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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1945, p. 2

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ESTATE 700 1150 900 1560 100 400 100 SPATE OF ILLINOIS, cH«nry County, ss. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERESY fc GIVEN, that the following is a foil ~™" end complete List of changes in the Assessment of Lots and Lands in the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year 4 A. D. 1946, as appears from the : - Assessment Books of said Year. - . J. G. STEVENS, |'k Supervisor of Assessmts. » Section It, Township 45, Range 8 Amoe W. Smith, Co Clk's Plat NH pc 7x33% rds W side Lot 55 .68a $ 440 ^^iSectton IS, TcvmMp 45, Rang* 8 ' , Albert J A, Catherine «wr. 5 C& Clk's Plat pt Sub Lot 8, * Lot 2 .50a Anton M A Agnes C Freund, Co Clk's Plat DR 273 p 95 fH'i- Pt Sub Lot 1 Lot 26 ........ l^&v'Jos Huemann, Co Clk's Pfat (Ex DR 264 p 589) pt Lots 31 and 32-1 a ........ f. Fred L Huemann, Co Clk's plat DR 264 p 589 pt Ltto 31 and 82 l« '.."-Section 15, TWnehtp 45, Range 8 i-n Ih-ank A Christine Howard, (Ex RR) WH SE% 80a .. 8900 2T;'l Section 21, Township 45. Range 8 llary Noonan, Co Clk's Plat (Ex N 5a Lot 7) pt Lot 7 i'lA 11 85.50a Frank A Christine Howard, Co. Clk's Plat NB% DR ' 269 p 639 N5a Lot 7 5a.... 150 Section 22, Township 45, Range 8 « $dw E Fleury A Frank C Howard, Co Clk's Plat Lt ^ 4 17a .» --... 4800 sfifsnlos & Anna Krettler, .Co Clk's Plat DR 268 p 488 pt Lt 6 .14a 100 Section 24, Township 45, Range 8 »'•' «Lucile B A Harold G Bordf - well, Co Clk's Plat NW% DR 263 p 610 Lt 1 .13a .... Ifarie L Lindholm, pc in rear Lt 7 Shore wood sub DR 261 p 429 Co Clk's Plat pt Lt 13 .17a Itay A Vada Riggin, DR 273 « •' p 271 Co Clk's Plat pt Lt * 13 .54a Section 25, Township 45, Range 8 Jesse P. Sutton, Co Clk's Plat NW% (Ex DR 268 p5l0) DR 268 p 866 pt Lt .1 .20a .*> H Richard J A Marie A. Richtsteigr, Co Clk's Plat NW% DR 266 p 445 pt Lt 1 1.04a 100 py. Section 26, Township 45, Range 8 it* flora C. A Homer G. Fit*-, !r ' Gerald, Co Clk's Plat S% ft • ... DR 269 p 595 pt Lt 29 .... 150 Section 31, Township 45, Range 8 Irene H Kuby, S 510' Nfc *L NE*4 N 289.9' of S799.9' | V of E1285' NVi NE% A N MJ; 60' of S 570' of W 400' of > •. . 'V E1685' NVi NE% 40.01a .. f • If. H. Longfield, S 10a, SEtt' 10a . . <• John A Eva C Buursma, (Ex | S 510' 4 N 289.9" of S U 799.9' of E 1285' A N 60' W* of S 570' of W 400* of E 1685') NH NB% 89.99e .... .Section 34, Township 45, Range 8 Myron H Detrick, C Co Clk's „' Plat Lt 3 NE% NE% 3.26a ...» „ .. artin Cooney, C Co "CHc^" I'r Flat DR 263 p 545 pt Lt 4 £ NBI4 NE% 15.16a Section Si, Township .. Sfhuele, '^ SBrw ** ?*». * m- * IOO «pel*h J ft Julius J Gruen. DR 864 p 685 pt ^ iWH.u, Lr Hermine Schroeder, W 75' of E 300* W of hwy £ DR^261 p 845 pt SH SW* Louise Olsen, W I 1? of® 225' W of hwy pt « ** £4ft ASttH Wertwkw*, of N 123.6' of t 150' W of srt- W Jj SH SW4 J9a Luther J A Louise Johnson, | , pc 88' x 50* E of Lt 4 Fair Oaks DR 276 p 85 pt L' ; SW% .04a ..., 80 jfe**, *8ectisa 7, Township 45, Range 9 fi.IBiUegaid A Bernard Thelen, Co Clk's Plat Lt 11 46.73a 1600 Section 8, Township 45, Range 9 |'; r James A Martha Konz, Co S Clk's Plat DR 252 p 511 K A 512 pt Lt 10 .49a ,, James W A Susan Close, Co 31 Clk'g Plat DR 184 p 127 jfe pt Lt 9 la Section 18, IWitship 45, Range 9 John A Agnes Kropik, Co Clk's Plat DR 246 p 175 i .. . pt Lt 18 .25a I". 600 2200 450 800 !|Q 400 45, Range 8 i Anthony A, €haa J, I. fb J 8choonwaM, Co OUPk Plat DR M9 p 140 vt Lt IS .17a - ... Fred Bunks, Co Clk's Flat DR 289 p 189 p« Lt 18 . .18a .... ^Ifc0 James Riha, Co Clt's Plat DR 269 p 193 pt Lt 18 .18a Delia K Miller, Co Clk's Plat (Ex DR 209 p 472) (Ex Plat) Lts 16, 17 A 33 7«.«k MOO Otto A Coletta Adams, Co' ^ Clk's Plat DR 269 p 472 pt Lt 17 .84a ..........., . .150 R. G. Koch, (Ex DR 200 p v 206 DR 208 n 98 DR 228 p 370 DR 286 p 456 DR 272 p 58, 55, 56, 57) p* SWK SEU 88.40a SM0 Gene J 4k Madelyn Meyers, DR 286 p 458 ft DR 272 p 58 ft 55 pt SWtt SE^4 ' 1.41a - .... Jos HnimMin, DR 208 p 98 pt SWK SEH .66a Delia K Miller, DR 272 p 57 pt SWB4 SEK S8.19a .. 825 Section 29, Township 45, Range 9 Win ft Hannah Nicholas, Co ; ^ Clk's Plat DR 272 p 168 pt U 21 .24a Clement H ft Julia K Ro- ••/}* > meiser, Co Clk's Plat DR i 276 p 111 pt Lt 21 2.60a .. fe^»0 Huch ft Huch, Co Clk's Plat 3 Doc 182879 pt Lt 21 .19a .. ^ Huch ft Huch, Co Clk's Plat f Doc 182880 pt U 21 .18a .. 100 Section 81, Teiwniildn 45, R^nge 9 Kuby .'lieparxl ft Lelah Fowk, (Ex DR 272 p 486) S of Rd BH NW% 18.58a -- Wm Claxton, (Ex DR 266 p 466) W 27a Ett SW% 14.85a --... 400 Wm Claxton, DR 278 p 125 pt Stt 13.55a - 400 Vernon J. Kent, DR 278 p 126 pt WH 47.15a -^100 Marie K ft Frank Klimek, DR 276 p 126 pt EH &WH 50.92a 1100 Section 32, Townphip 45, Range 9 Adeline A Clarence Seyfferth, DR 261 p 468 pt EH SW% .50a » . m (rarer Crest Subdivision Gilbert C ft Cecelia M Rogers, SH It 2 all lt 3 .... T5 lst'Add'n to Elam's Four Mile Water Walter E A Margaret J. Bischoff, Lt 1 ...» Chas F Schroeder, Lt 2 .... Huemaim's Subdivision Gertrude A Frank Diederich, Lt 7 Adeline F Becker A Gertrude Diederich, Lt 8 2nd Add'n to Hnemann's Subdivision Oscar Clausen, Lt 11 200 N P Cornell, Lt 12 800 Charles D Casper, Lt 13 .... 200 4th Add'n to Huemaim's Subdivision Vera Magnuson, Lt 4 420 Alfred J Borah, Lt 8 800 Stanley L A Josephine E Bonczek, Lt 9 250 Re-Plat Howell's Villa Subdivision Peter Kelley, Lt 2 1460 Sinclair F A Estelle M Beatty, all of Lt 3 2260 1st Add'n to Kings Fair View Subdiv. Swain A Panzie Scalf, Lts „ 6 A 7 Bdw. A Mary Cohen, Lt 5 .... / Klapperkh's Sub. Unit NoL 1 Edw. A Mary Cohen, Lt 14'.. 1 Wm H A Cora E Maywald, 1 lit 15 Lake wood Subdivision Florence E A Joseph M Moerschbaecher, pc 25' wide as per DR 269 p 225 in rear of and Lt 12 LMyiwor Subdivision Jack A Eleanor Miller, Lts 29 A 80, blk 1 Leslie H McGet, Lts 81 ft 82 bHr 1 Wm ft Linne O'Brien, Its 11 ft 12 blk 8 11. S P Johhston, (Etx 4-5-7-8-9- 10-11-20-21-25-26) incl Its 1 to 51 blk 15 ji..~ S P Johnston (E» 10-14A15) incl Its 1-ttT 22 blk 16 .... {Raymond E Kress, It 10 4,,. i blk 16 5101 Edw A Florence Power, It I .46 Uk 21 ...-- Jam%i ft Annamae Hill, Its ;' 21 A 22 Wk 21 James E ft Gladys M Meehan, Its 18 ft 14 blk 24 .... Dennis ft Clara Dabrowskt, lt 28 blk 26 John ft Catherine Molitor, It 26 blk 26 Josephine Fiorettft, He 19 ft 20 blk 27 Harold G ft Jeannette Hagel, lt 14 blk 28 Vincent A Mary Schiavone,. Its 21 A 22 blk 28 Hill Liplein, Its 87 A 88 blk "23 > Lookout Point Unit N4k 1.. Wonder Lake Synd., SH 11" 7 blk 11 i.j 50 Chas W A Olive Schacht, NH It 7 A all It 8 blk 11 625 May's Subdivision Geo ; W A Louise Colt Colt»~- --- mah, lt 16 :. A Ehuma Coltman, It 17 90 490 225 225 919| 670 100 260 50 50 50 725 550 $60 %D0 <50 80 880 •> 50 50 80 50 80 80 lirK ^ It 12 HMbeit A ft Pliyllia M H* hensee, tt 11 . Snnyside SaWMstH Philip F Brady, Jr., S 10 x S0» adj. It 89 WnMhirr Beach McCHsl Sank ft JStohnor Drag©, lt blk 11 -- v<' John P WVlsh ft EhfnQI M Shatusky, SH h 14 £ all lt 13 blk 3 Ad^lphv E ft Susan Fischer, ft Wm M ft Louise Phillips, NH lt 14 A all It 15 buc 8 - Wooded Shores Anna Wkkline, (Ex E 884') blk 1 Anna Wickline, (ExNW6P of SE 220') blk 6 Anna Wickline, Co Clk's P& (Ex N 60- of S 100*) lt S blk 12 a i. Arthur L ft Madfe W Ric% NW 65' of blk 6m Harold E ft Roth M Benso*. Co Clk's Plat N W of 8 100* It 1 Uk 12 Anna Wickline, Co Clk's Plat (Ek E 70* of 8 110*) lt * blk 18 ...» Anna Wickline, Co Clk's Plat WH It 1 blk 14 Anna Wickline, Co Gk'« Plat WWMZWli EJmer 0 Joyce, Co i S 60' It 6 blk 14 Anna Wickline, Co Clk's PUrtr (Ex N 60» Of S 260') lt blk 15 Anna Wielding, Co Clk's Pl4„ It 2 blk 15 , John ft Ethel V VanKanegoJjt A Otis M ft Bertha KraiA* „ er, Co Clk's Plat E 70' <t S 110" lt 5 blk 18 - Geo L A Willard J West, Co Clk's Plat EH It 1 blk 14 Gerald A Elizabeth Nemee, Co Clk's Plat EH It 2 blk 14 ...» * Wm J Jr, A Betty L SeibL Co Clk's Plat N 60' <1 S 260' lt 1 blk 15 Anna Wickline, Co Clk's Pint (Ex S 60') lt 6 blk 14 .... Anna Wickline, Co Clk'g Plat (Ex E 50') lt 11 blk 19 .... Herbert F A Alice White, Co Clk's Plat E 50' lt 11 blk 19 " Hickory Fall Unit No. Wonder Lake Synd, lt § blk 6 Wonder Lake Synd, It IS blk 7 City of McHenry b West Side Fox River Gertrude A Kate Weber ft Emma Miller, (Ex 56') lt« 8 A 9 blk 4 Joseph M A Pauline J Nimsgern, W 56' Its 8 A 9 blk it Wmim L •'* 'si7 Chfsrles 1*. Charley John Braee, Clanon O n, Ked .. owmrd ». # F H G Ralph WOm, Wm K Mfller, Roy H Miller, Peter F Mttrphy, L B 8r Miller, 11too 8 y\ laiiit. Bernard BaDey, Bombeck, Geo Clk's Plat Katherine Schneider, SW 10* A pt sub lot 1 Its 1 A 4 blk 19 Wilbur C A Mabel L Tucker, (Ex SW W) K 1 blk 19 « • S H Freund, (Etx S 39') It 4 < Hk 20 " Bertella A Freund, S 89' N 11' sub lot 1 Its 4 A 5 « blk 20 EL Si4b Fox River (Outside Corp) Pjiul ft Ruth Barbian (Ex N 42') lt 11 blk 7 Margaret M Freund, N 42' It 11 all lt 12 blk 7 City of West McHenry Inside Corp Millard S ft Mary K Larrison, (Ex E 4') NH sub It 2 lt 2 blk 1 Patrick J Cleary, E4' NH sub It 2,It 2 SH sub lt 2 It 2 blk 1 ...1L.:. Mayme Buss, sub lot 1 It 7 >lk 8 Edw " J- Buss, sub It 2 It • , «k 8 Wm A Anna Tesch (Ex Dl\ 269 P885 A Ex Wly 118') sub lt 1 lt 1 blk 8 Fred J A Margaret Bienapfl, DR 260 p 385 S 5C (Ex W , 118') sub lt 1 It 1 blk 8 .... Howard F WAttles, It 8 blk IT ZT Jacob Stoffel, h 6 blk 11 Out Lota to W. PMMr Thist ft Qpvings Bank, Trustee, Street S of ft mdi A H 7 .99a .... Wm A ft Clara Soellner DR 272 p 880 w of hwy (E& NE 182' of E 182') It 15 26.74a Floyd E ft Carrie B CovaH, DR 209 p 7 pc 66' x 1ST pt lt 13 C J Bender Estate (Ex DR 118 Pgs 18 ft 78) E of --hwy lt 16 1.20a - Village of Ringwwd Simmon's Add'n Ringwood Chemical Corp., Its 7-8-9-10-11-12-18 blk 18 600 75 60 75 500 500 75 - Sv 75 75 •. - • •?:' 75 80 970 450 550 550 225 900 75 600 200 200 780 150 860 2150 180 ,1100 525 625 1770 1770 770 100 600 200 , oen 4 •hSSST. Carrie E . John Blake, John ..... Blake, Anton*F Bfoko, Leo _ BUke,,,.A!feMt 8 ~ " M Bohr, Geo M Boley, G C Bolger, Mrs John A Bolger, nomas P ... Boss Motor Sales Bach, H 8 Bbehard, Wm Brafeld, Panl J .....-- Brown, jam Bast's Stem Bienapfel, Wed . ..... Butter, Albert M .... Bauman, George ..... Brown, Cfckries D ... Bohlin, Franklin ....... B*refeM, Ben J Conway, Ga< Collins, iiCovalt, CovaUL Floyd E .. Colemkn, JToyd .... Cleary, P J Carey, Mary Carey, Walter ........ Carey, Gerald Carlson, C N .......... Cairni, Howard W Coon«gr, Mmtia ChemMrUn, RO Casanbv, L C ...» Colony Theater (R J Miller) Comas, C A Cieveke, Frank Downs Motor Express Diederich, Anna --*..... Diederich, Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Mary A Doherty, Mary G Dowe, Mary .... Dowe, Christina ... Dennman. Edward Dobyns, W E ............... Durland, Harry E .......... Dejran, Mike Duker, C H Downs, C J Ensign, Roland Edstrom. Arthur F*........ Frisby, Robert Jr Fike, H S .... Freund, Ernest Freund, Mike, Jr ............ Freund, Stephen H ........ Freund; Kathryn L ........ Freund, August ........... Freund, Carl J Freund, George P Freund, John - R Freund, Hubert Freund, Nick N Freund, Peter H Freund, Emma K Freund Anton P Freund, Nick F Freund, Geo J Freund, Elmer Freund, Herbert H ......... Feltz, W C FitzGerald, Homer ........ Ferwerda, Fired ;.... Froehlich, A I Fredrick, Harry Fels, Myrtle Flemming, Richard ........ Freund, Christina Freund, Harold Freund, Maria Anna Freund, Nick B • Goodell, C W ; Gerasch, Plaid ..|> Guzzardo, Jos. Ginto, Eva Gilkerson, Earl Gladstone, Maurice ......... Gies, Peter Grasser, John .................... Grun, Wm Goodman, C M Givens, Donald ........ Glosson, Math ......... Gans, Frank J .......... Geherman, Albert P Goodlng.vWm.G Glps^n, George Robert Holley, Jos C Heimer, Henry EfJhier, Wm Riller, Ben Howard, Ray Huck, L J 110 110 115 1560 826 866 225 166 110 1500 150 825 110 75 75 75 76 106 160 115 860 2000 200 680 250 150 105 J Harold .. Neilsen, Betty .. Newman, Gerald ..... National Tea Co ..... Nfliss, Petes ^ Neisen,JM*th^..!! Neisen, Clarence Nickels, Edward H ......... Nye, Wm A ...................... Nye, A E Nye, Eleanor ..... ........... Nye, Harvey ....... Noonan, Allen E I. li 125 1200 875 NickefT^ied .. Nordin, Edward Orr, James ..... Overton, R I ..... Overton, R I Olsen, Leslie .. O'Shea, Daniel . Phalen, Harold * Padock, Earl ..... Peabody, £ E Page, Lestefci.... Ray Zl ayne, David Peterson, Mrs . Phafen, John M ^ ^ rhalen, Tom M 125; Powers, Mary . 1790' Patzke, Paul t^qMsoteeeeeeeAeeeeee' 185 75 75 76 75 75 110 175 '7 225 115 •MtMl 150 75 V© 75 115 .. 175 115 •MMM 115 855 "•"••t• ••***»*:' 165 600 125 645 105 510 »•••••• 850 ,„<M, 215 .•W 75 975 ...... • 75 ....... 115 115 Purvey, Albert Pries, Wm * Pederson, Alpha Petersen, .Frederick J Powers, James Pepping. Fred Pitzen, Frank M Richardson, Jennie .. Rogers, Fred N Regner, Jos M Renich, Chas F Reihansperger, Chas Riverside Hotel Raycraft, James ...... Schaefer, Henry B .. Schaefer, Ambrose .. Schaefer, Peter J .. Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Herman .... Schaeffer, Henry J ., Schmitt, Jos M Schmitt, Anton J Schmitt, Henry M .. Schmitt, Irvin Schreiner, Geo J ..... Schreiner, Wm G .... Schreiner, Frank Schneider, Elizabeth Schneider, Anton Schiessle ft Weber .. er, J E .... 1 Scherman, Mrs. 026 i Smith, Arthur C E ...... 1000 200 115 250 675 75 105 ^1500 115 125 300 105 200 150 1750 150 115 115 75 Smith Bros., Smith, Louis Stenger, G F Sayler, James N Schaffer, Stanley ................ Smith, Mrs John R ........ Smith, Rena Stock, Theo Stock, Geo A Stoffel, John Stoffel, Simon Stoffel, Louis ........ ....... Steffes, Jacob Steilen, Geo P Stilling, John - Stilling, Leo Spencer, Wm a*....., Segel, David Standard Oil Co Blake, Wm .. Blake, George P ....... Blake, Bernard ......... Benson, Garfield ..... Bumeister, WjlHmn Baur, Ed «... Batman, Albert ........ Bauer, Bernard .................. Benwell, L C -- Beatty, Xhnily A .............. Biggers Bros., S W B T -a Est., Edward ....... Robert ...... Est, Carl Bloomgreen, L A .......-- Barnieal, Carl ...................J„ Bode, John Baker, Zion . Bauer, Jos J Bain, Keith Cris&, JomMi Copei, Iw f Crain AH .... Claxton, Wm Cok, Albert J Osvemuirii, John Canon, E C Chavnlosld, C8ae ..... ... Cristy, Kwineth E Crt^r, Carr, Lester ....... Csfftrtlo, V CM ylik<,i. ' fSilttetwphire n* r, ' i (ContimMd On Pig* Three) , •(IHHIItlll 100 159 189 1966 100 170 81850 -- ............... • Lisdessness is often a signal that some essential food element is lacking in the daily diet. If you, or some member of your household, "lack pep," better go and have a talk with your physician. He may prescribe a certain Vitamin concentration. Bring his prescription here, of course. We're Vitamin Headquarters, dispensing only those prodofis Stf dependable mainActnflfc. . -••4 V Bolger't Drug Stofe McHenry McHenry Subdivision 2 McCullopn Lake Estates Arnold M Goldman, It 88--rblk .131 Casimer Mision ft wife, all It 38 A EH It 39 blk 14 George A Esther Marcy, WH lt 39 A all It 40 blk .14 David; O A Margaret Mac» Donald, It 25 blk 16 ....*• Neisen's Sunrise View Subdlvtidon Ernie A Marie Di Silvestro, lt 30 71 Ben Tonyan, lt 32 7 Orchard Beach Eugene J Klinger, (Ek SWly 9 ft) It 86 t Anthony Caputo, DR 261 p 357 A DR 261 p 125 pc in rear of and SWly 9 ft lt 36 A all lt 87 Stanley E Allen, Its 34 ft 85 blk .50a Owen Stenger & Allen's 2nd Albert L A Vera L Purvey, lt io :....«. Arthur A Laura B Smith, It 9 130 Sampson Sex ft Co., Lily Lake Sub. Wm A Ida Nlelson, It 42 blk 4 ; 50 Russell Cook, lt 47 blk 4 ^ 350 Albert A Delia Krush, lt 56 blk 16 100 Schaefer's North Shore Subdivision W D Sandel, lt 12 Hubert Swenson, lt 14 ....,» Joseph B Srfiaeffer, It 17 4^ ; Arthur H A Clara Speaker, It 11 1st Add'n to Shalimar Chas Simmons, It 14 blk 8 .... Shorewood Subdivieisn Richard E ft Ekie S Kaeser, tt * 575 W 480 880 '550 900 1450 900 Add'n 130 ASSESSMENT LIST OF PERSONAL - PROPERTY ^ Hoobe, Harold Hester, Richard ............... Httdwrrtck, John Elmer W J .... W H Donald C ............... Howel, Gertrude ................. Hergott, Vivian Hugh, Ray at Hay, John Interstate Bottling Exchange Woodstock "... Immekus, Frank .................. Juaten, Nick M . Justen, Ben Jueten, George R .. Johnson, George H Justen, Peter M ... Justen, Jacob and [Justen, Albert Justen, Nick P :... Justen, Jacob F Jensen, Frank Jung, Bernard Justen, Harold Justen, Edward J ............. Justen, Alex ....L Jung, Nick ...................... Knack, George Kralowits, Robert Knox, Martin A Genevieve Knox, Cecilia E Knox, John F ......i...... Kane, George B Konig, J F u. Kempfer, Frank i Kelter, Lillian Klontz, C W STATE OF ILUNOIsf^^ 7 McHenry County, ss. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the following is a full and complete List of the Assessed Value of Personal Property in the' Krause, Albert Town of McHenry, County of Mc- i Kreutzer, Herman, S* - Henry, and State of Illinois, for the! Kreutzer, Jlerman R ........ year A. D., 1945 as taken from the " " " Assessment Books of said year. . J. G. STEVENS, .c Schwerman CheVerolet Sales i Schwerman, Paul H i9R|Spurling, Frank H 165 Steffes,. Htfiftftn JSi Sloan, Anna E/ ... <«r Stilling, John H ^ Stoffel, Maxitin J .... Stilling, Henry J ............... Smith, J C Samec, John ........^ Soeller, Wm A ..................... Sutton, M A Schaefer, Roy Taxman, Morris ,.... Thies Co., John C lilies, Jacob Thennee, John ......" Thurlwell, Frank J Thompson, Robert A Tonyan Construction Co ........ Tonyan, Alfred ... Tonyan, Geo B ...... ... Tonyan, Edward .............. Tonyan, Arthur .................. Thompson, Ed ..................... Thome, Frances Tucker, M L ... Thurwell, Robert J Tonyan, Joseph Thonneson, T Unti, Gus Unti, John ... Unti, Charles jar I Vycital, Charles .... 186 Vycital, John Vycital, Harold D Volt®, Fred W Van Maitnen, Geo .................. Winkelman, Elmer H .......... Weldy, Glen ...„ Ward, Georgina .... Welsh, M J ...... Wlalsh, Earl Wattles,' Gien ........ Wattles, Mrs. F Hi Wattles, Howard .... Weber, John P ....... Weber, Henry M 190 180 530 760 400 County Supt. of Assessments Adams, Nick J Adams, Mrs Ben J Alexander Lumber Co Althoff, Lows Althoff, Wm H" Atlantic A Pacific Tea Co Antholz, Henry B ^ Agatha Shop ,, Anderson, John A ......... Anderson, Arnold ........... Adams, Lester V Aicher, Anabell M .... Adams, Vince Adams, Alfons ---- Anderson, L iD Anderson, Walter 116 Anderson, Don ..................... 110 Anglese, Clarence F 110 Antonson, C L 106 Blake, Math 176 Brda, Charles J 125 Barbian, George J ............ 115 Barbian, Kathryn 160 BaTbian Bros., 600 Barbian, Nick E 1826 Blacon, Nellie 76 B#«(»»t UstW U0 Kramer, Geo Kent, Laura ..., Kennebeck, Henry J .. Krause, A D King, M B 75 Landgren. Edgar lll> Larkin, Eveline M ...... 35601 Lennon, James M ...1.... 135 Laures, Math B 1 igo I Lindsay, George 1660 Lindsay. Harry F 751 Lowf%, Edward W 250! Lunkenheimer, August 3501 Larrison, Mary K ..... 75 Mills, Louis A ..„„j 1201 Murtaugh, John ..4 250' Maynard, B T HO (Miller, Fred HO 1 Matthews. Delia. 140) Martin, Clarence 110 ^-75 110 75 SS I Weber; Robert .... okk Weber, Carl ........... 255 Wegner, Joe Wirfs, Geo Wirfs, Peter :....: Worwick, Andrew... Wolf, Fred A Etanil Williams, Joseph A Wirtz, John B I Wirtz, Anton J ....... 1 Winkel, Leo 315 75 J50 175 100 '. 75 75 75 75 i ! Wilson, Thomas gj Walsh, Quint en . ..!.... P . 5 75 105 225 75 75 00 McGee, Ray ..._ McHenry Art Stone Co McHenry Fanners CoopAssn McHenry Lumber Co .... McCracken, Leonard Miller, Ben J Miller, Jos J Miller, John H A Son ........... Miller, Henry J Meyers, Frank C ...... .... Mosher, A H Mi Place Wheeler, Jos E Wolff, Hubert ..... Wegner, Martin S Worts, Mrs Mike Weingart, Peter Watson. Helen Ward, Elliot - | Weingart, Nick Iftc'Yegge, Marie (Scheesle) -ej Young, Edw Adams, Otto Adams, Clemens Adams, Jos F .". Adams, Jos H Adams, Mathias ............ Adams, Alex ............... Adams, Frank L ............ Adams, A N Adams, Clara Klein .......; Althoff, Barbara Amberg, J F Anderson, Alex Arch, Henry C Anderson, Frits --..... 75 145 1435 270 2500 4850 100 125 65 150 "115 76 150 IS75 75 75 125 685 150 125 150 105 105 145 105 105 110 90 75 105 . 125 150 75 rl50 80 625 750 185 110 150 110 ' 75 165 75 105 800 185 = ' 75 75 75 v200 105 176 US loo 75 800 76 75 106 125 100 176 176 106 150 r 76 100 160 •080 76 1400 75 175 845 800 190 115 300 76 >260 100 75 105 300 575 110 850 110 820 75 75 176 126 260 675 i 75 105 600 IOO 200 106 105 105 106 75 75 75 150 75 75 75 75 125 105 115 200 325 75 100 135 75 135 100 435 106 625 935 225 105 1420 75 1105 1040 885 276 150 110 700 150 f: Wonder Dinner J iirt ST. GILBERTS, Grayslabt Sunday, August 5 Don't miss this opportonity^to get one of these dinner* next Standay. ; : IT'S ST. OttBiBT'B AKITCrAL . . '--.tt1 -- ^ >< • m • / -V 6TH ANNUAL GRAYSLAKE DAYS Sponsored by Grayslake Poet, American Legion and Qr&y*lakt Volunteer Fire Department. AUGUST 9-10-II-12" • OEAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS 800-lb. Steer to be given away - Amusements - Rides - Water Figfete - NOTICE . DONNY AND DANNY ire now open for business at the CRYSTAL Y ,' M iwotdm ot BovMi 14MA 91 Delicious Hamburgers Everybody 7:30 p.m., sharp g Wediie&Jay, Ai^. 8 s At daxUke'i Sale 6arn--Route 47--Woodstock, Illinois Charles Leonard, Auctioneer 50 "iffr OF DA&T COWS, EITHSR CLOS1 SPRINGERS OR FRESH WITH CALF BY SlUE. FEEDER STEERS CALVES STOCK BULLS HORSES BEEF CATTLE SHEEP BROOD SOWS AND FEED1H PIGS YOU CAN BUY -- YOU CAN SELL ALL CONSIGNORS PAID CASH DAY AFTER SALE Call Woodstock 572 or 499 if you have livestock to consign i , All consignors mfeke arrangements to get your livestock in. either the day before the sale or bring same morning of sple. ierms: 25 per cent down, balance ia monthly installments. .1 to 16 months time at % of 1 per cent interest Woodstock Cominissioii Sales Co. be. Phone 872

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