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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1945, p. 8

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4-H Club Plana Scrap Paper Drive The McHenry 4-H club has planned a scrap paper drive to be held in the near future, with Betty Schmitt and Julia Foley as co-chairmen. The girls who attended the 4-H clinic reported on its progress, followed by Averal talks and demonstrations. Plans were ftlso made for the party to Ire held for mother* of the members. * * * , Forty-Four Tafties f At D«sert-Briige j • . A record jwrowd - <®rly-four tables were .irfjpiay at the dessert- ] bridge held" la*b Thursday afternoon on the lawn tof the Walter Carey home. While the sun played peek-aboo throughout most of the day, rain drops remained behind the clouds until the last guest had departed. Mrs. Charles Gibbs and her committee are to be congratulated upon the fine success of their lawn party, which was one of the loveliest affairs of th summer season. Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Henry Nell, Mrs. C. N. Olsen, Mrs. J. D-rticloer, Mrs. R. Gilliford Mid Mrs. Ben Dietz. The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church, Which sponsored the affair, is als6 planning another public card party to be held on the lawn of Mayor Overton's home on the river on Thursday, August 9. Nursery School Teacher* Enjoy Picnic In McHenry > On Sunday, July £16, the staff of the Prussing War Nursery school in Chicago enjoyed a picnic at the home of the H. G. Zimmermanns on the river. Their daughter, Marjorie Strom, is a teacher in the school jhply Jit tO KofroahMnts win mi ing the * • • Knights Of Cthnhw . , ; 4natall Now Officer* Installation of new officers of the Knights of Columbus was held last Thursday evening, with District Deputy Charles O'Brien of Woodstock officiating. Installed were the following: Grand Knight, William Green; .Deputy Grand Knight, Edward Frett; Chancellor, Titos A. Bolger; Recorder, Walter Bolger; Treasurer, A. E. Nye; Advocate, Edward Larkin; Warden, Antoh Schmitt; Inside Sentinel, Vincent Adams; Outside Sentinel, Alfred Tonyan; Trustee, Clarence Martin; State Delegate, Arthur TYmyan; Alternate To G. K., Edward Larkan; Alternate to Delegate,' Earl Wfelsh. A doable ring ceremanv performed „ th* rectory of St. Johns church, Johnsburg, on Wednesday afttrnoori, July 11, at 2 o'clock, united in marriage Miss Del ma Thelen of- Johns- LAROE SUM WAS TAKEN FROM CRYSTAL LODGE IN MONDAY ROBBERY Sheriff Henry A. Nule is seeking Charles White, 25, who Monday night is alleged to have taken some $3,090 from the Crystal Lodge at Crystal Lake. The lodge is owned and operated by George Fritsel. White, who was employed at the Lodge since the first part of last week, is alleged to have slugged Charles Patterson, 74, night watchman and general handy man around the place, and tied him to a railing in the dining room. He then, it is said, entered the stock room and took $900 in money, mostly silver, lie then broke into the office, broke open a steel cabinet and took $2,000 in currency. The money on hand included receipts of the weekend. Besides taking $2,000 from the cabinet he also is charged with taking a 38 caliber revolver. Patterson, it is said, untied him- Those present were Pauline Stolerow, ] self while White was in the office Marge Kefer, Val Habryl, Ila Au- and made his escape. He, in turn, genlicht, Onarena JCathrein, Dr. and Mrs. Paul* Plotkin, Sgt. Joe Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Drerberg, Mr. and Mrs. Otto" Gorgius and Mrs. Strom. ™ * * • --• Entertain For Newly weds Sunday „ , Mr. and Mrs. William Staines entertained on Sunday at a post-nuptial party for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boxer of Kenosha, Wis. The occasion was also the birthday annivernotified Mr. Fritzel and Sheriff Nulle and his deputies, Fred Bau and Armour Birk, investigated. In making his escape, White is said to have torn up a record which was being kept on his working hours and withholding taxes. Whether White is his right name is not known. 4 DIES ON ANNIVERSARY Photo by A. Worwlck. McHenry burg and Donald Monte, GM 2/C, of Chicago. Miss Thelen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen and Mr. Monte is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Monte. The charming bride chose a gown of white marquisette with fingertip veil and beaded tiara. She carried a bridal bouquet of white gladioli. Miss Julette Thelen, sister of the bride, served as maid of honor, wearing a pink gladioli. Mrs. Donald M. Freund cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, wearing a blue net gown with matching headpiece and carrying a similar bouquet. Staff Sgt, Ervin Erber arrived home this w**k on a thirty-day forlottgh effeaf spending twenty-one month} fOtogland. On August 16 he wffl fport to Camp Gf*nVwfcff* he will receive his assignment for Pacific doty. Recent transfers include Jam*s Frisby from Camp Ellis, 111., to Plymouth, Wis., and George Johnson from Dtodge City, Kas., to Frederick, Oklahoma. This week we rggeived a letter from William Shoemaker, telling us that he was discharged on JuTy 4 from army service. He had been confined to Walter Reed hospital since returning to the States a. few months ago. "BiH" was badly injured last^ Armistice fiay uytfjwy. Edwin Stoffel of the merchant marine is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin^, Stoffel. He just returned from France, where he visited many historic sites. Gordon Granger, just back from eighteen months in the Netherlands East Indies, stopped in McHenry to visit old friends on Friday. With Gordon '"as his wife of two years, the former Miss Ruth Meigs of St. [ , - ^ Johnsbury, Vermont, whom he met MRS. WILLIAM Ft7H& while she was a student nurse and j' ^®gf- C. S. Nix officiated at th* he was just beginning his navy train-! nuptial service which united in the ing in the east. After speding most I ^ SSii? =5 Lo^l> of his leave with his sister and hus- 1IK' ®®r. William Funk. Ttt band, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Justen, in j adding occurred on Saturday, July 7. Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Granger left last Monday for Hayward, Wis., where they will visit his folks, the Darwin ^Grangers, before he report* for re-assignment at Minneapolis. Gordon has been doing mechanical work while |tationed in the Pacific. Two of his Mothers are also in service, Kenneth, now in India, and Bruce, in New Guinea. Photo A. Worwlck. IfeHeanr MARRIED .AT ST. MARY'S Robert Kuns of the navy Has been home on leave. Harry Conway is now stationed' in CzechoQlavakia, it has 'been learned. Recent transfers include Victor g a similar souquet. ^ Hunt from Wilmingham, N. Carolina, Douglas Monte, S 1/C, brother of to San Francisco; Charles J. Brda groom served as best man. Har-, from Fort Knox Ky f to Fort 0rd> old Thelen, the brides brother, was iGgjjf.; an<j Allen Noonan from Camp usher, ' Crowder, Mo., to Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Thelen's mother was attired] ----- . in a *p rin_ t di ress with, a -gl a,d ioli cor- I "Bob" Jensen has chosen the para- While1 Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, s***' , troopers and is now at Camp Robinsary of Mrs. Staines. Those attend- j nts of Mrs. Leslie Niemeier of ja. black suit with similar flowers as son, Ark. ing were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glosson|Barri were observing their ad£Inmen^. , - and daughter Mr. and Mrs Lee sevent*_fim wedding anniversary on I - ^e wedding dinner was served for Whiting and children of Woodstock; |Ju, 4* Mr> Knight suffered a heart I twenty-five members of the bnda Mr and Mrs Otto Madause of Wheat-!atJck and died Although he was! £»*/ a™* ""mediate families at land; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henry of Q1 Vfkar- nrjftr +„ ill Eva s Restaurant, with a reception Chanute Field; Mr. and Mrs. Joe' ^s he was enjoin* wod" health Allowing for seventy-five at the Boxer, Arthur Staines and Louella i Funeral services wer«f held the fol-1 bride's hom® during the evening. Madause of Kenosha; Mrs Clara: lowi Saturday afternoon at Mor- <*>"Ple left on Saturday for Spaeth Mr Klenery and Vincent j rison 15 m where he hag made hig! Boston Mass., where the groom is Boxer of C^cago. Mrs. Henry and! home for geveral years> stationed. Prior to her marriage, Bobby Lee Whiting remained for the w$ek. l i e » » » • » • # . » » » • • • Births • if IHM 111 • I ! »••••••• Mi An 8 lb. 1 oz. baby boy was born Baptize Carso Baby On Sunday The infant son of Serviceman and Mrs. Charles Carso was christened John Charles at baptismal ceremonies held at St. Angela's church, Chicago, last Sunday. Sponsors were John , Charles Carso and Miss Lucille Stef-: has been named Richard Raymond fes, both of whom acted as attend- j Mr. and Mrs. George Baumbeck of wits at the wedding of Miss Marie | West McHenry are the parents of Kinsala and Mr. Carso several years | a son, born at the Woodstock hosago. Following the service, a gath- j pital Friday. , ering of relatives was held at the) - A boy was born on Sunday, July the bride was employed in Chicago. COMING EVENTS •Wau- Martin Carso home. TTie baby's father, who is stationed at Alamagordo. New Mexico, since arriving home from overseas recently, is 'at present home on furlough. * * * Ql S. S. Planning Dessert-Bridge \ A dessert-bridge, pfafmed by the O. E. S., will be held at 1:30 o'clock , on Wednesday. July 25, at the Masonic h?!l. There will b^ a prize for *ach atble and special prizes. Those who enjoy cards should keep wis date open, as extensive plans indica^ that the party will .be an especially lovely one. * * Engt geraent Of ftlu;Mer Annoancei ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter j. Schaefer 1*f West McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine C., to Lieut. Joseph Gausden of Glenview naval air base, son of Mrs. Angeline Gausden of Center street, McHenry. Announcement of the en- | gagement is the culmination of a high school romance of several years ago. No wedding plans have been Hnade. ' * *: * ' * " • • 4-H Girls Bummer Outing The last meeting of the Cherry ^allfey Girls 4-H club was held at the homer of Sue and Joanne Strever. Mary Jean Doherty gave some pointers on "How To Give A Talk Or Demonstration," and Joanne, and Sue Strever gave a demonstration • on making gingerbread. The girls made plans for goin$ to camp at July 19 Juvenile Forester Picnic conda Beach. on July 10 to Serviceman and Mrs. [ Scrap Paper Drive--Ringwobd Sun- Richard R. Cylik of McCullom Lake 11"11!? , " _ . , . at Boston, Mass. The little fellow c- D- of A ~SoC^ July 2 1 - 2 2 Carnival and Chicken Dinner--St. Peter's Church--Spring Grove. July 23 Past Officers Night--O. E.JL July 25 ^ O.' E. S. Dessert Bridg* Masonic Hall. ~ July 26^.. Lady Foresters. ' July 28 ~ Barry Taxman, who has been stationed for many months at Fitzsimons hospital, Denver, Colo., recently entered the medical school at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. A. L. Kosinski, stationed in France, has been promoted to the rank of master sergeant. • THANK YOU Photo by A. Worwlck, McHenry CORP. AND MRS. WM. O'BRIEN Miss Bette Buss became the Jbride 15, at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. Mrs. Anderson is the former Alma Justen. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders of Spring Grove are the parents of a daughter, born at' the ^Woodstock .hospital on Saturday. A son was born at the Woodstock hospital on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Diedrich of Huntley, friends here will be happy to learn. Dorothy Jane i^ the new daughter to arrive at the home df Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCafferty in Vincennes, Ind. Mrs. McCafferty is the former Miss Dorothy Fisher of thU city. The couple have one other cnild, a son, Thomas. PURCHASE OF PHOTO COPYING MACHINE IS PROPOSED BY COUNTY Scrap Paper Drive--MeHenry 4-H Girls. August 3 Christian Mothers and Altar Society. Angust 4 Mid-Summer Dance -- Lilymooc Club House. August 7 Riverview Camp, R. N. A. August 9 Public Card Party--Ovqrton Lawn- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's Chutch. Members of the Christian Mothers i sodality are grateful to the City of j McHenry for the use of the City j of Corp. William O'Brien at a beaut- Hall, to the Plaindealer and to all iful nuptial service solemnized at who helped in any way to make their j St. Mary's church on Wednesday, rummage sale last week such a j July 11. Complete details appeared success. • I in last week's issue. ummono* aasnoB Major J. mer resident of McHemy, lias H*m appointed chief of th* Chicago ord nance district's ammunition branch, it was announced in Chicago recently. Major Roesch was called to active service with the district as a. first lieutenant in July, 1941. Before his appointment as chief of the ammunition branch has procured approximately bn*-fifth of all ammunition and bomb* produced in the United States sine* the start of the war effort. Before being called to active ser- MM* Ml >1 ' Mrs. E, E. Denman underwent wr^ gery at St. Tljerese hospital on Sat* s nrday. • Paul Schwerman is improving ii& Victory Memorial hospital, where hefc ^s. underwent surgery recently. Sandra Ann Altaian, granddaugh-t ter of Mrs. Alice Altman of Mc-^ Cullom Lake, underwent a tonsillec-s tomy at the Illinois Central hospital^ Chicago, on Friday. | Joseph J. Frett is a medical patient vie*, Major toesch was sales engi- at St. Ther*^ hospital this week. «*er for the St**l Sales corpocaUor of Chicago. He is a graduate of yer Academy ind the . . _. wife $nd daughter, Judith, have baen spending their summers at Mineral Springs Park in MeHenry for the past four yanra. During the winters they liv* at 2480 N. Lak " cago. ceview Avenue tti Chittoad the Want Ads Mrs. EsteBe Sfro of lily Uke ea Victory M«m»fial bospHal.on^ FIRST BCUPSE Ralph C. Huffer, astronomy pro* . feasor at Bdoit college, went to * small village, Roblin, 250 mites north-v ^ west of Winnip^, Canada, to stodj^'v^ • the first eclipse of the sun that he'-'.;' ; has ever seen. H* has d*scrib«av '.. eclipses in astronomy classes . fop^'"--1' *•* twenty-two years. mm 'j/' •' .V-".'-.' '• "i" uwim McHenry county may purchase a RectigYaph photo-copying machine in the near future. The county board last week voted to refer the proposition df purchase to the purchasing committtee with power to act. The copying machine has absolute accuracy in making photogenic copies, saves time, increases efficiency makes permanent records, makes improved records and most of all cutl recording costs. An item brought into - the picture in connection with the machine is the fact that in the near future many, of the old records now oh. record in the various offices of the court house will have to be copied over. With a photo-copying machine this could easily be done.. Many counties are buying photd? copying machines. They are not only a labor; saving machine, but also cuts down . the cost. It would probably eliminate one member of the staff in the local clerk's office and Mr. Edinger said getting efficient help these days is a big problem. The, machine costs $3,000 and it is expected, if purchased, it would p»y for itself in three years. Saft Custard A soft custard is don* when it coats a spoon. Longer cooking will not thicker it but may cause it to curdle. r--^ ^ Let Radionics ' lend you its ears '••••Ml •*•••••••••••••••• ... for just a few minptes, and , discover what new worlds of - sound this fine instrument can . bring to many hard of hear- DEEP APPRECIATION FOR LEGION CARDS IS TOLD BY SAILOR BATH BUBBLES..., Relax in s blanket of fragrant foam, with water made velvety soft by thete refreshing new BATH BUB* BLES. When you proceed with bath* •Mp makes buboles disappear. Tub Is left 0ndess and sparkling, i love BATH BUBBLES, too. OF IWBtTY-ONr PACKETS HP0 la Uk, Csnfcwlis. Southern Pint, fMl WHttsm (Carnation), White ft* CofcaM SMNpMt ; mm mkmttaqfc.s ing. Revolutionary--in first cost, low upkeep, eaae and convenience of use. You will not be pressed to buy. We sell only to those who can be helped. No high pressure salesman will call on you. NEW Feather - Weight Stra Radionic Hcarfng Aid GREEN STREET The following letter, typical ?f many received by the local Legion post, tells cf the deep appreciation of servicemen for the kindnesses ex tended by our veterans: ' Dear Sirs: " "I received your Legion card and your very friendly letter. I'm writing to express my deepest apprecia tion. I'm hoping I will have i friendly greeting when I use the card you enclosed. "I take it from your letter ttiat the Legion has facilities throughout the United States for servicemen from the last war and this one too. I'hat in itself is a great achievement and I hope the American Legion can continue its very friendly work. : "So with this I thank you, Mr. Yanda, Mr. Page and all Legion-: naires helping you, from the bottom of my heart. "Very sincerely, lutnou r vd a rroc "Philippines." 1st popular and becoming styles Once those scorchers" get m you'll thank 'V vou'r luckv stars that you, took our advice and got one of our head-cooling straws. Wide, narrow and medium brims in a selection of * weaves. Ready to wear--complete with radionic tubes, crystal microphone magnetic earphone, batteries and battery- saver circuit. Liberal guarantee. On* model--One prict--One quality--Zenith'i fintwt. No extra*--no "decoy." MALLORY AND CHAMP $3.85 to. $5.50 WelnvfteYou -- (feme In for Dembmtratfair ZlSOLGER'Sr DRUQ STORE ING tNTO SUMMEff AT M - Stort for M*n - MeHENKt.^ • •X I desire to announce that I will open my TAILO&fflOP at 416 Main Stroot, West McHenry, on •SATURDAY, JULY 21 to do all kinds of Gleaning, Remodeling, Repairs and . Alterations on both ladies' and men's garments. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . GIVEMEAOALL' JOHN, THE TAILOR (A; John Martin) • ^--4 .fprrr-" ^ "xv.s FK U' Iteport of Conditiwi of WEST McHENRY STATE BANK of McHenry -S^est. McHenry) Illinois, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on June 80, 1945, Sublished in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve ank of this district pursuant to the provision* of the Federal Reserve Act. ^ .v.,- ASSETS A 1. Loans and iiscounts (including $258.96 overdrafts) 849,623.46 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ( 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions .......... 154,696.24 2,146,765.16 154,696^4 141,301^0 3,000.00 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures ,?... 5. Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock Of Federal Reserve bank) ./. 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection 1,054,168.77 7. J|snk premises owned $2,549.00, furniture and i - fixtures $1.00 2,550.00 12. TOTAL ASSETS .^352,104.82 , LIABILITIES y 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and' corporations U.....^l,970,794^9 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and fir v corporations -- 1^91,193.59 15. Deposits of .United States Government (including postal savings) -- 425,805.84 15. Deposits of United States Government (including 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) .... 45.691.41 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $4,112,719J« 23. Other liabilities 1..* 13^107 24J 'TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) ..... $4,1^6,231.30 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital* Surnlus Undivided profits J ..... Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) ...4. 50,000.00 50,000.00 73,373.52 52,500.00 29- -V TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4 225,873.52 SO. 1WAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL * "!T ACCOUNTS : ^...$4,352,104.82 . TThis bank's capital consists of common stock with total par value ~$50j000.00. MEMORANDA '31. Pledjred assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities 756,500.00 (e) rTOTAL 756,500.00 ^-Secured and. preferred liabilities^ - (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law j . 1, ..$ 42£^305.84 (d) Denosits preferred under provisions of law s but hot secured by pledge of assets ^............ 1,868.90 (•) TOTAL 4 427,174.74 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ^ ROBERT L. WEBER. -- Correct--Attest: WILLIAM M. CARROLL. • GERALD J. CAREY. ~ C. J. REIHANSPERGER, Directors. Gerald J. Carey C. J. Reihansperger Robert L. Weber ... Lillian M. Larson ..* President Vice-president ...Cashier Asst. Cashier MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURAMCX CORPORATION . . BUT UXITED STATE® BAVXM& BOVD8 '

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