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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1945, p. 16

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M*«E BIGR* •jMJ. kWttm mw L.'f&*: • v-.'iS' ' -Br-i m v. •••'^ ;f-> •', yp/TT*"^-*•?*M:^%'. -s^- vyr-pfmrfi '* " ^ •" ' ",i -..*.* • */ *"* 5 " "' ' - ".* ' '* " " " . • 1 ••>>« " &r*:..> ,•• ' Tour jlfoTTenry County farm, Home tnrt Hospital Committee beg to report hat they met at'Hartland. on the above P••'«_' fltemtlonedt- dat4 arid audited -and .on, "roved bills for payment in the following amounts: frmanent Improvements unning Expense „.+.,..... lothing obacco .. edicinee ospltat ', let el ...$157.6G .1.1 0 4 99.60 36.12 117.70 4 66.19 136.68 Credit for::" .'••'•'"A •^"•ui-ifr^api sold |2.l0«.2l 48.71 „ •: ' • V,./, ' 12.087.50 ;• - th# - WrtmhM* monthly"• Inspection of Jkround, buiVtlnga. equipment, and liyfe- > . v Stoek revealed everything to be in good Tpondition. ' Tour Committee ^'olild recommend . . that the. Countv r^:\pnoint Wm.T. Alien 'yn^rrHt^wy*^:1, 'tgwWvr.",,,-.tMit>i ~ a - -V? tron and I.innea "\Vo1fc as Hosfcttnl ^ •>-%«perIntenilent for one year bogtwttm •• Starch 1st, 1 MS, at the .same saHtTy as ".^hey are now receiving. It is further-' understood' amft mrfced that the entering upon t>w dutiis of 'h^ Superintendent., Matron n»>.d W.-oitai, '.V!^'(Superintendent.of said .County Home, . r-yParm and shall eoiisti"ito nn _ ' Ocooptancc and be in part a contract " between the above name# nnd the W$-~. Co"'itv. There being ' no furtter businesa,- your Committee upon motion ri.uly made and seconded. ndlonrned. t' . Respectfully ' * » , 3 a. .T' c^tmaTX .c-haf'fh^n*" - TATTr tioSRNT" . ' -. \ r> > I r«<-\ V*" " fj.-: "'%• .' "-|L • ;t .T. n' H'ATWWfov - • . -- CARL, K 'lyTTAIITg*^. • y : '- .' :*trS ^ Tt «">' thereupon rer-nlarlv moved by V"oeker fiW duly seeondel bv PoTtr. ^rtpbt /Nft th" r°oort of »^e VjS'ommHtee be *piu nv^d and tb^t Wil- ,nnm P, .M'»n I*" n>r>o|nted r>s S'lncrinflendent and ^T«ther C. Allen be ap- * §k>'nt«>d as HHrnn <-»f the rnvntv Ho"" Und Vrrm Mn that T^intiea Wolt be ap- ,|K*'nted ^s^Wosnit-jl piir>^r'nt"nd"',t for •«r»e yeaflp'e'innlre Miroh 1. i<>45 n< ®h# samWlfniaries as t.hev are now re- #*lvln* #»d urdor the sirne oontrn *»n# Wen in efTeet the p^st veur " th«# th« PTiterlur npnn tbeir dntt'"' *1 Wfi^'tute an STep^nce of s^<d t^pY pnd t^e toil ^e*nc o^Hrtd R"tb. WrlTht Wittmns, 'Reclc. "arroll. K"e"i\er, ^'-""lfbon. X"l!»n •^n, Com"" M^Conrteil. Mnv iltt. Meier, F1MT» Asst. Sirprn. fwell, vot- **va. May r>one. The Chairman deired tb» fr>o^«nn •Tnaf«mo>tsly oarrl^fl •«« r-or\nr* npprov»i and •'hfe appoint- A« in tha f>TTTMint .of *M1 1o!•»>#* tcr fnrlii^frtpr tif> t" V^rawhAr 1<>4 4 wns nr?sp^t«fl Oonfftn^tton r*r>. mr r*l«nl»*rn«»n rrf hniM'nw pr»mfnlffaA, •Mt' hlfl rnmmlttAO h^*1! the povmpnt Jt wis *^r*k"T>rrf| fc«iiT'»T^y rvSif^" tfiiwf •ntt f'wd duly •""•onded bv Sm\r 11 Pf>"Ar tha Mnlw bo 9l*nn'o«1" fhnt tv« Owity pierV b" ln'-t-n»< tt.d to 4|r»»Tr on oriter on tb« fmirtv " ; 'or tho mi"», nri<* »be ro'1 belntr . * • • • ' . ^ " " l a r e d t h e m o - • ' |E(o*» pnrrtofl. '•:C. The ^weilil ropiriVto* In r+"r»« n» •bn 'N>n*'tmotlnn nf the Pr4<>ifiifol^t <-•;?'•'1M*'**. Vroserrted the following report. PlulWmi and "CTeT'tiemen n* tbe r;,4 '-.IfcuH «e R'ipervisors. MeHenrv Countv. Tllfnofs: • rt"f t/y wVlr\VT) tmc fefar • 1 |*iyf •>»#» pr>T*«»tn"*Hnr\ rsf "•• .'ftf Ph^wiUP** 'n s**M would t«er le«'-e to snlnnU tbe •^""Trlnf repdrt on the maters before thew. .. . T*b«t We met «>t fbe s'»« v>* j»oM ^ o*» +h» 'o"rt fl«v of N"ove»"b<;r to - +bjk flHvfnf rif the *»ot fK« •*Mv»»»on of the . ea«t nhiit^ent was Down to wnflo 4 ft. b«*1ow tbe ctpA^Fn :V* flna *-A^ CAP-* y J^tth gravel cont^lnlner boulder. th« , "*'le d-owe "erv «'wlv to n ooint ti r ft. be'iw tbn ?>rono«ie<T bo'tom rf tbe .7,; fftDCfptA fnrttfflp' 't tr»^*V nAnrlv nr\ -: >o«r to dr*"e tbe n"« O-n-inp to tb" 'fiatnre of the foundation we d»oid«»d -•*>•»t n"^s were T»ooes°r>rv orofl \r onl- .V;- ; 1a <r*r it ft. average could be attained _ In depth. *-' W» a«*«ln tnet at WoodstOek.^ Illinois 'ki-'lspn the 12th day of T»eeember. 194 4 and . Inidlted tbe bills for labor and mater- >'3lals Involved up to December 1st 194,4 li-W •'pd w» recommend that the * Corintv .., Clerk draw orders on Oonntv Treas- - I Hrer coveriner s#«ld bllla as follows: "vTjgWm- C. Ttailey. 222% hrs. labor • « n b r l d e e „ . . $ m . 5 7 ;Wm. Pebossow, >187 .hrs. labor 140.25 162.75 -162.75 3.75 168.00 162.75 205.75 mi: 64.65 52.50 262.00 |11.00 lio .. 1-31 ' on bridge t , >ibr«cht. 217 hrs. labor • on bridge • - "Verne S*broeder, 217 hrs. labor frf r: • on brtdvre ; •A"-' SEJmest F'sher, 5 hrs. labor I1'.- ' on bridge -.-German Oebatier, 224 hrs. labor f< on bridge fcrVJ> .Clarence .T. Rcbroeder, 217 hrs. S« i i labor on brldee J. O T,lvo»ay. 940 brs. liv-or on br»dge and care of light* t18ff 75. 19 hra. rental of truck $19.0<f Kdw.. either. 168 hrs. labor" at bridge 126.00 Jiyo* ""ti» ^Ti brs. 1"boV .at bridge *41.25, 124 ml. use of truck, ft? *n, 2 hrs. rental of trijp^ . fi.oos • ;;../• ..» |»>,i " Moffat, 70 hrs. labor at m:-_ • bHdre „* fey v-®. W. Miller, 8 hrs. movln* - ' . erflTV* +r\ rid**ft •**' Botts Welding SetVlce, oxvgen ace"ty,<'n'> *** ^ cutting IVI^; 'Ray Ooodnii r»sb Vinimrp * •» ".ts- tnrpentine and 20 lbs: nail I>aV» and Karris. Mnv. 1 s* to 28th, *41 socVs fpwpnt. lumber. 5 . eal. paint, 197"; lb^ f0l#e jHawthornes. <5bnil Service Sta., - 55 gsl. »»asolinfe '... Merc-v,ji Hardware Co., 20 lbs. " nails ..„. /Hebron H^w.. wire end nails g »;?-i ^Harvard WeM ine 'Service, weld "}• brake band for craiW .! .... 4 25 Stas^--flRrnest vonng, ., ••'•'*" , i nn ^Archie Green.^29, bales straw 4:„ 17^5 i; ~ "v * $1, fi 3 f ' ° r, -are informed that the concrete .jiWorlt In ftn4«be<l. the west- wing wal!« were nore-1 Tiec. 4 and 1 he floor Dec. R ^at whi^h t'»ne tbr. temperature wo«i ' "ye freesln*. and the water, sand &£*:-• i"n" stone w«.re be««Pfl th--con"-»tc -went Into the forms warm. Tbe floor iv>.! Wfl* covered witb 18 inches of <--tr"w Sip;' **2 bons»d in with canvas a*id forms Rife' m , since been kent at 00 flp^reCs #%^ -Iir,th s*1amsinder«... T»y rtecemher 1« $FH~ *"* annroacbes will be ready to be filled jjpf'- ; *nfl th® bridge safe for trafTic. It an- «p", "pears that the brl'lue will bp cnmnl,.* »t R cost we'1 belo-ir th. o« A,"", v AH of wbtch Is resnectftilly submitted V-h - stavtkv H. fOPVT'ti • if4 ' PR »NK r? McPoS'XKLT^ m-i' - O. J. CARROI.T, Pfj - -I>ec. 12. 1944. I, C. L. Tryon, hereby t *• J approve the above report and accept L ii:>, the labor end matcri.-Us furnished.. L. •.!, C. L. TRYON", Co. Supt. Hwys. _ It Was thereupon regularly moved bv £- v'^-.gnjW. Morrison and duly seconded by 1.'" ' Rupr. Schmitt that the report of the ' "" Special Co.-rirrilttee be adopted by this P^^.-'Poard. 'and the roll being culled. th<» j,lChaIrman declared the motion unanimouBly carried. /: Sunr. Beck of Che WpiViwi,n* Townsb'n addr««s»<i the Hoard and thanked the Special Committees in y icharge of the construction of both the fe: Kriedenfeldt and Koltz bridges in his :townshin and that he also •o-isbo^ to •hank tbe inembfrs of the Road and Bridge Committee and Highway De- "T>*rtrriAnf for «^r^>rir tv»^r ;have done together with the Special Committees. The said bridsres, he sfcwted t'irtbor, v*er<> constr'icteVi at a ro«fwe11 under the State estimate and Were two of the nicest, and best con- J v •tructed bridges in Mcllenry County >nd that the 0«(§^e of his township wished to express their sincere apore- •iaiion. . . »- - The following request of J. G. Stevens County Treasurer and Resolution naming depositories :hk! the following request of J. o. Steveris, County Collector, and Resolution5 naming depositories were presented and read to the Hoarjrt, to-wlt: State of TWinois. " •» . ourty of M. Henry. Mk To the I-<(.ard of ^uperviaom ijf .'llo- Henry t'ounty. Illinois: ., "h® undersigned, J. G. Stevens,, ourity Preasurt-r of McHenry Counliinols, rcs|)wi fully represents unto -our hon>>rab1<> l.odv that under an Act Adopted hy the General Assembly of ^he State Of Illinois, and now in* full rnrcc and «ffect the County Boards shall. u>'on leques# of the County Treas- ,<iror, desip-nate tfce bank or banks, or other rteposirory Mn which the fund«» nnd ot-hee public moneys In his custodv •'*"jr°Mn,y Ti easurer may be deposited. ^^TiH^^MTideT'S'^ned tlierefore ' re<(uests ' i ri'L 0111'v -of M-cHenrv r'oMtrtv. Mlinojs. to nnte the bank or banks °rj° •'<?'*!*>>M.tory in which the fundsrtrt ot,hc(> ri'blic monevs m his custody as County Trer,surer of St.*Henry':Co'iiu- •j may bo deposited as provided by vlaw. ' ^ , »• Woodstock, niinois, " this •HtnVday of December, A. D-. 1944. „ • J. G. STKVKN'S. Coijnty Treasurer of MeHenrv County, IllrwiSil' >tatc, of THfnols, •: ""onnty of- McHenry, ss. Whereas J. n. Stevens, Count v Trea^nrrr in and for sa'd Countv. has •c®nT~VtA,° ,hn*or^" an Actoo the General Assembly of the State of Tllinois adfrnte-f and now in full forre and ('crr^orqVCSt'^ ,,his r"»nty Board to isrnatp th^ or l>rirtVc«;. rfr oth^r depository fr, which the funds and Countv ' T i m^r"1-VB ,n cstody as VT S Zr™""* ^ denosited Therefore. Re Tt Resolved, bv' TllinoK^'at °arrt °f M°Hpnry r"u"tv Marengo State Rank, First TCatlonal SnnW The HaK-ard Stafe Rank. Hebron State R^nk ^irat •?»,»„ ^an*i °Xt Kar'",r<1 St^te Rank of Richmond, State Pwk of TTnlon. West McHenry State Ran*. StUe Ra*k of Hnnt- Th» ^r"3e ?Tntr r?aPk nT rr The State Pink of Woodst>oc'^ka. l ATl «"okne- TUln State Rank. Cam- Sfte Rank ~Z^Zr"y, r1T'-nor^ depositaries f„ nleft f fnprTp othfkf puMip rnfyn- ^vs In the ("sto^y of T o Stevens as niWs mP"S;PPr, °f McHenry C^ntv u t: T y "^oocfted: and Voir'"! Tt *Rasoivefl that ro b.^nk ^ereln designated ac „ d-^Horr «^haii ouallfied to «w(V(, «ncb fUnds or moneys until it has finished the oonty Roaro .With conies of the last ,rC4?,rinrr atotements of resources and . 1 e" ^vfiTcb c-,,eh h^lr |C r,.r,..|rert o furnish to *-bp 4u^ltor of T»pb1)c reTcy ^and"' '° thP r°m.Ptrollcr of Cur- , - 1\'> rJ, ^"rtb^r Uwniwi thqf each '" c 'Wfs'^pnteJl »s a • fo» fnn^s or MW1PVJ ®ba'.L f\rrn'-h th^ "•onntv Roar<1 w'tfi n onnv if nil >,nnV >to*emen*, which It «<= to fnrlish- to the "Njldltor of r>.tv,!|n Vccoi-n*<3 >r to the POmntro'ler •-•f C.,r„„^ WbHe tctng as "such depositor*" art/f Re Tt Further Resolved t»"«f if •rich '"ids or moneys »r» <*eno«rted lh a b-»nk herein desienatd "j, n rteno=ltor\' •he amonpf of such denosit« sha" "xceed seventy-five rnr cent' of pt^ek and ourn'i's of s'ich »-nrk * Jhr~ Connty Treasurer =hall ^ot be Tischerged from resnorc'bnu^. „„„ -"cb f,sri^t or rnonpvf. fn "any 7n.k 1?L of such 'I-mitatlon. >'ate of Illinois. "ourity of McHenry. the Roard of •, Vi""7 fo"rtv. TUInol^ The undersigned. .T G. Stev en*. Cot"»- Treasurer of MeHenrv Countv, ttllioIb a^1 or-o"Ir-in P,i'jn<T. r>,^l?„-.4.„, respectfully represents unto your honorable bodv tb^t .tinker an Vet bv the' General Ajsehly- of the State of 'liinols anfl now in fuji force- -»-d ef feet, tbe County Hoards In cmiritfes • ir^er to« nsblf>. •>' tr\_>j7n: im ~v,^n 't-.-.A reonest of the County Collector. 1esi<» >vte n bf,nk or bank's, cr otbor tor*' in 'which the fumM a'n» monevs received by him in the collection of •ares mav be denosited Tbe i!iif1er«i^|ip(l t*>erc*or ' ConT*ty Roard of JlcHenrj- ^ntnitv T(H-,ois. to designate """th* bmk or' ^nVs. or r.iher depository In wHI-h t^e "nds yon»vs rec,->i\ert by hlv^ in •*>e collection of taxes may be deposited ts r.rovlded by law. , -- a« Woodstock. IlHno's, this '2th day of nocomber.,A. D. 19^4. '• .1 a STvvp:Vs, Comity Treasurer nf McHfnr'- vnintv, Tllfnols, and eT -ifficlo bounty Collector. cta-^- of TllinOf(,~~ Co«ntv of McHenry, TSJhereas. J. O Stevens, County Treasurrr and er-offlcio County Collector In ir,fl for s!*M Countv. r>nr<j"e"t <,, t»>e terms of an A't of thi> General Assembly of the State of Illinois adopted and now in full force pnd effect, requested this County Foa-vl to desl~n-te a bank or banks, or other depository, t widen funds and moneys receive* bv •^i.rn In the collection of taxes mav«be denosited. Now. Therefore, Re Tt Resolved by •be County Roard of McHenry County, TIMnois. that Marengo SFate Rank. F'rst National r'nnk-,of WoodPtoct*. The Harvard State Hank, He'ron State Pank. First State ^ank. ot Harvari. State Rank of Rich- •vond. State Rink of T'ni >n. West M». "eniar-^tate Rank State Rank of Huntley, :Ho'n<»..Rtat<, r«nk of Crvwtal The state R<\nk of "*\'oodstock, Al»?onniln Sfate Rank. CarV State" R<mfc are hereby deslgnaifd depositories in which the funds and monevs received vh J. -G. Stevens, Countv Collector of McHenry County. Illinois, in tbe collection of ta^es may be denosited. Re It Further Resolved that no bank herein designated as a depository shall be fjiialifled to receive such funds or moneys until it has furnished tbe County Roard wltb copies of *l\e last two s\*»orn statements of resources and 'labilities, which sMch--b"\nk is renuired to fUrnlali to the Auditor of Public Accounts, .or to the Comptroller of Currency; nnd ^ Re li FiiTthrr Resolved that, each Haul: flesiEnatel af a -d»*no->ltorv for such funds or moneys shall fu-nish the County Hoard with a copy of ai' bank statements wbh-h it Is reouired to furnish to the A.iditor of Public Accounts, or to tbe Comptroller of Currency, while acting as -such depository and lie It Further I.esolved that If »ich funds or moneys are deposited in a '^aiik rerei-n de.-icrnated as a denos't'iry the anft.unts of such deposits shall not ojceed seventy- f\e per1 cent «-f the capit.ii stock and surplus of such bank and-f-ich County Ccllector •••bsvll not be discharged Ttom responsibility for anv such funds or moneys deposited In any bank In excess of such limitation. Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Sunr. Fllip that the requests and Resolutions of the County Treasurer and Kx-iMTtoio Connty^Collector b« adopted by this Roard and to remain In full force 'and effer-t during the term of o^l'*e f.f the «.nid Connty Collector and Kr-offlcio Countv Collector o.* nnttl his sucressor has been dulv appointed or elected and oualified. and the roll being called, the chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted. The Chairman announced the selection of Grand Jurors and Supplemental Panel for the January, 1945 terms of the Circuit Court and the following namerl persons were selected to serve as Gand Jurors for the January. 19-16 term of the Circuit Court, to-wit: Monroe Smith. Pltey Twp. Albert Tessendorf. Marengo Twp. Ccorrre Hanoe. Maremro Twp. ' Charles M. Palmer. Dunham Twp. ^eorsre Vermllya. Chemung Tp. ""Iph, D, Davidson. Chemung Twp. Wayne' Volon , A'den Twp r*' 1 ertj, Hd»( v. Ha-tl.-'ld Two. T <'"in C. Pi hele. Crafton Twp, v Roland' .T. T.elsch. Seneca Twp, Albert- HepfinSscr, Coral Twp. THE BOARD OP mm i II maim 'or Clerk's In 8uft< , In Court : i'^or M1SC. Sff|rV. Air, 15? days fn Court a4 flO per day .... 1,520.00 George B. CoHen, Dorr Twp. ,, inro^hate Mice Reed McConnell, I>oirr Twp. T " -Court Coats ... (•'rank J. Stans"ky. Algonquin Twp. • IVIIa^eUaneovft Oeorg;e M. Householder. Hebron Twp. Robert C. Hayes. Richmond Twp. -- Arthur ^J. Kattner, Burton Twp. Nick Weingart, McHenry T.jvp- Vera Purvey. McHenry Twp Kred K. Rose, Nunda Twp. • Margaret Gutschow, Nunda Twp. ank J. Slansky, Algonquin Twp. C Marie Ivlicka, Algonquin Twp. The following named persons were ^elected to serve as Grand Jurors on the Supplemental panel for the January i945 "term of the Circuit .Court, to-Wlt- \yle Thompson, Alden Twp, ••- Warren Hirtlan' Two. ' -"irne C. Remus, Seneca Twp. Ultima I.. Slems, Coral'Two. - '.;7; 'harlcs Marsh. Grafton Twp. W illiam R I^ehman, Dorr TwpT ' ; ;C I 'Icretrude M. Dunham, Dorr Twp. ; ; VV'aiter. I.athrop, Greenwood Twp. < ' -. Harold • Thuj-er, Hebron Twp. i.r J: I ohn i<ill>urn(i. Richmond Twp. • \rthur J. Ortoby, Burton Twp. -:v lacoh Schaefer. McHenry Twp. ' 'harles H. Ormsby, Nunda Twp. •. Maurice Wade, Algonquin Twp; Rose- Nelson. Al"on<niln Twa.... ^ _-S 1 1 C r e d A n d e i s o n . R il e y T w p . • ' " i : / ' ' pitra Maird, Marengo Twp. ' ' , *' William Darmon, Dunham T#>* ;» Kathryn J. Hill, Chemung TWj>. : ' Maude Ricksreadt, Chemung Twp. Tt was thereupon regularly moved >-y Supr. Fflip and duly Seconded by ^iinr. Harrison that the selection of "'rand Jurors and Supplemental Panel •or the January, 1945 ferm of the Clr- Mjlt Court be approved and the Clerk be directed to certify the said lists to he Cle-k of the Circuit Court and thr roll being caller. Suprs. Ruth. Wright Wittmus. Peck, Coy, Carroll. K"ecker Mackeben. Volan, Harrison, Cornue M"Conn"ll. May. Rchfnltt, Meier and ^"in and \sst. Suprs. Maxwell. McConneij pn<i Rosenthal oted aye. N"ay none The Chafrman declared the "motion unanimously carried. Rupr. McConnell, Chairman of the Podr Claims Committee, addressed the Roard and stated -that there was an editorial printed and published Jn the December 7. 1944 iss>te of the Hnrvard "eraid. criticising his Committee and the Connty Roard generally as to the 'I'-ocedure for the admittance of Mc Henry Connty Tuberculosis patients to sans tori urns. Supr. McConnell then --v-e.t the r«wk to read tfiV editorial *o tbp members of the Roard, After the ""•"lln" of fbe ertitVsfiM by'the' Clerk °»r»r. McCrsntietl sfitefl thVit be felt thnt e^ito»-i,i up fa Ir for the reason " not stat* the f*ets as thev existed. and that due to the criticism placed ""on his Corrrmtftee nnri the m»mber«> of the Roard. he fe't that It was no more tb"»n fa»r to have the Roard mom- *eres underhand the tme facts. Sunr """nine" tb^n entMnfcd In detail the ^•"se Involv^. After a eeneral discussion wit-h reeard to s»»d master ft w»« reeularly moved by Supr. Meier and .'it*v seconded bv Sunr. Scbmlt't that ""Id matter he referred b"ck to the Poor "'"'fs Committee for further consldrp »|on and renort. And the Chairman i, MtHENBY conynf, atmoM J.8W.15' ary 1st, 1946, of Insnranee covering 17.M on McHenry County property aAd 13.15 would recommend that the County _ „ . _ *-*2"---,^--; '"lerk draw an order on the. County >pt» • i.H,0A3JI Treftfiurer to wrh agency for the D^ndltUffll ' • attimmt a«t rvnnnalfA T,204.26 Kxpendltirrea-- _ _ , ""lerk Hlr. incl. ex. $8,7*I"ao A'iscellaneoUB 189.26 'lerk's salary onehalf year 1,250.00 Hal. due County for % year ending Nov. 30. 1944 : ;r,...# 1&9M M The semt-anmiwl report of file Clr •nit Clerk being as fo"ows Receipts Fanned For Recording atnoimt set opposite their names, to-wlt: ' 'an F. 9nlrrlan. Woodstock $ 61.36 Wm. P. Hoy. H-untfey • ... 61.>6 ;4toffel tk Pethansperge*. WpM McHenry 191.16 Farl R. Walsh, McHen^r 122.62 w1oyd R.\ Rckert, Woodstock 91JM Maren<ro' Insurance Agency. Marengo <H.M A. H. Henderson. Jr., Crystal I... ftl.26 E. Diercks, Algonquin ^-lSS Famed Received Hov 1n«'»r<»nce A "-ency Wooflstock «•» •»" v- M Wallace, Marengo $4,662.00 *4,638.00 ^nk H McAfsey. RlchllKMld .... 'ft*?' •8.1.7# 1830^, -77.2ft 179.10 ""otaV Farn. of Vt yr. l7.24S.7f Receipts during current haif yr. » for 'he' s»rv'|,ee nerformefl in previous half vears gmrh»r»- nec'f°fr 'oported n°i received •iCowrt: Costs ..... Total Receipt^-,'- ;• Kvpendltures--- "lerk 'Hire, incl'>35." for y, vear ... .......,$S,0'20.8ft "•lerk's Salary for 1 .vy ^ yen> ..; . 1,260.(1® Misc. Off. Kxp 69.88 la'1. "He County for H yr. ending Nov. 80. 1»44 -- ihatf* The semi-ann"ai report of'the Sheriff beln* as follows: • .;• Receints Earned Received 'or sheriffs Fees in Suits In Court: Process Docket $ 841.00 1 24Htfi ^vermtinin Docket .... 9t.20 60.80 •'or Misc. Serv 3,023.69 To»il "a/n. of 14 yr. *3.658.80 Receln'ts during half year tf»r services performed In half year ending Nov. ax* <** ^Ines. Hebron iS7'Ae 1 Stahl. Harvard 137.0fi T):j>r, sm1th. Hebron ;. •foy T* Mentch, Cary J. Vlerck, Har»'ard D. .T. McKeown, Varenpfo Frank W. Mass. Hebron ... F. Mltchem, Harvard Fpj»nlr Fhlen. Crystal Ijtfce CTjakewood) 94.79 AH of wh ich Is r^anectfuWv aubmltted 1, > ; - C PERRY WRIGHT, aunt >; 'Vw.. c. cov , • / T. CAHROTJ., • v V-;.1V:F, VGT.AV, JR. , STANLEY H. COlwVB 'The C1»r"k Presented H««fs of Claims against tbe Co-Ynfv land upon motion of •t 4ce •« "upr. Kuecker and duly seconded by 1 , * Supr. Meier and <tec1ar»d carried, the •ome were referred to the proper Committees ahd the Roa>4 adlo"rned t^ 1 ;J0 Vclo«* P. M. for Committee woft. : 1.180 O'CLOCK Roard met pttfwoant to adjournment "nd upon Voil call, the pame members responded to thefr names as arrpea'r'ed of reoorfl In tbe morning session, crih-' st'tntln«r a f"U Board present. The committee on Claims. Labor Fees and Supplies nreseMted tbe fo»*owf«» -enort. which on motion of Supr. Wright •'nd ,duiy seconded hy Asst. Supr. Mc- 1 itM-mt-u in nair enning "omoli rtnd the rOH hetnar called. Vas 0 '«««. and heretofore reported as not declared unantmouslv adopted. to-Wlt" •ecelved. Yl,833.4? ^onrt Cost" T^-ocesa "Docket I 451! « •>ec"Mon Docket 49.0# Miscellaneous ;. ;... S.436 90 "r"t«1 Receipts .. .....$4,884.7S "»enf'ty Sheriff's Saiarv fS) . .f2^CT0^>0 : Th Misc. as ner st-nte- 5 * me nt herewith ...... 'J8.00 "herff's Ralary for - _ °n»-ha1f year MlO.OO Ma I. d«?p County for V> yr.. « » ending Nov. 90. 1944- .. .. % 812 73 -r.'V ordered placed on file. Th" -utoto^ that If th<*re was pothlng further to come before this -»,e*t«>n«r he would entertain a motion tn •donrn, Tt was thorennon r«"ni!»'rl*- ^""e"! '>v «'inr. "foecker and dnly sec -n^efl V^f S'ipr Meier to *dfo"rn Mo- Moh carried. Thereupon the Board adtourned. y CHARLES H. ACvwv Attest: - , Chairman R. D. Woods, Clerk. 1945 Tbe Honorable Board of Supervisors McHenry County met in Special Ses- «don pursuant to a call sHrned by more '"an o«e-thlrd of Its members at .the ourt Ho'ise in the City of Woodstock, T rTl',P^y" the 9th flRy of January, T*- 1IW6 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeti-n® wnH-ea'led to order bv C!ja'rma»i Charles H. TKckman, and 7 "Medee of Allegiance to the Flag of the TTnlted States of America was C'erk . with all members T the Roard and \Msltors present nar- •*"'P"i'n*r. And.,the roll V^ing cnUed e f« 'owing members responded to their names, to-wit: Super^'isors An- -"St W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright. Car' F 171 PecV K r> pr,v, n T Carroll. F. F Kuecker, Charles H. f v Vr>lnn I" " I r "'"•rlson. Stanley H. - Cornue. >ra r k r> Mc^ennell ^P»n^ Mar jf..»h r , Hpnp'y c. Meier, and John T pi'in en^ Ass'st^nt il!mnrv||»a"! " Maxell. A. R. • McCiSVne'1 a„d Paul Rosenthal, constituting k 'full board nresent- j The records of the SneMal December 1M4 meeting were read and on motion ap"-oved and ordered ofirecord 1 The following report df the County ,'•"J'T."!' ^or tbe month of December, T t«row presented and read to tbe '~nr,f which unon m ri't I on of Supr. .. , pproTidH h^' o,mr •>'oV wo, declared unanimously adopted, ,to-wlt: •• O«onty Tor th# Month of nNtnbir, IM4 Keeelpta "alance brought forward J- 1944 -- -2S09.K81.66 enern Fund ^^^»T«.0«.1». 15upervisors. Co. Home 518.3S County Officers' Fees ....1..... -812 73 Highway Fund . 1 otsa'^o yWs Property Rack Taxeiil. 7,264.68 'nherltance Taxes 1.6f84.R6 Motor Fuel Taxes 2,285!o3, ^avroll f^leariog Account 2.181 12 Fines for Hwy. Violations .... 97 00/» Dog Tax' n(p • Redeemed from Forfeiture* 1,668,8S Liquor Licenses 60 00 Penalties an<J F«e« ...... ....... 4S.2E Total Receints 34.036.47 , Grand Total 1243,617.13 _ Bxp«<lta#n County Orders $16,617 87 Coroner and Coroner's Jurors Probation Officer Treasure's Salary Clerks' Salaries .. Stamps General Fund Hlghv-ay Orders In her' 1 ance Taxes .....rr..;..V Motor Fuel Ta yes "' Payroll Clearing Account Red^e^ned . Tr0. ^e)r>.Pe, Highway Violation Fines Pena"les ipd fees State's Attorney's-Fund 12.00 <»* *n . 170.00 . 800.78 90.18 15.00 1,384.OH . 1R(V,0 8,410.48 2.109.22 W <10 1.040.5(1 11.!>73 IS 2.82H.17 Total RxpenilltHfes ii 7M Balance #nn han^ In all funds 1 Dec. 31, 1914 201.831.07 'TThhe. 0aorWove and - ifo re^ofpg »2r4e3p,o6r1t7 .1l3» true and correct according to my best knowledge an'1 he'i^f m s„h«c. i G. STEVENS. Co. Treas ttvb,Kls. 9at^h ^d° y oaf/ "T! nTs>wn'a"r\'%" 1fr9>4 5b. efore mi e fSeal) p D. WOODS, County C1eri? ^ . r , n F o e f ' S a l a r i e s presented the following report, to-wit: \n, < rv. , . January 9. if.48. . n^'l«men of the Poard of Supervisors- «. Toiir Committ e on p„«„-nTll, to whom was referred the seml-ahntJal reports of the cn-ni.. f»>ofc.i- Clerk ar ' Sheriff r<r the »iaif vear endn «- mber so. fi. D. 19<4. would heleave • s"hnt|t the foiiowfnr report vkiW »>\ °nn,w" "nd things before them ' * J?T ^"7|-»"n,,al renort of the Counv Co»k l>eing as follows Receip+s For Pro'"te F*»e« For Clerk's fees liv Suits In Court"-...... ---..n For Countv „gerv. rv«, t 414.11 Famed Received f 710 00 fit For Misc. Serv 5,900.#e » *4 0.7 129.40 *.f 47.81 Total /arp. of V, yr. flO 380.0| Received^ of earnings previoual# • reported: Vour Committee met at the Court 'Tn"w the City of Woodstock on ^rldav December 28. A. D. T944 8nd "hecked the above and foregoing reports and would recommend that same be approved. Vonr Committee submits herewith inn renoft. Ann ?*r*» Pnairr^ftT) •s "a port irytf this rr#epnonrrtt the bbli--fatnnrn»unaall '-"'nred the motion unanimously car"* °r W-. Vo»fb fi- Co. certified --octants for the ttsenl vears Several communications from tbe "tote fit Denartment of Pttbllc ""d r»..n-"ne-s ^ore presented N-e- enS^er 1 <»* H "\'o've'm. ,^'4- oovr'fig an e.Mlt the ;n"k° nn^ "'Cft'-nw of the var'ons . .v on/* mi.r C* co-mnmmiTitTtepep T recommend f|„,t th(S „aJfl H 'Lrvr sprk«n „non the recrds of the Poard of Smervi<»nta an" V,„ clnlmenort e* T w. Vorth * Co. in the monnt of tTSfl On h„ ^ornav «ent tKot (ko Cle^V ho tn •tri.cted to draw an or'-.- en the Co"n- 1 Tr«»vor or tbe j same All Of WMeh 1V^^,;,. SHbmUt,rt •^:r.VcS, >• WAX^fe,. - T V*t X*AT * v Tjv A T*/^ vf RTTTir" w- r*«c- « ,eA Rec. L. hi County Clerk's Office) c„T^Wtt" tv,"rA"T>on reruhtrly moved bv «Z? WnP r """"'^n ""lv iha r„rlopt t>io I'","?'1 CS*»'"-I«R CoTpmittee and fhe "rt or r, report l-e approved and order. ^ Of the roll being ca'Te* "Pr. Trvio-ht win,,,,, w r. Foaekpr IfeeVehep' -/*«, r«C -_^OPn"e- McConnell. Mav Mete- - Wt'l^ en^ A o«t i'T" TJosen. *»V». Vpv nnn#- T1,q OV^lr. ^a"-ieii^^"'arod the motion unanimously Commltte. Sottle w|fh tbe , ° fa ^ fhtk nn-o "ene^f Countv Treasurer presented >b» fo"owin»r report. to-wMX*. J. ^ /December 12. 1944 ^ of *»>• ^nKmltted herewith iq «!,. Conntv ::rrr:rr> T>^ort omd-i ^.-.B n,lfl mnde "IT v """"" on^lno. V„, S0 1944, at brought forward Dec. 1 1 9 t ? t n a l l f " « 4 l q ' * 1 H A i c 6A Pecelve^ from oi, ^„-"82 01R M tp** .months of r«ec.v 1 |A t^ennwh Nov., 1944*' ' Inclusive 677.097,80 Pv J^vnend,tnPe, fl„rtn|r mrtnfhs 1789,113.70 r ? * through N?ov., P3S35 I***-**?.- 19<4 .... 2^09.581.66 ' V , ,\ * . '• ... •'- *7!TQ 11» "A ,.;i"? .TV** re„neete..llv S"bmlt- ' " ^"oernber, 1944. T-e^surer of Mc- >A"' to before me 1 ™n.we r"e^v „ ,. Cct*'e tbV ^arew..K ^h» *"o»m+y Treasurer ao^ ftnrifr»«i* ikftt ' _ J "e,.- C->J.*..»4 ^ e*»w»ov«<| vm" r"n0^ J- W North. V°,,rrrtbpr »0»b 1«4< ™v.'cel"a t.--»r^>-„ nrove/t V, "Z t^r'T*T-"n,TVTtS «... Pt* « \t* ;r'rTrv_TT ^qrvi^. flftv i * ' f • H A T » " A « * « T i t r o f *f w-.r •»,e«e.,^t, ^••nr ^ c*«•>*• VQ «+"»*<* -bv #>„- , """H, «»>e CVqlrmon, declared 2"p, pVor was presented by IT. r\ v'• •w^Mn^n « ry n 'Inlv th"t fU* ***•<> n*y A C*Ar\v<*A J. Trvob Conntv «d as Co«nity S»rvevor for s four vear ^enrtlnn- ,vltV, th- Sli^^v tl'«<-.(1|p- S r a t ' N . . . . - e . o . . . . - tx%n . awpptnted syid W't|OT,„ r»«eV Cn\- Cn rroll V .„.,l.or '«;-n r,-<- XfiSS. ^ Vmttt Woler o p«|Hn Bnd A S«t. M2t#»ll,.M"Cnnn„|| a"d 'Posen- "Ofe* a-e V„, .A*,,. T*"» Chalr- •he motion wtanlmously " •"* "f* 1Kb an^o'r •nvwat mft^e . ""S- e», PllPdin^S ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ n o r t u r i - i n .<? P'l'ln nn* the rofl betner ealte^ declared Unaplmonslv adopted, to-Wit: °*»to of TlUn«»«. **ctTeV,r Janufjy->U»; 1141- """ ti wr iinvr vru to participate fn renewals as of Janun. »« IF1.2* «* *a fB.04 91.47 Tf.W fi a? tM.49 .Th'nnary 9, A. D. 1^46. >fr Choirmnn an* nentlwien of the Rnrftfrvisorn: Voi»r Committee on T^abor, Pees and '"""'v Ctatms would beg leave to "report tba* thev e-romlned ill r>i~i™„ •resented to them, and recommend the -"ivr-vent oe tbe fMTowfpfr. and that the he directed to Issue orders on the "Vuintv Treasurer to the Claimants for •he several amounts allowed, as fol- 'ows. to-wft: •"rsnfk fho.rnber Co.. co elk ta* • bk *58.62, ,co treas off 818.80, CO civ off SOP 88.If; " contingent *26.69 1109.00 F. O. Peterson's Sons clr cIk SUp 3.TR bounty Treas. Prtg.-- R'Cbmond Oorette i,.„..... •t^Hpian Wapfold Corp *11. Ben Tel. Co.. ct h«e .lafl t#i R. D. Woods. Co. Clk., oo elk tax extn ^rv^ffii f eke ITere'd. contingent j|i Tfl • c Miner. Dir. civ. Def.. cont 7.80 "'ob'e- F'ee rt ol1 r(k 161.82 Margaret Dwyer, eleo off per - r «A. y Toe '•"Itjto.erhld. ct bse sup ........... "Hsroid w. Schmidt, co treas «»»»> lawyers Co-op fubrCo.; Jttde^ llhrs rv 61 .M .. 918.SO . 116.88 .2,000.00 1«.|fi 14#0 • - • -'f.iw pa«k of Woodstock, ct tre^s off «iin V «« *'• Waves, .ludcy Jus fees tOM ' OVyen CO «nn bn-v tra- e~v •" A*ary P Fndres. sun schs off exp *CU te Off. Serv.. co elk off sftp ... Marinieo Republican-News, sbf off sun Vo'-ofoi,. Envelope Co., co elk off sun ; 'arnnv TKn.|,her Co.. co c'k oft. ""p *19 co clk dog tag 1>c Shf. Per Diem Fee 2I..S7 St. 2 8 •1.25 1*7.99 W.««! Henrv 4. Vile, Sheriff 48S.00 Torwsop Crocery ^....1.^. J59.K8 K^.A7 polrafV £ ««v»f K.0A '^V. Palrtiq, «t>f Wy K.oo ^ews Frett. sh* dotv 5. on tToHlmes sbf dpty .............. fS.OO Wen^t «hf dptv 20 00 °'"de J -7ols -bf b«oiff r% ftft Wl"»s ."Tobe shf bailiff 10.00 Clyto c. ATtper. s>«f -dpty |60.rf0, sbf bailiff *so.0o a...?N 00.00 "bo^lff Weeding Prls.--• Oakslde Dalrv . it. ?. ......:, We«i«»n T*v.itefl rs«c ». Fl^c. CO. Stmr. Saiarv Mileage-- T; Aurnst W. P"th °. Perry Wright ...1 °ar' F "W'ittmus ^ .F. Peck . \ ' n. T Carroll ,, ' '""" 17 F Fuecker .......i;... ^ha«. tr \ckman .... T. f Nolan, Jr ...j...v.„.".. r F Harrfson ...._ Stanley H. Corni'e "rnpif r> McConnefl "'rank Mav ; ,'eth V p^bmttt ......... Henry. C. Meier ...v.... Tohn J FtHn A. M, -Wurwefi V P. McConnell £. Paul 'Rosentiial- **".* Mice He'm er TB Off sal .' pestle Mnldoon. ct hse lull sal TRA'AO I M.'O 82.80 84.00 66.70 28.TO 68.40 16.40 10O sa 40.70 16.40 *0.40 M.ftA »4.«M» M.«m 108.2ft 7 40 7.80 R«.8a 110 aa T5.00 168.28 180.00 100.00 Willis Jobe. clr ct pro off sal . '"•itv. of Woodstock, ct hse Jail it^ and water >• Nulle. shf per diem """ 41 v"i'e. shf feed«> prls .. . «"o. Sc»>s. Asst.. and Clerk HIm>--- 4 T 9"';--n i»o.(vo orena J. McCannon 11? 7* "1 of *vhl"«> I" reject*.,i,v 'sViknitted. r,"T Z, WTTT^rtTg. Chm c^..T.^CAPROIA.^ v • ; I V"T^ OT F; KUEClCfea The Committee on Claims, Countv oot presented the following report - Y-X *?"!'?" rf Sirpr. Harrison and J; ^ S""r P"><mltt and the *",11"d. was declared unanl- •^otrsly adoptod,. to-wlt: xr. January 9. -A. D. 1948 PoaM^i oef7 "Pom^ilip!i! . Of the «• e -«ibove' reinort"'ion flle r<wr?»tt*eo on County Poor fy creyvi offf<>e > aims would beg leave to renort that *!yT .**?v»,.»y*mined all Claims pre- •^'nted to them, and recommend the -viyment of the following, and that iht » h*'_f1,rpofw1 to Issue orders on be CoHmty Treasurer to tfhe Claimants fev,,rn1 amounts allowed, as 1 ftllow*. to-wlt* dependent Children-- -Tn Mnrr.p fo»r Chtl. tti(t.00 ch»d Welfare Am, f*M,w -»• ar<^ Ratrlaff «(.^o ,t^i in cent s Tndi's. Trng. School, . "'""""n "*wi dosson 84.74 wr"^" w'""1 v.' R"'"1,am "wenson. .. 24.11 Mrs.- ^ m Seemn-I,, Outh SO 00 >fr" T,7,",p, ^""""n. Kresan .... 82;bo ^ ^.7 v.nearer, Steadman «2.S0 • .*"* ""'"^mae St«admau *9 Rfl « ""ic-d » Mason. Kreean .... 20.00 M. Prooks. dependt chU T t. ~ *r/\ "•"v 8l«W0 11.08 I,ake Co, Tuberculosis San.. TB P^ti«nt -Pauper rPactr r»in) 214.90 All of which ts respectfully submitted ^ " McCOVNKI.L Chm. F. w. K,TRr-K^P AT'O W Rr*TI» JOHX J. FIT,IP • '*!»• Committee on Morten*? <li>Wity ^ -""ott Home and Farm presented the followo »'on of -«!„nr. Mackeben and duly (ng report; to-wlt: >n*»n f>V Qi * nt> nil i_. M a*.- January 8. 104*. Mr. Chatrman and Members of th4 Board of SupervfsotV of MeHenrv County: Vo«r County Home Committee awet _ • • • -- ~ • « "onn Jj as nn uu as rryy 8s ,, 1i 9» 4« 66 .. aa tt tt hh ee MM ccHHeenn rryy To fbe Chairman an^ n.ntlemep of t*l» bounty Home and audited the bills of ef "'ervlso^s* the month of December. 1944 and re- •onr Comreltte„ cr T>"hH« «f»»ctfiil1y Stthraita the following re- 'n charge of Insurance on County «ort. roeommend'ng same N> paid, pronertv submit herewith the following .Tohn Sexton & Co.. groceries Si66.86 ""lnr"*'s which we have approved Tucker Oil Burner Co., new Delco ao * •* • • * "»i II* w 1 uri i u burner,, tank and Installation i5l wtmm1 TKrker Ofl Burner, Co., fM . pump and renatrs 76.28 10. 1+ Bakkom Co., lite., repaira and nfn-clmodise 18.74 F, W. Woolworth, clotfiltHK 19 78 Miller Pat ton Baking Co.. bre<»d 81.7^ 11. O. Andrew Co.. feed and ^rlnd. 81.00 ^oyce Bros., gas and, oil 8.28 Thompsrw A>ppHanoe Co., wm- •lane gas J2.80 Western Candy A Tobacco Co., tob 17.J0 Royal Blue Store, groceries ........ 98:63 r'ubl|c Serv.Co., light .and power 80.87 ""rank IMnse, com husktaff 67.90 Vrwell, Tne„ pest control 15.00 Mtteller ?- Co., hospital sijp .... 14.^"" Ooodrows Oarage. C4* and oil 0.90 Rltftn Daily Courier News, want ad 1.68 Rockford Mom log Star, want ad 1 8.90 ^he Harvard Herald, want ad 50 'Vaukegan News 8»n, want ad .... J.21 '11. Bell Tel. Co., phon service .... 36.70 Sawyer Biscuit Co.. cracker*'.... 17.19 Botts Weldlns Service, welding 1.25 Ten A See T,aunary Co., laundry service w.... T udwhr WMaon Co.. supplies .... 61.45 Hut»ert "Ph«rtnacy. dru^s *1 <ia "•upeitor Oil Co., fpel otl . ........ ies.00 T)» Bobn .Hard ware Co.. supplies - 10J57 rnie Hardware Co., mdse «*0 Oft Montgomery Ward, clothing w.,... - 22.8> W• JP. Allen, incidentals 66.77 W. P. Allen., salary ..... :_£. 115.0« _?sther C. Allen, salary '100.00 falter Hansen, wages ' "na Hansen, wages :.-... ^teVihen pteffek, wares' Virothy , kteffek. wagai ' inres Wolt. salary .......^.1. 'V. J. Morrison,, wage* ........... 67.80 67.80 ' C7.S« 67.80 S18.00 97.14 *2.689.96 i. ^ Jannnrv 3, 1948 n honorable "Roard of Supervisors "J. County; Woodstock, 111. Vonr McHenry Cmmty Farm, Home pd Hospital CommPtee beg to report h*f t"hev met at tTaftland. on the hove mentioned date arid audited and •pproved *-"to for payfneht th the folowing amount*: "'nept rrpprovnments '•np'p'tflg ^lothtng . Tobacco .. ^'Tediclne|( Hospital . FilOI "..'J*'.. PXpenae ... --«-- .......--pi.^i flR6.'14 ' 48.66 - 37.10 J " 31.4> 168.06 'JK1 4C 185 50 -- -'»•> 42.052.98 The regular monthly inspection of "rounds, buildings, eoiflpment and livestock revealed everything' to be in good "•rinditlon, ! There bethg no further business, your ^ommit*ee. 'tpon motion duly made and •econded. adjourned. RtlspectfuVlv snbmifted, , 5} T C \PPOT t,. Chairman., - ¥>*1^ ROSFVTHAT. CAT^L F. "tVtTTMttS A; ~ M1CONNELI, ft wait thereupon regularljr mo«ed hy Supr. Filfp and dt»1y seconded bv Rvpt nrwj^t rbet the reoort of the Committee rtn Mc"PTenry County Home and adopted and tbe roll being "ailed, fbe. Chairman declared t-h* motion unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges "presented the following renort. wMch on motion olf Sunr. PTarrlson and d"i" seconded bv Supr. Meier and the roll be>n~ "iti*» declared unanimously adopted, to-wlt.: ••rr r>bafnnsn and Oentlemen of the tronr^ . c* «iip«trvisors. MeHenrv foontv Tl'iPols: 1 Tbe undersigned members of the ^oad and Prldee Committee for said "Vi*»ity bee- 1ea're to submit th? fol- '^Wtpg report on the ma-tt«*rs before •Ifem. That w» met at Woodstock. HJIno's. on the orb day of Janoary, 1^4^ and -.nrtrte^ a-n<1 Ordered po'd bills of a "«neifal nafre > chargeable t6 tbe Mc. rfepry conntv Patrol gystem of roads ">•* a whole f<rr r«naIrs and anwoMes fo» •^•otmty o'w*n«d machtrierv and labor at •»<e 'Coiiftty fool "house and groppda in- "i"d"n~ ? new snow pWxWa at 01.324. to i Total of .:....•. •/. *2.272.87 Btlls *chSTgeehle to tbe variotrs sec Hops of the County patrol Trfvstem of rraris at rates heretnrfore approved bv this board were audited and ordered *v»ld as follows: Sections 8. 14 134.68 "ect'On 4, 16. T6R.29 ^ect'on 4. 17 ......i...i:..i. 813.48 QeeMorts 6. 6 ; 94 an ^ecttona 7. 8 \ *0, -11, lit *01 .so Sections It. IS 171.38 83 446 6* Ptt's were audited and ordered p"Id ™t of Motor -Fuel Tax Funds as follows: ^ A. fit. Section <«».»•» 4-TT. maint labor A taat f96.Ba 0 7-TT. maint labor and mat .... I8.M a mqint labor and mat ti. 11-IT. maint labor and i*H# " 1.4* *6. 12. maint labor and mat 32 00 ••B Fv» 4 * Fxt 4 A, 13-TT, metnt 'abor and material ..v.....'1 18.86 "A.' 1* TT> maint lal^or nnd mat ?.'* •8. 17-tT, maint labor and mat .. 18.9- 17 *• "19. is. mniTVt labor and mat 11.4S 9, 21-TT. maint labor and mat .... 22.86 '6. ?R. en*l "labor and mat ... 184.50 16. 25. const, row markers f96.28, guard rail,'ts, wanhers $9 01. ins I16S.01, culvert ploe 88.823.91 >,631.51 '9. *6. «ngr labor 82.00 '9. 66-it. maint labor and ma t 2t.4l 26, 27, maint labor and mat 18.40 *2.998.8* Considerable ' expense and inconyencpoe -brs Naen caused by snow Tt Is reqairpd that a resolntTon be passed at fbe start of the vear to a maintemmce ftfnd for care of MFT rods now built for the comfng vear. Fttnds not used are easily tvansf»rred to some other MFT project We reeommend that a re*oli.t»on covering said maintenance estimate be by this Board at tfcla time. We have received from the motor fnel tax fttnds rental on County owned machtnerv a total of *2.037.70 and from fbe O^rden Prairie Stone Co. for rental of R. D. 7 tractor and scraper *8*6.63 T" ^roTT* CTr Ooodson. for crushing . ™ yds. gravel for Town of Senega all to a grand tefcai of 13.- **4.91. e*>d turned same over to the bounty "Treasurer for the road fand. Which said sum Is hereby re-approand »bo "purchase of YreceneaTv road ri'iachlner'" an appropriation from the ^ei.ntv Htebway funds fn the sum of «•» KOO until the next meeting of t*is Board. All of which Is res*neotfpl'ly atlbmltted. W. KT'PckbR r. E. BECK ^O*»N j. FUJI* , • WATH N. SCHWTT - • • • f. PKWRT WRtOIffr-^-- -.•nriuimT i«im 1 817 31 The following Maintenance tteaoTu-' CT"™*y Pi»vr«>ti Clearing Acct *090 0* on was presented and read to the ^tnes for HWv. VloTatlona Board 1 ^^ n Tt Was thereupon regnlarly moved ' y Asst. Supr. McConnell and dity seconded hy fiww. Wittmns that the Maintenance Resolution "be adopted by 'this T>r*,ti and the roll being cail»d. ,ke Chairman declared the motion ur"«'woiiR?T' Th^ SVw^fai rommlttw tn charge of **" conrtr-»rtion of the Breldenfeldt i-> r<h<»"nnr Township Presented follo-n-lne. report, wb'ch on motion ffnrVr K-*e"ker and duly seconded by W¥"1*bt and the roll belne ceiled, was declared unanimously adopted, towlt: •Mk y-fr.. 30.-0#;:" 48.7* audited the bfTls for labor and mW terlals involved to date and we reconj^"* mend that the 'Cotfirty CWk lMi* «Hleift on thf Connty Treasury covering sail Mils as follot^. T/ake & Harris, 2330 lbs. coke and 104 sacks cement | D. Herrtey ft Soph, 2*00 |h*. ati roll woven wire, less 78 lbs. straw a nd partial roll of wire returned Vincent Spencer, washed gr«ye1 and san*. to balance •eoooftat Wm. C. Bailey. 86 Krfe. labor at bridee *24.70. TO miles use of auto after repairs 7»c Robert A'lbrecht, 86 hra. labor at :< brridcre and moving equipment Wm. Scbossow. 30 "hrs. TabOr at bridge Verne Schroeder. 40 hrs. labor and moving eoultwnWnt to 'shotp Herman -Schaner, 68 hrs. tabor and movftig erfttpMent to Kb oft CJarence J*chroeder. 78 brs. lehftflf a'nd moving eO" foment to shop 80.f)f Sdw. Flrfher, 40 h»s. labor arid --jjf mo^'lng equipment to *hop >80.0#' T. O.-.^IveVM'. 199 brs. 1»bor and caSCe of fires t*nd lights F. R Ooodall OH Co.. 419 gal. ga«- oMne. 90 e^al. kefoaene. 30 gaL V - iofl. aTeSse rW.Olf. -i. W. s. Moffatt, 20 hrs. labor at . bridge :...*. , «><•.* Mepes, blasting out 'old bridge ;..v .....i ». Cood"". OH Co.; 50 «r1; rCMMfllrite. Dec. account ...r........ |69 1.7* Tp" «o fee as McHenry Connty la concerned the brldee is completed e*- ••ertt »be aslnttnr of th«steel and sbnnf "" one days Work with the crane ffllinB. '->cb<n<4 •».« ebntments eed the return* Tns of t*he crane and soma otber •->r»?'^s to the <"*ounty tool house. Theiw •a also the^ expense of ftftv cents d«r for the^care of llehts at the hrlddfc until same cap *""> filled. Tbe painting of the steel sboiHd await warm weather*. All of w»>tcb «e ««nnpfft<iTv ""brnttted. STA NL.FV H. CORNUE! C J. C \ RROT T, WftV'kTif M. McCCVvtnr^T, •Jay. 9, 19*8. T. c. T,. Tryon hereby "".llW'e fhe above report and ftccep# t'he rsbor nn<i materials furnished. C. .TRYON, County Supt. of Hwyi. -C V"'. The foPowtng report of the. Cotintjf Coroner. Harry T,. """horn, was nresent- - i and read to the Board, to-wft: rcot»v or this wmo't on file In th>" •" -«n,.nt>. CterV's office.') Tt was thereupon regularly mo^ed b«r- 'wir. Viid(fV»n end duly se"ond»id "by «w«rt SOnr. McConnell that the reporf Mf the Cotmtv Coroner bV approve^ the roil belns- called, the Cbairmai- ""dared the motion unanmowy car^" rled. A report nf McHenry County Fartfi • P"*eau 4-R Cl"b eTpen"es for the ye'«i> •- '9411" was presented and read to tl#> - Poard and upon motion dulv made anl . carried was rdered traced on file. A certified crtny of the renort of tbp Orand Jury for the Japnarv T»rm 1 n# : was presetrted and read to the "Boam. . and nnon motion dnlv made and ca#---: tarried ,w»« ordered placed on file. \ certified cony (,f a • Resotnfloft-^ adopted T>y Whiteside County ne-talw. 1 'pc to ner diem for members Of th# Board of S^'oer'^lsora a'nd re«d and ordered placed On ffle. -- 4 n'at of *st"'ings Wiv^rvlew Suh». ^>-iston together with a plat <# 'aAfeatton hr Crl^tlV f»reoer,ted an<Ti raad to t»«(ir »ne-r^ T' «*-eq «'l-.ave'..v|On rec*i|* lary moved by Supr. Schmitt and d"!# . econded b" S-Mr. 'H'.rr^«n thaa t«. ">M e-nd fbe cb»rB-, . mon declared the motion nnanlmousljf: »sst SS'rpr Posepthal. Chafeman of ' fbe F«e» and Salaries Committee ad* dressed the Bo«rd and stated that thh onecflon of eddtft^nni bal^i for fb|» .., '•nor and .1aMtor was brought to hfs Committee's attention and tbat'tt *brf optn'<op of msnv tnePVbAra fvf Ponrd that fber» was tOo muc"h work ip and P»«"t|i' the Cotintv Bnlldlno- snj|. Connty .Tail for oae man apd fb*t M(» • would piove at thts time that said ma*.-- '"f 1*e referred to the Fees and Salarltftt Committee and Henry \. N,,ll„ s^herfP" and Custodian of fb» Cemrt House and- Tafl Clv«n<r satd Convmfttee full pmvrl to act. .motion was dnlv secondeil| ' Supr." W|Mp (ml tbe roil belntr called, *"« declared una'pimonsly carried. Sever"! communications from tHO'- «fato of T 111 note, riepartment of PtfbHfc 'Ver)r« end ,p«ii'^in"-s wa« nresenteH • read and ordered placed on file. The Chairman stated that If tbaba «"*s tiotb'nar further to , come beYorp^2: f>ia meeting, he Wo»*1d entertain a mrtW,.'_ tfon to ad'oTn. T't was therennoHl*„ '•einilarly moved bv Supr. Kuecker anil. *niv seconded by ftupr. Meyer to a<l». ~ tonrn. Motion carried. Thereupon ^Joa-rd adjommed. '1 -- CHARLTCS n. ACVMAV, Aftestr i ChairmanTT^ F;.r. T>. WOODS. Clerk. Sperial Briwrotj Mcetlug,. 1945 J*™*™*}* Board of JHRwrvtiwHi ^f WCTTettrv Countv. TTKnola. met lj( Special Session- nursnapt to a call nffrp. *d by more than one-tMrd of tt» mem* bers at tbe "Court House In the Citv of Woodstock on Tnesdav. the Tlfth da* ?.f p^u"ty- 'A. D. 1945 at 10 o'clock A> "Pbe meetlne was called to order by 1!!* Chairman, chsrlea H. A ckman, and the Pledge of Allegiance tQ tbe Fla| 2J Trnited states of America Wat- -Iven bv th* Clerk with all of the merns- ' "CJ of tbe Board and visitors nres«»'pfc^ •,art|etn«t«n<r. > Pd th» roll be'ne' calTeC • fe"owln» member* romvmded f#-;, • V!I"e« to-w,t: "SnnefvlBOTS A«rus§ W. Ruth, C. Perry Wright. Carl H . Wltrmnan, 17 p Beck. F C Co- n .f ^arron w. F. Knecker, Charles H. AcvJ Warlev Mack»bep T. F Vot«n. TrT**™ J. E. Harrison. Stanley W. Comwfe .t>rv p M^^onne'i p-.-«v Mav Itfath ."enry C. Meier and John ». fin*) Aienltfttint fti'ino+vTuiftm \ M Mav well. A. B McConnell and Pan* Rosenthal, constituting a full Board present. "b» mlnntes of the Special Januarv. 1948 meeting were read, and on motion , "'d'* ,nd ordered of record. nutated for road WPrOrvses IncluAin- _ The following .r^ep..o.r1t .o.Lf mthee Ct.ooiujnnitVy, , the reipMr. storaae and purchase of '""asurer for tbe month of .Tanuarv. road pnaohinery* and for bulldTAtra to 1ft4R. Was presented and read and upon•-* hc^ae rc-1 ****»ehirrery motion of Supr. WYHrht and dnly se<^ Your Committee e«t|mates ther* win °nded try Supr. Meier and declared^ ^e nei<ei«arv for the care of the He- carried the .aid report was anproved *"rv County Patrol Svstem of roads and ordered placed on file, to-w+t: -'P(r Moatfli of JuraMpy, ttm Balance brought forward January 1. 1045 . General Fund Snperviaors. County VT^me! iCAnntv Officers' Fees Highway Fund Pers. Promertv Back Taxes " Tnberltance Taxes .tSOIJJl.Of^ .81,710.68 ... *<*.10 ... 233.69 .. 8.512.79 a *•?« »» l.Jlt.St • ««•«. Dog Tax Fund ?<; (Copy of the above Resolution on <lle Ptlnd Rrtlef 15 59 'n Ttt heu >C. ounty Clerk's office.) .J TT ( . Rte 1d eemed froita fcrf"»-- K.7:4•' 07' 117 a« T,|iuor I.lcenaes Tn«titi'te Pnnd r>er.e'»lec n"d vAa.tiiys ccboo' Fund 'i'« «ttorftey'« Fund T>rt^«re Bond Fottd Pensions PeceHWs -.. 150.00 29.00 141.97 62 62 „ *48.50 18.214.22 Orand Total .1220.045.29 wvpg^ttarM ^ountv Drrtcr* r>At«* .TnrAfV r>oYoti#r*» Jurors T*^y r>rri£t-« TVr»hp*'^ . •aSM.-Waa&s.'Ha-i. / Mr CbalrJWan end Oeatlemen of the <. Boe-d of Supervlaora, McHehry Treaaurer's Salary rptnois: Clerks' Salaries v^.,r committee to whom Was refer- General Fund -ed >ba cop-vt-nction of t-he Brid en feldt TTIebway Orders T^d-e fn t>e TOWM of Chemuag in said I Inheritance Taxes ..•rJT"* r%np»v web 1.1 heg leave t« mbmtt the rw^hntei ftxM "" '•"'"win* report .on the matters before Motor wWel Taxes „ , a "•JU". » ^ _ Hwy. Payroll Clearing Acct i!l?S 23 That we met at Woodstock. Illtnoia, Fers. Prop. Back Taxes °» «« 9th day oX January, a*di diatHlHited ... ^ l.ft8^« aaes 815,719.14 138.10 00 7.10 "la* a« 107.*0 7*7.62 271.80 8.8*1 94 . 10.ha %.94*m 5,09*.31

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