>, • MtColteai Lak« On Parade »|||> 11 Ml MIMIi ••HI ::. •' BJ "Yardstick* tlnKUiigg, folks! Have you bought that lucky seven War bond yet? If not then you will soon have the chance to do so, for any day now William Schlitt and Clarence Feirtfca Pacific Ami, fetfonaa m of Ik promotion to B. 1/e. St Is trying hard for a Badio Technician 8/c rating aad we ewtaUy . l^i you make the grade, aoa., f. 1/c Robert tioeoeh has been stationed ill Hawaii for the jM*t fifteen months ana likes it, aeeordtaf to his last cowinHmteatton. 8ft. Chester Kantorsid, who has had over four yean service in the army, now doing his bit in {he Southwest Pacific. , T./5 Robert Kantorski has done his . , . ... _ part in Germany and hopes to be eisel will come a-knocking on your,^ |n the near futur*. door and tell you that your oppor- _ , . timity Tw**t th^iiA irentle-! . Stephiii Huska men 1 their wares. Mr. Schlitt Mr. „ , „ _ - T , . Feireisel have been appointed by the j jilt" McHenry County chairman to cover 8ure **** ^ o u r c o m m u n i t y d u r i n g t h e 7 t h W a r | _ . v _ * w " , bond drive and it is their hope and ^ 1 ^ month has ours, too, that McCullom Lake will jf«n wm r™ again go over the top in its war Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller. Gerald bond purchases. Let's give the boys,™* the former Louise+ Kidddsen a big hand and help bring the war! #*I with the Japs to a speedy victorious ion 17th,Gerald left for overseas dity is here." Treat these gentle-! »• "c "us" enjoyed >n kindly and buy a sample of j^e pleasantexp^ence mfcVPs: .5r virH Mr schlitt and Mr. !»» old buddy, Billy Brda, of Mcconclusion. It's an investment in yours and our country's future, so how could you possibly go wrong? News of Our Servicemen duty with the Navy on the 17th, mim m tMs guy. fin our esltniettaa Clfisiii NimnI is the best shortstop tfca Wildcata ever had. Jade Bei*er»s efforts, too, ware in no ure responsible for the victory. The two home runs Al. Brenner and Jack Clarke swatted for the Wildcats took all the starch out of the Wonder Lake.boys. Keep-up the good work, you Wildcats. We wonder if it's true that Kennyf; Ihgersol is that way about Ralph Trigin's goa£? Mr, and 'Mrs. Jacob Kantorsid had as weekend guests^ Miss Ann Klemmer and their equally lovely daughter, Josephine Loesch. There was great joy at the homos of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaminski and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sawdo this past week for tee's pup, Skipper, and Pete's, Sandy, who have been romancing these past six months, are now the proud parents of quadruplets. Three of them look like papa and one like mama. We are glad to report that both mother and babies are doing nicely, thanks to the tender care \ of-i> Grandma Rose. Conic- $t.\ •* Grandpa George Kiddelsen planted insulations, folks. ^ . his tomatoes on the 17th and, to It was open house at the home of top it all, little Carol Ann was born Mr. and Mrs. Chullerstrom last _Sun- «a ACo+ Tn«ohk CrirW is nn« of our Gerald and Louise last Thursday, day, the occasion being the sixtybbooyfsi , wwhhoo wwa?ss floorittSunnaattee ttoo ccoommee j M»y 17th' at the Woodstock hospital fifth birthday anniversary of this a _ a]] 7 pounds of her grand young man. These folks have through the European campaign from i w ow T. ' * y . ... * - A - "D* day on to the capitulation of ^ our enemy unharmed. He recently | ™XT sent home a crate full of I^kt i7°f!!r^W* trophies. Included in his collection holiday. Lucky 17 for this are a German helmet, mess kit, gas nj n , , . ""'k' "«<•" kit *"d """* other Day services to be held at our Honor Roll at 11 a. m. on Memorial day. TTiis will be our opportunity to pay tribute to our boys and girls in the I service of their country and to jthose j heroes who have made th^ supreme ! sacrifice. • ! Chalk up another victory for our i unbeatable McCullom Lake Wildcats. ! They beat the Wonder Lake team ^a$rain last Sunday with a score of i 18 to 5. As usual, George Gorenson ! and his mighty pitching arm were ' on the mound with Jack Sales on the receiving end. Bill Schlitt did his!train ,rom Chicago to Crystal Lake interesting articles. S. 1/c Robert Struck, now with For That Tasty CLUB BREAKFAST LUNCHEON V DENNIS or be it STEAKS OR CHOPS Home-made Pastry--Sure BEST 07 COFFEE r Manor House, of Course Go To BILL'S Diner - Restaurant 513 Main St., McHenry "Where the Taste Tells" Give Us a Ring Phone McHency 438 CLOSED OH TUESDAYS made their home at McCullom Lake for the past five years and Mr. Chullerstrom has been .employed by the Freund Oil Co. of McHenry for two years. They have two daughters, Mrs John Gustafson of Deerfield and Mrs, Chas. Hayden of Evanston. Among the many guests who called to congratulate Mr. Chullerstrom and enjoy his hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaeffer, their lovely daughter, Eleanore. Miss Esther Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Menke, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baumeister, all of Chicago. May we also add our best wishes for many more such happy occasions. Just to prove that, our Otter Ebert's reputation for being a swell guy is worldwide, we will tell you of his recent experience aboard a . Mn. , jieeuwood and H Smartt PlekL Me^ ^ - laests in the Geort* Shepard, homer Mr. and Mrs^ Robert VanDusen and tors of login and Art Wehr of Elgin spent Sunday in the Oliver Laurence home. : best in right field and there was never a ball that got away from Farmers and Poultrymen! ATTENTION! Pay Top Price For GLEAN EGGS Bring Them In or Phone Waucoiida 2613 5 HANSEN POULTRY FARM \ Route 2 McHENRY, ILL. 31i E. Elm St., McHenry Phone McHemry 424 i 24-HOUR SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN FARM TRACTOR TIRES AND TRUCK TIRES ^ GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES ; GOODYEAR BATTERIES 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 30 At Qaulke 's Sale Bamr-Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois ^ Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 50 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS, EITHER CLOSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. DAIRY HEIFERS CALVES STOCK BULLS ^ HORS BEEF CATTLE AND BROOD SOWS YOU CAN BUY^ YOU CAN SELL H ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE ^ Call Wood8tdck 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring game morning of sale. Vr--; .. Terms; 25 per cent down, balance in monthly installments^ ...1 to 16 months time at y2 of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Company WILLUUI E. OAULKE, Owner PhoM BIS early one morning. Among the few passengers aboard at that hour was a sailor from McHenry, who had just returned from the Pacific and was enroute home on leave. This boy was a bit worried'about getting transportation from Crystal Lake to McHenry at that late hour and mentioned the fact to our Otter. Otter then introduced himself and was a very surprised man when the boy said, "I know you. Why you're the Otter Ebert us boys out in the Pacific have been reading about in the Plaindealer." We assure you that boy had no transportation worries from then on. Chalk up another good deed for our Otter. What do you suppose Warren Barber gave his mussus for Mother's Day, Believe it or not, it was a hammer. Could that be the reason for his hurried departure for South Bend, Ind.? Now i| someone would just send - Mrs. Barber a keg of nails, and, make her supremely happy. May 26th will a big day at the home of Harold and Zelma Grotthuspi for the occasion will be their seven* teenth wedding anniversary. Their three lovely daughters* Virginia, Joan and Zelma Lee, will also be on hand to greet the neighbors and many friends at an open house. Please, no r^n^is their one wish. We hope this day will be as sunny as the past 6205 have been for tfou both. There is much activity at the; home of Mr. and Mrs. Tryg Rognstad thiwa days. Pop informs us that the litt&P bundle from heaven is due to arrive/ in June and ever hopeful Tryg has been passing the cigars around already. May you get your wish, Tryg! Mr. and Mrs. Werner Bezani and Mr. and Mrs. Odon Hubsch were among the many folks who enjoyeda pleasant weekend at their cot?L tages. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hecht made their first pilgrimage of the season to their home here. Their main purpose was to survey the damage done to their fruit trees by the high winds of a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolin entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al Kolin at their home on Orchard Drive this weekend. Al is staff photographer on the Chicago Sun and hopes some day to find a suitable cottage here. He likes McCullom Lake and we are sure the folks here would like Mr. and Mrs. Al Kolin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomsen are doing a fine remodeling job on their newly acquired home on Maple Hill. We are looking forward- to a - big house-warming party in the near future. The nursery for little* Patricia Ann will be the main room in their cozy little love nest. Jerry and Betty Cermak were among the missing this weekend. It was a wedding anniversary of relatives in Chicago that pulled them away from our fold. No word from Al Horn these past few days, but then no hews'ii^feood news. \ , There is every indication that in the near future McCullom Lake will have the best paVed roads of any community if present plans work out. And we sincerely hope that they do. Don't forget, folks, that the date of McCullom Lake Community club's big "Hi Neighbor" party has been advanced to Saturday evening, June 2, instead of Sunday, June 3, as originally planned. \ Considering the splendid job our McCullom Lake Wildcats have been doing these past few weeks, we think that some steps should be taken to furnish these boys with uniforms and equipment. It would be a darn good investment, according "tq our way of thinking. ADIOS. ami Mrs. Shook of Woodstock ipant fljafouoay evening in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner of McHenry spent Sunday in the Abe Laurence home. Miss Norma Whiting of Grayslake spent the weekend in the Sibre Whiting home. Missee Helen and Amy Laurence of Chicago spent the weekend in the Oliver Laurence home. Cadet Nurse Audrey Merchant of Chicago spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Helen Johnson spent from Thursday until Saturday evening with relatives at Elkhorn. Sunday guests in the Walter Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Olsen and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and family of Woodstock, Mr. and' Mrs. Dale Thomas and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erey and family of Blue Island, Mr. and Mn. Alan Van Avery- of Spring Grove, Mrs. Roland Jackson ana Qynthia of McHeny, Mrs. Emma Beattv, Mrs. Viola Low, Alice Mae and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hill and daughter, Patricia, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore spent Sunday in the Fred Wledrich, Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and' daughter, Joan, of Chicago are spending the week in the Charles Brennan home. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., is spen<)ing the week at Albert Lea, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Maxson of Harvard were Mn. BS Sfemr ailsa<sil the fun-, etal of Aogwt MttSt at Spring Grope Monday aofata*. Mrs. 8. Wt Brown spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. ud Kn. Aid WfedridLj and daitgfeUr, J&|tos9ns>«»d liMjH1,! »qirtot, and Mr. and fii4 Jadt Lenard attended the wedjUnff Saturday afternoon of Miss Earlene Vogel and Ensign Ray Sengbush at St. James Episcopal church at Elkhorn Saturday afternoon. Wayne (Foss waa a gaest in the Chester Stevens home, near Spring Grove, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, spent Friday afternoon and evening with friends in Chicago. Mrs. Rose Jepson is visiting in the home of her daughter and family at Armstrong, 111. Miss Muriel Butler spent the weekend with her sister, Helen Ruth, at Bloomington. Several from here attended quar-< terlv conference at the Greenwood; M. E. church Sunday afternoon. Myron Sanderson of Kenosha spent the weekend in the Oscar Berg honpe. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday evening in Elgin. Mrs. Roy Dodd and son spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tfmm and daughter of Elgin spent Thursday afternoon in the F. N. Muzzy home Mrs. I. M. Deffenbaugh and grandson of Chicago spent the weekend in, the Louis Hawley home. Miss Bobbette Cristy visited friends; at Bloomington over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd entertained their daughter and "family from Chicago Sunday. Miss Marion Hawley spent Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. Hickey, who spent the past week in the L. Hawley home returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday. M?-*. Louis Haypfey spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Sibre Whiting and children as Mr. m Mm. J. C . ^ and Many, and Mr* and Mrs. Lsetsr Carr were visitors at Waukegaa Monday afternoon. Mr. aad Mrs. Boner Carr and fam- &sEi£r&&£Jir were >rge Shepard and son, Howard, visitors at Woodstock Saturday When packing sandwiches with moist fflUnge, don't lay them flat Staid edgewise and they'll not aqak the bread. if .j, . . Ashtrays • e^alied v* r i To prrant forest Ibes caused by cigarette flippers every*auto in Washington state must havf an ashtray;-/ One Bum >s--nOj took ERB-HKLP three dears aid said afterward tta* he never would have bsUeved Ms body fontafcefl ao amch filthy sifc- He says his slomach, intss 5p«£f!P system s?ea rn- w deaased that Ms constant- headaches cone to an end, several pimply skin eruptions on Ma face dried up overnight, and even the rheumatic pains in his knee Aaappeared. At present he is an altogether different man, feeling fine in every way. ERB-HELP contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver i and kidneys. MiseraMe people mn feel different all over. Get ERBHELP. Bolger's Drug; Store. 'TT,?' Read the Want Ads ' J i'&p "MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located in the Writer Bnildlng ftlNQWOOD, ILL. SPECIMEN BALLO|T Judicial Election, 17th Judicial District, '- /• \ \ , , *> Monday, June 4, 1945, isilipiai County Clerk. FOR JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT: SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. I ote for Tlire^) RALPH J. DADT WViukegan, Illinois Fish Pry Every Friday Night WILLIAM R. DUSHER ATLAS PRAGER BEER Rockford, Illinois Fred Bowman, Prop. AM M. CARROLL Woodstock, Illinois / more tlttxs RINGWOOEL^ . . , . . "I'm going to help our town be out on top in War Bond Sales this year. Yes, I caii devote mote time to selling bonds--I have my automatic range to thank for that! «I Just plan my meals ahead of slip the food into the ovea ===^=55?=S (By Mrs. George Shepard) Family Night will be held June S for parents (and friends of the Sunday school. A pot-luck supper will be served. Keep this date open. School closed Friday, thei 18th, and their picnic was held at the schoolhouse Sunday. The W. S. C. S. was entertained in the home of Mrs. Paul Walkington Friday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Howard Shepard, AMM 3/c, of Smartt Field, Mo., spent a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. before I leave, set the easy-working automatic timer... and away I go I It's really wonderful to -know that when I come homersdelicious dinner will be all ready to serve. - . • ' •02^ «Another thing--my automatic I* range is so clean cooking! It doesn't blacken my pots and pans. Why, I can wash them in a jifiy, 4s easily as cups and saucers. Accurate heat control keeps food from sticking or boiling over--and saves /' me many hours of scouring time. ' "Yes, there are dozens of cea* sons why I like my automitic range. One of the best is that I have time to be a War Bond Warden, and still be sure my meals will cook perfectly while •^Esiaway. v:.,. , „*!tJntil we got an automatic range I didn't know how easy it was to |e a really good cook. Why, o^ir f|nge cooks &st -- it's easy to use, and I find the automatic features do va big part of my cooking job for me. So if you have an automatic be sure you take advantage of -4fae help it can give you." Wayne Foss returned to his home Sunday, after spending the winter months in Richmond. His school closed on Friday, May 18. Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chi- PUBLIC ilRVICI COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS