i»twr at ItjNtoffei at McHenry, DL, ander Mt ef lb* s, im 12.50 tVU flPmATDW Washing - r»*nk H«*ei, vok>. m McHenry «-tf WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRINCF -- All wqrk fall] iTorchy" Kraokl, 310 1 Henry. Tel. 879.' guaranteed. St, Me 42-tf CDnORIALISSOCIATIOM FOR SALE FOR SALE^--Year-round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- Tille Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 86tf. HAVE YOV HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability .and Property Damage rated1? They will surprise you. Ask as' for insurance rates The Kent Co., licHenry. Phone 8. 4?-tf DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the least we pay for dead horses and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 8. Reverse the charges. No help needed, to load. 14-tf FOR ANt TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A NEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, People's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry 211-J. WoodStok, 210 E. Jackson St. Phone Woodstock 817. , 20-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, for- ' merly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. 0111 Prnh one 8O6A5r . u FOR SALE--Steel kitchen sink. Tel. McHenry 636-J-2, FLOOR TILE--for kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms, commercial buildings, etc. Also, floor sanding and refinishing. Henning Newman, 982 Marvel Ave.,Phone 181, Wood-1 stock, 111. .. ' 51tf j 1 FOR SALE--50 lb., 12' plastic boatj Mrs. E. B. Ward and Mrs. Paul Ideal for fishing and hunting. Phone Schwerman attended the May break- Woodstock 909-W. | 51, fast of the Rockford Woman's clufr at the Faust hotel on Tuesday. ersonm FOR SALE--75 lb. ice box, all porcelain lined, good condition. Call McHenry 675-W-l* *bl FOR SALE--Carmen, 120-base piano accordian in A-l condition. Reasonable for cash. Call McHenry 430-R. 511 sons FOR SAliIS i80 feeres good level till s.oil., 8.-ro om ,h,o use?, electric h.i l^rs. Ward is a member of the organization. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs and son, Steven, visited1 friends in south Milwaukee, Wis., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning and of Oak Park visited relatives , here last Sunday, dairy barri,, 34 siwtanheemhiodnMB}j mm&Rec ninw j fro;f Mich hog ht>tis&, Heft house, double; tjv„ ' corrl fcrib, TVenty acres 8-room modern , Mm, Gordon Knox of Woodstock £iatuiw Iftiftfid, Mrs. Robert Dahl of. De- I troit, Mich., visited the former's relatives here last weekend. Math B. Laures left last week for black level soil, Long Lake, Wis., where he will prehdUU, garage, brooder house, 20 by j pare for opening of his resort «0, hen4 house, 20 by 120.Possession for the summer geason. with quick sale, $11,000. Several other small farms and houses in small towns. Inquire Floyd E. Howe, 2nd floor Woodstock hotel building, Tel. 970 Woodstock, 111., or Tel. Richmond 245 before 9 mornings. * 51 FOR SALE-- Nichols Brothers Hybrid peed corn. Tel. Wauconda 4131 or McHenry 105-R. *51-2 FOR SALE--Grain binder, $20. caid power driven lawn mower, $90. Tel. McHenry 616-R-2. 51 FOR SALE'--New idea hay loader and McD. single row cultivator, Wm. Claxton on Rt, 120. Tell McHenry 614-J-2. *51 Mrs. Edith Hayes and Miss Xanette Whiting, the latter of Elgin, visited relatives in Lake Geneva last weekend. ^ Mrs. Joe Collenskie of Lot' Angeles, Mrs. Jessie Gates and Mrs. Clyde Sorrentina of Long Lake visited in the Alfons Adams home on Saturday evening. The Misses Florence and' Evalyn Carey spent a few days the past Kin-! week with their sister and family, the J. Albert Wolls, in Winnetka. Miss Betty Blake returned home the last of the week from the Woodstock hospital, where she had undergone an appendectomy. One of the most recent local blood donors at the blood bank in Chicago was Carroll Bishop of Route 1. LARGE ONES, small ones. I sell Cadet Bernice Freund of St. Anne's farms. fUist your farm with Dan j hospital, Chicago, visited her parents, nether,. Mrs.--_ Mr, and Mts.l3barlee Manja of Postrille, la., ai* spending this week visiting in the Paul Albert horn*. Recent guests in the Robert Thompson nome were Mrs. Otie Thompson and daughters, Virginia and Mrs. Gerald Latshaw, and the tatter's daughter, Sandra, of Congress Park, George Kolts of Berwyn and Mr. and aft*. William Van- Natta of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins and children, Joan and Dick, visited in the Ed. Hall home in Grayslake on Sunday. _ • Warrant Officer and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Wauconda were recent callers in the Alfons Adams home. The former returned to Davisyille, R. I., on Friday after a week's leave spent at his home. ^ MESSAGES FROM MEN IN SERVICE It has been quite some time since I last wrotft£»<fou and it makes me feel a little guilty. As you probably know, I left the good old U. S. A. last November and took a little boat ride to New Guinea. All I can say about that place is that I'm tickled to death that I'm not there any. more. My stay there was about four months. From there we took another boat ride (and what a ride) to the Philippines. This isn't such a bad place qow. The people sure were glad to see us. Now I want to take a ffew minutes to tell you thanks for sending that good old Plaindealer. Although I have only rectived two issues of it since I have been overseas, nevertheless, I imagine the reason I haven't received any of the issues is because I have been on the move quite a bit. Now I want to take & Hvf minutes to tell yotl mv duties over here. I am a squad leader and have been assigned to this organization since April 17. We handle quite a few men. Just how many I can't tell as the censors won't permit it. Well, I don't know of much more to write so Iwill close again, thanking you for that lovely paper as it is topi to ivery G. I. overseas. V WALTER M- SMITH Philippines. DAMAGE jHNUh started in the kitchen of tbe Jeefa- Item home, west of ]»*•.. oteamptM bto z&the sHa&nleyx teaL tag. Local (bwsen were called to the scene and were able to save the hone. rat eonaumptlon of lei and jaBo* vegetables including a* poragm, Bma beans, map beana, cabbafe,eemta, kale, lettuce dnd eecarole, gren peas, green peppers, and epiaiech averaged about 10 ponds per capita in 1918, compared with an Inwsaas of some 96 per cent to about 88 pounds in 1948. Othtr fresh vegetables auch as artichokes, beets, cauliflower, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, oniom and shallots were consumed throughout the 1918-48 period in about the same proportion as the leafy green and yellow items, moving from about 89 panda in 1918 to about 8? pounds in 1948. - ' of the oipeilmoimf at lbe riculturel staffed when ground grains were fed. lftst of Ihls greet- ^production appsured to be Am to Use grestter amouflt of ground grain consumed. Even ttioup more grain wiS eaten, the cows getting ground feed produced enough additional milk to justly lbs practice. A ^ *, Avoid Wrinkling Coi ' Ilia children's sturdy corduroy play clothes, as well as your oWn tailored skirts and Jackets, can be kept soft and fleecy through repeated washings. Give them a good brushing firot, then dip the garments % anfl down in a suds made with mild Soap and warm water, being sure to wash different colors separately. Give them two sudsings if necessary and put them through at least two rinse waters. Carry dripping to the line and place on hangers to dry, stretching gently along all lines of stitching. When almost dry, press lightly on the wrong side. Then brush on the right side to raise the nap. ' ' Read the Want Ada Read the Want Ads . , , _ ta her of miles. Atoi 89 to 89 years fee rata decreases,' fa* the rata rises rapidly altar 19 years. Vtre - Jlubbiah, 'smoldering leaves, oily tags spontaneously ignited--these tilings are responsible tor the fires which strike one out of every 18 homes $ America each year. Theae fires can not be prevented by doubling the size of the present firefighting equipment or by pasting aesolutions. Only the homemaker and the family, by following* sals housekeeping practices, can reduce the appalling number of fires which take 10,000 lives annually and cost about $1,000,000 a day. /-_* Read the Want Ad| Quinlan, 'em. Woodstock, 111. He sells *51-4 FOR SALE--One 4 H.P. upright Stover gasoline engine and one geared rotary pump with 2 in., suction and 2 in., discharge. Both items in very good running condition. 51-2 THEY'RE STILL COMING IN AND STILL GOING OUT. Good colored good framed yearling steers costing me from $13 Xjo $13.50 per cwt. The Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund, last weekend. ^ Ed Holle of Oak Park was a weekend visitor in the home of local friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moderhack and children, Darleen and Kenneth, of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clement H. Romeiser and daughter, Mrs. Julie Saul,, „ „ of Chicago visited at their home at! £®ck to Drew Field, Fla., then X guess I had better write and let you know that I have moved again in the same camp. Hard to tell for how long, as there will be quite a few changes in the near future.* The weather is rather warm during the day but the nights are too cool. Still wasting our time here but there may be some reason for it. So many have gone overseas but as for .me, here I am. Of course I have seen quite a lot in the good old U. S., starting at Camp Grant, to Camp Crowder, Mo., leaving there for Drew Field, Fla., and on to all parts in Florida for training. I then went to Nashville, Tenn., and from the maneuvering grounds there What expenditure can you make that can put more money in the bank for the amount invested than Baby Chicks? High quality production proven dhicks such as you obtain here will put MORE money in your bank account. MeKENRY CO. FMHBtS CO-OP. kSSN JPhone 29 : West McHenry^ MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 12 "THE FIGHTING LADY" hi Technicolor - Plus "SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIEft" SATURDAY ONLY First Chapter of Serial "DAREDEVILS OF THE WEST" SUN, MON., TUESn WED. MAY 18, 14, 15, 16 "THE TROLLEY SONG** Picture! Tender and Delightful! in Technicolor it Me In St Louis" Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Tom Drake, Mary Astor f Dust' ' f!^- Ad»tk«du«c^thc«nb.mada n --|j| niarii irf Ittmelma S4 t»i*ture#ef parts pereflUn ail and one part IWienry, Illinois V ' ^K-gVDAt". SATURDAY la Tedinidolor | Maria Monies • Jim Hall L "Gypsy Wildcat" Imui Davis - Wa. Gergan 2. "She Gets Her Man' •vi W! .99 A*?#-':. SUN. - MON^ MAY 18 -14 "WINGED . VICTORY" ffet Proceeds Goes to the U. 'S. Army Plus-r-World News and Cartoon Sunday Matinee 2:45 continaooa TUESDAY (ONE DAY) Ann Miller - Joe Beaser t "Eadie Wis s Lady" 2. "Under Western Skies" WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY Jack Oakie - Donald O'Oonnor and Peggy Ryan "THE MERRY MONAHANS" right kind to/put on grass to make Jist*kee Bay ^ Saturday and Sun-1 Key West, up to Myrtle Beach, S beef next winter. Will sell one or day. more. Also f a few eight months I Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake corn-fed locker steers left. Visitors I #Pen* Sunday in the home _ of her always welcome at the farm on Rt. Pare s, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Con- 20,--two miles west of Belvidere. H.!. waZ* L. Dunning. LOST l/>ST-^©rifted away, white, flst bottom row boat. , Finder please call McHenry 289-W. 51-31 Mrs- A^ma Kiggs of Salem, Wis., and Mra. Agnes Lewis of Kenosha, Wis., visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch, last week. They returned home Sunday evening. Cadet Nurse Marjorie Duker and c, j friend of Cook County hospital, Chi- _ | cago, visited in the C. H. Duker home WANTED last weekend. *ANTE3> Experienced. M "" Eth"? caretaker and wife for an Write Box -At % Plaindealer. HELP WANTED WANTED--Girls to service fountain. Apply McHenry I Pnone McHenry 302. estate., visited at the former's home here"the -- fr*. last of tiie week. Mrs. Herrlin again j returned with her daughter to Bar- I ringtoii, where she will make her home 'or the present. Carolina, and finally traveling across country out here to California. I have seen a lot of nice scenery along the way which will be nice to remember. But give me good old McHenry any time. -- I am working in town- two days and one day in camp. All these packing plants need and hire plenty of help each day. I am receiving the Plaindealer each week and sure look forward to it each week. Many thanks for same- It sure is welcome any time. There fere quite a few fellows from Chicago and they enjoy reading up on news of their old tramping grounds out around McHenry. I am still a mess sergeant and have been since April 1, 1943, I Imagine that I will continue. I ex- Ice. Cream Bar, 51 [Va., u Mrs. Jane Karowsky, who has been i another furlough in May if I '-. making her home at Newport News. | don't transfer in the meantime. L \ Vo since her marri:a gIe- severa1l Ij WWeellll , iUt •is- time Ato- go ti o wor«k neral' D10"^3 ago, has returned to Mc-; once again so ° will ring off for this filler ; Henry for tire present and is again j'11®!®* Kindest regards to all. JQ3LP WANTED--Girl for housework; good salary. Roy murei . , , - - „-- Grand Ave., McHenry. Phone 55-R. iJwUMoyed at the local telephone of- 60-2 . 1 ------ ; | Miss Clara Miller has been on va- . ----:-- j cation from her duties at the local WANTED ---- Girls for- store work. I office. Bolger's Drug Store. > 35-tf I ^,rs" 5*?ra^d?ne Lloyd, who was Yours truly, "BILL" HAY, ' ' Camp Pinedale, Call I'm ve#y sorry I havent written yotjf sooner to thank yoii fbr sending WA|P®D--Draft exempt man for ^ere since her recent return to Mcemployed by the telephone company1 me the Plaindealer. I have been again working receiving it regularly for many war work. Phone 195. 39-tf MISCELLANEOUS A ft. length, will _ _ w «O rcvh. ardj tB> eacvh , ,M,GcfH?erngrey ^S tilling, 56 i: ii nfan:*t -is onr -atv the-- Elizabelth6r' C ondeil a few years ago, is _ moriths now and look) forward to its . ---- --7--o arrival as much as my letters. j * r "ius':)and 'n Alex- There are a few boys from Mcandria, Ia. _ Henry in this area but so far have N. u Klein, Mrs. Mildred G. May | been unable to locate them. It sure and,, son, J. C., of Waukegan, Mr. would be great tossee someone from and Mrs. Ed. N. Young and Mr. and back home again. A dFT--Sevei*1 cords of firewood; Mrs: Fred C. Schoewer of McHenry! Thanks again for that great little 2-ft. iength, wjll^be given away if, visited Mrs. Joseph W. Wagner and paper. taken at once. *511 hospital, Libertyville, on Sunday afi '-- "' tcmoon SS-SSSF5, ,I0UR. peb8ONAL| N C. Kl.in, Mr,: Mild«d G. M.T PROPEatTY in the city or country^ I and son, J. C., of Waukegan and wherever located in the U. S. or Mr. and Mrs. fed. N. Young were Canada, ^against nre, burglary, wind-1 Sunday supper guests in Sincerely, v v* » CHESTER GRANDT, Central Pacific. :storm, all in one policy, ation 'call Jacob Fritz, my the Each week I look forward eagerly UJ}% i copy of the Plaindealer to keep rS'E'Z; w«M " * Mo" assignment to an <operatIonaT crew. You people sure are doing a marvelous job, getting the paper out to all of us. Keep 'em coming. W.e certainly appreciate each issue. Sincerely, KEN CRISTY, JR., Banana River, Fla. Order your Rubber Stamps at The I Plaindealer. M. T. Sgt. and Mrs. Merle Davis i and daughter, Nell, left Friday morti- GOOD CLOTHES GOOD CARE \ 6 ' | " - ' i ' 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M My ol<!J address has changed sev>> eral times since I wrote to you last so I guess it's about time that wrote again. I'd like to thank you. again and the rest of the folks of McHenry for the best newspaper in the country. The paper really keeps a guy posted on what is .going on back home. Our crew is down'here getting the final transitional training * in the B-29. From now on pur training will consist mainly of. long range practice bombing missions. Herman Schmitt of Johnsburg is also down here but we are not on the same crew. . Thanks again for the paper. Very sincerely yours, GORDON SCHOLLE On to Tokyo . .. This shall bci our battle cry until'final peace has been accomplished. Our gallant soldiers have removed the forces of oppression from Europe ..: they have restored freedom to that part of the world: The supreme task before us now is to crush from the face of the earth the "warlords" who would bring death and ruin to all people. Remember, Hirohito, all of the forces of a free people will be turned against your domain. Men, shipe/airplanes and all the equipment of war are ready for that fined battle to free an enslaved people; to provide forever Already you have felt the power of our sea, land and air forces. Soon this combined might will be felt in every part of your land and on that day you will real- < ize the war is lost. Every ounce of Amer* icon energy, all the resources of our gallant allies, will be turned against you un» til final Victory is achieved. To hasten that day of Victory; let us aH continue to buy War Bonds every payday.. V