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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1945, p. 5

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ttc/ WHL mm* J i JEABT byEAB JLR. WALSH . It will take mhm time to pt over V-E Day. . Npt that it meant » big celebration. No. It wa» perhaps the oddest of all day* when (tee might edcbiitft lie thoughts of an unfinished job in Japan kept oar people from letting loose. Of coarse, there were spontaneous and joyoo* ehears. Then came serious thoughts and praters. We have never seen McHenry aa quiet as H was on Tuesday night. Only those on essential war jobs worked the full day--Aral it showed how d»rned unessential moat of us »*«! We et*s Day. but .-- _ tteolar day set aside to honor «B mothers will hold added stgnUkcaoee this year. Many mothers -have daughters on foreign soil. To know that the firing has stopped in Europe must give* these life. To the mothers of those boys and girls in the Pacific areathere is also reason for new hope. They know that tremendous forces will be Kired into that section to help end tilities. Back in 'the days when mat mothers made us waah our eat*, come in from play much too caifo or ran to the store when a san«Bot ball game was under way we thought lite was pretty tough at times. But all those memories are cherished dearly as years go by. On next Sunday rial honor to our mothers. will gite spe- Ptess ident BEATWOODSIICK Team Pepped Up For JVictojy Next Sunday Hebron Appears The Shamrocks kept pounding away last Sunday at Woodstock and finally closed the first game of thej year with 14 to 12 victory over the county champions of 1944. MEN MCLDBED IN NEW CALLS Board Asks For We are very hjsppy to learn that Gene Dobyns is bin in this country, now confined to Bushnell General hospital in Brigham C i t y , Utah. Gene was injured several months ago in Germany when he; Large group! stepped on a land j One and Board Two were named the mine, and while llast of the week to report for prehe will be in the: induction physical examination. The _ hospital for sev-! thirty-three who have been sumeral more months, he is reported to > moned from Board One include the One A Thirty-Three; Board fwo For Thirty-8fat The general feeling now seems to ** * be to buckle right down and eachj ™u* one do his part toward ending the' Pacific struggle. When we know our boys are coming home from that area, there will be reason for a real celebration. .1 Manager Bob Woods, who anxious-1 ^ nicely. He exi>ect« to following: ly awaits the he granted a several weeks' furlough! 3 Board One , son from U. of L, decided to talte ^hin the next few months and no DEAN M. BROOKS, Lake Geneva i. doubt his friends will be as happyi (formerly Harvard). MickB respect Manager Bob asi a to >ee home again as he will j RICHARD E. LINDVALL, Rockford great shortstopand leader, twt were be to see McHenry. Gene has been (formerly Harvard). wmewhat stirred °wi pr«» *5°^ through many of the rough spots of GILBERT R. ANDERSON, Harvard, that billed him as P ^ European war and to him the sight CLYDE A. SMITH, Beloit (formerly pitching ability to handle the Mc- of v s BoU WM a mighty welcome Harvard).' Henry crew. „ o. .. jtreat. LEONARD W. PATCHAK, RichUnd, « S?TUE P/ «?'^!a ™!,!' . ' • -r '•••'•, Wash., ( f o r m e r l y Marengo). Truman has dnicnated the same day r A il«tenro Sfnri i Edmund Wirfs has been promoted ALLEN P. McCLJsNTHEN, Marengo. ™^y ofTheremin bel^T s e r v a n t o v e r s e a s , h» family has HERBERT P. FREUND, McHenry. wrong® Jw:™ith a- nation patterned hits, aided by sloppy fielding, gave informed. V3, ' i JOSEPH MOORE. Belvidere (former- We received a letter from our friend Pfc. L. E. "Tommy" Thomas, written in Prance April 26th, in which he tells of just receiving the issue of the Plaindealer reporting that MCHS won the district basketball tournament. ' "Tommy" is always interested in news about MCHS, but it seems to be getting to him a bit late. The letter goes on to state that spring is in full swing and farmers' crops doing fairly well in France. on those lines. TWICE TOLD < ' TALES Rms •( InUfet TOm Firm the Files of the Plaindealer of Years Ago the visiting McHenry nine five runs before Woodstock had a chance to bat. Murphy • southpawed his way | JOSEPH MOORE, Belvidere (former '• ' • ly Harvard). M. L. Schoenholtx, who haV been'^LVIN O. KASTEN, Har^rd_ stationed at Norfolk, Va., visited his i HOWARD M. LAMPHIER, Beloit, througS^'the "nine^nni!^,"'although | family ..^ere on Sunday His next. (formerly Harvard). he weakened in the ninth is hits andiP®* will be Treasure Island, Calif. PU^KE^eJ™orl; errors combined to give Woodstock; six runs, Murphy H«lp«d his. ow.|K.jJOSEPH P. WALKINGTON, Btaf cause with a homer and a single. BENNYWELL Harvard,! j^Grove* wood. R. FOUT, Spring m.T^r;p^«Hrn1TW"® *sys; <to- merly Marengo). SIXTY YEARS AGO Ml', perfect for 4 d.y " *»t«hil. Bud Bol^r H.r,.rd '»» : B1CHARD U^IlESTs. L.n- £Tir£ of that year. He wX ™eSeTS™Shi '»»<«• «•»- (formerly Wood- J „ • .. I The Shamrock. Win go .fteranrth-: * meSj DONALD A. HAY. H.rtknd (for^ Perry and Owen are treating the er victory next Sunday on the home wears tl« European Arncan medal erl Rinirwood> front of their store to a new coat diamond when Hebron will furnishandthe Easterntheatr^nb^n with RUSS^LL H SMITH, Harvard. that Dr. O. J. Ho^rd I'X "XT?e".g«e ELMER A. KRAUSE, Harvard (fWLet's hope those countries' can has sold his residence on the west | Miller, allowing only three hits,; the navy. produce bumper crops this summer, side to Mrs. John L. Howe. Con-!pitched a great game to shut outi ^ viunneuy oiaovmc, iuwai. They are faced with a hard task. sideration $2,500. It is one of the the strong Algonquin nine 4 to .°-l ***£.DONALD F. SMITH, Ullmette, (for- ! finest locations in town. (Johnsburg ran wild in a 27 to 13 vie- word that her husband, Ray, has been meriv Richmond). Lest we forget. Did anybody see E. Carpenter, who formerly run jtory over Hebron. ..... promoted to the rank of first- Jieu- R0Y l. MCNEESE,' Marengo. "Red" Winkel leading A1 Gehrman-s " ~ J ""n ^ goat down the street last week? merlv Woodstock). CLARENCE MILLER, Woodstock (formerly Stacyville, Iowa). Mrs. Wolff, of the Riverside Bakery, says that she and the girls in her sorority want none of this sport news in S. I. H. They want that monkey btisiness stuff about this one and that one. Anyone hearing news of interest about these girls, please do not fail us. We aim to please. We have^a prediction on the Japs that will be filed away fbr future reference. Contrary to many opinions, this man thinks that the Japs •will use the surrender of their European allies as an excuse' for them to surrender, thereby saving face. It looks to 11s like the Japs will lose face and a lot more if they keep asking for it. . The reason a friends is because iteakTof his tongue. dog has so ""many his tail wags inthe blacksmith shop opposite the I Richmond will play at Johnsburg tenant. He is with the eighth ®jr JOHN H. HAY Woodstock (forme*- Parker House, has opened the shop: next Sunday and Woodstock - Since his , t*_l' ^ ' ' • formerly occupied by Jos. Draper: travel to Algonquin. on the west side. BOX SCORE Dr. C. H. Fegers has moved into! SHAMROCKS AB his new residence, lately purchased j Conway ss 6 of C. B. Curtis, where his patrons McCracken cf 4 and friends can ,hereafter find him. Murphy p 3 '• > H. Stilling If \ FIFTY YEARS AGO Miller lb L. Stilling rf Wm. Bacon, dealer in agricultural Bolger c 3 .4 .4 Not So Dumb The young man was rather shy, and after she had thrown her arms afound him and kissed him for bringing her a bouquet of flowers, he jumped up and grabbed his hat. "Oh, don't go," she said,. as he made for the door. "I didn't mean to offend you." "Oh, I'm hot offended," he replied. "I'm going for more flowers." ^...............5 machinery, has just purchased a new Knox 2b 5 well boring machine and is now pre-1 Bollman 3b •---- 5 pared to put down wells quick and ~ cheap. TOTALS * The poverty social, held at Ma- . , sonic hall, *on Thursday evening last, WOODSTOCK was largely attended and resulted in Reed cf 6 considerable profit to the Eastern (Loechter rf-p& .....6 Star, under whose auspices it was Schmidt 3b ...6 given. 1 Johnson c 5 H. C. Smith is ^treating his block! Schneidewind 1-b --5 to a coat of paint. .C. Curtis is do- i Lang -- 1 ing the work. Woods p-ss .....t... 4 Workmen have been putting a new . Funk ss-rf 3 #oof on St. Patrick's church, in this Hutchinson If :..S #illage. * r Meyers --~..l _ Simon Bros., of the new store,, Ballard 2b ..... .4 West McHenry, have*come out with ^ a new tasty delivery wagon. TOTALS ^.^..,^...44 ft "* 8 1 3 1 I 0 0 will force based in England. omtc 111a j t JJgbiwO i w h t h ' h p H A R O L D E . K N A A C K , H a r v a r d , named P*]®t °f his„P[an«.JOHN M: 1DIGGS, Ringwopd, (for- ? T*m v •i?'88 ' y Ug ." merlv Harvard). 2 .ter, Kathleen. JAMES H. KLABOUGH, Muston, 01 ^?nald 8®*faefw- jrrived .home' pyJuL A'zSN.^Ga^dw Prairie (for. 0 last Friday evening after sixteen meriv Harvard) 1 months spent overseas. McHenry ELMEr j M0LTHEN, Harvard. 2 foUcs are happy to see another of LESTER W. KELLER. Harvard. 4 their boys return safe and sound HAROLD W. GLUFF, Harvard. 0 from the European battlefield. LLOYD E. QUINNETT, Woodstock] . If a man has his appendix and his tonsils, the chances are that he is a doctor. It can't happen here, but it did!* A man walked up to the counter during a big rush on renewals of drivers? licenses and announced that he wanted a license. . Said the young lady at the desk, "Do you have your, old one with you?" • - _ It was then she learned that he "It Snowed Last n If someone had told as a few weeks ago that this would happen on the 9th day of May--well, we would have called him a ! * ! * ! dut, it did hapipn! However, we are prepared for the ending of such a short summer, as we still have one of those snow shovels on hand, which we had advertised during the past winter. Who will be the lucky one to get it for next winter? First come, first served. As we said last week, it will also make a good barn scraper. When this white stuff which fell last night again disappears, just remember that we also can supply you with garden seeds, lawn seed and fertilizer. Come in and let's talk it over, or if you can't come, just call M'HENRY 2 E. H. Nickels Hardware 14 2 2 1 r o 0 2 % 1 (transfer). Board Two The names of thirty-six men were --• I Recent address changes include 15 John P. Shadle from Fort Lewis, 1 Washington, to San Francisco; James included on the list released by Board H J. Hughes from Camp Parks Calif.,, Two. They are the following: 2 to Port Hueneme, Calif.; and Gordon FREDERICK W. McCANNON, Wood- ® i Scholle from Lincoln, Nebroska, to stock. i FORTY YEARS AGO Score by Innings: Shamvbdks 630 Woodstock 010 Stolen bases- 81 Clovis, New Mexico. 0 ®| Ralph (Toughy) i Justett, brother!CHARLES E. JENSEN, Woodstock! JI of the late Clarence Justen, who lost KENNETH E. CASEY, Woodstock, f 1 his life in Germany a few weeks ago, EL DON R. NUSBAUM, Woodstock. } was wounded slightly in the Phil-! RAYMOND E. KLEINHAUS, Wood- 1'ippines on April 11., His injuries in-' stock. ®i eluded shrapnel in his leg. He is the MELVIN H. STOLLDORF, Wood- 1 son of Steven Justen of this city. stock. -- LYLE R. HUTCHINSON, Woodstockr Bluejackets were CARL W. NELSON, Woodstock, enrolled recently in an intensive j HAROLD C. ANDREWS, Woodstock, ELMER RITTER. Woodstock. ! MARVIN A. HOLMES, Wbodstock * M i mmm *j Two McHenry 123 030 . , course at the radio naval training WILLIAM M. HUTSON, Woodstock, , | school, naval armory, Indianapolis,1 ELMER A. WESTPHAL, Woodstock, The Elgin board reported the of- j Woodstock 010 030 206--12 , in<jiana. Selection to attend the JAMES S. PIERCE, Woodstock, ficial price of butter at 31% cents. bases--H. Stilling, 3;, .™"- j specialty school is based on recruit j MERYLN D. IMUS, Woodstock* There were no sales. The price lastjler and McCracken. Two-base hits itraining1 aptitude test scores. The (transfer). week was 29 cents. |L. Stilling and McCfacken. Three- 0f study includes the use, op- EDWARD F. THOMPSON, Dundee. - Thirty-five pounds of good prunes base hits--Woods. Home runs--Con- eration and maintenance of radio CHARLES C. EVANS, Monroe, Mich, for $1.00 at Evanson's. jway, Murphy, Woods, Funk a"d equipment and the operation of navy ALLAN E. BLANNER, Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Horlick are Schmidt. Double plays--Conway to radjo transmitting and receiving ELDEN M. BURGETT, Rockford. again occupying the Huemann house Knox to Miller; Mui^hy to Bolger «> equipment. Hie theoretical phase* VERNER L. ATHERTON, Marengo; on flnj street. Miller; Funk to Ballard to Schnei-: include8 electricity and radio funda-1 ADELOR M. DUBUQUE, Crystal Mrs. Geo. Schreiner has sold to dewind; Woods to Ballard to ®p®nei- j men^aigi The enrollees are: Robert I Lake. Heimer Bros., the briilding -which dewind. Struck out by--Mun>hy, ^i Q^orge Smith, • 18^ son of Mr. and JOSEPH W. LEANNA, Dunbar, Wis. they are now occupying. , Woods, 7. Bases on palls on--Mur- j jjrg Arthur Smith, and James Irvin FRANCIS P. NOVY, Westchester, W. C. Evanson has purchased of phy, 4; Woods, 5. Winning pitcher-- jackman, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. 111. the Hunter-Weckler Boat Co., a Murphy. gasoline launch, with which he e<-} ju_ ___ pects to enjoy many an outing on JOHNSBURG OUT-SLUGS and lakes this^umm^,. HEBRON NINE 29 TO 14 - ^THIRTY YEARS AGO ^ " Leon Edward Jaclupan, McCollum i WALTER E. NORTON, Vancouver, L»ke. ' ' - ' •• Wash. . . • ^ I EDWARD R, ~MARSHALL, V Algol. T/5 Arnold Larson has arrived In ' quin. the States from the China-Burma i ALBERT W. MILLER, Milwaukee, theatre and will soon enjoy a fur- JOHN R. GREEN, New York. The story of JohnsburgV opening i lough with hig wif„ the former Lil- LA VERNE G. REISNER, Elgin. George Smith has moved his fam- .game of the current baseball season; jjan Nordin, and other relatives ily from the Mrs. Jacob Bishop house is mostly hits and runs. Hebron, the here. to the F. J. Karges house. George j losers, did enough hitting and run- j Meyers, Jr., hos moved into the ning of their owW accord to win, Relatives have received word that! ROBERT I. EISEMAN, LaPlato, Mo. CHARLES C. SHERMAN, Chicago. WILLIAM GRONOW, JR., Crystol Lake. Wirkle house in the north end .of'most ball games, but couldnt match | Alex Justen, since leaving the hos- WENDELL M. REED, North Holly town. 'the 23 safe blows good for 29 runs | pita 1 in England, has been sent to | wood, Calif. Mathias Miller has purchased a for Johnsbuig. _ _ ^ J France, where he is engaged in mili-1 EUGENE L. " JOHNSON, Crystal PHONE 2 WEST M'HENRY lot of Mathias N. Freund on Maple Kuecker, Jackson and Huff hititary police work near Paris. He Ave., near St. Mary's church, and home runs for Hebron while Bud Mil-j recently received the Good Conduct will t erect himself a new home there-iler collected Johnsburg's only round- medal. on at once; tripper. j .! I Groiind has been broken for a Miller struck" out 10 ipen and j second cottage to be erected by N. walked 2 as compared with 9 passes J. Justen on Main street, just east and 6 strike outs for Kuecker. of the C. W. Stenger home. The Next Sunday the Richmond nine, foundation for. the first cottage is fresh from a 4 to 0" blanking of Alcompleted. . gonquin, will play at Johnsburg. A1 Krause has also invested in a i BOX SCORE "tin Lizzie" and hereafter he will JOHNSBURG AB H do his own paper hauling instead of H. Feund ss ....7 4 _ 5 hiring it d^ne. A. Freund cf 4 4 > f. G. Jackson c ~...7 6 TWENTY YEARS AGO , Miller p ..^...s..v-. .»-6 * - --- Jim Freudd 3b ........6 4 Mr. and Mrs. Martih Lay, Who S. Freund lb ..6 1 > reside about two miles north of > L. Freund 2b ft ..^.,,.4 Johnsburg, moved to Spring Grove. R. Schaefer If 4'0 last week to live with their son, Rudy If .....--..--- 2 .0 Joseph Lay. B. Frett rf .3 ' % P. J. Schaefer, who recently rent-; -^- --- ed the Brefeld building on Main TOTALS -54 _ >& street, on'Wednesday morning of! • this week opened therein a meat HEBRON market and grocery where he will Rehorst If handle meats, groceries, vegetables Norghard lb- .,. and fruits. • • ®* Kuecker p ...« VERNON G. SUCHY, Algonquin. ROBERT V. SNYDER, McHeijry, (transfer). Allen -UfoOnan'^^ is 'miskii^g^ a- short'pLEWTS L. ^LOOFBORO^ Huntley time count as he visits his many1 (transfer friends here before May 15, when he reports for duty at Miami, Fla., for reassignment. Allen.- returned home rv;*.lr«»a Ff«it two weeks ago from Iran, where he ChUTpmg UriCkeU retll had been stationed for thirty-three months. In spite of this long and rigorous period of service he re- . . turned home looking very fit. i« i in the spring, are ... „ will be hard to sav goodbye to Allen the housewife when these insects are J after such a short reunion with his found m the basement. Besides be- 1 4 On Basement Storage Crickets, with their cheerful chirp: family and friends. AB 5 6 6h Miss Rose Worts is a new employe Jackson ss at the local exchange of the Illinois Tilton c & Bell Telephone 'company. .Schmidt 2b 5 A new two-story addition is being Slavin cf 4 built to the McHenry House. The Huff 3b ~....~..5 lower floor will be used for kitchen. c. Norghard rf ........5 and workrooms while the upper floor ing annoying, they will feed on all types of material stored in the haspment. However, there are sey- True SHverfish" ~ --J~j^eral types of crickets that find\their An insect that is found in damp | way into basements, and all of them basements is the true silvertish. may be controlled by scattering This insect is silver grey... to bla'ck "lightly around the basement walls in color,4J and its body ^ wedge- j the following bait. Two cups of br^n Hi shaped, with two entennae at the broad head end and three cerci at wsml: GET OUR PRICES ON TANK WAGON SERVICES, WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONET W!S$ m*-WWEST M TELEPHONE M'HENRY 240 BUy B£ST at „ NATIONAL Iff f f\ ME0'7c 9 • HEAD * * HEADS STA«MCrn MNN^t 2 LMfMvb 2 15 Texas New Yellow CALIFORNIA FANCY IC LETTUCE CALIFOItNIA-FUU K>.. . FRESH GREEN PEAS Shi 9* S ik* t* 5 u i 5 5 « • » • • • * J us. 23c NEWTON APPj.ES . . . S ^ 25* CALIFORNIA--ALL SIZB ORANGES VIXAS LONS CUM CUCUMBERS FOR ALL PURFOttf SOUTHHtN RIO (I. S. NO. I NEW POTATOES BUTTER CATSUF SaMtr't. orakfruit C K't A V c H t! ^ f I40Z. ^f»€ PHILADELPHIA SUNSHINB uusrr Cratktrt .... •ETTY CROCKSR VMCTABLC I U»r Mix I National Deluxe EXTRACT' ^3Se CORN HaM KELLOGGS fUFFB>CORN FLAKSS Kli FLAKKS 8rap*l«ts wt 11c 0j0t 13« RKADY.T04SRVICStlAL ChHriMft iH NABISCO Shr^iits 13c KCUO«6'S KrmblN NAIISCO IMMWM Kilt. will give the proprietpr a few^ more bedrooms. TOTALS 1 0 u 16! are usually sufficient to treat thp basement of an average house. 2 ounces or 2 full cups of bran. 1/12 ounce or W level teaspoon of Paris green. 1% ounces or a little less than Vt cup of water. Ordinary No. 20 motor oil may be substituted for the water. If oil is setts may be made by thoroughly used, only V* the amount of water isj mixing one part of sodium fluoride ' required. The bran and Parisigr with nine parts of white flour. The should be mixed and then th* firebrat at this time of the year Qr oil added slowly while Deep Brown Beans 3 i the pointed end. Another closely re- 3! lated insect found in hot basements 4 is the firebrat. This is a fast-moving 1! insect with prominent antennae and 2 j cerci. The top" surface has alternate 0 bands of light and dark scae.s. A 11 satisfactory bait for these two in- Fairy Land " A country of castles and abbeys V well as factories, in normal Vitamin In Milk Hie vitamin A content of milk varies with the fee^1 of the ^ a] ter milk of barn fed "w» «mtains German Ruhr H is rt of the Ber. approximately half as much vitamin land> a pleasant piateau coun- A as does the mitt of cows on good ; ^ sh)ping ^ pasture. j Canned Vegetables I Canned vegetable per capita con- I sumption increased from 15 to 37 j pounds, between 1909 and 1943, more j than doubling. About 26 pounds of j vegetables were consumed in processed form in 1909 corrljpared with j 63 pounds in 1943, when canned weight is converted roughly to fresh ! weight. .Order your robbe? stamps at &e pjaiadgTilf* - toward the Rhine. Through its core of lofty wooded hilis rivers have cut deep winding valleys. Workers on holiday and travelers eager for sights were charmed before this war by the romantic valleys, saw in old place names the fame of medieval ironsmitbs, took their ease in comfortable inns and rubbered at the railway bridge near Mungsten, 340 feet abo*e the Wwpper, Germany's highest. Bead the Want Ad# breeds in large numbers in the attic or that- area beneath the rafters of the house. The bait for the firebrat dmiM also be applied there. New Industries Fifteen of our major manufacturing industries have been developed since 1870, and it has been estimated that they have created 15 million jobs that never were dreamed of before. This bait will also prove attractive to sowbugs, but it is not as effectwe I as a bait made of one part Paris ! green mixed with nin§ , granulated sugar. -.X. •i<r' FIG JAM BABY FOODS NO • C N'S CLAPTS STRAINS) 4MXL7C CAN * ' V . Study Waste Chemists are studying the possibilities of developing chemical and fibrous by-products from the large Mound Soil In the case of rose bushes, mound* ing soil about the base of the plants in winter is superior to using a leaf or straw mulch, although the use of straw between the soil mounds is adde<} protection. *J ariAM# Cwwl -J .1 • - WM --nrr¥ BBHHfll IP tSOwA^OFj U A.U..mII. l.iW...O. SMM CAMNC FMACMIAL SOOANf Soum StC HEALTH SOA^ Sca«sI®C TOILET SOAP WMTHVI f CAJ mMi Ln Flakai .. 2:^t3c HOWzMyTMSST M N £SS» Community Refrigeration _ _ There were 5,282 frozen food 1oc1b> imounts 'of redwood and redwood , er plants in the United States last bark wastes which normally result from lumbering operations to the Wwt l ii ' ' "• to tft M T July, according to a count made by the state extension services. Iowa led with MQi - - - • . ^ .• NATIONAL FOOD STORE , i -,'w. -T;"

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