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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1945, p. 6

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•' 'I ?'#*"• S-Vv\t * i5f^ A>/ f]-i .••t.^Sf rsC^fs , Jtfr tt, 1M HiiitMi Weil? Discovery Aid of Mr. Walter Carey, alio of Mc- Hwrjr, A truck, owned an<i OMtUd by FOE SALE FOR SALE--Two Are-gallon gasoline To Food Canners cans; two fire-gallon oil cans; electric battery charger; hydrometer; electric victrola; small round table. FOR SALE--Gas, oil, kerosene and "fuel oil; tire repairing. Lawn mowers, saws, all hand tools sharpened; tire recapping service. Crick's, Mc- Cullom Lake. Tel. 603-R-2. *10-3 "FOR SALE--Bought another boat. Will sacrifice 20-ft. Express cabin! cruiser, 96 H. P. See at Hughes Boat Co., Fofc Lake. 10. JFOR SALE--Five-room modern home,! "furnace heat; five acres fronting on highway; creek in rfear. Address Box 11, care Plaindealer. *101 FOR SALE --Refrigerator counter' for lunch room, 6-ft.; nearly new.! Felix Matzat, McCullom Lake. Tel. McHenry 608>J-2r *10., FOR SALE--Tennisalar white enamel ;- gas stove, left hand oven. $25.00. Good condition. Tel. McHenry 189. 10 WANTED*--Girl or woman for general housework. Plain cooking. Two school children. Good home. Own room. Summers at Powers Lata after season, Elgin, 111. $100 per ; month. Call Genoa City 65-R-2 be- I fore 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m. or write Blossom Shore, Rt. 1, Box 61, Genoa | City, Wis. 10 WANTED--Yard man or truck driver. Alexander „ Lumber Co. Tel. McHenry 5. lOtf WANTED--Woman to wash dishes and help in kitchen. Phone Pistakee 323. Pink Harrison. 10 WANTED---Lady for cleaning cabins, apply Pink Harrison* Phone Pistakee 323. 10 WANTED--Draft exempt 'man for war work. Apply Miller Products. Phone 195. 89-tf WANTED--Girl or woman, general housework, plain cooldng. No heavy cleaning or laundry. On Pistakee Bay. $30. Mrs. Kelley, Tel. Pistakee 683-J-l. 9-tf FOR SALE--Hawaiian steel guitar ^ • with leather case. $45. Gruener, WANTED TO BUT Rt 1. McHenry. Sunnjjide Eotite. WANTED TO BUY--.Private party 1U wants to buy small acreage with a ISIlTOR SALE--Choice Wisconsin dairy l'val>le house. P*rf«r P®** equipped cows. Fresh and close springers. JS" S-» Math May farm, Spring Grove. Tel. PUi^UaW . Richmond 4810. *10-2 dre8a ®°x G' » ««• P»»dssler. $?S; eleSriTjlatS!1 nwrly ^NTH) TO BUY ^ Year-'round new, $8.00. Inquire Lear, Horn's near McHenry, must have river Ourroocceerryv , MMccCiuuililoomm Ll*akkoe.. *1il0 l fpraoyn tuagp e toa n$d1 1,i0n0 0g. ooWd rriteep aFirr.a nkW Eill. FOR SALE--Saddle horse and equip- Bohl, Crystal Lake, 111. - *9-2 Kri«h,eSUMcHSiy'S»i|& Al" WE HAVE CASH BUYERS _ for I winter or summer homes, farms and FOR SALE--48-inch electric iron, j vacant. List your real estate with baby bed, bed springs, mattress and j us- Jacob Fritz, Real Estate, Johnsfolding bed. Tel. McHenry 241. lOtf burg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2; Chi- ! cago phone, Lincoln .1333. 9-4 FOR SALE--Used nests for laying' ' hens. Call Genoa City 65-R-2 be- j , LOST fore 8 a.m., or after 7 p.m., or write r Blossom Shore, Rt. 1, Box 61, Genoa J LOST--Short haired dog, medium City, Wis. ; height, color, white and brindle. The FOR SALE--Year- round comfort and is "Laddie. , .economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- '.V ville Rock Wool Home Insulation "Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call V.,. LEO J. STILLING, McHenry 18. 36tf. w. FOE R2NT FOR RENT--Five -room modern cotname 205-M. Please phone *10 Eases Haymaking Use of the buck-rake, hay>blower, and one-man pick-up baler is greatly increasing the efficiency of haymaking on farms. Cracks and Flaws Detected By Photoelectric Cell, NEW YORK. -- A benefit to food processors and consumers alike was seen in an announcement by General Electric of the develop ment of a photoelectric crack detector that inspects glass Jars and bottles as tV*y pass on a rotary turntable, automatically »<ngHng out and rejecting those that contain minute cracks or surface irregularities. Such flaws, if they were to pas* unnoticed, might prevent airtight sealing and result in spoilage of the contents. More accurate than a human inspector in uncovering defects in glass containers, this' crack detector is also much more rapid. It inspects bottles as fast as they are made on a bottle-making machine, which may be one or more every second, and it detects even those flaws which are- barely visible to the naked eye. In one food packaging plant it was previously found that, on the "average, 2 out of every 1Q0 glass containers with flaws escaped detection by human inspectors. In operation the detector rejects faulty containers without interrupting the continuous bottle-making process. As the containers automatically move in frpnt erf a sensitive photoelectric tube, they are whirled rapidly while a strong light is di-. rected on the psrt to be inspected. Since the phototube is not affected by a steady light, the light reflected by a perfect glass produces no effect. A rapidly spinning bottle with even the slightest imperfection on the sealing edge, however, causes the light beam to flicker, and this quick change in the intensity of the beam is sufficient to eject the imperfect container while the perfect ones are allowed to continue on their way. St. Mtfry's Catholic Chuck Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and .8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. r Thursday before First Friday-- -After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. ItMH ef Interest 1Uw Frost the Filsa of the Platndaalor of Years Age SIXTY YEARS AGO into the water hvtaant, located at the corner of Green and Elm streets on Wednesday morning. The impact paused the breaking of an inner-valve and before the driver could realise what had happened he was caught in spray of water which for a time caused serious, damage. ) St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9i00, 10:00 and 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30 On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to &00yp. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. • . Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 6KX) p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke, Pastor. file .Remove Marks tage, beautiful Pistakee Bay. Sev-' ..M""Vac"k* marks ccaauusdc xi ei« -eringhaus Estate, Tel. McHenry 194. waxfd lincIeur" g rubber heels are 1 easily removed with a rag which has been dampened with turpentine. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Chicago business man and family wish to rent Monkey May Take Dog's f Title at Man's Friend WITH THE MARINES. -- The 1|f, which has long held undisputed pK as mac's best friend, may have a Mrious challenger in the Rhesus at least as far* as men who served in the Pacific are conf • * Japan Mountainous Japan is mountainous and not • 5 or 6 room modern house; conven-; mo..r.e than on. e-.s ix..t h . is av_a_i lable , for ient to Northwestern depot; Sept. 1 cultivation, but it is very produc ^occupancy. Box No. 12, Care Plain- 4""" A~~ * deafer. MISCELLANEOUS tive. Rico, tea, tobacco, potatoes, 'xo j barley and wheat are the principal -- [ crops, and in the southern part of Japan two crops are often reaped annually. The flora is rich, and * MISCELLANEOUS -- Floor sanding! fruits are abundant, but for the most and refinishing with floor seal. Old j part jA inferior quality. Oranges or new floors. Beautify your floors, i are grown in the sheltered valleys of All kinds of flw worlt dont, Church Kiushu, also the sugar cane. Silkoia n*06" ot tS* Woodstock 902-R. j worms are cultivated to a large 0 Grove St., Woodstock, 111. 10-41 extent. Among the vegetable pro- CONCRETB MASONRY I Auctions are the camphor tree, INUNDATIONS--CHIMNEYS P*P«r mulberry, vegetable, wax FIREPLACES ' tree and a lacquer tree which fur- E8TIMATES FURNISHED • nishes the celebrated lacquer of TEL. 673-M-l Japan. The tobacco plant, tea shrub, potato, rice, wheat %id' other cereals are all cultivated. Agriculture, upon which the Japanese bestow great cars, is their chief occupation. WM. ROCHELLE •3-18 ... IWOR TILE--for kitchens, bathq recreation rooms, commercial ',fK - ' hallilngs, etc. Also floor sanding *a*e refinishing. Homing Newman, a •» Marvel Ave.^hone 131, Wood- *toA, M- 51tf jr 'FOt'ANY TYPE OF HOME INSULATION, ASBESTOS SIDING OR A >'Ji ' • MEW ROOF, see Bob Frisby, Peo- ^ pto's Insulation Co., 104 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111., Phone McHenry 211-J. Woodstok, 210 E. Jackson St Phone Woodstock 817. 20-tf Deafness Caused by Colds Millions of men, women and children in the United States are hard of hearing; and an important cause of hearing impairment is the Common cold, according to the Sonotone research laboratories. A single cold does not ordinarily impair hearing, but when a person contracts cola* season after season, the effect sa^-; SrwmrpLiKSTmYr" ?in. Ith0eU Rci,t„y PoErE Sc0oNun.AtryL, wherever located in the U. S. or Canada, against fire, burglary, windstorm, all in one policy^ -Tor information call Jacob Fritz,' Real Estate and Insurance, Main St., Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 672-R-2. At Chicago, phone Lincoln 1333. 50-13 TREE SPRAYING AND WHITEWASHING -- Frank Henkel, Volo. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 46-tf WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING -- All work fully guaranteed. 'Torchy" Krause, 310 Elm St., McHenry. Tel. 379^ 42-tf HAYE YOU HEARD about the new reduced Auto Liability and Property Damage rates? They will surprise you. Ask us for insurance rates. The Kent Co., McHenry. fhone, 8. 27-tt GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage et^ch week, or oftener if desired. 1 Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365. tv tf DEAD ANIMALS WILL WIN THE WAR -- Five dollars is the leasti we pay for dead horse's and cows in good condition. Wheeling Rendering Co. Phone Wheeling No. 3. Reverse the charges. No help needed to load. 14- Because the middle ear is connected with the throat Itr the Eustachian tube, infections of colds rf.ay spread to the middle ear. .In seveie coids the tube and the middle ear may become filled with nryicus. Repeated cold infections, it is believed, may progressively injure the memfe/ ajies in tto middle ear and affect the functioning of the delicately adjusted hammer, stirrup and anvil, which transmit sounds to the inner ear. The experience ^Mtad Lt. Walter D< ffesn. a marine airman, is an indication of why monkeys may rentes dogs as fireplace companions sad slipper toters. Lieutenant Bean, his plane cripplsd by enemy fire, was forced to Mil out over the Philippines. For days he waded through swamps and battled the jungle, having several close calls with Jap patrols. But tts worst things of all were the insects that attacked him. Coming across a baby Rhesus, Ltattfnsnt Bean Imitated an old na- Ufa custom and tied the little fellow ffWl*1*1 his neck, letting it roam at will about his head and shoulders, out and eating the annoying Lieutenant Bean arrived at his base safe and untor- The monkey greeted new with a satisfied, well-fed II his plump little face. St. John's Catbolk Church, Johnefcarg Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 . Weekdays: 8:00 : : •First Friday: 8:00. ,,, Confessions: Satu"d *ys: . 2:30 and, 7:j ^3' H)ursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. # s Rev* A. J. Neidert, "Pastors . #t. Peter's Catholic Chardw Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. . Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. i Confessions: ^ Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15." Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. The railroad timetable has been changed. One new train, the Steamboat Express, was added on Monday, making five trains per day each way. The Children's Day exercises at the Methodist church last Sabbath were enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience, both morning and evening. The church was beautirally decorated. Mrs. Nettie Taylor, by request has opened a select school in this village. It will be held in the primary department of the public school. Terms fl.00. I. N. Mead has moved into his new store, just finished at the West end, and now has one of the finest hardware stores in this section. . C . - 4 . „ I C ; r * \ - ^ -.'vn . . < <v frlFTY YEARS AGO Isaaic Wentworth has just finished burning his first kiln of brick for this season. It contains 160,000. Jos. E. Crista and wife, of dogwood, left on Wednesday (on an excursion to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone Park. A band of gypsies camped on the east side of the bridge Monday. , Mm. E. A. Lamphere has moved to Wauconda where she will reside in the future. C. E. Lamphere will occupy her residence in this village. FORTY YEARd AGO Automatic water systems, electric motors, quick-freeze Refrigerators, and feOd grinders are at the top at the list of. eleetficil equipment which farmers on electrified farms say they wilt bu^ After the war. This is indicated by the statements of 11,833 farm families selected to represent a cross-section at REA systems in a survey recently conducted by a farm magazine for the count at large. . Electric motors will be much la demand, for 31 per cent of the reporting farmers now own motors and about 10 per cent plan to buy them as soon as they are available. Cold storage and quick-freeze units wiH be bought hy • i*r cent, and feed grinders by 7 per cent. Fanners are not interested soldly In productive equipment, results of the survey Show. They want electric ranges, refrigerators and washing machines to make life easier for the women on the farm. They dasire electric water pumps not only to pump water for livestock poultry, but to put tunning water into the kitchen sink ami bathroom, .to eliaoinate jtie drulJIry of drawing and d^SwsfitSr hand, and & ipjmve sanitary coMtitkps. \ a ?w ' SigaUCimi Mindanao Rulas. U. S. 47th Div. infantrymen advance on house that was shattered by shells War Bonds helped to^supply. Action at Zam- U. S. Trmunrt Dttm tmmt „ • , -- 'WsKt' Stuffed toys can be deaaed with one of the soapless lathers or foam sold for use on rugs sr upholstery. Just apply the lather or foam with a sponge and rub clean. Since no water is used, the stuffing dossn't get wet and the toy dries quickly. Kn»nm The McHenry steam laundry, under Zioa Evangdkal Lutheran Church the management of M. S. Van Natta, John St. East of Highway 31 West McHenry, 111. will open for business next Monday. , The new enterprise is fitted up with Herman & Noll, pastor, Round Lake, j the latest improved machinery and Illinois. [nothing but first-class work will be A cordial welcome is extended to j turned out. all (who have no church affiliation to! Among the latest improvements W. worship with us. The message heard LF. Holtz has made in his liveries is from our pulpit, we are sure, will fthe addition of a dandy new bus, fill your heart with hope and courage, j made at Janesville. It will carry Services .9 a.m. Sunday School . 10 a.m. "Christ Our Only Talking Point!" W E L C O M E Listen to the International Lutheran Hour Sundays--WGN 11:30 a.m. ; Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. L Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. : Junior League: 6:30 p.m. Epworth League: 8:00 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. twenty passengers, comfortably. Chris Hapke recently furnished music for a dance at Twin Lakes. His orchestra is becoming widely known. With the new electrio road through McHenry we will witness one of the greatest booms ever. The road is now almost an assured fact. Burns Fatal More people were killed at home by burns than those killed in all railroad accidents last year. Javsalls Arrests Arrests of boys under 18 were 18.1 per cent greater in 1944 than k 1941, the last peacetime year, aad arrests of girls under SI showed a 134 per. cent gain over tha f Relief b In sight for the harried gardener whose lawn lights a losing battle with weeds. Government researchers have discovered a chemical compound which kills most lawn weeds without affecting the grass. The compound is called 2-4--dichlorophenolacetic acid. Wonder Lake Ev. Luth. Church (Missouri Synod) Sunday school--10:00 a.m. Divine services--3:00 p.m. 1 ' H. L. Pfotenhauer, Pastor. Grace Latherafc Church Richmond'. j ) - Sunday School: 10:lo,vsCm. The Service: 11:00 a.m. John W. Gable, Pastor. . - Rfnsfwood Church Rinffwood, 111. Sunday--Public worship, 9:30. Church School: 10;30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, director. WINS SILVER STAR THIRTY YEAR$ AGO The bid blacksmith shop building which during the past few years has occupied a1 site on Waukegan street, near the Park hotel, has been razed. • The windows of the McHenry postoffice have been newly re-lettered. J. W. Smith was the artist. Mr. Smith is an expert with the brush and hard to beat. Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 27 cents per pound last Saturday. Jos. J. Frett moved his household goods from Chicago the latter part of last week and he and his family are now enjoying their cozy new home on North Water street. Towels Beautiful guest towels may be preserved by providing fancy printed paper guest towels in your bathroom as well. Few thoughtless guests will use your good linen under those circumstances. And a box of facial tissues in the bathroom may avoid lipstick smudges on tow- •Is. lighted Train First electrically lighted train In the world was run in the United States la 1887. r N Midi" W"0MJ TWENTY YEARS AGO Need Rubber Stamps? Order it The Plaindealer.^- Lock-Picker Discovers An Easy Road to Success SALT. LAKE CITY. -- Glen Hickenlooper can pick just about any lock--and he does it with the full approval of the law enforcement authorities. He took up the lock-picking business some 20 years ago when he locked an automobile with an oldfashioned tire "bump," then found he had lost his key. He fashioned another himself when locksmiths quoted prices he figured were too high. Since then he's been opening locks and making keys as his business. A customer recently offered him $50 if he could open a safe that had been locked for 10 years, defying all other experts. HickenloOper had it open in 10 minutes. _ Mr. Ardin F. Frisbie, of Pine River, Staff Sgt. Charles W. Mattinglv. Wis., and Miss Mary Belle Harrison son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mattingly of Ringwood, were married at Woodof Union, one of five brothers in ser- stock Thursday morning by Rev. N. vice, has been awarded the Silver A. Sunderlin. Star, one of the highest military A very pretty wedding was solemnawards given in service. I ized last Saturday morning at eight i o'clock, in the chapel of St. Mary's . college, South Bend, Ind., when Miss Order at | Rosemary Nye, daughter of Dr. N. J. j Nye, of this city, became the bride Need Rubber Stamps? Plaindealer. A N T E D - Clerks and Typists for our purchasing Department. These are permanent position# with post-war security, -v v ' FRANK* ©. HOUGH CO. LIBERTYYILLX, ILLINOig Bc*b« SIBOL provides «a casr treatment for manr common Bimtiin Troubles that causa livestock losses. Use B*ebe SIBOL in these inwsrarer • SLOW TO COME IN HEAT O RETAINED AFTERBIRTH O DISCHARGE FROM UTERUS O SLOW PIGGING smd LAMBING Bee be SIBOL strengthens aod tone* up uterus. WATTLES DRUG STORE McHenry, Ilk Indian Beaver Family -- Joins Up to Fight Japs WASHINGTON.--The Beaver family of Oklahoma Indians have declared their own personal war against the Japanese. The navy reported that three of the Beaver boys are in action in the Pacific, and two of the Beaver girls are enlisted WAVES at the Norman, Okla., naval air station. ..They are fill children of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Beaver, whose farm is near Binger, Okla. One of the sons, Hubert Dennis Beaver, fireman first class, has been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received at his battle station aboard a battleship in the Pacific. - . :: GOOD CLOTHES DESERVE GOOD CARE 103 Elm Street Phone McHenry 104-M Politeness to Hens Pays In Eggs, Expert Avers '"TUCSON, ARIZ. -- Some advice jto the people planning to supplement red points with poultry of their own w§s given but by Arizona university agricultural extension service. "Be polite to your birds," the bulletin states. "Tap on the door before entering to let them know you're coming. This prevents scar ing them and all adds up to more eggs."" Dust Cover A third sheet over wool bedding makes a useful dust cover and adds warmth, since it holds still air in the fluffy wool. Milkweed Seed lln milkweed seed has a higher oily consent than the oil obtain from ti>e soybean. As it is semidrying/ it will be extremely useful In the makifg of pa&its and finishes. Bead the Want Ads IMPORTANT NOTICE to wage-earners in the Chicago area & DO YOU WANT TO SERVE YOUR COUNTRY? SO YOU WANT TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE? lTou art nsicted to'fa fob of Dgmgleu at one*! We are building vitally needed aircraft... C-54 Combat Air Transports ... designed for the conflict against Japan. No one knows how long it will take to defeat the Japansee. In any case, we do know that the real struggle if jpst beginning. I wo Jima and Okinawa have shown us how bitterly our victory will be contested and how great the price in ^ioencan lives. If we are unable to turn out the -pianee--needed now more than ever--thousands of American boys may die unnecessarily ... because of our failure hero in Chicago. Some may object--"The war is almost over and now is not the time to take a so-called war job." But the war is NOT over. It is apparent that the most difficult and bloody phase is just starting. Others may feel that they'd better "get set" now in a peacetime job before the flood of demobilization starts. But no real advantage can thus be gained. When complete demobilization comes--if it ever does--ability will find its own level everywhere. Each of us will then find and hold the job for which we are fitted. It is a law of nature. Meanwhile we need more production workers--urgently! There is no better way to serve America and-prepare for the future than by coming to work at Douglas--NOW! - NO CUTBACKS HERE i Instead at cutting production, o fa schsdulsa ate actually being inensssd-trhe Amy wants mora and mora Douglas C-54's as fast as ws can build thorn. Tb help us obtain workers needed to build tham War Manpower Commission has granted us a No. 2 Labor IViority, higher than any other war plant in Chicagoland. This ia your opportunity to learn flw aviation tngle. Apply atoooe. T IF YOU/ LIVE NOITH NORTH WIST... and are not now in ossoe» tkri industry. .. APPLY AT ONCK AT PLANT, Mannheim, Higgins 4 Devon, e»- Dovglas Office, 4070 .Milwaukee Ave. (near Irving Park), or any North or Northwest |£.S.E.S. . Office of WMC DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT CO., INC. "Chicago's Own Aircraft Plant" Our C-54 helping to beet

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