I |Legion bnmse medal award Ur bein* an outstanding nupil, the letter and pin award for his atfclstic prowess. May we alao mixtion that Clarence Feiereisel, Jr., is a atar player on the McCullom Lake Wildcats team? We are all mighty proud of you, Clarence, proud to call you one of our boys. McColltai Lake On Parade ^ I By '^Yarditidt" " Greetings, Folks I %««*; ; week's vacation with Ms and daughter-in-law, Betty A week in such nice company at McCullom. Lake will do wonders for you -Plop." Ed im Grace Walton have re^ solved to do a Mod deed every day. Their good deed last Saturday was te lead a bat soul to his home. Ifa surprising how easily one can get As usual the Hi Neighbor party, lost at McCullom Lake on a dark r «uii fi,a h«ld at Horn's last Saturday evening! night ? Jhm. 17 iiM^or the *°*kB °* McCullom L#ke, was ) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen came spirit, Sunday, Jm»ea huge success. out to enjoy the week-end at their unhurt offtfijBy actoal count 162 P^OP1® were j cottage. Saturday evening Pop got an^d shovel and kbTe tthuerjel tlo^ gviven ynourr ipresent, 122 came early and stayed a yen to go fishing so he induced Ms and fi»0 iKa ntiior in mma i«ta .m<i io#* i .am .^ i«m cuknif* neighbor a hand with the job. party will start at 9 a. m. early for .there w,ag that 2 a. m. feedgive your late, the other 40 came late and left; favorite son-ift-law, Willard Schults, -- "•"* ° -- *--J to join hmr Little did Pop realise that the/lake breezes can be very chilly after dark and his recent change from red flannels to summer shortsmade him less comfortable. It was 1 a. m. when the thoroughly chilled duo arrived home. Pop's •"V .' * , G^ erenson, chairman of the Park ing of junior and sis tp be taken care and Beach committee of Property jt was an evening crammed* with Owners Assn., and Jerry Cermak, of hilarity. The crowd danced to the the Community club, will be on hand music of peter Kamingki ^ en. to supervise the work. They P™™- joyed the music and entertainment mmcu uu» tuF» ise to sec to it that all the Udie 6£ those two comics, the McCullom tongue was frozen to the roof of present shall be madei comfortable ( «Blue Gills," whose antics kept his mouth and the ra-tat-tat of Wilas they cheer their fav >n o tj,e crowd in stitches all through the .lard's knees awoke mother Olsen victory. , The park and beach belongs evening. and Therese, who quickly administo us all» so itis^he duty of every All due credit for the success of(tered first aid from a good sized property owner to do his share to the party belongs to Jerry Cermak,! bottle, got the reds out of the moth keep the grounds in a clean, sanitary chairman of the entertainment com-! balls and put the boys to bed. state. Dbn t risk being dupbed mittee of the McCullom Lake Com- Getting back to our beach. We slacker by shirking your obligation. munSty club> Betty Cermak, Ann, wish to inform all residents and Remember the date, Sunday, June 17, Horn, Mrs. Joseph O'Connor, Mrs. j weekend guests that stringent measat 9 a. m. ^ Kenneth White, Mrs. Paul Struck, ures-will be taken this summer to * ; News/of Our Servicemen Mrs. Fred Edmonds and others who!keep all dogs off the beach. Signs Lt, Ted Olsen, our Pacific ace, is" through their co-operation helped tolwill be posted at the entrance to the now stationed at Memphis, Tenn., af- make this party a success^ [ park to this effect. It is not at all ter a two-weeks rest at Miami,Beach. Top honors for the most graceful pleasant to have a dog or any other His present job is piloting the huge dance team on the floor that evening animal in the water in close prox- ,C-54 transport planes. His life am- in our judgment would go to Mr. and j imity while one is in bathing. So, bitiqjn realized! Mrs. Lee Larson, the Veloz and Yo-l out of-consideration to your neigh- ' * C M. 2/c Charles Davis, who, like >nda of 'McCullom Lake. I bors, please leave your dogs at home hir twin brother,' S 1/c Robert Da- „ , „ __ _ °r h»ve them on * leash and av0,d vis, 'served over thirty-nine months, . 7?®°^?..,.m*e*n<lu*raW® McCullom trouble. , , , . „ , in the Pacific, is home to enjoy A ^Wcats again teat the Won-! The weekend house guests of the well-earned, 30-day leave. A hearty Jer Uke >" Jast Sunday's game j Stuhlfeiers were jEnsign Robert welcome to you, sailor. • score of 6 to 5. (Knight of ^ywood and his bride, MSr. /Sanftd. RMorbse. rtH Jen. ryM aMrtianretitn, esto, n haosf ,l.hWe SW„ohni\dve,!r «J ^»k"e boys "mfitl" b*e* .p ort- ^ SC'^tyN, eNwew '"T™h'ee vyoouun™g «rtme time ao-n been renortvrf «<s ,n£ Prew haircuts for the next few | couple were married upon Mr. . . . !? repomd as ^ ^ t the trimming our Wild- Knight's return from a six-month missing in action Last week trip in the Merchant Marines as parents were notified that their he- *;ai7 r i V o f ni^n,y c®" ^ ptlo roic son had died in combat in C.er- tested game. Jack Sales was on the; Ensign. He made four ports in Rusmanv on March 24 Another trnld niound for our team, giving the 818 as well as ports in France, Ehgstar on o^T honor ' roll Merrwria ^'^ty pitching arm of George Go-j land and Scotland during which there miss was offered for Sis youT^rl ^nson a brief rest. _ J = some. anxious ™=ts The Wednesday, June 6, at 10 a. m., at When the news of the Wildcats'.«" g w accompanied by the St. Frances of Rome church, Aus- victory over Wonder Lake was an- ^ tin Blvd. and Fifteenth St., Cicero, nounced at Sunday's bingo game, the 111. - crowa went into an uproar. Keep ^he ^fekend with their litUe grand- > . , , up the good work, you^ Wildcats! F daughter, Patsy Stasknick, who is „ ., «» _ . , ! J (confined to the Grant hospital in Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel j _ .. . . . Chicago with a broken arm and other are two very proud parents and they As usual, James Pupik ^ enjoying jnjurjes incurred when she fell from have every right to be so. TTieir;a late spring vacation at the River- a second-stbry porch of her home son, Clarence, Jr., through his dili- side Hotel lfl McHenry. In spite of :n Chicaeo Wte wish vou a sDeedv gence and devotion to his studies,; the splendid cuisine at the above recove^. Pptsy has had every conceivable honor be- hostelry we . just know that Jim j ]yjrs 'warren Barber spent the stowed on him on his graduation day ; will be back with us in a week or weekend with her husband in South last Monday. Asidji from his di-'so. - iBend, Ind. Hurry home, Leone! ploma, he also received the perfect That grand young man from Ber- j Mr. and Mrs. Max Kolin, their attendance certificate, the American wyn, Anton Cermak, is enjoying a lovely daughter, Dorris, and hand- ' some son, Max, Jr., spent the week- _____ - % end at their cottage on Orchard Drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wortman | worked like two eager beavers this I weekend. Must be anticipating an early arrival of their grandson, the favorite son of Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Wortman. Capt. Chas. Wortman is now serving with the Army Air force somewhere in ithe Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gates, formerly tato oat a *i§'l|oiMnta to tiat our *wpi« to thooe thaTiave flSir all for at and alao those that stud ready to carry on. tlie simple and <digaMlod prognun Kemorial Day was a -- to those in n» serrioe aad thooe tkat planned and took part Mould have all our thanks. Any d*y BOW that long promised new* box will be installed at the beach for the convenience of our East end residents. Make use of it, a* it is our desire,, to serve all the people of this community and we hope to enjoy your * co-operation in the future ag we have in the past. ADIOS. After Inoertlni fftst» flatten atud to malm oontataor waterticht. Beef Galas Bi^f eAlves that nurse make more rapid gains than those that arj hand fed. *• liqnefy Honey To liquefy sugared honey, place the jar cdntaining it in a saucepan of hot water and heat slowly. • l«ii« Ink matches Hi'leather ttay be to retouch scratched aadfron ners on dark leather, worn cor- Natfon's Farma At present, only about half of the nation's 6,000,000 farms are familytype commercial farms and these plus 80,000 plantation - type 'farms produce 90 per cent of all crops «"H livestock sold. The remaining nearly «0 per cent of U. S. farms produce only 10 per cent of the farm products Sold, and at least 1,000,000 farms are being operated under conditions which make it impossible for their owners to produce an adequate family living. , Speek la Yoor Eja - - When anything gets into the teye, wait a minute or two until the tears flow freely. If the uppeir lid is then pulled down over the lower lid, frequently the foreign substance will be washed away. An eye should never be rubbed when a speck blows Into it. . Naming Affteft-, Just how the continent of Africa obtained, its name is still unknown. ;It is probably, of Phoenician origin, and seems to hafe been originally the designation of Carthage, as the colony of Tyre. It is certain that the name Africa was first applied to the neighborhood of Carthage--and the Arabs still call Tunis Afrygah or Afrikiyah. EDITOR CLEM imi- -• ---- --, » 4 Inches. Hmoo dress maButsctuifns are nov makteg garments te "$t that 78 par supposed to b# stow, i^f'oatuies. Btit YecsnQy a bttfi naming ahtad of an tutomo* bile, was docksd at the speed of 1* miles an hour until coukl find a convenient place to crash into ths eover. X WsUlag WHh Paiat Broth Welding with a paint brush irai unique term used by an advertiser of vacuum tubes, in telling 6f a welding problem in which technicians compounded a welding alloy that could be applied with a paint brush, yet wfll not be destroyed' by subsequent heating to as high es 2900 degrees Centigrade. •~r "Here's the proof. Danged if we ain't gotta go the limit to back the hoys who's snfferin' sad dying over theia, with BONDS, ilONDS, BONDS." Heavy Shipments •••."•v-vT Business handled by Railway press agency in 1944 was the largest in its history, exceeding 200,000,000 shipments, approximately 70 per cent of it war traffic. Included in this total were about 1,750,000 air express shipments, which constituted a rise of approximately 14 per cent over the volume of air express business hi 1943. "MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located in the Welter Building 'T RINGWOQD, ILL. -- W a h F r y E v e r j T r i d a y N i g h t - ATLAS PRAOEK BEER . At-; Red-Bowman, Prop^ /tm&UcoM jdefion . . CARNIVAL Sponsored by Wm. J. Metzen Post No. 265 HARVARD, ILLINOIS r ^ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NIGHHTS JUNE 20-23 Rides - Entertainment For The Children New Concessions Fun For Everyone Part of the proceeds of Carnival to be set aside ta continue oar Recreation Fund for boys now in service. Meet Your Friends at the Harvard Legion Carnival a# a 311 E. Elm St., McHenry- Phone McHenry 424 24-HOUR SERVICE --BPECXillZINO INF ARM TRACTOR TIREA AND TRUCK TIRES ° GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES ^ GOODYEAR BATTERIEi . • Spots before the eyes, dull headaches--or any other signs of impending illness--should call for. prompt, competent diagnosis. Call on your Doctor Bolgef's GREEN STREEF --before he has to call on you! 'rtiep, naturally, you will want to bring his prescription here to Headi quarters for careful compoundingbjrourspedalists. Store MCHENRY, ... • - .s meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*** SCKIPTICH NIGHT -AUCTION 7:30 p.m., sharp June 13 At Gaulke's Sale Barn--Route 4T--Woodstock, Illinois _ Charles Leonard, ^Auctioneer .'S»W 50 HEAD OF DAIRY 'COWS, EITHERi^OSE SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SIDE. DAIRY HEIFERS CALVES STOCK BULLS HORSES ' BEEF CATTLE SHEEP ^ AND BROOD SOWS . YOU CAN BUY -- YQJJ CAN SELL ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER y • , HM1 Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign All consignors make arrangements to get your livestock in, either the day before the sale or bring rnomiror of sale. ^ ' lerms: 25 per cent down, balance hi monthly installments. ,„1 to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest. Woodstock Commission Sales Co. Inc. Phona 572 - Violet Stuhlfeier, spent the weekend at the home of her folxs. Sons, Glenn and Robert also being along was the center of the weekend activities. The surprise guest of all time at the Stuhlfeier home was a-visit by an old family friend and not seen for over twenty years, Lieut. Commander Wm. Dickson df the Navy station at Great Lakes. Old times were talked over with a lot of laughs and a lump or two in the throat. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Derr have moved to Derrwood for the summer and it looks like these tWo young grandparents are in for a busy season taking care of their one and only granddaughter, «Pamela Jean, while' her lovely mother, Shirley Monroe, cavorts on the sands of McCullom Lake beach this summer. Our good neighbor, George Scheubert, who has been ill these past few weeks, is now at the Woodstock hospital for observation by the Staff, medics there. Hurry up and get well, George! / * Mrs. Harry Lock and her daughter, Sandra, are enjoying a week's' visit with relatives in Springfield,' 111. Have a nice.time, Girls! It is indeed gratifying to see the interest the folks here are showing' in the proposed road improvement program. Let us hope that this interest will be kept alive so that when our boys and girls get back after finishing their job overseas we can point with pride to the work we have accomplished during their absence. Let's all get on the band wagon and help those in charge to make this dream a reality. It's abig project, one that requires th« support of every property owner incur community. The small cost you will be asked to bear, spread ovef the years of service that you- will get from this improvement, ia in* significent, not to mention the in« crease in property value. We love this community and the people here and are in ftvor of any measure designed to improve it. Congratulationa To George Harker on his 25th birthday anniversary, June 6. Fred Thomsen on his 21st birthflay, June It. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brand on their six-month wedding anniversary, June 2. George Baumbeck on his 16th birthday, June 3. McCullom Lake 8oeiety Notes ^ The McCullom Lake Ladies* Pinochle club held ks last sessioaP of the season at the home of Mrs. Syd Smith Sunday. Hie afternoon vas enjoyed by Mrs. Leo Sales, Mrs.!"-^ Geo. Scheubert. Mm. Kan®, Mrs. Jean McDonald, Mrs. George Gorenson and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel. , The delicious refreshments served by the gracious hostess, Mrs. Syd Smith, were enjoyed by all those present.' Do You Know Thait Al Wetle is a numismatist as well as a philatelist? ' The two gangsters had their "wingg clipped in a game of "66" by Messrs.. Jim Pupik and George Harker last Wednesday? The (title of the "meanest person in the world" is justly deserved by the rat who stole a pile of lumber from the premises of LL Jack Gregory, who served and suffered woundsin the Pacific to make this a better world for us all. Lt. Jack Gregory,, who is home on leave after undergoing an operation recently, intended to improve his property. He man-. aged to purchase some materials for the job. After being absent from his home for a few hours last Saturday evening the lumber disappear ed. Lt. Gregory isn't complaining and we quote him: "lfsybe the guy PUS I1C S E R VIC E HOMEMAKERS' S U RE A ^ brings you practical helps for wartime homemakteg NEW MEN a MAGIC ' -to* MEATLESS.TASH tecfrcf Mr"1-- \ tap. -- -- H esp®11 Mtsp-ptpri** " H copfloo' U lb. cook«d sbrfmp 2 cope hot stfk H lb. cooksd Mpa»«S«# tbsp. mlne^ V**"** . \ ; Hmt to Make Br*d Bo«ke»« { ^ ^ br^d to mw off on. «nd oi I) Fof *»ndU, cat SUee rKMlnd« of loel, opp.rrimj of -fl AMKk "eb*d *?" ' inaqufc* BAKED ChWOl *w® :!* 1 t cap cook^ ®»h#d e•n0,* _ 1 cop top mUk H tsp. pap*0* . i w. --c* -.v'- r^s^ssssf^-r"^' ss.»»»'». • ... >z. ov.n.)8.rr««6. A •m v> .VIOTOHr •I A CADET NURSRtha girl with a future... Do your part of a BIG wartime job I Rich, new experiences and a priceless education are within the easy reach of all high school grad-' uates who qualify. For information, write i State Recruiting Officer, U. S. Cadet Nurse Corps, Room 1014,8 South Michigan Aycnue, Chicago 3, Illinois. ..... 4...^ ••• At