' I TOWMHDP TMAWrWeR S iMS annual report Bond Fond Ho. I, Of Funds Received and DiAami For the Fiscal Year Ending March 26, 1945 gr-V. STATE OF ILLINOIS,^ , j ' ' County of McHenry, , 7 £T' ^ i Tbwn of McHenry, ss. Office of Treasurer of the Road ; ftnd Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway.Commissioner, Town of McHenry, Courtly of McHenry, < r State of Illinois: T * ' I, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer ef the Road and Bridge Fuftds for the Town and County aforesaid State of ' Iliiaais, being duly sworn, depose and . say that the following statement by . me subscribed is a correct statement , • «f the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of • the fiscal year above stated; the ; •, amount of road and bridge funds received ; the sources from which re- •.ffc.i" eeired; the amount expended, and the .purpose for which expended, as set forth in said statement • • MATH N. SCHMITT. Treasurer.. . s Subscribed and sworn to before me tkfe^yyth day of March, -1945. -• - ; ALBERT KRAUSE, v •' Notary Public. Statement <k Receipts, Somsury of v;'!?. Expenditures and Balance ??.'** : • On Hand •: "V 1944 March 28 /• ' Matt N. Schmitt, balancfe on ------ hand --........... April 12 J. G. Stevens, County ^ • . v Treasurer, forfeited and ' personal property bask tax 4&28 May 23 Katt N. Schmitt, transfer JaMafty i G. Stoyena, . QSISB& Treasurer, back perso fropefty and forfeited taxes ...T Doyle ft OVmhw ft Coh interest, November 1 to November Sfr 18125 Total receipts ..... $11,243.59 Summary of expenditures 11,229.00 Balance on hand J} , 14^9 ORDERS PAID June 12 Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co^g interest $1,080.00; hank charges, $5.00 $1,085.00 November 30 Continental Illinois Nationit • Bank A Trust Co. interest $U080.00; honk charges, $14.00 9,094.00 X ; > $10,179.00 ' ^-ifv-C^Angnst 21 Matt ' N. Schmitt, Supervisor, borrowed May 28 from town fund 1,050.00 $11,229.00 TOWNSfitt TKEASXmEK'S ANNUAL REPORT Paid (wt mm* Deposit in West State Bank ....... Deposit in State Richmond ..... Balance on hand McHenry $90,676.28 22,295.10 Bank of 68,281.16 r 20,000.00 niNn tBOE'8 AH1TOAL BEPOfcT $88,281.15 Total Receipts $90,576.25 Summary 01 expenditures 2,295.10 Of Funds Received ahd Disbursed For the Fiscal Year Ending March 26, 1945 STATE OF ILLINOIS, -, -- V; : ^ Count# of McHenry, a,nn Town of M ' ^8.' ' Office 01 treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway Commissioner, Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois: I, Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of from town fund 1,050.00 the Road and Bridge Funds for the July 29 Town and County aforesaid, State J. G. Stevens, County | of Illinois, being duly sworn, depose Treasurer, partial payment and say that the following statement< Election 5,140.00 by me subscribed is a correct state-1 No 4_3 judges, 3 clerks, mept of the amount of road and j rent polling piace bridge fupds on hand it the begin- ; Canvassing board jiung of the fiscal yearabove stated; t Meeting approving hiring of the amount of road and bridge funds of taxes August 10 J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, forfeited and personal property back Balance; on hand $88,281.15 ~ ORDERS PAID 1944 ^December 2 Earl Walsh, treasurer, bond on bond No. 2 22SXO December 11 ; Victor H. Earner, pay tub engineering on roads ......4 1,000.00 December 15 Kenneth E. Cristy, right of way to straighten road .... 400.00 Jay w. Cristy, right of way to straighten road ............ 400.00 December 28 McHenry Plaindealer, printing notice of election sample ballots and ballots >, • ' of election ., ««.10 1945 February 9 State Bank of. Richmond, f ' - transfer of West McHenry State Bank 20,000.00 February 28 H. Walter Anderson T. C„ ,;,v-: putting up notice of elec- ^ ' tion, sample ballots and * delivering ballots - , :8.d0 Matt N. Schmitt, supervisor : for money paid out 'of - town fund on election expense and board meetings 189.00 Election Expense, Precinct No. 1--3 judges, 3 clerks, rent polling place 40,00 Election Expense, Precinct No. 2--3 judges, 8 clerksr rent polling place 35.00 Election Expense, Precinct No. 3--3 judges, 3 clerks, rent polling place ..„ • 40.00 Expense, Precinct tax Angnst 19 - - •• 7" J. G. Stevens, County- - Treasurer, partial payment of taxes 2,570.00 August 22 Matt N. Schmitt, for trans- / fer to town fund, borrowed May 23. 1944 1,050.00 September If ,... J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, final payment of taxes .» 1,977,29 September 17 J. G. Stevens, County Treasurer, back taxes"™.;. November 28 Matt N. Schmitt, transfer 10.03 receive(f: the sources from which re- --r- 1 ceived; the amount expended, and the 1 purpose for which expended, 9s set forth in said statement. MATH N. SCHMITT, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before ,mc this 27th day of March, 1945. f ALBERT KRAUSE, Notary Public. engineers Meeting approving and checking assessed valuation of taxes March 7 •• McHenry Plaindealer, notice of letting contract on road 40.00 9.00 10.00 STATS OF ILLINOIS!^ ,, , ^ Town of McHenry County of McHenry, ss. OFFICE OP TOWN SUPERVISOR The following is a statement' by Math N. 8chmitt, Supervisor of the Town of McHenry, in the County and State Aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 26th day of March, 1945, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year; the amount of public funds received, and from what source^ received; the amount of public funds expended, and for what purposes expended, daring fiscal year ending as aforesaid. Tile said Math N. Schmitt, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by him subscribed is * correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. MATH N. SCHMITT, Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this 27th day of March, 1945. ALBERT KRAUSE, A : " Notary Public. Funds Received -and From What Sources Received Amount of public funds on hatid at the commencement of the fiscal year, commencing the 28th day of March, 1944. Received from Matt N. • Schmitt, supervisor, bal- Matt N. Sfchmftt, money repaid from fund No. m -- Total Income .-- Total Expenses . Balance on hand 1,050.00 ....$9,406.00 .... 8,820.10 ... .$1,085.90 Funds Expended and Fler What Purposes Expended 1944 March 28 Jos. J. Freund, 38 days as road commissioner, $165.00 ^ tax $5.80 Caroline Schiessle, rent % year Mrs. Robert J. Conway, balance on salary as town clerk Matt N. Schmitt, salary % year as poor master $180, townshipij work $24.70, telephone- and postage $8. Board of Auditors, meeting.. April 4 Board of Auditors, speeting April 28 Earl Wfclsh, for Supervisor's bond McHenry Plaindealer, Notice of Public t Hearing, $2JO and Annual Meeting $5.20 Thos. P. Bolger, fumigating supplies Mrs. Robert J. Conway, salary, 1 month Board of Auditors, meeting. May 22 Howard H. Hicks, J. P« membership fee, Illinois Association Collector of Internal Revenue, Jos. J. Freund $19.60, Jos. N. Schmitt $9.60 mmmmmpmmmmmmm H. Walter AadMMa, tt saL as town eWk 180.00 ICap n Matt N. Sdimitt, Supervisor fw transfer to road and bridge fond 2,000.00 Matt N. Schmitt, Supervisor for transfer to bond fund No. 1 1,060.00 I^tal expenses $8320.10 "Todd Nolan, Jr., dues county w ^ ^ . official organization ......... bchmitt, supervisor, Dai- goard of Auditors, meeting.. ance on hand ..$5,894.99 Board of Health meeting to 1944 March 31 J. G. Stevens, county treas- . urer, distribution of. surplus dog tax 189.39 April 12 J. G. Stevens, county treas- 15.00 tax urer, forfeited tax and "personal property back' tax .*. August 10 J. G. Stevens, county treasurer, forfeited tax and persona] property back 97.83 November 17 9.00 from town fund Statement of Receipts, Summary of Expenditures and Balance On Hand * , : 1944 December 1 61^2 Doyle & O'Connor & Co., bond payment .,....$90,000.00 I Doyle & O'Connor A Co., 375.00 I premium on bonds 395.00 Unclean Instruments Anaplasmosis in cattle, sometimes j called yellow jaundice, is often j tpread by instruments used in dehorning and vaccinating. Carefully clean and sterilize clippers, saws, knives, needles, and other instruments. J. G. Stevens, county treasurer, back taxes 169.42 1945 January 4 $22,295.10 J* G. Stevens, county tre&-. I urer, 1942 Chicago North Western Railroad tax settlement .; 4.41 January 6 J, G. Stevens, county treasurer, back personal prop- " „ erty and forfeited taxes .... -V2C88 1944 August 22 . j Matt N. Schmitt, supervisor, --=. money repaid from road -and bridge fund 2,000.00 W E S T E R N U N I T E D H O M E M A K E R S ' brings you practical h*lps for wartime homomaking organize June 1 McHenry Plaindealer, prijlting annual report August 22 f - r i5dio 50.00! 60.00 itr.70 20.00 '16.00 200.00 ft.00 0.84 26.00 um 8.00 29.20 4.00 25.00 15.00 92.20 C,.r' WAYS TO MAKE •w-.JFAM I WISH FOR FISH R*cip*5 Salt • Water paprika French dres»«| Melted butter or How to PrtPor* ^ _ck.pucto >1 """*•• d-1>" ii Dt*i« tboroUg^ly ,d. op, on b«v«y oil* 3 ^ Wor p^. tumet to tumMh. S~ 41 ivz 1/4 cup cold water 3 cupa hot w.a.t|£ «r = 1 whole canned pimento 1 cup cooked peas l/4 cup lemon juice £. ,itAtspt.«alt 2 cups flakcd^S cup chopped sweet pickle HowtoVrepare lt^ . ^ waW. v Soften gelatine m V di880We«l. CboL 2\ Add3cupshotw.teI .tu«n^ 31 Cut whole pimento in o{ lo%{ pana. taito star*. gelatin* over d»»i8n8- ChUl unUl ^ 4) Pour thin U,e of ^ fish, celery, cbopp- 7) Invert to untnold. u" r i wm I 567.40 662.00 348.80 ,150.00 425.00 78.20 20.00 50.00 20.00 Board of Auditors, meeting > 25.00 August 24 Wattles Drug Store, fumigating supplies 12.00 Board of Auditors, meeting on budget for road and „ bridge 25.00 August 28 Jos. N. Schmitt, pay pn as- - sessing $225, use of car " $150, farm census $250, deduct tax $57.60 Jos. J. Freund, 117 days road commissioner, $702, deduct tax $40 September 5 Fred C. Feltz, 90 days thistle commissioner $360, deduct tax $11.70 N. Schmitt, - % year salary as Poor Master .... Walter Anderson, 5 months' salary Collector of Internal Revenue, Jos. J. Freund, $32, Jos. N. Schmitt, $38.40, Fred C. Feltz, $7.80 Roy A. Kost, sec., dues state _^assn., road comm.,' asses- ' sor. supervisor, town clerk Caroline Schiessle, rent year Board of ! Auditors; meeting Matt N. Schmitt, Board of Health $23.20, telephone and stamps $4.65 27.86 March 15 ~™-- McHenry Plaindealer, printing notice of public hearing and town meeting / 10.20 West McHenry State Bank,/ check bdok for Poor Fund 1.88 Registrars in each preciirict, $2.00 each as partial payment on registration .. 24.00 Board of Town Auditors, meeting . 25.00 To Treasurer of Bondl Fund No. 1 for transfer of town fund to bond fundi.» 875.00 Collector of Internal Revenue for witholding tax assessor $28.80, road com. $24, thistle com., $3.90 56.70 Circuit Clerk, for recording plat of highway to . ' ...s ^ straighten road at Cristy Bros. $.26 Board of Town Auditors, meeting 25.60 Collector of Internal Revenue, witholding tax assessor $19.20, road com- , ^ missioner $16 95*20 "West McHenry State Bank, . i check book road and •< bridgg fund 1.88 Board of Town Auditors, meeting 25.00 os. j; Freund, Road Commissioner, 149 davs $894, witholding tax $48 846.00 Jos. N. Schmitt, Assessor, . bal. on assessing $575, witholding tax $57.60 517.45 Matt N. Schmitt, H year salary as poor master .... 150.00 SLOCUM LAKE (By Mrs. Harry Matthews) R. W. Lusk and Paid Larsen of DesPlaines were business callers at Rockford last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at Woodstock last Wednesday. Mrs. Forrest Grunewald and daughter, Patsy, and Mrs. Mamie Fischer were business callers at Genoa City, Wis., last Wednesday.- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spafford, Mrs. R. W. Lusk and Lyle Matthews were McHenry callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and son, LeRoy, of North Chicago, were guests Sunday evening at the Blomgren- Lusk home. Mrs. James Thomson of Williams Park is enjoying a week's vacation at her home here from her duties at the Jewel Tea Co., at Harrington. Miss Ruth Hackmeister of Glen EUyn was si weekend guest of Miss Patsy Gruenwald at her home on "Golden Bull Farms." Mr. and Mrs* R- W. Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk, east of Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McAffee and Mr. Krueger of Chicago were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. Van Simons and Forrest Gruenwald of Golden Bull Farms and Barney Pope of Chicago were callers at the Crown Stock Farm near Basset, Wis., Sunday. Chris Platz of Chicago was a recent supper and evening guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr.a nd Mrs. W. L. Spafford visit, ed at the home of Mrs. Ben Spafford in Chicago last Wednesday.. Mrs. R. Sandeen and daughter, Barbara, of Island Lake were afteraooji and supper guests last Tuesday at the Blomgren-Lusk home. Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Brien of Roseville were callers Sunday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. * Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Gruenwald and Mrs. Mamie Fisher were .business callers at Barrington last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, Mrs 'Wm. Grissinger and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago were Sunday dinner and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Barney Pope of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Simons at Golden Bull Farms. Mr. and Mrs. H. Luderman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska, Mrs. S. Talisch of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burghgraef of . Bloomingdale were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. * Mrs. Earl Johnston and daughters, Margaret Jean, and Mary Alice were husinesst callers in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. C. H. Hansen,,, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs.„Aivin Case, were among a number of member* ol Mayflower Chapter of Waucon;la, who attended Advance Officers N*ght at W'aukegan Chapter, Waukegan last Thursday ever ing. " Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francisco and two sons, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Miss Patsy Grunewald of Golden Buir Farms were callers Sunday /it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston. Currency Expansion " A 50 per cent expansion in the circulation of $100 bills in 1943 was attributed by some authorities to black market operations. [ < »ther Day* to) Appointment -- McHenry - * • IlliA<4» Y- " IM The street Iwels to many- place* arelo feat or man , > v flbov* the readwaja .ef •nOmd " Rome. ^ TeL McHenry 1414 HAROLD H. BKtL Hefsretlag «| Week lOiN. OREENST^ IfTHENRY S. H. Freand & Son AHD Our Hum kip is a* Year in Mhfof Ten Waata. Phone 56-W MeHonrj We pay $5 to Hft jfor Old or In- Jned Mmm er Am Standing ev Mm if Alive. Mstt's MSak Kaneh Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road I Phone JohiislNnrg 650-J-2 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORjSES * CATTLE We gay plume charges. JOHN F. BRDA SHEET METAL WORK Panacea, Pipe, Fittings and -- " , ' Gattera • - W N. Green St, MeHeary Phone 24S-R VnVH. s. Fin Vetertoarlan 806. Waahegan 8c PImn SI 1 ..y . MeHENRT, ILL. - " .Office Honrs--Dally Except Thers. 10 to 12,1 :S0 te 4^0, Mon^ WeiL, Fri. Nights: 7 to 8. Other Hoars by Appointment H. S. VAN DENBURGH. DC, PbC /> Chiropractor 120 Green 8t Tei. 292-R. McHenry Residence Phone Hebron 928 TEL. WONDER LAKE 411 BE. 0. L. WATKIlfS Dentist ^ - Office Hem Tuesday A Saturdays: 9 aai. to 5 p.m. Ereaiags and Sanday Mornings by Appointment! Lookeat Point Wonder Lake, I1L Al's Welding Service At Schwerman's Chevrolet Sales Electric Portable WeMing Acetylene WeMing and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 277 or 177 M'HENRY, ILL. Lipstick Secret The secret of applying lipstick so that it will stay fresh is to Jet it "set".for a few minutes, then blot with tissue. ' Vernon J. Knox atiorney at law -- OFFICE HOI RS Tnemlaye and Fridays Sugar-Saving Dessert Ideas . .. Quick-to-fix, and a real treat for the family! Broil grapefruit halves-- -ierving, add a few drops of sherry. Sprinkle a bit of sugar and a little nutmeg on baked peaches (use canned or frozen). Cool and serve in individual tart shells. Top with vanilla ice cream. It's delicious I crushed corn flakes, graham cracker or iwieback crumbs with plenty of apples. Add a little grated sharp cheese to crumbs on top layer. Dice fresh or frozen berries --bake in juice, thickened with a little sugar. VKTunr fill hollow with honey. Just before News about Brown Betty: Mix . Serve on gingerbread. WlifEtM UNITED CAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY I There is Comfort In God's Word | • Ahrays .u-^uide to the liv-V •jpinu;. the Bible can he *|* • i- ]HM'jal comfort and help? *!n t imos of bereavement. $ ^Wheu ille -need arises, let^ ^us serve, % ^ iS Jacob Justen Sons?I FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • Residence, McHenry 112-W + j • 1 • . A ' ;; Green Street, Corner Elm £ M'HENRY i : * X SEWER CLOGGED? -Have It Cleaned With the SANGER MOTOR-MOLE NQ DIGGING All Work Guarantee)!^ H. L. RAPP Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal Lake 3S2 DR. R. DeROME ; •: ^ --Dentist-- • . 12t Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry 77- Office Hoars: It a.m. to 5 p.*. daily except Wednesday. .Tuesday and Friday nights to 8:30 pji. Other hoars by appointment. McHENRY FLORAL CO. - Phone 608^1 -- One Mile Sonth of McHenry on Roate 31 Flowers for all occasions! A.P. Fretmd Co. ^ Excavating Contractor ., • • , Trucking, Hydraulie . ; and £rane Senriee. -- ^_Road Bnildinf-- Tei 204-M McHenry, JU. WEINGART TRUCKING McHENRY, ILL. Sand, Gravel, Black Dirt, Filling and Limestone Telephone McHenry 655-R-2 A. WORWICK PHOTOGRAPHBK Portraiture - Commercial Photography - Photo-Finiakiag Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riveraide Drive MeHENRT. Il-L, Phone McHenry 637-R-2 -- Basement. Excavating -- NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and T.ot Fillirjr . . Blark Dirt . ipeper Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johaabnrg P. O.--McHenry FIRE AUTO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ', * Presenting Reliable Companies fVben I* neej* ir«nrance ef any 1W « er 11S-M Green ft Elm McHenry Teiepl^ne No. S00 Stoffel ft Reihangperger Insurance agents for all classes of propert| in tha beat eom^niee. WEST lleHENRT - . ILLINOIS 7