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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1945, p. 13

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- . y/v* • <' ^ - y,:,~ <-y*:\ .> > ;T"? *A ^'«f' *'*.*-^fQ..•]**'• "|t • - " " ' • « * * - • " • " ' " • • ^ ' ^ ^ • ^ , i ( » m i ^ ^ i « i r t ' W , T T , tuMm ' • '"'•" ""• • * •Bee with the statute In such case made and. provided. With kind personal regards, i am, «i i Very truly yours, *LP:W \VU.LIAM L. PIERCE ^ Tt was thereupon regularly moved by ftyipr. Harrison and duly seconded bjr Sunr. Volan that the *-*»nue<»t be granted o and the ro'1 belne failed, the Chairman the motion unaniomuusly carried ••'•• Statements' of condition a't the clo _ f \ot 'Hfhiff on the 60th da#' of June, 1944 st>f the First State Rank of H«r- -JfiH*1. Piest National Rink of Wood •took, St»f» fi^nk of Richmond, State "sn1? r>f Huntley. West McHenrv State Park> C-i)ry State Hank. *The State Batik , of Woodstock H^bmi St*te Bank. Mhrenfo Mstp p«nk. The Harvard 8tM» Bank. Home State R#nU of OrystRl JL T.ake; M«»onnii'o State Bank and the State. .Rank of T'nion were nrwfntofl to . the Roerd. Tt was thereupon regularly >iv Pilln-nrtfl seCon^e^ hjr S"r»» Wittmuo that fh® statements ^_-j»i.pnniV|lli>n of (w|<i h#lks (tnprov^l j and t'">t t(i» p'--'A h"iVs he fl"tho""lre'1 ,tn. f>n(lni|o in "'enositories or the funds of th** fnnntr Treasurer nnd Fx-Officlo ; « ,(^Q>in*r pn'Wtor of MoH,«;nn; Counts "£* C'&jW '***•••'eolafed the motion .. ; carried. •"fv>o<iey tj)iWj<(<tinnreports-covering the S^'ier* "»*• *he f(iuntjr Honip and Court presented and ordered v pV*.i>,d. Oti file; *r>^" « reouest for ad- ><».t~n*t *nr the Rfti'rt of Review •- irnrk. He stated that ""»a «»'" twn townships that did hnolrn in. Tt was tberepnon ' "^oved by Asst. Swor. •»» fliHv seconded by Supr. "nt-Ho '»>»• tVp reonent he granted and -•v~* r>nny-n of Pfviow he eranted • «•»,„ «n Octoh"'- 1. 1044 to .. , or additional time I'M'oni' »-»i* i»nto If needed. The Chalr- »-»« •"•elared the motion unanimously of s-nnroprlatlons and. t.jiwi* ifnfl to the attention or •V.n iiiir* *h* Ch«frrnan. It Was -"(nilnr'T- by Rflflr. .* hv Sunr. Meier *v-» ~»r m-'toro if fpnropriatlon and m..,. -r v, •„ the Finance f-- and that any other onm-.u4»o *«•>«• recommendations * -> 'p-i:',.. r*p*r* ~ A*«n 'r. ~ " n*V*nf|rl A * ton A OT* . «r„,. * „~..«.art -n-F<n*Ttce r'ommlt- • t*« Chairman - tbi motion unanimously car- --•~v:>i~<i<i "^nnii^ine* the SPlec- Pajnroll Orders '."I.SMJ7 Real Estate Forf. Distribution 2,243.08 Pers. Property Back Taxes .... 114.32 Total .Expenditures „^4.Vl4.M Balance on hand tn iTt^mas Aug. 31 J42.JM»a.72 V,. $Z * * /'.a*' ' nr»Vf «^TnP7lt'«1 % +*>(S C 1 ! » 4 4 t ? T O ys *1,^ t»iA fallowf^e ,^wwe,*1'. trt, +mr tt^A September, *.,w ^ to-wit: I'-'-' Town«>>fp ... - * •* ^<v ^pVtnrn ToWflfWO *• •», t r^i^rnirn** Tr»WT1*hlp » * A«e ** ">»• CPn*IAA4 Township « i*>e. ..Jr+-i.*u f**rt+tr\r> Tnwn^Hlp * T^#». Tnt^v»«ih|p "* TowncMn r.,„ TftWUfhtp ~»-m -r^ii-•*•/>•*» 'tr^foi TJ pt^rwrtn^ To\r chip . .^Ni «„,UV T*K«>fAT? *-» * « V A ^•nWonf Tnirn«hlp T„1 f n Tt*'1'Uwv Township •DA.. .« TT„n^ fn^W^hlp * • , ^ * f w A T r r i i ^ t r * T o w n « W n " W,*. +rH*l >K« Pawftl f/>f fV»A S^T>- •«r«v,fr term of the Plrcuit Court, - • t wftrtor»n>n. Plt^v Twp. r*WAV,i*. VM«>v| pfrj TrtWH«b'p TrtwnflWW 0 » Trvi«-^c*h1p Pr**'«««»» * TrivnfhH ; CotiflfB TrrwrtlffhlP T/>T*^«hfp trf,^ t T TT« r>A« T>A*f r».ii*S "Hoff TAW^ehfp rr^.n ^^wnnhlp / * » , . T n » r n c > i ' n . <Poc«fV tfa«'A« Tnn»n«h!p « v%*^rr,.n«4 ^r-,TT^w».v ^OW^obtp WIV! r, «. T* - eV, TrWWC-hfn n)r « »» o1--w V «M I r* Tr\***n«>\f p " ^r; r"lr».a nv^nn •»«'=< •**».«M/* 1 ore? prewnted rlf^^ r*Vn| fW a fs If tv*«%r* n^fVlOT,* •n nf»WO hpforft «,nM >0 A mo- >tA* f-v . Tt- _ hv tr» h • i»»M<4^-T^TTr!A«l. TbAr^nivvn thp Bonrrt ;:- ^ * r*rr\r \ xt chairman. TV t^Anrvq. Hfrlt. Tf' l**1* •Kftranprvn ' hr ^rionrt«»4 h*~ •ttn**. thnf IKa i>Annft f\+ fh* ^Awmltfwk >>P v,. *>,»«, r>n<«rd "H tv« rntt n^yir,A SiiTNrsi T»„«v, -Wri^Kt fT'tf.-*,,,.. r<^,. *r..^-*-««- pr«,*>4iw.n r;a«m« yr„i^ "** w'i>>, nn^ '"n*"0 Vnvirall «1t iif.4 VrtV-t «t«ft Vn** TV. " ^ ^ 101 o *Tv '1 the vnnnlmrt'iolv ••nwto^ nn4 "i» «en)«»iA« 'r*' *~*'~'~*»t<'>n Wnnnitt* di»iw»J WT>d adopted. / Pportiijjr Meetinsr 1944 >rm <if 5Ninwrl*nT* of fAi'tit". mii<M<. met In ani""l r.'* «» tv^ r«o""^ »»»ifi«e.ln ri*-w nf .Wnn^ttniiv oi •"•lep**w. the ^Sth dnw 0f c^ntemher. A- T>- 1,44 at 10 n'c^O"* •.> •. a .> 9"T-M^.t T• CMtin^ *»ot'"miIIM to order lw the r^»>•>'-'>%?«•< Y*va«"te« W. AeVm«»»r and • V « T » » r « " » e < > e ^ t t e ^ ' a n f e t o t h « V I o f ^ . Twl*rv^ Ptatne nf A merino W1F) h*- t*>« •wtth s'l m»"|heM of the TJnnfd -»"1 ^'ottrvrc! nre«*»>t ««rtlH"*»tthr flf*"" •whlrh the wll wm c«TTed A h,. »V><> r^erlr S"" »*»e followlrir W««ih»W re<in^r>>*o4 •<% tv»l* »,»«»»».. to-•--it- S". nwlc-nr* In-i-nt ^ T»»i»h ^ T»errv TTT,1 „v,» rvi^l T** TT-Ift^ns 1" 171 Po")c ^7« p f<n" n T. r*r">'V' *!. w ffc*-!"* V f* »e»"l«, *" . V Vnlan »»• T. •c H«'^,«on. <?f»i«er W. -- * • -- » « V M " V . > T ^ » h V o - h t n f t t n.^.5- r> ,T ^?nn ' A a t Q i i r » ® r T l f « ^ r w e T l . A . B Hfr,r>«T,e'" !>•"* ?*•"' t»««enthal constl- «i n«o»ntfi j>re«ent. TK« of t^» Pne^tal A'tt^xt. ^041 mA^Mnr wore f®1"! on motlo»* " dn'lv s't«^ n"*i«(r *w apnroved gn^ nn»«»«(' rif record. . ' »rhA fotiowinc report of the Cotintr 0 T~eo*ii*-er '"1" •*"» month of A URTSt. toiA irufi prawnt^ and read, end itnon rnn'lon of S"Ti'r. «ohmltt an<1 d'llv secon<*" d hv SSwor. M-v end declared csrf> i«>'<T, «••« onproved and ordered of record. to-wit: Rm>i«t* ^r»-v»" ifrti Vwtrt m the *o"th of August, 1M4 BM*hiti Pplxoeo hroueht forward >nm«t 1. 1944 -v:--k-r Oe»*eT"nl Viind .... jSnnra.. bounty "nme _„.... jSnnt . Co'wty Tfome ^,„„r roi'itT- oc^ero" Fees.**.....* • VirhW'" Fund TVrs. T*-on. •'o^V TaXM . Tiher»t«n"« Tnres .t.-..^.-/ •pflT-T-oll mesTirnr Acct. '.~. vio1s>t'on«< of Fwtk. ppnTltieft end Fees ...$„,.. 1 Tn«,lt'*t" Fw* iRrWlee Bond Fnnd UfAthcr®' Penofons T*V(nri Tensions Von^"'«rh «*nnd -- ---- j>og Ta* Fund :...™.;,v.......^ Total Receipts .1 drand Total SiymMitH - rronnty- Orders....: Hlph'w"r,,y Orders ^11 nd Ornnd nn<i ^etft Jurors Coroner' .Ttirnrs --- Bonntv Order? ,>„....J...... TTV>P sur^'® S'twy ...^.....^ rvrk«' Salaries ...C, %... Star^n" -- Tnstttnte '-Orders pisputed Ta*»s :»..•. Inheritance Tases ;.... Motor Fuel Taxes --.4..... <-r- ." '..- ... *141.119.11 373.S75.41 RSO 40 .... . «*«.R1 " 1 «1" K* "...S7J81S *« S* .»* S1«,S4 I.«S1 K aa «*«» 7« _ ft nn . . . . . » , S 5 « . « 1 ...-„...._I..... I»! -~™4L.„ 11.04 _:.^L J 124.96 125,988 51 $267,107.72 »9,2««.4» 8,842.48 » 1.11 « 20 toon 18.45 . 170.4# . 91 *.80 . 150.00 _ 4no.oo . 10.00 4,284.89 Orand Total JW67.107.72 The above and foregoing report is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. J. r,. STEVKN'S, Co. Treas. cttiiv^orih^ an<j cTvorn to before me this 12th day of September. H44. (Seal) R. D. WOODS. County Clerk. The Committee oh Finance presented the following Report and Resolution, to-wlt. Woodstock. 111., Sept f2, 1944 To'the Chairman and Oentlemen of the KfArrt of Sunervisors: Vo-'»- fnmniitt^ o" Finance would hep1 leave to submit the following resolution and recommend its adoption towlt: . . eyf . there l« not at this t|»ae ""fficlent money In fhe Treesnrv of Mc Henry County to meet and dofriv the •>rdlnar>» efpen«e<s of the OoTin'y e"d It «s necessan' at this time to provide r 'tind to meet alt such expen««>« hv Is- ; "?* ^'rnn»i-M. of ^tieinatlor wnrrantft to h#> n«*>*na* *v County Tax levied In the year of 194S 'n the way and manner nrovided by the St^tnfa of. this State for the issuing and dtspostnr of warrants. Be Tt Resolved hv the Board of 311- ner%-l«ors of the Connty of McHenrv that the County Treasurer of thin Countv be snd he ig herebv authorised and directed to Issue and sell as needed, sntlclnation warrants to an amount not to exoe»d th» ouni of **tK.OO0 00 aKBt"«t 'be Oonnty Tax • levied in the vear '948. hut In no event shall the tav an- Mrtnatlon warrants evce^4 75of. of the amounts of the nnpron>-|at<on taT levied 'nr the year 1048. that «aH warrant* K» tooued AS needed In the sum "*f *^.100.00 e»"h and each bond to be 10 dr«ivn so »hst t*e name .h^M driwr t "t th« lowest available rate not to exceed ? ?-4«» ner annum +*-nrrthe time of tts lss««nco until na'd or ••n»«t nott»a t« ~|ve» 'Vit ef»M vrr- *""t »« recalled e^-r no^mnnt pn_ •lo'niUnn oon f^P fha nnrnoRe t>f cr->ittn<r •» e„n^ 'rom w,h(<»h n^v*n»nt of tb/\ or*"nf*f»v And n^eesQ^xnv •TxoHui r\* oilii foiintv mdv ho noM tliqf Qtf|,v •»nt»»tn«t»o»» vir'nn'"! she" when drawn -Son. <vnon fV^lr Taco" thqt they •>>/> eo'alw o»»t oe »ba tax When «sn A nri( ntt)^rwtfa AM of ""V'-,V> 's roqpn"»»«tir submitted T*T"*»T>'*' r> ,rr,TTJJJ •»T w. cr<*r*ftn"r > f T r innnrr PATTL PORTnvTHAI, 2,5000 For Cotintv Home... Medial tor. • nf- T„....,|« .' , , 1 300 0' "v>r TTome Wiirl. 1 •«« a» ^or Co. Ho*ne. T/lght nnd PoVer ^Ofl o. For County Home. Repair 2 oon o* "^n*. r^c. o,„,t of «!»«•{, S«lnr>' 2,500.0' ""or Co. Sttpt. of Kwys.. Trav. '• Kvn. • i..,1.oaft.n' pon Probation Officer, Ralarr, Circuit Court ,.' . .. .... 900.Of For Probation Officer. Salary Cotintv Court '..._, J..'..." l,320,Of Frt** Pnoh^t*on o^fiiwr. -Traveling' Exnonpe. Ponn'v Ooii'-t .... 90.0.0f For, B^r,c* of Revlem*. Salaries of Membfrs _ l.SOo.o •""or Board of Brv|o*v. t«1 e Birr r»oar<1 or njx-iew. •n^<- Tr>^n '?no a* por Poarrt of Bpview l^lerk Hire 1 000 e "or County Tndire, %t]aVy 5 fton n ^Or Countv Co"'t. Pnnnrter Pal. 1 *'nr pnr ^oref »n AXrltnesse«i 100. A For »n<>ntt®« Crows, Crows 15*** and Fores 1,000 0 "o- .T»»ro'-« *" Courts Per ' Otern and Vtieairo '. 2.000.0', por Rnrorv|,nrs, Pef T*lem and Mileage ., .'.,.10°0 "«>• tyinHnf, '« 1,000 0 ^o- r<"re of County f»enendewt CK'M^p 5,000.0' "or OOP^.T,IKI^I;1ACU n-»*'^n*o « Irt 0"t r\t Po"«tv 18.000 0' *^0- Tuberculosis P»tfent<> i.ROo a ®*or O^re Count* r«<iiv>n „......;. l.oae o "or stntoV ^+hwiwt»; n^ot--i....... *ao Qiqtp's ^ttMIO#v. - . i K*J\ f>r ""or State's ^t*o**ney.' Awct Cot ^ «oe 0' *"or itt«ni»v Off. «"t>( •»«« o "or *ttftrn«'. Tnroftt iw ^nr \ f\ ^rtr AM fn B»ift*"n» Cnt»cfr«^lon n# ,5.f^0O 0' n^ixtr *M »n n* -s aao o' For Vpn^r anil ^ T',.1. T^nn-tn-n annro^ed *n«^ t«m o" n^nt v^v i*»terj(nji and w;".'"-- _:•• «w»"'dr Vot. •*--'»i.« 1 <t»ve ft » ^»o.- 4 e«f T* -\»»en . T*« nonno >nnt|Wt Or^<nnfic#».. tO-W^tr *V\ *Uc -of "fit* r"rt»v,»w.Utoft nn Vow Imva . f»*of fViA^' V«t»o Aaffi^TteVa^ ^ •VftY •onn-ol fA*. Va #^sa,#e. r*i<ce^ K*r «ow"> + t^n nwnl #«»• f *1/9 ^nn^1 pn/f(nrr ntU1| fV* *%*>* •/> fVl« TT^„r^,V10 n n#< o4/>v>t(nv> *hA a nv A rvnfAMIqMon » i+^rVa/l »vw< •> rwi« >» tv<« r**^, <w «nflA««oA *«1 f*n- •<! vwihUMMI t,"w ^ ^r»A«t on^Jn* |VA f>r^o^inip ,tH^ f*r«t. It* to •*>» AH fw Y9»1*MA«V ^ Ttr ft# T T>#» r«jf a« % 4 n«tp*s«s^n _ ann»A«*A^ Tw1»» fn 1 Hit WT» TC O^nm^n fv»n ^ f5*nM of TUfnnfQ fif •o.wft: - . , OPPTTHV 1- * ' I-. '•* 1 o *1 r. o.... 1 ?1 Ort ^ ,*^<r fK* ^'" V.';: • 5 'v t><u,A«n»a nf th'e nreoed'lnff '«> „R*n 41a 7» TVl^mnrfq m»^o In. th«' ^nno t 1 Bstn n r»n ln tho Conn fx* *M" "* 4,ii» of the nreced. •>" »»-• 'i*a-«rR(H> **v, ^ tfwl * w /.nmn e«*«n AU w •*» a r«iv Hv "" • vi- »w!i«t a^e'ss follows, T*w^*~"1 from Tpres Oenerftl •"•"I nan*ln«a Po o# $•« 4|K «*' »t«' V«* T>«»nlnu r>o Off J» «• TnAom» fVnm Vwn. Co. HomS ^ fi <•"« nnnt«i, tAnoA r«on~n CT/,m» ..........l..„ 8 *•« nfflW* Oft HA T>»i'o«no Trw 1 nnn nn Tnoom<, «^om s<",A T >»e»"»* 9* «ft« /">' nCO»n-> »•«- Pt»t» TT1 ««IA«> Tof«' P"^J tiDi to; nn .044 4r" Tn">"" ^ of tlllnol). TTwv. Fund Vov, 80. %t «AA an T>nl o 19*8 *# •»•« «•> TniS)m» TT»v Tx» < 4« AAA AA P*«W«»fl Tt aT,d Tnt. • A^<*v ,°^rT'1 ' 1-1 "Oft flA t"»»im,ted Tncome ..i.MRR.l85.87 crpr-rrnv *_ Tk"t «t l» ^oemed necel»!»a»-r' in order p *1 w ^ ^QVCA rr» A^*nA^«A« "OWf r®"»» fVo* thar^ f«? nwFnnf'i • • «-* ni>o^>Ms/l r»r Hi» (e^nAt«»1 fa v tatn* 4ini< nfV> i»«> •rtVAwnrt 'nr •>!#. /»nr»»m> flofol r«nr »A r»' *V«rtv ^•r\Mnrc an r»/s*n•« »Vo for p»M nnn^nnrffiw* a»*a ** »*« V*«• ft«^ -wm^h for the same are "as follows ^Ar ^1, OMf*'AVAf, ...II QAA Art r^«rV. r*<*. hAnlr« .... l.ftnooA Vr»r riaffr. P<»F ^^kftK iaaaa Hrri'U r*lo»»V TOO l>l> pn»'ntf PlArk, fA#« ppp diem ' For Prtuntv <*l**rV. prtv>mlqf«lo»». Voa« Tn«anp nnd F^eW^- J* fAO ^or Ponnh* -1 Poiip^v r'UrV (VP Qi(f| ^ 1 AAA Art 15V»r r*o ^ n"A OA o,A«ntv r'p^v, rv?tn*»>oi p««0g raa AA or PIarV. T>nr T jo, i "• AA 'ai» Pinter T«r •'- |tA<| AA Vft'1 r^nitt PfV»o« fr*m n„»(..„in» ptrth apd TJeath ^ _ _ soonn "*or Fioption Officials. Per, Pl«n 'or Sorrt^, ... .4.200 fW> »«' F'e^tton Officials. DTHea'e +r\r vaJ . Fc "'•iftetlons. Rent- of Polling Fla "»s : "or 'c*'ectton«. T»r1nt»no- T*">llotS P"or •c,lAct'on«!, Supplies for T"o"ini PTace«5 "......_.. **or F'lect'on s Clerk's Runn'ie*... For fn. Treas. »n<t Fx-Offlclo Oo'iwtn*. PrlnttrMr k....'. 8.000 00 "or T>uhT',"»tlon oe Tit 1.400.00 For On. Treas and FT-Off|cio r"ol'«cton Office OtirmHoc x 500.60 Fon On Treas. and Fx-Officlo >• ( ' • Col'actor PecoM p«n(t« 250.00 Fur Cn. Tr»f>«. and Wx-Otficio Po'lerton Coiler^ion T>e11nouent Persons' Pronertv T^»• *»<"« 100.00 Fo» ^o Tre«« and *hr.Otf'^to CoPe^tor. Tnterest Tax Antt- . cipstion Werr'ntji .• 600.00 For Sheriff. Bailiffs Psr Diem. All Courts 800.00 SOft.OO 800.AA 800.0A toa.oa SW»,Oo For Sheriff, Fees for Serv. . .. ...10,tHM».<K For Sheriff, Court Ter Piem .... 1.000 0< For Sheriff, Office Supplies .... >00.0,0 For Sheriff, Food for Prisoners 2,3W0.(>< For She»ifTy C^iokinir for Prls..;..' 1,2D0.0< J^r Sheriff, Jail Supplies -- ahd Clothing: ... .: ..;..«» ... , 100.0< For Sheriff. !>emities Per tyem 2.Wvo.oi For* County Coroner's FeeS .... 200 Of "of Coroner, Reporter. Fund .... 125 0' For ^}upt< ot, Sohs., Clerk Hire 2.805.0( "•of f*i»pt. of Sc1k»o'«. S"n. 1,100.0' ""or Oo'^rt House njad Jail* salary. Janitor l.W>O.Of ,J,nr Court Wo«ae>an<l Jr'1, Co-<l l.tOO.O' "or Court House and Jail, UfcHt -Wl ^Vater • 1,500.0* "V»r <?ourt Rouse, ,Repairs ....... 2,0«0.0' "or j«M,l £<• Sheriff"* ..*'<»*- Pep.. 2 oo»j 0- »?or C<»OTt House ^ Jail. Sunpltes 2.500.0* '"'or Oo-'^t Hi>ikp ^ Jail. Tel. . l.,JfK0.a< "V>r Jeijioiarv. Librarv Tj»w Rooks S^O n ,FAr %1udic'arv, .l^stice Fees 400 A* '•'or , Misc. K*n. 100.0- *por Co. Wnm*. R't. f.-»r F""f. 10,0^0.0' For Co H*>me, Food for Care . of Tnro-itos . .. ... 8,500.0' STftf, fon.nti- Tlomia, ff»ippH»f fnr , .„ S.R0A. ""or1 HSrd^lo^tJon o* T'4benctllos,'s "»*" > <•-!»».• fry S.R4A 0 "or "F**o^ * *1 - ^^nonip • ' nwo o' ""or F**«'"'*«4,on o* •.. ~, t , r,..,„ «.. . # a* e*. ^ ft%e o<" *^or ft# 1-, o«Wn» c<..nrtt(»p »e« rr -*-n« <~<r^«tn<mn» "nn^ 4 **1 nr --~y T«q on Cf>»n*r a 0Art Of • * * t n « ? n f t » « i » i * r « q n l ' T * n n r S « ' = " , 1 Ono'or * -» ^C/.TT.nn- **,-.*,«fM|. "' •-- T^dc V«o/w*4** f •» A .. 2.t#a o*" y^Ho^r*" f^Vn^* P*»fm «»n(J. J r..,^,,, Offfoe Ftp. w- 500.0' **or Cmrt'i'. .- a,'~~*Xy t -H Club Projects t*„.^ ,K,^„ . ' sar «e -Tv- .'.Owntvi, : 1;W "f Tot«^ Otiarn 1 r^n<) ^ .0^ A M In T>Ml1«f(n<r PH^fAjl r-, w\ 1 - ?-•„ "on PiTmont of T>lcht of W»y •«.„ - n„ivi.'- ,»« Arto.Or JSW rn'in»v Ui"Vw»v T,, Co •#, ^ ni.ti 4IJ|. ~i} ^ (> - Hwv fa'Ti. RnmAvlnV, ' 't . ' 2 aaa AA «"V«» «-«0 TTIr-Viw-x- *"«» «*"n. - >OA AC 1r»n^ Totn] of All AWimtHf- 4.--^ , ....-•..^'.'u •*•*« <WTTOV "».-.". •"•• " ^ *"'•' i- t«v In f«tt Anrce •>n' r fHrtW an ' a" ' r ' T)0 C«^l r*r "T»d approval S'-coo/'Ine- to law '. . "S*t . 1 ^ ««V. "*<? 1 ?th daw of, Sepfe'mb^r, A !•>. 1JM4. r* yr-^npT*. C*<fm*rfi*T% ' t* t f « I>t>A' T -, . p t T'T , T>Cisw vn>W,A T.,' - - "" r»*> • »*ti. r> ^»*x'ij>T.T, • A V S^WMTTT / "•V AWHTtAfl "iv w"mf. it'tly »» c •«n«» *Vn4 • K n fonrt*** r*' f*# Pnmm't^Prt"OT! H« onproa»o-» n4 « nniiftl * nnmneUtlf,»| »*A f|f» ^Qp«%t t)df1 f)/* n»t'nw • wltV f Ho Qmp/'i v Inff ' t*vr 9f VA^I*»»V In TVA'0H»K<vf„„„tJ *'! •>« n ^ /< Kv fV.<« nr\* OtmnS T»T^4^u* r*^v VorM.,r Vrtlnn, ^Tf*T^r.*«rnn. v. «. qn<« PM«n o. > ccf Ovn«*Q M'nn-1' JIV^. -^<r»v n ^^UfA^ t>^r* *v*fS 4'>A ^on-^e* nn«n«tni4 t»T* -* Vnnilp' * *> • I ^r^ln^noe adont»4^ ^ ^ <v=^" 7 . ^- .••onort ' f •K» *Co,*ntv . TV<h(onror *inw1rff TW-mpr**> to th« bonntv fwim Towr«|i(wi for P^nntr, HoVne *ra^ n*-e- «er>ted and r^ad and 'lnon mo^Vnjf d"*v and carried was ordered placednn Tie. Ol^r.1- ^resented the certlPcates. (tocher with con«?Ant*s. o' v^rlouc nH^^r^iv ror*i*t(e*ion<»rfl of tho Count.v •»f McHenry 0t th<» J>nioun,<? r»«"ej«B-'rV •o he r*>1qe'l. 1 y ta^^tlon #r>r thfi /%on- -fj, ^ and rannlr of «ads and hi^idces In the var'eus town- Q-h*n^. A fter f**e *"*>1 rl t" <r r*? . fV,Y„ oo?* te« of- levy and consents by the ^lerk. it wn« weulsr'v n>over1 h\^.Sv»i»- An*'1' an** "wi** wnr~ "hv o-,ntror th"t the certificates of lew •mounts involved being about $540 on'Albert Krause. judcy Jus fees .... S.«0 he Channel Hill road and about $C20 ;sabina Pan. shf per diem fees serv 5.SO m the Huntley "road. We also'1 B. jp. Kennellv. er TB off sup ..j 1.S7 'he order for two Frink snow plows ; SihevifT Feeding Prisoners-- vith the Patten Tractor and F<iuipment jW. H. Torsreson >------.i.. >>. of Chicasro,. subject to Ooverhment ! Wilhert Ohlrich ^4.....1I-.1 •eleases of the plows, which release we j \*«>rman K. Traokett 1 nderstand has been given. | \«mus and Son On Vueust 11. 19*4 we met In regard I Western t'nited OaS Ar. Kle« Co. o damage to the McCuIre Pride. «in a' Sheriff neputy-- :tate pAi'li Road in tVie Town of Hart- ! Fred Wendt .......„.v„._..-- and. A milk truck had struck the 1 .lolin V«chrehsckl --~--... rid^e and bent one oftJthe steel [ r*- Hfolmes . The trunk owner Wns insured Willis .lobe u-.;...™-,.... rid the company agreed to Pay the dam- | "•"••• Fhlert ~ tfe. but we Have not heen abe to grt the John Viola . •ork done vet. We also went to Crvs- Claude F MofteftwoH ... ...-' 11 T,r>ke. Tlllnols, to look %t a used ' lister-. Peacock . :. ...,..... inrrete mixer t*-tt.«s for, ?-»<» Ti>prP |C ~C. Miner, "shf dpty t40;M; ^as .no <w>e available to demonstrate! shf h-lliff $75.00 :...v._. \» .witoi* hvt it seemed to be aboutJ^*avn<> Ventser.- contingent vhat we needed. an Pon^d of Peview Salar>'~ -' ><<qft«i» »«, iJ4i w# went to Crys-lOhss H. Ac.kman ...".... .....^..ijl-i'-^., "tl Tj»ke and had a deruifMistravfion of ; \'>hn J Hayes ;..... hse»l Jaeger one bag hatch concrete1 F. J; Peneen ..t^...,.^>„i..;;:.:....'l^:V.,. ... - • sanin in eoo.i work-JO, P. Ch'ttenden ••; Construction. Of JhJtftWI .^I). 1 vosr Cowmlttee, upoa motlcn Fo»rr CO. Aid t.n.. Bulldtiig BtMis w., jifMe and seconded, adlourns*. Repair of Bridges I,W*.W Food For Needy Veteran* and I 34.10 Their Families .*< ,4,000.00 16.12-Clothiag foc ^eedy veterans kt4- ' . --...1 2(>.S0 ! Their Families -j. , SOp.ffO 44.20 Xlwlical fof Needy. Vete'rans *M . "Ilieir Famllif-s ... For Eradication of Tu)irt^)tfAllW , •• in Cattle. SAlarv vf '1.740.00 Por Rradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle, Traveling Exp. _.'j,^' of Coaaty velftrtaarlan WW For Eradication of TubetcolOAlS in Cattle. Salary of Cwt, Smpy,, 3,1 10.00 (For Ins. on County Properties t; fc5.00|For Ibs. PrenaimnK, on BonSj( ,' * Coun%y Officers ->. .. tn AO ",*W ..• -W'C f*- , . wjf f i*. « . <T s- J Respectfully submitted. 1.99 5.0« .10.00 lfi.00 10 08 p. no c«o o. j. CARROT.?* chairman.'• " *->EAVX' Rt'SE^HAI."" ; *4.1. /'TARL F. W1TTMPI»«9^' i-. ••>' ' A: B, M*C(WVKLI,£ "J. E. Harrison .The Coaimittee on l^nds and Iyitp prssented the following report. whiHi on motion of Rupr. Harrison a«d «»ty winded by Supr„ Kueeker and the mil N»ln»r called. w«» deetsved snanUnoMslv e»l. to-wit: *nna" P. Peneen .. ...., ' > -•-'••• Marengo ReouUli'can-Vews riff Sup 9.85 •"•;• fo tJtk.--tns. f>endn.-- ---»---: •• •• ---- ,f\n.. it \V fjan^eon. Mlkea .... 10.00 Pr. 'O E. Velson Mikes .. .. . . ,1000 r> | t-« 'us. sur> h wy tra"' exp '.' tlf.M w Schmid*. ci- .clfc- S".p . • •'.'"$'*:.0*! oo" trens off sur> *8,04: '£fVJ*y* • Continent $S,06: er TB off -«rn «<?9.00 ......;. . FranV •cVio-nt-^T Co CO elk el»o '. - «„ot;*'«o ?4vrt), cjk ptg.122:88:: : .- ; c*> .elk otr sup $14. «S: - supr -.'2,-' *0* thereupon reifularly moved t»V petit *•>" 04 2S8.14 <4unr Ki'ecker nnd duly seconded hr P ^ Pettibone » Co^.co treas ^ , «-mr P^hmltt th*» the mioft of the 'V-tr .?..... :..,„. JSft.fifi iol)mlnlt>ee on Flnam^ he approved an# «m.|.w. co . treas sssmt . J «0 the \nn»«l T«x l.evy be apmvtved arMI P. T^andtrreeh. co elk Off SBp 10.18^^^^ by this Poard and the roll h)econ< i't'on ,in*l bought nw»,'or ^tr1- Ie,nr.y together with two concrete carts -ir **S0 \ nAv nTJvjrf rtT "ou'd coat oWint *1800 te ^vai'^'i'e.' Wa v,^r, In«,peete"< tho SST»balt se.f-1 Co^f -ork on the Hvnt'ev and Chflppel Jfllj •^ndg^ wHoh w*>« undern^y. On v«"»ist 24th. 1!>44 We met' at ^oo«t stock. TIlHois and received hlds ' ^Construction .of th» Anferson fnni -S*k ton surface we't fiori S. P. I. ^".•e • ?»8. n'id nn« tn'tle south •,of'.' orth Hne of the-Town of Marengo!, The n- t'-'diler rin ' •*»* ^ , s^ri^-^ of ->od W>« thn, Stlh'"rh"n Oil Cn of 0">t; >rk Tllinols in iKo SU<*> of l"1 1"ST "d We nn-><rde<T the eontnnet to th«m .1 tVn of fs ' A. "owril and" tHj. Countv Cl«rk to slm the | »n»ir>cf ""*» nrvnro'-e the *»«nr^ on he •»if o' xfr-TTon^y Count'-. T'Pnots. XV 'ftn n?«nt •-> Wonyard 1'Muois • •> in^n.^t 'c«^r' F "Vittrnus Vtr\->n^.T nwrenoo Th» hl-"-> p Pook nn>n"- wo«i Inct An1«hed and we <t«». V V\ fov tr, r^'"d On behalf of ! <"! .t Carroll 'fHetirv' Countv TlHnols. -.. ..,,.-,v F K-'eoker .. tt- i^l<no>s ivnonv p Ferris •V fhA ^*»y of 'ifi r» y-Omi " •>dlte^ ordered pa'd bills O* a ; ,T F Harrison ' ~L % September 5. 1J44 dSL!*1* Chalfnr^n, and Gentlemen of the •Bsard of Sdp^rt-iAors: J.T^ur Con#mMtee o* Lands M« totn 2 5 . 6 6 - T o t a l o f Q s w i l F u n d l < e r r $ » S , C f |For County Hlgl.wav Tax. .Xfalnt. iSfeJS mv.t* t J?® 4 <5 00 Bn,, *1d T»o»ds U.000.00 :_ .v. %_ 5 i°hn 478.O0 4 ff, OA 275.00 For County Aid i« Btiildtng Bridges.: to fie tire Bonds and Interests ...I -j,. Art* wli® Is buried in the l"t>ion Cemetery at Union. Illinois, would . beig . iV *rss«A llrave ta tspm 1 that they purchase, s * j Head sthne from the Zoia (Krand Total Amount to Pe Rntsed All of which is respectfully submitted this 12th dav of September A. D. IM«. , .. Wlt>!Rr ,C MKIKR OhiltWMI. Q. J, CAPPOI.l, ' "••• • ' -P*t'1, WOSF.VTHAT- ** * vk n v*^->vmu MATH X. SCHM1TT Monument ( Works at WssdAtock, Illinois, to be «... im a« i nrnperlv Inscribed for the price pf ij | *S0.M to Its paid for--h? ;M«Twrrr County. Tour flsmimittee wishes to ! furthviir '"• jt"'* ' 1 <?<S- a-io-^- Mileage ,\ur. w p-th Per»-y Wrtsht _ *b<> M?. , I* PnrrillA ..u. 'wirv roin^fv Poifol 9ycf^m n < rv>r»v r> M<%Oonn^11 ... .............. or eMhnH^e fr>r> AT^v mnoMn^rv. Tnp-*«»r \r ^ohmftt ho?* rr»nrr^*-». ml'^ nt nnd c \TM*>r f of the roi'ntv ton! houw « 1 Tr»K« T Viun Ota! of ^V*0- <* ;\/\f "'"• «'-"-ire-vt« "to »h« vwlmi .see- 'Ponl Rosenthal •on» <<t tho county r^»ro1 of <5 >ju"« «hf feedr nrl^ ^osds «t j-ate- for t-.bor hsf'tnt'iM • A Vulie, shf per dlswi nnroved hv tVi»« Roard Were aiHttTed" font «wv . ' as fhpo«s'= _. ,l>r^r*a J. -McCsnnon. sup sehs ^rtiois Sj 14 7^ ' ««»«• «>n^- Wp"»rt that the matter of perpetual c^sr*- w*» taken up with the Cemeterv A«soclstion and It is agreeable with #he said A«a«H>latlon that they will trn^ride perpetual care for the burial plwt ts exchange for the three Praves s»PI remaining on the John Arts fc>t snfi rotr Committee recommends that CAnatv of McHenry gi\"e title to th*» ssld mdltional three graves on the ,iohn Arts lot to the Union Cemeterv AsSo<n*tt«m la sxchaacs for perpetMil rat*n o* the John Arts grtre. All of Which Is resnctfully submitted. A P. MrTONNlLb .^r^AMK r. FKRRTS «*.:<# T*OTTSTT*S M. MAXWKIX - m«NK vw ' • ', s. PAIrL. ROSENTOA1* > • "fh®;: following renort of the C«mtv. awnei»ia|end#nt of Schools was nr«oiat» Vd arn^ read to the Board, tt-stt: liywt of gisUltaMss Viaft. the Joint' cr(m»n<ttees ii) chafre 'nf : • ••, . 8#nt 12, 1944 ithe renalr of fh# "Kdt* *n>1 PrHdenfeldt1 Tn-4 the Chairman and Msmbsaa mt the 44 ao PrM<*^s tn rti.mimf T->«^i>hl>v present'-- w"afd of aspervlsnm, **•01 led the frilhvartn* renort wltiHr JfieHen'-y County. Tlliaela. 72.00 tion of As*f. Sunr. VcConnell and dulr A* c^nntv Superintendent of Behssls 1S7.0A I.eoandeH hv ^unr. Volsn and the roll lof MpHmry County, Illinois^ I wlsfc t» 1' "jhetn«r called, was*" declared unanlmtiUsiy ling celled; punrs Puth. '"'rlehf. Wtt- ?8 70,mus. Peck. Coy, Carroll. Kuecfcer, Fer- 92.00 tis. Volan. H^rrfson Cnrnoe, McCon- R1.0A :ne11 May. Schmitt. >Tefer and Fl'lp and 8A.00 , *s»t. SUnrs Maxwell^ MrConnell, and 24.00 Rosenthal • voted ave. Jfnry none. The 48.20 chairman deenred the motion nnsnl- «ffl moiinlr crrjlM and the r«ftnrli-'«*s Stl.OO prno<»rt and tbw Anmml Tax I.evy 78.40 !»<» 40 8 20 TT.8A adopted. an- n . 88S.S7 »Mlon. 4.-1S 18 .......... 4, 17. ^t<nn« R, . T »{ t0,. 1.1, tf 'ections 1S,_1!5 ......«v^^. 'Total .» Tax funds as follows 1. A. *»•. Seotton • 1 17-TT n>atnt--tihor «n<* wpt. ...8 Aft"; -n « m«in • -tnh'ir «n'«-<* ml* » n O.l* *,... ^5; 'i'f*T*r.' ' \ nwd <,* and ^ '8.-- 17-TT . m«,<nt. labor and mat. • 7 e- to ie*r ^,n-' 1M,a' •»•>»« 'mt. •> l>1. IT 1oV>0» "n<« mnf . *ftp P. *>'T rnfr Inli'xr A «>"»(, 'Op *1 m<»fn> lnho* nnd n^fit 4 nr •(• T<p „» 1,l,y nnA mit •• « •»A" QT>T r>( 10 ^Ipht of n'<>5* !»07 rA 1 ^--<-nt »>nd mat. **.'81. on"I l^bor and mat 8 AA " 81 rtnv 1<*ho*> i-*r>r\iT on't mSt." P*99** 22. erel. labor and mat. .«,,... 88.70 j<shi»'o«- 9*i'H,*>n. sup schs asst | ~n.t ~1»-V »•>'-- "Ia« T*e'-n nr TP off sal'..,,.:. C"«. o<* tr.\n(<otook. ct hse Jail 150.00 118 75 1«A AA 110.00 adopted, to-wlt. , ">05 et hse taW f ,83,478 87 w"i» Johe c|r ct nro off sal .... 7S.00 t*>4.^fr!,AVo'< j . l«r rApnan'f,tMv f»• •»X Chnlri^"* • t* 0^4 r/sn^i -^n4n^»v«An >»<>ro i rn'se In nay f'om the nre^^n* r""". ^nr ^rti*p f->f Pni'it*" * Qv«tn*^ of ire fo f|\Av a f'*® >f 10 nn»« V>r»Hf »•*»•<! of *>1lt tt>« 1ft f*^V« vnon'Mon *« ^ 'n^-o fSlr. not»*o'- .TV ® Vt'~n P»"1'vof| «•»*> -* nropouM to bi» ^ff^cvtfv# S^pt. 1, i * 4 4 . -- r r - J r -- ^ ^ "*d Viva fftf tf?* h#Ml#Hf >rt>w nn» otnM' V on V^^^Vaf t** Iff- fiOi ** rnpf tn *Ho hl*"r^'1 -n rn a fr% tV.« Potiti*f Tfonsn-ni* f «oM ***»»*» 'n •p.D^rtfofir'nt^ mirt»A«os Srt •Vfi oArn- rst Mf- Tonrv ronn*v n,trAl nf "P/>« -»n^ T>"rr»V»e,o* of a«V •> f rov* fhn T*r»*»r»ft» T1 r»»V> n»n*• fnn^s I*> # V»o •" rtftO • n*n tVi« pov* Tpptfpff nf fhis ^ ^ * t „ nf Mnr»lf tAt> tPrfnfo > w»r»n,f |r»nc1 ?inoV<* IPOf nrt^ «*ao*A ,\+*\A o r>-»rt "Ant , ' * **1 ' i* 4 ... jViAj jnh nfo- »»*y|ng . *«tf«f•*f»to»'!1v. ~ • ^fc-^^r 'I n' »• ••*• - ••• ' 'f 'Py 'totim!***# •V ' '. n* n. . TrTTBCtmi - ,i ' * " IMA 100.00 . Mr. Ch->|rm#a and Oetftlertew iJof,; the' Roard of Supervisors. McHertry'ftrt^n^- tv. Illinois: •o"r con\mlt*ee iri'. whorh W»» ree «n~«vt the cohstrj'ctlon nf; the. Kelts Rrid^e and th-* 'hrldenfo'dt PK<**e i» the Town of Chemung in said County, wou.ld beg leave to submit the foiTttwihfc ren«rt on the matterd he/ore them, That the piles for, said Vr'^sf hste been ^eour«d locally in the w«K>ds north of C-O«n*food -t a (V>st «^f ,$5.. *acB sawed down Avitb •»> "ofwer s^tsr as't we to fn-*ish one htT;ver. ntien^ttvSi the aVso have had the hark peeled (•fro*" »*» tr<»e t<",*>ks. . . i W '"o ' ,'he bi^tr jjor unloading; committee on Claims. County Poor . t»- foiiow'nr report wh|oh ! - rrcommOhd MJfct t»» C A A o n n v ^ i o n O f S u n r . ' r r t s a n d d n l v f 7 e r ' t o r d e m w t h e C o ^ h , ,^oon^^ hv wi.fv,., *nd th« ,v T-easurer cove-|ne the Mil* lnv«lT«l mii KMn<* cntted v-« declared tma1nl- " mou«lv adop'ed. to-wlt , „ un»«hs including W»w\n* .«,entemW 1* \ T». 'lM4 ' ^2 nf ,h* *~-r" % *5«« -»-"h |4t0.00 *V,» --c'm»i. ».in vii)n in^.• C/,e ntlemen . pf the;i l.v'e fireirorv. 12 hrs. attending anv. >'"lr,1 of -Sunervfaors; TCun*. 90 hts, trim" ptlea"'". V««r Cnrnniittoo on- Countv' Poor...) an* ••rin Wyfc tdT "0 7 hn, C'slms wo'lM h«" 'f»v« to r^f>ort that 1 . nn'od steel bars )5.}0: JCf. »».®v kiv« e-*-»n\|ned all claim* nreoent- ( mi n«e of truck snd hauUn® , e*t to th°*n »n-1 rennpiend the payment too'a **0,40 1 r„ r~r tv. foilon-ing, »nil that the C'*»rk he | Km est Fisher, SO ht*s. trim PlIWl root«i( »o ISs'-«» nr'l'"-<i on the Countv • <»n.« «trir\ b*^rk ttS.oO; 11 hnl. Treasurer to th«« c'aimants for the | unload st*M hat* fft.00, » n\» ' 1 *i 21.SO 1?A« o» i-, «* er ttr>vnv c C ,T p 1 naot T ,*n T> Trr-nolT])|^ WlAVK MAT Th* *%,,n*r i»» imp • ' iMnninn »»•» niv i , ui^iu'mi a^rrj »»»«rn ff."" , nr** ;••*•! amounts allowed, as follows. itV. P Mofatt. *a t>»« •r)'m r>11eii. to-w't; r v c-^^in tiark *67 SA; 7 hrS»' rv,Ttendent Children-- ! unload «te*i b»t* *r> >0 ..... "J.. Chir-eo Tn*"" I1 -nro* for Ch»i. $101.00 IT ' """'a 1 -"i' ""aicraft 9.0* 94.10 64.00 T,,.Aon.n« Child Welfare 'Asm.. * po vniAndl ,Qt •"tnoon.t's Tndns. Trng. Seh., nio-«"n •" St *m'i* r»ppt House of the Oood rH Si%>,on ,.ji.. v.,. w»i.q Winnlne. Ywt#>ho ... ^"»r» Qo^wrtrjn, Huth .T - F; T**»«"rv»- T Vrpllffpf sn.oo 20.00 «0 00 1-00 20.OA * ">* »>-. <iS ^frs Cf»**«l"® Rn»«ntmau. ^tea^man 22.6V l^nn'cp Jjf, Prook«. dependt cbil • 17 cti- n»*o otr trav e*p $lfi.4K 34.14 Oefien^'ent Chll -- r|nv^ Mn«n>| .........x.v..)e....... 01 Minnie Rri^ham tt.ll T'^P P»»«ont Paunerk-- * Vn Co TuN»rculosls San. .*. .. 724.#S 0„ Mln-»- Somo " "* T »lv C<>. Ti>hercu'o«|(« . Sna. " 70S."4 paper for covering steel »«• norior 0«» Cj,^ 8 (ml, gasollaa /-i«- o*»t *A t ryt "t o* . .. ^ Fr»rm»rs f»«o-* S "nl. ,g^««liRa ^ fo»" C»» «A tr»»cto» .! -^ie .lobn Crn««(<i jr.. |2-H>.hra. h«lp with nower saw T2.70 t.10 ^80 Ki.oo 1 S.S7 2.:. «sAr4», •** «">t» v ScHMTTT f* f"^T»r»v Wl'lctfT C1/>i»V nn#,*«r»tofl llxfs of p if (,.V,(,.V, I. rt> < v" Tot ol All .of which f. reanecfhipy swj^f(|^4 .1 F.. RAPF'.aoV • ':f- t: • CA T>T, tp WfTTMrs t ! • K. O. CAT . ' - Oot»m't'ee »or Kelt* OrMw PT.* Tt. CORXPK a .1 c^prom. • FP»VK n,. M-CO^VHI, T. C(,n""|t* n for Pr'denVldt PrM-e. Sept, If. 1944, I. C. U Tnr«n, harebv nnrtrove t»«e above renftrt and MlM*l»i« ronw* r'niiv •nhmiiiMi !dit» for >alvo« an»l m»*eri«la. ••• •. C. U TRYON'. Ca 8ti|»t. «f Hwys. (T-rl M-cr,VNT>T,r„ cfcjjj. T V vt»* < V .IR, ' V " JCTT-v ' T. t^Tt TP At'O. W Rl'TH Tlilfr committee on Fin»are presented gjjreh»win«, report and Annual Tax Ivy. to-wlt: . * -SSJHB* Wir-'rhnTrmpn ana OentlemMi. , . Pon -d of Punerv.lsors: claims . Committee to whom 0f4he * •»,» P(Min»" nn* tinon moMen .of 1^^^, fh<> TOI„t^r of the County Ta* y -noVer f*nd_ duly ^ ^TiTevy 'or the vear I'M4. would heg les"e va»* " •!' pnrrW - following report on the tn nr^T>»r I• «n4 P«>yie** •A in«V t*. .Jf for work - 1?*0 A'f-ivofrr F. !K. Roard met pursuant t<> adjournment to. suhm't th' matters before tljem: Tho» wo h»'-e ascertained the sevoVr> t <tom« of necefsnrv expenditures for th» Cnim'V nearly as possible sn^ r^eommend that -t^he pum of ninety nine thoijsand «ix hundred twenty doland upon roll call,, t he. .same members ;!•»'•* "hd no cert« for general county The Committee nn MftHenryc Omistv Home and V^rm presented the follftwine' rcno't which on (ntotien ef, Sms. Pi lip snd df'y seconde^ fy ftiipr, Wtlrki ithd the roll hetnr exiled va« declared anas* irrrously adopted,_ to-wlt; fr. :'jhi if ,%vnnc Chairman and **• tne PoaM of Supervl 1 Sot McHenry County: Vonr County Home Committee met on September 6. :1944l> at **• MrHenfV County Home and.audited the tlUSifitt the m«mth of Aucust, 104-4. and rsapeigS. fullv «uhmtt5 the followisa report, recommending same he paid. ' • R. O. Andrew Co., ootl, feed an«1 arJndln* ,...,; -..u ...i..$ 94i7a P.'m. J Sehmita. haliact'straw ....•.'•t-.M .Ten A ge» T.sttndry, laundrv seiy. 11.09- Sawyer Bi«c*4t Ca... crackers ..••.•&a -19lS1 •T.ohn Reflrton tc Co,, groceries .... M.S&-, ^wlir Wilson Oo.. woolies ... <4i4fl mi, power KIT iuport of Xasmata Vui 8s*t. 12, ...» To the Chairman sad Members ' of ths Board of Strpervlsors, J^fHenry County. Illinois. . . A s . C o u n t y S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f S c h o o l * ' ' X Z of McHenry County. Illinois, I wish tf* ^ nfy^ent the ^ollowlo# rsport of •" •• v. fl funds received s«* •»«*> •• • • • v*"i »h-- f'-- • - *•- . - • " • • ^ . . ?-•-i * '* ** '•* * ^ •> * t'l^c •t If / • "v V •' }V ' ' B-i »• ' nad May 22. 1944 402.10 ' m*-c#ipt«: k. etis;. June Iff* T9C4 _..91«9M 'Registrations, July R. ... M.SO •^eriwtratlons, Aur. ». 1944 _.. 4C.M jferistrations, Aug. 20, t%44 .... JtM Registrations, Sept. 7, >»44 .. < 2».W -^MOlOr, | mn 'Plahuvsemeats: •' . • VISTCT- Summer WhrkSwr .._|400.e« Oofothv Olxon. Institute talk -. 15.00 Slgti« Backus, Asst. at Inst. 5.00 420.0* of record in the'morning session, Iticlud-^••[••honnnd ('oPnrp _»nd no cents fof in*'. Supr. J^ra».k R. Mc-Connell, -conStl- Highway Ta'. Maintenance Stattuting a full Poard present. »"* State ,.,»«d Poads. and the sum of -PubPc ^rvlea Co.. It. The Committee on CIsTms, I^abor Fees j-'^-n tho"«r»nd se« Pn hundred nlnetv " W Walworth, cl«thtng - M 62 and Sup»';' i nroscnt'-d Ml" 'o'lom itvg j^ol'^ra nnd report, which on motion of Supr. Har- 'n TtuiMine- Pridces to retire 1 fison and duly woonded I y Supr. V.rrighti | '"I0."?"*• ° ind the ,roM b.e:ti" calleH. Was declSred' imanlmousl.y adopted, to-wlt: " T(epterrber1'2, -A.- ©. 1944 Mr. Cha'rman srii Oentlemen of the r'"»!>r<l "f Pui'ervisors: Your Committee on 1,-ihor, Fees and Supply Claims would, beg.leave to report th.nt <thcv have exami'-ned all claims presented to them, and recommend the ! nos»"s payment of the folloa*in»r, and that the C'erk be directed to ls«uic orders Qn the snd oonj^nts he swh^^ ^nd-a^w^^ T^un^V "Treasutwe^to-the-CJalmant* -for hv this Poflrd. •»>» *1 *^,tnor * *"tir« P"fb. ^ritrht, .Wlttmus, Peek. Coy .C^froP Klienor r->r-(c Vnl"n ' H^rrlflon, Qrfrt^n ' MltV SchCI1** Ve'«* nd Fil'n and Asst Snnrs. V*>»s»eP. foConn®1' P n** nrtcanthil x-ote/t p**e_- N»v none Ty nCK^ *lArlArM the motion unanimously carried. Th<- nfiron'ltt#" ><r\ T^o-ids «n<i Pri'lees "resented the follow'ng report, which, on motion <jf SSnnr? Harrison an,) <tu"- seconded hy "Supr. Ferris and, the roll heinc called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: $170.22 the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber Co.. CO. elk elec • supl $70.75 oo treas of wp _«.. ?9 3(5: co elk o: sup ^lO.OSj^ ^ elr flk rer hk *7^t4__^^^7 Woodstock Pally SenttneTT supr prtg 302 70; rir elk sup I2U9; Pd of Per- ««p $« SO- sup SC-hS • ofT exj $4 3.60; co treas nxumt fL'2" 2'l 5#f.90 The Hebron Times, ,c.o.. tr«'p assmt 40.10 Harvard Herald, sup schs*'"off exp $14 00: co treas assmt $115.00 129.00 Crystal Kake Herald, co c !k off sup .*68 05: on treas assart $34.SO: contingent $18.!"i 430.25 Mary P. Endres. Sup. Schs., •-•up schs off exp ^ ... r..... Pvers Prte:. Co., sup sch-1 •'(ff e^p 15.00, 1.12 11.22 35.64 eents for County Aid Superior Oil: Co., fuel oil .. Pridces to retire Bonds j Rnval ,P'ije gtore. * groceries one IRosesthal. lumber A FusK Co#,- flftV nine thousand four hi»n-t . «t"Wr Parte- yin-nw' r^-«rft ten dollars nn*! no cent* he levied 1 ^VweU. Inc.. p^st'control Ti<- on in taxaHe pronerty Th» Shurtleff Co.. tence material of sal'i Countv «rd State afo'^said for ifoyce t\rn* ^as snd oil *hV v«ar ? P 1944. and that the j Thome A Son cloth'ng . Cierk is hereby in«tructed to Th<> RofVn Hardware Co.. supplies .pvton-* siH «mo"nt on all taxable | Ooodrnws flura **•»... rm** ..ol.l .dr...fflUn the Coun'v In . accordance , Miller P»t»or P'iktnn* Co., bread w»?i>" tWTeporf for the fllowlng pur-ti^acy T,umb»r Co., lumber t o - w i t * • " ' . ' » i 1 " - 1 * " " T » l i C o . . n ' ' " n c • » " ' l c c •ft'on Officers. Per Diem ] Montgomery Wa'd }• fn . clothing i4*72 ./.: **,11 for Services ~,"i - For F'el't ion fo*- Trax'el ^n" r**i«>otions, nent of Polling Places Fo". Elections, Printing Pallots supplies for $2,100.00 ^"oodstock Wholesale *"V- • oh. ,.-1-^.. |P?klforn"rPro«.. electric fffld 100.00 i ""h-rt I'l'wmocv. dr"!TS ... ^ i^V P Allen" incidentals 300.00 W. P. .Mien, salary ^:... 300.00 ' *r'-»h»»- c Mien, salary-": o- 'u„ct1 ons T>o»"n-r pi r Thomi" Montgomery, w^ees ... SS0.00 t^^ie y/nit*"""wv, wages' ... . .. »or PnhKcition of Tax Assmfs. T.ton W) !v --r A»b'i«»h». wares wpr sheriff, fees for serv ::.7.200.00 «ihftght waees >».sr..„ t>„- cKpr«<e Pood For Prls. .. ?.^oo OA t innw • Wo»t, salary .. i*i>r Sheriff. Peunties for Olem 2,200.00 jT.lnnea Wolt. efttra salary ...... For S1,r>t o r schools, clerk Hire 2,200.00 j • For Court. House and Jail. saN i._ « «»•*• ,Tf»iiHor '"" • - -ji ti di'i u. i Jl t T , t T 1 • - •• ' * :.'.;;r#^.7i • 5|.u IMA l»lw 10.24 ta.-"!? stu sit SO 1* m;.7» 17. K 4 M.S2 P« ?4 29.S7 .. 23.79 *0.99 A^.OO _^1UV»A jdtAO.SO . 9S.0S 9K.0A . 11S.00 .. 62.50 U.M1.5* 'nmstes 5..700.00 t»n4 For County Home. Fuel _. 1.200.00 For County Home. I t: and Pr. fioO.OO 1917 i "#r Countv Home Ropalfs .... 1 '40.00 i For Co. Supt. of Hwys.. Salary 2.500,00 11.77 I For Co Sunt.' of Hwys, Travel 1.T54 ! Ins Evpen-Je 65.05 700.00 Mr. Chairman and Oentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. McHenfy Cown- •v. Illinois: •T*ie , irn ^e^t-t.e-tjed members of' the, oafl' and bridge bommittee for said 'ZTon OfTipe Supply, sup schs,off Ceupty bee leave to siihmP the . fol- i exp $7V.8fi: co treas off -up $9:87 iot«vtrt)t report On the matters before j Hpmm«nd-fr Stephens Co., sup the'm. . schs off Pin' That. *ee met on\lhe 9th day o^, Au- KJoerlit'-Peoknen Co., cir elk eitst. 194'4' pnd went to Richmond" *111- j ' "P $9.46. sup schs off exp $9.71 oi« to view the bride-o in thp Village! "t I've. Sun.-- oyer a branch of Vippers'nk Creek. (Pohn Hardware Co.-. ,,' There is a danseroh« condition at t*e iTrue ^"altlc Store .*..........v...^^.A ...., , , pre«»ent bridge which is near the center Satigamo Olslnfectinr Co. .....-....-.-_i S5.05 i Ff,r Probati<in Officer, salary r>f the 'Vftlsge and the foot traffic and I Kilt* off. Serv., co elk off sup countv eourt _....» ,h* vh'-rlar Iraffi" have t'n u«e the I $30.02: ojr elk sun $9.15: Co For nrohation Officer. Salary. ssme 'bridge ftnd the inresent bridge. Ir ! ,rea« off sun $16.33 ... ..--.-- 01.SO „ C uirt ._ ..:... n<it wide -enptigh ' to se*>srate' the foot l^llman Fanfnld Corp., co treas For Probation Officer. Traveling traffic-frorth The veMeuirr'traffic. The"! off sup 38.17 Fr««"«. Co.*ntv Co"rt bffdg* s»houtd he 'etfher W«dened "or ICharles F. Hayes. Judcy Jus foes 30.00 For Poard of Revew, Salaries • e pa rate structures THiilt for the foot ' ""ewl «chultr. contingent 5. Oft of Member* .............. J.MJ.W traffic on both sides of the street: Said |C. Miner. IMr. Civ. Oef.. eont 14.55 for Poard of Review. Clerk Hire 1,000.00 =treet is a Cf>nerete State Route earn*- R."0. 1 ndrci- on «» fall •aoa) 10.10 l For r'ovmtles. Crows, Crojif Bggs ine hen*-y traffic nnd l»-*ds from Chi- I Ct. Hse. Jail Repairs' . ,n'" FVires -- _ .... l.uuO.OO "aco toward Madison. Wisconsin. |T,ee Pittman * 22.91 jFor .Turo*-s, All Courts Per Diem _ X*»e .g->«n m»t on th- 10»h day of ' winipm Schmidt ' ' 9 00 | and Mileage Z,00«.«« Auenst, 1P44 at Woodi'oci? T|Hnol«i and Pearson's I'sed; furniture 2.75 i For Supervisors. Per Diem and received hld« for a partial seal coat on 'II T'cH T<"\: CO.. ct hse. jail tsl 114.01 Mileage •i.... .* »,0w0.W the .Channel H"' Road .end the road 1' dcv. Library-- : e r? ^ Supervisors. PrlnMrg 1.000.00 lerfdlne- «fli>th«>rt out of Trnptiev. pp. ^p'lnch^n *- c^. _, •••/'* »« ^nr Cn» rf ("n r>«n»nd-nt f*h»l. 2.500.00 noia. The low Hdd*r W'^'the Suburban T awvers Co-Op.^,piib. i*"o. v7.8ft. For Care Tuberculosis Patients Oil Co. of Oak Park. Illinois and the :Worw#k Studio, shf off %ud ...... 1.90 In 2°* of Count'r ®Snat®T,H.m* 1S.®®®-W contracts were awarded to them. The I Wm. A. Mueller, lid of Rev salary 150.00 For Co. Aid In Building Rrlaffes if or Court Hons" and Jail, Coal 1,700.00 HOCT sold For Churt House and Jail, Light iCorn planter soM . _¥ an<* • Wa»-- . 1,r.00.0ff- • 654.56 "or Court House Repairs 2.000 00 ."ST.7.rT For ,1s11 and Sheflff^NRes., rep. 2 ono.o<I , ... $$9574>2 ror Court House and Tail. Tsl. 1,350.00 - . '. WP". 6.^1914. Fo- Co««ntv Home Salaries iTo the HonoraH® Roard of srupervlsofs for Fmp|o.vee«#" >. '.. . 6,700.00 j of McHenry County. Woodstpck. Ill For Countv Home, Food for Care j '# f McHenrv County Farm. Home ffn«n'ta1 Committee b*tr to reporf that they met at Wsr*t-tnd o<» the aSove mentioned date and audtie<f and aprjroved hills for payment lih the ftjllowfng !n«f amount*--- j TVr.Tnanent Tmurovomenta ^ f fO iT Punning Expense 9N.22 ciathlnff - ' 1,220.00 tobacco S>.$7 >fedle44isa 20.98 Hosirttf^ 191.10 niet ...r...-.:.J. iii.46 Fuel M.U 900.00 900.00 Credit For: Cream sold ... Hogs 4old Corn Planter 91.C91.V9 .»l».tt ,:. 4*9.71 52.1* $94^02 The regular monthlv Inspection of grounds, buildings, eoulpment and livestock revealed every tbi^ to b« in good oondltlon. There being JM> fortlMr besfnaa^ nrsneat the foliowhng w>urt of all ths f»ir*s- "^ited and the exfdl<are« •""i- Hierefmm in the THatrlbatlTs Piitid Account for th» l»'M bMimlnf M»v 22,. 1W4 and eraiinr 9*pt^n> 1944. Rr» nis. >^nd May *3. 1940 9 peeelnts: P*-tr|»mtlv- Fon* . ..$11,IS1T.«» j »vh Reimbursements Mf.n 9tM«e jfuRtan for Orpiwe.-. 9,9*1.M«i« •; m.304^; f>l shursements: ^Ufil-t'i«'e Fund 911.H*.<9 - **nt t.ifneh Psyments Plst 59V.BS Stnte Tuition Distributed. -- 2J01.0* 1U14M> rjJP,. *ir th'* V^s h~«a. Sent, ir 1944 ....% 20.29 Ifesp^ftftilly snbmltted. i • r,' . MAPY P. RXnRWST. !. j County Supt. of School* ! frogaio of soak ^ ! Sept. 12, I >*4. To the Chairman and Members of tk* Ho«tI of Sunervisors. WcHerrv Cottntj* Illinois. As County Superintendent of SchAnt* of McHenry County, Illinois, I wish to nre*»nt the following report of sll the fvnds received snd the expenditure* msHe. therefrom I* the Rook Fund Ae. revnt, for the period beginning May 22, "••i npd eii'iinir Sent. 12. 19.44. ReV on hand May 2S. 1944 ....._.$ 677.71 Receipts: Payments from DMr fo Stop. 9C0.U rusbiirsemen tsv Ps'-^i»,nt to hook companies for supplies' *wt: hi! • I •*" • ." x^L- ^ iv "• : -V \ •••• •.-/• -4 • *'l % -zSj&J -• tSi 4 I'M $l.6i9.02 9M9» ReiipiiMruITy. « 701.06 $ MART V/ ENTiRRH, County Supt. of Schaola • it A .-•t Ital'tn hand Sept. 12. 1944 $ U1U Respectfully submitted. MARY P. lOfrvRRS. County Supt. of fipkiitlt - --port of Saparrlaory *t»4 ° 8eot. 12. 1944* TA HM' Chairman and Mamhers vis the Hoard of Sunervisors, "McHenry County. Illinois. A« county Superintendent of Schools of MrHenry Countv. Illinois. I wish to -nresnnt the following- report of all the funds received and the exoendlturew made therefrom in Supervisors- Fnr»4 ^ ccownt for the period bep'nni»»* May •3. 1M4 and ending Sent. 12. 19^4. Pfii oa hand May 29. 1944. „ 9*291.1 M C 5 S 2 » i _ . -- * l ' Pisbursements: Paid toward Asst. salary Clerical Help % VtiMft 246.42 Xraveling expense--Asst. and ost of county 79.20 Serviee charges 1.09 Supplies _... 61» *44 Bal. on hand Sept. it. 1944 .$246.51 Respactfulty submitted. MARY P KNOPv<. County Sunt, of s -nels i«ort a* Mpntai «asr%«T r«>i To the Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County. UlinoK As County Superintend. *^ of gcfcoola of McHenry County. Illinois 1 wieh to present the following repor* of all funds received and the expend "nana,, made therefrom in the Soecisi Teachers Account for the period bevina nr May 22. 1944 and ending Sept. 1* 1944. Bal. on hand May 23. 1944 $ Receipts School Districts i ,. -$">** *9. Additional pensto» paymeats. K.51 -, . *. -': Z • 5*0.14" Oisbursementsr Teachers' Salaries Teachers' Pension »*•**' Collactor of Tat. i>vea»e Refund to Dtatrl' • Transfer to Book Fund .. 99.41i.T7 $H'.»1 . *% . 959 .%* »» --» . 6*03 t.sttie Bal. on hand, Sent. I?. 1444 ~>mw RespsetfaUy suhmttted. MARY P. RWWWi County Sapt. of SchOota It was thereopon regularly moved tay Supr. Nolan and duly seconded hy AaMt. Supr. McConnell that the report of the County Superintendent of Schools bt adopted by this Board and tlM Clal^ man declared the motion unaata»oaaty carried. The chairman stated that tt «•» tho duty of the two political parti--k m represented oa the Hoard of SuporeOasaa of McHenry County, to aelect lha pra> atact ntfimiion otttsOals Cot KcHtwy .sii '*M=

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