4**^1 -4^7 ,<i a^," ^^fff# *^-w± Mf'iflifil »«.** vf '>s* -' • "A Vl.,^ '-"•*•» f*%/ I> ' f9 ***•*£ ». T . VkJJ ^»J , I |jjy JfK *<* " * * - • *?»«*,* *^-^i : '$K !,/, > st * *9 r'-ffs.-: *r*. ';v?%.. tgfi?^f' WMvtMi .vtsxr- Htr * t,«i*r r » • 4S., ?•.»*» *.»-.. > *'**>* J BipifT^;? rfr^ss . . , ^ .'•t !•'•*•,' ^ " "'" J ' r;V* •' »• ; •> *'- i r • ' *"t. - y.yfcs-*' V3s£t:f rX;;---,« &A.V'^-^-'--*^.-.viV-' ?^.,^. *. :- "•* *. *vv /v(; . • > .'.•« "•. *vV-«^ V/* '*«$ • _ -*»/'..» ^ • .«, •J* «/ * ' -' m%7u»V ^\; v ^ " ? < •-;" * iv-" ^ "*;*•v* <. *'vt I % ^ ';' ', • - • - * " • • • J - : v*u^«•'*- T'/-t,":'-f : - ' • • - < - - • • • • "'• S « ? ,r- '.t; th ,t.f .^ ;': . "-^i / THE 7" HHR LOAN starts May 14. Ameri- equipped--will have to be moved from Europe halfcans, as individuals, are taking on their biggest quota way around the globe; and supplied day-in, day-out to date-^7 billion dollars, 4 billions in E Bonds alone. by hundreds of new ships now building. You may be wondering, "Why this biggest of all * More of everything will be neeucd. Mc-e B-23's. individual quotas now? Haven't we already reached. 1 More tanks, half-tracks, jeeps and trucks. Mor*j the peflk?" , ' A fair question--requiring a straight answer. Th« Mon«y Is Needed for War, Tl»e Battle of Japan has just begun. It must be backed up, paid for, fought for by a free people, intent oft •weeping the Pacific clear of fascist hate--forever. With the war in the West our first and major concern, we have not yet been able to go all-out in till East. But neither has the Jap. , The war to crush Japan will be bigger, tougher, and longer than most Americana expect. The Allied Military Command has estimated that it* will take yaort, not months. The destruction of Japan's armies has not yet reached the annual rate of normal replacement! --between 200,000 and 250,000 men a year. And the Jap, as our men in the Pacific know, fights to the death. As far as Japan is concerned, the outer Empire--^ and the men who defend it--are expendables. The Jap will fight the Battle of Japan from inside the inner Empire, of which Iwo Jima was an outpost. And I wo Jima, according to Admiral Nimitz, waa a pattern of the resistance our forces may expect to meet in future offensives. New Tasks, New Deeds The single greatest obstacle to our crushing of Japan is distance. While in the Battle of Europe supply ships from our bases in England had only an overnight run to make, ships in the Pacific have long-reach round trips taking up to 5 months to make. To crush Japan will take time, heroic and back-.,,„4. tastrophe of a p^twiHrr postwar debteaking effort, overpowering equipment. * •' flation--with its depression, unam- Mflliona of fighting men--freshly outfitted and-- ployment, misery and heartache. focketp. mortars, airborne radrr. A whole new air force is in creation--huge new bombers dwarfing the Superfortress--fast new jetpropelled combat planes, the P-80 or "Shooting Star," coming off the lines by thousands. These are just some of the 101 whys in which your dollars are needed more than ever to bring America'a might to ita full strength--that we may crush our" foe the faster, make an end of killing, and faring our men back home. * And Lest We Forget The t«A, wounded and disabled will require medioal attention and care. Many millions of dollars will be required for mustering- out pay and benefits voted by Congran to help our veterans get started again in civilian life. That's the least we can do in return for what they've done for us. ' . ' wviviuiin iiiv rwcv There are other weighty reasons for supporting the 7th War Loan reasons that take, us from the present to the future. By investing in the 7th War Loan, the patriotic American is satfBguarding his own future, his country's future. By putting every dollar over rock-bottom expenses into the purchase of War Bonds, he is delivering a body blow to wartime Inflation-- thus putting a lid on the cost of living and maintaining intact the purchasing power of the dollar. At the same time, too, he is insuring the country and himself against the ca- 6o save fyr your country--save for yourself. In helping your country, you are also helping yourself! Come peace, we'll all need money for education, replacements, retirement, new homes, a new start--and we'R need a lot of it. And there isn't a better or safer highroad to your goal than United States Savings Bonds. Making 2=3 lids year there will be only two War Loan Drives, not three. But in those two drives the Government will have to raise almost as much money from individuals aajn the three drives last year. That vaeaxm^biggtr extra bonds in the 7th. Because only by buying mors can we make 2 take the place of 3. . The 26 million Americans who buy bonds on payroll savings are already off to a flying start! These patriotic men and women began their buying in April. And they will keep on buying extra bonds through May and Junel * ' It's now up to the rest of us. It's our turn to swing in line. To raiae the vast sum needed, every American wQl have to dig deeper into current income--dig deeper into cash reserves. Only by buying bigger extra . bonds can we stretch 2 into 31 Let all Americana do their part--for their own sake, for their country's. If you have an income--whether from work, land or capital--you have a quota in the 7th War Loan. Find oUt what that quota is--and make it! - m FIND YOVK QUOTA . . . AND MAKM 111 W TOWS AVMAM ihcomi Mt MONTN Itt VOW NMOM1 WAS BONO QUOTA ISt (CAIN VALUK) MATURITY VAiUt or TIN WAS LOAN BONDS BOUOHT $150 31S-150 tio-xss 900-110 1S0-100 140-ISO ieo-140 IMn $100 $107 JO 10*00 1S1.10 11UO n.7) VJ0 10^0 $900 - - lfS' ISt ' IIS , os so ... -'-•4 ALL OUT FQR THE MIGHTY 7th WAR LOAM • .y#'. i Agatha Shop •_* Ethel Jonca , Alexander Lumber Co. Lumber aad Coal IWm. H. Althoff fldwe. *West McHnry ZT Barbian Bros. V": Grocery and Market ^ '.^Bast's Variety Store Gin Street and Riverside Drive Harold H. Bell Painter and Decorator -- • Bernie's Oasis --' J ' Lily Lake ; • * Bill's Diner -• w \ Wra. Scwtt, West McHenry Blake Motor Sales Plymouth and Dodge Broadway Barbecue & Tavern r, John Anderson S. W. Brown Druggist. Ringwood ... • Buss Motor Sales r Ford Cars and Trucks Garev Electric Shop Green Street • _X^ - Central Garage fffeed J. Saith, Johnaberg' Claire Beauty Shoppe Green Street Dr. R. DeRome > Dentist, Green Street R. M. Fleming Farm Implements Freund's Dairy < " - On Route 31, North of McHeiarf V.. VA. P. Freund Co. ^ Excavating Contractor • ^ .• Gladstone's Dept. Store Green Street L. R Hawley Markei Ringwobd *• Hester Oils W. of N. W. R. R. Hettermann's Tavern • Johnsburg Hunter Boat Co. East of Fox River Jacob Justen Sons ^ Furniture Peter M. Justen Furniture Co. Karls Cafe J. M. Mowly, Prop. Kent & Co. -- Real Estate and Insurance Lay's Tavern Johnsburg -James Lennon "Bchlitz Distributor Marion's Beauty Shoppe Elm Street, McHenry McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Feeds Waukegan Street McGee's ~ Store For Meii Hiller Products Green Street ™* Mi Place Tavern Restaurant Mike's Barber Shop Main Street, West McHenry Betty Nielsen Dress Shop A. E. Nye -.1 Jewelry Harold (Scbmahz) Miller. . Tavern, Riverside DriVe McDonald's Tavern McC*ulk>m Lake McHenry Ice Cream Co. C. Unti McHenry Flour Mills Feeds McHenry Equipment Co. . Farm Implements McHenry Lumber Oo. Lumber and Coal R. I. - Overton Motor Sales Boick and Pontiac Old Towne Tavern 'Floyd Coleman, Prop. Pa's Tavern V John Thennes, Prep. -Palace Recreation Green Street ' J. C. Pearson Garage Rinirwood John Stoffel Main Street, West McHenry Mmm #rocery A Market Green Street Ringwood Chemical Co. Schwerm&n Chevrolet Sales Cars and Trucks Schaefer's Tavern , Bowling Alleys Math N. Schmitt ~ Supervisor and Insurance Stoffel & Reih&nsperger Insurance Tonyan Construction Co. Builders • V. va " ; ii i Tucker's Sweet Shop •1 Pearl Street and Riverside Drive Gus Unti Northern Greyhound Bas John J. Vycital Hdwe. Fjve Star Store *~"rr Earl R. Walsh - Insurance Wattles Drug Suw%£ West McHenry 4.. Worwick Studio Photographer West. McHenrv State Bank .. i Bart and Marie Yegge Tavern, West McHenry / >