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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1945, p. 12

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7 ' ? wpfY « s>* •* • - ran Y&E BOARD Or SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS * • - ^ > - * - July 8?st 141,119.21 ed, to-wit: PTO eratlon and action of the Board, to-wlt: Woodstock, IlU July 11, 1*44. To (h« Honorable Board of Supperisors of McHenry County. Tour County Stoning Commission would respectfully submit the attached Interim Zoning Ordinance for your consideration andn action it. ! T. F. NOLAN JR. " PAtIL ROSENTHAL * j ? CHAS P. RENICH * I .. . R. P. DITSENBERRY ^ <S JOHN j. »1I*IP ; j-1 Interim Boalag OrtiaaaM ' / Kolbary Oouty, Illinoisf - '.i KoImij Ooamty, Illinois '•. XaUrlniB Btalif Ordinams* . •, ;A*t ordinance regulating and rsatrlct- Tftg the construction. alteration, location and use of buildings. structures and land for trade, commerce, industry, and other use except for;- raii.i y residence and farming use, until the effective date- of a comprehensive Zon t ing Ordinance now, in preparation of for a period not to exceed twelve (It) . months; and providing for issuance of ; building permits and fas therefor: and "providing penalties for the violation of : any of its provisions: Whereas: the County of McHenry, : Illinois, deems it necaiiaary to promot* : the public health, safety, morals, corn- " fort and general welfare and conserve property values throughout the County as authorised by Statute (("an Act In relation to County Zoning" passed by the General Assembly of the State «f Illnols, June 25, 1936) and has appointed a Zoning Commission to further such purposes, and < Whereas, during the time of prepara^ tion of such Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, it would be destructive ef a general plan for soning to permit tfte further intrusion of trade, commerce, industry or other improper uses tri residential or farming districts, and . much building or alteration mliritt be accomplished or uses of lands inaugurated pr changed to defeat the purposes of such Comprehensive Zoning nSinance. N'ojr. Therefore Be I( Ordained by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Codnty, Illinois: Section 1--For a period of not to exceed twelve (II) months or tfntil the fwctlTe date of a Comprehensive Zoning1 Ordinance, it shall be unlawful fbr *ny person, firm or corporation to to- ^ats erect, construct, alter or um any building, structure or land for trade, commercial, industrial or any purpose' other than for single family residence 25 * U8e' except in areas out»M» Residence or farming districts as defined^jhfl en otherwise? this Ordinance. rcsras-ftss as a residential or farming district except: (A) 2" ,and UB#<J for other than residential or farming purposes before and on the date of the adoption of this ordinance. (B) That land three hundred (800) feet in depth fronting on both sides or a public or private highway, street or court, twenty-five (2&) percent or more of whose frontaee three hundred (100) feet in each direction from the center of any proposed building, structure or use, was used for other than residential or farming purposes b»fore and on the date of the adoption of this Ordinance. Section S--A written permrUr'shaH be obtained from Mr. R. D. Woods. Issuing Officer, or his duly appointed ??.! £• beforp starting or proceeding ». • f erection, construction or alteration of. and Tor the change of use of any building, structure or land ifor any purpose excent for agriculture as provided by 8tatuta. The application tor eaen permit 'shall be made on a form prescribed by the McHenry County Zoning Commission and shall give a description of the land Involved, proposed use, a. description of the surroundings and soeh other information as may be required Al'thority. A fee of $2.00 (Two Dollars) shall be charged for each permit. 1 Section 4--Anv person, firm or corporation to whom a permit has been refused may appeal to the Board of Appeals which is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Enabling Statute and such Board of Appeals shall have all the powerr-and duties conferred thereunder. The Hoard of Appeals shall adopt ita own rules not in conflict with the Statute. In the performance of its duties, the Board may incur such expenditures as shall be authorised by the McHenry County Board of Supervisors., ^ Where an application for a variation of any of the regulations of this Ordinance is made to the Board of Appeals " if. Is alleged that practical difficulties or~|»rticular hardship not intended or not common to other owners of property in the vicinity will be rrnosed in carrying out the strict »nv °,f such regulations the Hoard of Appeals may vary the provlwwiitthh* t/ih,e follow°rin1gln arnuol'e' s: harmony varf?tion ,n th« application of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be made concerning the use of the lend the -intensity of such use unless after * "j'bllc hearing as provided by the McHenry Ponntv ' t Board of Appeal* shall And that such n?.H» ^ I?ot Impair an adequate supply of light and air to adja- Pa7Wr,Ji (?2 ,npr"RW the hasard from nt*e pnd other danger* to **14 property. ,)»> diminish the vaL,Tf sdlaeenV land and buildings, (4) mthe congestion or traffic hasards u .vr' highways, and th"'n"r^Jmpalr the public health. *• ,mCr?!R and ssneral County! Inhabitants of said 6--Any person, nrm or cor. - rr -mployees or contractors of such, who vldlates, disobevs n^rt8 or refu"e" to comply of anv'nOi? resists the enforcement of anj of the prevfsio'ns of this Ordin-> ncf shall be subject to a lln» of not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) T>olf" r ^ offense or to lmprtsonwent «n th« Pnrnty Jail for a period of rn r, R,x 'fi) Months, or both. ^ ^'*rretlon of the Court P. V., Portram 10? North M"in Street Cry-tal Ti^^tirinois. shall be the AiZunL0mC* r "f tht" Ordinance a7d shall ba^ power to make such orders r»ouirements. deHsfons and det»rmlna- OMinnan<.eare to enforce this Section fi--A'l Ordinances or Resoluw? t»r n 0LPr,WK,h"rP0f ,n conflict here- with are her^bv replied insofar a<* thC proVls,™« ^ f„rr;rne law*^^' an(1 pub'lcat'on as provided by R»nerv|-nArrt nf"MoHen day? July't^T'n1 iVr/'"* held Tue- CHAR. H. ACKMAN. • Chairman of Raid Board (Seel) Attest: «. n. WOODB, Clerk \fw th« readln-r of*the Report and Or.din«n«-e by the Clerk of the Board a general dlsc,w,«jon with regard to said mattT «->s jiad. Mr. Vtitym. Kn^.ln«er- of the Regional Planning Association, was called unon by •£.* ..cbalr Mr. Fl-her addressed ,R,oarc • 'fined in detail the provisions irotinty Zoning Act and answereri O'lPHttons nut to him bvmembers of the Board concerning son- '""l- u M T r«- fbarles O. Wright and Mrs. »*alph L, Ha^Iett. renresentln* the Woodstock AVomen's Club, each addressed the Fnard and spol<» briefly 00„. cerning the benoflts of County' Zoning and •.•s.tod that the nlan had been unanimously apnroved bv the Women's oinhs throughout McHenry Countv R"pr. K'lckf stated th<»t "the PRrm 1 ""rw"' of McHenry r*ounty also went on word as fnvorable to County Zoning and l*s b»n»fl^s. 8uj>r. Nolan. Chairman of H10 Toning Commission. an<* Asst. Rupr. Posenthal, s member of the Zoning Commission, exnlsined different nhases of the Interim Ordinance recommended for adoption by the Zosing domtnissloh to the members of the BoatfL <Jt was thereupon regularly mo«M % 4«st. Supr. MeConnell and ivtt jseconded bv Supr. Meier that the R«poM of the Zoning Commission and terim Zoning Ordinance of Mc- County, Illinois, as read by the be approved and adopted by this --, and the roll being called, Suprs. RStki Wright, Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Caarroll. KuecJter, Ferris, Uolan, Harrison. Comua May. Schmitt, Meier and Fltl>_ Asst. pupr. Maxwell, MeConnell, Rosenthal voted aye. N"ay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted and the Interim Zoning Ordinance fpr McHenry County approved and adopted by this Board. The following Report and Recommendation of the Zoning Commission pertaining to the appointmentt of a Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zonisg Commission was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: , Woodstock, III., T«» th» Honorabl Xbairma* 11 th, lM4. and Members of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors Tour McHenry CoUaty Zoning Commission respectfully recommends the appointment of Mr. Charles f. Renlrh. Woodstolk, III. Mr. Ray Dusenberry, Marengo, 111. Mr. Bdward J. Deneen, Harvard, 111. Mr. Prank Nagrel, Fox River Grove, '111., and Mr. C. Reihans&erger, McHenry, 111. as members of the Beard of Appeals of. the McHenry County Zoning Commission. J-T"- NOLAN, JR., Chairman JOHN J. FILIP I^AUL ROSENTHAIj •It was thereupon regularly moved by. 8upr. Harrison and duly aeoonded by Stipf. |Caecker that the Report and RMommendatftm of the Zoning CommUSlon be adapted by this Board ahd tnM the appointments be made and the r6H being oalled Suprs. Ruth, Wright, Wlttrpus, Reek. Cby. Carroll, Kuecker. Ferris, N^an, Harrison, Cornue, May, gehmitt, Meier and Pllip and Asst. 5W2^ Maxwell, MeConnell and Rosenthat voted ays. Kay pone. The Cbsir- TOMV declw* • the motion unanimously aferried apd the appointments made. CarKjll. Chairman of the Counnie ponnmlftee. addressed- the d that there was some ing to paying patients rome and that he would the matter up for dig- B^cki addressed the that it was his opln- . Poard approved in 19>» a pitlents st the County ^ P^r day and • .*.. . . Hot believe th4t It was ever W| gtatel h>rther tlmt he had " in lira township, who under STotJwSnf IB3o5SSM2,?^ ,c^o,ulLldi ^p*ahy $<1t.h0*0 aC dhaeym aunndg SJfi.- tt>«, necessary acrangements to liave said patient admitted Sit. th_«_ SttpeHntendent of the County WPJ. hi™. He Stated »2Il !t WM ",s understanding that there were now st least two In- !». thS County Home at present Z* PJ a?,nf.p*tipnt8' an<l that he n®t believe «iat was a good practice and •has never believed that the rill* for paylpg patients should have j£en enacted. Mt. Beck stated further Ui M 'the Batient from his township under question was concerned, .fclf1 it fo.r Omittance for the reason that the income that he has .noT. "?c«»vlng would be dlscon- H# SjLy*17 J?**"" f"t«re. Supr. ^jrnue of Hshron Township addressed ^7. stated that there was a from his Township in the Coun- 2.7U. rh? 4 !,raa11 Income and ooff wild Institu1ti°o n oabntHd, nt hhaltm u ndoeurt stihdee SL. Eli *rr"n*«»jent the said income was being turned over to the County Home and Hospital and that he did not believe the County should be denrlved of that revenue. Aft*r some furthA, discussion with regard to said matter,; it was regularly moved by Supr. Harwu'iw *•?. • hv Sunervisor ^l'ht ru]e adopted by this Board allowing paying patients to be ad• iTnnad WHomsphitiaTl 'wbe. C roeupnetayl edP arams , ofH othmies date and the roll being called. Sunrs. ? Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Carroll. Kuecker. Ferris, Nolan, Harri- Sy' 8oh"'ltt' Meier and Pllip and cI)"'rr,®n announced that if there no f"rth*r h"">"»*s to come before 'bis meetlne. he would entertain a mo- *'1Jo,,r"- w Tt wa" thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and by A"Bt- Supr. McConneil to adjourn. Motion ^Rrrfed There, upon the ddjonrnH, Chairman Attest: R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. Special August Meeting, 1,:.' 1944*^;,'-- . • Grand Total $186,436.31 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief, J. G STEVENS. Co. Treas. Subscribed aad sworn to before me this 8th day of^August, 1944. (Seal( R. D. WOODS, County Clerk, asmsr„' fe STA The Committee to Settle With the Treasurer presented the following report, together with the semi-annual report of the County Treasurer, to-wit: w August 8, 1944 *To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. Your Committee to Settle with the Treasurer would beg» leave to report th.-'t at Its regular monthly meeting, held In the month of August, they considered tl\p semi-annual report o'f the County Treasurer here attached and made a part of this report and would recommend that same be approved and entered of record. . :--7-- ; 7 All of which is respectfully Submitted. '• r-j":.-; J. R. HARRISON" HRVHT C. MEIER,; * '• •"},'* ' CARIv B. WITTMWFANK MAY 7..- ..7v"?7'v June 12, 1944 Official Pees and Emoluments Beeeftred And Sxpendltares Made By„Jf. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, County of McHenry, State of Illinois. To: The Chairman of the Committee To Settle With the Treasurer. I, J. G. Stev^eris, County Treasurer In and for the County of McHenry and State' of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and emoluments of my office and also of necessary expenditures therefore, for and during the half year ending May 81, 1944, wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during the said year, the total amounts of receipts of whatever name or character, and all the necessary expenses for clerk hire, and other expenses. • Commissions a Nature or Ree.'d during • " Service Half Year 2«£. on 118,685.29 Real Estate Forf. collected as Co. Treas. $-t7>.ft 2on $1,194.50 Pers. Prop. , Back Taxes collected as Co. Treas 23.89 2on $3,163.46 Pers. Pron. Back Tax collected as Co. Treas 63.28 Penalties and Fees' earned 4,056.54 2<£ on $18,305.19 Inheritance Taxes collected as Co. Treas 866.10 2% on $50,142.06 Motor Fuel < Taxes received as Co. .Tresis. 1,002.84 2«Ki on *909.50 Fines for Hwy. . Violations* received 18.19 1 ok. on $67,350.56 receiced as < " Countv Treasurer <78.51 1«X. on $184.134.08 disbursed as County Treasurer Vf I 1>4 Total Barnlngs Bzpendlturss J. • "O. Stevens, Co. Treas as Collector, salary Clerk Hire Stamps Total Expenditures ............ Net Earnings 87,819.40 ...$1,250.00 ... 4,268.45 90.18 ... $5,598.68 .... 2220.77 $7,819.40 All of which is respectfully submitted this 12th day of .I-m». 1944;- J. G. STEVENS, Co. Treas. "tate of Illinois, --, ,• County of McHenry, as. I. J. G. Stevens, do solemnly swear that the foregoing account; Is, in all respect Just and true according to my best knowledge and belief and that T have neither received directly or indirectly nor directly or Indirectly agreed to receive or to be paid for my own or another's benefit, any other money, article or consideration than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any fee or emolument for the period therein mentioned, other than those therein spedfled. «, u .w"L G" STEVENS, Co. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th dav of June 1944 ' (Seal) R. D. WOODS, Co. Clerk. County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Ssport IftdlAf Kay 31. 1344 County Treasurer's Report " showing official collection* and disbursements oiRde>9 cturtnar tw half year ending May Receipts General Fund: From Highway Fund $2,047.78 Trans, from other funds 29.901.65 Salary Refunds 1.820 00 Ta**s 1.0JR.62 Miscellaneous - 55.80 til. Bell Phope C*om. .. . 3.00 State for dependent Chil. 1,463.60 Tax, warrants 26.000 00 Old Liquor l icenses 750.00 Per Court Order 2,051.92 Simon delinquency: .j............... 10.00 notable Board Of Supervisors ^r,y. County I1,lno,s' ">et in Session pursuant to the folmore than onethtird of its members, together with the Court House In th« sm, * Woodstock, on Tuesday, oVl4sk A M A P 1944 Rt 10 0^orfa ^S^eetriv1ilc,*e,., , £P!u'b£ltiJs,fhlcear, es oCf eMrtiafiicliantge •.J n ro,,nty clerk's office) • h- ^h!VMt'n,r canpd to order hv Charles H. Ackman and of ^ ^n«Kla®Pe to the Flag the United States of America was ?fV th. £ thT C1®rk w,th all members itilcrtiMpaMtlnng., 1after wvhiicsiht orths ep rersoelnl t pwaarscalled by the Clerk and following members responded to»their names, to-wit- ^V1#'v'sors August W. Ruth r Per-v 5 Cari R- Wittmus, F. R. Beck ri,M uy'. J- Carroll, E. p Kuecker! 1 ^c'°',an. Frank C. PArris T i. ' JLE." Harrlson, Prank B. *» Jk« May' Math N. rnrV n- M*,er- "W tohn J. IMP Md Ami^Suprs. A. M. Maxwell •»nd A. B. MeConnell constituting a quorum present. . nIhi.r//ordB of the Special July meet- ""'on motion ap- ord'red of record Tr!rr..7°n#Wl,VL reP°rt the Countv ~rn*fl„rer for the month of Julv 1944 P;p"*"ted and read and upon mo- 1 ? 0 I i'?,r' Ferris arrd d.,lv seconded v Supr PUip and declared carried was proved and ordered placed on file, tp- Ootinty Treasurer's Beport For tfee Koatk of Xuly, 1944 Bfciipti HaTsnce brought forward July 1» 1944 $149,893.61 •flenerat Pund j .?%)(<55 Supervisors, County Home .... R86.20 Supt. County Home !.... 878.07 County Officers' Pees * 9,»,, fli Highway Fund 1,178.88 " Pers. Property Back Taxes .... 17.5* Inheritance Taxes Motor Fuel Taxes "ayroll Clearing Account nog Tax r.... County Institute Fund 7.„ disputed Taxes Total .Receipts Orand 86,486.81 fVuinty Orders $».470.75 H)«hway Orders 2.413 49 Hllnd Orders 570.00 General Pund .... 852.60 ^rand and rvtlt Jurors 17.50 Coroner's Jurors -62.00 bounty Orders . 1.99 T>ro*»atlon Officer-- Treasurer's Salary 170.40 ^'erk's Salaries 866.08 8tapms 180.36 inheritance Taxes 1? 270.1# Motor Fuel Taxes 16,324.87 Payroll Orders ,...L^.. 2.640.18 Totsl Expenditures Balance on band in all fund* „ * " -- - , 163.629.27 suprs. for County Home' 3.332.K1 Sunt, of County Home ' jnqiis County Officers' Pees .......A..:.... I 798 76 Highway Pund ^600.60 ^<»rs. Prop. **ack Taxes . 1, 1 9 4 .ko Inheritance Taxes tt.805.19 Motor Fuel Taxes ^ ^...60.1 42 Ofi ^nyroll Clearing Account ..i: .t4.«H7 ?-« T|nes for Hwy. Violations ..1 909.50 "og Tax ;k 36.26 ^tllnd Relief •>• 710 ^2 Tnstltute Fund 1:™]...." . 63^00 Taves redeemed from Forf,18.6R5'?9 TVina'tles and Pees ~r...... 4;OF>6.64 Von-High School Fnnd K6 State's Attorney's Pund w-..!™' S.569^48. *jenosit by Or^er of Court ! 8,787.80 Unknown residents ft minor heirs 610.92 "rida-p Bond Fund 100.R9 Mothers' Pensions 98.70 Pers. Prop. Rack Tax Spe. Acct. 8 1«3.<6 1.524.19 9.9<I8.OS 2.455.28 477.00 66.00 17,716.20 .36.648.70 ..44,817.10 Liquor'""Licenses Total Income ;... Bal. brought forward Ped. 1, 1943 ]..; , ^\Qrand To/al \ ^Sxpenditures oun'y Orders '"»nd.and Petit Juroirs"'."^ County Jurors 23,075.00 $220,026.30 .182,016.90 $402,042.20 . .178,010.19 511.60. 160.40 nron»r *** Coroner's Jurors .... 17fi.oo ^oimty Orders Probation Officer TT-»0«iirer's Salary cork's Salaries 'tsmnn, Tnsan1tv Jurors .1.. •"JeweraT P"nd*=!:!7.....1.1... ilnty Officers' PVeS TTtehvqv F"td 102.15 R40.4T .....1,062.40 8,862.23 ,• 90.18' 30 00 !.*...i.„.7;-l 13ft.or "9.680.25 ...:.'2r4.8R0 70 July 11, 1844. To the Honorable Charles H. Ackman, Chairman, McHenry County Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Education begs begs leave to submit the following report : We convened at 9 A. M. July 17. 1944, for the purpose of making a tour of inspection of the McHenry County Rural School Workshops. Accompanied by Mrs. Mary P. Endres, County Superintendent of Schools, your Committee liist visited the shop at the Woodstock Community High School. A class of young students was being instructed by Mr. Burgard in geology and the social sciences. About twenty, teachers and twenty-five students were in attendance. We then proceeded to the Kldgefield School where Miss 1>ixon was in charge. After lntfoducing the 'teachers, students and. committee. Miss Cornuie, who has been teaching at Logan, Montana, gave a_very Interesting talk on the resources and activities of The State- of 'Montana and its Q&ople. The outstanding feature of Miss Cornues talk was. the association of articles fr>'m the .state, which she passed among those present, connecting her remarks with the actual illustration. Your Committee next proceeded to the Pleasant Valley Schpol where a class of thirteen pre-school age children had Just been dismissed. Miss Tyman was conducting a demonstration of the teaching of primary reading with a five year old boy. following which the teachers present entered into a general discussion of the morning's activities. We then retired to the Woodstock Community High School for luncheon where your Committee was introduced to the instructors and teachers present. After luncheon we assembled with Mrs. Bndres and a general discussion of the morning's activities followed. A total of fifty-four teachers participated in the Rural Workshop Program, of which thirty-eight were from the McHenry County rural schools, four were from outside the county and twelve were, from the City and Village schools in McHenry County. Your Committee was very favorably Impressed with the teacher personnel, the conduct of the classes and the results being accomplished and particularly commend the office of the McHenry County Superintendent of Schools for its alertness in taking advantage of this program. • All of which is respectfully submitted. AUGUSTUS M MAXWELL AUG. W. RUTH E. C..COY . T. F. NOLAN, JR. The Committee on McHenry County Home and Farm presented the following report, to-wit: August 2, 1944. Mr. Chairman and 'members of ""'the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: Your County Home Committee met on August 2. 1944, at the McHenry County Home and audited the'bills for the month of July, 1944, and respectfully submits the following report, recommending same be paid. R. O. Andrew Co., feed and grinding (2 months) $141.77 Raymond Slavin, baling hay .... 144.00 Mr. Chlchocki, shoes 20.70 Jen A See Laundry, laundry serv. 4.79 Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel.Co.. ladder 8.0s Sawyer Biscuit Co., crackers .... 18.72 Ludwlg Wilson Co., supplies .... 138.91 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone service .... 24.90 The Shurtleff Co., fertilizer 93.02 Arwell Co., pest control 16.00 Belcher & Son, supplies 60.24 C. F. Oumprecht & Son, repairs 63.63 Raue Hardware Co., repairs 1.50 Public Service Co , it. and power 61.68 George Moncur. plants 14.28 P., W. Woolworth, supplies 7.04 Woodstock Wholesale Co., tob 86.92 Bakkom Bros., repairs 8.67 Good rows Garage, gas and oil .... 7.80 Boyce Bros., battery and gas .... 20.04 Thome & Son, clothing 16.60 Royal Blue tUore, groceries 67.05 Montgomery Ward & Co., clothing' 34.81 Superior Oil Co., fuel oil : 68.36 Rohn Hardware Co., supplies .... 3.88 Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs 61.02 John Sexton & Co., groveries .... .89.65 Miller Patton Baking Co., bread 60.81 W. P. Allen, incidentals 73.50 W. P. Allen, salary lisioo Ksther C. Allen, salary J 100.00 Thomas Montgomery, wages 80.00 Rffie Montgomery, wages 80,00 Vern Albright, wages 72 KO Mattle Albright, wagges „... 62'50 Llnnea Wolt, salary l'Koo ciara Belfm, wageS 68.60 Effle Montgomery, wages 20.00 Credits-- . - . Cream Sold ^ . , TT-, Hogs Sold Cream Sold" I8.M0.77 $21.99 291 :oa 62.81 375.72 $1,685.05 „ ^ Aug. 2, 1944. To the Honorable'Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Woodstock. 111. Tour McHenry County Farm, Home and Hospital Committee beg to report that they mpf at Hartland on the above mentioned date and audited and anpro^ed bills for payment In the following amounts:- „ Permanent Improvements--$ 68.32 Punning "Expense v 1,339.91 Clothing Tobacco .. Medicines Hosnltal . Diet Fuel Credit for: " Cream Sold Hogs Sold ,J ¥• * 71-11 36.92 -61.02 177.90 2-37.23 <8.36 82,060.77 884.70 291.02 "~=?=d?S, 7 2 T>»rs. Pron. Pack Taxes TMst.....'-'1.871.53 Tnhorltancp T-»*es to State *1 70911 Motor Fuel Tax-es 3R 4r,R.fiS "yroll Clearing Account/.......14.634.59 •nes for - Violations en""H|fy«... 1159.25 Tnv P-ind : •. s '1; PHn* TTplirf .S,gZ7 on institute Pund 10.00 Plstributior. tnre.s redeemed rr^m forfeitures ;..T™;.;.i9,599.17 >na1f1es and ^e^s <197 or Von-Mieh School Fund ......!.".™11,9S6 17 stftto s Attorney's Fund ............ 265 00 *^1snu«ed Taxes 195,62 '•nViinwn residents and rrtinor^'» ifcnunt 610.92 ^rldffe Bond anrrotnf 1 105 00 "r«- Prop. Back Tax ' special acct. distributed"........ 3,163.46 Total Plshursements ....$2(0 499 37 B*1 on -hand In all funds May 31st 141.542.83 ..f--- •_ Grand Total $102.042 20 . ^1' "f wblch Is rejnectft'Mv submitted thlh 12th day of JUne. 1944. The abrtye and foregoing report is •rue and corr<w ording to my best knowledge and belief. -T- G. STTflVPVS. Countv Treas. .u. nnd to before me • his 12tn day of June. 1944. rSeal( R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. Tt wa« tbere'unon reeularlv moved bv •Junr. "Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report of the Committee to Settle with the Treasurer nnd the semi-annual r^nort o' th<» Countv Treasurer be approved and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Kducatlon presented the following report, which on motion of Supr. Meier and dUly seconded by Supr. Wittmus arfd the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopt* S $1,685.05 The regu+ar monthly Inspection of grounds, buildings, enulpment-Trnd livestock revealed everything to be in good '•on^ition. 4 Thero he4ag,„no further business, your Committee, upon mcitlo'n" duly made and- seconded, ad.lourned. ' Respectfully -submitted, :^ n J- CAPTtoij , Chairman - PAUL ROSKXTHAL CARI. K. WITTMUS J. V. H^PU'WV • ' McCONNELL ' Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. iCli-fer that the report be adopted bv this Hoirrd and the roll being called, the Chairmsin declared fhe'motion unanimously carrieyl. Thp Committee on .Pees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: ...... ' » ' _ ' - „ • August 8, 1944. To the-Chairman. and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries would beg leave, to report that they met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock on July 26th arid August 1st-; 191-t to consider requests of cerlnln county officers for increases in amounts "" foP clerk All of which is respectfully submitted. * if\ E. BECK . J - 'FRANK MAY * ^T-XUGUSTUS M. ; 'i^UG. W. RUTH ~T. F. NOLAN, JR. P>UL ROSENTHAL It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ferris and duly seconded by Supr. Schmitt that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Ruth, Wright,-Wittmus, Beck, Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, Peris, Nolan, Harrison, MeConnell, May, Schmitt, Meier and Flllp and Asst. Suprs. Maxwell and MeConnell voted aye. Nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously carrired. The. Committee on Roads and Bridges presented this follriwi.S^ teport; which on motion of Sui$ft, ' ei'ris and duly seconded by 8upr. Coy and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the road and'bridge committee for said County beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: : That we met on the 12th day of July 1944 and went to inspect the Crusher plant in tlie Burgett Pit In the Town of Hebron In said County and found same operating satisfactorily. We also inquired into the matter of buying a used concrete mixer but made nn deal. We again met on tne 6th day of August, 1944 and audited and ordered paid bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole for repairs and supplies for County owned machinery and labor at the County tool house and grounds to a total of $1465.77 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County Patrol System of (toads at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and ordered paid as follows: • Sections 3 14 $ 138.68 Sections 4, 16, 18 290.76 Sections 4, 17 1,120.40 Sections 7, 8. 10, '11, IS 802.84 Sections 18, IS 241.48 be referred to William M. Carroll, Dr. Henry W. San dee n>- State's Attorney and that deed of con- True Value Store, ct hse sup veyance be delivered by McHenry Coun ty upoh full payment of the' amount bid. Att ftf which Is respectfull submitted. ^ A. B. McCONNELL « 9UGUSTUS M. MAXWELL FRANK MAY FRANK C. FERRIS ' PAUL ROSENTHAL " Aftir reading the report by ttyi Cleftc, it was thereupon regularly moved by Crystal Lake Herald, supr prtg Marengo Republican-News, supr - Prtg ? Worwick Studio, shf off sup State Banfe/of Woodstock, sUt off sup Co. Clk_Ins Depdn-- , , Df.'A. 8. Ronrvberger, Thomson Dr. O. E. Nelson, Thomson .1 Dr. Henry J. Schmid, Sullivan .Dr. N. L. Seelye, Sullivan R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal Total $8,859.88 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax funds as follows: State Aid Route Sectmn 13-13A, 4-IT, malnt. labor ft mat. 2, 7-IT, malnt. labor and mat 28, G-T, maint. labor and mat..... 11, 11-IT, malnt. labor and mat. 26, 12, maint, labor anad mat 26, 12-IT, maint. labor and mat. 21 A. 14-lT, malnt. labor and mat. 17 ft 19, 18, maint. labor and mat. 14 ft 15, 19-IT malnt. labor ft mat 1, 20-IT, malnt. labor and mat. 9, 21-IT, maint. labor and mat. 20B, 24, maint. labor and mat. 20B, 22T-24T, engl. labor ft mat. 15, 26-IT, maint. labor and mat. 113, 26-IT, maint. labor and mat.. 26, 27, maint. labor and mat 34, 29R, Rt. of Way labor ft mat. 209.60 Russell Fence 84, 29R, Rt. of Way labor ft mat. Llndwall Fence 2, 29-IT, maint. labor ft mat .... 2, 31, Engl, labor and mat. 2, 81, const, labor and mat. 8,001.48 25, ]2, engl. labor and mat 147.76 1 9.18 28.81 60.10 88.18 68.50 40.00 41.40 46.20 76.01 14.00 42.26 24.89 84.60 18.00 22,00 65.00 44.80 40.98 12.00 _ Total $4,124.89 We have received from the Motor Fuel Tax funds rental on County owned machinery Included in the above report $1,192.74 and turned same over to the County Treasurer for the road fund, which said sum is hereby re-appropriated for road purposes Including the repair, storage and purchase of road machinery and for buildings to house road machinery. ^ A representative of the Patten Tractor Company of Chicago, Illinois, was present and stated that some snow plows would soon be available. The County Supt. of Highways stated that two new snow plows for trucks were . !X«?e to replace the two bought in 1935 which are about worn out and badly dilapidated. The price of a suitable new plow Is about $662, and we decided to recommend that the Gounty Road and Bridge Committee be empowered to purchase 2 new snow nlows-\for the County's trucks, with CountyVHisrhway funds. Complaints have been received- concerning the detours marked by the Stat* dup to the closing of Route 14 south of Harvard, Illinois, and we arranged to meet a representative of the "I vis Ion of Highways August 7, 1944, ""j8*! ma'ter' !®a'd meeting was held and the matter discussed and we signed a re^uost that the State maintain a , "He gravel road between Route 23 and Route 14 about 4 miles south of Harvard, while a portion of Route 14 is being re-constructed. -A" cr kVi£"iX£,'ly JOHN J. VTLIP I-J F K BFCK MATH N. SCHMITT C. PERRY WRIGHT The Special Committee in charge of the repair of the Kolt* and Breldenfeldt bridges in Chemnntr Township presented a Joint' report, to-wlt: ^ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Roard of Supervisors. McHenry County. Illinois: - Your committees to whom was referred the construction of the Koltz Bridge e Bridenfeldt Bridge in the Town of Chemung in, said Countv'WoulfT boir leav-e to submit the following report on the matters before them.' That we have received the bills for advertising said Jobs and also the bill for the reinforcing ste^i for the con- 0I£te work with the bill of lading. ,, We therefore recommend that the Countv Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer In favor of the Woodiy spnt,nH f°r the sum of 120.40 and one In favor of the Harvard Herald In the sum of $23.20 and *'so ™ °-rter ,n favor of 0'npy J- Dean Me-1 Company of dcero. Illinois, 'in the sum Of »29r.,00 fof 8aid reinforcing *for both bridges. All of which Is respectfully submitted J F HVRr'sov CARI. E. WITTMUS • E. f". cov Committee for Kolt* Bridge RANK B. McCONNELt, . i G. J. CARPOTJT. V c2In for RHdenfeldt Bridge. , v. L- Tryon, hereby approve the Sffmx'e report and amounts due for advertising and reinforcing steel. C. L^. TRYON, Co. Supt. of Hwys. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Filip and duly seconded try Supr schmitt that the report §>f the Joint Committees, be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. ' ~ * The Committee on Lands and Lots presented the following report, to-wlt: _ 4. „ ; . August 8, 1944. To the.Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Lands and Lots beg leave to report that they met at appropriated for hire and also the Court House In the City of Woodto consider the matter of the bi-annual | stork, on Friday, the 28th day of July audit of the books and accounts of the ' 194 4 and opened bids received for' the vart. us County offi- -s =«nr' your |sale of the John Arts property in Union, mittee, after due deliberation, would Illinois. recommend >hat the audit of the books of the various county officers be made the J. \V. North & Co., certified pub- Uc accountants of Chicago. Illinois, to include ;t regular cash audit, together with a comprehensive test check of the Collector's --ecords of real and personal property assessments and taxes levied for the two vcar period under audit. Your Committee would further reco^ mend that the County Clerk be allowed an additional amount of $.">00.00 for clerk hiri> for the period ending December 1, ioj,4 and an additional amount of $1,500.00 per ear until otherwise changed by this Board and that the Circuit Clerk be allowed an additional am.mnt for clerk hire in the amount of *500.00 for the period ending December l, 1944 and an additional amount of $1,200.00 per year until otherwise changed by this Board. Your Committee wishes to report that two bids were received. Mr. Clarence Ball of Union, Illinois bid the •>mount of $750.00 c*sh for said property and Bene K. Lamoureux of Marengo, Illinois, presented a bid in. the amount of $Rii.oo which were all of the bids received hv vonr Committee, said bids being attached hereto and made a part of this report. Your Committee would thgrefor recommend that the bid of Rene E. T»am- '>ureuv he accepted in the amount of *811.00 and that said property be sold to him and that the Chairman of this Hoard and the County Clerk of McHenr>- County he authorised to sign In behalf of McHenry ..County a proper deed of conveyance. Your Committee would further r^mmmd that th« matter of drawing the proper legal papers for the transfer of said property Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by C. C. Miner, Dir. Div. Def., cont- 21.26 Supr. Wright that the said report be Shf. Per Diem Fees Serv.--. adopted by this Board 'and the roll j Henry A. Nulle 436.00 being called Suprs. Ruth, Wri^lft, Witt- | Henry A. Nulle I8.2S mus, Beck, Coy, Carroll, Kuecker, Per- Sabina Bau : • $.00 ris, Nolan, Harrison,/ MeConnell, May ! Ora S. Nulle . 10.00, Schmitt, Meier'and Flllp and Asst. i Shf. Peeding PriS--- ' Suprs. Maxwell and MeConnell voted | Trackett's Bakery' 1'.':" - f* |-| aye. Nay none. The Chairman dei tAsrnus & Son ....j-.:...' -.v. • . { clared the motion unanimously carried. I Royal Blue Food Mart • 87.C8 Supr. Ferris addressed the Board and Sheriff Deputy--. .-- .'V. stated that it was his opinion that the j Francis B. l.lank ' 10^00 County should provide for perpetual i Martin Bohl v 8.00 care for the John Arts burial lot in the I George J. •Ehlert'.^:.^'.^.ja.r?;'g ' Lnion Cemetery in Union, Illinois and I Fred Wendt 80.00 moved that the County Clerk be in- Harold ' Hobb's. • V,', ; ^0.09 structed to draw an order on the County Treasurer when the amount of the cost of said perpetual care is determined. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Wittmus and the roll call was declared unanimously carried. The Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis In Cattle presented the following report, which on motion of Asst. Supr. MeConnell and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to- „ July 27, 1944. To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on . Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle to whom was referred the matter of the eradication of Bangs disease in cattle in McHenry County would beg leave to report that the said State and Federal program for eradication of said disease recommended for adoption in McHenry County was referred to said Committee by motion duly made and carried at its June, 1944 meeting and that said Committee was empowered by said motion to take such action as they see fit. Your Committee would beg leave to report that shortly after" said June meeting, they approved the plan as outlined for McHenry County and that work is now progresfeing and that the State of Illinois has sent it one vetinarian who is assisting in said tests. Your Committee would therefore recommend that the said program as adopted by your Commlt'/^e for McHenry County be approved by the full Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. MATH N. SCHMITT J. E. HARRRISON C. PERRY WRIGHT The following Contract and Resolution were presented and read to the Board to-wit: , . - . * office)tra?t °n fll* ln C<Hmt7 Clerk's , Resolution Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of .McHenry County, at a duly convened meeting of such Board held on the 8th day of August, 1944, that such Board desires to adopt the "County Area Plan" under the provisions of An Act in relation to the eradication of bovine tuberculosis and to repeal certain acts therein named," approved June 26. 1929, and ln order to qualify thereunder for State financial assistance in connection therewith, that a County } ^terinarian be employed and that the following sums are hereby appropriated for the County Area work for-the period ^o0, 1945. July '• 1944« and ending Junef (a) For salary of Count Vet. $1,740.00 (b) For travel expense of - - County Veterinarian «...„...'..8 600.00 (c) For clerical help for County Veterinarian 1,320.00 (d) For office rent for County Veterinarian none <e) For supplies and stationery for County Veterinarian ........8 220.00 Be it further resolved that any County Veterinarian so employed may. when requested by the Department' of Agriculture, State of Illinois, partioinate In ereneral disease control work in the county. - - It was t hereupott-.reguTarl y moved hv Supr. Schmitt and duly seconded by Supr. May that the Contract and Resolution he adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, the Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. " The Clerk presented lists of clalma against .the County and upon motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Meier and declared carried, the said claims were referred to the proper committees and the Board ad.lourned t.o "IP : o'clock P. M.. for committee work. ISO OC&OOX Board met pursuant to adjournment and the roll being called by the Clerks the same members responded to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, Including Asst. Supr. Paul Rosenthal of Algonquin Township, constituting a quorum present. Wilhelmina Carlson of Woodstock Fred H. Wilke 80.00 B, D. Holmes 25.00 Otto Buchert * ;6.00 Robert Carr. 10.00 George Frett L:„ V 5.00 Clyde J. Zola 6.00 Clyde, C. Miner, shf dpty $90.00. balliflf $25.00 - 115.00 Willis Jobe, bailiff 10.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., ct hse Jail tel ... 118.64 Western United Gas ft Elec. Co., shf feeding pris • 2.60 Marengo Republican-News, co treas assmt 1(8.80 C. L. Tryon, Supt. Hwy., co sup < hwy trav exp 79.14 Derrls ft Broeker Supply Co., ct hse sup 10.8I R. O. Andrew Co., ct hse Jail coal 20*29 Kudwlg Wilson Co., ct hse sup ... 85.60 Richmond Gazette, co treas assmt 68.60 Harn' C. Daniels, co Judge sal 16.0IT G. E. Still, Agent Maryland ^ Casualty Co., cont M.M Frank Thornber Co., co elk eisc 8"P' I72.34;' cir elk rec bk 1123 52 195.86 Supr. Sal. Mll.~ AUg. W. BUth C. Uerry Wright'.. Carl E. Wittmus F. E. Beck .! E. C. Coy G. J. Carroll E. F. Kuecker Prank C. Ferris -- T. F. Nolpn Jr. ;..... J- E. Harrison Stanley H. Cornua Prank May Math N. Schmitt " Henry C. Meier John J. Pilip .... A. M. Maxwell ^ A. B. MeConnell Paul Rosenthal " Henry A. Nulle, shf per diem " fees service Ora-S. Nulls, shf feedg pris 100. Alice Helm, er TB off sal 110.00 a.s"P' ScJhs- Asst and Clk Hire-- bhrriey Salsman 120.00 Ijorena J. McPannon Cnittvy 'nof/ uW* o' oSdlsrt.o °clkk, cptr o hse Jail 75^00 it and water 86.00 Vestle Muldoon, ct hse jaii sai leoloo \\ ^>esrnond. Postmaster, co elk elec sup t 40.00 All of which is respectfully Submitted. CARL E. WITTMUS, Chairman HENRY C. MEIER G. J. CARROLL E. P. KUECKER FRANK MAY .88.70 65.60 76.60 85.80 16.40 15.00 66.45 106.10 88.80 88.40 ' 16.40 86.40 76.00 81.00 96.80 87.65 88.40 73.80 160.00 The Committee on Claims, County Presented the following report which on motion of Supr. Wittmus and duly seconded by Supr. Ferris and the roll being • called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt: August 8. k. D. 1844. M^i Chairman and Gentlemen , of ths Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: Dependent Children-- ~ Chicago ;ndus. Home for Chll. 80.00 St. \ intent's Indus. Trg. Sch. Glossen ~ Lutheran Child Weifare Assn.'""" Daymond St. Ann Dept., House of the Good Shepherd. Simon Mrs. Wm. Seeman, Guth "i'li!*: Mrs. Eva Kapping, Ystebo Louise M. Brooks, depdn chll $8.68; pro o(T trav exp $31.55- Dependent Children- Mrs. Minnie Brlgham, Swenson Mrs. Alfred Krueger, Steadman. .. Mrs. Cassius Sweatman, Steadman 22.60 JJrjj Frank Schnitcke. Ulrich .... 80.00 C. C. Miner. T. B. Patient Pauper Soma 80.80 86.00 80.00 80.00 15.00 40.2t 27,87 22.50 24.00 AH of which is respectfully submitted. T. P NOLAN, JR. E. P KUECKER JOHN J. FILIP wiineimma carison or Henr^^ni^??^' Pre^i<lent\ °' the Me- TlMnois, President of the McHenry Tammeu« "m m Bureau, and W. H. CounRtayo **H<9o me Bureau appeared before I hT CountjA Karm Ad- rneAanad ami.-.-•r eport^ o_fs their I ouintloiinve da^p pmea redd^t «biie fo•1 re1 the Roor/i onH the, past year and mad. Tn the naSt v««r 1 appropriation of/$r.oo oo reotiest f„, the Board and read activities during a request for an . . , 'or the ensuing year for expenses to he paid monthly as In the past. The Clerk then read the financial statement of-the said..TToine Bureau for the.-year .14M&. 1944 and a budget estimate for the year 1944-1945. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. McConne'l that appeared before Board and progress m%de • then made a request for an appropriation of $225.00 ior the purchase of ribbons and awards, after which it was regularly moved by Asst*, Supr MeConnell and duly seconded by Supr., Wright that the request of the McHenry County Farm Ku-eau be granted, and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an order on the the request of the McHenry Countv ChouZnt^y nTrr^eafslu!re^r ff°orr j$222255,.0000 ttoo Ppuurr-purea u be granted and the report's Irini, , ?J ? , r the 4-H placed on file and the matter of the Import with ?hJ « i Oib llle ft appropriation ip the amount of $500 00 ' ptndU,,r^ showing the exbe referred to the PinnnrP rnmntitt-, Cn' *n«» the roll and that same be included in the An- nTi f ch^1rm«n declared nup.1 Appronriatlon Ordinance to be"J t rnotlon unanimously carried, adopted at the September. 1944 meeting I M,ss„ Mahel Hobbs. County Nurse, of the Board and the roll being called Presentcd a report of her activities from the ; Chairman declared the motion Ja"uary 1, 1944 to July 1, 1944 and also unanimously cajjied ! presented a written request made by The Committee on Claims, Labor. the, Henry County Tuberculosis As- Pees and Supplies presented the fol- for an appropriation of $2,- lowlng renort. which on motion of "H'ipr. Harrison and duly seconded -bv Supr. Wrlfcht and the roll being called. was depUred unanimously adopted, towit : -rf „ , August 8, A. D. 1944 Mr. Chairman and Oent'emen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor. Pe»s and in,0,ls|}' carried. Supply TTiVlmS wuild beg leiv-> to re-rn A petition received from the Village port fhat they <hrtve examined all BoRr<1 of the VUiage of, Richmond for 200.00 to carry out the activities of her office for ensuing year. It was -there- "P°n regularly moved bv Supr. Kuecker by Supr. Harrison that fhe request be granted and that said matter be referred to the Finance Committee and that the report be placed on file, and the roll „ being called, the * hairman de'^ared the motion unaniclaims presented to them, and recomimend the payment of the , following,, and that the Clerk be directed to issue r> bridtre improvement over 1 . S. -FTt. No. 12. also known as St. Rt No-. ^ ,,thro!'*h. said Village was pped read to the Board' Supr. to the heavy traffic through said VHlac- e. it JeJigij direct route to Minneapolis and St. Paul and also to the lake r^th" £ .Yls,,v,nun' and rt"e to the vin * his:hw«.v through the 5." width of the hridg" over the Xipoerslnk Creek, that a hasard l exists that should bo corrected bv tho 9lt.05 i^to #h of f TUino^ HJRhwRy nenartment -• • *•*« iTwA tw. n?ov<' »t this time orders on the County Treasurer to the r<>ad Board. ouor. Claimants for the several amounts al--'-j r onn Richmond Township adlowed. as follows, to-wit: dressed the Roard and stated that due Woodstock Daily Sentinel, cont. *" ***" 1-- ---• $44.75; supr prtg $23.60. .co elk prtg ?21.0: co elk elec[ supl $70.00 .8158.35 Frank Thornber Co., bo elk off ,~~- sup $51.09; co elk elec sunl $92.59; clr elk rec bk $68.79: co treas off sap $5.27; co ^reas prtg $70.81 Tion 'Supply: co treas off sup .... -1.80 ' "T T'o'e at »his time Burrouirhs Addine Machine Co., I !? said Resolution he adopted br co treas off snp . 17.00 Board and referred to the Road and Mary P. Endres, Sup. Schs., Prldge r,>r*>mi«»ee f,»r t^«tr r„n,(a«rasup iPehs off exp 49.44 !',on- motion was duly seconded by Byers Printing c0„ sup sohs off exp 2.1o fsT"' Meier and declared unanimously Harold W. Sehidt. rtr elk sup carried nanimouaiy $20 91; Shf off sup 83.88 r.:.. .. 24.89 Goerllts-Beckne'l Co., clr elk sup 11.52 Chnrles Brunlng Co.. Inc., clr elk sup 79.13 McHenry Plalneealer, co treas assmt 104.00 Harvard Herald, co treas assmt $"*9.4": supr prtg $1.80 91 20 Woodstock, "linols. B. P. Kennel'v. er TB off sup 24.57 Dear Mr. Kdinger. Wm. A. Mueller. Bd of Rev sal 136.00 T >,ridersta"d that the rules for the Triner, Sales Co.. co elk 1.4ft Crrcuit Court of McHenrv Countv have Harry C. Daniels, co judge sal.... 16.00 been edited and are ready' to be Th" following cfrnimnnlMtlm, fmm circuit Judr.. William L. Ce presented and read to the rt0ard to-wit: >tr tester Fdin-er. JU,y U' ,M4- Icierk Circuit Court, Ct. Hse. Jail Repairs-- Pearson's William J. Brown Bakkom Bros. Henry Thurow w (printed. 1.60 Will yoy kindly submit this matter 4.00 to the supervisors and a*k them to 1.85 Pass a resolution authorising ths ex- 16.00 Pense of printing the rules. In aoeord* JIL

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