONDER LAKE 418 $R. C. L. WATOirs Dentist ~ - Office Hours - I Way A Saturdays: 9 «.•. to 5 p.a. Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake. III. Al's Welding Service At Schwerman's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 277 or 177 M'HENRY, ILL. Smile, Girls! When applying rouge, smile. If you frown while making up, the rouge tends to "sat" the firown in your face. "* SEWER CLOGGED? Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLti NO DIGGING All Work Guaranteed" ., H. L. RAPP ;<FCrystal Like, I1L "r - Phone Crystal Lske 982 WJCINGART TRUCKING ' McHENRT, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling * and Limestone Telephone McHenry 685-R-2 DR. R. DeROME " " ' -- Deattat-- ~~T' 12S Greea Street Phoae 2t2-J. MeHeary OWee Hours: 10 aaa. to S pi. daily except Wednesday. . Tueeday and Friday nights to 8:30p.m. Other hours by appointment McHENRT FLORAL CO. -- Phone 608-R-l -- One BSile Sonth of McHenry ••RonUSl Mowers for an occsoionsl ^ „ Afp.Fremid Co. Excavating Contractor^ i Trucking, Hydraalfe «nd Crane Service. --Road Bnilding-- Tel. 204-M McHenry, A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHSB frtraitnre - Com«erel.l Z^ °?raphy • Photo-Flaishina Pheae 275 -- Riverside Drive , McHENRT, ILL. ; Voiion J. Knox ATIORNET AT LAW -- OFFICE HOURS -- Tueedaya aad Fridays . Other Days by Appointment M c H e n r y . . . . . M i * Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement Excavating--' NETT'S SAND A GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling .. Blaclc Dirt.. Power Leveling and Grading. J. B. NETT Johaabarg p. O^McHeary FARM Lira auto INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI - Prsasatlag Reliable Companies 1 "V* tanaraaea ef aay Mai • Pheae 48 or 118-M Green A Elm McHenry W*aa Telephone No. SOS * Keihansperger for all daaaau ef property la the best co«?aniee. WEST McHENRT - • 1LL2NOO

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