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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1945, p. 11

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m tit mad machinery and for bnlldlnca to lionw roftd machinery. * We are considering- the purchase of a one ha* concrete irlwr at the ft rut npportnplty as the one we have la tort small for many of the current John and r^nalr work. The cost may be ahoat J1S00 and wonM he paid out of fnnd* • rwrived for rental of •• machlnerv an4 b*' fflf of the Onnnty Highway T>ept. v«mr Committee estimates there Will h* necessary for the care of the M<~- Henrv Cminty patrol system of roads and the ntircha*e of ne«*essarv msehln- *vv an anoroprintinn from th« County ' Wttiwnjr funds In the sum of MM# untfl the ne»t meetlnar of this Board • All of whlcti i« fMwtfully submitted. * V T\ VT'WKRR F. F. FBCK ,'^HV J PTT TV» \ ltfATH N.- SCHMPTT f. PEHRT WRMHT' n>i(ij.nlu HiT"!!- ?!ff>** spaoiei ; eonftt'iiotiAn of th« Knit* nr1«**e a«d s W ttrtdenfeldt PrW*» <n the Totm of ^ Chemunv «'»« nre^ented ' aftdt read to : tfte floard, to-wit: $ Chairman ond Centlemaa o* -the Jtoard of' Supervisors, McHenry ^7- County, Tllinola: The special committee to wh<*m referred the con at ruction of the Kolte RrMee and the Frldenfe'dt . ^ P'Mi'o in tha/ Town of f^mnne in mM • County be* leave,to submit the follow - in" rpnort on the mstters before them. That we held « joint meetlnir at the hr|d«re alt an nn the nth day of Ml" 1044 to fnmillarlxe the new members with the situation and to consider a joint lettintr of a contract for the con at motion of ssid bridges. Cnv»rnm* nt nermlwion to do th* wm-l< and priorities nB th» mater'als had been -•" rrnnted. Peon no# tha old ateel from the present TTo't* v>rt^,r„ was to b« lf«<i In the T>rld«nfeMt Pridve we '•- elded not to let JnHn p«ti»rnt«1v. V® ' decided to advertise '«»• bids for n»M • work and mater11Is. hid« to>» opened at 11 o'olook A. M. .Tnne «th. 1444. o«'v . one bid was received «nd that "one far above the estslmate, although flve contr"" tnrs h"d cnl'ed /or plena. The matter w» discsaed * and we y WerA lett'n<» the hr|d(!<ea on only one hid and that one far above the Rtate estimate of enat. and w»re «nahia to daolde whether to relldvertlKe f*e wo-lr or fltfenmt fb prooaad to do thjj T«rV hv dav Ishor, pret nc|n<v fourf'- ^nrlrmen and mo in ton an c»'crew. The nrlorltlea expire Tone 50. 1St4. W»». PnMly decided . to tWnV it nvjr' and. n(iinnr"»ii f»e r»*AAtln» to 11 *. y .Time IS. 1**4. ™*hen we «'i'i owin me*t at the Co"rt Honoe in *Pnnii«tn"<' TH'nn'a. o** matter. We hive been informed , that the «e*t. day a'tor the 1(>ttlnf • " enrvthar h«d came |r« hy mail, but aatne h"" n^t haen opened. >it of tt-hiov (« rasnaetfully anbmltt*d. Koltz HrM«e Ofl!r.»»L-- • --v .t ^ t,,nnTSO?)> POV p. _ " i r,T,T. T* WTTTMT**! . \ ' Brtdep*-' ^• t>r^ frn ^ V * 5STAVT.trr H. CORNTTB O. J. O.JPUOIX 0 Tt w" tt»eretioon re<»nlar1v moved br ®"nr. li'invVet and duly seeonded bv " S«>nr, Meier that tht> report of t*>e lolpt committee be anprnved und the Chairman d«r'«»red thte. motion unaninmo" alv carried. Bnnr. l}a<*k of ^etpatur Townahln stated th«t the Rrid«»ea referred to in the report of th» snecl^l rnn»nltt«e« wnre in very t^»d »hone and if they were 'left Very muoh 'mf «r without ro^jotr or new conetrtiction. it waa nrot-ahl# ttl^t it'At'M ftrpnr «i»id inl»Kt t'Ruae anita and that of courae he «w P*>T|oti* th">t aoipethip" be done to put them Itl ehapa. Tie dtd f~a» howavar th«t t*»e htd t*»-»t waa f»»«1ved was too h'«»h pnd not f»lo«o enoiieh to the estf. fate nfe®eT>t«»d opd that no doubt if the Cownty Hirhwav tr»en»rtrrient could oh. t-»tvi the t«hr.r to' do th* wir" a. sreat da«t oon'd ha saved Simf, Oomne o' ^fehron Townshln addravsad *ha d and at»tad that it wa« h'« onlnlon that m«nv of t.h* To«»nahip Wiirhway Com- H»fWlnn«r« Ware la* ln> tt*a motntenfpee and unVeep and ren»lr of hr'deo* that have hean cnn«*n|Cte' and paid for out ht Cooptv funds and that It was MR oninion that the noard should talt# Do<*«e action 'n this rewd. The Oommt+tee on VeTtenrv Coi'ntV fome and oF"»rm preaented the follow- In" roiw»»t. 'i*Wol| on motion of fi"T»r. *ehw»|«t ar>d d"'v seconded . 1^' Siinr M"»y and the i>oM„bein<r «'iafl, wao declared unanimoualy adopted, to-wtt: r .Tun* 7, 1944. M*- Chairman and members of the r»o«rd 0f Supervisors of MoHenry ^VjCountv: tt. Vnn» PMifity Iffime Committee mat or " .T"tie 7. ""144. nt the MePenry Coup^V TTnma nnd onditad the h|Hs ' for tha ~ m^nth of Mav 'in and respectf»"v " s"hm«*s the foi'owif<<» report, recommend in r aame be paid. ,c. Jr. r"arroil. aeed corn $ 19.00 Sawvar r»i«nnit Co., crack«m npd, .cook!as - Jen A «ee T^jtuudry Co., laundnry service f. W. WoAiworth. sppp'lea • t»oya' RW Qtore. y>H»eeriea Itlde-atieM 'Termers 'Supply Co., 5 nnnl, stoker perts . Thorn® * ^on. oiothipr <S. Andrew Co., < faad povca T>ro« ras and o'l 16.90 1 k'I 9 4.17 T*.l« ittwtfowM-- -O O- o- dj .ro ws Oarar-e. ^as. oil • rep. 3S»-7» 10 *9 i i 1 fH rr 07 Si SR 4.87 V wtison- Co.. snpfiUea TlaVltom Rroe.. re«*«|rs Oold *»»r Motor Service, Inc.. tr"ckin» , 1.44 l> Wm 1. Oav. vaoo'nate 9< til^a f* «0 Arwell inc.. nast control aervice..' 1**0 fkomfeo) Co.. snnPliea .... 70 T'feifer |T>harmacv. d>-y^ 80 4* FVank T>lnse. seed corn • 8^0 P»«Mic Service Co.. lisrht and nowaa (* ' months') 1H1.99 Th« Pohn Hardware ^Sot, snn 84:114 >'ortt»n»ffv Ward /*• Co.. clothlniT 7 M Woodstock J^ho'asale Co.. tob 99 •• •Tohn Be*tnn'"* Co.. CTOCertea S« *0 Pnnerior- Oil (V, ftiel oil 9*19 '"ller T»«tta?i ^ P»lrerv Co hreed .Tha T>iveraev Corp., laundrv sup. 89.14 Oao. n\\ p. Allen) " carpenter work 90 04 W T». .* "an. ln«»dantnlB 0« ^ T! »"en sa'ar" ItR.ftO father O Allen: salorj- ...v.....!f.... 100 00 '""homes Mont!*•<•>njerv w**^l .1. ... " <MI t^fTle Montgomery, wajfes ,.;... 7R.OO ,rem A't.r|a-ht, w«"aa . #7 150 Mattie ^'^rjirht. .t;........... B7.R0 1 ^T"','rt>l*'l'ry ...... ... |#'«n Cars P^h'V)! wa"-es ,1 *K oft Floyd Ma«on. .wa*«r 1J.00 Re^pectfnMy mibmlttrd, - c638£k CARL R. WITTMUS A. B. WcCOXMRT.L J. R. HAHRTSOI* niltolilit. Miacelliwerws ATJ The Committee on rulUI* Sulldinra preaeanted the folloWinir report, to-wlt. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, a a. To the Chairman J»n<1 Oehtlerheft of tha UnRrtl of Superviiwa of McHenry County: Your committee on T*uMic Butldtnila Would reromMend that the McCuflufn Holat Manufacturinit Company of Downera Orove, Till, be employed to overhaul the stokers in the County build- In*. ft la the opinion of your Commit tee that thej^ are very much in need of repair. All of which la wurffwHv submitted. C. PBHH Y WRKIHT, Ctim. (iTAJJI Pr H. CORNtrtS c coi O. J. CARROLL ; V T. F. NOL.AV. JR. It waa thereupon reirularly moved by A sat. Sunr. McConnell and duly nec*>nd« ed by Pupr. Wittmaa that the wiwrt of the Commltjtee oti • Pwbllc Bnlldinira be adopted hy this Board, and the roll heinjr called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. A ret»ort of the Cocnty Treasurer showine pavmenta dne from Township* on County Home waa pree*nted and read and ordered placed op (lie. A letter from the State Pepartm«*t of A jrrlcultn/e reo«<ecitin«r cooperation with ra^prd to the Kradi^atlon of Noxious Weeds waa presented a a A, read and ordered t»1 »ced on tile. As«t. Si'»r,' 'McConnell, Chairman of tha Committee on Lands and T^ots, reported that hia committee viewed the "rone**ty oonslsttne of a house and two lota in Cnlon. Illinois. Inherited by the County from the estate of John Arta, deceased, and it was the Committee's opinion that authorisation should be Hven by tha Poard and that the Coun»v ahpuld advertiae for bids for the aale of said property. Several oral Mda were received ,and the Committee felt that a definite «fate should be *et to receive bids. He further atated thnt the State Bank of T'nlon haa been col. laotin* rents on aa'd nronerty and that thej' wo»td i'Ve to hava the anthoriaat| on of the Poard to continue to do j»t» and it was al®o the oninion of the Commlttae, tt>af th« County sho»'M bnv ont of, tha aa1e of the property or the rents, *> Wtiltnb'a •nnrlfer to he n'a'-ed on tha »rnm of the aald John »rta. defeased. Tt was ttiArennon ne««»'srly aw ad hv 9«nr. n*lttmne and d"lv aeconded' by «Smr. Wrjprht that said mat tars he ferred to the Committee on T.anda and T,ota. pivln*? said Committee fnl' now to pet and that the Conntv advertise for Wds fnj- tha sale of sn'd nronertv and that the {Stste Wank Of ItllftH ba authoriwad to >o"ect the rents and t'hat tha Pounty- nueehaae a anitahle m»Hw for the «rra'-a of the aald deceased. Jo*>n Arts, and the r«" b«ln( <*»'led. fha Chairman do»iared tha motion nnant' n»o<«stv carried. Several oommunlcatlona from the etate of TlUnois. r»eoartment of Pub'lc vr^rVe and P«Od«n«ra were preaented arid ord^rad n'aeed on Hlf, ••"ha airmon stated that if there was nothln" f.'irth^r to coma before this '«cr he anterta'n a motion • o «|dJontTl. Tt waa tharennon moved hv O.inr. T.-"naaVar dlllv seeondad bV o«nr Mfcier to adionrn. ^fotion carried. Thereupon th» adto»»»<«d CHARIjK8 H. ACtTVAX. Att«i»t? Chairman. R. I). WOOOS, Clerk. 1.10C.1S «.*5 Total Tter>elpta fhepiend 11 ur#a--- Clerk hire. inel. e*. |S.fl«t.«li Miacellaneoua 1«A,44 01 frk'R t*x 4M«4wif y««r Balance flile County for half yf. ending June i. 1944 tl.tM.61 etMalt eiarfc The aemi-annual renort of the Circuit Clerk being aa foliowa; Recel|rta Karned Received ^eoordlnt 94.2nA.tA $J.7I7.45 P^ C4^fck> ^iea lti ^iilt" In Court ....... ^or Misf. JJeev, 161 days! la Cn»irt at . fjlfc.oo ner day Total Rarninfra of -- l.a.94«!t 1.51#, (Ml ,m.9K M7.9R 21.04 4*.t* 19.0' 9« 4,SI l.Ra •i half year . t7.11(.t« Heoeipta. dnrlnc current half vear fhr the urn-Ice performed In praviona half and heretofore reported aa not raoeived. Court Coata 49.28 • Total -Recel|»ta^^il^;i Rvftandltueee-- ; \ . Clerk Hire, inolwdlnf •'> *v.V •evtra for U vr. : : ' V nef»m«i t^wket Feea ikiM Mis" Off 80.44 "Itfli's ftalary for v one-half year 1.256.06 . 8.H7IIM ^.;#4,K4.i6 Bntanoe 4"a County for H yr. ea<ttnr May 31 ?I.**K.?« •SMrUf The aeml-annuni report of the Shef- :<r haina- an fellewa: Re»v»i|tts Rarned Received "or Pherllfs'a *"ees In «S«l*® in Court • Process Docket (1.MS.2E $ Sii?il *?aec»'ti<>n riorket .... io« 40 |f jl ""or Mi«c. Serv. 2,999.9(1 Total Farninea of half year 9I.1S7.IS . Reeetnts dvrine helf c*i»r for services nerformed in half >-eaf endinc Mar 91, 1914 and heretofore reported aa nr«t received: "fioesn tV»ck»t i*»acn*»on r*ocket Rills were audlM and ordered paid ont V»f Motor Fuel Tax funds ax followa R. A. Rt. 0««<<>w H'lSA, <-TT mnnt. labor ft mat. fis.ts 98. 9T. malnt., labor and mat 11. 11-tT, tnawt., Hbttt and mat. •?», n. maifit labof atid mot i&Q 4A. 4A and 5R ext.. 13-IT, maint.. ^bo" fnd material 87 OO 91A. Jl-TT. raaint.. labor attd mat. 9.«* 17-TT malnt.. latmr and mat. ? 9* and 19. 19, malnt.. labor ft mat. 71.19 * 19. ifT <Muri.. labor ft mat. 19MR '7 «hd ia. i*T. oontfiu«t wmat.. Wat. Wo. 1 .11.6111» 4*1* l >«it. mo int.. labor *• mat. 1«.«a . jo.tT: malnt,, 1*1m* and mat. R.<i9 . 81-tT. ma'Pt.. tabof »H m«ta. *•»>* •*1. 8t. malnt., latmr and mat..... *OR. %4 mamt.. labor and mat iS. 8S-1T. malnt. 1*bof-'and mat. 'I. 8*-tT. mattlt. iiNtt *nd mat.^... 87. tnaint. labor an* mat.- 8. 91, eniri., labor anA fhat 91 dar labor c<tnst. mat. J.S91 os 8!5. 98. euat. laltor IBii mat. ^.4i.fio ". *9, end labor aMd met io.s« Wa are ^avinr (yWmiderahle trouble o «-a» «h» thiatlna 9teeda cut on the -oada h»»t are maklfir proeresa with ' *^ee hired tract on an4 one team part -»*ne. ^'e have received from the motor '"M tar fnnvt* r-ntal a* Cmiptv named m*«.h<n»ry hfrcVude* tn the above r***or* •» it« s« »nd tnrned mme over ^o th r>owntv T«-en*nrer fnr the road fund w^loh an id an»n la hereby re>npproprt- »ed fVtr and yi niaili incindimr tb» -«o*«ie. atoracta and n^^hoae nf mad maehtner*- and for balldin-n to honar -oad tnaohinerv, T0t»r committee eatWhates the«e win i norwfevr>rv for th - ei r,e »*,« V» Count*' natrnl ayatam of road* •»nd the pnrchaae of necesaanr toad raaehir.erv an aimronrlatinn from the Mchtva* fmda In the anm of *«ooo until the w*t meetinp of thin Tlwtnd. *11 Of l^^h •« rmn»etf»|ly atibmltted. F- T* i»-T"«srT^r't> •' 1M *Tp v. SCHMtTT ».• inttu i. vti.IT* C. r«Rnr WRIOHT Mlaoellaaeooa Tot«l 1>aoe)pta i>Vnend(turea-- t>ejn«tv Shf. Kal. /!*> •2.68«Afc Misc. as ner statement herewith «&«« <h|«rr for one-half year 949.04 ,.f 899 OR 47.*0 . 8,491.05 11.208.94 lliSM Special J"iv Meeting* 1944 Thn ' TTonorable Board of 9npjrri«om of McfTenrr Connty. Tlllnola. met In Sneclal Session nurauant to the following rail sle-ned by more than one-third of lt«a ni^mKars to^athor Vttth nr«w>f Of «rr-*<aa at the Co**rt Vtolise In tha fltv of Woodstock, on Tuesday the Hth day of Tir'v A./n. 1944 at 10 o'oWV A V P"W(siier's partifleata and Cartldcate ~f ^ailing on file In County Clerk's ©fflCa 1 Tha meeting "»< called to Order hv the Chairman. Cbarlea' H. Aiokman, and the P1ed»a of * 11e-r|apce. to tV FTa* of tha fitted ®t«tea of America was *lveP by the Clerk with all members of tht Board and vialtora present part In w, after n*»»leh tha roll wa called by tha Clerk and follow'ntr mambars reaoonded to their names^ tnwlf jSimen-lsnrs »iiW W. Ruth. C. "»r»v ixrri"-bt Carl R Wlttmus, F. F. T>eetr K C Coy O J. Carro«. K. F yrtnoirw-"" otiniriei W, *ckman. "rank <a Ferrts T. «• Volan. Jr.. T V p^-rrl- "on Stanlev H. Comue. Frank May. *ta»h V c-htaltt.' Metin- r Meter and Toh" .T. niiln and Assistant Smi»n-|(inri V V V'JtWI. v r> v^Conne'l and n,>"i Posenthal, constltut1n« a <nonm n*'-"«nt. The fecorda of the Regular Juwe meeting ware read and on motion apnroved and orderad of record. The following renort of the Conntw Treasurer for the month of June. 1944 *•« nre«f«ted and r»»nd and uoon mot »on of Runr. P'TftH and_d"ly seconded hv Sunr. Schmitt and declared carried •"•as annroved and ordered placad on tile, to-wlt: cnnpty •<•»•• *11 rer's lUport .. Var fha Month of Xana, 1444 meeetnta Rnl bronrht forward June 1. 1944 - K>nera' ^utid S«»nervl«ors. County RolW *"Ot. Co«ntv Home ^""ntv Oficers* Feea **ichwav F*'nd ......... TVrs. Prop. PaCk Ta*ea n«rro'l Ant •"•'"latins of Hwys., Fines rvo<r T«x f,lni((w T,lcfmmp OOm. Bab>nee d»» County for Hyr. •n^lna May. 91, 1944 ..# 7aT,90 failr Co»na»lttee met at the Court in the City of Woodstot'k on •""dpy. the *9rd day of ,*ure. A. T>. i"». an# audited the abo\-e and forevoln* rertorta and found the hooka and atvotinte of the var|a«is officers tmder apd»t neat and well Vant nnd th, norts correct la detail with exception to a fa* m<nory>rrors that w«rr ervaily adinsted. w- therefore recommend that •he renort a he anprowd All of n»v,ah {a r.<n«ettnllr aUhmltted, T»*m, nrttffvtwu, * u-critT's M. MAXWlSTA W»Vt.» >t * y * w" ^ T>KCK A»VS' x*» Pt'T*t PTA VT.FV v C^RNTtTB T. P. NOLAN. JR. Tt #a« therwpon refrularly moved "'hy ®"nr M«ia- and duly seconded bV Pnnr. Wright that tha report of the Comm11- A totnt refinrt of t9ie Committee In "Wr"« of tha renair or enn*-trm«tinn • ha Pr|d»a and »h« Wrejdenfeldt "Hd"» !•< th" Town of r?ha«nnn* wa* •presented nhd read to the Board, to-wlt: Mr.' Chairman and Oetitlemen Of 'the •,n»r-* *+ *i«nerrta«fll. McHenry Coun- 'tv. Tittnot** Tmir oommlttees to Whrap waa referred the conatruet'iih of the Koltr r»rid--e and th»% Rridenfait Btldee in the Town nt-Phe«w«» In sn'd f^"n^v wontd b«w leave to n"bmlt the follolr- •ne report on the matter* Vefn*» them. That we mat ioint'y on tha *«th dav of .T»<ne.' 1041 and dinensxed the mattee of aald hlt"W|ra 1-mnrovamantc awd ••aoidad to reV"t n'l hid a ter»lv*d. The diaem>**^n 1»a tm tha ^iiowh»«r conctu- 'ons: That the priorities evpine on tone 9a. 1*4* a*«d »h»t there would not he i%a«d( •<»• to re <d**erti«e the wotir and enter bond and order the mnterlala before thot date. That the Cormtr ronld order the material* now and ^rttil*h ativ Tnach'nery ,ava|»ahta and tat •ho -ejit Of the woaV later If they an desired. That the *tr»ct"r«1 steel probably ao»>»* not be secured before September 1. 1*44. Tt --n« estimated hy the Conntv Unpt of h 1 ah wava that,, the fjraan<|poodn «twm loh now «tndeet*-nv WopM >>e dn- Ishad In 9* dn*** fhat the *rot»a foe thr An^er«on V-1ac1'ton roed then h" dwrln*. the ne-*t 90 dava. after e-hiv»V the hr<da-«n» eni'W V •tufted w|th your honofable body that under an Act adopted hy the Oeneral Asaamhly of the Jltote of TlHnois. and now In fol1 fowe and effect, the Couhty Board a hall, upon request of the Co. fttjpt. School*, deairnate the bank of hanks, or other •ieftository in tvhlr-h the funds atid other nubile moneys in her custody at Co. si^nt. Schools mny he deposltM. The underpinned therefore reourats •he couhty Board of McHenry County. Tllipfda. to designate the batik of.bahka or othef def»o*1tory In which the fund® and other public tnon#Vfi 1t> hey custody Co. Supt. Schools of McHenry County. Tlllnola. may be deposited aa provided by law. nnt»d at WoodOtocV^ tllirtol*. thia lat. day of June. A. [>. 1914. MARY P. RkDRRS State of minttlA, County of McHenry. aa. • Whereas. Mar^y p. Fndre*. Co: SuPt Schools In and for said Connty. has nuHumnt to the terma of an Act of the Oeneral A ssembiy of the State of Tlltnola adopted and nof in full force and effect, requested this County Roard to de.aiicnatae the bank or bank*, or other dei>osltory In which the funds and other public moneys In her cuatody' as Co. Supt - Schools may be deposited, Jtoir, Therefore, Be Tt Resolved hv "he County Prmrd of Mrrtenry CoUntV, 'ilinma. that Tt»e Stata Pank* of. Woodcock and the Fir«t Kat'onal Rank of Woodstock nra t|..r»hv deslma'ed flenoa- 'torie« in wt»tch funds and other puhlic moneys in tha cwstodv of Mary 11. Fnd- I." aa Co Sont. schools of Molien-v Cm»ntv. Illinois, may he deposited; and Re tt t^itrther Resolved that no hnnvheppfn daslvnated a^ a depnsltorv shaH he oHalifled to receive such fupds or mnnevn nntl' »t has fnrn'shed the Cown- •v Board, with con'es of the last t«w*y •a-om statement* of resources and INv4l1t «ea which such hank ia r»on»r^fl to rnrnt«!|| to the *nd|tor of Puhlic »c- •^onnts. or tn the Comptroller of Cur- "en^y: and -*Re ft ""nrtVr T>e»olv«"< t'mt «" hntik; deOtynated aa a deooaitory for ,;isrh f«'ad» or moneva shal fufni'-h tha ""o>>nVy «><th a c*my of all hank -r*tefr>e*ts wht^h It Is reo«»lr»!d to f»»r- •'«sh to th« of T*nh"e ts •>r •o the Pomntrolla^ of While •«<*tinr ns *»r>h denosltorv: and Tt Farther Peaotvad f>»» if a'fch ffnd» or monevs are deposited in a hank herein de«i(rpated 0s a deno*<tnrv •ha amount of *«• in<|| (]enn|klt« abnll not >ed snwntr.Art cant of tha <-tiAk ><V<* «>«*>it>« of s«ah bank; •nd th* <""a, <unt. ^ahopl* *hail not tie iic»^hnri»«\ri rrAm e»taw*1h*llt^ for anv funds or* motrav* dar>o<-<ta* <n any l'nnk In eveesa of s«tch limitation. It WIS thereupon y;.M?v«1 l,r j flenry ,\. av. atlpr. Kueckrr and duly Paooiwed t<y I Phf ' Swir. Nblan that I>r. B. P. Kewnelly he jAsnns ft s»n •ppolnted County VeteffpailPn ^ and 1 ^'"-t. rn riHt^ aas ilwir that the> contract be appmfpfl. *IHl ,<be 1 Tr;«%ett s Ti.ikerv ' -oil beinxr ^Ulea: the Chal»*i1«.!flec|pra H..yai Food* Mart ™ th^ motion imanfrfiwuly mm*i *r>«^rv • nr. R. if. Kenneliv appolnfed.-^ rfWttpty |Hai-wi.i Ho\ >,s; Shf Idntv^^ Veterln.arlatr of MrHehry Cnwitp;, apb-. |<^e.-rsr ,1. Khlen ~ "" •ct tp tl\te terrps and oondttiona Of the i-ontrhot and agreement. > Supr. t**>rTiaon '^iddresae# VKt .BlWW j'Jra' irvad stated thet flile to thj Tner#at*a^'hf "•ork In the off^a of the Widy' Vft- •\naripn additional sm*"e waa "Otfeded 'or hl« ^office and that th* tfroa'd mcVe vf this time that the office of the Coti- "V VeteHtwU'lan be moved to the "round floor rooms now heinjr oofWpied hy the" County Olrector of Civ. l>efen!te and that tbe said director of Clvi'ian Hes '»nsp ha allowed to have the office now >eoui<i>d hv .t.,he County Veterinarian on •he second floor of the Co\?rt;,Ho»i<Be;- ^aid rnat-ioTi was duly seconded by Supr. ' 'HwtU t. r a n d -dec t a red- w na n i mouwly farrled. . • - The Committee on, McHenry Couhty Home npd Farm preaeWK^' thfe fbllrtw- 'rtij fepOrt. to-wlt- *** i r,J Mrn**- *hf "T:T "V-" -^s;. Frs"h'f boiVff $x , >*«• v Clyde f. Mitie «hf bai-'f? Jack Hlni'f-rli SB.49 9.89 %% na 5«.7* 17.2« 5.0# 5 04 ,#«4 30 00 20.04 5:04 10.04: -f ^ h7 ,s' Old Of peasant Countv Road mainthis Poard and the roll bein« called, the Chalrmon declared the motion unan* ImflMCi* rar"'"^ The CommiUa on Lands and t«ots pre- Wnted the fotlowhr report. w>»lch on motion of Sunr. Viie^ker and dniv aee» onded hv Sunr. HarHson and' the roll He<*a called y*ng declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: 9141 R4».W 914.««9.«a 4tn RR „. 971 St .. *.099.04 1,*M It ... 144.49 1S0*4<MC .. 8,849 «H aa «a ... 9R* oa - 7Mi oa Cream «old 4 . . . . . . . Wav sold Ho»ni^-i fpas rvr*. Baobe. Ed. Tolea, C. T<on^ 91.944.88 9100 ** •4.49 91.04 8419R 91 R«4.S* .•• lune 7th. 1944. Tt<* the Wamnfat'ia Wnar^ of SUperVisora of MCMenrv Conntv. Woodstock Til. Your M"Harry Oountv Farm. Home ,and Mospltal Commfttae he* to renort that they met at Wnrttflnd on the above mentlorad date and audited and^ approved bills for payment in the followin ® amounts: permanent ImprOvaaMata ..9 K0.9R Punoine expense ri^th'n* TnM VedlHnaa W«=nital ...I.......... niet Fuel Creldt for: Cream aold ... -Wosnital f«M Hay aold t«a <?i T7.89 »9 »• 9o.4» 219 41 199.72 480.W Countv Tpftltute Fund- Total Receipts Arand ,Tata» laptalllaM Ca<»ntv Orders "'-h^ww <>rdera v... fl'id Orders ............... innii and r»atit Jurora... '"nroiar'e TITrnra i.....::...I7 Po>«ritv Orders T,r<oha^lon i,fe»5"rei"<! Sniarjr --......1!..... Salaries ............ <st*mns Tnhar'tanaa Tnrai ..... "ntnr fnetTavap T1" rro" Orders Total Kvnenditnrea 109.00 29.198.49 „9179.?9$.«l .91? 9«».91 L. s«»oo 5lR»a •*i «no 19 2fi 99.44 1-0, *0 .... 099:44 sat «a ' r an .. 8,758.91 . 2 '2? 9S 28.942.45 ifoMoa of Tha committee pp T^andn ftni TJbi af tha Rpnrd of Supei 'I' I SOT* of MrHanrv "ountv. T"inoia herehv gives notice llwt It Will recei^-e sealed hida for the *a of the- John Arta real estate 'n the I'Hiare of T'nion. In said Crw«t*, *aM M*« *n ha e«ih™lttart on of before J"'" 1944 *t 2 o'clock P. M. ptd- must he on haals of nayment la full for neowrtt anon . daityaev of M»«a Commlt^aa «asar>es fiffllt tO Tflect any and ail hW, Bids to----»»• n Wanda, County Clerk. Woodstock, TIMnols. T^nds end T/it« committee of Board **f 8*ipe*%'(aora of MrHePrv Conntv. Jul* 4. 1944. To tha Cha'f-man and Oentlamen of tha Board of f^'jierti*or*: t Ywir Committee on T,s nds and T<o9a •o, whom was refer?Of the s»V of the Tohn Arts real estate in the Vlllare of T'nion would hen- leave to r«mort that thev met at the Court Tfonae in the C|tv of Woodstnrk «*h Thun*daV. Tul\' «, 1014 and dtreeted the Conntv Clerk to buhll»h a notice of the advertisement for Mda for mill p*v»r>artv a eopv of aald notice heinr attached and nrndo a oart of this repnrt. Your Committee raoaived a reqtie«t fmm the R M. Melahn Conafruetlon Co. for the rental of a oart of the count*-'* nropertv on the old Fair Orouhds s|t» VfthF Committee «rrant«d th» ro^uest for rentnl f-e of 925.04. Mr. Melnhn a»et«d that he would need the «se Of t|ie' prrmertj' for a^ont nipe months. All of wh'-h l« >-»«ho"«f.iilv submitted. A. B. MCCON-VI>T.T, PIl'T pnSWTUHT, . FWAVK C. FKRRIS Ft> a vv v » V AUOlfTtW M. MAXWRTJi "Y tepanea emoloveea on or shout Autrnst •a. tmi. •aid 4|fH>ti«dnx lad to a motion hv Supervisor 19. J. Carroll that the Connty *nnt. of Wirhwnva aaCnra neie««' <vn tfc» peenssarV material* to t11.1v •ha Wo'*» #t»d ta« T?rtden n>-|<|r4 In tha *rown of Phewnur M«tt*r>n* Ceimtv Tl||not«. in a«*aordanea th* ftta^a" nf TllinOi* annroved ni*n* , end oedae aema on the ba*ts of tha !«•*• no** *o th a rv«n»vty. Motion eeaondad hy P"Pr. ""e Co v. * Vote* aye; nav* pone. Motion carried. A d'«C"**lon e»r tha »»»••'. •a» rate of per diem wares led to a motion hy S«nerv«*or- Ca't Uatttr"^ "that • n enrfa the M^Wanry f*ouptv Hl^hwav AapMatmant re»"'«* amn'Oyees herfor tha -lahor In oon^tr^a^in-- t'•ft Vol!* Brld*-a and the Prtd.n feldt R«|d#a In Town of chemunif Ifi McHenry Conntv. Illinois •hit We recommand •hat thav ha n-M 7*a haf honr for thel lahor and that •hair foreman he paid at tha rata of **c ner h*»ue" VMIor -oaopdid Kji Cnn»T*-*»n- % yofe,° -va• ^a«-s- none. Motion carried vflH* y*om111ee* adlourned •o •h« of* •ha ehaii'mnn nf ai^li r^nseHrft hMd.aa r*om»w<ttee •nh^ IkrHitt-n^aii '• f W»"4«wsvs ha* >*<e<%emad ' committees •hat ha -r h' n._to peine# on the materials -a* har» vlAAad «ha ar^ars on .hahntr of Cni'titr end that da MreO- 1* eftlmatad to. ho ma-*a ahn»»< ««ii»nst 10II "*••> •hat aald paperare on pi'* tn hi* of*^e All of whtah •* anhmltted • t!» ttin^fcnx1" ' » f r>nr "• -- • F WrrtMlfll fi» a»M*» • _ !• of , vt r«v TT <""OR VTrrt rt. J C*RR^t.t. fVwnmt^tee for BridepfWdt l^tidca The Committaa on *»nads and Bridrea presented tha fol low! n» report, which on tnotlon of Supr Ferris and dnly seconded by SUPV. Wlttmus mnd' the r»»'1 hetnir called waa declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Balonea iw hand In all funds June 30th 149.949.41 Grand Total 9178.785.«R The ahove and foreev>lnp renort is trite and enrwt according to tny b4at knowledno and helief... •T. C. TFATSVS. Co. Treas. Suh«ar|H*d a»vd sworn to b«Hii« me t*-'^ nth da> of Jnl". i»44. <8**1> B. n. WOODS. Co. Clerk. The Committee on Feew and Sain Has nresented the foilowlmr report, to-wtt: 91,944.89 9144.82 91.00 . 64.49 841.95 91 T94.9S The remlar monthly Inspection of rmund. bu'ldln*. eowtnment and ltveatocV revealed every thin* to bo in food condition. There beina no further btmlnaaa. your Committee, unon motion duly made and •econded, adjourned. June 88. 1*44 >t- Chairmen and OePtlemen of the T»oard of Pvnervlnorrt: Te»r Committee on "^a, und Sajsrlea to whom was referred tha saml-annual ranort of tha county clerk. Circuit c le-V and Sheriff for tha half year andlna- TiWe 1 1944. wo*ild he? leave tO spt-mie the following renort on the mat- •"'« and tHin~n before them:»--- rva ^•"I.nnnwl rarxvft of the COUPtv Clark hainv aa ffllhnra Peeaint "or T»rohate Feea . ..41,(8; Fr>r Clerk's Feea in 9nl*a In Court «... T"v>r Connty Sarr "nr Mlac. Services.. Total earn in its of Ferned R»eel»ai I 442.44 114.54 4,444 44 10* 50 1897.87 MR*.40 half yaar 911.199.19 P eceived of earnlnra prevlouaty reported : Mr Chairman and Oenti«n«en of the Board nf Supervlaora, MrHenry Countv Illinois* The undersicned members of the road nd hrldre committee for Countv he.<* leave to submit the following report on the matters hefor« them. That wo met on the 14th of June, 1044 and arranmd for a haar<n? oa the construction of a blacktop road surface on the Anderaon Road, at th <~"hioa im offlr-e of the War Production Board for June is, 1 i>4< Sold henrln* a* held and tho- permlaalon yiven to aVe tha fmnrovemant. r>n June 90th 1944 we n»et and <nsnected the work boinr done In blacktopplnr of t^e, Harvard-lynwrenoe road. The work wis prograaslnr satlsfactor- "v. There was no three ouartera inch siae key stone eravel available in thia . latnltv at this time and the state had allowed fh* use of a smallar slae atone than renu!red hv the standard atate speciPaatlons. The road cama out ve*-y smooth and annear* onite sati«faCto-v. and we will aee to It that the flner sise V"V stone la used on tha roads built in the future. We met on the 8ftb day of Tuna 1041 and <n«nacted tha Harvard- T swfance road which had been eomnie* ad other th"«n the final seal coat «hiah i* n»t put on until t^a road has Cured two or more weeka. We allowed an aat'mata eonal to 90 percent of the v*i»« of the eomnlated materials. Wa a»ain met at Wnod*toek. Illinois, on thr *|h dnv of Jv'v 1944 and auditad a ad ordarad nnhl Nils of a renerai rnfvfe o»>art*ea1»le tn tha McHenry fViupfv TNUml System of Roedn aa a whole for rana Irs and aunnliea fnr Countv owned ma'hinerv and labor at the County tool ffcuea and wounda in- "ludlnw a <»aad ford-F»rT*on hIrhwav momar et'ttt); #»i to a tota.l nf 91.000.*7 "I"' (>i>ir>*e»Me to the various .section* nf the County Patrol Svatera of r»«sds at rates heretofore annroved by th'a Board re»» audited and ordered nsid a* faiiowo; SaetiOna 9. 14 Oec*«"ns 4. 1«. 1% Sections 4. 17 . ftectton* 7 9 1^'JVJ#--~-. JWetlona 19, IS 4 9S.59 ww • 222.74 a<» *• . o« .... 289 91 Total $9,224.(9 11 waa therannOn re"TlKrlt moved HV • -• Quae, Madonna" and d»*1v ten. ndad he an nr. Wrl«,'t that the renort tha totnt enmmlttee *^e adonted b** tMa r»oa;nd and . tHa _S2T1 ...helpjf ca*led tha Chnlrnian de^-'arad the - motion 'n*nHi«i«iv carried t• Mnnn<ii>tfi* •o th- Poard that It la necessary to toake ne" selection* as to r^-<; fV-a tha nt "M e*fa»*rv Countv the memttar* from tha various vm r v* Ina nresantad naw llsta of not "« thsn one-tanth of tha leeal voters r.* rth »"• town or- nifelnot tf.r •ha ti»A*w«^M'-t l«e» set-vloa |p fha r«* WnP^rrr conptv which 1ls|« we're r»ad hv the C'a*V Tt »•« there. 1 rnn-..ioelv -n'-i"! hv S«nr Mater »•%,» ,».>t» aaonndad »>v a<mr. <*l'1n that f»1'i«>Qir resolution he adonted, to- Wit; 1 , >• ••*-• the name* n* •and ta tilt* t*oaed a-hich na*nes h«v« r-iAot™* *«v ih» Sunefvljaoe* of tha ra*r>aoti«-a t .wpshi.ns of not lea* than ona-^an^h of tlha leenl voters of ea^.h • n» if enoH town Preif«1rt<»t' In th" Connty and ivM<*h n°mes. ^nnaar i« T Irt. Vfl 't mi ate |n the r.**""^ "•M.nn* Conn. »•• • -ad har. hv are da'-la'-ad the laa-a| p^flt .Inrjf T.I*-!* far •ha C^irtof ^inWrae* Cnenlv C*|d T Ivt* llr.lM- -»<• strain', are made a. port of tht* record - •)» rail helne the Chalr- -- » i , ^ tha becol""i?i --""r1.- o l-i«»- • ft wao tharepnoa rerularlv moved hy •<»nr. iCaaaotl and dn'v seconded by <?..*>* VArr<« tVinf •ho fn"oWlnaT BeaolUt| on ha adonted hv th|* Po^rd to-wl*. Re It Peeolvad liv thrt Poard of S*«- •\Awtsova ^frttlflf^i-- Col-ntv. Tt'laols; that tha Chairman a»npolnt a commit- • ea n' tht-ao «-»,«nar**|so»***"" and •v,'*^ c-aM commiffaa ha and har^V-i* I's "HiVr-Ur'* *•»'"• "» timas aa are reoulred from the Petit Jury IJ«t N"o. 11 of Mc- Tt„^ ^ n„ ei- >- . •, - Connty Clerk a number of peraona at .0 *"0 for aaeh Trial Term .of the Circuit Court of said Co ..T.*,. »„ a Pattt Jurors aa provided by Chapter # of pav'sad «•-•<»•« of TUInois as 1ihaaa.,^nt1v amended. And the roll betnir c»ll«d. the Chairman daa'sred the motion p«»rle4 and Th* i>oaanthni and MaConnait nnd Supr. Oov to act a« anch committee. The fillnrln* reouest of M*rv P. ill""' tha newl V atvnotpted Cou«>t v OiiaerlnteS'lert af Sahj^Ms <in4 n«m1n. •'an nae-iina- dano*itor<as were nreaented nd read to the foard. to.-wlt: "tats nf ntv of VeWanry, ap. To tlie Board of Sitperviaora of Mettihi* rv Co«»>tv "He- I-- Tha tfA-r O tepdva* Co. Sunt, of Sehopts wf Me9fs»i» Pftimir TlMnoin. respectfully repreaonta unto Tt was ^hehiWiaji ^•'ilH'lv moved-'hy l««t, frerr'a and duly seaonded *>V '"wir Cnr that the rea-ia^t of tha new'v •janolated Countv Ounefintendent of ^4 *r\ f of th«» On«Btv PoVfto'* tK'c to 'B 'nil nw* fr\ 9» th# Af nf "A nf w> M n T*«^4»pfj ir\ .Tmho 1" (••>/* '/> IWtMr»»|A llflt" V»Af» 9»io«A«rtf ^19 '•SABgM h»» iht* ***««. Oav ft»r- •**H_ ||4Pa|con |tt>, wn'f Ffln Poei**>. VAtP-4 V*>V Rnt^i, n i»o/4 t^a *vsc,Mnn fk * V fii^ ProAf T". 1of<AR frtl* ^ P ^ »« CSvintv fnr Upl9pf««*v tA thft t»i- ' -apotiKf^ IacI fha tlia yp^p hp«rj^t»<prr *«'tt 1 hM latpa ***m cnntmot to-^rlt: July Sv t944. Mr. ChalVman and Members of the Ptar-i of . Supervisors of WcWenry County: Y or r County Home Committee met July 5. 19'4 at the MrtHfhry County Home and audited the hills for the month of .lime 1<>44. »ud t-eapectfptly ubi"'ts tVa foltowincr- ^eiSort. ' rec«m«- •vand|n# snrte he paid. il. P»>'i T >lenimre Co., telephone ser' loe •? month's $ 5**^ *h0 po>,n Hardware CO., supplfea 8'.06 John Sexton & Co., groceries . 1*9."* i^H-'erteld Farmers Sup. Co.. seed Vrwell; 1n<\. pest oopttol V ^oddcrd " Truck'ntr. 'liinnstoli» '. Miller Patton Beklne- Co.," brehrt W. WoolwoVtli. c'otheS •*uperl<Vf Olt Co.. fuel- ofl I«n A See foundry Co. lOnPdry aerv'.-.^ ' Woodatotk Wholesala Co., fob! "'ipre. o" . rAfc ^ s>m ^hllll oa Service St^titrvn. 1 fire yal Wine ,«».M-e, frrooeriea Thomna^n Applianfv Co.. Shellaiie ma a> r>^,- oteenlnp- ceas pool .... * .'"'j*®'. TTn\vlrv . r^Paira Boycc Bros., g-as '. #^ArtihJS ^^ont<yome"-(* W^rd k- Co., clothes "owtnan Prna. Shoa Rtorfi, Shoes " •esor*,^ «. <5on'. clothes ....:.,„u •ait* t», \'1on. fTtri aoolt P. AMAn. in^'d^ntala P »'lan «-s1a*"v" ; • ...„ V.l. tbf>r C. * llan. sala-fy oma** ^nnl"omefv. wagpa " "... fff'o Montromerv. waves '"arn ..\1l»rl<vh^ W'lReS .' ""'"t "i-~i(rh» w'A|riHi ' >r|n^a ***^'1, t-aitirv." 1.....:,'.*....'.V "lara "ftehm". :sa1afv' •"vUi-- ""h"d^t f o- C-a^, j¥0jjf ^ " $4* ** ^alat-ae on hay ...., R.lg r*itor*foptMl£ h ••/ •. VC", •. 1 . ' ' t0^7> «*M • nfn A*% 'at ilnv of V n tHH. hv Mnth Nf T • l|o«pl«Afi r t^pppv ttTrlflFfef fAf nf *Hp >or^ N f < * ¥ » * * * ' n f ^f t?1tnolV: 1« fhr ~»*rtv Hwt *»«rt P, T* - aa»» r*M*» p ?>" O* T>1 T*f V»Rperoi»i« fVaf W^pepna f^p Paip ' •"f -*l«?n»*« Of ^ntint? of ^fr»- T4pvip^r tifi^ nf *n»* "WfrtnrMM 1 #«m nf ?nnn#»y to h* •icwl In •p»%pp,- d^lrr «»t(V nf th* county nf f^rrnffnn nf th* «»=• f»f C99n*f«»fonM #V«TP4- tfio com ^ ^ '"it •><*••«, P«MT»tv Vpt^flfmr'0" • r> p^«ntn(«tpp ^f^Vrtppy r*nn«ttv. op^ f A ?inryi'tif. np*9 >>o( hA)Kf| th* •^t^opt of ir* of »th* Is'tflit* >f mimiU jf '« RiiWunMy hv fttl'l h<\- »sfAf»H' fSp MH'ao ^ *9 n«rt to employ th* id Pfl- fVr» »pAfi^4 no t»l *1 'optp one y*sr he^innlnr .Tnlv I. 1944. and ndlnir no^ 'nt'-r •hon Tuns.90 104R iw. »er the fol'owtn«• evnre*s --terms and Vnd*tlons that la to sr^v: The narfv lof the *econd "part, aryaea 'a ntrform ^l* serX'lce* to the aatlsfac-• efnp of •hn ahma mentlonad commtt- -*e ranra*rtnt'n a- •hr Poa^d of S',nar- • sor* of th» *ald >faH»rrv Cmin^v fir ha aalnra- of SeWfiteen H'indrad "ortv •Soll»ir* '*1 '40-00* ner annum. h» 'n •mvarned h" tha d'raotlon of tha "omfnlt^ae reneesart|na tha poard" of 4ppWr\-lsors ns to the manner tn \vhioV nhar"t»i|a t^sts ar/i •o ha ma'*a. h<^ will •lati r»r aa» sa to kean an aaalirata f«. .o«n* With s f«ai evw^em of a'1 on^tla asted H- himsalf and hy his as«lstanta Pfl »C COP •*»«• n npohO" Ofjpnpl ^rv»*r>n4 .n fur^'ch*^ M thA t»irt*» of th* • 4af Tha «aHy nf flfpt tn th*L n^r*v nf *b* «*^on<| p^rt n Of*1*f ff^- *9 nn*.*w^*th rf fho hnv(i <f| f^r iinh ft»* fif** nf ^nnfH ***h* f)*rty of t^o 4ft/»/*»>f» Ff V^oa f} r*on*d of nil r*«^torn.. T>w» >ap»tT ftf '1 • •n h«i'.« of th* hny<nr of n*o*^^nry for hmrifUti* of r^»tt1* and »'«o all ^•h*r n***#w*?i.ry • to nrrv on Ka «nM nnrtv of tfi* flr*t to p»v 'nf* )v«mp * Th* o»rty of th* first f*»H h* rfrht to *n<l direct th* of th* of th a io»-* on lnRf it fKiji nnf\tr'»<*t .•'« <*i forr* • nA o^rtrf nh'f th* «*rvl^** of Ha A'>9^t» of th* s*rntift T>*rt *re not • «tlotoo^r>rf tn •*>* nf f^»*t op«^ nnnFi 9 v>*T>o**t n^ «itoh f*l«- o •! th* HooH nf QiinAfrUofQ rjcool r,y, •• Or "ippt^ff nf <|aH |f ••»*/! inhft f>f ^<«f4i4tUfirMon 1® *or>rnvp^ rnpfn^rt wh^tl h* fprmfn^tA^ *n<t <»aHt|<»pp r%p M fnr nronortl^potA^v •^V tn »H« tra#w<»)aHo^ nf nont»"«nt^ t tin^***«fon^ th»t ' *> en oV one*4* 1« n^rtv of th* **oond *t tbo 11 Koi'r •*>/» t-inrK• opi^ rnnnpfii'ij. to »o^»*»r h*fnt»A f>*4i Popr«^ nf .fl'ia^^p^ anrl tviflV® «nv ptnl^n^t^n thu.t h* mj»r d**m n*^«wnv Hi o#»«* Anf)t(nr*nT^ h#r*$fi ^fthull o#»mf .#• f-tpth*f n*>if*ri»fooH nntl •Hit th* nirtr A^/th* j^et «kni| *f%T the r«ni nf Wiftv tV»tl-9 ao npf *nrtr*h tn h# rwfrf f^MitStv *>v thp narty iof the Jllrst part f»irnish his A* Ib f>T>A *w>4ft wo^lt «i»#i th* of *nv • f n'lOo • I*f* t »•*o V livp n» vv* V mv #f»f or.i nth*r oviv>r«oii Af irolnr to •A^ %%lct ^PIP^V^AP* t» tn f««rtt>*r »«»Si**r«tAO^ ' >»•* t APpt«* rt' tli- -'t-p *^0 tvAr*» rv# **»- n^Bt <r*wt^a dRvs not<cp of t*rrnlM»>ton of omn'ov. a^ppt o»l* f^of llti n° of f Kp flppl nopf cKpll <H"h »Hp T\p+t v nf th* r\*rt 4f?vQ notlo# of Vp IOQ* ^ > tn ^"•b*«« H^nr^o' •K** n«ft'*l* hOF*« hi*** H*W«tn Q?«PPA|! iVfllp «tP*B|kC th* <>»»«• voir ^~«*t «•-r111An o# c«nerv)oora of McHenrv .'Vint- Panels -rty of '"•» "'-"t t»a»t "v < sr..70 l.nto I4:llrf RO.Hf 400 97.14 4 M S9.R7 So 40 "9 7S 74.M 90-00 (»«; •* f aA^ - 1 2P4' ^ 1 "ft>o '•** 1-«S p«* 50 US oc ioaoo SO. 00 iin.on 7'.S0 or so 100 an 95.<W --f- ' f1.41fl.11 Julv fith 1 To the Honourable Board of Snnervlaors of McHenry County. Woodstock. Til. Vour M"Henrv County Farm. Hum" nnd Ho«mitai Commit*® he* to report •hat they met at Hartlapd on tha nbove mentioned date and audited and nppro>-»»d M'ls for payment in the fol- 'owlni? amounts. .- " Permanent Imnroveniehts 1f 2* l7* ^ininnnnlinniirr VPvt'vnruwnnano* *• • 90" »P o.>;he^ apd j^hooa Tohaocp Hoantal ^"n e| £>iat .... 9'7 ?•! 70 10 "M.'St l.OS.hO" 117 if! 272 00 Credt J(Vir> v r ••**.• Cream aold Balance on hay s<>ld S.H HosnMol credit *>»»*••+ *000 v'T0lfcf- 25.00 9.1,528.94 .51": 109.7# ^- , . . Th« raeruNr monthtv inspection of •round, huildInjts, equipment and livastock r«'-"~'ad everS'thlnp t-rt l>« in '-;ood condition. i* fheM present time there are 24 onHonta in tHo hospital and aa Mr«. Wolt ij"!"' only' ' one assistant tt i^ necessnry that she be on call ?! hours per . dp,v. Your .Committee feels tha* ndfr thpi»' clrcnmstanoes M rs. Wolt he_ fTrsote<l an itt^re-i'«^ in salarv of *15.«o 'ppf mnuth- an<J„yj,)Ur ^ompjitU>« : * « r a c o m m e n r t i } , , « • # , Thetje !>..'n» ' n«j. furt^^r' /twpinaaa. vonr Coyimltt'-e. Opo* imot"ion iiulv mn>la an" ««>eonde"d. 0d)o»jrped. ' . •R«ap®ot.futJy si'luriIttoil, • .. . p. .T. CAPpof.j, ,Chtipnfi~-. rAII, ROSFXTHAi, , , .r r ,T. ^ tt \ pptrcv --i.; C A n R w t T T M r ^ s ' . . . . • ^ B. Tt thereunon re™u!arlv moyed by Supr. Klllp and dnlj- seconded by sWbr. Wr'nlit VP"'- fjeeon-'e-l hv A*v-t. Svifir tee On^MoHanpy Cpuitt^' "TTome and Parm l>e adopted hy this Board and the roll Peine called, the Chairman caclpred th« motion unanimously-carried. The Clark nresented Mst* of ^1alm« ntrnlnat th» County and upon motion Of Supr. Vueoker and ilnlv seconded hy Supr. M' ler and declared carried the Said claims were referred to thO nr°P»T orfmmittees and the n<»ar-ij adiourned '• o cltK k f°r , comipjtt^fe. ; . • lr»0 O'OXfOC* ftdptyj8r,; on;v ...... V^v ••' ' ' - I 1' 0«. Supr. snl. M'-fetSL^ *«*• August . W.. .1?ii,th-,..... C. Perry WrishfL^'--' carl R. Witt F, K. Beck ft. C. Coy . ; a. J. Carroll Chas. H. Ackmaty ""rank C. Ferris T. P. N-olan. Jr. 1. R Harrison £ ' «S,Oftio 50-; : 'M *o ' • - - . 21 Stin!aV H. CorntW, •-•>/' ' vrapit Mav'.- •">= Vnth V Schmitt 1" •" 1 Heprv C. Meier . •oho .1 i^lllp ••v""':'" t." M. Vnvwetl . :•• • '"J;. A. B. McConnell vpul Rosenthal .a* r: ^ *. , A. Crlssey. olr ct pro off «al Willis Jo he. rir ct pro off *ai May- W.l'lla Job©, elf ct pro off sal . June wll)is Johe. olr ct pro oif" saal -.part April Ci'y of Woodstock, ct hae Jail " It and water •-Ijir'ov Sair^an, *np srha nast and i"Ik hire J'.icc Heim. tb off sal >m. s. Nr"e Shf feed» nrh, . .... -V A Vu'le. shf per diem ,, f"e* serv yy'11'..fv. -rinii. Pmatr.. co ,.0'|00 sunl •rs no •". «1 8tl ,4*i <^n -,89.00 - . ffireo"- lio to • • t;«'a 21.90 ' -4« *0 I?.i0 - TS.oo I 75.00 32.50 *99.44 mot 1 '0 00 loo.ap iso.ap 9tl.9S i.-».ao '$r £ "A 4? f.stje Muldoon. <<t h*e i*'l asl .. ,o»ei«a J. McCannon, sop actia '•>"*t a«d oik hire 113L75 ',*1T Of ,wh«a^ «s v-«v.T,-,..tfiillv stthmltt*#. c > r.T "-*-v-"\c*S Ch*lrT«*n " " F w. xrccK^w ; frwi^r>v r. r*.*!rtc mat '-V.,...v<' a. ,.t. ca PRot.i, j .-v Committee on CT#^n#. • -AdfW»r "ror presented the followin* rep->r* <rhi.-h on mnt * op of S»nr. Meier a'-il saaond^d t-a* Supr. S"hmltt Ira* ffi« -o|l- hein? <>ai'«d. was declared^ una*diwoosly adopted, to-wlt: -- July tf. A. TV 1*« Mr. Chairman and Centlemen of tH# .'Roard of Suparvisors: •, Tour Committee or. County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that "hey eranjned all claifns pre.santed to •hem and recommend the pa'-mant of he following: and that the Clerk b« 'irected to ts«"e ordars on th° Countv Treasurer to the C'ntmsnta for amounts allowed, aa follows to-wlt •lapendent Chl'dren-- t-• "hl-a«m Tnd„* xr e0r cw], 9 »(I.M ' -••haran Child Welfare Assn.. r > - * tt. V'ncent'<! Tndus. Trng. Schl. Carlson, Olossen. Sol*msP and a*<Somav .*......._ "vn V *,1 "ho ..., ,rrs >»i«"ia Pr'irham. "®wenson ... F S-'hnafe- #• ton. ""homnsoa "V. * S nr-he-^or Sl^'on i^r. Warren M Mil'er. oio««on ... V»ntp,mery V.'ard ^ Cni., "•aadfpan -Mrs >lf-«d Kt'ieoer <Jta*d»nnpi .... , ,'^1'lsa M ProoVs Steadmnn - '•Oiv pro aer •r-v ^xp t^K.OO il.W '>»n»iiilint Chi'dren-- "owman t'ro* Shoa Store. TVT.lna ,, "M <3ivai• rrier fflel^pig'n '?• $l| . x#*v Wre->v «-hn<"iCe T*ir|ah 20.P« • 1* r M r)t Pnnn#»r-- • n|ra Co.- Tnharan'oSts Spp 7*^.4® ., i^-'wnrH T-.,hi"»,lt ••'Sa '• *•! Of ivhtoh i™ ra*n ^i'-illy SUhmitt«d T„F VOT.AV TTt. . M . )nc nr-mif • V ' '* riTf If'"l| •> . ". H*HN' J." FIT-TP ', "*Z m . « I IHt T* SCTt1WT«1# p n*et»t am»ntr^ Comrnittea. \|p|y Of *h« «hw»<wid th,rt B. F. KENVKM.T Board met pursuant to adjournment and upon roll call'the aame members responded to their names a« appeared of record In the mornftipr session,, const'ntinp a quorum tifeaeht. ' Thr Conimittee on claims.-'-I^abor. Fees and Supplies presented the follow'- tTlR report, which pn motion of Supr. WrlRht and duly sconded t>y Asst. SUpr. McConnell'and the roll befne called, was declared unanlmounlv adopted, to-wlt: July 11. A. D. 1H4. Mr. Chalrmnn and OentlemetT? of the Botifd of Supervisors: . Your Comittee on l-«bor. Fees and Supplv Claims'" would bee- leave to report thnt they have examined all claims presented to them, snd recommend the payment of the following, and that ,the. clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimant*' f'~>r ,the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Fre"4c Thornber Co.. co elk '• office sup .... ...9 M,(T Woodstock . 1 »ally Sentinel, aurpr prtc JS.70. aun sc-hs off erp ' ' 14.Ofl eo flit eleo snnl *S"4.'tO..„ crvstal Lake Herald, co elk elec sup, . .. V. ... Harold W. Srhrnidt. shf off 8up ' fS.21 : co treas off sup 9T9.99; c|r elk sup 11.95 P. TVttibone & Co,, fo .treflja. offl sun 91.10 60.20 trnt^ Office Servioet rir c'1< sun *t ; S1T7T: Co alfc off sun flfi RtC '. "iif SjSSt raw' Book co.. Jtjdy Mbry 10.00 I.awfars Co-op Pub. Co.. judcy li»*»ry ' ?.T. rt Stavens. Co. Treas!, copt" '""earson's. e't hse" Jail repairs . . T.ildwlg Wilson Co.. ct hse sun"' 54.4* r>rri4 # Broeker Sup. Co.. ct hse sup ,. , 19.91 T'ichmond Ca*ette. co tress prtg 114.60 Mr*. Itohert Conway, co elk pifr . <li«m and rntl alee njf . " .25 Mrs. Alice Pell, o0 elk p^r dietn' and mil »>leo off . ^srl Soh"lt». co ii;dire reptr ... WorHrick ctudlo. shf off sup . >rever *- Wehthe. Tnc.. «hf off s«t Wa»ald CO elk alpc supt ffiS "n- e|r elk sup $12.00 r»o" T^lenhone Co.. ct hsa Jal tal C. t., Tryon. cuo sun hwy trav exp 124.55 HOrvs-rd Herald^ bd of rev sup * 0* char'as * Hiy^ judcy J is fe^s 40.00 Frsnk Thornber Co.. co elk "tax .bk etc fary P -Rndres. Sup. Schs,, .awa wchs off exp '. . Shf Per hieti P>ee Henry A. Xulle 7 5^ 19.0? ?S 5.10 10.a« •RS 58.00 97.20 11* •Tha I»•«. ". ^o'nt~d to seleet a *ls(f of persons eon"l to 100 for frj.Tl Ta.nV f>f tha Ctr>i|lt Court , fvOtp. • "ha Itfi- T 's.t* No '1 now on ft'a tO »hn Cmip'v C1,(.vs Slid lllr©a~ to he selooti»d for tha enautno. va~r i report sthowlnir snah sai.->r>t!ons w^'nt ••eport wss read hv tha .eiarfc- ft '!->»«» 'hrri'^n^a -onrii(n'(.lv rvf»**ad hy ' i»uth ond dniv second^Dd t~v S"nr >»~i«w" • hot said renort1 he ennro\-^-^ ^ni*_»h"t said- saioction* so m»d« ha or'iaratt •ttaohed to the sfores»id .Turv T faf* ^To 11 and .he herehv made , a part "of h|s reaord. pnd fha r'11 ' I "i c !liprs. Puth. Wrl-ht. TS'f-tmns. Pa.-«o>M Cnyro'l. Wue« V r ' t"- - •** •'-nr TTnfrison,-Cornue. May. Schmltt. V.'l«n nd i^fiin and Asst. Sonrn^ \f.a'**T. MeConrall a«»d r»nQ,Jrt,i im- Vay nonn. Tha CVii™nn 'iWlacd iKa motion unanimously adopted. ' \ tn +V.-* opinnpi r\f MM Vivi* T», PnunC-npv»«»i ! tw^nt of School^ na principal, aw#- • wis *»*r% _*v%^ Tf tf«t C •^OrftMTS«n moved that th* said bond hi# lim>mv#4 *>nd r\*N**^M ' of rA^n»*d *nd *h«* rn'1 Wpkl" 'riff t*?* Hintipn 4in*»Titmoti«i|y c»rrf»4. T^t* r»?^v «i4-*fps«*4 Kn MVo tn hii'B fhp o' fpart^Mit'-wii ""ly® ^fppjnpf ' -\»i . 'Hp n« l« 'fnd*r S'V^'on 7 »KA i>Pftv»N»^ . ^Atrffftr^tino n# ;<c> n# '•.*** of ^ «tor* with, r*pnrd to .ao*tt*r, it |Bn#i rfkfrnl^f'y >>y > ^'nr. Mrfrkfin*!' nr* rt"lv s^on^M tflpr-.. i11n•* •>*«• t^inw K<» ppa ^ r*^«tr^ti^n to h*. h*^ft *| th •> Vi*ii»f""h«a f\w* rt -«f *^*r 1A 1^*1 T*1» i<#c|«r^ • v»r» nrjn^ Q»• r>»• ^ fVfl* •Vv O*«^ L fit Wfi*th*r IML,^lot H wo"M h-k ^ fo somp cf •Ha. ^'Qtp<pf« r># K* H«** ; 'Vtft^oa t|V. in«J >N.% * ordered by* Supr. T*"Vi<*ht and deo'*>-*<t - .ylriA"*11- earrled. ° Tha f-^*l ni*^tn«r- lysi^mflwIAjilloil *^-.*S| r-l"n»v PilfteW.M^il'l^lt I -a# •VS.* 'ni"M*«»al a 1^1 '--1*1 nl^did on %ia, fo^v 'e • Co-rntv. ll'fnoisi: -,T..1v * Tlo~rd Of « •WorJIstoek Oenllewflj • • / • . | •S'nan It Is p«f«.M«rv fll« «~»a tn V ,'n 1t'ei1',1nr>o St n st^tA mert'n<e •*f.Jmm!t* of «"h >^'s a*, T*»V., rtM, *'ha *»tel O*, y ^iir a-»-«a- T er. Meiw*. 'Vl» j$e«*«' of ar-f^n^lnr to von th* J* ^C-iin»ri-l«o,r« of M -He-* •"*»• !•"t'oji to A-'sit The J"*-, ter*v Cpi-ety pura' Workshop tot -If !«• :r» . . V>t»0 /-«• * "o' Vlnfl e\f !«'n9» r >tn4 r-yy oof ^t*« I* - *Vv ' n^nor^'tn^v to th<*Tn i-trh dn *Tt~ 'A On Va^**V *n>v • AA A; V. f»a" ha h«».a- *, n»4ni)>6i^ who tn Vfoi* •>»* t»Vk^tAry fn th# . mckft 4)m >»(V>fw»FnMi*p ppf tpH"» %• « th* worV^htp cof»'**r In th»> ^ft**v T)nnf>. » . ' vwtt« M M*V P. ypr s" • . •- er <» -Mio»a .•••r"*eit com- of n Pesolutfop %t»»* v,. »v , n^mi *,»» -»# Meivei\i.s»i a,Ti,#fe'jKr'e'r'as •k--» na-' r w..^--so-si t ' l Ch . > * . ! . • * *% * K <» Ivnd V-SC n" f - »ad fti.4 r^ad 002.7' I "•' n'-»~-d air e>» j »».>. . " 25.Jf (-cv»»m»v n»-s»a»a-« fy f-<l.i«rt»» j ->.<• tfte'ee f<>» y% .... 130.001 Henry County. Iltipois fur the cwnaM* 3*- -9i:- aim «S^'*» "Si 4e'si>"'

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