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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1945, p. 3

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W*.*r H."'. % !', -w • '•V. ' ".Mi! ( » , '" '*,' ^^R» - « * •' t * I £ ** \T •** • *h Wfcr3>* <*'* ®*'*«3MWr rfVMnwMlaw*. * '*M«r*MiMt«t ?«*<: %< f? May *, VM lr& />& w:>wv^^ *•*.*. '* -+ ..-• * ••• • •>-* *• - 'V. <> ' A •; \ '. - .- - fi-f-c -. MeCollom Lake i On Parade »*••.• i~"<\ t i n i mi»M»im By "Yardstick** ""IJreetings Folks! ' :>; The many folks of McCnllom Lake Who were attending church services last Sunday morning missed the spectacular aeronautical salute to eur vacationing "Ace" Lieut. Ted (Mien of the Army Air force by Iris brother-in-law. Ensign Jake Lev- «Que. whom he has never met. .- , Etasign Levesque became a mem- Bier the the fighting Olsen family when he married WAVE Evelyn 01- een, A. M. M. 2/c, a few months ego. Lieut. Ted Olsen, at that time Wes busy piling up missions in the Southwest nbdfic. Last Sunday Ensign Levesque Was •Miking a routine cross-country flight eocomjtanied by Lt. Johnny Lemos ing our glamour gel. Ana Horn, taking her usual morning sun fepth on the roof of Horn's Emporium. News ef Oar OatticMea S. K. 2/c Marvin Weinsheimer arrived home Sunday to enjoy his IBday leave from duties at the Alameda, "Calif., naval base. His visit has made his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weinsheimer, as well ae his lovely wife, very happy» *> * ' Sgt. Henry Souhrade, who has suffered wounds in New Guinea and has recently been admitted to a hospital there, sends us softie very inshi give a 'lot of satisfaction to the t with his heroic brother-in-law. He Mrs. Bd. Grusaka did their hitch in left* at 6 p. ttLto retain to dtttiea the Victory at Peru, In<L, Ids home beae. , Ed and Peggy Derr enjoyed the Ensign Levesque confessed to us company of Ted Palmer of New that the eight he enjoyed aMet while Yoifc over the weekend. flying over McCnllom Lake_wes see- We cant figure out why Betty Cermak should want to put up her storm windows at this time of the year. Could it be that Jerry has been messing with that Petty girl calendar again and got Betty confused? Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brand, had a house full of company over the weekend. There was Mr. and Mrs. Aage Hansen, their lovely daughter, Gloria, their two sons, Art jand Sheldon Brand, with their wives and, in spite of all this available manpower, Pop Adam had to tackle the garden dig' ging job alone which resulted in a piiai were, wjno. "J*"".™]; 'ft I lame back for Pop ^ *nRint ^' *atiSrtio? \o 5£' Mr Md Mrs. Id Walton informed SkL nf thi mSmIS chanter of 08 that *hey*will be beck at the old erously of their time and effort to »t»' ^ m ~^t h . ease tt»e pain and suffering of our " X£ fighting men. Sgt. Souhrada tells us; pMri JTX-rf tl»« k.™ ~r, mucH ^pri^ to ed Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cermak, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Souhrad and their two lovely daughters, Joan and Jean, over the weekend. While Irwin Schmidt, McHenry's tonsorial artist, was out feeding his finny friends laat Sunday, his Missus accompanied by his mother. Mrs. Blake, were doing a little fishing on their ewn heoks* Let's hope that Irwin enjoyed better luck than the gal*. Fred Thomson informs us that we scooped the Chicago paper when we announced the arrival of Patricia Ann into this world. For the latest news icad "McCullom Lake on Parr. # „ ade" in the Pkindealer, is Fred's I joyed a short leave with his ail- advice to you all. j ing wife in Chicago, has returned to! "Chickie" Sales was very much put his duties somewhere in Germany. | out that his rival, Kenny Sawdo, rode! I Corp. Everett Ingersol, now sta- around the subdivision on Admiral j tioned in England, finds it hard to i Joe Schaeffer's garbage wagon with dance in his G. I. shoes and hopes | "Chickie's" best girl, Judy Struck,*1 that his mother, Mrs. Adam Jablon- at his side last Saturday. ski, will get his patent leathers in j Then we have Elmo McKim sitting j the mail soon. j in his victory garden all through the j G. M. 2/c Richard "Dick" Cylik weekend, keeping the crows awsy. sent us two very interesting letters ** "at , 'c^er. protection could Marie, from aboard his ship the SS. Man- «av® *r01™ t"e,e I'^sts. hasset. We all remember Dick as y," Congratulations To one of the energetic "Wildcats" who, ^" ®c, Sales on ™ls seventeenth i in days gone by, was in no small "irt™Pay anniversary, April 29, and, measure responsible for the recur-{**> "" brother, S. 1/c Robert Sales,; ring victories of the McCullom Lake! sea on ",s nineteenth. Many Wildcats vs. Wonder Lake. RestiJ^PPy returns of the day to you assured, Dick, the boys on our team j "°"i. . are doing their utmost to bring home! „ lake Society Notes the bacon every Sunday. i Ruth Hartman made her debut laat Pfc. Leo Freisinger arrived home • Saturday at a gay party in her honor last Sunday to enjoy a short leave! - Tomka s Leaky Pump Room on with his beautious wife and daugh- R,v®rside Dnve^ ln^MoHenry. Mart ter before leaving for duties over-' town. Bert Dibble, escorted the seas. Vic. Ronchetti, Leo's former I beauteous debutante. Bert proved to Irom his imse at Peru, Indiana, [ see the legend, "These Bandages Pre- Having received advance information Spared by the McHenry Chapter of that Lt. Olsen was enjoying his leave I the Red Cross" stamped on^ the at McCullom Lake he decided to give bandages applied to his wounds. This him an aerial salute by flying over!fact in itself will contribute much itfce Olsen home and dipping his!to his early recovery. Of that we ings. [are eertainl A salute to Mrs. Mur- Tbe roar of the mighty engines phy and the ladies in white of the Of the B. T. 13, piloted by the En- > McHenry chapter of the Red Crosk sign, roused the entire community. | for tne grand job they are doing. On every block curious groups gatt- Pfc. LeRoy Kuehnle has recently fred and waved their arms to the arrived somewhere in France, where #ew of the R. T. 13. After this aerial display Ensign Levesque landed the bomber at the Waukegan airport and from there he is doing his bit .by keeping the guns of his buddies at the front in good order. To his one and only, Helen Engels, in Chicago, we say, I ."-fUtKnS * Mrs. Coffins will 1st. Each member is requested to bring a perennial plant for her capsule sister. Mrs. Elisabeth Weber and family of Antioch and Pvt. Irving 'Weber of Jefferson Bks., Mo., spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. j callers in the Gus Gratton home near i urday. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg spent Greenwood Sunday. i _ Mrs. Felvey Davis and daughter of c?J ua*° by e*^fVe *** uneven i Wednesday at Zenda and WalWorth. ! Mrs. Rose Jepson spent from Fri- Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the IMjcetlons of brilliantine, apt ay ft daughter of Stanford Vermont spent Sunday night with Mrs. Roee Jep- Mrs. Mae Harrison returned home Sunday fronv a few weeks' visit with her daughters at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington were Mf. and Mrs. Dewey Beck at Arlington Heights, Tuesday. Mrs. Chancy Harrison end Mrs; Rose Jepson attended a Home Bureau meeting at Woodstock, Friday afterboon. Mrs. Chancy Harrison and daughter, Carol, were Elgin visitors Sat- Saccharin cannot be ning or cooking faecauee it bitter when heated. . Nice 8Uek Hair To avoid greasy - looking befr Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Rose Winn of day until Sunday with her daughter, home of her father, Alec Anderson, Spring Grove were callers at Rev. j Roland McCannon at> Wood- Collins Tuesday morning. stock. • » _ Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard *r. and Mrs. Robert Van Dusen and Mrs. Phdps Saunders of Syca- and deughtsers of Elgin were callers more, spent lliuriday in Wiedrich, Jr., home. Beet Named for Bete The name "beet" comes from the Of sycm- a,m fact that when the seed pods of thia the Fred :here Sunday. , veaeUhl. h»ain j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty 17^°.^ 4f el,1.V ^eT. re" Lt. Lester Klintworth of Madison, were vi,litors Woodstok Friday bl* tte Greek letter -- o---» evening. Mrs. Harry _Anderson and Mi£. with an atomizer. MAN HAD BRICK IN HIS STOMACH FOE 10 YEAS8 Wis., spent Sunday with his mother! Mrs. George Marian. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merges of >> K*rls Richmond spent Sa1 Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nora- upd»y with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. In meyer of Wauconda and Mr. and i4116 afternoon they were all visitors Mrs. Russel Nordmeyer of Mundelein spent Sunday afternoon in the Edward Bauer home. Misses Alice and M&rion Peet of Elgin (pent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet Mr. end Mrs. Ray Peters of Harvard spent Sunday m tbe B. T. Butler home. at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley were visitors at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown visited the letter's sister, Mrs. Merill, at the Woodstock hospital Sunday. Miss Norma Whiting of Grayslake, spent the weekend in'the Sibre Whitdrove back to McCullom Lake to;«it won't be long now." *«Kl the dn' Mmmtatod ^ H«rr, Iniremol. «ho h.s en- 'NNNB. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and ing home. daughter and Mrs. Mary Freund of, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cart- visited Spring Grove spent Sunday evening the former's mother at the home of in the Ed Bauer home. Mr. aad Mrs, Harold Wiedrich and family of Harvard spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs. Rose Jepeon, in company with her daughter, Mrs. Roland McCannon and children, spent Sunday in the Harold Jepson home at Geneva. IU. Mrs. Charles Peet and daughters, Alice and Marion, spent Saturday evening at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blood and Resistant Hogs Hogs have beeh bred with a defl- One man recently stated that for 10 years he felt like he had a 'brick in his stomach. This feeling was due to the lump of undigested food he alwasrs had inside of him. He weak, worn out, headachy, swolv <* ••J, lnJn^ioua rer^^^^rib^tiATS: by experimental workers in Cali- Recently he ^started taking ERBHEJLP and says the feeling like a brick in his stomach disappeared the . - ."fy i r?A - Vl x! < ; Tape Spools ! second day. Bowels are regular now, Empty adhesive Upe spools make P8, a"d headaches are gone and he excellent containers for odd pieces • JL* * J}ew mai?" of lace insertion and edging, elestic ERB-HEILP contains 12 Great . 4 and braid. RepUce the metel bend H«bs; they cleanse bowels, elw gas % over the rim to keep material clean. ?.t0™*ch, met on sluggish liver , «• ^ ^ wwwwtom. aRd it^neyg. Miserable people soon .. , • - feel different all over. So don't go ' > a " Order your Rubber Stamp* at The on suffering. Get ERB-HELP. Bol- Plaindealer. ! arer's Drue Store. ilie cmtvemto'i B o i t eslaable OqoipeaenJ. lllMlalMb. the •bore picrare shows one Distribator assembled as shipped. The inset (circled) ass hopper detached to show working farts end-mechanism. All heavy seed electrically welded construction. Spreeds all bfssdcssl memorials ^~Top Dressing--NUrals--Phesphele Ume • Slag--oW cewimerclel fertilisers and HhU«d br waeoo, trade .tfactor. Caparitr )) . gallons or SOO lbs. Can spread 29 to SO foot ^Swatb at 19 miles per hoar. * Now in ase in over 40 states TODAY -- IMMKMATI SMMMNT whether yam want one for tins or vhttlii nriee $1MM F. •. B. I skating partner, und his wife are doing their best to make Leo's short visit a most enjoyable one. Beg Your Pardon g In our presentation of Sgt. Kenneth Ebey of the Marines we erred in referring to the sergeant as Pfc. be an expert fried chicken gleaner and there is many a gravy spot on his tie from his many engagements. That guy should get a medal. The McCullom Lake Ladies' Pinochle club held its regular weekly session at the home of Mrs. Harry We got our wires crossed when we! l?8^ Thursday. Mrs. Syd Smith mentioned that his brother, James,!took f«rst prize, Mrs. George Gorenwas awaiting his safe return. There 80? 8ec?P" pnze and Mrs. Kane third kwi+twi,- To„„=» the FbeyiPnze*. ^rn°nK the other ladies presrouag birds grew sod detelopT& f them TONAX in Especially after an stack of Aod ss s took sod mud astnnacnts to hew aim btoodbaUding «Uhdfs control iaceaiasl vidss tract aunttsls Sad ms. For laftfs im lacoevenicat. 2-lb. esa for 400 chkh for s monrti, 75c Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenr> firttion* FROMT TRACTQR TIRES V",- v • Whether you buy the Guide tread design (left) or the Bib tread (right) you get maximum value for your money. Easy steering . . . maximum flotation . . . Gum-Dipped Oord Body for extra strength, longer Ufa. Cos* fi ... Let Us Help fee Mete Oaf fear, AppllcitUa Fer e Reffoalag Cerfficefe BEST TODAY...STILL BETTER TOMORROW WALTER J. FREUND OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION STATION MAIN 8T.. WIST M'HENRY PHONE 204 Mse 11 R. M. Fleming Implement €o. ' I-AEMUMPLBMENTS TRACTORS - WAGONS NEW IDEA LI?VE Phone 33 McHenry, 111. is r.o brother, James, lr. family. Both Mr. and Mrs Ebey, {•'»., were grateful to giving them another son. „ News In General Numerous reports of do? bites h:ivc !.«-en reported to us and we deem it advisable to warn you folks that there is an epidemic of rabies prevailing at this time of the year. It was regrettable that Mr. and Mrs. H. Fetz's little boy, Bruce, had to be a victim last Sunday. No matter how gentle or well mannered your pet may be in your own home, keep him indoors or on a leash for the next few weeks and help prevent * lot 6f suffering to our tots. "A stitch in time saves nine." There was plenty of activity around the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kasimer Zablocki this weekend in spite of the fact that Citka Hanka chose to stay in Chicago. Mr. and j£en' ent who enjoyed the afternoon were jicrjMrs. Jean McDonald, Mrs. Leo Sales, j Mrs. George" Scheubert, Mrs. Lee I Larsen and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel. ADIOS. RINGWOOD •; Amrotmciift} THE oPENiira of a new ;/ - Radio Sales and Service ' at 510 MAIN 8TRBET WEST McHENRY> ALL RADIOS REPAIRED AND SERVICED Honrs: 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p. m. to &:30 p. m. SAM SCHMUNK, Prop. : CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSpHJRO Plaoe orders now for Rini Houses, Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. 41so have full line of leather goods, market and wash baskets, barn brooms, •to. CLARENCE J. SMITH Route 1, McHenry, HI- 1^': Is Your Truck ~ Delivering the Goods? It's best to be sure! Let us check your truck to make certain that you are getting the most mileage from your gas; that your wheels are properly aligned; that your lubrication is complete. Tune-up your truck now for spring. : CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200 J ; J|bwiiig Johnsburg •tap* (By Mrs. George Shepard) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd entertained a few friends at their home in honor of their daughter, Corp. Phvllis Dodd. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal, Mr. arid Mrs. John Skidmore, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Wieser and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Low. - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg were visitors at Woodstock Monday. Missse Alice 'Mae Low and Amy Harrison, with Miss Jean Frey, of Blue Island, attended the Barnum Bros, circus et the Chicago Stadium Sunday. Miss Helen Ruth Butler of Bloomington spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mrs. Neil Harrington and Barbara Laurence visited Pvt. Neil Harrington at Fort Sheridan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hoffer and daughters of Chicago spent Wedltoa-1 day in the S. W. Smith home. \ ,t Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and daughter of Woodstock are moving into the Muszy flat. . • ' The Ringwood Chemical Co. held a party at Mosey Inn, Friday everang. Corp. Phyllis Dodd returned to Fort Beker, Calif., Wednesday, after spending a 28-day furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Friday afternoon in the Jack Lenard home at Crystal Lake. The April meeting of the P. T. A^ was held at the schoolhouse, Thursday evening. Election of officers was held with officers as follows: President, Mrs. Andrew Hawley; vice president, Mrs. Stanley Hunt; secretary, Mrs. Roy Dodd; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Bower. A social hour was passed with community singing iuid' the playing of games. The school picnic will be held on the school lawn on Sunday, May 20. ' Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. Harold Aim of McHenry spent Tuesday tcrn9on in the Fred Wiedrick, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Markee of Ridgefield spent Tuesday evening in the Charles Brennan home. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard at- ! tended a dinner party in the Alan ; Ainger home at Greenwood honoring the birthday of Elbert Ainger. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kooistra and 'sons of Harvard spent Sunday in t^e j Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner of McHenry spent Sunday in the Abe Lau- I rence home. ! Miss Esther Laurence spent Frii day in Chicago. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie ! Da?on. Clayton Bruce of Oregon, 111., spent the weekend here with his family. August Kattner of Chicago spent j Thursday in the Ed^Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent Sunday,,>with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberlein spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Yanke of Kenosha and Mrs. Dan O'Halleran. of South Hebron spent Saturday in the Oscar Berg home. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., left Monday for Albert Lea, Minn. The Home Circle will meet with How to dip io* your Gas Water Boiler "Tmki c*r* th* ttomgi jBr bmpt" k Uh w*ubword M tb* komt/romt. And J» Mp ym givt your Gas W*Ur lb* prop* cart, wt offrr tbtst practical utggttUtms and nibZf • wmdm: 1.Cheek your water, heater ^periodically. Keep the burner clear of din and sediment that may hamper its operating efficiency. If flue piping becomes rusted it should be replaced. E 4. Replace irom facet washer to pceveut waste of hot water through leakage. Rriief ralra on Iteaters are for your piofgaipa-do not plug Jhem up. 2, Stride heaters should be flushed once 1 month Flushiog is done by opening die drains valve at die. base of the heater and allowing a few quarts of water to run off. Close valve when water runs dear. 3. Do not carry water at temperatures higher than 1500 F, as this may cause leakage around your hot water faucets.~4f hot water tap leaks 90 drops a minute k will waste 310 gallons of -/water in a month--and the gas needed to heat that much water. g. If you have a hand-coatiolled gas water beater, a few minutes planning for your hot waier needs will save time and fueL ^ Start taw U put that coastrrstfa* tict. Rmmbtr, it may bt s long tim befm jm ua nplac* ytur present Gas Wsttr Hmttr. ^ FREE -Wamme Ideaa for Homemsken Bulletin No. ^"Csre and Use of your Gas Appliances." Includes practical ways to conserve gas water heaters, refrigerators and heating plants. Stop in today for your copy! &•} WESTEBN UNITED \ "V - -^. -rrwr. - -f-js

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