' Y '-f^l "- * T ' V ' , \ J ' ; -f. v-l byEARL R. WALSH The following story • turned in b| a food friend who modestly retrains from taking credit fir* the contribution: v > A Dead Pig The Fuhrer and GoeMels were driving fast out of Berlin on the way to Berchtesgaden when they ran JOHNSBURG hoping thal Betty wfll haVe many more 1taffy birthdays. Staff 8gt. Harold Freund of Jackson, Miss., is spending a fifteen-day furlough with his wife ana daughter. Donna Lee, in the home of his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund. Hp. Dells Miller sustained cracked ribs in a recent fall. ' l> t i l I H H I M I I l i m i l l n l (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Michels) Hie Community club Will hold Ms regular monthly meeting in the Art Klein basement Tuesday evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock sharp. A large crowd is expected, so try and be one of them. The May committee j is Jos. L. Freund, Jos. E. Freund,; James Freund, John R. Freund and i Leo Freund. Mrs. Lena Hettermann, Mrs. Olivia Keenan, Mrs. Olivia Hiller, Mrs. Art Klein, Mrs. Leo Young, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and Mrs. News .VMM Wonder Lake TALKS Items of latsrest Taken From the Files, of the Plaiadoalar . of Tears Ago tlXTT YEARS AGO T* « V -- -- At the election for one Township (By Dells Cheney) | School Trustee, on Saturday last, Jtat m reminder folks, the *«#er|Dr- H T Brown WM elected as his Mayme drive is still on at the Harrison town successor. Jackson were among those who at- school. Anyone having paper, let: C. B. Curtis and family are breakthe C D of A. card party!, the school know and it will be ling up housekeeping this week and collected. j will board at the Riverside House. The rehearsal for the spring School' As we noticed last week H. E. c^m fruit store tbssste this ^THIRTY YEARS AGO ! <• McHenry tt.rrf.y 1 j progr«mwillb€ M.y 9. to a. .fto. ; WieMm.n.nd W.rU.V™ *4 nassed before Goebbels staireered Freund and daughter, Janice, of noon and the program will be May for the office of constable, each re-j mothers drawing took place at his office and Harrison 1 resulted in Peter Leikom drawing the ! prise. »• < Wm. Spencer has let the contract for a beautiful new homo to be. erected on his lots in the Hanly addition to McHenry, this summer. The house will he modern in every detail H. J. Schaffer is the contractor. M. A. Thelen, the Centerville harnessmaker, has bought out E. L. Be hike, his west side competitor, and is now conducting business in the Schnorr building on the wests ide. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt are preparing to move into their beautiful new home on Waukegan street. . Th£ village streets have been quite dusty during the past week or more and the cry for oil is already heard. CARD OFoTHAttKS I would like in this w»y- to express my sincere thanks for die cards and spiritual bouquets and other kindnesses extended in my recent bereavement. MRS. ISABEL McVICKER. . Read the Want Ads „.ifedL»ork.i . . . before -Shako-JLaaaAry Shake out each piece of before you hang it on the lino you will save irofiing tfm#. '3?T •ilfta TWENTY YEARS AGO bartender yelled, "The praised! The drinks are on me." especially all children attending his Fuhnr. "I walked into the hall," I Virginia and Gladys Freund, Miss Goebbels replied, "and said, 'Heil Henrietta and Ethel Nell, of Wood- calendars, Hitler! The pig is dead,' and the j stock, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Haven with - - Lord be land family of Genoa City, Mr. and school. Mrs. Anton M. Freund and family.; Mrs. Iman Schatxman Durfee, who, | Sunday guests of MT. and Mrs. specializes in rural education aria ! Now if this keeps u». the boys Albert Pepping were Mr. and Mr*, *othor of the book, "The CountriH ------ . r i are iroing to weaf^ out the basot Jacob Pepping and son, Anthony, of School," visited Harrison school Wed-' The frtends and neighbors of R. A. oaths Here's the bulletin- \ Chicago, Mrs. Helen Amann, Mrs. n«sday, April 18. Mrs. Durfee Was Howard and wife gave them a sur- SPECIAL TUES APRIL 24-- [ Lorraine Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- horn and educated in Switzerland and, prise at their residence, on the west St Mary's-St. "'Patrick's sixth Ivin Nelson of Crystal Lake, and Mr. « now at the Chicago University in side, on Sunday evening last, it begrade beat Public School sixth gra- | and Mrs. Fred Pepping and sons of the capacity of one of the ' Rural ing the twenty-fifth anniversary. tiers 53 to 27 in baseball yesterday. McHenry. Education Committee. She wa» John Niesen has commenced th« " ***!_ _ • Art Olson and dau'g hters' very enthusiastic over our modern erection of a new residence on the of an ornamental lighting system in HAMAI ABk«l /)«4n t . . « m . » 1 • «• . . 1 « « . I . * .. » •«_ Mrs. N. E. Tsylor, who '«*Bducts a summer hotel at Riverdale, on Fox river near Pistakee Lake, is getting her place ready for the opening of the season after having passed the winter months in Chicago. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Martin ha«e moved out from Chicago and are now occupying the flat in the Heimer block on Elm street. Mr. Martin will be employed by J. P, Weter, local contractor. ; V Business men of the West side have taken the initial step which eventually will mean the installation Smith's Service Station Intersection Routes 31 and 120, Elm St., McHentf SHELL GASOLINE AND OILS Let Us Service Your Car or Truck With These Finer Products ELMER G. SMITH! Hi ici' school - $ * > * £ * & °r,ot north ^ 6f °°r «•* that bunch of sluggers. There's ; of Chicago, spent the weekend with .. „ unbound to be a shortage of players . her sister, Mrs. Jenry Schons. Dar- fi It was a nleasanL i!ene re™ineiand.i8 Vi8iting Whh visit, ending to the meeting of her h,S new res,denCe on the wt>st very dear friend of many years John J. Miller has, the lumber on At a special meeting of the Mcusing the school as a community cen- the ground preparatory to building Henry city council as held Thursday sjde- afternoon an order was placed for a her aunt for the week. "ye^ j ^ H. J. Griffin chemist at the Terra --And don't forget that the Sham Mr. and Mrs. William May, Rich- standing, Mrs. Ruth Mead, who was Cotta . works, has rented the Mrs. fttflcs will play a practise game next | srd and Catherine motored to Wil- HT^son^ sch^l"7hat" aft^-' ^ohn McOmber house, in this village. Sqnday with Richmond on our home mette, Sunday to attend the baptis ' i . diamond. This will be a good cnanc* mal of the infant daughter of Mr. to look over the prospects for the ! and Mrs. John Doetsch, at which coming season. Billy Pries sent his wife, Pauline, a south sea island costume. She's saving it for a masquerade party When Billy comes marching home; ' ; time Catherine was sponsor for I' Suzzanne Margaret." Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pitzen and Betty Jane motored to Chicago Sun- I day to visit, with friends. Miss Josephine Carver celebrated noon. Glad to see and about ^ssion with. the Vera Henthorne up1 again after a serious j Lucky for FORTY YEARS AGO stop and go automatic traffic control unit and also five "mushroom" lights, The former, on its arrival | will be erected at the intersection of i : Elm and Green streets. Entering ther Palace Tuesday night ^birthdayanniversary in hfr home to check up on bowling scores we Frid«y even,n«- Those who made up found a crowd centered around' the ^ hap^ frrouP we u re ^,lsses visitors Kayo, Mabel and Mr. and moving into the house recently pur Schons, Jean Busch, Elaine Nell, Vitek and family. chased of Wm. Bonslett. . . flu. ! D'"- J. M. Lars n of Chicago has ^ new broom sweeps clean-r-SO Vera, she had an able nurse handy located m the Mrs. J. H, Spaulding | doeg a ciean broom. To keep a as her mother, Mrs. Schau, live? *•--,Jjust down the road and it wasn long before she had the situatio.. well in hand. The coffee pot hummed away at the J. Pavlik's home Sunday for V* Tilth<! Side' °Pposite: broom fresh and clean, douse it 't Stoffel s hall. 1 jn medium warm suds, rinse well John Adams and family are now' occupying the rooms in the second story of the Os'trander building on Main street. Mrs?. E. Hunter is also a pool table section. It didn't .take long to see that E. B. Ward (the telephone man) was showing the hoys some clever stuff" with a /pool cue. . ^ ^ Catherine May,* Doris Jean Freund, Betty and Darlene Olson, Muriel Butler, Carol Harrison, "Joan May, Patsy Henn, Lorraine Michels, Kay and Mari^ Jackson. Games were -George Justen was yi the match P,a^ a *** luncheon M. Fossler proved to Warren Dob- BMtter is at 27 cents, two key a teacher can be pleasant social ce"\s than last week, company as well as an educator residence of Isaac \\ entworth and hang up. by the handle to dry I thoroughly. Put a few drops of am-"]" monia in the suds when washing a very dirty broom. When the .broom is not in use, hang it so that the straw does not rest directly on the floor. ' • v •* and gave evidence-that his old-time skill hasn't disappeared. We drifted in to Schaefejps' and found a hot bowling match in progress. Betty Buss (218-495), Ethel Freund (441), Margaret Stilling (we won't tell), Ethel Althoff (440) and Dorothy Schaefer (461) took the boys into camp 2338 to 2228. It might be well to mention that the girls had 144 pins as a handicap. a tasty luncheon was served. .Josephine was the recipient of many lovely gifts. . Little Allen Jackson celebrated his first birthday anniversary Monday afternoon. Those attending were Gradnma and . Grandpa when he invited Warren, one of his students at Foreman high school, toe spend a pleasant weekend at Wonder Lake. „ . Mrs. F. Sells is happy over the .fact that the,) lost turkey gobbler is back in his house again, but greatly fears her hen turkey has already is undergoing extensive repairs. Land Plasma Bottles of blood plasma "can: be Gust Cianaiolo has rented the west - dropped without a parachute,from room in the J. J. Miller block on 10,000 feet without breakage, thanks Main street and will conduct a first to a specialK Hesigned won<» box. TT , T. , „... a<jorne(j somebody's table. A setting Uncles Jimmy and Eddie Jackson, Mrs. Josv Frett, Cynthia and Walter, Mrs. Frank S. May and daugh ters, Beverly, Ardys and Arietta, Mrs. Jos. Williams, Mrs. George Frett, Billy and Eileen, Grandpa and Grandma Newkirk and Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson. -Allen received many lovely gifts and a tasty luncheon was served. Father Horner of Galena visited with Father Neidert and Father Stilling (211-525); was top man for the boys in the match. A1 Blake's 477 was next best. John Stilling, Ambrose Schaefer and Pete Olson completed the team. W% think the girls talked the boys out of-a-f-Thennes, Thursday few pins. It happens that way. j Among those whei attended the 'funeral of Anton Schaefer in Ar- > Now it's "iMuggsy" Wattles who, ]ington Monday wer^ Mr. and Mrs. is starting a nursery to care for :John p Schaefer, Jos. M. Schaefer, little tots. If you have any Mother , Mrs. Josephine Weingart, Mrs. Chris- Goose books, please send them $o i Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. John Glenny. We are happy to hear that Herb vReihansperger is recovering from • serious illness "out in Fort Lewis, Washington. From here on we figure each Cub. victory will do more -f^ j W'eingart. Herb than any medicine the doctors can offer. Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. John ,N. Schmitt, Mr." and 'Mrs. Ben Thelen. Michael Thelen, Mr. and Mrs., Jos. J. Freund, and Mrs. Willianj Freund, Mrs. George Hiller, Mrs; Frank Nell*- Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund and John hen took over the responsibility of the turkey's eggs, left behind, but another ill wind blew up and scared the hen off the nest and in her haste she broke the eggs, so that ends the story of the turkeys. Live' Notea We' don't like to brag, but our Wonder Lake A. C. baseball team won its third consecutive game Sunday against the Lily Lake Wolves. It was a hotly contested game with a final score of 21 to 17. Bobby Brennan and Dick .Wilhelm scored three home runs, three triples and a double. Incidentally, the club would appreciate any donations in the form of balls and bats. 16-in.; also any of you young fellows between the ages of 15 and 19, who would like to try put for the team, get in touch with Captain Bud Schau. Calling your attention. Coach Pavlik, where were you Sunday, the boys still need your advice tffid - | coaching. Mfcs Clementine Kucera of1 Fox | 'Open challenge---The Wonder Lake Lake spent th^w^ekend visiting with A. C would like the privilege of Jane and Patty Klein. Sunday even- playing the McCullom Lake Wild- +»f'neS-* ^aS °nCe »°re iJng callers in the Arthur Klein home cats, providing their five great stars SL than it is now. From Seattle a • -NT ew vY or,k concceerrnn recei• vedj a ww•i ree %w<e.rhe8 efMei.r s.o fS tPevoex Kuukceer a,,„ dM rMs. r.S teve a,,Bd^tVdalTrerehu^ :«^- - BocWord__ sent this telegram: • Send samples ' Corjp. Jerry Hettermann of Indiana back'by freight and search the body ;is enjoying a seven-daj furlough with for orders." i his mother, Mrs. Lena Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber and Paul Yanda, Commander* of Mc- family spirit Wednesday evening Henry Post No. 491 American Le- with Mr.-and Mrs. Henry Weber and gion, presented the Minute Man flag family. ^ to St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school ^r- and Mrs. LeRoy Wagner an« this yveek, the school meriting the daughter, Janite. Miss Margaret honor by rating over 90 per cent in Stilling and JVIiss Jhlia. Stilling were stamp and bond sales. . _ :ChicapQ callers one day las^.veek. .. L. Mrs. Joe Schaefer, Jr., daughters, •. 1,. Correct Astigmatism • - 1 '. feWrleF^nd Billy, and son. Harvey, spectacles to c Jorma Peterson and Miss Evleyn tigmatism were made in the United™^"Michels were Woodstock callers Sat- Sta'^s about a centiM-y ago. BUY WALLPAPER ivernt Giuraateed Washable -- Fadeproof Wallpaper Matching Border, and Paste - Sow ALL-INONE Unit --Nothing Else to Buy. As low ALLIN-ONE W A I L P A P E R urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber and family were Woodstock callers Saturday evening. ^ . - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas, Mr., and Mrs. Bo.b Snyder, Marine Pfc. Evelyn Lindstrom, of Virginia, Mis. Matt Freupd and Mrs. Nick Freund were Sunday dinner guet ts at thef home ctf Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund, Mrs. eve May, Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Matt Freund and Mrs. Nickv Freund attended the wake,. Sunday afternoon of Anton Schaefer at Arlington 'Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Norl Rich ist Chicago spent Sunday in the Ben. H. are back to play, < around 3 o'clock on their home field located between the McHenry Lumber Mill in Wonder Lake and the Handy Pantry Fbod Shop. The summer "teensters" from Chicago have gotten a weeks probation from school callcd spring vacation and are. spending it at Wonder Lake for a , happy time of relaxation. Among them we found Jack Kramer, Richard Christopherspn--„and^ tUcky Diedjrich. • The you$$s^^mmunity club welcomes them. \ '< , Gil Rhode started out from Chicago for Winder Lake in high spirits, but Lady .Luck stepped in and took the back wheel off of his car: Not' dounted, Gil labored for two _hourfs with a new brake drum and goi the wheel back on in time to try a second time to reach Wonder Lake, which he did, much to his s u r p r i s e , j and spent a pleasant weekend. Two Wonder Lake lads, K. F. and R. C., will be seen at the Woodstock high school prom with two beautiful Woodstock girls, R. O." ;and J, E. L^t us know how you enjoyed yourselves, Ken and Rich. .The friends of Jack Pavlik welcomed the chance to see him again when he played on the baseball team of Northwestern Military and Naval Academy here against McHenry. McHenry won 9 to 2. Who's the strange young man you Stilling home. were walking down Lake Shore Drive Last week Thursday a surprise with, Marilyn Prince? birthday party was- celebrated; in the home of Mr. and M^s. Harold FoX honor of * Miss Betty Schons. Games, dancing, refreshments and luncheon were enjoyed by those at That's all for .this week, folks. Many thanks to my young contributors. Sure miss having news about our Servicemen. Won't you write and drop a note in my box at Heiltending who were Doris Smith, Joan; man's, also any other news on hand May, Elaine Nell, Diane Freund, Eu-j gene King, Jeanne Busch. Josie Carver, Marie and Kay Jackson. Dolores ATTENTION FRIENDS! We wish t# take this opportunity Schmitt, Bobby Freund. Lloyd Freund, to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Mor- _ _ _ _ M . • • % AY AM n A jkMAn -- ^ 1% A n ^ M A • n • E. H. Nickels Hardware KHONE 2 WEST M'HENRY Billy AdamS, Catherine May, Alfci Adams. George Miller, Bob Frett "Deek" Lawson, Jimmy Hettermann Doris Jean Freund, Betty, Darlene ris T. Ness, across the street from Heilman's grocery store, at Wonder Lake, have offered their home as a meeting place for children and young and Gloria Olson of Chicago. Cards, people, w^o like to come together to refreshments and luncheon were en- Play and sing. A religious program joyed by the following, who also, at- will be arranged every Sunday aftertended: Mrs. Lou Huemann, Mrs. | noon at 3:30 p. m. For the children Marie Busch, Mrs. Gladys Olson of there will be a special surprise each Chicago, Jimmy Freund, Mrs. Har-] Sunday. NO CHARGE, NO OBLIcld Freund, Mr. and Mrs. William GATION, JUST COME" AND GET May and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs.. ACQUAINTED. " Smrirv Schons. With best wishftB THE COMMITTEE. » Of anttottartw Utm br rmstooo witaMan it was/ found that BO othor tiro matches tbs drawbar pan «f tfco Firestone fihroaad Orlp. Onua Odn p«fMi as aa 16% mow p«ll ttu aV) otker make. To mas ONtai* fovesf ki fff Bmtl fit Ready foe 11.95 "ttiW Perma-Lile Battery Includes patches and cement Bverythlng needed for the repair of small punctures. Packed with power for awilt, sore starting! Prepare for winter with a Perma-Ltfot OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN ST.. WEST M'HENRY PHONE 294 vnvirvnnin rvM rwve i naen GREEN PEAS . FLORIDA LONG 6REEN CUCUMBERS . ^ CALIFORNIA FANCY ICEIERO HEAD LETTUCE SOUTHERN GREEN CABBAGE U. S NO. I NEW TEXAS YELLOW ONIONS U.S. NO. I SIZE A WHITE POTATOES NATIONAL ? Co^s f o r 3 P o i n t ^ EVAP. MILK f OKI D fc A R t 10 K N QUICK COOKINb OATMEAL Cream of ^ Wheat - 13* 2 17 Li' i rm ««-<»• MINUTE MCG. MALT-O-MiAL Ctrtal MP-OKGZ.. 2|{ FORT DEARBORN FffrlM ^ 13c FINE QUALITY APPLE SAUCE NATION'S PR ID£ or NIBLETS CORN INSTANT CEREAL OR OATMEAL Cliff'* .... CLAPF'S BABY FOOOS OR Jerbsr's.. . KRISPY CRACKERS ^ Sssshiss... CREAM CHEESE PhilaMphia 10 P I o • > P c i n ' s ? 0 o r • an or ^ O ^ 17 oz g l a s s 14.1. |Q| PKG. • R«d PoM 20 B ' u o p; l i e ENRICHED JUMBO WHITE Brawl • • • 2 l<&v!s NATIONAL Pm Rolls. 17* S'S '-'OF 12 6* DEVIL'S FOOD LAYER Cske • s e s S; EACH 34' ©OLDEN MAIM doz.in Ue DORIltS.... CTR W FLOUR Gold M«d«l ^ Pltttbary't ^ SWMS00W* Slto or Softosift ^25' P a r c h m e n t W r a p p e d ' F r e s h C r e a m e r y BUTTER 24 R t - d P o i n 11 PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING > AW C 18 Red P o i n t s f SPRY 3 b CQc HOUSEHOLD NEEDS SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMW CAMAY ScAKES WC LAUNDRY SOAF AMER. FAMILY I BARS l i e ANTI-SNEKZS RINS0 HANDSOAF B0RAX0 ' hs. 19c AMMONIA LITTLE B0 PEEP l0r& 23* SCARES 20C SCARES 206 *52123c ^ 23c rOILET SOAF LUX TOILET SOAF SWEETHEART DISSOLVES INSTANTLY IVORY SNOW ' WILBERT'S FLOOR WAX NO RUB 2B MULE TEAM BORAX To Ik* prlo»i of mwolwiif** ** •iMItloiial MNtrnt mMMlmaltly «julv»l«n» !• «* •" 1 tit* Illinois RttallM' OoawpatlofMJ TM NATIONAL FOOD STORES .CAN 39c £115c VOGUE CLEANERS Phone McHenry 10. . •^ We Pick Up and Deliver " Two to Ifhree Day Service i^y the Vogue for splendid service and «xeeUeat workmanship 's Men's ^Representative} West McHenry w* com OarlrMkffMt WASH I NO TON STRAW1ERRV