On Parade By lMW!; Greetings Folia! ing at Camp McClellan, Alabaasa. Hi was then tnuftmd to K Binning, Ga., for liwnert tnfadni to «• nance maintenance. On completion of his studies he was sent to duties overseas where he is serving to the present day. In a recent latter Leroy informs us of winning a rifle match somewhere m France and the prise awarded him for Ms excellent marksi ..ifefa-3-^L • :s*w manship was a quatt of good old ~ ^ # ^7' American feourbon, hot he further and Mrs. George Barker's favorite; gtates that he would gladly exchange mm' this highly cherished award for just I one minute alone with his one and 1 only lady in waiting, his dream girl, Helen Engels, of Chicago. Without a doubt his dreams are also Helen's dreams. Well bet on that. Here is hoping that they may soon materialise for your both. , News of Oar Servieeisa Pfc. Joseph O'Connor, who entered service about thre^ weeks ago, has tain Laae at the foot cedar poet on -ono shoulder,- a spade and sMgt hammer oa the other, i Otto, the smiHaa Mat who greets the epsteaoers at Mcuee's and who incidentally^ ralatod to Banna V marrUge, followed, carrying three nails* - Neafctn Has wem Lee Sawto ptrofan* aJWby - carriage with his daugf){er, ndfbara Ann, eooing contentedly inside it, followed by his charming wife. Lill. SklpiOr, the Sawdos' dog, acted as rear admiral. Thif strange parade ended up at the corner of Fountain Lane and Prairie View, where Emma unloaded her burden and, after digging a three-foot hole, burying the post in it, she expertly mounted the Pyrrtz niiil box on it. Otto then made a short dedicatory speech and after wiping his brow, asked his wife, "Are you tired, honey?" One instance when words fail you. been tnuttferred from Ft SfcwidM i"? T«V', to Camp Crowder, Missouri. We are j Klllh drify h°ik«"5o«f" *" *ni0y thM*; accommodate^th, many iSa^Mongdaily hikes, joe. 'tog to property owners. W\e have Lieut. Jack Gregory will be with j gjnce been informed by George Gorus for several weeks before report-, enson chairman 0f the Park and ing for duties at Davisyille, R. I. j Beach committee of the Property Yeoman 1/C Gerald Miller is now Owners Assn. who is in charge of, - , 4W11U ±. on duty m the Marianas and in this |this project, that contracts for this I **"* couple on Fountain Lane, are in J Smith spent an enjoyable afternoon far-off place it should make him improvement have been let out, but, »n® for congratulations this week.j wjth Mrs. Bill Bishop Saturday, happy to learn ttoat his new daugh-t(}ue to the present labor shortage, I<; was <$«>' seventh wedding anni-j Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilke and son. ter, Carp1 Ann, has also acquired a,W0rk ^ postponed until next versary, June 25th. May we also addjimmy, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. beautiful coat^of tan and look^ more sumnier. Jn 8pJte of this delay boat|ours to the many received. Warren Bartiaw enjoyed 4 vary pleasant weekend wHhrMn. Barber •t tMr cottage an Orchard Drive. Mr. Devik suffered palnftil injuries to his left hand when he 'hit his middle fiager a heavy blow with a hamm«r iroiletfS' we*k last Saturday. TfctHU 'tt kn«wr «at' it Ma patriotic to conserve oh metal, but why go to the extreme, Mr. Devik? June is a joyvus month for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen for so many nice things have happened to them this month. On the 21st they celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary. /On tile 19th their son, Leonard, Jr., celebrated his twelfth birthday anniversary. Among the guests present to help him celebrate were Patsy Gorenson, Arlene Thiele, Alice Thomson, Jimmy Sales, Fumkin Larson, Glen Huska, Robert Krickl, Edwin Horn, Jerry and Glen Marundi. Many gamee were played and the movies shown by Edwin Horn were enjoyed by all those present including Leonard's two sisters, Patty (By Tippy Klein and Evelyn Mkhels) Warnings to dog owiMi.tD keep their dogs tied W beonjono avail lated so bad^r Monday pight that it was necessary to kill them. All pet owners are ashed to please heed these warnings and avoid farther destruction. A large crowd attended the farewell party at Nell's Friday evening in honor of James Stilling who joined the armed forces Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kiddelsen and iter, Nbrma Jean, spent the id-in Wta. Martinec's home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smuke and daughter at McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kiddelsen and daughter of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. May were callers in the Wm. Martinec home Saturday evening. . T _ . „ , . , . Miss Dottie Martinec is speeding a and June. The delicious cake and icefew weeks with her grandparents, cream served bv Mb. Jensen brought, Mr. and Mire, Wm. Martinec, in the afternoon festivities to a joyous' Cicero. ' conclusion. , , ,, , Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Steve May, George and Betty Baumbeck, that Mrs. Peter F. Preund and Mrs. Fred link toe amu&iaow with bottoo-bar tread fnttern. <1 detr- • f*e«t deal upon ®»e amount of Water tees d. To retain the mast* mom amount of vitamins, the cabbage shedd be cooked % a small amount of water until just tender. d. bnQy wfll be more the masntlma. • IHcH saltan ooce ueed to flw deck. It is still used oa deck*. It wae called Holy a* •*5°™ •Iwaya* their knees when they ueed £ , CLARENCE'S SHOP JOHNSRURG ' Place orders now for Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Trellises, Window Boxes, etc. Also have full 1W of leather goods, market and wjish baskets, barn hrooms, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH v5" Route 1, McHenry, HIuested to register their LEROY KUEHNLE like her daddjr every day. ^ v , o^ers are reou< I . . ' Plews Mm * ' ' boats with Mr. Gorenson or Jerry Tt- was open house at the "home Cermalt, who is chairman of the Park of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff last and Beach committee of the Mc- « >r I \ ' He is-a graduate of Alcott school Sunday, the occasion being the twen- Cullom Lake Community club and a / in Chicago, where he was also a star ty-fifth birthday anniversary of Mrs. number will be stenciled on your on the school's football team. Graff. At least sixty guests took, boat. There is no charge for this roy Kuehnle entered service' in part in celebrating this happy occa- i service and will greatly lessen the Oct.. 1942, received his basic train- sion. Dancing was enjoyed on"^the , chance of your boat being stolen. lawn to the music of the McCullom j Lake Blue Gills. The Graffs.garage,' There is every indication that our 'J1 i1 iiW•K1 which has been converted into a bar, MoCullom Lake Wildcats' drive to enjoyed a steady patronage by the raise funds for new uniforms and male members of the crowd. A grand equipment will be a big success. As !£ time was had by a lot of nice people, usual the folks have opened their Among the most prominent guests hearts and purses to make our Wildpresent were Lt. and Mrs. Jack Grep- cats' dreams come true. •fr ory, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sawdo, Hugh The smashing victory our boys || McDSnald, Mr. and Mrs. C. Feier- enjoyed over the Wonder Lake team 4 eisel, Mr. and Mrs. Tlarry Lock of last Sunday, with a score of 16 to 3, Lockcrest. Mr, and Jlrs, Jfcrry Cer-J should make us all proud of these mak, the Harkers, Edmonds, the | boys. ' 1 ' > Jensens, Thomsens, Ronjstads, Mr. i |t Was Clarence Feiereisel's fine and Mrs. Ed. Stacknick, their two'pitching and" Jack Sales' catching daughters, Bette and-Patsy Kuhn, that was- in no small measure re- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaminski and sponsible for this victory. last, but not least, that all around The 4th of July wilj be a lucky swell fellow, Otter Etoert. i day for some resident of McCul- ! lom Lake when the Wildcats will in- • • It was a strange procession t^iat terupt their game with the married 'Sorro^ is a very steep.: ;rough road, but It leads! j ;straight to thfe heart of! I^God." ; |In time, of sorrow, ire meed ||our friends. Realizing that | Ineed we sjgrve not in the [usual business-customer re-^ ! Ilationship but as a sinceref I Ifriend in need. ? • • v ^i .I Let us serve vo.• n "w hen the*- • i b • • ^ «.need arises. :ob Justen Sons RAL DIRECTORS| -Phone McHepry 103-R || Residence^ McHenry 112-W Oreen Street, Corner 11m M'HENET followed Emma Pyritz down Foun- men and eive away that war bond. Ralph Trigin promises to have plenty of refreshments on hand should you wish to celebrate your ygood fortune at his Sugar Bowl. careful Oar skilled pharmacists are trained to stand- __^ards of exacting care. Yet , }o» pay no premium for 1 this high ethical service; It costs no more to have a prescription carefully compounded here. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid spent a very pleasant day visiting old friends in Chicago last Friday. We stand corrected. It was Jerry Perski who helped George Gorensbti with the paint job on the beach and not Bill Schlitt, as we erroneously reported last week. Sorry. Thanks folks for your splendid cooperation and until next week. ADtOS. Ml CARD OF TllANKS Bob Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Peter F. Freund home. Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and son, Joseph, Mrs. Louis Oleynjchek and daughter, Emylou, and Gertrude Schaefer, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schaefer and family in Winnetka. Mrs. A1 Huff and daughters, Shirley and Betty Ann, and Mrs. Joseph ! Michels and daughter, Evelyn, were Waukegan callers, Monday. Mrs. Martin Weber and •iii 11 iimi > 11 nn.»4m«*»»n nee - I"5* OAT MA1KTA1M HEALTH • •, TOR WORK AND PLAT . . . . A l _ | d a u g h t e r r e t u r n e d h o m e S u n d a y f r o m Thank you neighbors for the many | St. Therese hospital and both are gifts, and congratulatory messages on doing Jiicely. my recent birthday anniversary. It • Miss Veronica Schaefer spent the is a-grand feeling to know that one weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph has friends. ^ and family. AT LOW EVERY DAY PRICES The Taste 4hat Thrills infant Royal Blue COFFEt 31c l-lb. jar Kellogg's INSTANT COFFEE 2-oz. jar For a Quick Meal CREAMETTES 8-oz. pkg. .2 for 15c Royal Blue Tasty Sweet FRENCH DRESSING 14* 8-oz. Good Grapefruit Jt-|{ood-quality grapefruit is firm All Purpose Chocolate Syrup but springy to the touch, heavy for its size, rather thin-skinned and well-rounded. COCOA MARSH l-lb. jar t * * * ^ * 1 Pir-r Cater to Ffaxties and Weddings ^ CinelliV Tavern and Restaurant; -7 Specialty. FRIED CklCKEN - SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI Route 120, 1% Miles West of Volo LILY LAKE, ILLINOIS '•Yourpatronag e appreciated"-- afineoldpnrase too often neglected. But not at this PRESCRIPTION pharmacy. Bring your physician's prescription here for careful compounding. We'll follow his commands in precise detail. And you will pav no more for our Jnvjessional service. Bolger's Drug Store OREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. eeeeeeeeecee*•*•••••••••••eeee* A Here is news that so many of the folks have been waiting for. A1 Horn is with us again and to stay. We are certain that the fresh air and sunshine will speed his recovery to health again. We are all looking forward to the day when we shall hear his tonsils vibrate to the tune of "One dark and Stormy Night." Make it soon, Al! Numerous reports have reached us this past week of the damage the dogs are doing in the community. We investigated these complaints and found that the folks who have worked hard for the past month getting their Victory gardens growing suffered the most damage from dogs that are let loose <to roam throughout the community.. In one instance two dogs killed a cat that was a pet of one of our 'boys in the service. The owner of this pet- was assured by the state's attorney that action will be taken in the near future to dispose of 'all dogs that are allowed to run free. The summer folks. should take particular heed of this warning. v If- you 'bring your dog with you keep him within your property limits and help your neighbor who is doing his bit to lessen the food shortage to reap a big harvest from his Victory garden. The laws grant the right to any individual to destroy any animal causing damage to property, trees or garden belonging to him. -v ~ | Mr. and Mrs. Jeiry Cermack entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Cermak, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak and their lovely daughter. Dolores, all of Chicago, last Sunday. The memory or a very pleasant visit will linger long with tnete folks of that we are 6feiitain. . The passing of Grandma Kuhn, last Saturday brought sorrow to Mrs. Art Carlson, her daughter, and to Bette and Patsy Kuhn, her two granddaughters. Our deepest sympathies to you. Mr. and Mrs. Art Thompson, Mr. fend Mrs. Joseph Bald, their two charming daughters,, Lorraine and Joan, are with us to enjoy the summer. Welcome foil. ! The two McCullom Lake sisters, Mary Huff and Frances Barnard got a little tired waiting for a painter to show up to paint their cottages, so they toolk matters into their own hands. What does it msitter if they did get a^little paint on their cuticles. In twelve jfays they can again enjoy' that Ivory look if they can take to. heart some of the statements made on the radio these days. What care we about a little paint. In the moon-- light it don't show. Miss Barbara Howard's guests atr her weekend hep party report a most enjoyable time. Among the slick chicks who enjoyed the famous Howard hospitality in this Adamless Eden jWere Betty Hecht. Helen Zervos. the Antonusci sisters and Joanne Reutlincer. Don't give up hope, gals! Mr. and Mrs. Werner Bezani have decided on an addition to their beau tiful cottage on Knollwood drive to better accommodate their many weekend visitors. It's a happy crowd when the Kur- Irias get together. This weekend Mrs. Kurina enjoyed the company of her ion and two daughters and their families and a swell time was had by all. • The Kitty Cats' nine, a vest nocket edition of our Wildcats, played their first game last Saturday with the Ringwood team and suffered defeat^ Leonard Jensen was pinch hitting on the mound for the regular pitcher. Sonny Brown, and Bob Krickl tried hard on the receiving end, but ill spite of their valiant efforts th§ game ended with a score of 7 to 2 in favor of Ringwood. Better luck next Saturday, you Kitty Cats, when you play Ringwood on your own ?;rounds. The next game schedule*} or our Wildcats is with the Lily Lake team at McCullom Lake Sunday at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. W. L. Wortman has under* gone surgery at the Augustana hos* ;£? China 8talns Don't let vinegar, lemon salt stand long on your pretty na. The design may suffer. If CUPS aren't rinsed soon after using,-the stains will be hard to budge. If a cup has been stained, wipe with a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda. Three tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of warm water will soak loose any scorched or stubborn foods on earthenware or on your heat resistant glass. H'/z-oz. can I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Jr., j returned home Tuesday after spending their honeymoon in Wisconsin. I They are now at their home in Mc- I Henry. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung and ! daughter and Mrs Joe^P Michel*; R , were Woodstock callers Monday. MTT.K i ' Miss Lorraine Machen of Chicago | spent a few days with Mrs. George i Landre. • j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz of Spring I Grove and Mrs. Arthur Klein ana daughters attended the silver wedding ' anniversary of the Herman Saltzj mans in Woodstock, Sunday. They also visited with Jos Baur in the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crowjey of Rock Island visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan, C. Ptr., and fam- / 23c Royal Blue Sweet Mustard PICKLE RELISH Full Size 12-oz. jar jLSe 3 for 26c Summer De-Lite Beverage SYRUP, pt. bottle Makes a gallon, 6 flavors. No sugar needed. - CRICK'S - M'Henry 603-R-2 AiWiW At M'Cullom Lake ily the past weekend. I H f f ITS TIMS PM YOUK MISSURI COOKIR TO HAVI A * -yif/s. CUAN IT UP eei RUBY MR MAY (Canning Day) |||f| WHAT TO ©Ot 1 Be sure your pressure gauge is accurate. Have it tested. Some manufacturer* and colleges will check gauges if ----- you send them in. ^ ^ J** d* • > i-'l • y - |. T o eliminate any storage or cooking odors or taste, put water in pressure cooker to 1-inch level Toss in a big handful of potato peelings. Hea{ for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pressure. Cool. Wash kettle, pans, and rack* in . hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry. . 9 If your is flgminiim, avoid using strong soaps or harsh scouring powders. Remove stains from aluminum _i with a paste of whiting and vinegar. If you have a porcelain enameled steel canner, use water instead of vinegar. * 4 Wash kettle in hot, soapy water but don't immerse cover in water--the pressure gauge won*t like it. Just wipe cover with a soapy cloth and then a clean, damp one. Dry - thoroughly. If necessary, clean edges oif cover and kettle with whiting and vinegar. Dried food or scale formed by hard water on either edge may prevent a tight seal-- allow steam to leak out > . S Clean pet cock openings and safety valve frequently by J drawing a string or narrow strip of cloth through them. Keep opening of the steam gauge clean with a toothpick* m •Remember, your pressure cooker is a weapon of war. Care for it--share it! •ill IS *£J>~"