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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 May 1945, p. 1

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•>*v. ; r • - --KV ;,. . •' ,£ :'- ' . : r ' :" "*-<.--p--'57<-«•••.•«: r f ^ - X - £ . .;** --> .v <_ -'7 • * »•. ' / " • • '•. *.* *n \ ' *"*••* " '• %v.< • / -- ! •••.•«•*••-%• .""V "-V **"> ,r» ^ -ew*s '• • '. :.. »• J'- .i, -<:" '• '*?>.. 5 ^ '**<SK3I ~ " '•' "v*n««w*i^v»v lS^^«^(»eiBite«.-»f '• - • ua Vorame 89 . . . . ... ..*> a. V;4? - » „--'-,- i: €;' 1 ; I ;fi v .• *, '-I * . .. . \„. .. • M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAT 17, 1946 GEORGE G. SMITH MTEARS HI FUM "FIGHTING LADY" BMLVmO OVERSEAS ; ;r!\ Young Naval Hero Is Descendent Of One Of Onr Pioneer Families • . %Tie many McHenry friends of the Gnngtr ami Smith families will be interested to know that Navy Lieutenant (SG) George Gage Smith, son «£ Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith of Elgin, will appear in several scenes «f the film "Fighting Lady," whicn will be shown on our local movie screen next Sunday and Monday evenings. This is the official navy film of a carrier in action and was photographed while Lieutenant Smith Was in the Pacific. Local folks may recognise him in the following scenes: when he appears in his Mae West vest with the name "Smitty" written across it: in a close-up scene in which the- lieutenant is pictured alone; and in ••vera I other views. Lieutenant Smith returned to this country last June after a year's serv- WALTER SCARBROUGH recent letter to the Plaindealer BOY SCOUT DRIVE TO BE CONDUCTED HERE ON MAY 22 Vatitfm Jones Again Named Chairman Of Annual Solicitation Next Tuesday, May 22, will see a corps of volunteer workers on the streets of McHenry making their annual solicitation for funds to carry on for another year the activities of our own Troop 162 Of the Boy Scouts of America. £ To most of the residents of our community it is quite unnecessary to stress the good work that is being done for the boys of McHenry in the age group from 12 to 18 by the Boy Scout organization. Particularly in these difficult times when we TWO M'HKHKY F. T. A. OTW>gl>» SKCOONIZED AS "STATI FA&MEK8" from We. W.lter Searbrough inform-j » •<•*<•< JwwB« The McHenry P. F. A. chapter is froud of two of its members, Ray [orenberger, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horenbeiger of Nunda township, and Howard Harrison, son of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Harrison of Ringwood, both of whom have received the title of "State Farmer." Receiving ute title is a noteworthy achievement for it is an honor that is received only by those who are diligent workers A person must be % member of the Future Farmers of America and be in the upper 40 percent of his class in scholarship in all school subjects in order *0 be eligible for the award- Each state entitled to elect the qualified individuals annually but where state membership exceeds 500, not more than 2 percent of the total State membership shall be elected. Howard holds the position of . secretary in the local F. F. A. chapter and has earned $585 in three years on projects. His scholastic average MEN FROM IMS COMMUNITY ON! CASUALTY LIST Raymond Newman Is Reported As April 27 ON DUTY IN ITALY Sorrow entered another McHenry home on Monday afternoon at 4:80 o'clock when a telegram from the Red Cross was received in the Charles _ Newman home at Slocum Lake, instate shall be entitle±£<erming them that their son, Raymond, was missing. The 26-year old soldier had been at the fighting front in France and ^Germany since early last summer. Raymond entered army service more than three years ago and had been overseas since January of 1944. 'When inducted he was placed in the = infantry, but sinte arriving overseas . nm ... hm • o-_,r i v I delinquency, there is no better way ig 85.6* and* his supervised practice'be drove trucks filled with supplies f« n nrtrtW Sinrp Oermanv'n «ur" to combBt such tendancies than to i program now includes fifteen pigs, j between France and Germany. It is '"Vitupport loyally and g«>« the Sr^ .ow, elf .nd 500 chick-1'- . .v.. v. ,h.t -.i,m He **•p-F-A- r"wrter u,t tthhe^ 8anrmnvy ^in lN^oTveemmb^err^ ooff ^19l4^3a nandd are as^ed to 8UPP°rt many cause* ^Ray Horenberger is equally on the Knf w>M.n » successful farmer, average of 92. His COUNTY HONOR ROLL ADDS TWO NEW GOLD STARS M Thirty-oiw Montltt Of Ssrvioe Bnds In Daakh of ftorgeaat Two .more gold stars ware jadded to the county Honor Roll tikis week as deaths of servicemen are recorded here. Mr. and Mrs. Ulia Garrett of Hartland township on Monday of this week received the sad news that their | son, Sgt. Haskell Garrett, was killed in action on Luxon in the Philippines [on April 22, 1945. An employee of | the Alemite before entering service, | Sgt. Garrett began his army train* ling: thirty-one months ago and was The above soldier is Pfc. Charles! neveJ fortunate enough t^ come home . Beall, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8ta*- fu±.u?h/,nce ^ ley Beall of Ridunond, who has man,|^an twenty-four months °f Ulia time relatives h„ .„* [he saw service m the south Pacific CHARLES L. BEALL *1! 1, K--;» „f p.-. p.,. ! in these tinges but, when we con- road to being a su li«rth rAThe^^S. was'sider that the is condiyted | with a scholastic av< .... by volunteer leaders who give of l earnings in three years on projects pondent and his cheerful letters were placed in the engineers but after tjjejr tjme anj effort and resources I amount to $857. Ray now owns three: always full of news. The following going overseas a year later as wjthout any thought of payment pure bred Holstein heifers, five sheep passages, taken from his last letter, transferred to the mfantn^. He has other than satisfaction of being! and two sows and litters. Being a describe the condition of Ger ^nJem"8. With of some good influence to our future prominent member of the F. F. A. just prior to its total collapse: army ha.^ 'joiSed Ihe Sventh citizens- there surely is cause for; £or three years, he has held the "P--1- think St. Lo and from one of these trips that he failed tered se; .e jn February of 1943 to return. . - The last letter received Plaindealer form "Zip," as known to his friends, was the of April. He was a regular his community. He enbeen overseas for the past /-one months. He is now sevin the quartermaster corps in northern Italy. SCRAP PAPER DRIVE The F. F. A. boys have announced, the date of the next scrap paper and rags drive. The drive will be conducted on Thursday, May 24, startm. Paper should be theatre. On February 22, 1946, the man was wounded and was "reopie min* oi. uv anu other, j at 1 D wv n h. l.nHeH in Fra^e l^t ^ support of this program for boys. ! office of president for two. cities and towns were crushed but; ti)?d Rnd placed on the" .curb'in front ^mher wSter is the sSn of Gtfoiw 0ur McIfenr>', TrooP 162 " P"1 i These degrees were conferred on believe me when I say Germany is; uf the house this hour: Xhose« cember. Walter is the s n oi 0f the Blackhawk area council of the the boys at the recent F. F. A. state worse. I spent one day in Aachen ;who have paper to donate and who! and have B°y 8001,18 of America and has had i convention held at the University and Cologne and I saw very few do H . the city, are asked to1 Ann Mane JGappench and they have ft J most enviable record of achieve- cf Illinois by the state F. F. A. civilians. Why? well, civilians have ^ 8\ ^he hi(fh schiol and leave! one cniia, a son, ueorge. : mmt in scouting circles over a officers and members of the State to have homes and our Yanks didin t name and address so that material1 ! period x)f years. During the past Board For Vocation Agriculture of leave them very many. Every village n ^ collected. [year the troop has been under the Springfield. These awards, which and town and large city is smashed , ., imm^r -:ir MESSAGES FROM HEN IN SERVICE . capable leadership of Ernest Stelzer were presented before the student to the ground. | of Shalim&r, a war worker at the body by G. C. Egbert, instructor at: "At least we are giving Germany fDouglas aircraft plant, who, in spite the local school, consisted of a cer- a taste of what she has been giving of long hours and most demanding tificate and a gold charm with the France, Poland, Belgium, etc., lor I work, finds time to be thje scout- p. F. A. emblem engraved on it. " ' * master and give leadership to more parents and his sister, Mrs. Pearl' anxiously ice in the Pacific as a carrier-based dive-bomber pilot. He has since been sworn into the regular navy and will make this his life career. He is now stationed at Jacksonville, Fla., where his wife is with him, but plans to retara to the Pacific next summer. He has been acting as an executive flight officer and will now enter executive officer training. Wins Air Medal ESarly in 1944 he was engaged -in bombing missions in the Marshalls ind Gilberts and over Saipan, Tinian, •ft-the' P.* d.y. r™, p"e:;MRS. SOHWERMAN 1S_ luckj^enough to have five of the Rram of activity for the boys which SECOND WOMAN BOAED good ^old home jnciudes swimming lessons, a vermin uvutiTp VTVTV VIRAPH town papers reach hunt camping and hiking exp^i- MEMBBK, WIJT11 XAAOB me.- They are tjonSf pius a program of instruction V really enjoyed by and advancement through merit, Ag Mrs. Paul Schwerman takes Jordan, of Harvard. are not only me but ibadge aWards that is most commend- her plac€ as a member of the grade awaiting further word of his safety. •°ni£?hvlr dn«..n M.» Mtnal bridge. e js under tne chairmanship of Vaughn maje a^ the time of her election,1 ®nd Mrs. Richard Guyser of Chicago, ^ve copies are the joneg> as it was last year, and it is, she is the second, not the first, formerly of Johnsburg, war_kiUed in first to catch up earnestly hoped that the good record woman to serve on that board. th« European theatre on December to me since leav- j which ^ jF one8 achieved last year W°Se fir«t ^man was Mrs. Ada128, 1944, it has been learned. He will be equalled or bettered this year Granger Smith1 of Elgin, who acted | ^a® fir®1 reported missing on that f.' JVC fwhen the demands of the scouting ag a member of the board in 1894, [ date. , „ ; I p r o g r a m a r e t h e g r e a t e s t o f a n y w h e n t h e p r e s e n t s c h o o l w a s b u i l t 1 P * 0 - G u y s e r s g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r traveling quite a Xunce and ye«J in his^ry^ojf t^lie^loc*! troop. She wa8 reported to have been one NEWS AROUT OUR SERVICEMEN the last five years. This war is a dirty business and the more taste of war Germany gets now the more peace we will have. From What I'vf seen so far she'll be busy rebuilding: : the next fifty years." ^ JLyle Fransen returned to Mc- The many friends of Raymond, his J Henry unexpectedly last Saturday The McHenry Boy Scouittss are Qf ^ most capable members ever to • Johnsburg. Legion's Serve. Others on the board at that!» y««" o,d land Mrs. William Oeffling, reside at after coming back to this country from points south, where he had been receiving additional training. His many friends here P ELL GARRETT were happy to hat he ized for several weeks. He ered completely, however, and rejoined his unit. His last IsMmv dated learn that has on April 20, was written froqi the been promoted to fighting front. {he rank of ser- Ralph Qeedyear _ geant, but were; For the second time id two days sorry to learn that his brother, Staff j the Woodstock community felt the ??*ny„dif,!fe?t i8lan.d8- A fe^.that ; sponsored by the American _ Guair^ I^jLairi ^^^l^na^E^wetok loCal po8t ^ho ®re ,in b*ck ?.(1 time were Simon Stoffel, James B.} and ^riany ofhers Eniwetok the goi,cjtation for funds and^ will perry Georgre Hanley and Eugene He also has a wife and | Sgt. Kenneth Franxen, _ has been great shock of loamjr^another son. . .. . 'deeply appreciate the support of the wheeler rvri people * m &. Palau and Truk. It was over the last 'jS? JSAJ* t h e y h a v e i n t h e p a s t " named stronghold that he received ac"°!l*KJPie , , ™ Mrs. George Stilling »nu *». • -- ,s his only wound. He received a deep i a . I Harry Durland have been named ma- j wlTH ENGINEER UNIT flesh wound as a result of being fjanes bu* do not 866 th®m* At, £l™« jors for the drive. City captains are " and Mrs. CORP. LESTER WITT ^k in the ieg by He ha^ ^ Z, ^uclT ^./rarr^man, j ON OKINAWA ISLAND been awarded the Air Medal with i ,y ' „ bian, Ray McGee, Elmer Freund, ---- Citation and The Gold Star, and ., 1? v tn jrnn t|,! Vaughn Jones and Mrs. Roy Kent. from UKipawn come many >wna un Milton recommended for the Distinguished 80 we to drop the, xhe following will act as captains m Qf the heroism of our boys, and t / ^ Flying Cross and the Purple Heart., v_: u i. > , the various nearby communities* * -- The citation Medal For ly escaped last Saturday morning.; to an army hospital about 10:30 o'clock when Patsy Am*, j jmproving. nd i wounded for the second time. It viceman in battle. This ttae it will be remembered that he was first staff Sgt. Ralph Goodyepur, son of injured in May of 1944 on New | William Goodyear. A mswliir ef the Guinea, e His last unfortunate en- air corps, Sgt. Goodyear was MM counter wjth the enemy occurred on jn action in India on May It, 1MB.* March 21 on Mindanao Island, where j The deceased wps a tree veteran . . . -- t h i s war, hai arm. His last communication with disappointments " J PATST ANN BREFELD NARROWLY ESOAPEg DROWNING IN TANK I he received injuries to his neck and Qf this war, having undergdae wwj ^ • .b«6re being able to The fate of drowning was narrow- hom0 f0ik8 told of being confined take the place he de&ed in <wr fight- ^ lital, where he is ing line. Turned down in the U. S. ^ 21-month-old daughter of Mr. an From Okinawa come many storfes Mrg Miiton Brefeld, fell into the cow our boys, and tank The little girl was playing! v" _ Kv •«tw. Since being out here I've also had iV" w iliaTn Rochelle McCuilo^ *mong tn<m „ m•o re recent ac- With her sister, Irene, 5 years old, iftit a weekend pass. Al^the pleasure^ crossing the equator WondTr ^ ror meritorious achievement as a Lotion Mt here is'to Jm Lake; Mrs. May Simon, Lily Lake; undcr command of Mbjot wwaru Riverv Road when ^wiember of a squadron of carrier b,**est ambition out here Is to meet M Fred Heide Stenger-Owen sub- Martell of Albany. Oregon, arrived fjn £nk bomU. .t Holtandi. on April J™"™ ** " .*•» n«. dfyLton. Robert Weber will »rve »Wp. Il" uS £m2£, , --92~, 1944. Without escort he pro-; . tuQTtir« f«r tv,. a* treasurer, and publicity men will which carried 3,60S,000 pounds of h mother who seedAe~dA individually to deliver hmis. Goodbye „t „o„ „a ll• and thanks for the ^ Earl R Walsh, Paul Vanda and • -m.. fter motner, wno fllil _ ,. homb on enemy troop concentrations ^ paper the pn_*rltf_ is ordered by the air co-ordinator j A;* 7 T *nd then to place his photographer _ South Pacific. In ideal positions at low altitudes toj William H. Althoff. ITWENTY-EIOHT LITTLE i equipment. l i4l . . _ . . , Charles Brda, stationed at Fort K«rl was playing K_ Tisited hit " them the more recent ac- her siBter> Irene, 5 years old,;*"10*' y" _ the bravery jn ^he farm yard of her parents, who j ItforenEd^riS »-8ide S" Ahe Smith farm on East! Waiter A Nickels, son of Mr. und vMaJOT Riverv Road, when she accidentally Mrg Fred Nickei8f has been promotwas tfble after a , Mexico. The first combat con-. gj,#rt time to rescue the child. air corpe fbur years ago, he entered ^ the Royfl Canadian air force, where tingent came ashore with the third was® floTtinJ" on" top"' of^Se! . f^teSSiy* fSwJTflSll wave and began blasting holes m water when Mrs. Brefeld found her. a the sea wail Artificial respiration wa, emp^y The bull dozers graded approaches ed by the. mother until^ two membets ^bUgaffr(|^ Kew Mexico. •btain valuable photographs of the 'landing action. nh* nf tho 1 y** +0 know that I cer-;FOLKS RECEIVE THEIR , r- - - - - . . - - - « J # M U Rpfnro ?hi« vnlnn tainly. appreciate the Plaindealer mnnm nnT V fflMMUNION t0 ^ese holes and l^gan the work 0f the inhalator squad of McHenry Before thla ' "" every week It helps a lot wh«*n > FIRST HOL» OOmlllUrilUri of building roads. Since then the and a local physician reached the tary mission was consummated, ™ from h p ome. " j 'engineers have built forty miles of 8cene. The child was revived and enemy anti-aircraft bursts senously j have finighed m basic train-) Twenty-eight little folks received roads, purified and delivered 810,000 her condition was reported to be damaged his plane. Disregarding . and am at percy Jones General their First Communion in beautiful gallons of water and constructed a good the following day. hu S-k n™v£n!?„„h£ hospital temporarily. It looks as if and impressive services held at St. spotter plane air strip Aside from -- ,s. wIT. We "ally Will be busy here. Due to Mary's and St. Patrick's churches their regular duties, these men are THIRTY-FOUR EN v „ n^rfn rrn»npJ^n th crowded conditions at Percy Jones, last Sunday, May 13. Eighteen chil- called in as reserve infantry whe« PAT T film. His performance on tiiis occa- there are several of us who live out dren, nine girls and nine boys, made the going at the front gets tough. NEW DRAFT CALL at Fort Custer and work in Battle up the class at St. Mary's, while Of course the engineers are only pPQM BOARD TWO traditions of the naval service. Creek. We live in the country and five girls and five boys received the part of the strong offensive now i I Pilot wort; in town,. Holy Host for the first time at St. under way in this Pacilc island, but Thanks again for the paper. j Patrick's church. *" • .] there is no doubt but that they are ine invent ti Sincerely, j With the choir softly singing ap- important part. iRh, Arnold Larson arrived in McHenry the middle of last weak after a long service period in India. Ho is one of the first servicemen from this to be sent to that section. -• Since arriving at Cecil Field, "Fla.,; •i he has been cited for "initiative j coolness and good judgement" in con-1 tributing in a large measure to the] ' » successful rescue of a pilot whose; . plana was forced down December 20 sank in the ocean *~5 "Dick" Weber of tha marines, who has been stationed in the Pacific sin^QMSdH in the war, is back in the Statesipr The latest call from Boarij~^fero sincerely, i wun xne cnoir somy smKinK »»- an impurvam >» McHenry is-was released on, 1Wednwday of this | Fiirttef^Grouo' VIRGINIA . JEPSON, propriate sacred music, these eigR. - proud that Corp. Lester^ Witt soni of wee:k, pLi-' Battle Creek, Mich. teen children solemnly walked to the Mr. and Ms.^rg. Witt.Js east of the naval auxiliary air stir "u^t. Smith w.. le^ing . fligh,! ™ Communion rail at St. Mary s church: ber of one of these engineer units. , gchryver of Wo%dst0ck. »••••> tl >»»•• The otherf! are: •i ni^L. - MARTIN W. THRUN, Elgin. OirtnS ARTHUR H. VICK, Milwaukee. CHARLES J. EBEL, Algonquin. ^ let you know that Rita Barbian. Kenneth Blake, Patri- M<l i1t rt !___ Jt_ -i. 'I'm still ig circulation and enjoying cia Boxe, Gail Brefeld, Alan Freund, air sta- ,^ pi^^gig,. as-much as ever. I Judith Freund, Margaret Freund, a Nazi counter-fttack in Belgium last fall. Among tha fourteen wa» Corp. Eugene J. Miller, son of Mrs. Anna Miller of West McHenry. RALPH GOODYEA* ' this unit he transport planes of seven planes when one of them mJ Plans .we,re ,1°I u* !! ^'D^^Ken^R^rt8^^ ^a- **•« JAMES T. SANDERS^ "CrystalLake was forced down into the water be- t^?I1 n?in " Nevertheless, it was • . Robert Steinsdoerfer Serviceman and Mrs. Henry Reese ELDON M. BURGETT, Kenosha. ,--r-- ... -- .. •*«use of engine trouble. -When ^news no matter &;f "Eippy pSenM»f-Twn, ^-'MARVIN^L NICKBLi, „Woodfctockt[time,'ifereed to'the Untted fltoWair After being confined to an army to almost every country in the world, hospital in the States for a short jn of mat year he was trans- "satfk, its life raft sank also. He >•« at time-, ordered an extra life raft thrown! amtuowv v voamam overboard. Then after sending for! ANTHONY E. NOON AN, help, he circled above, keeping the raft in sight by using his landing ptock hospital W Sat-, FLOYD R. SCHMUCK, Woodstock." J medical discharge ago. fulfilling a Fit. P. M. New York. *iaii in si^iib uy using 1119 laimiii^ _ _.« m • lights and giving accurate informn- LOUg1 Illne88 £Hu6u 1H tion until the rescue had been ef- Death Of Walter Croplev fected. He was close to the limit of his endurance When he returned toThIT yJin'g man is a graduate of ^ °f Ann Weber and Carl Weber. -- the Elgin Academy in 1989 and. <k®th lir Sol°n Mills on May 9. He _ t| -- m_ attended Coe college before entering '••I been ill for many months. TJw D&vid 0&HHOI1 To OndttMi , the air force. deceased was an agent for the Chi- jFyOm Military Academy " -- cago and Northwestern railway in *,wm J J (y At St. Patrick's church, Jean, and urday, Alay^|2-, Mrs. Reese, the RAE H. GOSS, Crystal Lake. # Joan, twin daughters of the Carl former Mildred Thompson, is resid- WM. U HUNT, J^Rin^ood. jWebers, sang the Communion hymn ing with her parents while her hus- DONALD J. HUL.irKtifc.K, wooaas the following children approached band is serving in Germany. Hie stock. ^ nv w T11 the Communion rail: Shirley Con- couple has one other child, a boy. WALTER P. COLBY, k i way, Martin Foley, James Freund, The new arrival has been named John KENNETH F\ SWAN, Crystal Lake. Joanne Hughes, Sharon O'Sh^a, John Vircent. - LESTER M. RETRUM, DeKalb. The McHenry friends of Walter Power,. Donn.' Raycwft Gu» Unti, on Wednesday, May 16, in-Southing- FRANK Vv. GN^O&LA?Ni 8HSarSva rd ton. Conn., to Mr. and Mrs. Walter LEANDER W. BINNA Woodstock. Funeral Rites Held Monday I Solon Mills, where he had resided y ti v , n . j . j for, more than thirty years. _ -- i •ror Hcoaliom L&Ke Kesident! Survivors include his widow and a interested to know that Cadet David old. Cannon, son of Dr. ami Mrs. E. Petersen, who made their home EMIL T. LUNDGREN, Chicago. _ here until a few months ago. WILLARD F. ROGERS, Washing- Mrs. Petersen is the former Miss ton. D. C. • Florence Miller. The couple has one LEROY H. SNOW, Carp^ntersviue. e a few weeks sgo. fuifimn- a dream of many years LaVern was in the army for three in India Sgt. Goodyear • years and had been overseas for a served as a radio operator on one of great length of time.. It was when our bombers, and it is thought that Jj the men'were landing on New Guinea it was on one 0f his missions that ^ that he /fell into the coral reef and he io6i hig uf,. No details .have yet * i injured this leg. He received two j reached his family. ' | combat stars for service overseaa. | while we were all happy to oh- Js .(serve V-E day, the sad news -Wrf Sgt. William J. Hay arrived | r^j^hed McHenry county this week|g l on Mother's Day from Camp Pine-1 serves as a signal light against a e ^ dale, Calif., to enjoy a seven days' reai celebration of May 8. furlough. for. more than thirty years. I Friends in this community will be other child, •' David Grant, 3 years McHENRY ONCE MORI GUTTER# AS BAN ON? Funeral services were held on Mon- | step daughter. Last rites were con ' "Dick" Williams, s<m of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, who arrived _ . j in the States about two weeks ago. TJGHTING IS LIFTED/ Mr and Mrs. Fred Wahl, Jr., of FREDERICK O. WEGNER, Wau- ^g fortunate in getting a weekend • * • so that he could visit home Cher's Day. He is now 1 While May 8 will go down in his- ^ Schick General hospital, tory principally because it was V-B;| ' " suffered a broken Day, McHenry will also remember r'j 12. 1945. Burial was in St. Boniface cemetery. Tlie Stackniks had been Mother of McHenrV Mail residents of McCullom Lake for sev- _. m eral years, where they have many; Died In OlllCagO May 1U friends. The deceased is survived by his jfrg. Emma S. Weissenborn widow, Anna; four children, Mrs.; 3539 jj. Lakewood avenue, Chicago, termediate swimming mi Mav 24 2 vears old. Mrs. Wahl is the form- Lake: j arm when he fell from a tree m May 9. He has earned the honor medal er" Miss Louise Shilling. KENNETH W. REED, Elgin. 1 Germany several weeks ago while went on aeni •>1(1 a t h?e t icbar forearning lSte?s Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller are the LEO C. ZIMMERMAN. Woodstock* working with the signal, corps. He The Pubhc in three snorts! H°I b?xYng happy parents of a in born on Wed- ROBERT K McGE^Cgcago. «ports a mo* ple^ant j***, championship in the 100 pound nesday. Mav 16, at Victory Memorial DELBERT D. STOKLEBERG, Cary of weipht class and the Red Cross in- hospital \V aukeg^n Thty have two ELWOOD L. DIERC^ Algonqwnu award. A other children, Patty, 5, and Bar- KENNETH J. HUXTABLE, Algon- Anna Marie Corrigan, Edward Stacknik, Mrs. Lillian Strand and Mr». Lorraine Weigel. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gloason and family have moved from Spring Grove to the home of her mother, Mrs. Martin Freund, on Richmond II .1 •>0057 1\. LahCWUUU a*C»uc, Viuvw^v, r „ -- . O quin. <U«1 l,.t murnhy. May 10^ to U«t, t the^^ • Mrs. ERDHAN J. ROEWER, Crystal Lake M„rrV'.fpSn« PRGAro^ J-DVOBAK-Pox B"*r and Arthur of Fort Worth, Texas; cia'ion sharpshooter bar and honor on Monda>. May i«, at at. xnerese urove. and a daughter, Mrs. Emma A. Hun dreiser, Chicago. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the chapel at S415 N. Clark street. Internment was in Proviso Lutheran medal and barracks bar. He is also hospital, Waukegan. a member of the junior band. Mr- and Mrs. John Holford are the parents of a son, bom at the Wood- Mr. an<f Mrs. William Perkinson stock hospital on Tuesday, May 15. and daughter, Marilyn of Chicago! spent Mother's Day in the Ted j Winkle honM. . ^ Order your IPUiw/iMlur BLUE CROSS PtAN Quarterly does of the Blue Cross Hospitalisation Plan are due on May 20, payable at the £axi 1L. cilqr clfflrt?. home by plane. TRUCK BURNS week sent lett customers, brown-out e on that day the lighte mpany last, -1.; its electric that that"! on the electricity for advertising. /The efficiency of the McHenry fire;tional, decorative, white way street* department saved the house of Chas. ornamental, window, marquee aMR„ POeiwiM from burning on Wed- sign lighting had been raw- ^ nesday morning about 11 o'clock. In the weeks sutco thft M~:£d r ?"V"' i i>jii1l|Liiiiirita^ The fire started near the house, from | placed «a such lighting, ^ ^ the motor which was blowing in the; giftikilh became aMWtMpttd W& it>ck wool in the process of ins-ulat- rather jaiyui apytWMW ^<awa>ad jf ing the Pomrening home. The truck the order. Last on which the motor was pla«dl caught fire and except for the body, tha ve' hicle wa~a badly boned-. .....

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