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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1945, p. 3

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:,| On Parade • *?/. i. • • \ By iliMtiup Folks: The following bit of news iubmit- " to us by Clarence Feiereisel, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frits, Jr. Franz Fraisiiifer, the trig poultry fanner, chose to remain on his ranch in Chicago this weekend to take care of the new additions to his duck family. Ma freisinger, who was out at their cottage took time out from entertaining her guests, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kefley, and Miss Dolly Davis, to tell us that Mrs. Quack and her' twenty-six babies are doing well. Frani has scratched a bald r ' - iv president of the Property Owners i spot on his cranium with his broken Ass'n is such {food news,, that in f'thumb trying to think up. names for eur estimation it rates top billing, his new offsprings. Why not just > In spite of the fact that the regular I give them numbers, Franz . annual meeting of the McCullom! Hiere are so many nice vthings we Lake Property Owners Ass'n was could say about Ed Walton that we interrupted by bad weather and'just don't know where to begin, had to be postponed until next Sun- August 6 was the twenty-fifth birthday, August 12, President Feiereisel J day anniversary of this pioneer of luid time to announce that Prank McCullom Lake. Mr. Walton recentfioward madia a $1,000 contribution; ly retired after more than forty to the people of McCullom Lake, | years of service with^ the Telephone this money to be used for improve-1 Company and is enjoying his dement of our beach and dredging of dining years with his best girl, the lake to provide better bathing j Grace*, at their beautiful home on facilities for all. j Hickory Drive. Many happy returns For this generous gift, Mr. How- of this happy day to yon, Mr. Wal jRrd, please accept our thanks. With ton! this money it will be possible tq I Otto Pyritz is enjoying a weeks' have the beach filled with fine clean j furlough from service at McGee's. sand which will be dredged from the!He spent two days of hisjeave vislake a good distance from shore so iting old friends in Chicago and ,as to provide ample safe bathing expects to be back in harnesft Satroom for our kiddies and also give j urday. H»e folks who enjoy diving plenty Those two eatin' brothers, Hank «tf water, 10 feet deep. | an<J Frank Schmaus, were with us : ' Ml*. Howard has in the past made over the weekend. Frank brought jbany contributions for the better-1 his Missus and grandson along just •Bent of our community, but none j to make sure tfeat the dishes would will be more appreciated by more' be washed. people than his latest. Again we Mxs. Stacknick of Orchard Drive any, sweet violets to you, Mr. How-j entertained over the weekend, Mr. ard! i an(j Mrs. Edward Qarrigan and Before we go on we wish to inform family. Mr. Corrigan is the son of you that next Sunday's meeting Chicago's famous fire chief, and her will be held*at the home of Clarence daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Strand, of «^eiereisel. All members are invited Chicago, «%> attend. ' heme of~Mr*. 8yd-8«itth ja*t Wednesday in honor of Mrs. W^l. Halley. At least sixteen guests were present, showering Mrs. Halley with many useful things for the blessed event. They all enjoyed delicious refreshments served by the gracious Mrs. Smith and prepared by Mrs. Richard Nimtz and Mrs. Laura Ball. . The afternoon was spent in card playing, with table prizes awarded the winners. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff have as guests at their home this week, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stacknick, of Chicago. 'Jerry and Betty Cermak are spending the next two weeks in Chicago and we predict a quiet two weeks for McCullom Lake. Well all miss these two live kids. * The crowd at Hbrn's last Saturday evening wondered why our glamour gal, Ann Horn, chose to be +*'M j Harvard, spent Sunday with Misses Elaine Cannon and pArothy Heilman. Wonder Lake put on her best "front" for them as this was their first visit . here. Hope you liked us, .folks, and - i - - i went back feelinr your visit was ***** iwell WOPth whiie_ WoQdHf Lake Vint U. S. Theater The first American theater was opened in Charleston, S. C., in 1736. Bauxite, diamonds and fold mined in British Guiana. (By Delta Cheney) ^ Hello Folks: Here we are again with for you from Hash Seasoning lady in red that evening. The wolves drooled, wives clung to their husbands. It was a thrilling moment when Ann made her short appearance dressed in a creation out of this world. Ann explained that it was just a preview of what she would wear at her eighteenth birthday party yesterday. She then retired, leaving the wolves to suffer alone in their misery. Congratulations, Ann! May you enjoy many of them in years to come. Our belated congratulations to Mrs. Shirley Jensen on her nineteenth birthday anniversary, July 29. Better late than never is our motto. Herman Jahnke entertained a houseful of guests at his Bar None ranch last Sunday. Among them | were Mr. and Mrs. John Glasser. Mr. and 'Mrs. Michael Schmitt and Miss Delia Glaser. Of late our mail has been pretty heavy with requests for a "Lonely Hearts" corner in our column. Con- That small dark-eyed toddler visiting last week in Indian Ridge was the only granddaughter of P. L. some* Cormier. Her name is Helen Anne news irom Wonder Lake and she is just past two. Sevenand your friends and neighbors. year-old Bobby spent most of his First of all swe have an engage-1 time teaching her to say, "Uncle ment to announce and we know you Bobby," and she did a pretty good will want to join us in wishing this J°b of it much to his delight. Helen lovely young couple the best wishes Anne's daddy is Lt. Charles Cormier and happiness in the world for fu- of the Air Corps, now serviny someture marital bliss. Joan . Phillippe where in the South Pacific, and her and Jean Zink, home on 30-day fur- mother is the former Mary Frances lough on his way to the Pacific, de- 0rr of Paris, France. Grandpa Orr cided they wanted to face the new >was unable to get cfut of Paris until post-war world as man and wife after the German occupation, but the I and we certainly hope it won't be had fortunately yotten his _chil- , Harvard Degree The family will enjoy hash flat."1* The first LL.D. of Harrird eoi* vU,., o r e d w i t h a l i t t l e " p o u l t r y s e a s o n . l e g e w a s c o n f e r r e d o n P r o f . J o b s % n' ing." - ; Winthrop in 1773. I sidering the possibilities in such a Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schmitt re- j step we are tempted to start the News of our Servicemen • turned home after a pleasant two, ball rolling. Here is a sample of Capt. Eugene Nielsen of McHenry, weeks vacation spent visiting rela-jthe stuff we get: i_ _ _ i « fivae in Uarvlonn TnPV ftlfiA nfi.fl '"TVooi* Vaivlafi/tbj long before this wish is fulfilled j into America just before Dunand well be hearing the ringing of'kirk. those sweet 'old wedding bells.V j Those Busy Bumble Bees were ---•-- "* 'still buzzing all last week when six Here we have news of Sgt, Bill of them went to the 4-H Camp at Phillippe, of the cavalry reconhais- Camp Olivet, Lake Geneva. Barbara sance stationed in Augusburg, Ger- - Sellek, Esther Martin, Sharon Grace many. Though Bill writes home Sells, Geraldine Cormier, Jean Hay often to his family in Wonder Lake, and Joan Heilman were the lucky it took the hearty admiration of a girls, and from their shining face* fellow serviceman to tell the grand when they reluctantly returned on news that mi has received a bronze Friday, it must have been a wonder* and a silver star. An interesting, ful experience. bit of highlight on his doings in i That new !!!! blue car of the Germany is the fact that Bill has Sells family was well broken in a small broadcaating equipment at during the violent thunderstorm last camp, from which he sends news- week. Mr. Sells was returning from casts and items of interest to his'his work in Waukegan on Route fellow servicemen. Who knows-, in 120, when lightning struck a large the post-war future, we may tune, tree at the side of the road, throwin our "sets and hear and perhaps ing it across the highway and direct? see by television. Bill's stalwart ly in front of the car. Unable to figure. i come to a complete stop, Mr. Sells We say "au revoir" and hope to skidded into the tree and really did see you soon to Richie Kirk of the some fancy pushing in of the radianavy, who spent a week of his 20- tor grill and the headlights. This day leave in Wonder Lake. Rich- highway patrol thanked him kindly ie is back to the Pacific now to take for knocking the tree completely off hand at wiping out those Japs, the highway, thus saving them the More power to you, Richie, and lots trouble! Who some months ago received such a tives in Maryland. They also had Yardstick: . ; of„f°°? 4 The Rod and fun club continu E*nd welcome from the folks of many pleasant moments with their "We are two very shy and lone- Wonderful news comes to the Foss- to expend their energy in getting cHenry when he returned from daughter. Wave Jean* Schmitt, who some seryicemen home on leave. We ler family in expectation that Duane, ready for the carnival this weekend. Europe after completing seventy- is stationed in nearby Washington, j would like a date with a couple of now in the navy, will be home some The men folks went out and bought three combat missions over Germany D- Q* Welcome home, folks! ,nice girls, but <kfh't know how to i time during this next week. In arttici- a lot of lovely fishing tackle, nets. >njove'l a pleasant Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen spent go about asking for one so, we ask j pation of this grand reunion, young etc., that they wished they could ing ' renewing old acquaintances in Sunday in Chicago, helping Mother | you to help us. j brother, Kenneth, has come homo keep themselves, but are really for •ur community. The folks here Jensen celebrate her seventieth birth-1 "We don't care if they are blonde j from his vacation in Ishpeming. prizesi in the athletic contests. The Were Voth pleased and honored by day anniversary. Hie folks report or brunette, just so they have enough i Michigan. We're keeping out-fingers Auxiliary prepares to occupy most the visit of this ace. Capt Nielsen a swell time. ! lettuce leaves to cover "any debts crossed, Duane, to be sure that this the booths and have so assigned wears the D. F. Cross, Purple Heart,1 Last Saturday evening Mrs. Harry which we may incur in the course -<»f Air Medal' with thirteen oak leaf Lock was a very surprised little lady,! evening. - . - Slosters. He is at present stationed when about twenty-five people, led.! If you have, two such well-equipet Barksdale Field, Shrevesport, by Peter Kaminski and his accordion,. j5®® *ema'es on the list, please sic La., wh«re he is an instructor on serenaded her under her window, the pj)0"1 on us»and remember we said the giant B-29 bombers. occasion being her birthday' anniver- ar® shy. Shy of what it "Yours truly, "MIKE and IKE." There you. are folks. What would Sgt. Jerome Steinbach of the army i sary. Immediately the spacious iir force, who has recently returned grounds were ablaze with lights and from three years of service in the festivities began. We won't tell Brazil, is now' stationed at Fort Mrs- Lock that* her hubby, Harry, Sheridan. i S UC., Robert Sale, i„ at prewnt XSL*- 'whf "Jf.* awaiting reassignment to duties in frd ,, JT • V. Tu ' the Pacific at the navy's reallocation; *°P alLt?Lrou*h the rUIHPU~ °Ur base at Shoemaker, Calif. : 0tt*r Ebert came prepared He cari ried a package of special electric planned this surprise. A grand time , d° ? ... If any of youse gals wish to make p- J'mmy Regher is enjoyinj? i bulbs" to keep the bugs out of his | ,1,611 P®°P,e now thirty-day leave fronri duties in beer. Among the guests present i •n * w*nt to konw, •oth Atlantic and Pacific waters. were Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Coles,1 llmmy Regner is serving with the, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaminski, Lee Merchant Marine. I and Lill Sawdo. Mr. and Mrs. Len __ ,, W8t . Jensen, Mrs. Struck, Mr. and Mrs. The McCullom Lake Wildcats are George Baumbeck, Mr. and Mrs. •nding it increasingly difficult to Fred Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave •eat those Wonder Lake boys. In Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Tryg Rongstad, wt Sunday s game at Wonder Lake \ Mr. and Mrs. Osterby and others., score was tied in the ninth in-1 Many happy returns of the day to v -° l # ' y°u» Lock. Dan Fiore, that old Maid's night- - t really gave out with his *L*h?r* n i hard trembling, tonsils at Horn's Saturday In?ers?l'_ .who „ca™e night party. We are glad to report that there were no oasualties. Mrs.. Joseph Q'Connor has as : guest for two weeks, Miss Helene Richards of Chicago. I.'s happy address your letters to "Yardstick," and we will try to be of service. Our Thought for the Week Never tell people how you are; portunity to tpll him, we sure hope Ph- wel1- it was a good game while AVonder Lake will do "wonders" for 't lasted"'and Keep Machinery Keep machinery in good condition; substitute disking and harrowing for plowing where possible; use long-lived varieties of legumes. ADIOS. TTeund orougnt in another run for good measure and the game ad, the Wildcats winners as u take our hats off to the Wo Faolty Ventilation Frost on tfce ceiling and rafters of -a poultry house does the chickens no harm as long as it stays on the ceiling. It does indicate that something is wrong with the ventilation. through with a homer. Butch Freund brought just end- Wonder Falling Iran Lake bovs for being such grand Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Buhr and A fall is your iron's greatest haz< Jlports. They just never quit trying, daughter of Chicago are spending ard, so never set it near the edge The Wildcats' recent drive to raise \ their vacation with the Bruelheides of the board or let the cord dangle, ftmds for new uniforms and equip- j of McCullom Lake, for the month of | Someone may trip on it. A wobbly awrrt was a grand success. | August. i iron or ironing board may cause a Weekend guests jof the Zovodas i A stork shower was held at the! painful burn or dangerous fire. time you'll be home the full length their time that their teams will work of your leave without another "hur- reliays. Don't forget to come to ry-up" call from Uncle Sam. | the carnival! August 10, 11 and 12.i News from "at home" in Wonder; It's time for baseball again, and Lake reminds us that the Meilintrs we say with regret, McCullom Lake of Deep Spring Woods have finally again ncsed us out of the winniiw arrived at their home; dad, mother laurels, \vith a score of 10 to 8. and daughters, Maureen and Peggy. Looked like a good bet with the They would have gotten here sooner score tied in the ninth. The tenth but Dad Meiling has been seriously inning waS the'jinx with McCullom ill. and we want to take this op- Lake, getting the two leading runi many a him and bring him back to his old j48 * smiling self again. It's those "Oh, you nurse, blues" for H. Schau, who is confined to bed at the Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. That's no way to, spend a much looked forward to vacation, Mr. Schau, and we hope you get fighting mad enough to whip this illness and be home soon. Mrs." Joyce Munger and children,^ Donna and Michel, Miss Pearl Han- j Order your rubber sen and Miss Joan Ross, all from' Platndealer. result. Waterproof Synthetics Many of the new synthetic fabrics aire hydroprobic--do not absorb water. This means these fabric* are almost waterproof and therefore will not readily absorb stainf such as medicine and food spilled. in Northern Illinois -- Spoils Fat -- * Too much heat will spoil fat and food cooked in it. When fat reaches the smoking point it begins to break down chemically and gives off tames with a sharp odor that irritate your nose and throat. Food fried in smoking fat may have an unhappjr effect on the digestive tract. Fats that -have reached the smoking point also will get rancid moie quickly if you save them to use again. Be extra careful when trying with fats that have a low Imoking point. Among the fats that •moke quickly are butter, oleomargarine, drippings, and olive oil. "MOSEY INN" TAVERN Located in the Welter Building RINGWOOP, ILL. Tr Pish Fry Every Friday Night -- _ ATLAS PHAGES BEER Fred Bowman, Prop«~ Telephone Directory Closing • Your new telephone directory goes to very soon. In order to insure accuracy, we ,ch^- • «aad r«feheck every nanie, address and number before printing.. * you hevo a pledu look at ysur present listing in the directory to make sure it i* - correct. . Bi--itWi Dam Bonneville Dam, one of a series of such projects, was begun soon after approval was granted in September, 1933, and was completed in 1837. Located on the Columbia river, 42 miles east of Portland, Ore., Bonneville really consists of two dams separated by Bradford Island and was built primarily to produce electricity and render the Columbia navigable for 600 miles, as well as to provide a fishway system designed to permit the salmon runs to ascend the stream to their spawning grounds. The dam and fishways cost approximately $52,000,000 while the cost of the navigation and power development amounted to approximately $75,000,000 when completed. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • * tut u. & *ao&ms AMD <MMP§ Steaming Vegetables - Steaming is a good method for cooking such vegetables as carrots, beets, squash, parsnips, sweet pota- | toes, okra, and others. Green vege- \ tables lose much color, however, I when steamed for any length of { time. Steaming requires a special i type of container which many homes ! do not have. Cooking by steam in I a pressure saucepan or a pressure j cooker requires the shortest time ; for cooking. However, the higher temperature of steam under pressure makes it necessary to use care and accurate timing to avoid overcooking. The waterless cooker steams and cooks with the addition of little or no water, thus saving food values. Any pan of iheavy metal, which allows the heat to be evenly distributed and which has a tigh'.lyfltted lid may be used for so-called waterless cookery, or cooking of vegetables on top of the stove with the addition of just enough water to create steam. THE ROLAINE GRILL WONDER LAKE 'f Serving Choice Foods Such Al CHICKEN STEAKS, ETC. Parties may be arranged for* luncheons or dinners by calling WONDER LAKE 226 0 PEN DAY AND SERVING FOOD EVERY DfY BUT MONDAY - Bead the Want Ads Gar Needs More and Better ....... =j*"• Now-- Maybe it's on its "last legs"--but it will still be many months before you can get another. Let us serve your^r «o it cto <K>ntinue spring you, ; CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J J. SMITH, Prop. Towing v. t '• ••1 MlZXiW BY KJmONHMf We have Am figures about rulings, here at T1HE SERVICE HEADQUABTEBS. H you have any questions about what Und of tins you can buy, aid when, dop hi and talk them over. Well be happT to help sm* hoarse voice covin OROUNDl , . I P COSH poww «*' doea uioco wool TMs lomfh tradot tire bean developed throu^i Goodyear to qkw you PLUS FOFOBMJUfCE. You with leas fuel gad tear on yourself The dirt as you roQ. and and jedh ing. When you get your certificate, see us. mr wam lONDS-nnr mi am tOOO/wAS loo*, inflatt®-00 ha. » •" T*- piu good/year TRACTOR BATTCRHS e ••avy-dutT battanee. Qmick-startiag. pli--t el $1345 RETAIL McHenry Tire Recqipers Phone McHmzy 424 Johnsbnrg

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